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Clinical Infectious Diseases


Analysis of Epidemiological and Clinical Features in Older

Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Outside Wuhan
Jiangshan Lian,1,a Xi Jin,2,a Shaorui Hao,1,a Huan Cai,1,a Shanyan Zhang,1,a Lin Zheng,1 Hongyu Jia,1 Jianhua Hu,1 Jianguo Gao,2 Yimin Zhang,1
Xiaoli Zhang,1 Guodong  Yu,1 Xiaoyan Wang,1 Jueqing Gu,1 Chanyuan Ye,1 Ciliang Jin,1 Yingfeng Lu,1 Xia Yu,1 Xiaopeng Yu,1 Yue Ren,2 Yunqing Qiu,1

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Lanjuan Li,1 Jifang Sheng,1 and Yida Yang1
State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment
of Infectious Diseases, Department of Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, and 2Department of Gastroenterology, First Affiliated
Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Background.  The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a large threat to public health in China, with
high contagious capacity and varied mortality. This study aimed to investigate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of
older patients with COVID-19 outside Wuhan.
Methods.  A retrospective study was performed, with collecting data from medical records of confirmed COVID-19 patients in
Zhejiang province from 17 January to 12 February 2020. Epidemiological, clinical, and treatment data were analyzed between older
(≥ 60 years) and younger (< 60 years) patients.
Results.  A total of 788 patients with confirmed COVID-19 were selected; 136 were older patients with corresponding mean age
of 68.28 ± 7.31 years. There was a significantly higher frequency of women in older patient group compared with younger patients
(57.35% vs 46.47%, P = .021). The presence of coexisting medical conditions was significantly higher in older patients compared with
younger patients (55.15% vs 21.93%, P < .001), including the rate of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease. Significantly higher rates of severe clinical type (older vs younger groups: 16.18% vs 5.98%, P < .001), critical
clinical type (8.82% vs 0.77%, P < .001), shortness of breath (12.50% vs 3.07%, P < .001), and temperature of > 39.0°C (13.97% vs
7.21%, P = .010) were observed in older patients compared with younger patients. Finally, higher rates of intensive care unit ad-
mission (9.56% vs 1.38%, P < .001) and methylprednisolone application (28.68% vs 9.36%, P < .001) were also identified in older
patients compared with younger ones.
Conclusions.  The specific epidemiological and clinical features of older COVID-19 patients included significantly higher female
sex, body temperature, comorbidities, and rate of severe and critical type disease.
Keywords.  COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Epidemiology; elderly.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel identified syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by the World Health
infectious disease with rapid human-to-human transmission Organization (WHO) [4]. Though huge efforts have been made
capacity and varied fatality, due to acute respiratory distress by the Chinese government, including quarantining Wuhan
syndrome (ARDS), multiorgan failure, and other serious com- city on 23 January 2020, its accelerated dissemination has ap-
plications [1–3]. First reported in 1 December 2019 as “pneu- peared, infecting 68 584 patients in China by 15 February 2020
monia for unknown reason,” the pathogen of COVID-19 was and spreading worldwide. Currently, combating COVID-19 is
later identified by the Chinese Center for Disease Control the most important and first task for China, which also raises
and Prevention (CDC) from the throat swab sample of a pa- the global alert.
tient, and was subsequently named severe acute respiratory Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes on their
surface, with known species of 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1,
SARS-CoV, and Middle East respiratory syndrome corona-

virus (MERS-CoV); the latter 2 are zoonotic in origin and

Received 18 February 2020; editorial decision 3 March 2020; accepted 5 March 2020; published
online March 25, 2020.
have been linked to lethal diseases [5, 6]. SARS-CoV-2 was
J. L., X. J., S. H., H. C., and S. Z. contributed equally to this work. the seventh identified coronavirus with human infection ca-
Correspondence: Y.-D. Yang, Department of Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital,
pacity. A high mortality rate in older patients, especially those
College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, 79 Qingchun Rd, Hangzhou City 310003, China
( with comorbidities of hypertension, diabetes, and renal failure,
Clinical Infectious Diseases®  2020;XX(XX):1–8 had been reported both in SARS and MERS [7, 8]. Calculating
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
from initial data of Wuhan, we found that the fatality rate for
of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa242 COVID-19 patients aged ≥ 60 years was 63.6% [1]. A previous

Features in Older Patients With COVID-19  •  cid 2020:XX (XX XXXX) • 1

study from SARS also suggested that older age was one of the Procedures
strongest predictors of poor outcome [9]. Nevertheless, the spe- The epidemiological, demographic, clinical, laboratory and
cific features of older patients with COVID-19 outside Wuhan management data from patients’ medical records were retrieved
have not been reported as yet. and reviewed by 2 independent observers. The clinical out-
By 15 February 2020, Zhejiang Province had the fourth- comes were followed up to 12 February 2020. Missing or vague
largest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China dates were confirmed by direct communication with healthcare
(n  =  1167). Compared with disease features in Wuhan, providers. Laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 was done at
Zhejiang Province had a much lower number of severe/crit- the CDC of Zhejiang Province and local city level and the First
ical cases (76/1167 [6.5%]) and a higher rate of discharge from Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University,
hospital (437/1167 [37.4%]), with no reported deaths. It is with national authorization. Throat swab specimens from the
well acknowledged that older patients tend to have more se- upper respiratory tract and sputum from all patients at admis-

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rious diseases and complications; a previous study indicated sion were maintained in viral transport medium. COVID-19
a higher intensive care unit (ICU) admission rate in patients was confirmed by real-time reverse-transcription PCR using
with median age > 66  years [10]. However, there are no re- the same protocol described previously [2]. Other common
ports specifically focusing on older patients with COVID- respiratory viruses including influenza A  and B virus, respi-
19. We aimed, in this study, to provide first-line information ratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, SARS,
about the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 136 and MERS were routinely precluded. All patients received chest
older patients (≥ 60 years of age) with laboratory-confirmed radiographs or chest computed tomography (CT) at admission.
COVID-19 in Zhejiang Province.
METHODS The epidemiological data were collected, including exposure to
Wuhan, contact with confirmed patients, and family clustering.
Data Sources and Ethics
The incubation period is calculated from the specific date of
We retrospectively investigated the epidemiological, clin-
contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient to the date of ill-
ical, imaging, and laboratory characteristics of confirmed
ness onset. Other important parameters were also summarized,
cases of COVID-19 with WHO interim guidance in Zhejiang
including the anthropometric/ demographic data, symptoms
Province from 17 January to 12 February 2020. All patients
and signs on admission, laboratory and chest radiograph/CT
were diagnosed with COVID-19 by positive polymerase
results, comorbidities, coinfection with other respiratory patho-
chain reaction (PCR) result. The data were uniformly col-
gens, treatment (including drugs, intensive care, and mechan-
lected by the Health Commission of Zhejiang Province,
ical ventilation) and clinical outcomes.
where all patients were allocated at specific hospitals for uni-
fied treatment according to the government emergency rule.
Statistical Analysis
The diagnosis was based on WHO interim guidance and all
Mean (standard deviation) and median (interquartile range
data were shared with WHO [4], with the primary analytic
[IQR]) were used for continuous variables with and without
results reported to the authority of Zhejiang province. Since
normal distribution whereas number (%) was used for cate-
case collection and analysis were determined by the Health
gorical variables, followed by Mann-Whitney U and χ 2 test for
Commission of Zhejiang Province under national authoriza-
comparison. For laboratory results, whether the measurements
tion and considered as part of the continuing public health
were outside the normal range was also analyzed. The Kaplan-
outbreak investigation, our study was regarded exempt from
Meier method was used to estimate hospitalization time, and
institutional review board approval.
the log-rank test was applied for comparisons between the
During analysis, patients were divided into 2 groups ac-
younger and older groups. The Kaplan-Meier analysis was con-
cording to age ( ≥ 60 [older] vs < 60  years [younger]). The
ducted with the survfit function in the library of survival in R
subtype definition of COVID-19 patients was based on the
software (version 3.6.1). A  2-sided α of < .05 was considered
Chinese diagnosis and treatment scheme for COVID-19 (fifth
statistically significant and SPSS (version 26.0) was used for all
edition), as previously reported [11]. The degree of COVID-19
was categorized as mild, severe, or critical. Mild type included
nonpneumonia and mild pneumonia cases. Severe type was
characterized by dyspnea, respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths per mi-
nute, blood oxygen saturation ≤ 93%, partial pressure of oxygen Demographic and Epidemiologic Characteristics
(PaO2)/fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio < 300, and/or This study described 788 patients with confirmed COVID-
lung infiltrates > 50% within 24–48 hours. Critical cases were 19 from 17 January 2020 to 12 February 2020 in Zhejiang
those that exhibited respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or Province. As shown in Table 1, there were 136 and 652 patients
multiple organ dysfunction/failure. in the older and younger groups, with corresponding mean

2 • cid 2020:XX (XX XXXX) • Lian et al

Table 1.  Demographic and Epidemiologic Features of Older Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019

Characteristic Age < 60 y (n = 652) Age ≥ 60 y (n = 136) P Value

Age, y, mean (SD) 41.15 ± 11.38 68.28 ± 7.31 < .001

Female sex 303 (46.47) 78 (57.35) .021
Current smoker 46 (7.06) 8 (5.88) .622
Coexisting condition
 Any 143 (21.93) 75 (55.15) < .001
 Hypertension 73 (11.20) 53 (38.97) < .001
 Diabetes 33 (5.06) 24 (17.65) < .001
  Chronic liver disease 25 (3.83) 6 (4.41) .753
 Cancer 3 (0.46) 3 (2.21) .067

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  Chronic renal disease 5 (0.77) 2 (1.47) .347
  Heart disease 5 (0.77) 6 (4.41) .005
 COPD 0 (0) 3 (2.21) .005
 Immunosuppression 0 (0) 1 (0.74) .173
Exposure history
  From Wuhan 350 (53.68) 43 (31.62) < .001
  Contact with patients 269 (41.26) 63 (46.32) .276
 Cluster 150 (23.01) 45 (33.09) .013
Time from onset of illness to consultation, d, median (IQR) 2 (1–4) 2 (1–4) .867
Time from onset of illness to confirm the diagnosis, d, median (IQR) 4 (2–7) 4 (2–7) .410
Time from onset of illness to hospitalization, d, median (IQR) 3 (1–7) 3 (1–6) .945
Clinical type on admission
 Severe/critical 44 (6.75) 34 (25.0) < .001
 Mild 608 (93.25) 102 (75.0) < .001
 Severe 39 (5.98) 22 (16.18) < .001
 Critical 5 (0.77) 12 (8.82) < .001
Data are presented as no. (%) unless otherwise indicated.
Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.

age of 68.28 ± 7.31 years and 41.15 ± 11.38 years, respectively. as having clinical disease type of severe (older vs younger
There was no significant difference in the percentage of cur- groups: 16.18% vs 5.98%, P < .001) or critical (8.82% vs 0.77%,
rent smokers in the 2 groups. However, there was a signif- P < .001).
icantly higher frequency of women among the older patients
compared to the younger patients (57.35% vs 46.47%, respec- Clinical Features and Laboratory Abnormalities
tively, P = .021), indicating the sex predisposition to female in The clinical characteristics of the patients were shown in
older patients with COVID-19. The presence of any coexisting Table 2. In brief, fever and cough were the most common symp-
medical condition was significantly higher in older patients toms in both group. There were no significant differences in
compared to younger patients (55.15% vs 21.93%, P < .001), in- the percentages of fever, cough, sputum production, gastroin-
cluding the rate of hypertension (38.97% vs 11.20%, P < .001), testinal symptoms, muscle ache, and headache in the 2 groups.
diabetes (17.65% vs 5.06%, P < .001), heart disease (4.41% vs However, older patients had significantly higher rate of short-
0.77%, P = .005), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ness of breath (older vs younger groups: 12.50% vs 3.07%,
(COPD) (2.21% vs 0%, P = .005). Based on data from definite P < .001) and lower rate of nasal obstruction (1.47% vs 6.90%,
exposure date to epidemic area (Wuhan), we found that more P = .015) compared with younger patients. In addition, older
patients had a history of traveling to Wuhan in the younger patients had significantly lower and higher rates of normal tem-
group compared to the older group (53.68% vs 31.62%, respec- perature (< 37.3°C) and high temperature (38°C–39°C) (older
tively, P < .001). More patients in the older group had a con- vs younger groups: 10.29% vs 21.17%, P = .003; and 40.44% vs
firmed cluster history of contact with patients from the local 29.60%, P = .013, respectively). For extreme high fever, older
area compared to patients in younger group (33.09% vs 23.01%, patients also had a significantly higher rate of high temperature
respectively, P < .001). (> 39°C) than younger patients (13.97% vs 7.21%, P = .010).
Thirty-two and 156 patients from the older and younger On admission, significantly more patients in the older group
groups, respectively, had definite exposure time and their cal- had lymphocytopenia (30.88% vs 14.11%, P < .001) and lower
culated median incubation period was 5 days for both groups. level of hemoglobin (129 vs 140  g/L, P < .001). Furthermore,
Significantly more patients in the older group were diagnosed there were significantly decreased level of albumin (older vs

Features in Older Patients With COVID-19  •  cid 2020:XX (XX XXXX) • 3

Table 2.  Clinical Features and Selected Laboratory Abnormalities of Older Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019

Age < 60 y Age ≥ 60 y 
Characteristic (n = 652) (n = 136) P Value

Fever, °C 521 (79.91) 115 (84.56) .211

  < 37.3 138 (21.17) 14 (10.29) .003
 37.3–38.0 274 (42.02) 48 (35.29) .146
 38.1–39.0 193 (29.60) 55 (40.44) .013
  > 39.0 47 (7.21) 19 (13.97) .010
Cough 421 (64.57) 85 (62.50) .647
Sputum production 216 (33.13) 49 (36.03) .515
Hemoptysis 12 (1.84) 3 (2.21) .732
Sore throat 94 (14.42) 17 (12.50) .559

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Nasal obstruction 45 (6.90) 2 (1.47) .015
Muscle ache 71 (10.89) 20 (14.71) .205
Fatigue 115 (17.64) 24 (17.65) .998
Shortness of breath 20 (3.07) 17 (12.50) < .001
Gastroinestinal symptoms 77 (11.81) 11 (8.09) .210
Headache 67 (10.28) 8 (5.88) .112
Routine laboratory tests
  Leukocytes (× 109/L; normal range 4–10), median (IQR) 4.8 (3.8–5.9) 4.8 (3.9–6.4) .236
10 ×109/L
  >  9 (1.38) 9 (6.62) .001
4 ×109/L
  <  196 (30.06) 38 (27.94) .623
  Neutrophils (×109/L; normal range 2–7), median (IQR) 2.9 (2.2–3.9) 3.2 (2.5–4.4) .002
  Lymphocytes (×109 /L; normal range 0.8–4), median (IQR) 1.2 (0.9–1.6) 1.1 (0.7–1.4) < .001
   < 0.8 × 109/L 92 (14.11) 42 (30.88) < .001
  Platelets (× 109/L; normal range 83–303), median (IQR) 184.0 (152.0–223.0) 169.5 (132.0–207.5) < .001
   < 100 × 109/L 20 (3.07) 7 (5.15) .295
  Hemoglobin (g/L; normal range: male 131–172; female 113–151), median (IQR) 140.0 (129.0–152.0) 129.0 (120.3–140.8) < .001
  Hematocrit (%; normal range: male 38–50.8; female 33.5–45), median (IQR) 41.0 (38.1–44.4) 38.3 (35.5–41.3) .004
Coagulation function, median (IQR)
INR (normal range 0.85–1.15) 1.02 (0.97–1.09) 1.03 (0.96–1.07) .567
Blood biochemistry, median (IQR)
Albumin (g/L; normal range 40–55) 41.7 (39.0–44.1) 39.2 (36.0–42.0) < .001
ALT (U/L; normal range 9–50) 22.0 (15.0–35.0) 21.0 (16.0–29.0) .625
AST (U/L; normal range 15–40) 24.0 (19.0–32.0) 28.0 (22.0–36.0) .002
Total bilirubin (μmol/L; normal range 0–26) 9.5 (7.0–13.2) 9.7 (7.0–13.5) .802
Serum sodium (mmol/L; normal range 137–147) 138.7 (136.6–140.5) 137.0 (135.0–139.1) < .001
Serum potassium (mmol/L; normal range 3.5–5.3) 2.8 (3.6–4.1) 3.9 (3.6–4.1) .750
BUN (mmol/L; normal range 3.1–8) 3.6 (2.9–4.5) 4.4 (36–5.9) < .001
Serum creatinine (μmol/L; normal range: male 57–97; female 41–73) 66.0 (55.0–77.5) 69.0 (58.6–79.6) .013
Creatine kinase (U/L; normal range 50–310) 67.0 (46.0–104.0) 74.5 (52.3–123.0) .039
LDH (U/L; normal range 120–250) 204.0 (165.0–255.0) 244.0 (206.0–311.0) < .001
Infection-related biomarkers, median (IQR)
CRP (mg/L; normal range 0–8) 6.75 (2.0–16.9) 19.0 (5.6–44.7) < .001
Chest radiograph/CT findings
Normal 82 (12.58) 5 (3.68) .003
  Unilateral pneumonia 149 (22.85) 15 (11.03) .002
  Bilateral pneumonia 239 (36.66) 57 (41.91) .250
  Multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity 176 (26.99) 59 (43.38) < .001
Data are presented as no. (%) unless otherwise indicated.
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CRP, C-reactive protein; CT, chest tomography; INR, international normalized ratio;
IQR, interquartile range; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.

younger group: 39.2 vs 41.7 g/L, P < .001), elevated level of as- was significantly increased in the older group compared with
partate aminotransferase (28 vs 24 U/L, P = .002), and increased the younger group (19.0 vs 6.75  mg/L, respectively, P < .001).
levels of creatine kinase (74.5 vs 67.0 U/L, P = .039) and lactate CT scan is pivotal for disease identification and diagnosis, with
dehydrogenase (244.0 vs 204.0 U/L, P < .001) in the older group. significantly more patients in the older group presenting with
Concerning infection-related parameters, C-reactive protein multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity.

4 • cid 2020:XX (XX XXXX) • Lian et al

Treatment and Outcomes Oxygen therapy plays an important role in supportive care
COVID-19 patients were isolated in designated hospitals with of patients. In this study, 6.62% patients in the older group re-
supportive and empiric medication. As show in Table 3, there ceived mechanical ventilation, significantly higher than that of
were 117 patients (86.03%) in the older group and 551 (84.51%) 1.38% in the younger group (P = .001). The ventilator adopted
patients in the younger group administrated with antiviral pressure-synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
treatment, with a median period from onset of illness to anti- mode, with inhaled oxygen concentration of 35%–100% and
viral therapy of 3 days and median antiviral duration of 11 days positive end-expiratory pressure of 6–12 cm H2O. Meanwhile,
for both groups. In the younger and older groups, respectively, significantly more patients in the older group (9.56% vs 1.38%,
192 and 43 patients received interferon-α sprays, ritonavir- P < .001) were admitted to ICU compared to the younger group
boosted lopinavir (LPV/r) (2 tablets [500 mg] twice daily), and by 12 February 2020. Till now, no patients received continuous
arbidol hydrochloride capsules (2 tablets 3 times daily); 140 and blood purification due to renal failure and extracorporeal mem-

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25 patients received interferon-α sprays and LPV/r; 61 and 12 brane oxygenation. Liver injury was the most common compli-
patients received LPV/r and arbidol; and 31 and 10 patients re- cation, followed by ARDS and acute kidney injury. Significantly
ceived interferon-α sprays and arbidol. There were no differ- more patients in the older group developed ARDS than in the
ences regarding the antiviral regimen between the 2 groups. younger group (16.9% vs 5.37%, P < .001). By the end of 12
Glucocorticoid therapy was considered if PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mm February, all patients survived, and significantly more patients
Hg and is not recommended for patients with mild disease. The in the younger group had been discharged than in the older
dose of glucocorticoid was 0.75–1.5 mg/kg/day and the median group (44.6% vs 22.8%, P < .001; Figure 1).
duration of corticosteroid therapy was 15 days. More patients
in older than in the younger group (26.68% vs 9.36%, P < .001)
received corticosteroid therapy.
Older patients had a higher rate of severe (older vs younger COVID-19 is a novel identified human infectious disease, be-
groups: 16.18% vs 5.98%, P < .001) and critical (8.82% vs 0.77%, longing to the family of coronavirus [12]. Starting from 788
P < .001) type disease. The 788 patients were divided into 2 confirmed cases from Zhejiang Province, we found that the
groups according to exposure history to Wuhan; there were 393 age of patients spanned from an infant of 3  months to adults
and 395 patients with and without Wuhan exposure history in of 96 years, where 136 cases were > 60 years of age. Differing
the last month, respectively. We found that there was no sig- from young patients, 68.3% of older patients had no history of
nificant difference in the rate of severe and critical type (with travel to Wuhan, and 86.3% of older patients were exposed to
vs without Wuhan exposure, 7.89% vs 7.59%, P = .895; 2.04 vs confirmed COVID-19 patients, with a median incubation pe-
2.28%, P = 1.000) between the 2 groups. riod of 5  days (IQR, 2–9  days). More importantly, there were

Figure 1.  Kaplan-Meier estimates of hospitalization time in younger (< 60 years) and older (≥ 60 years) groups. Abbreviation: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019.

Features in Older Patients With COVID-19  •  cid 2020:XX (XX XXXX) • 5

Table 3. Treatment and Outcomes in Older Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019

Age  <  60 y Age ≥ 60 y 

Variable (n = 652) (n = 136) P Value

 ARDS 35 (5.37) 23 (16.91) < .001
  Septic shock 1 (0.15) 1 (0.74) .316
  Liver function abnormality 72 (11.04) 10 (7.35) .200
  Acute kidney injury 10 (1.53) 3 (2.21) .478
  Anti-coronavirus treatment 551 (84.51) 117 (86.03) .793
Timing from onset of illness to antiviral therapy, median (IQR) 3 (1–6) 3 (1–6) .653
Antiviral duration, median (IQR) 11 (7–16) 11 (6–17) .877

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Antivirus regimen 551 (84.51) 117 (86.03) .793
 Interferon-α + LPV/r   +  arbidol 192 (29.44) 43 (31.62) .608
 Interferon-α + LPV/r 140 (21.47) 25 (18.38) .487
  LPV/r + arbidol 61 (9.36) 12 (8.82) 1.000
 Interferon-α + arbidol 31 (4.75) 10 (7.35) .207
 Othersa 127 (19.48) 27 (19.85) .906
Mechanical ventilation 9 (1.38) 9 (6.62) .001
 Noninvasive 4 (0.61) 3 (2.21) .103
 Invasive 5 (0.77) 6 (4.41) .005
CRRT 0 0
ECMO 0 0
Glucocorticoids 61 (9.36) 39 (28.68) < .001
  Maximum dosageb, median (IQR) 40 (40–80) 40 (40–80) .663
IVIG therapy 38 (5.83) 24 (17.65) < .001
Admission to intensive care unit 9 (1.38) 13 (9.56) < .001
Clinical outcomes
  Discharged from hospital 291 (44.60) 31 (22.80) < .001
Data are presented as no. (%) unless otherwise indicated. 
Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; IQR, interquartile range; IVIG, in-
travenous immunoglobin; LPV/r, ritonavir-boosted lopinavir.
Others include oseltamivir, interferon-α, and LPV/r monotherapy.
Glucocorticoid dosages were converted into an equivalent of methylprednisolone.

49.5% of patients infected via family clustering and social ac- group. It is well acknowledged that the degree of high fever is
tivities, where 5 couples infected each other, 6 patients acquired associated with inflammatory cytokine secretion and clinical
infection after attending a ritual in their local temple, 5 patients symptoms.
acquired infection after a dinner party, and some were infected There were no significant differences in cough, sputum pro-
during square dancing. The other reason may rely on the inad- duction, hemoptysis, sore throat, nasal obstruction, muscle
equate recognition of COVID-19 by elders, with lower rates of ache, fatigue, and gastrointestinal tract symptoms between
mask wearing. The explanation for the phenomenon of a signif- the older and younger groups. In contrast, the rate of short-
icantly higher ratio of female in the elderly group may rely on ness of breath was significantly higher in the older group,
the finding that ACE2 expression of rat lung was significantly which is in accordance with more severe lung CT findings of
higher in females than in males [13]. multiple mottling and ground-glass opacity and more ARDS
This study confirmed that features of COVID-19 in older in those patients. Heart injury was also more common in the
adults resembled other forms of community-acquired pneu- older group, as reflected by significantly increased aspartate
monia (CAP). Patients with COVID-19 from the older group aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase levels. The rates of
had higher rates of common comorbidities, where hyperten- low albumin and hemoglobin levels were significantly higher in
sion, diabetes, chronic heart disease, and COPD reaching sta- the older group, which may be related with poor nutrition and
tistical significance. On admission, the rate of severe/critical disease progression.
type was significantly higher in the older group than in the Currently, there was no effective antiviral therapy for
younger group. Fever, cough, and dyspnea are the common COVID-19 [14]. We used interferon-α, LPV/r, and arbidol for
symptoms of acute CAP and there was no significant difference virus inhibition according to previous clinical experience, but
in the rate of fever between the 2 groups. However, the ratio of a unified treatment plan is still lacking. A  retrospective study
>38°C was significantly higher in the older than in the younger revealed that proper use of corticosteroids in confirmed critical

6 • cid 2020:XX (XX XXXX) • Lian et al

SARS resulted in lower mortality and shorter hospitalization that are more reliable. Third, although we summarized the ap-
stay [15]. Another study also showed that low- to moderate- plication of antiviral therapy and glucocorticoid usage in the
dose corticosteroids might reduce mortality of patients with older patients with COVID-19, there is still a lack of random-
influenza A  (H1N1)pdm09 viral pneumonia with PaO2 / ized clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence. Finally, the
FiO2 < 300  mm Hg [16]. In this study, corticosteroid therapy data regarding the outcomes of older patients with COVID-19
was initiated if COVID-19 patients with PaO2/FiO2 < 300 mm need to be further investigated, for most older patients were still
Hg had quicker disease progression, higher temperature, and under treatment in hospital.
more lung inflammatory exudation; their glucocorticoid ap- In summary, we reported the specific epidemiological
plication rate (28.68%) was significantly higher than that in and clinical features of older patients with COVID-19, in-
younger patients (9.36%). To avoid side effects of corticosteroid, cluding significantly higher female sex, body temperature, fa-
its dosage was decreased to 40–80  mg/day. Until now, only 2 milial clustering, common comorbidities, and rate of severe/

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cases of gastrointestinal tract bleeding and 10 cases of hypergly- critical type.
cemia were identified in this study, with no secondary bacteria
and fungal infection. Therefore, the application of antibiotics Notes
Author contributions. Y. Y., J. S., L. L., and Y. Q. designed the study. J. L.,
and antifungal drugs was also lower in Zhejiang Province than
X. J., and S. H. coordinated the work and took the lead in drafting the man-
in Wuhan. uscript and interpretation. H. C. and S. Z. developed the statistical methods.
Previous study [9] showed that 21% of SARS patients were L.  Z., H.  J., J.  H., J.  G., Y.  Z., X.  Z., G.  Y., X.  W., J.  G., C.  Y., C.  J., Y.  L.,
> 60  years of age and accounted for 68% of all deaths related Xia Yu, Xiao. Yu, and Y. R. participated in the collection of experimental
data. Y. Y. and J. S. reviewed the manuscript prior to submission. The corre-
to SARS. The 30- and 150-day mortality rates in SARS patients sponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and
aged > 60 years were 56% and 60%, respectively. In this study, that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted.
we found that 32% of confirmed COVID-19 patients were Acknowledgments. The authors thank the Health Commission of
Zhejiang Province, China, for coordinating data collection; and the front-
> 60  years of age who had 25% severe/critical type in admis- line medical staff of Zhejiang Province for their bravery and efforts in
sion. Those elderly patients with severe/critical type accounted COVID-19 prevention and control.
for 43% of the total severe/critical type in our study. Compared Financial support. This work was supported by National Major Science
and Technology Research Projects for the Control and Prevention of
with SARS, the mortality of COVID-19 was much lower. The
Major Infectious Diseases in China (grant number 2017ZX10202202) and
number of COVID-19 patients in Zhejiang Province was also National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 81770574).
much lower than in Wuhan and the medical resources were Potential conflicts of interest. The authors: No reported conflicts of
more abundant, contributing to the earlier diagnosis, quaran- interest. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest.
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