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Asignatura: inglés Grado: 9° 01

Docente: Marconi de Jesús Guerra Olea Cel. # 313 512 3288

Estudiante: Keisy Tano Ruiz

Activity 1
Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo qué se encuentra entre

Last night we walked (walk) to the cinema.

● Sam stopped (stop) the car to take a picture.

● I studied (study) for the exam for three hours.
● They were (be) happy to be home
● Sally was (be) disappointed she missed (miss) the party.
● When I was young, we always went (go) to Florida for the
● Dan didn't work (not/work) the last week.
● Did you wash (wash) the dishes?
● I dreamt (dream) I could fly last night.
● We met (meet) them at the restaurant.
● Did you found (find) your book?

Activity 2
1. Write the simple past form of the verbs below:
● meet → met ● collect → collected

● go → went ● paint → painted

● drive → drove ● invent → invented

● sleep → slept ● stop → stopped

● think → thought ● hug → hugged

● ride → rode ● jump → jumped

● come → came ● see → saw

● fly → flew ● become → became

● be → was/were ● fight → fought

● sing → sang ● cry → cried

2. Separate the verbs from exercise 1 into the columns:

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

● collect ● meet
● paint ● go
● invent ● drive
● stop ● sleep
● hug ● think
● jump ● ride
● cry ● come
● fly
● be
● sing
● see
● become
● fight
3. Change the sentences into Negative or Interrogative forms:
a. Anne played tennis yesterday.
(-) Anne didn't play tennis yesterday.

b. Your friends ate some hamburgers last night.

(?) Did your friend eat hamburgers last night?

c. Alex and Chris were in Rio in October.

(-) Alex and Chris weren´t in Rio in October.

d. Betina read a whole book yesterday.

(?) Did Betina read a whole book yesterday?

4. Complete the sentences with the past of the verbs in ( ):

a. I didn't made coffee today! (make)
b. My friend spent the day at home. (spend)
c. Wallace gave his mother a beautiful present. (give)
d. Did the students bought the tickets for the show? (buy)

5. Complete the text using one of the verbs from the box:

arrive - take - be(2x) - break - call - see - decide - notice - cross - go

Last weekend was very funny: first, I called my friend to go to the shopping and
then we went to the bus stop to take the bus, but when we arrived there the
bus had just gone and so we took a taxi. In the middle of the way the taxi broke
down and we decided to go walking. After about twenty minutes, we saw the
shopping and when we were crossing the street we noticed it had closed!!
They only thing to do: laugh and laugh a lot!!!!

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