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Setting Music with Hymnus FG – Reference Tables

Make leaflets or presentations the easy way. To accomodate the large amount of symbols in one font
or “character set” we made heavy use of “special cha-
You don’t always need an extra program to set music
racters”, most of which may not be directly accessible
on your computer. Over 95 percent of all single-voice
on your keyboard.
tunes in a song or hymn book can be entered directly
in your word processor or presentation program (Po- Most word processors contain a menu item “insert /
werPoint™ or other) using Hymnus FG. No need to special character”. That’s the obvious but rather awk-
mess around with embedding objects or inserting gra- ward method to get them.
There is an easier way via the Alt key left to the space
In addition to the usual musical notes and symbols, key and the numbers on the number pad of your key-
Hymnus FG contains quarter notes without stem and board:
double whole notes (with bars left and right) to set
Press and hold the “Alt” key, enter a zero on the num-
psalm tones, hymni and liturgical tunes. Hence the
ber pad and then the three-digit code you find in the ta-
ble below. Now release the “Alt” key. That’s it.
Read the „First steps“ on the reverse to get started.
The table contains characters (like the y to get a six-
To accomodate the large amount of symbols in one font teenth note e) or codes (like 195 for an f sharp sign) to
or “character set” we made heavy use of “special cha- get the note or symbol you want. Sometimes both, so
racters”, most of which may not be directly accessible you have the choice. Your keyboard has no Ä? Use
on your keyboard. Alt-0196 instead (for a g sharp accidental).

b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' * c'' d'' e'' f'' g''
4th note - crotchets b c d e f g a h / 159 i j k
Half note - Minim B C D E F G A H / 96 I J K
Full note - Semibreve m n o p q r s t u v w
Semibreve with bars M N O P Q R S T U
8 - quavers 217 Ù 218 Ú 219 Û 220 Ü 221 Ý 222 223 ß 224f à/á 226 â 227 228
16 - semiquavers 216 x y z 123 { 124 | 125} 126 ~ 130 131 132
8ths with beams ↑ 169 170 171 174 176 ° 177 178 ² 179 ³ 180 253 ý

8ths with beams ↓ 243 ó 181 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

Breve 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 145 254
stemless 4th 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
# sign 191 192 À 193 Á 194 Â 195 196 Ä 197 198 199 200 È 201 É 202 Ê 203
b sign 204 Ì 205 Í 206 Î 207 208 209 210 Ò 211 Ó 212 Ô 213 214 Ö 215
Natural sign 231 232 è 233 é 234 ê 235 236 ì 237 í 238 î 239 240 241 242 ò
dot 161 162 162 163 163 165 165 166 166 167 167 168

* b' left / right of the slash: note with downward / upward stem

Rests and keys:

full rest half rest quarter rest eighth 16th treble key bass key
V W X Y Z ! ?

Measures, bars:

2/4 3/4 4/4 4/2 2/2 6/4 : | | thick breathe

149 150 151 152 153 154 [ \ ] l

Slurs connecting two notes are on 244 ô, 246 ö, 249 ù, 250 ú, 251 û und 252 ü.
Slurs for three notes are on 245, 247 und 248. Triplets: 255.
Enter the slur after the first note. Then add hyphens or = for empty staff as needed before entering the next note(s).
Writing Music with Hymnus FG

Installation Tips and Tricks

Hymnus FG Version 2.12 is only partly compatible with To enter song text under the staff, use half the point
earlier versions. You may need to adjust music set with size of the notes, e. g. for 24 point notes use 9-12pt text.
previous versions.
Make your life easier with pre-defined paragraph sty-
De-install earlier versions if any: Open the fonts folder les, e. g. one for the staffs (24pt, font: Hymnus FG) and
in the windows control panel. Right-click on “Hym- one for the text (e.g. 12pt Times New Roman). Consult
nus FG” and choose “delete”. (There may be a confir- your Office program manual or online help on how to
mation message.) add and use styles.
Before installing it is recommended to close the pro- Two eighth notes on one syllable are usually rendered
gram you want to use Hymnus FG with first. by eighth notes with beams. Hymnus FG contains the
ones you’ll need most: two notes going one note up or
Open the folder that contains the file “Hymnus212.ttf”.
down. In fact more than 90 percent of the two-note syl-
Right-click on it and choose “install”. (There may be a
lables in popular songs will have that interval.
confirmation message.)
Putting text under music: Use multiple hyphens or
equal signs to adjust music widths. Use multiple spaces
First steps to adjust the text, hyphens between syllables. You’ll
have to tweak that manually, I’m afraid. This is not a
For a staff use Hymnus FG with a 24 point size and left note setting program, just a symbol font.
You have do decide whether you’re better off with this
Start the line with an ! for a treble key. font or with a musical notator program like MuseScore
Now you need the accidentals to indicate the key. for your project. Rule of thumb: The more music you
have, the more likely it is you’re better off with a nota-
Example: D Major (two #). Look up the first # for f # in tor program. Hymnus FG is for just a few lines of
the table on page 1 – Line # and column f". single-voice music in a document with much text, such
That shows „202 Ê“. So you may have two ways to en- as hymns in a leaflet for sunday service.
ter the accidental.
Via Code „202“: Press and hold the “Alt” key, enter a
zero on the number pad and then “202”. Release the
“Alt” key. This is described as “Alt-0202”.
By character: If your keyboard can do special charac- Legalese:
ters, enter Ê. On some keyboards that is first the ^ key,
then shift-E. Hymnus FG is free. That means you may install the
font software on any computer you work with. You
For the second # the table only says “199”. That means: may print and distribute your documents using the
Alt-0199. Proceed as above. font, even sell them (i. e. the documents).
Now for the measure: Alt-0151 enters 4/4. You may even share the font file (please, together with
Should, as you progress, 3/4 or 4/4 signs magically these explanatory notes) with your friends and collea-
appear in your staffs, that is an automatic replace- gues, but ...
ment feature of your office program. It replaces two I do not want out-dated versions or font files without
or more hyphens by a long dash. In Hymnus FG the usage instruction out in the wild. Therefore:
two long dashes (em-dash and en-dash) carry the
symbols 3/4 and 4/4. You can either re-replace the hy- You may not publish, publicly distribute (e. g. on
phens or turn this automatic feature off in your pro- CD) nor offer it for download on a web site. Instead,
gram’s settings menu. share a link to .
Now start with the notes. The lower case b c d e f g a
keys produce the respective crotchets or quarter notes. If you want to do so, contact me via the link above
Use B C D E F G A for half notes (minims). Ah, and the and apply for a special license. Copyright violators
high b, c and d notes are on h, i, j and H, I, J, respective- may be liable to legal prosecution.
ly. More values and heights see table on p.1.
You need more space between the notes, of course. The
hyphen key contains empty staff of about a single note
width. Use as many as you need. Start with two or
three hyphens between two notes. Fine-tune with the
equal sign (=) for less or the underscore for more

1 Fully justified text may produce unwanted spaces.

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