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A pra ctic a l g uide t o imp l e m e n ti n g th e P al e o au to i mmune


What is The
Paleo Foods to Avoid Foods to Eat Food Quality

Stocking the Reintroducing

Lifestyle Support
Pantry Foods
PALEO Autoimmune disease is caused by the immune system losing the ability to differ-
entiate proteins belonging to your own body with proteins belonging to a foreign

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
invader. What causes symptoms is the build up of damage to cells, tissues and/
or organs in the body caused by your own immune system attacking those cells.
Which cells are attacked is what separates once disease from another.


Genetic predisposition to autoimmunity makes up about because they cause gut irritation, cause gut dysbiosis (over-
1/3 of your risk of developing an autoimmune disease. The growths are most common), act as carrier molecules across
other 2/3 comes from environmental factors like diet, life- the gut barrier, stimulate the immune system, increase gut
style, infections, exposure to toxins, hormones, weight, etc. permeability, and/or cause inflammation. In addition, its
While you cannot control your genetics, you do have an important to ensure that your blood sugar levels are well
immense amount of control over your diet and lifestyle. By managed. This does not mean low carb. It just means not
removing the foods that contribute to a leaky gut, gut dysbio- high carb.
sis, hormone imbalance, inflammation, and stimulate the im- Perhaps even more important than removing foods that
mune system, you can create the opportunity for your body negatively impact gut health or stimulate the immune system
to heal. Even if your disease has been aggressive and caused is eating a nutrient-dense diet. Micronutrient deficiencies are
permanent damage, you can stop your immune system from the strongest diet-related factors contributing to increased
attacking your body and heal substantially. risk of autoimmune disease. If you have autoimmune disease,
This diet is appropriate for everyone with diagnosed au- it is highly likely that you are deficient in a number of nutri-
toimmune disorders or with suspected autoimmune diseas- ents. So, just as some foods should be eliminated, there is
es. You will not be missing out on any nutrients and this diet also a focus on eating more highly nutrient-dense foods like
is absolutely appropriate to follow for the rest of your life. If organ meat, fish and shellfish, green and colorful vegetables,
you have a specific problem that causes extra food sensitivi- fruit, cruciferous vegetables, sea vegetables, quality meats
ties, those should be taken into account. and fats, probiotic foods, and bone broth.
Gut dysbiosis and a leaky gut are believed to be involved Fruits and vegetables may be consumed raw or cooked.
in all autoimmune diseases and their presence is directly To get sufficient variety, make sure to “eat the rainbow” and
related to diet and lifestyle. The Paleo Approach is designed include something green with every meal in addition to at
to help heal the gut, restore normal gut microorganisms, re- least one other color vegetable. The only fruits or vegetables
duce inflammation, and regulate the immune system through that are restricted on The Paleo Approach are nightshades
healing the gut, balancing hormones, and addressing micro- and legumes. Dried fruit are high sugar and should be
nutrient deficiencies. reserved for occasional treats due to their potential impact
The first dietary recommendation for those with auto- on blood sugar. All other fruits and vegetables are low or
immune disease is to adhere to a strict paleo diet with no moderate glycemic load and the vast majority of people will
cheating. To be clear, this means: no grains, no legumes, no be able to sufficiently regulate blood sugar levels without
dairy, no refined sugars, no modern vegetable oils, and no limiting or counting fruits or vegetables at all. In fact, eating a
processed food chemicals. While other people may be able large amount of vegetables is really important and I think that
to enjoy the occasional bowl of rice or corn chips or even ice there are so many fears about which vegetables might be
cream, if you suffer from an autoimmune condition, you are bad that people under-eat fruits and vegetables to the detri-
most likely not one of these people. Gluten-containing grains ment of their healing. Unless you have diagnosed sensitivity
should be banned for life. Other grains and legumes can to these foods, eat them. Don’t like vegetables? Eat them
be very problematic for those with autoimmune conditions. anyway. Also, eat liver, fish and oysters.
Dairy of any kind (even grass-fed ghee which can still have I know from experience that this is a very challenging
trace lactose and dairy proteins!) should be avoided initially. task. I also know from experience that often 90% is not good
This may be true for the rest of your life but some people enough. I know from experience that this increases your food
may be able to reintroduce many foods after their diseases budget (although perhaps this can be negated by decreas-
are in remission. ing your medical expenses). I try to focus on the delicious
If you have an autoimmune condition, other foods can foods that I do get to eat. I try to focus on the fact that I have
be triggers, including: eggs, nuts, seeds, nightshades, glu- a strategy for improving my health that is far more power-
ten cross-reactive foods, fructose in excess of 20g per day, ful than any prescription medication. And, compliance gets
alcohol, NSAIDS, non-nutritive sweeteners, and food addi- much easier once you start to see improvement.
tives. These foods are also omitted from the Paleo Approach It’s only effort until it’s routine.
Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.
PALEO Grains, legumes, and several other foods can contribute to intes-
tinal permeability, hormone imbalances, and other chronic

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
health problems (including autoimmune disease), but avoiding
them can be difficult because they are present in so many foods.
Here are the ingredients you should look out for.


amaranth, barley, bran, buckwheat, adzuki beans, bean curd, bean acrylamides, artificial food color,
chia, corn, durum, fonio, Job’s tears, sprouts, black beans, black-eyed peas, artificial and natural flavors, auto-
kamut, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, rye, butter beans, calico beans, cannellini lyzed protein, brominated vegetable
sorghum, spelt, teff, triticale, wheat (all beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), fava oil, emuslifers (carrageenan, cellulose
varieties, including einkorn and semoli- beans (broad beans), Great Northern gum, guar gum, lecithin, xanthan gum),
na), wild rice, and all foods derived from beans, Italian beans, kidney beans, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, mono-
them lentils, lima beans, mung beans, navy sodium glutamate, nitrates or nitrites
beans, pinto beans, peanuts, split peas, (naturally ocurring are okay), olestra,
ADDED SUGARS soybeans (including edamame, hydro- phosphoric acid, propylene glycol,
lyzed soy protein, miso, tamari, tofu, textured vegetable protein, trans fats
Acesulfame potassium, agave, tempeh, soy lecithin, and soy sauce), (partially hydrogenated vegetable oil,
agave nectar, aspartame, barley malt, and all foods derived from them hydrogenated oil), yeast extract, and
barley malt sugar, beet sugar, brown other ingredients with chemical names
rice syrup, brown sugar, cane crystals, PROCESSED OILS you don’t recognize
cane juice, cane sugar, caramel, coconut
sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn canola oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, HIDDEN GLUTEN & SOY
syrup solids, crystalline fructose, date cottonseed oil, palm kernel oil, pea-
sugar, dehydrated cane juice, demer- nut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and Asian rice paper, atta flour, bacon
ara sugar, dextrin, dextrose, diastatic soybean oil (check ingredients), barley, barley grass,
malt, erythritol, evaporated cane juice, barley malt, bean curd, bean sprouts,
fructose, fruit juice, fruit jucie concen- NIGHTSHADES beer, bleached or unbleached flour,
trate, galactose, glucose, glucose solids, bran, bread flour, breading, brewer’s
golden syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, ashwagandha, bell peppers, cay- yeast, bulgur, coating mixes, chocolate,
honey, invert sugar, inulin, jaggery, lac- enne, cape goosberries (ground cher- communion wafers, condiments, cous-
tose, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltose, ries), eggplant, garden huckleberries, cous, croutons, dinkle (spelt), durham,
mannitol, maple syrup, molasses, monk goji berries (wolfberries), hot peppers, edamame, einkkorn, emmer (durham
fruit (luo han guo), muscovado sugar, naranjillas, paprika, pepinos, pimentos, wheat), farina, farro, food starch, french
neotame, palm sugar, panela, panocha, potatoes, tamarillos, tomatillos, toma- fries, fu, gliadin, glue, gluten, gluten
rapadura, raw cane sugar, raw sugar, toes, and spices or spice mixes derived peptides, glutenin, graham, gravies,
refined sugar, rice bran syrup, rice from them hydrolyzed soy protein, hydrolyzed
syrup, saccharine, saccharose, sorbitol, wheat gluten, hydrolyzed wheat protein,
sorghum syrup, stevia, sucanat, su- ice cream, imitation fish, kamut, kinako,
NUTS & SEEDS lunch meats, maida, malt, malt vinegar,
cralose, sucrose, sugar, syrup, treacle,
turbinado sugar, xylitol, and almonds, anise, annatto, black cara- marinades, matzah (matso), mir, miso,
yacon syrup way (black cumin), Brazil nuts, cashews, mono- and diglycerides, MSG, natto,
celery seed, chestnuts, chia, coriander, nimame, nutrityional and herbal supple-
cumin, dill, fennel, fenugreek, flax, ha- ments, oats, okara, panko, pilafs, pre-
DAIRY pared foods, processed cereals, rye, sal-
zelnuts, hemp seeds, macadamia nuts,
butter, buttermilk, butter oil, mustard, nutmeg, pecans, pine nuts, ad dressings, sauces, seitan, self-basting
cheese, cottage cheese, cream, milk, pistachios, poppy, pumpkin, sesame, poultry, semolina, shoyu, some medi-
curds, dairy-protein isolates, ghee, sunflower, walnuts, and any flours, but- cations, soup bases and bouillon, soy
heavy cream, ice cream, kefir, sour ters, oils, and other products derived or rice drinks, soy products, soya, spelt,
cream, whey, whey-protein isolate, from them spice mixtures, starch, stuffings, syrups,
whipping cream, and yogurt tamari, tempeh, teriyaki sauce, textured
vegetable protein, thickeners, tofu
EGGS (dofu, kori-dofu), triticale, wheat, wheat
COFFEE & ALCOHOL bran, wheat germ, wheat grass, wheat
starch, and yuba
Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.
PALEO Even more important than avoiding harmful foods is eating a wide variety of qual-
ity, nutrient-dense foods. Some of the most nutrient-dense foods include organs

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
and seafood. Variety is important not only because it tends to keep us happy but
also because we get different amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and anti-
oxidants from different cuts of meat, seafood, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits.


agave worm, ant, antelope, bamboo worm, bear, beaver, bee larvae, beef, abiu, acai, acerola, ackee, African
blood, brain, buffalo, boar, bone broth, camel, caribou, centipede, cheek, chicken, moringa, amanatsu, ambarella, apple,
cicada, cockroach, cricket, crocodile, deer (venison), dove, dragonfly, duck, dung apricot, babaco, banana, bearberry,
beetle, earthworm, elk, emu, fats, fly pupae, fries, frog, goat, goose, grasshopper, bilberry, biribi, bitter melon, blackber-
grouse, guinea hen, hare, heart, hornworm, horse, insects, intestines, jowl, june ry, blood orange, blueberry, Buddha’s
bugs, kangaroo, kidney, lips, liver, locusts, marrow, meal worms, moose, ostrich, hand, cam sanh, camucamu, canary
partridge, pig, pigeon, pheasant, quail, rabbit, sago worms, seal, sea lion, sheep melon, canistel, cantaloupe, casaba,
(lamb, mutton), silk worms, skin, snake, spleen, sweetbreads, tail, tongue, tripe, ceriman, charantais, chayote, cheri-
turkey, turtle, veal, and whale moya, cherry, chokeberry, chokecherry,
Christmas melon, citron, clementine,
SEAFOOD cloudberry, coco plum, coconut, cra-
bapple, cranberry, crenshaw, crowberry,
abalone, anchovy, anemone, Arctic char, Atlantic croaker, barcheek goby, bass, currant, custard apple, date, dragon-
bonito, bream, brill, brisling, carp, catfish, caviar (roe), clams, cockles, cod, conch, fruit, durian, derishi, elderberry, falber-
conger, common dab, crab, crappie, crawfish, croaker, cuttlefish, drum, eel, fera, ry, fernandina, fig, galia, gambooge, goji
filefish, gar, haddock, hake, halibut, herring, jellyfish, John Dory, king mackerel, lam- berries, gooseberry, grapefruit, grapes,
prey, limpets, ling, loach, lobster, marlin, mackerel, mahi-mahi, milkfish, minnow, granadilla, greengage, guava, guavaber-
monkfish, mullet, mussels, octopus, oysters, pandora, perch, periwinkles, plaice, ry, guanabana, hackberry, hawthorn,
pollock, sailfish, salmon, sardine, scallops, sea cucumber, sea urchin, sea squirts, honeydew, horned melon, huckleberry,
shad, shark, sheepshead, shrimp, silverside, smelt, snails, snakehead, snapper, ilama, jackfruit, jujube, karonda, kinnow,
sole, squid, starfish, swordfish, tarpin, tilapia, tilefish, trout, tub gurnard, tuna, tur- kiwi, kiyomi, korlan, kumquat, lemon,
bot, walleye, whelks, and whiting lime, limetta, lingonberry, loganberry,
longan, loquat, lychee, mamey sapote,
VEGETABLES & MUSHROOMS mandarin, mango, mangosteen, may-
abusgata, amaranth greens, aonori, arame, arracacha, arrowroot, artichoke, pop, medlar, melonpear, muscadines,
arugula, asparagus, avocado, bamboo, beech mushroom, beet greens, beet, bok mulberry, muskmelon, nance, nan-
choy, boletus, borage greens, broadleaf arrowhead, broccoli, broccoli rabe, Brus- nyberry, nectarine, net melon, ogen
sels sprouts, burdock, button mushrooms, cabbage, canola leaves, camas, canna, melon, orange, orangelo, Oregon grape,
capers, cardoon, carola, carrot, carrot tops, cassava, cat’s ear, cauliflower, celeriac, oroblanco, papaya, passionfruit, paw-
celery, celtuce, chanterelle, chickweed, chicory, Chinese artichoke, Chinese mal- paw, peach, peanut butter fruit, pear,
low, chives, chrysanthemum leaves, collard greens, cress, cucumber, dabberlocks, Persian melon, persimmon, pineapple,
daikon, dandelion, dulse, earthnut pea, endive, ensete, fat hen, fiddleheads, field plantain, pluasan, plum, pomegranate,
blewit, fennel, fluted pumpkin leaves, garlic, ginger, Good King Henry, gypsy mush- pomelo, pompia, ponkan, quince, ram-
room, Hamburg parsley, hijiki, horseradish, ivy gourd, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, butan, rangpur, raspberry, riberry, rose
kai-lan, kale, kefir, king trumpet mushroom, kohlrabi, kohlrabi greens, komatsuna, apple, rose hip, rowan, Russian melon,
kombu, kombucha, kurrat, lagos bologi, lamb’s lettuce, land cress, laver, leek, let- safou, salak, salmonberry, santol, sea
tuce, lion’s mane mushroom, lizard’s tail, loofa, lotus, maitake, mashua, matsutake, buckthorn, serviceberry, service tree,
melokhia, mizuna, morel, mozuku, mustard greens, napa cabbage, New Zealand sharlyn, shipova, shonan
spinach, nopal, nori, ogonori, okra, olives, onion, orache, oyster mushroom, pars- gold, soursop, star apple,
nip, pea leaves, pearl onion, pepinos, pignut, pimentos, poke, potato onion, prarie star fruit, strawberry,
turnip, Prussian asparagus, pumpkin, radicchio, radish, rutabaga, saffron milk cap, strawberry tree, sud-
samphire, salsify, scorzonera, sculpit, sea beet, sea grape, sea kale, sea lettuce, achi, sugar apple, sweet
shallot, shiitake, skirret, snow fungus, sorrel, sparassis crispa, spinach, spring onion, melon, tamarind, tangelo,
squash, squash blossoms, straw mushroom, summer purslane, swede, sweet tangerine, tangor, thim-
potato, sweet potato greens, sweet tooth fungus, Swiss chard, taro, tatsoi, tigernut, bleberry, ugli fruit, ugni,
tinda, tree ear fungus, tree onion, truffle, turnip greens, ulluco, wakame, wasabi, vanilla, wampee, water-
water caltrop, water chestnut, watercress, water spinach, West Indian gherkin, wild melon, wax melon, wine-
leek, winter mushroom, winter purslane, yacon, yam, yeast, and zucchini berry, winter melon, xigua, and yuzu

Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.
PALEO In a perfect world, our diets would consist of pasture-raised, free-range, or wild
meat and fish and organic, local, seasonal produce. This is prohibitively expensive

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
for many families, including mine. Can you still follow this diet and see improve-
ment in your health if you can’t always afford the highest-quality food? Of course
you can! This guide will help you make the best decisions within your budget.


If you can’t afford to have all of your • Conventional Chicken and Turkey: apricots, artichokes, arugula, aspar-
meat come from grass-fed, pastured, Battery-raised chicken can have some agus, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, chives,
and wild sources, I have ranked meats of the highest omega-6 levels of any collard greens, fennel, fiddleheads, gar-
from best to worst in quality. meat. lic, grapefruit, honeydew melon, jicama,
BEST kale, kohlrabi, limes, mangoes, mustard
• Organ Meat from Grass-fed and PRODUCE QUALITY greens, oranges, pineapple, radicchio,
Pasture-raised Animals: Organ meat is ramps, rhubarb, sorrel, spinach, spring
more densely packed with just about Conventional produce has fewer greens, spring onions, strawberries,
every vitamin and mineral and the fat vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than Swiss chard, turnips, Vidalia onions,
content is also extremely healthy. local, organic produce because of poor watercress
• Wild-Caught Fish and Shellfish: Wild- soil quality, the specific cultivars used,
caught fatty fish can be found fresh, and the amount of time between har- FALL
canned, or frozen. Look for sales in the vest and consumption. To get the most
late summer and early fall. out of your produce, nuts, and seeds: apples, arugula, Asian pears, bok
• Grass-fed Beef, Bison, Lamb, Veni- • Eat produce as soon as you buy it choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cau-
son or Goat: Ground meat is always the whenever possible. liflower, cherimoya, coconuts, cran-
cheapest. Some local farmers will sell • Buy frozen veggies. These are typical- berries, daikon radish, garlic, ginger,
bulk meat at a very discounted rate. ly picked ripe (as opposed to ripening grapes, guava, huckleberries, Jerusa-
• Wild Game: You can buy wild game if during storage) and flash frozen, which lem artichokes, jicama, kale, kohlrabi,
you do not hunt. preserves many of the nutrients. kumquats, passionfruit, pears, pome-
BETTER • Kale, dandelion greens, and red cab- granate, pumpkin, quince, radicchio,
• Organ Meat from Organic and Con- bage are nutrient-dense choices. rutabagas, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard,
ventional Animals: The fat profile is less • Mix up eating vegetables raw and winter squash
favorable, but the organs still contain cooked.
denser nutrition than muscle meat. • Ferment your own fruits and vegeta- SUMMER
• Farmed Fish and Shellfish: Even bles.
farmed fish has contains extremely • Grow some of your own vegetables apricots, arugula, Asian pears,
beneficial fatsand is rich in amino acids, or gather wild edibles that grow around beets, black currants, blackberries, blue-
vitamins, and minerals that aren’t as you. berries, boysenberries, broccoli, cher-
easy to get from meat and poultry. ries, cucumber, figs, garlic, grapes, kiwi,
• Pasture-Raised Pork and Free-Range EATING SEASONALLY* limes, loganberries, melons, nectarines,
Poultry: Look for ones that are not fed okra, passionfruit, peaches, pineapples,
soy or corn if you can. An easy way to eat seasonally and plums, radishes, raspberries, straw-
GOOD eat the best-quality produce is to do the berries, summer squash, Swiss chard,
• Organic Meat and Conventional bulk of your shopping at local farms and zucchini
Lamb and Veal: These animals do farmers’ markets. Fruits and vegetables
spend some time in pasture and do eat also tend to be cheaper when they are
in season because supply is high, which
at least some grass.
• Lean Cuts of Beef: Marbled steaks is great for anyone on a tight budget. apples, bok choy, Brussels sprouts,
typically contain 10-15 times more ome- cauliflower, cherimoya, clementines,
ga-6 than omega-3. YEAR-ROUND coconuts, collard greens, dates, grape-
• Lean Pork: Usually, the lighter col- fruits, jicama, kale, kiwi, kohlrabi, limes,
ored the meat, the lower the fat con- avocados, bananas, beet greens, oranges, passionfruit, pears, persim-
tent. broccolini, cabbage, carrots, celery, mons, pineapple, pomegranate, pome-
MODERATE OR AVOID celery root, leeks, lemons, lettuce, lo, red currants, rutabagas, sweet pota-
• Fatty Cuts of Conventional Beef and mushrooms, onions, papayas, parsnips, toes, tangerines, winter squash, yams
Pork: Ideally, this would only be an occa- shallots, turnips *Based on North American har-
sional treat. vests. Varies regionally.
Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.
PALEO Sifting through Paleo recipes trying to find one you have the ingredients for? Won-
dering where to buy all these different items? Here is a list of the most common

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
ingredients for Paleo cooking. You don’t need to buy everything at once, and most
of these ingredients are cheapest in bulk online. I’ve tried to find the best prices for
the quality and lowest shipping costs for you, but it’s always good to shop around!


• Arrowroot starch and tapioca • Herbs (dried or fresh) add depth • crackers: homemade crackers
starch can be used to thicken sauces to many dishes. Consider balm, basil, • flour for baking: coconut, plantain, or
and provide a lighter texture to paleo bay leaves, chamomile, chervil, chives, sweet potato flour, arrowroot powder,
baking. They behave slightly differently cilantro, dill weed, lavender, marjo- and tapioca starch
and have different flavors, so both are ram, onion powder, oregano, parsley, • flour to thicken sauces: tapioca or
typically required in your pantry. peppermint, rosemary, saffron, sage, arrowroot starch
• Coconut aminos is a frequently-used savory, spearmint, tarragon, and thyme. • french fries: homemade vegetable
soy sauce substitute. Add it to stir-fries, • Leavening and spices are easy fries
dressings, or dips. ingredients to find in your local stores. • fruit cups: homemade fruit salad
• Coconut flour has very different I use baking soda and cream of tartar • fruit snacks: dried apricots, cranber-
baking properties from other flours, so for leavening. Commonly-used season- ries, dates, raisins, coconut flakes, or
baking recipes often use it with a com- ings include anchovy paste, cinnamon, other dried fruit
bination of other flour substitutes. cloves, ginger, turmeric, mace, salt, • ice cream: homemade coconut-milk
• Coconut milk has a strong coconut truffle salt, vanilla extract, vanilla bean, ice cream
flavor which works very well in a lot of and lemon juice. • jelly: homemade jam or compote
baking applications as well as curries • Oils like extra virgin olive oil and • margarine: coconut oil, palm short-
and soups. Look for one without guar avocado oil are essential for homemade ening, or pasture-raised lard
gum as an ingredient. Most paleo reci- salad dressings. These and other oils • milk: coconut milk
pes call for full-fat coconut milk. that are liquid at room temperature • pancakes: homemade pancakes
• Coconut oil is a versatile staple for should not be heated. • pasta: spaghetti squash, spiralized
any paleo household. Extra virgin coco- • Palm shortening is a great substi- vegetables, kelp noodles, or sweet pota-
nut oil has a strong coconut aroma and tute for butter in baking and is also my to noodles
flavor. Refined coconut oil has almost favorite fat for greasing muffin tins and • potatoes: sweet potatoes, taro, ruta-
no flavor and is great when the flavor of other baking pans. It doesn’t have much baga, or other root vegetables
coconut just doesn’t work. flavor and can be used interchangeably • protein bars: Epic bars, jerky, or
• Creamed coconut is very finely with coconut oil in some recipes. pemmican
pureed fresh coconut. It can be mixed • Red palm oil is a great plant-based • protein powder: beef isolate or beef
with a little water to the consistency of cooking oil if you are allergic to coconut. plasma protein
crème fraiche or with more water to • Packaged foods like sardines, salm- • regular bacon: sugar-free bacon
make coconut milk. It’s a useful ingredi- on, oysters, kelp noodles, and sweet • regular hotdogs: grass-fed uncured
ent for curries and soups. potato noodles can make for quicker, hotdog
• Dried coconut has many uses. Un- easier meal prep. Be sure to read the • regular sausage: sausages or home-
sweetened coconut flakes are a great ingredient labels to make sure they made sausage patties
snack and a fabulous ingredient for don’t contain non-TPA additives. • rice: cauliflower rice
many baking applications, giving both • Vinegars like balsamic, coconut • salad dressings: homemade salad
coconut flavor and texture. It’s even water, and apple cider can add flavor to dressings
good in stir-fries and curries! Unsweet- any number of dishes, especially salads. • sauteeing in olive or vegetable oil:
ened shredded coconut finds its way sauteeing in fats that are solid at room
into many baking recipes and is defi- SUBSTITUTIONS temperature, like lard and coconut oil
nitely a pantry staple for bakers. • soda: kombucha
• Dried fruit is a great way to sweeten • boxed broth/bouillon cubes: home- • soy sauce: coconut aminos
baking without adding sugars. Dried made broth • tortillas: wraps made with lettuce
apricots, cranberries, dates, raisins, and • chips: sweet potato, kale, plantain, or or other leafy greens like chard and
banana chips are nice to have on hand. banana chips collards, pure wraps, or nori
• Fish sauce is often used in Asian • cocoa powder: carob powder • yogurt: homemade coconut milk
dishes. Be sure to check the label to • coffee: tea or bone broth kefir
make sure there aren’t any non-Paleo • cold cuts: uncured deli meat
additives. • cookies: homemade cookies
Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.
PALEO Ideally, you should avoid food reintroductions until your disease
is in full remission. Your decision should come from feeling good

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
and seeing improvement, not cravings. If you think your
immune system is still attacking your organs, then it is
too early for reintroduction.


1. Select a food to challenge. Start with the Stage 1 foods, Even having just one of these symptoms may indicate
then proceed onto the other stages. Be prepared to eat it that you are sensitive to a food. Remember that symptoms
two or three times in one day (but not again for a few days). can occur even a couple of days after you eat the food. If your
2. The first time you eat the food, eat half a teaspoon or symptoms are delayed, it can be a little tricky to determine
even less (if you are testing spices, use just a pinch). Wait fif- whether or not there is a link to the food you are challenging.
teen minutes. If you have any symptoms, don’t eat any more. If you aren’t sure, go on to the next food (without incorpo-
Next, eat one teaspoon of the food (a tiny bite). rating the other one back into your diet) and then revisit that
3. Wait fifteen minutes. If you have any symptoms, don’t eat particular food in a couple of weeks.
any more. Next, eat one-and-a-half teaspoons of the food (a • symptoms of your disease returning or worsening
slightly bigger bite). That’s it for now. • gastrointestinal symptoms: tummyache, changes in
4. Wait 2-3 hours and monitor yourself for symptoms. bowel habits, heartburn, nausea, constipation, diarrhea,
5. Now eat a normal-size portion of the food—either by increased or decreased frequency, gas, bloating, undigested
itself or as part of a meal. or partly digested food particles in stool
6. Do not eat that food again for 3-7 days (and don’t rein- • reduced energy or fatigue
troduce any other foods in that time, either). Monitor yourself • food cravings for sugar, fat, or caffeine
for symptoms. • craving nonfood items like clay, chalk, dirt, or sand
7. Feel free to eat the food again on the challenge day if you • trouble sleeping or just not feeling rested in the morning
want to. If you have no symptoms in the next 3-7 days, you • headaches (mild to migraine)
may reincorporate this food into your diet and begin testing • dizziness or lightheadedness
another food. • increased mucus production
• coughing or increased need to clear your throat
STAGE 1 FOODS STAGE 2 FOODS • itchy eyes or mouth
egg yolks, legumes with seeds, nuts (except • sneezing
edible pods like green beans, cashews and pistachios), • aches and pains: muscle, joint, tendon, or ligament
scarlet runner beans, sugar cocoa or chocolate, egg • changes in skin: rashes, acne, dry skin, little pink
snap peas, snow peas, and whites, grass-fed butter, and bumps or spots, dry hair or nails
peas, fruit- and berry-based alcohol in small quantities • mood issues: mood swings, feeling low or depressed,
spices, seed-based spices, being less able to handle stress, increased anxiety
seed and nut oils, ghee from STAGE 4 FOODS
grass-fed dairy, and any The
other dairy products,
Paleo Approach-approved Don’t reintroduce a new food if you have an infection,
chili peppers, tomatoes,
foods you may have eliminat- had an unusually strenuous workout, got less sleep than nor-
potatoes, other nightshades
ed (like FODMAPs) mal, are feeling unusually stressed, or are under any other
and nightshade spices, alco-
hol in larger quantities, white circumstances that may make interpreting a reaction diffi-
STAGE 3 FOODS cult. If you have a hard time determining which food caused
rice, traditionally prepared
cashews and pistachios, legumes and gluten-free what reaction, wait longer between reintroductions. Even if a
eggplant, sweet peppers, grains, and foods you are reintroduction is successful, you may wish to keep your con-
paprika, coffee, grass-fed raw allergic or have a history of sumption of the food to a minimum (like reserving coffee as
cream, and fermented grass- strong reactions to a treat for Sunday brunch) for the best long-term results. The
fed dairy like yogurt and kefir foods you tolerate may change over time, so a failed reintro-
duction does not mean you can never eat that food again.
Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.
PALEO Eating a nutrient-rich diet is important, but it’s not everything. In fact, if you ignore
lifestyle factors, you might completely undermine all of the efforts you are making

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
with your diet. Specifically, you need to priortize getting enough quality sleep, man-
aging stress, and getting a decent amount of low-to-moderate intensity exercise.
The tips on this page will help you do just that.


Your lifestyle plays an important role in regulating your • Decrease the number and There are circumstances
hormone systems, which in turn help regulate your immune severity of stressors in your in which additional dietary
system. Hormone balance is critical for immune health, which life changes, supplements, or
is why diet change can only go so far if you aren’t addressing • Decrease the effect that medications may be nec-
lifestyle factors that may be holding you back. Making small stressors have on you essary. If you aren’t seeing
changes to the way you exercise, sleep, eat, socialize, and • It’s OK if you can’t do it all. results with diet and lifestyle
handle stress can reap enormous health benefits. It’s okay if • It’s OK to ask for help. alone, here are a few other
your lifestyle becomes a constant work in progress. Getting • Take a few moments for factors you might consider
your ducks in a row (and keeping them there) takes time, deep breathing or stetching looking at. See The Paleo Ap-
dedication, and is a constant learning process. during the day. proach for a complete list.
• Maintain good posture. • digestive support
ACTIVITY IMPROVING SLEEP • Find excuses to get up • organ support (liver, thy-
and move. roid, gallbladder)
• Add low-intensity exercise • Spend time outside every
• Leave your work at work. • additional food sensitiv-
like walking, swimming, yoga, day. Use a light-therapy box
• Engage in stress-relieving ities
tai chi, gardening, and play- on days you don’t go out-
activities before and after • infection (like SIBO)
ing with your kids or dog. side or when the weather is • probiotics
• If you are already some- gloomy.
• Have fun with hobbies,
what active, try moderate- • Keep lights dim in the
ly-intense exercise like hiking, evening and use blue-block-
humor, and enjoying nature. NEED HELP?
• Use your brain.
jogging, dancing, bicycling, ing glasses for the last 2-3
• Turn your brain off with If you need guidance
weight lifting, fitness classes, hours before bed.
active (yoga, tai chi, martial troubleshooting your
and various sports. • Sleep in a dark environ-
arts) or mindful meditation. health, I recommend
• If you have limited mobil- ment that is cool, quiet, and finding an integrative or
• Nurture yourself with
ity, try swimming, water-ex- a place you associate with functional medicine prac-
small changes like music,
ercise, water-therapy, chair peace and rest. titioner. PaleoPhysicians-
candlelight, aromatherapy,
exercise, and chair aerobics. • Keep mealtimes “on Network and PrimalDocs
getting a massage, using a
• Investigate the option of schedule”. are excellent resources for
light alarm, or a gratitude
an active desk at work. • Figure out your ideal finding one. You might also
• Take up a hobby that is bedtime for getting enough consider one of my con-
• Increase your resilience sultants at ThePaleoMom
not sedentary. sleep.
with humor, faith in your Consulting.
• Avoid strenuous activity.
abilities, planning, positive
thinking, and a secure social
• Prioritize family meals.
• Make cooking fun, social,
and relaxing.
• Sit down to eat and focus
on your food.
• Chew thoroughly and
don’t rush through a meal.
• Don’t eat when under
• Eat 2-3 large meals a day.

Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.
PALEO Looking for more information or recipes to explain The Paleo Approach or help
you get started? Although this is by no means a complete list of the wonderful

Sarah Ballantyne, PhD
resources available in print and online, it’s more than enough to begin. Pay special
attention to “meal ideas” if you need help with breakfast or snacks. You can also
find more information in The Paleo Approach and at


Breakfast. Think of breakfast as including a protein, Eating on the Wild Side by Jo Fermented by Jill Ciciarelli
like meat, and some veggies and/or fruit. Your protein could Robinson It Starts with Food by Dallas
come from bacon, sausage, or even steak or a pork chop! The Paleo Approach by Sarah and Melissa Hartwig
Leftover meat from last night’s dinner makes for a very quick Ballantyne Practical Paleo, The 21-Day
breakfast. Your sides could include any fresh fruit. Vegetables The Wahls Protocol by Terry Sugar Detox, and The 21-
can be raw (like mixed greens, or carrots and celery sticks), Wahls Day Sugar Detox Cook-
sauteed (a great pairing for bacon) or steamed, fermented book by Diane Sanfilippo
(homemade or raw sauerkraut makes a great accompani- The Ancestral Table by Russ
ment to sausage) or leftovers of any kind. Many root vegeta-
bles make for delicious breakfast hash. The Autoimmune Paleo
Soup also makes for a very satisfying breakfast. Smooth- Breakthrough by Anne
ies can be made with veggies, fruit, coconut milk, and pa- Angelone
leo-friendly protein powder like beef isolate or beef plasma The Autoimmune Paleo
protein. If you’re really missing breakfast staples, try making Cookbook by Mickey
Plantain Pancakes. Trescott
Lunch. Just like breakfast, think of lunch as including The FODMAP Free Paleo
some animal foods and some plant foods. Lunch can look Breakthrough by Anne
very much like supper with some kind of protein and some
kind of vegetable side dish or dishes. Or lunch could be a The Paleo Approach Cook
salad that includes some leftover chicken or steak or pre- www.Alt-ternativeAutoim book by Sarah Ballantyne
cooked shrimp. Soups and stews make for a quick lunch as Well-Fed and Well-Fed 2 by
do reheated leftovers. If you’re really used to sandwhiches, Melissa Joulwan
you could make them with lettuce or nori wraps instead.
Looking for something really easy to eat on the go? Try jerky FIND LOCAL FOOD
with some raw veggies and guacamole and some fruit or
sweet potato chips. Eat Well Guide
Dinner. Dinner may be the easiest meal for people www.TheClothesMakeThe- Eat Wild
to adapt to a Paleo diet, simply because the old standby Local Harvest
of meat-and-potatoes is already halfway there. Instead of
potatoes, you can include any starchy vegetable. Any number ORDER ONLINE
of vegetables and even fruit can easily find its way on the side
of meat, poultry or fish. Many soups and stews can be easily Grass-Fed Traditions
adapted with some simple ingredient substitutions. Paleo on the Go
Snacks. Apples or celery with almond butter, homemade Tendergrass Farms
crackers with uncured deli meats, fruit, and jerky make quick, Tropical Traditions
delicious snacks. U.S. Wellness Meats
Handy Pre-packaged On The Go Foods. Jerky, Epic
bars or pemmican, Sea Snax, plantain crackers, sweet pota- CONSULTING
to chips, and fruit and vegetable leathers are all great Pa-
leo-friendly convenience foods.
Looking for expert,
personalized 1-on-1
READY-MADE MEALS support? The Paleo
Mom Consultants can
Paleo on the Go offers pre-made Paleo meals delivered
help you improve your
right to your door. I partnered with them to create a meal
health and offer guid-
plan that is 100% autoimmune-friendly
ance when you are off

Want more? Check out The Paleo Approach, available online and in bookstores everywhere.


An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from some This companion cookbook to the groundbreaking The
form of autoimmune disease. If you’re among them, you Paleo Approach makes changing your diet easy and econom-
may know all too well how little modern medicine can do to ical with more than 180 recipes, shopping guides, meal plans,
alleviate your condition. But that’s no reason to give up hope. and more. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD, shows you just how easy
In this groundbreaking book, Sarah Ballantyne, PhD, draws and delicious regaining your health can be.
upon current medical research and her own battle with an There’s no need to worry that “going Paleo” will break the
autoimmune disorder to show you how you can become bank or require too much time in the kitchen preparing spe-
completely symptom-free—the natural way. cial foods. In The Paleo Approach Cookbook, Dr. Ballantyne
The Paleo Approach is the first book ever to explain explains how to stay within your food budget, how to make
how to adapt the Paleo diet and lifestyle to bring about a full the best use of your time in the kitchen, and where to shop
recovery. Discover what you can eat to calm your immune for what you need. Complete food lists, shopping guides, and
system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal itself. meal plans take the guesswork out of eating to maximize
Find out which simple lifestyle changes will make the biggest healing.
difference for your health. Don’t know how to cook? Dr. Ballantyne walks you
Dr. Ballantyne provides expert tips on how to make the through essential kitchen techniques, from chopping vegeta-
switch easily and economically. Complete food lists and strat- bles to using a pressure cooker safely. Armed with more than
egies for staying within your food budget, shopping for what 150 delicious recipes, from breakfast staples to decadent
you need, making the most out of your time in the kitchen, desserts, you can reverse your disease and love every bite!
and and opening a dialogue with your physician take all the
guesswork out of going Paleo.
Features such as these make The Paleo Approach the
ultimate resource for anyone suffering from an autoimmune
disease. Why suffer a moment longer? Reclaim your health
with The Paleo Approach!
Available online and in bookstores everywhere. Coming August 26th. Available for pre-order online.

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