Blumler - Proposal For A Permanent Magnet System

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Proposal for a Permanent Magnet System with

a Constant Gradient Mechanically Adjustable

in Direction and Strength

Institute of Physics, University of Mainz, 55099 Mainz, Germany

ABSTRACT: A design for a permanent magnet system is proposed that generates spa-
tially homogeneous, constant magnetic field gradients, thus creating conditions suitable
for MRI without gradient coils and amplifiers. This is achieved by superimposing a
weak Halbach quadrupole on a strong Halbach dipole. Rotation of either the quadru-
pole or the entire magnet assembly can be used to generate two-dimensional images
via filtered backprojection. Additionally, the mutual rotation of two quadrupoles can be
used to scale the resulting gradient. If both gradients have identical strength the gradi-
ent can even be made to vanish. The concept is demonstrated by analytical considera-
tions and FEM simulations. However, a demonstration on a working prototype is still
pending. C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
V Concepts Magn Reson Part B (Magn Reson Engineer-
ing) 46B: 41–48, 2016

KEY WORDS: MRI; imaging; Halbach; quadrupole; backprojection

INTRODUCTION exact knowledge of the field, mechanical rotation of the

entire magnet, using an eight channel receiver array and
In recent years several permanent magnet systems were image reconstruction via special software. On a first
developed for the emerging field of compact or even glance this appears like a step back to the very first MRI
mobile NMR (1,2). Many of them were also equipped methodology where images were reconstructed from
with classical gradient coils driven by electrical currents one-dimensional projections along different angles
to allow for MRI applications. A particularly suitable using filtered Radon-transforms (backprojection). The
magnet design for this purpose is the Halbach cylinder direction of the projection was changed by either rotat-
which nowadays can be constructed and shimmed to ing the gradient or the sample (7). On the other hand,
produce images of very high quality (3,4) and even getting rid of the very power consuming gradient ampli-
high-resolution NMR-spectra (5). However, shimming fiers helps to make MRI simpler, silent, more economi-
permanent magnets is still a demanding iterative pro- cal and portable. However, there is a slight problem
cess. In 2014 Zimmerman Cooley et al. presented a with the proposed method in Ref. 6 because the image
method to produce MR-images utilizing the inhomoge- reconstruction is limited in regions of rather homogene-
neous magnetic field of a non-shimmed Halbach (6). ous fields (e.g. in the center). Signals originating from
This was done by collecting spatial information from this or other ambiguous field regions could nevertheless
be spatially encoded by using multiple receive coils and
Received 9 October 2015; revised 21 January 2016; channels.
accepted 22 January 2016 The aim of this contribution is to follow-up on this
Correspondence to: Peter Bl€
umler; E-mail: inspiring idea and suggests a design that removes the
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B, Vol. 46B(1) 41–48 (2016) problems of nonbijective projections. Instead of using
Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
an inhomogeneous field with ambiguities it is proposed
com). DOI: 10.1002/cmr.b.21320 to use constant gradients of high spatial homogeneity
Ó 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. superimposed on a Halbach dipole and hence, allow
42 €

for scaling their direction and strength, eventually even gradients (15) can be introduced along this direction by
to make them disappear, by rotating additional rings of additional coils to spatially encode the third dimension.
permanent magnets. Like in Ref. 6 only permanent This article only introduces the concept by calcu-
magnets are involved, however, deliberately generat- lations and FEM-simulations. No such device has
ing better defined inhomogeneities that are scalable in yet been built by the author.
amplitude and direction. It is hoped that simple
Fourier-transformation and Radon-transformation (fil-
tered backprojection) will be sufficient to generate
images by rotating either gradient or object between
Klaus Halbach’s original article (16) already introduces
scans. Of course this can also be combined with multi-
the fundamental idea, because he was particularly inter-
ple receivers to speed up acquisition via parallel MRI
ested in producing magnetic fields with many poles for
and non-linear image reconstruction schemes to relax
e.g. accelerators. The basic construction principle for
the demands of construction accuracy.
this is an annular cylinder of permanent magnet material
So far the gradients generated by permanent mag-
where the direction, a, of the magnetization is a multi-
nets were mainly used to excite thin slices for scanning
ple of its location angle h [see Fig. 1(a)].
profiles either close to surfaces or across thin films (8).
For most of these implementations the stray-field of a 5 ðm11Þ h with m 2 Z [1]
unilateral setups were used (9,10), or the design was
tailored for a special application, e.g. the GARfield- The polarity (field polarity of two is corresponding
magnet for the study of thin films (11). Taken together to a dipole, four to a quadrupole, six to a sextupole,
they filled a niche in NMR methodology, on the other etc.) of the resulting field is then given by 2m and a
hand they have been a working horse in focusing positive sign directs the field inwards (with no stray
beams of charged particles in accelerators and mass- field outside, for an infinitely long cylinder) while a
spectrometers. There the most simple implementation negative sign creates a magnetic field of the same
is a quadrupole which is also proposed in this work in polarity outside the cylinder (4). For NMR purposes
the form of a Halbach cylinder—superimposed on an only the case m 5 11 was used so far, because it pro-
Halbach dipole. duces a homogeneous dipolar field inside the cylinder
The proposed concept only generates gradients per- [see Fig. 1(b)]. Halbach ((16); Eq. [21]) also already
pendicular to the axis of the Halbach cylinder which provided an analytical expression of the field magni-
allow for two-dimensional (2D), spatial encoding and tude at position r depending on the polarity
obviously for a real MRI system three-dimensional  
(3D) resolution will be required. There are various B 5 BR ln for m 5 1
ideas how this can be achieved. The excitation of a thin !m21 "   #
r m ri m21 [2]
slice in the third (axial) direction could be realized for *
B r 5 BR 12
instance by truncating the cylinder. A thin cylinder will ri m21 ro
have a pronounced field maximum in its center. Alter- for m  2
natively, two such cylinders can be mounted coaxially
in a suitable distance to produce a local field minimum. where BR is the remanence of the permanent mag-
The latter arrangement would have the advantage that netic material and ri and ro are the inner and the
the field shape can be mechanically controlled by the outer radius of the cylinder.
width of the gap. Either way the width of such a local The straightforward approach to obtain spatial reso-
field extremum will be much flatter for wider cylinders lution inside a spatially homogeneous field is to super-
(12) and the resulting slice might become too thick. impose a much weaker gradient field which transforms
Simply reducing the excitation bandwidth might not be the NMR-spectrum into a spatial projection along the
an option due to the general field inhomogeneity over gradient direction. It* is *important to realize that Max-
the region of interest. Nonetheless, the field profile can well’s second law (r  B 5 0) prevents the generation
be sharpened by adding smaller correction magnets of a gradient field in one exclusive direction only, and
(13). A more extraordinary idea could be the extension consequently only that component (dBy/dr) of the gra-
of the presented concept of dipole and quadrupole Hal- dient field is of relevance which aligns with the direc-
bach cylinders to Halbach spheres (14). Like cylinders tion of the much stronger homogeneous field (B0 here
they can be opened without strong forces to access their along y-direction) needed for polarizing the nuclear
very strong and homogeneous inner field (4) and then spins. Depending on the strength of the other (so-called
be rotated in 3D around a static sample. Finally and concomitant) gradient components relative to B0 image
more ordinarily static B0- or radio-frequency (rf) B1- distortions will appear. Yablonskiy et al. (17) show

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b


Figure 1 Schematic illustration of the Halbach magnet geometries: a) construction principle of Halbach-cylinders of polar-
ity 2m. Magnetic material placed with its center on a circle (dashed line) at an angle h has its magnetization direction (bold
arrow) at an angle a 5 (m 1 1) h. The coordinate system is used for all other graphs. b) Inner dipole (m 5 11) field created
by an annular cylinder of permanent magnet material (dark gray) with continuously changing magnetization direction as indi-
cated by the white arrows. The gray shade in the center illustrates the amplitude of the field, while its direction is specified
by the black arrowed flux lines. c) Inner Halbach quadrupole (m 5 12) in the same representation as b). d) and e) show the
Bx and By component of the flux in c). Here the black arrows indicate strength and direction of the flux (no flux lines). f) A
nested arrangement of the magnets in b) and c) producing a superposition of the homogeneous dipole field with a weaker
gradient field. Here the quadrupole (darker gray) is inside the dipole but, of course, it could also encase the dipole.

that this deviation from linearity can be described by cated by “Q”]. For such a superposition Eq. [2] results
bending lines or planes in the image with a curvature in the following vector field inside the geometry
given by a radius Rc 5 B0/G. If this radius is much big-
ger than the field of view of the image (respectively rf- " *
coil or magnet size) they can be neglected. In typical * *
Bx ðr Þ * *
B ðr Þ 5 5B 0 1 G  r
clinical MRI (B0  1 T, G 5 10–20 mT/m) Rc  50 m By ðr Þ

and hence too big to cause a noticeable image distor- " # " #
tion. However, in MRI with low or even modestly 0 21 0 *
5 B0 1G r;
strong B0-fields, the concomitant gradients may have 1 0 1
to be considered. " # [3]
A linear field dependence or constant gradient *
x ri
with r 5 ; B0 5 BD
R ln and
field can either be obtained from a current driven y roD
coil or a permanent magnet. If this gradient should !
be normal to the axis of the annular cylinder the Q 1 1
G 5 2BR Q 2 Q
most straight-forward implementation is a field of ri ro
quadrupolar polarity. Such a quadrupole field [e.g.
Fig. 1(c)] consist of two orthogonal constant gradi-
ent fields [see Figs. 1(e, f)] while its magnitude has of which only By(x, y) 5 B0 1 G y is experimentally
a conical shape [see gray shades in Fig. 1(c)]. relevant (for B0  G, obviously the concomitant
Figure 1(f) now shows a dipolar Halbach magnet gradient has always the same strength). Then MRI
with its field B0 along the y-direction [cf. Fig. 1(b) in the experiments can be performed by rotating either
following indicated by superscript “D”] encasing a magnet or sample using the backprojection idea pre-
smaller quadrupolar Halbach magnet [see Fig. 1(c) indi- suming that both cylinders are rotated synchronously.

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b

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Figure 2 By-field component of a Halbach-quadrupole rotated by an angle b in the field of a (Halbach) dipole. For a
clearer view the dipole is omitted. Otherwise it would dominate the graph since it should be much stronger than the quad-
rupole. However, it is necessary because its field direction (here y) selects the field component of the quadrupole, generat-
ing a constant gradient [dBy/dx, dBy/dy] which rotates then with 2b. a) Schematic drawing: The original positive y
direction of the quadrupole is indicated by a black triangle. The arrow inside the cylinder marks the direction of the gradi-
ent whose field change is additionally displayed by a gray scale. b) rotation by b 5 458, c) b 5 908.

If however the quadrupole is turned by an angle cylinder might be considered as a minor advantage over
b relative to the dipole, the rotation matrix, R, has rotating the entire magnet, this concept can be extended
to be applied to the gradient matrix, G, and r to change the total strength of the gradient (this is equiv-
alent to changing the total field in amplitude and direc-
* 0 * * * tion by rotating two or more nested dipoles (18,21)).
B ðr Þ 5 B 0 1 RG  ðR21 r Þ
  This is done by placing yet another quadrupole around
cos b sin b the structure of dipole and quadrupole. If this second
with R 5
2sin b cos b [4] quadrupole is now rotated with respect to dipole and first
0 2xcos 2b 1 ysin 2b quadrupole [see Fig. 3(a)] the gradient field will rotate
5 B0 1G and change its amplitude. If the first quadrupole is indi-
1 xsin 2b 1 ycos 2b
cated by “Q1” and the second by “Q2” their combined
field can be expressed by Eq. [6] as
of which again only the y-component is experimen-
tally relevant    
* * * sin 2b sin 2/
GR 5 GQ1 1 GQ2 5 GQ1 1 GQ2
B0y ðx; yÞ 5 B0 1 G ðxsin 2b 1 ycos 2bÞ: [5] cos 2b cos 2/
1 1
The gradient vector of this rotated field, B0y is with GQi 52BQi
R 2 and i 51; 2
then riQi roQi

23 [7]
dB0y " #
6 dx 7 sin 2b
0 6 7 where Q1 is rotated by an angle b and Q2 by / rel-
r By 5 6 0 7 5 G : [6]
4 dBy 5 cos 2b ative to B0. If for simplification only Q1 is turned
dy (/ 5 0) this becomes
This means that a rotation of the quadrupole by an * sin 2b 0
GR 5 GQ1 1 GQ2
angle b relative to the dipole causes the resulting field cos 2b 1
gradient to rotate by 2b with respect to the direction *
jGR j 5 GQ1 1 2GQ1 GQ2 cos 2b 1 G2Q2
2 [8]
of B0y. This is a direct consequence of the C2-symme-  
try of the quadrupolar field and allows to perform a *
21 GQ1 sin 2b
]GR 5 tan
complete rotation of the gradient direction by turning GQ1 cos 2b 1 GQ2
the quadrupole by 1808 only (as illustrated in Fig. 2).
While the ability to rotate the direction of the gradient *
Hence, the amplitude of the total gradient field,
field by turning e.g. a thinner, lighter, outer quadrupole- jG R j, has a maximal value of jGQ1 1 GQ2 j for b 5 08,

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b


Figure 3 a) Schematic drawing of a Halbach dipole (light gray, black arrows) concentrically nested in two quadrupoles
(darker grays, white arrows). If only one of the quadrupoles (here the outer is turned while the inner is static, / 5 0) is
turned by an angle b the gradient strength changes as shown in b). b) FEM-simulation with BQ1 Q2
R 5 BR 5 1 T,
riQ1 5 15 cm, roQ1 5 16 cm, riQ2 5 16.5 cm, roQ2 5 17.686 cm. The latter value was chosen so that the simulated values
GQ1 5 GQ2 5 0.801 T/m although Eq. [9] gave roQ2 5 17.72 cm. This small discrepancy stems from the discretization of the
ideal Halbachs for the simulation (see below). Both quadrupoles
were simulated in 2D as cylinders with 32 segments. The
dashed line
is a plot of Eq. [8]. Note that the direction of G R is rotated by b (and not 2b) relative to y, because Eq. [8]
gives ]G R 5 tan 21 ½sin 2b=ðcos 2b 1 1Þ 5 b for GQ1 5 GQ2. In other words, the effective gradient is formed by the vec-
tor sum of two vectors of same length and hence its angle is halved.

1808 and a minimum of jGQ1 2 GQ2 j at b 5 908, 2708. distribution and infinite length has to be discretized
In principle the gradient field can be made to disappear and truncated (truncating the length of a Halbach-
by choosing GQ1 5 GQ2 , e.g. by adjusting the outer cylinder has significant influence on the field strength
radius of the second quadrupole to and homogeneity along the cylinder axis. These
effects are discussed in detail elsewhere (12)) in order
BQ2 Q1 Q1 Q2
R ri ro ri to be constructible from permanent magnetic parts.
roQ2 5 Q1

: [9]
BR riQ1 riQ2 2roQ1 riQ2 1 BQ2 Q1 Q1
R ri ro This perturbation of ideality causes inhomogeneities
as it can be seen in Figs. 4(a, b). When a continuous
Equations [8] and [9] were tested and confirmed in Halbach magnet [cf. Fig. 4(a)] is discretized by cut-
a 2D-FEM simulation (COMSOL Multiphysics 5.1) ting it into a number of segments with homogeneous
as shown in Fig. 3, where it is demonstrated that magnetization [cf. Fig. 4(b)] the strongest deviation
quadrupoles of modest size can already produce very from the ideal field are observed at the mutual interfa-
strong gradients (GR > 1.5 T/m). They are certainly ces. Nevertheless, the production of such cylindrical
too strong for MRI (for B0  0.5 T, Rc  33 cm) but segments with individual magnetization direction at
maybe interesting for other experiments (e.g. NMR
precise angles is extremely difficult. Therefore, it was
diffusion measurements). For MRI the gradient
suggested (12,20) to simplify the construction by
strength can be easily adjusted by reducing size or
using magnets with polygonal or circular cross-
remanence of the magnetic material using Eq. [8].
sections and identical magnetization and mount them
It should be noted that the combination of a Halbach
such that the magnetization direction fulfills Eq. [1]
dipole with a weaker quadrupole can also be realized
[cf. Fig. 4(c)]. Due to this construction principle pro-
by constructing only one cylinder from pieces whose
duction errors of the magnet segments in magnetiza-
magnetization is the vector sum of that of dipole and
tion direction and strength can be reduced
quadrupole. The gradient of this elaborate design could
significantly using different approaches (3,4,12,21)
still be varied by a second quadrupole, however
resulting in Halbach assemblies with inhomogeneities
strength or distance and direction of the magnetic sub-
in the order of ppm.
units will have to be adjusted individually.
While all these investigations were done for Hal-
bach dipoles to generate magnetic fields of high
PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS homogeneity, Fig. 4 illustrates that the same concept
allows to produce discrete Halbach quadrupoles with
So far only ideal Halbach systems were considered. very homogeneous field gradients. However, there are
However, in reality their continuous magnetization small differences in the experimental demands for

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b

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Figure 4 a) Ideal Halbach of magnetic material (BR 5 1.0 T, ri 510 cm, ro 5 12.37 cm) with a continuous distributed
magnetization direction, producing a homogeneous gradient of 3.83 T/cm as given by Eq. [3]. b)–f) 2D FEM-simulation
of discrete Halbach quadrupoles. The grayscale images show the produced gradient dBy/dy of the overlaid magnetic mate-
rial (gray with white arrows indicating the magnetization direction). The range of the gradient strength is displayed on the
right of each image and adjusted to the central gradient value 6 10%. b) Discretized version of a) consisting of 32 seg-
ments producing Gc 5 3.69 T/cm in the center. c–f) Discrete variations using different numbers of magnets of squared
cross-section with 1.58 cm side length. c) 32 magnets with Gc 5 1.76 T/cm (corresponding to f 5 47.7% of magnet mate-
rial relative to the amount used in a and b). d) 16 magnets with Gc 5 0.88 T/cm and f 5 23.9%. e) Eight magnets with
Gc 5 0.44 T/cm and f 5 11.9% and f) four magnets with Gc 5 0.22 T/cm and f 5 5.97%.

such gradients in MRI. Firstly, they do not need to be geneity scales logarithmically with the number of
as strong as possible. Therefore, the magnet concen- used magnets. In other words, one can probably work
tration can be reduced, which reduces the gradient with inhomogeneous gradient fields as long as they
amplitude proportional to the area/volume covered by are bijective.
magnetic material [cf. Figs. 4(b–f)]. Secondly the Hence, a practical design suggestion for an MRI
homogeneity requirements for the gradient field are magnet could be a strong, stationary dipolar Hal-
less demanding in image reconstruction as nicely bach magnet encased by two quadrupole rings
demonstrated in Ref. 6 and from Figs. 4(c–f) it can which can both be rotated relative to the dipole [cf.
be estimated that the area of a certain gradient homo- Fig. 3(a)]. A rotation of both quadrupoles relative to

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b


Figure 5 2D FEM-simulation of a possible magnet design. a) Design and flux: The inner Halbach dipole consists of 16
octagonal magnets with a side length of 1.96 cm and a remanence of BR 5 1.5 T producing a field of 0.45 T over an
accessible inner volume of 20 cm in diameter. The quadrupole is made of eight cylindrical segments (BR 5 0.3 T,
ri 5 16 cm, ro 5 17 cm) of which four (Q1) are stationary while the others can be turned by an angle b. Each subset of
four magnets produces a gradient of GQ1 5 GQ2 5 0.026 T/cm. The gray scale image *
shows the magnitude of the generated
flux in the range of the gradient field, i.e. 0.44 to 0.448 T. b) Effective gradient jG R j produced by turning Q2 by an angle
b. The inner error bars represent the standard deviation, the outer the minimal/maximal values in an analyzing circle of
10 cm in diameter (black circle in center of a)). The dashed line is a plot of Eq. [8].

each other can be used to adjust the gradient strength CONCLUSION

according to Eq. [8]. If the angle between both quad-
rupoles is then locked and they are both rotated by The concept of producing homogeneous magnetic field
908, full k-space can be acquired via projections. If gradients by superimposing Halbach quadrupoles to
image reconstruction methods are available which tol- Halbach dipoles was introduced together with possibil-
erate modest gradient inhomogeneities the density of ities to rotate the direction and scale the amplitude of
magnets in both quadrupoles can be greatly reduced the resulting gradient by turning one or two quadru-
as shown in Fig. 4. Finally these two ideas can be poles. Although no real prototype has been constructed
merged in a magnet design similar to that depicted in yet, the parameters of suggested designs were calcu-
Fig. 5(a), where four magnets (Q1) are meant to be lated and successfully verified by 2D-FEM simulations.
stationary while four others (Q2) can be rotated on For the construction of a first prototype care has to
the same perimeter around a dipole. In this way the be taken, because the gradients produced by Halbach
strength of the gradient can be adjusted [see Fig. quadrupoles are very strong. Their concomitant gra-
5(b)] in a very compact design. In this arbitrarily cho- dients have to be considered even at the relatively
sen geometry the gradient can be varied from 44.5 to strong B0 fields available from Halbach-dipoles. On
53.0 mT/m (for 1H this corresponds to a resolution of the other hand this has the advantage that small mag-
1,890 to 2,250 Hz/mm; or with a sampling bandwidth nets added to the outside of a Halbach-dipole superim-
of 500 kHz the field of view will be 22 to 26 cm pose gradients which are already sufficient for MRI.
which are reasonable values) and other values are, of Having the “gradient”-magnets on the outside of the
course, possible by changing shape and/or strength of “field”-magnet might also allow to remove and add
Q1 and Q2. While one quadrupole (Q2) is turned to them depending on the application or to move them to
adjust the gradient strength, the other magnets of Q1 rotate the gradient. Finally rotating only a subset of
can be moved away from their initial position to the “gradient”-magnets can be used to scale the gradi-
homogenize (shim) the fields (3). Although the gradi- ent (as shown in a simulated design study in Fig. 5).
ent strength can only be changed and not completely The latter idea as well as all discretization and trunca-
cancelled in this device such a design might be suffi- tion of ideal magnet structures, which are necessary
cient for most MRI applications where the gradient for constructing a real device, will of course reduce
strength merely needs to be adjusted to sample size the homogeneity of magnetic fields and field gradients
and spatial resolution. [see Fig. 5(b)]. Furthermore, intrinsic deviations in the

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B (Magnetic Resonance Engineering) DOI 10.1002/cmr.b

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