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Short horror story

You may call me a monster if I tell you about myself. No, I am not a terrorist nor
any serial killer. I am sixteen year old High School girl. Few weeks back I
discovered something about me that completely changed my existence. It all
started happening that day when I was working on a chemistry project with my
friends. We were talking about different important things. Okay, mostly girly
things. Yeah, you got me, we were gossiping about other girls. We were so lost
that while talking, my friend Kim accidently cut her hands with scissors. It was a
deep cut because she was bleeding like crazy all over the place.

I don’t know what came to me, why I did it but I ended up doing it anyway. I
grabbed her wounded hand and started sucking the blood. At first she hesitated
in pain but ended up surrounding, considering that I was trying to help her cut to
heal as if my saliva had healing powers. When the blood started moving inside my
throat, reaching down my digestive tract, I started feeling a strange undefinable
pleasure growing in my body. I was never familiar with this sensation before. I
was so much absorbed into it that I stood there sucking blood out of my friends
hand for like 5 minutes. I came back to my senses when she jerked her hand out
of my mouth. She said to me in pain, “Thank you very much for your services but
it is not making me feel any better”. In mean time my other friend Stella brought
a First Aid kit and applied an ointment and bandage on Kim’s finger.

Her finger definitely healed within few days but something strange started
happening with me, or let’s say within me. My hunger increased and I was never
fully satisfied no matter what I eat and how much I eat. I had never gained so
much weight in my whole life. I was getting out of shape and my clothes were not
fitting me anymore. All I figured out was that I was under some sort of
transformation. I ate dozen of bananas and still felt like starving. This problem
was getting intense with every passing day. My hunger was increasing to
unacceptable levels. What was causing this extreme hunger? What I was hungry

I believe you guys must have realized by now that what was I desiring for. At that
time I was realizing that too but I was in state of denial. I did not want to accept
the truth about my existence.

Things were getting out of control and moved to a point where I wasn’t able to
take this anymore. Somehow I managed to steel a bottle of donated blood and
took it home. I do even remember that donor had B positive blood group as it was
clearly mention on the bottle. Before doing anything with it, I kept that bottle on
the dinning-table, staring at it for 15 minutes. At that point I was only fascinated
by the idea of having it, as I remember those feelings of pleasure that I had few
days back. I thought about putting it into a glass but felt awkward about this idea
and ended up intaking it directly from the bottle.

My whole body was flushing in sensation of pleasure and my hunger started

vanishing slowly. My fangs came out of my mouth to reveal my identity.

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