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Federalists vs democratic republicans

Federalists wanted a strong central power and have the welborn and well educated oversee the
republic. While they feared unchecked democracy as ‘mob rule’ Did not initially create a political
party instead it was a group of shared assumptions. For them political participation was
intertwined with property rights. Washington first president,hamilton secretary of treasury, and
Thomas Jefferson Secretary of state.

Wealthy merchants and planters made up Federalists central power.

Hamilton created a three part program for setting the US financial system, make the US credit
worthy by turning the notes given to war Veterans into bonds inside of the Federal Govt. The
problem with this is that many of the notes were sold by their original owners at a fraction of the
cost due to a desperate need for money, now most of the notes are in other people's hands.
Create a national bank that would have a national currency.

Democratic republicans feared the creation of an aristocracy

Forged from

George washington admonished the US not to have political parties 2 emerged feds and demo
republics, (jeffersonian republicans) who were leaders of each faction and why do you believe
each took their specific political stands and which was each core beliefs and what was the
impact on the future of the USA. Projection on to today's 2 parties, 30M to write.

George washington warned the Us of not having political parties, but inevitably his
warning was unheard as two quickly formed after the ratification of the constitution, the
Federalists supported the strong government who were led by John Adams, Alexander Hamilton
and George Washington. They had multiple core beliefs centered around the white male and
ultimately created the foundation on how many of our governmental economic system through
Alexander Hamilton’s program. The democratic-republicans supported less governmental power
as they focused more on the states and individual rights as they got the Bill of Rights amended
into the Constitution. They were led by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson who felt the
federal gov’t had overstepped itself when Alexander Hamilton implemented his program.
The Federalists were led by Alexander hamilton, John Adams and George Washington,
they supported the Constitution on a strong federal Government. They represented Wealthy
merchants and planters, and believed that the white male was superior to others, especially
being found in their definition of Citizenship. Which was found in the 1790 Naturalization Act
which was a severely racist based act excluding all other races aside from White males. It even
excluded the voting rights to those who owned property with few instances for women to vote.
Under Washington’s office years they implemented precedence for many parts of the
government, one of the largest was Alexander Hamilton’s program which set the National Bank,
created a system of bonds and turned Notes of debt into bonds, and created an importation tax
to promote our own manufacturing goods.
The Democratic Republicans disagreed with that and their leaders Thomas Jefferson,
and James Madison who represented the artisans

George washington admonished the US not to have political parties 2 emerged feds and demo
republics, (jeffersonian republicans) who were leaders of each faction and why do you believe
each took their specific political stands and which was each core beliefs and what was the
impact on the future of the USA. Projection on to today's 2 parties, 30M to write.

Federalists Leaders :Alexander Hamilton, John adams

Belief : rule by the few, white males with property should govern, supported manufacturing,
were horror struck by the french revolution and especially The Terror.
Impact : Alexander Hamilton's program created the National Bank, a system of bonds and
turned notes of debt into bonds
Why they took their stands? : to conserve power, as most of their supporters were rich white
males the reason for singling them out as voters. The national bank helped stabilize the federal
power over the state banks.

Democratic Republican leaders : Thomas Jefferson, James Madison

Belief : Voting rights for only white Yeomen Farmers, supported representative democracy and
the french revolution as they held the type of democracy he liked the most while Feds were
against that type of democracy.
Impact : the crossing of power from the Federalists to the Democratic republicans did not
consist of a physical confrontation causing an important precedent for the later parties.
Why they took stands, believed that a rule by a government would be a repeat of the british rule
as the republic would favor solely the wealthy caring not for all men.Jefferson also brought forth,
though unintentionally on his part Judicial Review, expanded the USA with the Louisiana

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