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Imtiyaz Mohiuddin

In charge
Electronics and Communications Engineering
 Introduction to Digital filter design
 Introduction to FIR Filter
 Design of FIR Filter using WINDOW Techniques
 Introduction to IIR Filter
 Design of IIR Filter using Approximation Method
 MATLAB Code of Designed Filters
 A digital filter is a system that performs mathematical
operations on a sampled, discrete-time signal to reduce or
enhance certain aspects of that signal.
 In digital signal processing, there are two important types
of systems:
 Digital filters: perform signal filtering in the time
 Spectrum analyzers: provide signal representation in the
frequency domain
Digital Filter:

Analog xn yn
x(t) anti- A D Analog y(t)
aliasing D Digital Filter A smoothing
C C filter
 The design of a digital filter is carried out in three steps:
 Specifications: they are determined by the applications
 Approximations: once the specification are defined, we use various
concepts and mathematics that we studied so far to come up with a
filter description that approximates the given set of specifications.
(in detail)
 Implementation: The product of the above step is a filter
description in the form of either a difference equation, or a system
function H(z), or an impulse response h(n). From this description
we implement the filter in hardware or through software on a
 Digital filters are classified into one of two basic forms,
according to how they respond to a unit impulse:
 Finite impulse response
 Infinite impulse response
Finite Impulse Response:
 In signal processing, a finite impulse response
(FIR) filter is a filter whose impulse response is
of finite duration, because it settles to zero in finite
 FIR digital filters use only current and past input
samples, and none of the filter's previous output
samples, to obtain a current output sample value
The transfer function is given by
N 1
H ( z )   h(n).z n
n 0

 The length of Impulse Response is N

 All poles are at Z=0. .
 Zeros can be placed anywhere on the z-plane
Filter Design by Windowing

 Simplest way of designing FIR filters

    h ne
 
Hd e j

n  
 j n
hd n 

2  
Hd 
e j
e jn

 Start with ideal frequency response

h n 0  n  M
hn   d
 0 else
 Choose ideal frequency response as desired response
 Most ideal impulse responses are of infinite length
Commonly used windows
Rectangular: 1
N 1
N n 
 2n  2
Bartlett: 1  cos 
 N 
Hamming:  2n 
0.54  0.46 cos 
 N 
2n   4n 
Blackman: 0.42  0.5 cos   0.08 cos 
 N   N 
 2
J 0  1   
2 n
Kaiser:    J 0 ( )

  N  1  
Kaiser window
 Kaiser window

β Transition Min. stop attn

width (Hz) dB
2.12 1.5/N 30

4.54 2.9/N 50

6.76 4.3/N 70

8.96 5.7/N 90
Rectangular Window
 Narrowest main lob
– 4/(M+1)
– Sharpest transitions at
discontinuities in frequency
1 0  n  M
wn  
0 else

 Large side lobs

– Large oscillation around
– -13 dB
Simplest window possible
Hamming Window
 Medium main lob
– 8/M
  2n 
0.54  0.46 cos  0nM
wn    M 

 0 else
 Good side lobs
– -41 dB
– Simpler than
Kaiser Window
 Parameterized equation forming a set
of windows

 Parameter to change main-lob width

and side-lob area trade-off

  2
 I0  1   n  M / 2  

  M / 2  
wn    
 0nM
 I0(.) represents zeroth-order
 I0 Bessel
modified  function of 1st kind

 0 else
 %Design of LPF&HPF using rectangular,hamming and kaiser windows
 clc;clear all;close all;
 rp=input('enter attenuation in pass band');
 rs=input('enter attenuation in stop band');
 fp=input('enter pass band frequency');
 fs=input('enter stop band frequency');
 Fs=input('enter sampling frequency');
 wp=2*pi*fp/Fs;
 ws=2*pi*fs/Fs;
 %formula for FIR filter
 num=-20*log10(sqrt(rp*rs))-13;
 den=14.6*(fs-fp)/Fs;
 n=ceil(num/den);
 disp('order of filter is \n');
 disp(n);
 disp('press any key to continue');
 pause;
 n1=n+1;
 %For even order
 if(rem(n,2)~=0)
 n1=n;
 end
 %LPF
 %LPF
 s1=input('enter the value for window 0-rectangularLPF 1-kaiserLPF 2-hammingLPF 3-
rectangularHPF 4-kaiserHPF 5-hammingHPF');
 switch(s1);
 case 0
 y=rectwin(n1);
 [b,a]=fir1(n,wp,'low',y);
 freqz(b,a,512);
 case 1
 y=kaiser(n1);
 [b,a]=fir1(n,wp,'low',y);
 freqz(b,a,512);
 case 2
 y=hamming(n1);
 [b,a]=fir1(n,wp,'low',y);
 freqz(b,a,512);
 case 3
 y=rectwin(n1);
 [b,a]=fir1(n,wp,'high',y);
 freqz(b,a,512);
 case 4
 y=kaiser(n1);
 [b,a]=fir1(n,wp,'high',y);
 freqz(b,a,512);
 case 5
 y=hamming(n1);
 [b,a]=fir1(n,wp,'high',y);
 freqz(b,a,512);
 end
Pros & Cons:
FIR filters have the following
advantages: FIR filters have the following
 Exactly linear phase is possible
• Higher filter order than IIR
 Always stable, even when quantized filters
 Design methods are generally linear • Corresponding greater
 Efficient hardware realizations

 Startup transients have finite

Infinite Impulse Response Filter:
 IIR systems have an impulse response function that is
non-zero over an infinite length of time. This is in
contrast to finite impulse response (FIR) filters, which
have fixed-duration impulse responses
 IIR filters may be implemented as
either analog or digital filters
 While designing a digital IIR filter , an analog filter
(e.g. Chebyshev filter, Butterworth filter) is first
designed and then is converted to a digital filter by
applying discretization techniques such as Bilinear
transform or Impulse invariance.
Discretization techniques
Chebyshev Filter:
 Chebyshev filters are analog or digital filters having a
steeper roll-off and more passband ripple (type I) or
stopband ripple (type II)
 Chebyshev filters have the property that they
minimize the error between the idealized and the
actual filter characteristic over the range of the filter,
but with ripples in the passband
 Type-1 Chebyshev Filter

 Type-2 Chebyshev Filter:

Butterworth filter
 The Butterworth filter is a type of signal processing
filter designed to have as flat a frequency response as
possible in the pass band. It is also referred to as a
maximally flat magnitude filter
MATLAB Prototype Filter Design Commands

 [B,A] = BUTTER(N,Wn)
 [B,A] = CHEBY1(N,R,Wn)
 [B,A] = CHEBY2(N,R,Wn)
 [B,A] = ELLIP(N,Rp,Rs,Wn)
– N = filter order
– R = pass band ripple (cheby1) or stop-band ripple (cheby2) in
dB. (Rp and Rs respectively for the elliptic filter)
– Wn = cut-off frequency (radians/sec for analog filters or
normalized digital frequencies for digital filters)
– [B,A] = filter coefficients, s-domain (analog filter) or z-domain
(digital filter)
Design Example
 Filter Specifications:
 Butterworth response
 Pass-band edges = 400 Hz and 600 Hz
 Stop-band edges = 300 Hz and 700 Hz
 Pass-band ripple = 1 dB
 Stop-band attenuation = -20 dB
 Sampling Frequency = 2000 Hz
Design Example Results
Magnitude Response



Band Edges
(-1dB and -20 dB)


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Frequency (kHz)
Design Example
Chebyshev II High-Pass Filter
 Filter specifications:
 Chebyshev II response (stop-band ripple)
 Pass-band edge = 1000 Hz
 Stop-band edge = 900 Hz
 Pass-band ripple = 1 dB
 Stop-band attenuation = -40 dB
 Sampling frequency = 8 kHz
MATLAB Code for Design Example
>> fs=8000;
>> Wp=[2*1000/fs]; % Pass-band edge normalized digital frequency
>> Ws=[2*900/fs]; % Stop-band edge normalized digital frequency
>> [N,Wn]=cheb2ord(Wp,Ws,1,40); % The “order” command
>> [B,A]=cheby2(N,40,Wn,'high');
% cheby2 is the “filter” command. In this command
% the syntax requires the stop-band attenuation
% as the second parameter
>> fvtool(B,A)
Design Example Results

Magnitude Response (dB)


Magnitude (dB)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Frequency (kHz)
 %Design of IIR filters
 fp1=input('enter pass band frequency');
 fs1=input('enter stop band frequency');
 Fs1=input('enter sampling frequency');
 wp1=fp1/Fs1;
 ws1=fs1/Fs1;
 [n1,wn1]=buttord(wp1,ws1,2,60);
 [x,y]=butter(n1,wn1,'low');
 figure;
 freqz(x,y,512);
 [n1,wn1]=buttord(wp1,ws1,2,60);
 [x,y]=butter(n1,wn1,'high');
 figure;
 freqz(x,y,512);
 [n1,wn1]=cheb1ord(wp1,ws1,2,60);
 [x,y]=cheby1(n1,3,wn1,'low');
 figure;
 freqz(x,y,512);
 [n1,wn1]=cheb1ord(wp1,ws1,2,60);
 [x,y]=cheby1(n1,3,wn1,'high');
 figure;
 freqz(x,y,512);
Summary of IIR Filter:

 IIR filters can be design by pole-zero location

– Digital oscillators: poles on the unit circle
– Notch filters: zeros on the unit circle with nearby poles to
control notch width
 Classic analog filters can be designed using the
bilinear transformation
 IIR filters have the advantage of smaller filter order for
a given frequency response.
 IIR filters have the disadvantages of possible instability
due to coefficient quantization effects and non-linear
phase response.
 “Design of IIR Filter” by K.S Chandra, M.Tech, IIT-Bombay, Jan-2006
 “Digital Filter Design” by Prof. A.G. Constantinides, University of
Auckland, 2006
 “FIR Filter Design”, Gao Xinbo,School of E.E., Xidian Univ.
 “FIR Filter by Windowing”- The lab Book
 “Digital Signal Processing”, Prof.Ramesh Babu, Pondicherry Govt.
College, TataMcgraw-Hill publication.

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