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VOLUME 2: Europe, Central Asa, and Other Regions UNDERSTANDING CIVIL WAR. Evidence and Analysis Edited by Paut Collier Nicholas Sambanis ‘THE WORLD BANK Se phen one ena abmmacicreg serrate ian Conflict, Violence, and | ; Crime in Colombia FABIO SANCHEZ, ANDRES SOLIMANO, axp MICHEL FORMISANO forms of violence and criminal activity in Colombia, Colombia’ cil wat is one ofthe longest running civil wars im the world. We explain the war’ Anvractability asa resukc of complex linkages across pobitcal confit violence ad criminal scsi ‘The main focus on his chapter ison the dynamics of armed confit We find eve dence of spiral of viotence—messured by the homicide rate—and other forms oF criminal acsvry, particularly linked tothe insuegont’efors co finance the civil war ough kidnapping, extoron, and cultivation ofillcic crops. We agree wit the main hypothesis ofthe Collier-Hoefler (CH) model, a we argue thatthe Colombian civil war has produced an explosion of legal activities, violence and crime tht in urn allows the continuation ard expansion of the civil wat. However, we go bevond ths ‘model as we examine hove an intial shock of violence and crime prompted by 2 rebel group in a particular region propagates through contagion Or imitation to neighboring regions, Thus, our approach contributes to the understanding of the Aynamics of violence and crime that accompany domestic conflicts and civl wars ‘This chapters divided into x sections The first section overviews the history of domestic conic and civil war in Colombia since che 19th century, focusing on the Period of La Vvienda (1946-62). The second section discusses the origins and con solidation ofthe Revolusonary Armed Forces of Colombia: People’s Army FARC- EP) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas and legal self-defense soups The third section describes she evolution ofthe violence and criminal ctv= 4g indicators, in particular. homicide, kidsapping, and drug cracking The fourth section analyzes the dynamics ofthe relationship between politcal confice and vio~ lens crime froma cheonesca and empirical point of view: We use spat analysis tech- riques to examine clusters and difusion dynamics of criminal activice In the fith section we use spatial econometric analysis to explain dererminans ofthe diferent ‘9pes of crimes a the monicipal and deparumental level. We conclude with an ‘overview of the argument and a discusion of the ft of the CH model to this case ae chapter analyzes the relationship between armed conflict and enulkiple ae Undercanding Cis ig Conflict in Colombia Colombian lstory is often sen a long series of sil wars and Violence ding p 1839.The fie cv war—the war of the Supremes (Guera debs Supt) begun only few yeus afer Colombia was berated tio Spain in 1819. fewasfoughe benween supporter of Simon Bolivar (EI Lileradon who anempted 2 coup dene against he santana supporters of Francisco de Paula Santander, one ofthe leak, en of Colombian independence). The war cnded in 1341 and led to the foun: ‘of the Liber and Conservative paris that ave dominated Colombian polis If 1851. Colombia was agin a civ wat. Higorians (eg. Alape 1985; Ficher 199, Jtamilto 2001) have counted 54 civil wars in dhe 20 yeats between 1851 and 1871 ‘The period thom: 1992 to 1948 was one of relative calm, though one with grow. ing social conflict. & slow process of induseial and financial modersieation was secompanied with agrarian movements in the 1920s and 1930s, Land tename demanded beer working conditionsand the ight to cultivate coffee, whereas nate Indians demanded the restitution oftheir communal land. Meanwhile, chousands of Pesatts in th fontier regions invaded the newiy formed landed properties (haaon: 1), reclsoring the public land that they had lst (LeGran! 1986) The Liber pany, ‘which promoted agrarian teform during the 1930s lost power in 1946 and the ase sination of liberal leader Jorge Elgcer Gait in April 1948 marked the begianing of the period known as Leivleaa Accusing the Conservative government ofthe murder, Liberals andl Communias ‘wok to the mountains. In November 1949. che Communis party began to organ. ize selé

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