CEIC Company Profile, Latest PDF, 01 August 2019

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We are a team of dedicated, experienced and creative professionals who diligently worked at the United
Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) at Capacity Development Division (CDD), Macroeconomic
Policy Division (MPD), Regional Integration and Trade Division (RITD), Social Development Policy Division
(SDPD) and Governance and Public Administration Division (GPAD); African Union (AU); Oxfam International
Pan Africa Office (OIPAO); European Union Commission (EU) and World Bank Groups (WBG) and professors
with ample experience at different Universities.

The Consultancy Firm was established in 2017 with half a million capitals by professionals from
different disciplines with a wealth of experience that received awards, outstanding performances, and
appreciation letters for their professional contributions including strategy development, top-notch policy
advice, and researches as well as training. The team worked on diverse areas including business, project and
programme development, environment impact assessment, regional integration and trade, good
governance, climate change, environmental management, protection and impact assessment, rural
livelihood, peace and security, and socio-economic development related issues including health,
unemployment and migration as well
as eventplanning and management and ICT support
among others.

In addition to its dedicated staff, the Consultancy Firm has a network of professionals including professors
based at various universities and consultants (young and senior) at global, regional and national levels.
Vision Mission
To be a center of excellence in consultancy, Equipping our esteemed customers with the-
research, training and event management state-of-the art knowledge for excellence
as well as ICT support


Promoting and supporting the socio-economic transformation of developing countries in general, and African
countries and Ethiopia in particular as well as issues that affect developed countries. In this regard, it aims to
support the actualization of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Agenda 2030; the African
Union’s Agenda 2063 and Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-II) of the government of Ethiopia among others.

Thematic Focus Areas and Services

The Consultancy Firm provides training, research and consultancy works on diverse socio-economic and
development related issues including business feasibility study; environment impact assessment; project
design, development, management, monitoring and evaluation (beginning, midterm, and end); socioeco-
nomic issues (poverty reduction, health, education and unemployment); governance, peace and security;
private sector development; Africa and Emerging Powers /Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
(BRICS)/ partnership related issues and event planning and management as well as registration of
companies and issuing of license and processing resident and work permit.
In this regard, the Consultancy Firm provides the following services to its esteemed
international and local customers such as public agencies, the private sector and civil societies, local and
international NGOs as well as otherinstitutions:
Business Feasibility Study - an analysis and evaluation of a proposed project to determine if it is
technically feasible with the estimated cost and profitable according to the total capital invested.

Environment Impact Assessment – to ascertain the impacts of the project’s/factory’s

opera- tional activities on the existing environment. There are many possible negative
operational impacts on the environment including environmental stress, environmental risk and
deforestation. Environmental stress examines the high degree of pressure on the environment caused by
the factory’s activities such as land degradation, water or air pollution that affects the surrounding areas
and residents. Environmental risk
is about actual or potential threat of adverse effect on living organisms by effluents, emissions, wastes,
resource depletion arising out of the factory operation activity. It will also see the impact of the project/fac-
tory on forest-deforestation.

Project/Programme Design, Development, Management, Monitoring and Evaluations M & E (Ex-Ante-

Baseline, Midterm, On-going, Ex-post-End, Impact and Summative) and Learning:

The consultancy firm hosts experienced professionals in project/programme development, management,

monitoring and evaluations and learning with first-hand experience.

Baseline Survey, Data Collection, Processing and Analysis on diverse socioeconomic issues such as pov-
erty reduction, livelihood, rural-urban market access, climate change, health (HIV/AIDS and other diseases
assessments), education, migration, unemployment, gender, youth and children related issues. The data will
be performed by the latest software technology such as Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS);
STATA, EPI INFO, R, S+, ODK, CSPro, Survey CTO, ODK and SAS to produce required outputs from the survey:
trend analysis, case studies, impacts and proffer policy recommendations.
Provides Consultancy, Research and Trainings on

The aforementioned socio-economic issues including training on leadership development, stress management, hu-
man resource management, performance management, strategic plan, customer management, self-development, conflict
management, team building, Kaizen, strategic management, internal auditing, procurement, project management, market-
ing and salesmanship, basic computer, different Microsoft office application programs, statistical packages (SPSS, STATA, etc),
Conduct systems analysis and design, private sector development, organizational assessment study, and etc.
Governance related issues such as African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Extractive Industries Governance
including the African Mining Vision, and Good Governance as well as Developmental State;
Peace and Security related issues such as peace keeping, peace building and post conflict reconstruction; and
Peace and Security related issues such as peace keeping, peace building and post conflict reconstruction; and
Africa and Emerging Powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – BRICS) partnership related issues.
We facilitate, organise events, avails resource persons, provide training for policy makers on how
best to engage BRICS countries, collect data and analyse as well as produce policy briefs and
other research works.

Event Planning and Management

The Firm has a very experienced staff with high networks at international, continental, regional and national
levels with long years’ of experience as planners, managers and rapporteurs. Previously they planned, man-
aged and served as Master of Ceremony (MC) at high level events, meetings and dialogues organized by the
United Nations, the African Union, World Bank and Oxfam International among others. In this regard, we kindly
- Plan, design and successfully manage events; annual meetings; seminars; dialogues;
conferences trainings and retreats;
- Facilitate logistics including venue selections; hotel bookings; transportation man-
agement and guest handling;
- Avail resource persons from (universities, government, UN System, Civil Societies and
Private sector) including speakers, facilitators and experienced rapporteurs;
- Produce high standard proceedings; policy briefs; reports and policy documents;
- Develop communications strategy; publicise events through our social media and
networks; and manage invitations and registrations;
- We also provide multi-lingual usher services; translation & interpretation and audio/
visual, lighting, staging, and special effects support; and
- Record events i.e., audio and video and produce podcast.
- The Consultancy Firm is also involved in proposal writing and
concept note development for diverse purposes, events and
- We also process issuance of licenses, company and TIN registrations,
resident permits and related services for investors.

Our Core Values are

Integrity and Ethics
Doing the right thing, in an honest, fair and responsible way.

Respecting our employees and customers’ individual human rights,
privacy and eliminating all kinds of discrimination.

Providing the best service to the satisfaction of our customer.

We are passionate to operate above excuses, and firm
on introducing new ideas and if there is no, we innovate.

Mentoring young professionals.

Mr. Gedion G. Jalata, Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Prior to this Gedion served as Programme Manager for the Africa-China Dialogue Platform (ACDP) and Eco-
nomic Justice (EJ) at Oxfam International Pan Africa Office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He worked with Oxfam
International from 3 January 2016 to 4 January 2018, and got an outstanding performance on his
accomplishments in leading the Africa-China and Economic Justice Programme including Extractive
Industries; Financing for Development (ffd); Agriculture and Climate Justice. He also worked with the
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) where he served for 8 years (2008-2015) as a
research consultant at the Capacity Development Division (CDD), Macroeconomic Policy Division (MPD),
Governance and Public Administration Division (GPAD) on policy issues related to capacity development,
economic development and governance including resource governance, public administration, anti-
corruption, and illicit financial flows. In particular, Gedion worked on ECA’s flagship reports namely the
African Governance Reports (AGR II, III and IV), published by Oxford University Press; the Mutual Review of
Development Effectiveness (MRDE) Report; AU and ECA High-Level Panel Report on Illicit Financial Flows,
and Economic Report on Africa (ERA)
among others.

Gedion authored and co-authored numerous journal articles, research papers and book chapters on China/
BRICS relations, development, and governance related issues in Africa. He also participated and organised
different international conferences at international, continental, regional and country levels. In this
regard, Gedion got an award for academic excellence from the United States Africa Centre for Strategic
Studies. He also got an appreciation letter on his research works and publications from Dr. Carlos Lopes,
Undersecretary General and Executive Secretary, former, of the UNECA. Gedion is also a senior vetted
advisor on South-South Cooperation for the UNDP Regional Office in Africa. Gedion worked as a
lecturer of political science, international relations, and social science courses in government and private
Universities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and got appreciations. He holds a Masters’ Degree in International
Relations (thesis: Ethiopia and China partnership and got an excellent standing) and Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science and International Relations (His BA paper was on Ethiopian Federal System: Power
Distribution and Federal Interventions and got an excellent standing). Currently, he is doing his PhD. His
PhD dissertation is An African Developmental
States: Ethiopia’s Emergent Experience.
Dr. Messay Mulugeta
is an expert on land use planning and management of land resources, social impacts assessment, environmental impact
assessment (EIA), project development, rural livelihoods, food reserve systems, right to adequate food, climate
variability and its implications to food insecurity. His expertise includes policy formulation for urban agriculture,
agricultural transformation and its implications for poverty reduction, and PSNP as well as migration related issues. He
has also published on an Assessment on the Cross-Border Migration and Contributing Factors in Ethiopia: What Empirical
Evidences Are There to Address the Challenges? He also published journal articles on Women, Children and Youth
Development Support (WCYDF) funded by CCRDA and Action Aid Ethiopia (March 2017); Cross-Border Migration and
Human Trafficking in Ethiopia: Contributing Factors, Policy Responses and the Way Forward for Fudan Journal of the
Humanities and Social Sciences (February 2018) and others. He also participated in many International and national
workshops and conferences on land use planning and management of land resources, environment protection, food
security, nutrition and migration and climate change related issues in Ethiopia and beyond. He fluently speaks English,
Oromiffa and Amharic languages. He has PhD in GeES specialization in Socioeconomic Development Planning and
Environment, and has double master’s degree i.e., MA in Geography and Environmental Studies, and MSc in
Environmental Science specialization in Environmental Resources Management as well as BA in Geography and
Environmental Studies. He is an Associate Professor at College of Development Studies, Center for Food Security, Addis
Ababa University & Visiting Research Scholar at Fudan University (China).

Prof. Kassahun Berhanu

Is a specialist on governance and development issues. He has researched and published on issues
mainly relating to governance, decentralisation, and political economy of agricultural policy, conflicts,
elections and democracy. He worked on diverse governance related reports on Ethiopia for the UNECA,
African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), World Bank Country Office; Consortium of Christian
Relief and Development Association (CCRDA), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and
Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Country Office. He holds a PhD in Political Science

from the Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Master of Arts in Politics of Development
from the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, the Netherlands and Bachelor of Arts (Distinction) in
Political Science and International Relations (major), and Public Administration (minor), Addis Ababa
Dr. Abiot Legese

is a Physical Land Use Planning Expert. He has published articles on GIS based study of soils and

gully erosion; Factors Influencing Farmers Decision on the Use of Introduced Soil and Water Conservation

Practices; Variation in soil property under different land use types; Wind Power Potential different

sites; Landscape based upstream-downstream prevalence of land use/cover change drivers; and Monitoring

Deforestation. Dr Abiot took several training and workshops on sustainable land management; GIS and Remote

sensing training for Natural resources management; the dynamics of Indigenous agroforestry knowledge;

environment and development; ESRI Online MOOC course; on analysis of forest degradation and deforestation using

CLASlitever-3 software and research methodologies. He has very good skills in SPSS, R, ARC GIS, ERDAS IMAGINE,

QGIS, IDRISI, and CLASlite software. He has a PhD in Geography and Environmental Studies, and an MA

in Geography and Environmental Studies and is currently attending Msc. in Geoinformation sciences.

Dr Abiot fluently speaks Oromifa, Amharic and English language.

Prof. K. Mathews
is a Professor of International Relations and specialist on South-South Cooperation including BRCS coun-
tries partnership with African countries. He has well over 100 publications, including his widely
referred Book on Africa, India and South South Coopertation, 1997, as well as The Foreign Policy of
Tanzania (ed.) 1982. As a noted expert on African Affairs, his articles have appeared in reputed journals in
India, Africa, Europe and America. He has also contributed Chapters to good number of Edited Books mainly
on India-Africa Relations, China-Africa Relations, OAU and AU, Emerging Powers in Africa, among others. He
has travelled extensively in twenty-one African countries and thirty other countries outside Africa including
number of visits to China in recent years. He secured his PhD in International Relations from the Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi in 1973 for his highly commended Thesis “Regionalism and International Secu-
rity”. He has taught in other reputed Universities, including Jawaharlal Nehru University, (JNU), University of
Dar-es Salaam, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Addis Ababa University.
Mekasha is a specialist on education management, law, policy studies and human resource management.
DrMelesehas a PhD in Education Management, Law and Policy studies from the University of Pretoria, South
Africa and Masters of Arts in Public Administration University of Indra Gandhi National Open University as well
as BA degree in Industrial, Organizational and Labor Studies from University of Natal, South Africa.

Mr Rohit
Pal is a specialist on business management, project planning, business feasibility study, plan and
stakeholders management with more than 14 years first-hand experience in USA, UK, Canada, Nigeria, Saudi
Arabia, Philip- pines, Singapore and Ethiopia. He has Executive MBA from IIM Lucknow, and M.Sc. (Computer
Science) from JiwajiUniversity as well as B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) from CCS University

Mr. Yinebeb
Girma is a talented financial, business feasibility and project management specialist. He hasthe Association of
Char- tered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK, and ExecutiveMaster of Business Administration, Faculty of
Business and Economics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and BA in Accounting, Faculty of Business and
Economics, Ad- dis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He has over 15 years of experience and involved in financial,
project and grant management of various donors fundsincluding USAID, WB, EU, SIDA, NIKE Foundation,
Packard Foundation, UNOCHA, USDA, the lion share of experience goes with the USAID grant administration.

Mr. Zewdu Teferi

is an experienced trainer, management and IT Consultant, business feasibility, project management and mind
education specialist. He has M.Sc. degree in Computing Science from the University of East Anglia, UK, and BA
degree in Business Management from the Addis Ababa University. He has more than 30 years of experience in
management, training and consultancy works. He served different national and international organizations as a
manager and director at Information Technology and Human Resource departments.
Mr. Yonas
Bekele is a specialist on research, teaching, consultancy, and business development including quantitative and
quali- tative assessment of projects, policy analysis and management of regional projects/programs,
development of national action plans and evaluation of their effects, providing technical advice to government
departments on matters of policy issues, capacity building, and development of bankable projects/programs.
He worked at the European Union Commission (EU), the African Union (AU) and World Bank Groups (WBG). He
has also worked at the UNECA at the Finance and Private Sector Section of the Macroeconomic Policy Division
as a lead consul- tant and with the Infrastructure Section of ECA’s Regional Integration and Trade Division,
undertaking research and advising African Countries and regional organizations on infrastructure policy issues.
He has been involved in the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), the NEPAD Presidential
Infrastructure Champion Initiative (PICI) and the African Road Safety Action Plan for 2011-2020. Mr. Yonas holds
MSc degree in Infrastructure Economics (Transportation Engineering/Energy Sector), and Policy Analysis and a
BA degree in
Business, Economics and Finance.

Mr. Abebe Mengesha

is a specialist on human resource management and development, trainings, business management, occupa-
tional health and safety management, and insurance activities with more than 15 years’ work experience. He
holds Executive MBA from Finland and MA in Human Resource Management from Addis Ababa University and
BA Degree in Management from Mekelle University.
Ms. Emebet
Alemayehu is a specialist in audit, compliance and risk management, insurance and law. She has over 17 years’
experience in the insurance industry. She demonstrates strong and transferable skills in developing,
improving and doc- umenting work processes; Operational and Financial works. She can ensure that work units
such as claims(the most important work Unit in the Insurance industry), underwriting and finance were
meeting or exceeding performance standards and delivering value for money. She has Bachelor Degree in
Laws (LL.B) from Addis Ababa University (Graduated with Great Distinction) and another BA Degree in
Business Management and Public Administration from Addis Ababa University as well as Certificate in
Insurance from Chartered Insurance
Institute (CII), England.

Attorney Elias Legesse

is among the best lawyers in Ethiopia licensed to practice in all Federal Courts of the Country. As a Professional
Lawyer, he has dealt with various complicated cases for international and national clients and successfully set-
tled the case in their best interest. In addition Mr. Elias has prepared and review legal documents in accordance
with clients’ commercial strategies. He is a specialist on business transactions and intellectual property; invest-
ment, forex and entity oration. He has MA in Federalism and Local Governance and Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Mr. Nigatu Ayele

is a specialist on livelihood, peace and security, food security, education, health, environment and WASH
programs. He has good applied assessment skills and experience on both sedentary and pastoral communities
with proven skills in research, proposal writing, and donor report writing, HR, logistics and finance. He has more
than 15 years of work experience as a country director, manger and program coordinator at different NGOs.
He has produced various research, progress, and terminal reports, grant proposals and assessment reports. He
has also experience in influencing policy at the parliament and consulting key committee members on issues
of national security and conflict resolution. MrNigatu is a multi-lingual (fluent in Amharic, Oromiffa, Gedeuffaa/
Gedeo Language and English) person. He has Master of Arts degree in International Relations, B.A. degree in
Political Science and International Relations and Post Graduate Diploma in Diplomatic Communications and
International Relations.
Dr Elazar T. Balla
is a specilaist on human nutrition focusing on childhood malnutrition. She has extensive experience on
research, consultancy, training and material development, incubation centres and research centres. She has
taught different nursing and public health courses to health science students in class. Supervision of health
science students in community based educations such as team training program; community based training
programs, vaccination campaigns and hospital practice and advised final year health science students. She has
also published on community-based management of severe acute child malnutrition; perceptions of usage
and unintended consequences of provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food for management of severe acute
child malnutrition; and challenges in implementing integrated community based outpatient therapeutic
program for severely malnourished children in rural southern Ethiopia among others. Dr.Elazar has PhD in
human nutrition (Focus on Childhood malnutrition) from Uppsala University, Sweden and Masters of Science in
international health from Uppsala University, Sweden, and Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Jimma

Dr. Weini
Teklu is a medical doctor by profession with more than 26 years of experience in the Ethiopian health system
both as physician and a care provider. She worked on internal medicine, emergence medicine, HIV/AIDS,
outpatient evaluation, diagnosis and management as well as in-patient in the hospital. She has an excellent
organization- al, analytical and managerial abilities; able to thrive in a fast-paced and challenging
environment that involves managing multiple tasks simultaneously; versatile and a quick learner who love
challenges and adopt well to new situation; self-motivated; skilled in negotiation, people management and
interpersonal skills; excellent communication skills and multi-lingua (fluent in Tigrigna, Amharic, English and

Dr Abrham Yohannes
is a medical doctor and consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist. He has over 18 years of
experience. He has post graduate education in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and is a Medical Doctor from
Gondar College of
Medicine and Health Sciences, Gondar, Ethiopia.
Dr. Tadesse Jaleta

obtained a PhD in Interdisciplinary Child Research from Norwegian University

of Science and Technology in 2013. He is an expert on Child protection,
participation and qualities of provision. He participated in international and national research projects
A researcher such as Children, Young People and Local Knowledge in Ethiopia Zambia (2008 – 2012),
which was a collaborative research project among Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Dilla University and University of ZambiThis project was funded by Norwegian Center for International
Collaboration Education and led by Professor Anne Trine Kjorholt of the Center for Child Research, NTNU.
The other international project was Effects of civil societies’ activities related to earl childhood care and
development in Ethiopia and Zambia (2012-2015), which was also a collaborative research project
among Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dilla University, University of Zambia and Addis
Ababa University. This project was funded by NORAD and led by Professor Anne Trine Kjorholt.
The other project, which is still in progress, is titled Building the Social competence of Children and Young people
through Education (2014 -2018). This project has been funded by Ethiopian Government and administered by Dilla
University.Tadesse published over 15 articles in internationally reputable journals in the areas of children’s
participation, protection and the qualities of provision in the contexts of agro-pastoral societies in southern Ethiopia.
He also presented several research papers on national and international conferences. Dr. Tadesse is a consultant at the
center of Excellence international consult and an associate professor at Addis Ababa University, Department of
Humanities. He was a postdoctoral scholar at the Centre for Children’s Rights Studies of the Geneva University in
Switzerland (from September 2016 to August 2017).He speaks English, Amharic and Oromiffa fluently.

Dr. Meseret
Alaro is a specialist in women empowerment and adolescent reproductive health activists. She has over ten years of
expe- rience of teaching in a university context. She has expertise in planning, developing and managing projects on
girls’ education, and adolescent reproductive health and HIV/HIV/AIDS working with government and non-
government organizations. With solid research experience on girl’s education, gender responsive pedagogy, and
adolescent repro-ductive health communication and livelihoods. She has been involved in developing training
manuals, and delivering training’s. She has been engaged in teacher education programs through teaching and
advising in-service and pre- serves trainee. She has ample knowledge and expertise about the international
declarations and policy frameworks
on access to education, health, microfinance, ICT, WASH and Energy.
Ms. Herodawit Merid

has been working on child protection under refugee setting, safety net humanitarian programs

focusing on building resilience to shocks and livelihoods and to enhance the food security and nutrition

status of the 7.9 million vulnerable rural households living in Ethiopia. She has strong management skills in leadership,

team building, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating development programs. She has done her Masters

in Sustainable Peace in the Contemporary World, Migration Studies and Business Administration and has acquired

B.A. in International Business Administration. Ms. Herodawit has worked with Government Organization, NGOs, UN body

on cash transfer, Public Work, livelihoods, refugees, labour migrant workers programs.

Ms Achamelysh Asrat
Is a specialist on health; emergency nutrition, maternal and children health with over nine years’ experience both at
federal ministry of health and regional health bureaus. She has MA in Counseling and Psychology and Bachelor of
Science in Nursing from Haramaya University.

Mr. Gezahegn G/Mariam

Is a specialist on remote rural communities in
program leadership, and management in integrated development projects
such as agriculture, rural livelihoods diversification, education
project, healthcare & HIV/AIDS programs, water sanitation and hygiene
project (Wash), relief and emergency project, gender based violence,
migration & child protection projects. He has over ten years of experience and holds Master’s degree in Sociology and
BA in Economics and Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (health science).
Ms Blen
Fitsum is a specialist in the field of journalism, communication/PR and events as a practitioner, trainer and a
leader and has over a decade and half experience. She was given a Meritorious Honor award by the US
Department of State for extra-ordinary service in leading the Information and Communication Section and
ensuring the US government continued to get its messages out in Ethiopia in the absence of the US
Information Attaché. She has a Master of Arts Degree in Journalism and Communications, Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science and Inter-
national Relations, and in History from Addis Ababa University.

Tesfaye Is a specialist on IT, knowledge management (KM), software and database development,
monitoring & eval- uation. He has BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Addis Ababa University
and Diploma in Java Programing and Entrepreneurship from MIT-AITI.

Mr. Kaleab Solomon

Is a talented web designer and web developer, HTML, E-commerce, graphic design, photoshop, commercial
awareness, data base management system and etc. He has B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science with Distinction.

Mr. Elais Tadele

is a young dedicated specialist on cinematography, marketing, event management and creative team.
He has Diloma in marketing management.

Dr Arragaw Alemayehu
is a specialist on environment feasibility study, environment and natural resource management. He has partic-
ipated in diverse international, continental and sub-regional workshops in different capacities. He has PhD in
Geography and Environmental Studies from Addis Ababa University.

Mr.Molla Maru
is a specialist on GIS, geo-data analyst, remote sensing, Idrisi, ArcInfo, and related Software. He has done several
works at federal, regional and local levels in relation to mapping and analysis spatial patterns and temporal
trends of land use/cover changes in Ethiopia. He has MSc, in Geographical Information Systems and Remote
sensing (specializing in GIS database modeling for crop forecasting) in 1997 and BA, in Statistics (with Comput-
er science minor), 1991.

Engineer Kifle
Alemayehu Has more than total Twenty Five years Civil engineering experience in : government small scale
industries enterprise; international development organization, international donors - government social
development organization , government construction enterprise , and private architects and engineers
consulting firms. He also worked as surveyor at Handicrafts and Small Scale Industries Development Agency.
Mr. Abraha Weldegerima

is a specialist on data collection, data management, monitoring and evaluation. He is an expert in designing
survey questionnaire electronically through Cspro (Census and Survey Processing System), Survey CTO, Survey
solution, Surveybe and working with ODK (Open Data Kit and Epi Infotm 7 for data collection and data entry. He is
also an expert in working with SPSS and STATA. He has worked on Cspro questionnaire designer and data manager
in IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) in a survey “Strengthen PSNP4 Institutions and Resilience
(SPIR) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) Baseline Survey. Data manager and Cspro questionnaire designer
in IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) in the PSNP4 (Productive Safety Net Program) project
conducted by BST survey solution. Data manager and coordinator in EDRI (Ethiopian Development Research
Institution) for the project name GAGE (Gender and Adolescent Global Evidence) conducted in collaboration with
EDI (Economic Development Initiatives) and ODI (Overseas Development Institute). Mr. Abraha has MSc in Rural
Development from Hawassa University and BA in Rural Development from Ambo University.

Mr. BerheKiros Gebremedhn

is a specialist on data collection including smart phones. Currently he is doing his MA in Development Studies
specializing in food security. He has B.A in Finance and Development Economics from Addis Ababa University
School of Commerce and diploma with Human Resource Management from Addis Ababa University School of

Berhane is a specialist on environment, agriculture, data collection and analysis including baseline survey,
GIS, and remote sensing. Currently he is doing his MSC in development studies specialising in food
security at Addis
Ababa University.
Projects: Past and On-going
Staff of Center of Excellence International Consult led, involved and organized
several international, continental and national projects.

The Most Prominent are:

Strategy Development and Feasibility Study

- Oxfam International Pan Africa Strategy, 2017 to 2020 mainly provided a political economy analysis on and
In Africa, and developing the economic justice programme including financing for development (ffd),
Industry and agriculture and climate justice.

- Oxfam International Pan Africa Strategy on Africa-China Partnership, 2016 and 2017.
- African Union and UNECA Five Years Anti-Corruption Programme Strategy, 2011 o 2016.
- Staff also worked over 400 business feasibility studies.

Research Works and Surveys

 A Survey on Transnational Knowledge Transfer In Comparative Perspectives: The Cases of Eastern Industrial
Zone in Dukem Town and the Ethio-China Agriculture Demonstration Center in Ginchi Town for Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore, 2018.
 A Research work on Africa-China Agriculture Modernisation Cooperation: Approaches, Challenges and
Opportunities for Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa, 2018. The work was completed and
launched at Sheraton Pretoria, in South Africa.

 African Governance Outlook: Ethiopia, Commissioned by the African Capacity Building Foundation, February 2017.

 The African Governance Report (AGR) of the UNECA published by Oxford University Press. It is a survey of
political, economic governance, institutional effectiveness, human rights, corruption and capacity development of
African countries. AGR I, 2005, covers 25 African countries, AGR II, 2009, covers 35 African countries, AGR III,
2013, covers, 40 African countries, AGR IV, 2016. Staff of Center of Excellence involved in the survey, review of
the country reports as well as continental reports.
 The African Union and the UNECA Illicit Financial Flows: Report of the High Level Panel on Illicit
Financial Flows from Africa (Mbeki Report), 2014.
- UNECA Report on Mainstreaming Governance in Mineral Rich
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) member Countries, 2015.

- UNECA and OECD’sMutual Review of Development Effectiveness (MRDE) Report, 2013, and 2014.

- “African Countries’ Engagement with China and Other Partners to Achieve SDGs and Agenda 2063”, Oxfam
International’s Africa-China Dialogue Platform Report (ACDP), 28 September.2016

- “Agriculture Development in the Current Africa-China Partnership: Prospects and Challenges”, Oxfam Interna-
tional’s Africa-China Dialogue Platform Report (ACDP), 2 March 2016.

- “Study on Drivers of Success in the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) in Ethi-
opia”, Commissioned by TANGO International Inc, USA, July-October 2013.

- The African Union and UNECA, the Africa Governance Newsletter, 2010-2013.
- UNECA’s research work and survey on Governance and Economic Development in
Africa in Comparison With East Asian Countries, 2012/2013;

- Assessment of the Impact of the Guideline to Regulate the Administrative and Operational Costs of Ethiopian
Charities, a Consultancy Report Submitted to the Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association
(CCRDA), April 2013, Addis Ababa.

- UNECA’s research work on the Comparative Analysis of UN Convention Against Corruption

and AU Convention on Corruption and Related Offences 2011;

- A Study on GO-CSO Principled Partnership and Alliance for Development in Ethiopia,

a Consultancy Report Submitted to the Consortium of Christian Relief and
Development Association (CCRDA), December 2011, Addis Ababa.
“Evaluation of the Status of the Implementation of the Good Governance Package of the Public Sector Capac-
ity Building Programme of the Ethiopian Government”, Commissioned by the World Bank Country Office, June
2011-August 2011, Addis Ababa.
- UNECA research work on Human Resource Management in Public Services in Africa:
Challenges and Prospects for Strengthening the Capacity of Public Services 2009-2010;
- UNECA’s research work on Elections and Electoral Systems as well as Diversity Management 2012;
- UNECA’s survey work on Assessing the Efficiency and Impact of National
Anti-Corruption Institutions in Africa, 2011/12;

- Assessments on Perception of Corruption in Africa, 2008 to 2015;

- UNECA research work on the Challenge of Gender in Governance in Africa in 2010;

- UNECA research work pn Trends and Approaches of Public Sector and Civil Service Reforms in Africain 2009;
- UNECA assessment on the Challenges of Governance in Post Conflict Countries: The Case of Sierra- Leone,
Ethiopia and Mozambique in 2009;

-“Prospects for Economic Integration in the IGAD Sub-Region”, A Study Commissioned by the Center for Policy
Research and Dialog (CPRD), November 2008-May 2009, Addis Ababa.
- “Decentralization and the State of Citizen Engagement in Decentralization Processes”, Consultancy Report
to the Ministry of Capacity Building (GoE) and the World Bank Country Office, September 2004, Addis

-“Survey of Livelihood Systems in Delanta Woreda, South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region,
Ethiopia”, Consultancy Report Submitted to Oxfam GB, April 2003,
Addis Ababa.
-“A Socio-Economic Survey of the Farming Households on the Irrigation Sites of the Ethio-Italian Cooperation
Program for Rehabilitation and Development (EIPRD)”, UNDP Country Office, Addis Ababa, January 1988.

-“Evaluation of the Community Forestry Program in Six Administrative Regions of Ethiopia”, Sponsored by the
Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Country Office, Addis Ababa, July 1987.
Capacity Development/Trainings and Manual

- Staff of the Consultancy Firm provided trainings on diverse socio-economic

and development related issues including

- Facilitated and Produced the Report of the “Regional Awareness and Capacity Building Workshop towards
FOCAC 2018” from 19th and 20th June 2018 at Southern Sun Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. An appreciation letter was
given to Centre of Excellence International Consult.

-International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);

- Change Management, Performance Management and Leadership;
-Strategic Planning
- Project Design, Development, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (beginning, midterm, and end);
-Stress management;
- Mind education;
- Commodity Tracking System (CTS) Training Certificate;
- Training on GIS standard and Guideline preparation;
- Linix System Administration;
- IT and Related Selected Topics; Designing and Implementing Database;
Networking Essential; Network Troubleshooting
- On socioeconomic issues including (poverty reduction, health, education and unemployment);
- Governance, Peace and Security as well as Regional Integration;
- Private sector development;
- Africa and Emerging Powers /Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
(BRICS)/ partnership related issues.

-Developed Personnel Manual and Salary Scale preparation for different organizations.
- various Human Resource Management courses Modules.
Event Planning and Management
- Facilitated the Discussion and Chaired the Sessions, and Produced Proceeding of the
Conference on “Recovery & Resilience of Pastoralism in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia’s
Somali Region” 26-28 March 2018 for Oxfam in Ethiopia. An appreciation letter was given
to Center of Excellence International Consult.

- Organised a Media Workshop for Journalists based in Africa and China on Africa-China partnership and
launched Oxfam new report on Africa and China as well as excursions to the Eastern Industrial Zone and the
African Union from 5th to 7th 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

- Organised BRICS-Africa Seminar and Launch of Oxfam New Report in Johannesburg,

South Africa from 29th to 30th of August 2018.

- Organized and MC Policy Research Seminar on the Prospects for SADC Regional Integration through
Indus- trialisation and the Role of China, 20-21 April 2017, Sandston, South Africa. It was organised by Oxfam
Interna- tional, UNECA and the University of Jo-burg.

- Organised and chaired a session on Climate Change Related Issues in Africa

and the Role of Partners, 11-12 April 2017, Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

- Organised and Chaired sessions on Zambia and China Partnership: Opportunities and
Challenges to Achieve SDGs and Agenda 2063, 29-30 November 2016 in Lusaka, Zambia.

- Organised and Chaired sessions on African Countries Engagement with China and other Partners to Achieve
SDGs and Agenda 2063, 28 September 2016 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Projects Completed by Center of Excellence in 2018 and 2019

 Project Evaluation

 End of Project Evaluation for Reducing Vulnerability to Trafficking in Persons, Exploitation and Abuse as well as
Recruitment by Criminal Networks through Improved Socioeconomic Conditions in three Regions of Ethiopia:
Oromia, SNNP and Somali for the UN Migration Agency: International Organization for Migration (UNIOM).

 End of Project Evaluation for Enhancing CSO Capacity for A Harmonized and Broad Based Participation in Deepening
Accountability and Democratic Governance Project in Addis Ababa, Benishangul-Gumuz and Gmbella regions.

 Research Works and Surveys

 A Survey on Transnational Knowledge Transfer In Comparative Perspectives: The Cases
of Eastern Industrial Zone in Dukem Town and the Ethio-China Agriculture Demonstration
Center in Ginchi Town for Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2018.
 A Research work on Africa-China Agriculture Modernisation Cooperation:
Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities for Human Sciences Research Council,
Pretoria, South Africa, 2018. The work was completed and launched at Sheraton Pretoria,
in South Africa.

Business Feasibility Study

 Business Feasibility Study for Establishment of Handicraft and Creative Art
Products Manufacturing (Center of Excellence) for Ethiopian Tourism and Trading Enterprise.
Event Planning and Management

 Organised the first African Forum on Cybercrime: Policies and Legislation, International Cooperation and
Capacity Building in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 16-18 October 2018 for the African Union Commission and Council of
Europe. Activities included providing technical support for the workshop, facilitating accommodation, dinners, catering
(lunch and coffee breaks), conference assistance and equipment, visibility and printing as well as transport
(airport-hotel-airport transfers, hotel-conference (AU) and conference-hotel for over 300 participants.

 Facilitated the Discussion and Chaired the Sessions, and Produced Proceeding of the Conference on
“Recovery & Resilience of Pastoralism in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia’s Somali Region” 26-28 March 2018 for
Oxfam in Ethiopia. An appreciation letter was given to Center of Excellence International Consult.

Capacity Development/Trainings and Manual

 Providing trainings for 50 African Union (AU) staff on Customer Service, protocol in customer service, conflict management and
best experience and case studies on customer service current, past and potential

 Human Resources (HR) Manual Development for WALLIF Share Holder Company.

 Financial Manual (FM) Development for WALLIF Share Holder Company.

On-going Projects

The Most Prominent On-going Projects are among others:

 Preparing a study on Sino-Ethiopia Evolving Partnership Along Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway Economic Belt to
CCECC Ethiopia Construction PLC. The general objective of this study is to assess and analyze the economic contribution
of the newly built Addis Ababa – Djibouti railway project and newly developed industrial parks; to analyze the main factors,
which enhanced the economic belt, corridors and its GDP contributions in light of the one belt and one-road initiatives.

 Baseline Survey in all region of Ethiopia as well as in Addis Ababa and Dire Dewa to produce the first
Human Rights Status Report in Ethiopia for Ethiopian Human Rights Commission
A research study on Corruption in the Mining Sector in Ethiopia: Taking five Cases from Oromia, Amhara, Tigray, SNNP and
Benishangul-Gumuz, for Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
 A Study on Sustainable Energy Access Options in Gambella Refugee Camps and Areas Hosting Refugees for
UNDP Ethiopia.
 Accelerating the Uptake of Climate-smart Agriculture for Improved Agricultural Productivity of
Smallholder Farmers in Halaba, Hadero Tuntu and Damot Gale woredas in SNNPRS of Ethiopia for
Farm Africa. The objective of the project is to improve agricultural productivity and adaptive capacity to climate uncertainties for
smallholder farmers, through accelerated field uptake of CSA bundle of CSA practices using ICT tools.
 Recruitment and Selection for Dventus Technologies.
The Most Prominent Partners Working with
the Consultancy Firm are:

International Organizations

African Union and Regional Economic Communities (RECs)

UN Agencies

Asian and Chinese Based Organizations

Ethiopian Government Agencies
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
Based in Ethiopia and Other
African Countries:
The Private Sector and Share
Holder Companies

1. Mrs. Treasure Maphanga, Director, Trade and Industry, African Union. Tel: + (251) 011 5 18 29 56 Email: maphangaT@africa-union.org

2. Ms. Amazouz Souhila, African Union. Tel: +251 94 21 69 601 E.mail: SouhilaA@africa-union.org

3. Dr. Tewdros E. Tefera, Oxfam in Ethiopia, Tel: + 251 911 98 83 46, Email: ttefera@oxfam.org.uk , tedesh5@yahoo.com,

4. Mr. Tsegab Weldasamuel, UN International Organization for Migration (IOM), Email: tweldesamuel@iom.int Tel: +251 914 75 82 46

5. Dr. Taye Teferi, TRAFFIC International, Tel: +254 72 37 86 1 82, Email: taye.teferi@traffic.org

6. Mr. Matteo LUCCHETTI, Council of Europe, Project Manager, Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC)
Council of Europe , Bucharest, Romania, Tel. Mob. +39 393 261 8188, Matteo.LUCCHETTI@coe.int

7. Mr. Laurent Some, WWF, E-mail: LSome@wwfafrica.org

8. Mr. Alemseged Assegid, Ethiopian Trading and Tourism Enterprise, Government Office E.mail: alemsegedassegide@gmail.com,
Tel: +251 9 11 46 52 71

9. Prof. Said Adejumobi, Previously, Director, Governance and Public Administration Division (UNECA), and currently director at ECA-SRO, Lusaka,
Zambia, Phone (off.)Ex 35495 ;(cell phone) +260 96 79 85 274, Email: sadejumobi@uneca.org, adesaid@yahoo.com

10. Prof. Chris Alden, Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Pretoria and South
African Institute of International Affairs. E.mail: J.C.Alden@lse.ac.uk ,

11. Dr. KoJo Busia, Ph.D. Senior Mineral Sector Governance Advisor, African Mineral Development Centre at the United Nations Economic
Commission for Africa (UNECA), Previously Chief of African Peer Review Mechanisms (APRM) at Governance and Public Administration Division
Tel. 251-11-544-5439, Cell phone: +251-911-61 12 32, E-mail: kbusia@uneca.org, P. O. Box 3001/Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

12. Ms. Hodane Yesouof, Senior Economic Affairs, at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Cell phone: +251-911 12 71 93,
E-mail: hyesouof@un.org, P. O. Box 3001/Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

13. Mr. Gololcha Balli, Waliif Share Holder Company, Email: goivehopeto3g@gmail.com Tel: + 251 9 20 12 68 73

Physical Address
Dembel City Center (Bole Road and In front of Ethiopian Investment Commission)
12th Floor, Office No. 1205 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia| P.O. Box 26582/1000 |Tel: +251 11 864 15
Mobile: + 251 911 88 74 22/922 11 24 45|E.mail: info@centerofexcellenceplc.com,

Contact Persons
Gedion G. Jalata| Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |P. O. Box: 26582/1000, | Tel: +251 911 88 74 22/922 11 24 45
E.mail: centerofexcellenceinterconsult@gmail.com / gedion@centerofexcellenceplc.com
/gediongam@gmail.com Skype: gedion.jalata

Office Administrator and Assistant

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, P. O. Box: 26582/1000, Tel: +251 11 864 15 84 /+251 983 34 18
18 E. mail:


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