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BioEnergy Research


A Cyanobacterial Sidestream Nutrient Removal Process and Its Life

Cycle Implications
Carlos Quiroz-Arita 1 & John J. Sheehan 2 & Nawa Raj Baral 1 & Alexander Hughes 3 & Graham Peers 3 & Brock Hodgson 4 &
Sybil Sharvelle 4 & Thomas H. Bradley 1

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

This study proposes a novel integration of a municipal wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) with a cyanobacterial nutrient
removal process for sidestream wastewater treatment. A life cycle assessment (LCA) approach was used to determine the effec-
tiveness and environmental performances of the integrated system. The LCA is populated by models of wastewater process
engineering, material balance, cyanobacterial growth, and kinetics of anaerobic digestion. The cyanobacteria growth model incor-
porates chlorophyll synthesis, nitrogen uptake, photosynthesis, centrate inhibition, and competition for nitrogen between
cyanobacteria and nitrifiers. Modeling results are validated against experiments with Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 grown in sludge
centrate. With a maximum specific growth rate of 1.09 day−1, the nitrogen removal rate of the proposed WWTF would be increased
by 15% when compared to the baseline wastewater treatment facility with a biological nutrient removal process. Incorporating the
cyanobacterial nutrient removal process as the sidestream wastewater treatment of a conventional activated sludge process reduces
the total nitrogen concentrations discharged from the WWTF from 25.9 to 15.2 mg 1−1. Methane yield was found to be increased by
4% of the baseline value when cyanobacterial biomass was co-digested with the activated sludge. Life cycle energy use and
greenhouse gas emissions were found to be reduced by 8% and 17%, respectively, relative to a baseline wastewater treatment
facility. Overall, a cyanobacteria-based sidestream municipal wastewater treatment process could be an effective and environmen-
tally sustainable biological nutrient removal process in the future addressing the water-energy-food nexus.

Keywords Sidestream wastewater treatment . Biological nutrient removal . Centrate . Cyanobacteria . Life cycle assessment

Introduction cyanobacterium strains, for wastewater treatment [1, 2].

There is modern interest in these microorganisms due to their
More than 3000 years ago, ancient civilizations utilized pho- high bioenergy productivities (10 times that of palm oil and
toautotrophic microorganisms, including both alga and about 131 times that of soybean [3]). The areal equivalent
energy productivity of cyanobacteria is about 4 times higher
than popular microalga feedstocks [4, 5], and the cultivation
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(https://doi.org/10.1007/s12155-019-9963-2) contains supplementary of algae and cyanobacteria is not limited by the availability of
material, which is available to authorized users. high-quality land [6–8]. However, the USA’s goal of produc-
ing 40 billion gallons of biofuel per year from microalgae will
* Carlos Quiroz-Arita be limited by the availability of water and nutrients [9]. Many
carlos.quiroz@fulbrightmail.org researchers suggested that integrating the cultivation of the
photoautotrophs with wastewater treatment systems could re-
Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University, 430 North duce their need for water and nutrients and could improve the
College Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA economics and environmental sustainability of photosynthetic
Soil & Crop Science Department, Colorado State University, Fort bioenergy technologies.
Collins, CO 80523, USA Wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF) in the USA are
Biology Department, Colorado State University, Fort facing new challenges to meet the water quality criteria, con-
Collins, CO 80523, USA trolled by state-level water regulations and the federal
Civil & Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A major consider-
Collins, CO 80523, USA ation for these facilities is the sidestream wastewater treatment
Bioenerg. Res.

for sludge centrate due to its potent nutrient concentration These past LCA studies have focused on biofuel and
resulting in a potential to cause eutrophication in surface wa- bioproducts production, and none of the previous studies
ters [10]. Several technologies have been developed for side- have investigated the synergistic benefits of combining
stream wastewater treatment including biological nutrient re- photosynthetic biorefineries, based on Synechocystis sp.
moval (BNR) processes [11], sludge centrate recycling [12], PCC6803, and WWTF. These synergistic benefits include
anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) [13], adsorption improvement in the quality of water from the WWTF,
[14], ammonia stripping [12], and struvite precipitation [15, energy recovery, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
16]. Among these processes, BNR processes, such as anaero- reduction due to fossil fuels and commercial fertilizers
bic/anoxic/oxic (A2/O), can reduce the total nitrogen (TN) and d i s pl ac e m e nt s w i t h bi oe n erg y a n d c o - p r o d uc t s ,
total phosphorus to about 2.3 and 1 mg l−1, respectively [10, respectively.
17]. However, these BNR technologies require a high capital This study systematically evaluates the synergistic benefits
cost in the range of 150 to 1840 $ m−3-wastewater [2] and of combining the cyanobacterial cultivation system with a
energy consumption of 0.09 kWh m−3-wastewater [12] rela- municipal WWTF by using an LCA approach, supported by
tive to the conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment modeling and experimental work.
process. While struvite precipitation from sludge centrate can
recover nitrogen in the form of fertilizer [15, 16], the treated
effluents reported in the literature [18] with 128 ± 5 mg NH4- Materials and Methods
N l−1 and 12.3 ± 6.2 mg PO4-P l−1 do not meet the federal
water quality criteria for nitrogen and phosphorus to discharge Goals and Scope
into surface waters.
The environmental impacts of photosynthetic biorefineries LCA is a framework for the evaluation of the energy use, the
and WWTF can be reduced by integrating these technologies emissions, and other environmental impacts of direct, indirect,
for the cultivation of cyanobacteria in sludge centrate and and supply chain processes in a system [45]. The LCA model
remediation of nitrogen and phosphorus from the sludge [2, developed in this study seeks to evaluate the environmental
10, 19]. Several past studies [20–26] have extensively inves- benefits of combining cyanobacteria cultivation and nutrient
tigated the growth of photosynthetic microorganisms in remediation in photobioreactors using the sludge centrate pro-
wastewater. Some recent studies [2, 27, 28] have shown the duced by a WWTF (Drake Water Reclamation Facility
potential growth of photoautotrophic microorganisms in the (DWRF)) located in Fort Collins, CO, USA. This WWTF is
sludge centrate obtained from the dewatering processes of a currently using a BNR process, an A2/O process (Fig. 1) [2,
WWTF. These studies suggest that the sludge centrate itself 11, 17], which was considered the base case scenario for the
could be supplied as the main source of nutrients due to its analysis in this study.
high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous. However, The scope of the LCA model as illustrated in Fig. 2
ammonia, the majority of nitrogen compounds present in considers the material and energy inputs (wastewater and
sludge centrate has been demonstrated to inhibit the growth cyanobacterial bioprocesses) and the bioenergy and prod-
of cyanobacteria [29, 30]. For instance, the biomass produc- ucts outputs (treated water, fertilizer, and energy). The
tivity of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 is inhibited at high intra- material and energy inputs include the raw wastewater
cellular concentrations of ammonia of 63 mg NH4 l−1 [31] due feeding an activated sludge process for carbon oxidation,
to damage to photosystem II [32]. These efforts suggest that and the electricity consumption by the facility.
photoautotrophic microorganisms, such as cyanobacteria, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 is cultivated in open raceway
could potentially solve the challenges associated with the side- ponds using centrate as the source of nutrients, which is
stream wastewater treatment system once the centrate inhibi- obtained from the sludge dewatering process of the
tion can be mitigated or controlled. WWTF. The LCA model uses the displacement method
The proposed integrated process could reduce the op- to account for the credits for displacement of nutrients and
erating cost and energy intensity of WWTF when com- energy. The primary audience for this LCA includes op-
pared to the biological nutrient removal process. erators of municipal wastewater treatment facilities, scien-
Conventional activated sludge process combined with tific researchers, photosynthetic biorefinery operators,
sidestream cyanobacterial treatment could meet the stan- policymakers, and wastewater engineers.
dard water quality criteria and enable discharge of treated
wastewater to water bodies [2]. While the environmental System Boundary
impacts of microalga-based biofuel technologies have
been extensively researched [33–43], there is compara- The boundary of the combined wastewater treatment facility,
tively limited lifecycle assessment (LCA) of photosyn- cyanobacterial cultivation, and resource recovery, including
thetic biorefineries based on cyanobacteria [5, 44]. struvite precipitation and biogas electric power generation, is
Bioenerg. Res.

Fig. 1 Baseline anaerobic/anoxic/ Recycle

oxic (A2/O) process. The nitrogen
concentrations of the treated Clarifier
effluent and sludge centrate
Anaerobic Anoxic Aerobic
correspond to the average values Effluent
of DWRF for the years 2011– Total Nitrogen:
2014. Figure adapted from: 11.6 mg.l-1
[2, 12, 17]

Return Acvated Sludge Wasted Sludge

Centrate Dried
Total Nitrogen: 698.7 mg.l-1 Solids

illustrated in Fig. S.2. For the base case scenario, the system Functional Unit
considers the indirect and direct electrical energy consump-
tions by the WWTF including the BNR process (Fig. 1). For The functional unit for this LCA is the treated wastewater
the combined system, the liquid centrate obtained from the volume-specific rate of nitrogen uptake or removal by the
sludge centrifugation serves as the source of nitrogen and system (Nr, mg N m−3 day−1). The nitrogen removal rate is
phosphorus, which are required for the growth of an important parameter to compare the effectiveness of waste-
cyanobacteria. This nutrient supplement reduces the required water treatment processes and was recommended by the
commercial/industrial fertilizers commonly used in photoau- stakeholders at DWRF and the City of Fort Collins Utilities.
totrophic facilities (conventionally NaNO3, KH2PO4).
Liquid centrate must be diluted to serve as the Impact Assessment
cyanobacteria growth media. Three centrate dilution sce-
narios were evaluated in this study: 3% by volume (vol%) Life cycle net energy and life cycle GHG emissions were used
solution of centrate, 9 vol%, and 19 vol%. Life cycle to compare the environmental impacts of the proposed com-
energy use and GHG emissions due to Synechocystis sp. bined WWTF and cyanobacteria-based sidestream treatment
PCC6803 cultivation and biomass extraction were includ- system to the baseline facility at DWRF (Fig. 1). Additionally,
ed within the system boundary. Carbon dioxide obtained the total inorganic nitrogen annual median value for new
from the anaerobic digester-based generation system was WWTF in the State of Colorado of 7 mg N l−1 [46] was used
recycled back to the cyanobacterial cultivation system and as a water discharge quality criteria.
the credits due to the displacement of grid electricity by The net energy of the system was evaluated as a difference
the electricity generation through anaerobic digester were between energy consumed (Energyin), and energy produced
taken into consideration in the LCA model developed for (Energyout) by the system. The energy consumed by the sys-
analysis in this study. tem includes all the life cycle energy for the processes and

(Credits for
of Ferlizer)
Credits for Displacement of energy

Wastewater Cyanobacteria (-)

Facility Photobioreactor
Clean Water

Nutrients (-)
Energy &
Uptake Electricity
Waste CO2
(Credits for (Credits for
Displacement Displacement)
of Ferlizer)

Fig. 2 Scope of a combined cyanobacterial cultivation and nitrogen removal system

Bioenerg. Res.

materials of the wastewater facility and for cyanobacteria cul- subtracted from the overall life cycle energy use and GHG
tivation in photobioreactors. The energy produced by the sys- emissions of the CNR systems.
tem includes electrical energy produced through anaerobic
digestion and the embedded energy saved by using the struvite Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Cultivation in Sludge
co-product to displace commercial fertilizers. The net energy Centrate
was normalized in this study by using the volume-specific
nitrogen removal rate (Nr) (Eq. 1), which was computed from To inform the model of cyanobacteria growth in sludge
the experimental work and the cyanobacteria growth model. centrate, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 cells were cultured in
media where the level of relative concentration of standard
ðEnergyin −Energyout Þ
NENR ¼ ð1Þ Synechocystis culture media (BG-11) and wastewater centrate
Nr was set between 0 and 25%. All liquid media used in was
In addition to metrics of energy, reducing wastewater treat- filtered through a 0.2-μm filter to remove microorganisms
ment facility GHG emissions is encouraged by policies such and avoid changes in chemistry associated with autoclaving.
as The Colorado Climate Plan [47]. The second metric of Cultures were grown at 30 °C in constant light fluxes of
interest, therefore, was the net of life cycle GHG emissions 150 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Growth rates of liquid cultures
to nitrogen removal (Nr) ratio (Eq. 2). Life cycle GHG emis- were monitored using cellular in vivo fluorescence with a
sions (CO2, out) is defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Turner Instruments Trilogy fluorometer. All culturing took
Climate Change (IPCC) as the amount of direct and indirect place on-site at the DWRF in Fort Collins, CO, USA.
(embedded) energy consumed by the system, multiplied by
the emission factor based on the type of energy technology Cyanobacterial Nutrient Removal Process
 This LCA compares the CNR process developed in this re-
CO2; out −CO2; in search with the baseline BNR process used by DWRF. This
GHG ¼ ð2Þ section describes the proposed sidestream wastewater treat-
ment process using cyanobacterial photobioreactors. The ki-
To assess the impact of water quality of the system, the netic model used to characterize struvite precipitation from
effluent nitrogen concentrations resulting from the sludge centrate is also presented. The thin-layer cyanobacteria
cyanobacterial cultivation and nutrient uptake were computed growth model including centrate inhibition presented in this
from the experimental work and growth model. The discharge study was developed from the experimental work conducted
nitrogen concentrations are obtained by homogenizing this at DWRF. This section also discusses a model of anaerobic co-
cyanobacterial cultivation effluent with the treated wastewa- digestion of the activated sludge and cyanobacterial biomass.
ter, as computed by mass balance in BioWin 5.2 [49]. The The results obtained from the experimental work and dynamic
discharge water characteristics are compared to the regulated system models are inputs to the LCA model developed for
limits for annual median nitrogen and phosphorus concentra- analysis in this study.
tions established by the State of Colorado [46].
Sidestream Wastewater Treatment by Cyanobacterial
LCA Model Development Photobioreactors

The baseline BNR DWRF and the combined wastewater treat- The proposed CNR process, integrated with the conventional
ment facility with cyanobacteria cultivation and nitrogen re- activated sludge process, is illustrated in Fig. 3.
moval (labeled here as the cyanobacteria-based nitrogen re- To produce the cyanobacteria growth media, the treated
moval process, or CNR) were each modeled in GaBi-6, to wastewater effluent is utilized to dilute the sludge centrate in
assess and compare their environmental costs and benefits a homogenization tank. The fraction of the treated wastewater
[50]. Three separate LCA models were developed of the used to dilute the centrate for the three scenarios (3 vol%,
CNR system to assess its environmental impacts under three 9 vol%, and 19 vol%) is 22.2%, 3.3%, and 1.5%, respectively.
different centrate dilution scenarios. The coproducts of the Struvite is recovered from the homogenized flow in a settling
CNR system were struvite, and the electricity generated from tank. A microfiltration unit process removes suspended parti-
the anaerobic digestion of cyanobacterial biomass. The credits cles and organisms larger than 0.2 μm from the centrate.
from these co-products were allocated by the displacement Centrate nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by Synechocystis
method, where struvite is assumed to be used as an alternative sp. PCC6803 was performed in the photobioreactors.
to commercial nitrogen fertilizer, and the electricity generated Cyanobacterial cultures obtained from the cultivation stage
from the system is assumed to be used as a substitute for are then centrifuged and the dried biomass is co-digested with
commercial grid electricity. The co-product credits were activated sludge in the existing DWRF anaerobic digester
Bioenerg. Res.

Scenario 1: Centrate Diluon (3%) Treated Effluent

Raw Secondary 15.2
Waste- Clarifier Nitrogen: mg TN.l-1
water CO2
Aeraon 25.9 mg.l-1 CHP
Tank Nitrogen: Cyano-
0.004 mg.l-1 bacterial
22.2% of Biomass
Return Acvated Sludge Centrifuge
Rate Drake Biodigester
Wasted Sludge

Dried Seling Nitrogen:

Solids Centrate 22.0 mg.l-1
581.5 mg.l-1 Homogenizaon Photobioreactor
filtraon Plant (CNR Process)
Fig. 3 Cyanobacterial Nutrient Removal (CNR) Process. Dashed line wasted sludge, with total nitrogen (TN) concentration of 25.9 mg N.l−1
indicates the boundary of the sidestream wastewater treatment CNR and 581.5 mg N.l−1, respectively. The sidestream wastewater treatment is
process. The sidestream wastewater treatment system utilizes the treated required due to the high concentration of TN in the sludge centrate
wastewater and the sludge centrate obtained from centrifugation of the

unit. The nutrient-depleted growth media obtained from (described in BSynechocystis Sp. PCC 6803 Cultivation in
cyanobacterial culture centrifugation is mixed with the treated Sludge Centrate^) and the cyanobacterial growth models (de-
wastewater and discharged to the environment. scribed in BModeling of Synechocystis Sp. PCC 6803 Thin-
The system-level performance of the CNR process inte- Layer Growth with Sludge Centrate Inhibition^). Biogas pro-
grated with a conventional activated sludge process at duction from cyanobacterial biomass and activated sludge are
DWRF was evaluated using a calibrated and validated derived from the first order system co-digestion model (de-
BioWin process model of DWRF [51]. The conventional sys- scribed in BModeling of Anaerobic Co-digestion of Activated
tem includes only an aerobic zone and achieves negligible Sludge and Cyanobacterial Biomass^).
nitrogen removal due to the absence of an anoxic zone. The
scenarios were compared to the baseline BNR process which
Kinetics of Struvite Precipitation from Sludge Centrate
consists of a three-stage A2/O process with nitrification, deni-
trification, and limited biological P removal (Fig. 1).
Chemical precipitation of struvite is commonly observed in
The model was modified to represent an aerobic activated
wastewater systems with high concentrations of orthophos-
sludge process by removing the anaerobic and anoxic basins
phates, NH4-N, and Mg++ ions [52, 53]. Struvite precipitation
and removing the mixed liquor return from the baseline (Fig.
is enhanced at magnesium to phosphorus ratios (Mg:P) of
1). The solids retention time (SRT) was reduced from 10 days
1.2:1 and carbon dioxide partial pressures less than 0.35 atm
for the BNR to 1.5 days for the activated sludge model con-
[53]. Sludge centrate at DWRF is stored under anoxic condi-
sidered for analysis in this study. The model included side-
tions, where carbon dioxide partial pressures could be about
stream diversion of the centrate and dilution water to the CNR
0.35 atm. Struvite precipitation is described as a first-order
process based on three different dilution scenarios considered
kinetics reaction (Eq.3) [18], where k is the first-order rate
in this study. The efficiency of the CNR process was evaluated
constant. The rate constants of struvite precipitation from the
external to BioWin, which is discussed in BModeling of
sludge centrate were obtained by solving a first-order differ-
Synechocystis Sp. PCC 6803 Thin-Layer Growth with
ential equation (Eq. 3) for the time rate of change of total
Sludge Centrate Inhibition,^ and the resulting concentrations
Nitrogen (TN) concentration.
were returned to the BioWin model to determine the combined
effluent concentration from the activated sludge and CNR d ½TN 
¼ −k  ½TN  ð3Þ
processes. Using the developed models, the scenarios were dt
run to determine the water quality impact of the activated
sludge process with CNR performed at the three different
dilution rates relative to the baseline BNR. Struvite precipita- Modeling of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Thin-Layer Growth
tion is modeled using the models described in BKinetics of with Sludge Centrate Inhibition
Struvite Precipitation from Sludge Centrate.^ Synechocystis
sp. PCC6803 growth curves at the cultivation stage in A dynamic cyanobacteria growth model including sludge
photobioreactors were developed from the experimental work centrate inhibition was developed for analysis in this
Bioenerg. Res.
study. This model incorporates ordinary differential equa- q pðA; H; N Þ
μðA; H; N Þ ¼ min μIS  1− ; ð6Þ
tions (ODE) and nonlinear functions representing the ef- Qðt Þ c
fects of nitrogen quota, nitrogen uptake, chlorophyll syn- −a∙∅∙I ðA; H Þ
pðA; H; N Þ ¼ H ðtÞ  pm ðA; N Þ  1−exp ð7Þ
thesis, light absorption, photosynthesis, growth rate, and pm ðA; N Þ
cell biomass [2, 54].
½Aðt Þ  Qðt Þ2  P0
Table S.1 summarizes the required biological inputs for this pm ðA; N Þ ¼ ð8Þ
model of the growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 [55–57]. ½Aðt Þ  Qðt Þ2 þ q2  ½Aðt Þ þ Lðt Þ2
The model developed in this study is novel in that it incorpo- dH c
rates the maximum nitrogen-limited growth rate (μmax) in- ¼  μðA; H; N Þ  ρ  υðA; N Þ−H ðt Þ  μðA; H; N Þ ð9Þ
dt p
cluding the measured effects of centrate inhibition. These pa-
rameters were determined from the experimental works de- ¼ −υðA; N Þ  Aðt Þ ð10Þ
scribed in BSynechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Cultivation in dt
Sludge Centrate.^ Additionally, a competitive inhibition due qM −Qðt Þ υm  ðN ðt Þ−N v ðt ÞÞ
υðA; N Þ ¼  ð11Þ
to competition with nitrifiers in a wastewater environment was qM −q ðN ðt Þ−N v ðt ÞÞ þ υh
included in the model [58]. Competition with nitrifiers is due Að0Þ  Q0 þ N ð0Þ−N ðt Þ
to the availability of an electron-acceptor, oxygen, as a result Qðt Þ ¼ ð12Þ
A ðt Þ
of photosynthetic activity and cultivation of cyanobacteria in a
wastewater environment containing an electron-donor, nitro- I0
I ðA; H Þ ¼  ½1−expð−a  H ðt Þ  Aðt Þ  zÞ
gen [12]. The growth inhibition of Synechocystis sp. a  H ðt Þ∙Aðt Þ  z
PCC6803 by centrate is mathematically described by Eq. 4 ð13Þ
[59], where all the parameters were determined experimental- ΔN v ΔX v 14 mgN
ly and discussed under BResults and Discussion.^ ¼  ð14Þ
Δt Δt 113 mg Heterotrophic Biomass
μ *S S n
μIS ¼ max  1− ð4Þ The dynamics of these ODEs is illustrated in Fig. S.3.
Biomass growth and nitrogen depletion curves for
KIS is the concentration of centrate where inhibition is ob- Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 were computed in Matlab® for
served, S is the substrate (TN) concentration, K is the concen- the three centrate dilution scenarios evaluated in this LCA:
tration given one-half maximum rate, μmax is maximum spe- 3 vol%, 9 vol%, and 19 vol%. The nitrogen removal rates
cific growth rate, and n is the unitless exponent defining the were compared with the baseline BNR process used by
relationship between μIS and S. DWRF, and the output nitrogen concentrations at the station-
Cyanobacterial biomass is a function of the growth rate, ary growth stage could be calculated.
chlorophyll synthesis, and nitrogen (Eq. 5) [54]. The
growth-limiting factors in the model, nitrogen and light, Modeling of Anaerobic Co-digestion of Activated Sludge
are governed by the Droop cell-quota function and the and Cyanobacterial Biomass
Liebig’s Law, respectively (Eq. 6) [54]. A fixed fraction of
accumulated carbon (gC g−1 dw) is maintained for the dried The cyanobacteria biomass from the photobioreactors is input
biomass. Carbon fixation is a function of the Poisson single- (along with activated sludge) to the on-site anaerobic diges-
hit model of photosynthesis. The photosynthesis rate (Eqs. 7 tion system. Anaerobic digestion reduces the carbon content
and 8) is normalized by the chlorophyll content of input organic matter to its most reduced oxidation state
(gC g−1chl day−1) [54]. Chlorophyll synthesis (Eq. 9) is a [58]. Anaerobic digestion processes are carried out in three
function of nitrogen uptake (Eqs. 10 and 11) [54], which stages: (1) hydrolysis of organic matter, (2) acidogenesis or
incorporates heterotrophic biomass (Xv) and nitrification fermentation of organic matter into organic acids and hydro-
(Nv) in a wastewater environment (Eq. 14) [11]. The fraction gen, and (3) final conversion of organic acids and hydrogen
of nitrogen supplied to chlorophyll synthesis is a function of into methane, known as methanogenesis [61]. Hydrolysis and
the carbon utilization to uptake ratio (c) and the nitrogen methanogenesis stages can be described by a first-order sys-
uptake is a function of the maximum nitrogen quota (Eq. tem of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein content degradation as
12) [54]. Light attenuation in the thin-layer photobioreactor illustrated in Eq. 15 and Eq. 16 [62].
is computed by the Lambert-Beer law, which is a function of
d ½S 
the rate of light absorption by the culture [60]. ¼ −k AD  ½S  ð15Þ
dA d ½CH 4 
¼ μðA; H; N Þ  A ð5Þ ¼ α  k AD  ½S  ð16Þ
dt dt
Bioenerg. Res.

S is the concentration of volatile solids (VS) or concentra- summarized in Table S.2. The sensitivity analysis was per-
tion of chemical organic demand (COD), kAD is the first-order formed for each scenario considering the results obtained from
rate constant, and α is the conversion coefficient from VS or the cyanobacterial growth model, co-digestion model, and
COD to the product (CH4). Municipal sludge is reported to variability present in the CNR process.
have carbohydrate, protein, and lipid content of 32 wt%, The baseline wastewater treatment facility with the BNR
33 wt%, and 25 wt%, respectively [63]. Cyanobacteria, on A2/O process requires about 1.44 kWh of energy per cubic
the other hand, are reported to have 23.3 wt% of carbohy- meter of treated wastewater, as recorded by DWRF. For all the
drates, 38.6 wt% of proteins, and 6 wt% of lipids [64]. The scenarios in the CNR process system, the required energy for
first-order rate constants of these substrates are 0.5–2.0 day−1 the BNR process (0.09 kWh m−3 of treated wastewater) was
and 0.25–0.8 day−1 for carbohydrates and proteins [65], re- subtracted from the wastewater facility energy budget [12].
spectively, and 0.7–0.76 day−1 for lipids [65–67]. All the produced sludge centrate was supplied to the CNR
The anaerobic digestion model was constructed in process for all scenarios.
Python™ and validated using the daily methane production The nitrogen taken up by the photobioreactors was
rate reported by DWRF from the existing anaerobic digester modeled at 31.3, 17.6, and 11.0 kg day−1 for the three centrate
unit. The model for anaerobic digestion of cyanobacterial bio- dilution scenarios (3 vol%, 9 vol%, and 19 vol%), respective-
mass was validated using three methane yields reported in the ly. Phosphorus uptake rate for Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 of
literature for this feedstock. The flow rates and substrate con- 0.0069 g l−1 day−1 [56, 57] was assumed to be constant for
centrations for co-digestion of sludge centrate and each scenario, since this nutrient was not researched in this
cyanobacterial biomass were obtained by a mass balance. study due to its lower sensitivity on GHG emissions [5].
Anaerobic digestion of photoautotrophic microorganisms Previous studies [5, 70] reported a mixing energy of about
has been previously researched to evaluate methane yield. For 2 W m−3 for photobioreactors and raceway ponds. This
instance, Nannochloropsis salina, a microalga strain, could volume-specific energy consumption was used for analysis
produce about 0.14 m3 CH4 kg VS−1 [68] from the lipid- for all the centrate dilution scenarios.
extracted alga biomass. Cyanobacterium strains, such as
Spirulina maxima, yields about 0.15 m3 CH4 kg−1 of dry
biomass [69] and Arthrospira platensis yields about Results and Discussion
0.20 m3 CH4 kg−1 of dry biomass [64].
The anaerobic digestion unit of DWRF currently produces The results of the analysis of the CNR process for sidestream
4749 m3 CH4 day−1 from anaerobic digestion of the wasted wastewater treatment and its life cycle implications are divid-
activated sludge of 17,010 kg of volatile solids (VS) per day. ed into four components. First, modeling is used to describe
The literature [12] reports that electrical generating efficien- the kinetics of struvite precipitation from centrate under anox-
cies of 25% could be achieved for electricity generation only. ic conditions. Second, the cyanobacterial biomass productiv-
This study evaluated all such scenarios by considering electric ities and nitrogen removal rates obtained from experimental
power generation from biogas, electrical efficiency of 25%, work and computational modeling in diluted sludge centrate
obtained from co-digestion of the activated sludge and are reported. Third, modeling results for the anaerobic diges-
cyanobacterial biomass. Using the model proposed here, the tion of activated sludge are presented, which was verified with
daily methane production rate of 4749 m3 CH4 day−1 for the the daily production of methane at the DWRF plant. The
DWRF baseline BNR process was validated with a relative modeling results for cyanobacterial digestion and co-
error of 0.08%. The electricity generation from anaerobic di- digestion of activated sludge with cyanobacterial biomass
gester at DWRF was estimated to be 307 kW for the baseline. are compared with the results reported in the literature. The
benefits of co-digestion for the production of biogas electric
power are discussed. Lastly, the life cycle implications of the
Sensitivity Analysis of Centrate Dilution Scenarios integrated CNR process are compared with the baseline
WWTF in terms of net energies and GHG emissions per
In experiments, the cyanobacterial biomass productivity was volume-specific rate of nitrogen removed.
demonstrated to be inhibited by high concentrations of ammo-
nia in sludge centrate (Fig. 5). Thus, this LCA includes single Struvite Precipitation Rates Are Increased
point sensitivity analysis of the resource requirements and co- in Combined Cyanobacterial Cultivation
product characteristics for each centrate dilution scenarios and Sidestream Wastewater Treatment
considered in this study: 3 vol%, 9 vol%, and 19 vol%. The
main resources required in the cultivation stage for each sce- As shown in Fig. 4, some of the nitrogen removal in the CNR
nario includes sludge centrate, treated wastewater, supplemen- process is performed by struvite precipitation. The struvite
tal nutrients, land, and mixing energy. These LCA inputs are precipitation rates reported in the literature (Nelson et al.
Bioenerg. Res.

Fig. 4 Kinetics of struvite precipitation from sludge centrate under Fig. 5 Measured and modeled maximum specific growth rates of
atmospheric pressure at a precipitation rate of 3.7 h−1 [18] Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 including sludge centrate inhibition

[18]) are 3.7 h−1 at pH of 8.4, 7.9 h−1 at pH of 8.7, and 12.3 h−1 centrate (Eq. 5–13). For comparison, Kim et al. (2010, 2011)
at pH of 9.0. Loewenthal et al. [53] reported that the struvite and Quiroz-Arita et al. (2017) reported Synechocystis sp.
precipitation rates are increased at partial pressures of carbon PCC6803 biomass productivity in the range from
dioxide less than 0.35 atm. DWRF stores sludge centrate un- 0.12 g l−1 day−1 to 0.76 g l−1 day−1 when it is grown in BG
der anoxic conditions, where high CO2 partial pressures are 11 media in photobioreactors at photosynthetic active radia-
expected, unlike conditions in the work performed by Nelson tions (PAR) of above 1000 μmol photons m −2 s −1 .
et al. [18] in well-mixed reactors at atmospheric pressure. Incorporating experimental growth rates of Synechocystis sp.
Transport of sludge centrate to the homogenization tanks PCC6803 with sludge centrate inhibition, this study obtained
and settler in the CNR process abruptly reduces the CO2 par- cyanobacterial biomass productivities of 0.13, 0.17, 0.15, and
tial pressure resulting in high struvite precipitation rates. By 0.16 g l−1 day−1 for centrate dilutions of 3 vol%, 9 vol%,
increasing the struvite precipitation rates, there will be sub- 19 vol% (after 7 days of cultivation), and 19 vol% (after 9 days
stantial reductions in the settling hydraulic retention times of cultivation), respectively. These results demonstrate that
(HRT) from 14 days required under anoxic conditions to ap- Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 biomass productivity is maxi-
proximately 20 min at atmospheric pressure, assuming a pre- mized through experiment and modeling at centrate dilutions
cipitation rate of 3.7 h−1 (Fig. 4). The reduction in HRT de- of 9 vol%.
creases both the capital costs and life cycle energy of the
1.6 140
system due to lower reactor volume.
1.4 9vol% 120
Growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Including
Sludge Centrate Inhibition 100
DW Biomass (g/l)

1 19vol%

In sludge centrate, nitrogen is primarily in the form of ammo- 9vol%

TN (mg/l)
nia, which inhibits the growth of Synechocystis sp.
PCC6803 at a concentration of about 49 mg NH4-N l−1 [31]. 0.6

This study finds that the growth of Synechocystis sp. 40

PCC6803 is completely inhibited when centrate is greater than 0.4

25 vol% (total nitrogen concentration of > 163 mg TN l−1; Fig. 0.2

5). Experimental results show that the highest value of the WQCC=7mgN/l

maximum specific growth rate of Synechocystis sp. 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PCC6803 was obtained at sludge centrate concentration of Time(days)

9 vol% where TN concentration was 71 mg l−1 (Fig. 5). Fig. 6 Thin-layer growth modeling results for Synechocystis sp.
Figure 5 depicts the measured and modeled range of maxi- PCC6803 at sludge centrate dilutions of 3 vol%, 9 vol%, and 19 vol%.
mum growth rates of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 and the The cultivation times of centrate dilutions at 3 vol% and vol9% are
7 days. The cultivation time of centrate dilution at 19 vol% is 9 days.
kinetic parameters for Eq. 4. DWB stands for dry weight biomass. WQCC stands for the water quality
Figure 6 depicts the measured and modeled dynamics of criteria for the State of Colorado, 7 mg TN l−1. DWB and TN are
cyanobacterial biomass growth and nitrogen uptake in sludge represented by blue straight lines and red dashed lines, respectively
Bioenerg. Res.

Table 1 Results of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 thin-layer growth model under the three centrate dilution scenarios

Parameter 3% centrate (7 days of 9% centrate (7 days of 19% centrate (7 days 19% centrate (9 days
cultivation) cultivation) cultivation) cultivation)

Mean Upper Bottom Mean Upper Bottom Mean Upper Bottom Mean Upper Bottom
limit limit limit limit limit limit limit limit

DW biomass 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.05 1.3 0.4 1.4 1.6 0.7
(g l−1)a
Nr 3100 3100 3100 10,200 10,200 10,200 13,900 16,700 5600 13,800 14,000 6900
(mg m−3 day−1)-

TN effluent 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.2 0.20 0.20 29 9.7 87 2.7 0.1 64
(mg l−1)c
DW stands for dry weight at stationary stage
Nr stands for nitrogen removal rate
TN stands for total nitrogen at stationary stage

Nitrogen Uptake by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 previous studies [69]. Anaerobic digestion of sludge at
DWRF, on the other hand, provides a yield three times greater
The modeled concentrations of TN discharged from the side- than cyanobacteria, 0.48 m3 CH4 kg−1. Co-digestion of the
stream photobioreactors are summarized in Table 1. TN con- activated sludge and cyanobacterial biomass simulated by
centrations in Table 1 are presented as upper, mean, and lower the first-order system model resulted in the increase in meth-
concentrations corresponding to the lowest maximum specific ane productions by 22%, 8%, and 4% for centrate dilution
growth rates, the mean maximum specific growth rates, and scenarios of 3 vol%, 9 vol%, and 19 vol%, respectively.
the highest maximum specific growth rates, as measured in Figure 7 depicts the modeling results for the 3% centrate di-
the experiments presented in Fig. 6. lution scenario.
For example, under the CNR 3 vol% centrate dilution sce- Methane and energy production are maximized at 3%
nario, the TN concentration of the growth media after centri- centrate dilution (Table 2). Biogas can be upgraded in the
fugation is 0.004 mg l−1 (Fig. 6). This CNR sidestream waste- photobioreactors by carbon dioxide uptake, to close the
water treatment scenario meets the requirements of municipal carbon loop. For example, previous research reported
WWTF, and the water quality criteria of the State of Colorado CO2 removal by Chlorella sp. of 23.0 ± 11.8% [71]. By
and the federal EPA. The TN concentration of the treated Henry’s law, we model that 0.067%, 0.012%, and 0.006%
effluent discharged from the facility is 15.2 mg N l−1 (Fig. 3, of the CO2 produced, for centrate dilutions of 3 vol%,
and in Supplementary Material). For comparison, the nitrogen 9 vol%, and 19 vol%, respectively, will remain in solution
concentration in the treated effluent from the conventional (Table S.2), whereas the rest will be released to the
activated sludge process is 25.9 mg N l−1. These results dem-
onstrate that the combined effluent nutrient concentration and
energy requirements are notably reduced when compared to
the conventional activated sludge process and the baseline
BNR process, respectively.

Co-digestion of Cyanobacterial Biomass

with Activated Sludge

After centrifugation, the cyanobacteria biomass can be used as

a feedstock to the existing anaerobic digester unit of a waste-
water treatment facility such as DWRF.
Using the methods in BModeling Of Anaerobic Co-
Digestion Of Activated Sludge And Cyanobacterial
Biomass^ and Eqs. 14 and 15, the model for anaerobic diges-
tion of cyanobacterial biomass provides a yield of
0.15 m3 CH4 kg−1 for Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, which Fig. 7 Model results for anaerobic co-digestion of activated sludge and
closely represents the result for cyanobacteria obtained in cyanobacterial biomass for 3% centrate dilution scenario
Bioenerg. Res.

Table 2 Methane production and potential electrical and heat power by centrate dilution of 3 vol% improves the water quality
co-digestion of activated sludge and cyanobacterial biomass
and reduces the environmental impacts in terms of life
Centrate Product of Product of co-digestion of Electric cycle energy use and GHG emissions normalized by the
dilution cyanobacterium sludge and power volume-specific nitrogen removal rate.
ratio (%) biomass cyanobacterium biomass (kW) Although the 3% scenario is most preferred using the met-
(m3 CH4 day−1) (m3 CH4 day−1)
rics of this LCA, there are reasons to consider the costs and
3 1067 5812 376 benefits of the other scenarios. For example, the 9 vol% sce-
9 362 5107 331 nario has the lowest net energy normalized by the treated
19a 186 4931 319 wastewater of 1.42 kWh m−3 and the lowest land requirements
19b 212 4958 321 of 1.39 ha (Table S.3). Further research targeting the global
19c 93 4838 313 optimization of sustainability and techno-economic metrics
will clarify the potential for trade-offs among these options.
Results obtained from the mean growth rate of Synechocystis sp.
Results obtained from the upper limit growth rate of Synechocystis sp.
PCC6803 Conclusions
Results obtained from the lower limit growth rate of Synechocystis sp.
PCC6803 This study presents a novel cyanobacterial nutrient removal
process for sidestream wastewater treatment. Parameters asso-
environment. By supplying cyanobacterial biomass to the ciated with the cyanobacterial growth and anaerobic co-
existing anaerobic digester unit of DWRF, the energy re- digestion models were determined experimentally. Resource
covery of the facility can be increased without additional recovery was investigated by experimental and computational
capital investments. modeling of struvite precipitation, electric power, and com-
bined heat and power generation. This research demonstrates
Life Cycle Net Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions that among the centrate dilution scenarios of 3 vol%, 9 vol%,
and 19 vol% assessed in this study, the system operating at
As illustrated in Fig. 8, life cycle net energy and GHG 3 vol% centrate dilution was the most sustainable system in
emissions can be minimized among the options modeled terms of nitrogen discharge concentration, net energy to nitro-
here at centrate dilutions of 3%. The propagated uncer- gen removal ratio (NENR), and the GHG emissions to nitro-
tainty due to experimental variability (illustrated in gen removal ratio. Next steps for this novel technology are to
Table 1 and Fig. 5) is negligible. These results show that demonstrate scalability at a pilot scale in municipal wastewa-
the life cycle energy and GHG emissions are reduced by ter treatment facilities and to optimize the cost, footprint, op-
8% and 17%, respectively, relative to the baseline BNR erations that would be required by integration of
process. The results from an LCA suggest that the photobioreactors and raceways on to WWTF facilities.

Fig. 8 Life cycle net energies and GHG emissions of baseline wastewater treatment facility and combined system with CNR process for sidestream
wastewater treatment
Bioenerg. Res.

Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge National Science 16. Wang J, Burken JG, Zhang X(J), Surampalli R (2005) Engineered
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