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capacity=(-1 101 70 75 false)

temperature=(70 80 90)
cooldownRatio=( )
resetBattStats=(false false)
loopDelay=(10 15)
chargingSwitch=(/proc/mtk_battery_cmd/current_cmd 0::0 0::1
/proc/mtk_battery_cmd/en_power_path 1 0)
autoShutdownAlertCmd=(vibrate 5 0.1)
chargDisabledNotifCmd=(vibrate 3 0.1)
chargEnabledNotifCmd=(vibrate 4 0.1)
errorAlertCmd=(vibrate 6 0.1)
ctrlFileWrites=(3 0.3)


# As seen above, whatever is null can be null.

# Nullifying values that should not be null causes nasty errors.
# However, doing so with "--set var=" restores the default value of "var".
# In other words, for regular users, "--set" is safer than modifying the config
file directly.

# Do NOT feel like you must configure everything!

# If you don't know EXACTLY how to and why you want to do it, it's a very dumb
# Help is always available, from multiple sources - plus, you don't have to pay a
penny for it.


# capacity=(shutdown_capacity cooldown_capacity resume_capacity pause_capacity


# temperature=(cooldown_temp max_temp max_temp_pause)

# cooldownRatio=(cooldown_charge cooldown_pause)

# cooldownCustom=cooldown_custom=(file raw_value charge_seconds pause_seconds)

# resetBattStats=(reset_batt_stats_on_pause reset_batt_stats_on_unplug)

# loopDelay=(loop_delay_charging loop_delay_discharging)
# chargingSwitch=charging_switch=(ctrl_file1 on off ctrl_file2 on off)

# applyOnBoot=apply_on_boot=(ctrl_file1::value1::default1
ctrl_file2::value2::default2 ... --exit)

# applyOnPlug=apply_on_plug=(ctrl_file1::value1::default1
ctrl_file2::value2::default2 ...)

# maxChargingCurrent=max_charging_current=([value] ctrl_file1::value::default1
ctrl_file2::value::default2 ...)

# maxChargingVoltage=max_charging_voltage=([value] ctrl_file1::value::default1
ctrl_file2::value::default2 ...) --exit)

# rebootOnPause=reboot_on_pause=seconds

# switchDelay=switch_delay=seconds

# language=lang=language_code

# wakeUnlock=wake_unlock=(wakelock1 wakelock2 ...)

# prioritizeBattIdleMode=prioritize_batt_idle_mode=true/false

# forceChargingStatusFullAt100=force_charging_status_full_at_100=status_code

# runCmdOnPause=run_cmd_on_pause=(. script)

# autoShutdownAlertCmd=auto_shutdown_alert_cmd=(. script)

# chargDisabledNotifCmd=charg_disabled_notif_cmd=(. script)

# chargEnabledNotifCmd=charg_enabled_notif_cmd=(. script)

# errorAlertCmd=error_alert_cmd=(. script)

# ampFactor=amp_factor=[multiplier]

# voltFactor=volt_factor=[multiplier]

# ctrlFileWrites=ctrl_file_writes=(times interval)

# loopCmd=loop_cmd=(. script)


# cc cooldown_capacity
# rc resume_capacity
# pc pause_capacity
# cft capacity_freeze2

# sc shutdown_capacity
# ct cooldown_temp
# cch cooldown_charge
# cp cooldown_pause

# mt max_temp
# mtp max_temp_pause

# ccu cooldown_custom

# rbsp reset_batt_stats_on_pause
# rbsu reset_batt_stats_on_unplug

# ldc loop_delay_charging
# ldd loop_delay_discharging

# s charging_switch

# ab apply_on_boot
# ap apply_on_plug

# mcc max_charging_current
# mcv max_charging_voltage

# rp reboot_on_pause
# sd switch_delay
# l lang
# wu wake_unlock
# pbim prioritize_batt_idle_mode
# ff force_charging_status_full_at_100
# rcp run_cmd_on_pause

# asac auto_shutdown_alert_cmd
# cdnc charg_disabled_notif_cmd
# cenc charg_enabled_notif_cmd
# eac error_alert_cmd

# af amp_factor
# vf volt_factor

# cfw ctrl_file_writes
# lc loop_cmd


# acc 85 80
# acc -s pc=85 rc=80
# acc --set pause_capacity=85 resume_capacity=80

# acc -s "s=battery/charging_enabled 1 0"

# acc --set "charging_switch=/proc/mtk_battery_cmd/current_cmd 0::0 0::1
/proc/mtk_battery_cmd/en_power_path 1 0" ("::" == " ")

# acc -s sd=5
# acc -s switch_delay=5

# acc -s -v 3920 (millivolts)

# acc -s -c 500 (milliamps)

# custom config path

# acc /data/acc-night-config.txt 45 43
# acc /data/acc-night-config.txt -s c 500
# accd /data/acc-night-config.txt
# acc -s "ccu=battery/current_now 1450000 100 20"
# acc -s "cooldown_custom=battery/current_now 1450000 100 20"
# acc -s ccu="/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp 55 50 10"

# acc -s amp_factor=1000
# acc -s volt_factor=1000000

# acc -s mcc=500 mcv="3920 --exit"

# acc -s cfw="9 0.1"

# acc -s loop_cmd="echo 0 \\> battery/input_suspend"


# configVerCode #
# This is checked during updates to determine whether config should be patched. Do
NOT modify.

# shutdown_capacity (sc) #
# When the battery is discharging and its capacity <= sc, acc daemon turns the
phone off to reduce the discharge rate and protect the battery from potential
damage induced by voltages below the operating range.
# On capacity <= shutdown_capacity + 5, accd enables Android battery saver,
triggers 5 vibrations once - and again on each subsequent capacity drop.

# cooldown_capacity (cc) #
# Capacity at which the cooldown cycle starts.
# Cooldown reduces battery stress induced by prolonged exposure to high temperature
and high charging voltage.
# It does so through periodically pausing charging for a few seconds (more details

# resume_capacity (rc) #
# Capacity at which charging should resume.

# pause_capacity (pc) #
# Capacity at which charging should pause.

# capacity_freeze2 (cft) #
# This prevents Android from getting capacity readings below 2%.
# It's useful on systems that shutdown before the battery is actually empty.

# cooldown_temp (ct) #
# Temperature (°C) at which the cooldown cycle starts.
# Cooldown reduces the battery degradation rate by lowering the device's
# Refer back to cooldown_capacity for more details.

# max_temp (mt) #
# mtp or max_temp_pause #
# These two work together and are NOT tied to the cooldown cycle.
# On max_temp (°C), charging is paused for max_temp_pause (seconds).
# Unlike the cooldown cycle, which aims at reducing BOTH high temperature and high
voltage induced stress - this is ONLY meant specifically for reducing high
temperature induced stress.
# Even though both are separate features, this complements the cooldown cycle when
environmental temperatures are off the charts.
# cooldown_charge (cch) #
# cooldown_pause (cp) #
# These two dictate the cooldown cycle intervals (seconds).
# When not set, the cycle is disabled.
# Suggested values are cch=50 and cp=10.
# If charging gets a bit slower than desired, try cch=50 and cp=5.
# Note that cooldown_capacity and cooldown_temp can be disabled individually by
assigning them values that would never be reached under normal circumstances.

# cooldown_custom (ccu) #
# When cooldown_capacity and/or cooldown_temp don't suit your needs, this comes to
the rescue.
# It takes precedence over the regular cooldown settings.
# Refer back the command examples.

# reset_batt_stats_on_pause (rbsp) #
# Reset battery stats after pausing charging.

# reset_batt_stats_on_unplug (rbsu) #
# Reset battery stats after unplugging the charger AND loop_delay_discharging
(seconds) have passed.
# If the charger is replugged within loop_delay_discharging (seconds) after
unplugging it, the operation is aborted.

# loop_delay_charging (ldc) #
# loop_delay_discharging (ldd) #
# These are delays (seconds) between loop iterations.
# Lower values translate to quicker acc responsiveness - but at the cost of
slightly extra CPU time.
# Don't touch these (particularly ldd), unless you know exactly what you're doing.

# charging_switch (s) #
# If unset, acc cycles through its database and sets the first working switch/group
that disables charging.
# If the set switch/group doesn't work, acc unsets chargingSwitch and repeats the
# If all switches fail to disable charging, chargingSwitch is unset, switchDelay is
reverted to 1.5 and acc/d exit with error code 7.

# apply_on_boot (ab) #
# Settings to apply on boot or daemon start/restart.
# The --exit flag (refer back to applyOnBoot=...) tells the daemon to stop after
applying settings.
# If the --exit flag is not included, default values are restored when the daemon

# apply_on_plug (ap) #
# Settings to apply on plug
# This exists because some /sys files (e.g., current_max) are reset on charger re-
# Default values are restored on unplug and when the daemon stops.

# max_charging_current (mcc) #
# max_charging_voltage (mcv) #
# Only the current/voltage value is to be supplied.
# Control files are automatically selected.
# Refer back to the command examples.
# reboot_on_pause (rp) #
# If this doesn't make sense to you, you probably don't need it.
# Essentially, this is a timeout (seconds) before rebooting - after pausing
# This reboot is a workaround for a firmware issue that causes abnormally fast
battery drain after charging is paused on certain devices.
# The issue has reportedly been fixed by the OEMs. This feature will eventually be

# switch_delay (sd) #
# This is a delay (seconds) between charging status checks after toggling charging
switches. It exists because some switches don't react immediately after being
# Most devices/switches work with a value of 1.
# Some may require a delay as high as 3. The optimal max is probably 3.5.
# If a charging switch seems to work intermittently, or fails completely,
increasing this value may fix the issue.
# You absolutely should increase this value if "acc -t" reports total failure.
# Some MediaTek devices require a delay as high as 15!
# accd manages this setting dynamically.

# lang (l) #
# acc language, managed with "acc --set --lang" (acc -s l).

# wake_unlock (wu) #
# This is an attempt to release wakelocks acquired after disabling charging.
# It's totally experimental and may or may not work (expect side effects).

# prioritize_batt_idle_mode (pbim) #
# Several devices can draw power directly from the external power supply when
charging is paused. Test yours with "acc -t".
# This setting dictates whether charging switches that support such feature should
take precedence.

# force_charging_status_full_at_100 (ff) #
# Some Pixel devices were found to never report "full" status after the battery
capacity reaches 100%.
# This setting forces Android to behave as intended.
# For Pixel devices, the status code of "full" is 5 (ff=5).
# The status code is found through trial and error, with the commands "dumpsys
battery", "dumpsys battery set status #" and "dumpsys battery reset".

# run_cmd_on_pause (rcp) #
# Run commands* after pausing charging.
# * Usually a script ("sh some_file" or ". some_file")

# auto_shutdown_alert_cmd (asac) #
# charg_disabled_notif_cmd (cdnc) #
# charg_enabled_notif_cmd (cenc) #
# error_alert_cmd (eac) #
# As the names suggest, these properties dictate commands acc/d/s should run at
each event.
# The default command is "vibrate <number of vibrations> <interval (seconds)>"
# Termux APIs can be used for notifications, TTS, toasts and more. For details,
refer to .

# amp_factor (af) #
# volt_factor (vf) #
# Unit multiplier for conversion (e.g., 1V = 1000000 Microvolts)
# ACC can automatically determine the units, but the mechanism is not 100%
# e.g., if the input current is too low, the unit is miscalculated.
# This issue is rare, though.
# Leave these properties alone if everything is running fine.

# ctrl_file_writes (cfw) #
# This determines how many times each ctrl file should be written to, as well as
the interval (seconds) between these writes.
# That's an attempt to force changes that don't take effect immediately or at all.

# loop_cmd (lc) #
# This is meant for extending accd's functionality.
# It is periodically executed by is_charging() - which is called regularly, within
the main accd loop.
# The boolean isCharging is available.
# Refer back to COMMAND EXAMPLES.

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