Project Brief 2: Request For Proposal (RFP) For Organisational BIM Implementation

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4302 Operational BIM Management

Project Brief 2:

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Organisational BIM Implementation


A Request for Proposal (RFP) differs from a tender in that:

• An RFP is used when the client is searching for the best value solution to deliver services

but not sure how to achieve that

• A tender is used when the client knows exactly how to achieve the services they want

but primarily is searching for the best price to achieve that

“When the Government knows what it wants done and how it should be done (such as a
construction project), it will already have its plans and specifications and is looking simply for
the best price. On the other hand, when the Government knows what it wants done, but not how
to go about doing it, it seeks proposals on methods, ability, and price. Then it can negotiate on
the best method to achieve the best value.” GNWT et al., SCNT, Vertes, Aug 5, 1993.

This project involves 2 parts:

1. GROUP DELIVERABLE: Write an RFP inviting consultancy firms to propose a holistic

solution to implement a BIM strategy and framework within your organisation. As a

group, you will imagine all being part of a design/contracting/operations organisation that

wants to transform its practices to utilising BIM in future. In your different roles (top

management, operations management, technical/design management) you will

collaborate to write the RFP.

2. INDIVIDUAL DELIVERABLE: Critical analysis report of how to reply to that RFP, i.e.

if answering it as a consultant, what’s your strategy to implement BIM within the

organisation (not within individual construction projects)

PDE 4302 Operational BIM Management


• Group: Request for Proposal RFP (3000 words limit – 40% of grade) – the following is a
non-exhaustive list of examples of categories to include in the RFP:

o Your purpose behind issuing the RFP / goals / objectives

o What is the scope of the services to be provided (who, what, where, when etc.)

o Areas to implement BIM strategy within the organisation

o Outcomes and deliverables required

o Your specifications (quality, quantity, dimensions, features, brand names)

o Identify any restrictions, regulations, policies imposed

o Minimum characteristics / expertise of qualified bidders, and proof for it

o Are you adopting Vertical Integration? (Include design, construction, operations processes)

o Are you adopting Horizontal Integration? (Systems coordination)

o Identify an indicative overall budget, and indicate approximate number of employees,

and types of departments/teams in place

o Method & Deadline for proposal submission and project itself / when RFP will be reviewed /

results expected

• Individual Report (5000 words limit – 60% of grade) – what strategy would you propose to define

current defects, objectives, requirements, and implement the following organisational BIM categories

(non-exhaustive list)

o Managerial Structure / Roles / Responsibilities

o Resources within organisation / Fundings

o Company structure e.g. limited liability company or limited liability partnerships (financial


o Change Management policy

o Training Strategies

o Procurement / Supply Chain Strategies

PDE 4302 Operational BIM Management

o Legal Strategies

o FUTURE STRATEGIES (very important) e.g. strategy to prepare for

§ Internet of Things (The built environment may have its own subset of ‘The Internet

of Things’ – discuss what this might be and what implications it might have)

§ Social Data / Social Media

§ Information acquisition e.g. sensors, smart cities, telemetry / Big Data Analysis

§ Cyber Security (from strong malware e.g. Stuxnet)

§ Prediction strategies for future costs

§ Robotics / Automation (and metamorphosis of roles and responsibilities)

N.B. Discuss the above in the order by which you would implement them in reality

Differentiate whether you are considering Vertical or Horizontal Integration


Criteria for Grading

a) On the cover page put: project title, university logo, module name & number, university

name, students names & numbers, year

b) The group leader will submit the RFP in a separate file. All members will submit their

reports individually through Turn-it-in

c) Check for plagiarism before submission

d) Report should contain the following chapters:

• A Table of Contents (with name of each person beside his contribution chapter)

• An INTRODUCTION section outlining the purpose of this report and what case

study will be used for demonstration.

• A section for each of the discussed areas (as specified above)

PDE 4302 Operational BIM Management

• A CONCLUSION section outlining why you believe you are capable of winning this


• References in BIBLIOGRPHY section must be included conforming to Harvard

Style of Referencing. Do not forget to write your references (from research or work

experience) inside the report body text as well as in the Bibliography

• Include a SELF ASSESSMENT section at the end of your individual report outlining

strengths and weaknesses about your own performance (400 words or 1 page)

• PEER ASSESSMENT at the end of your individual report, for the rest of the

members in the group (for their work on the RFP - half page per member).

• NO coordinator log is required

e) Assessment of report will be on

• Structure of report (layout, spelling, grammar, professionalism of style,

references, coherence and logic of information)

• Completion and accuracy of documents

• Individual grades will be awarded for each group member based partly on their

own contribution and partly on the overall group contribution (smoothness of

report flow, introduction, conclusion and contract)

N.B. the word limit of the report does not include the following sections:

• References

• Self-assessment

• Peer assessment

• Bibliography

Remember to put proper paragraphs, titles, not less than 11pt font or 1.5 line spacing.

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