Final Media Plan - Phillips Johnson Helms

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Final Media Plan

Molly Johnson, Allyson Helms, Avery Phillips

Overall Plan Media Objectives

1a. Within the $30,000 budget, create awareness and increase market share of Tom’s of
Maine Silly Strawberry Children’s Toothpaste and Silly Strawberry Children’s
Anticavity Mouth Rinse in Benton, Washington, Crawford and Sebastian Counties using
local newspapers, TV, retail and digital advertising. About 39% of residents in these
counties are ages 25 to 54 (FS-Fay TVB, 2018). About 68% of households in these
counties are family households (PF-AD, 2019). This media plan will run from Monday,
August 10 through Sunday, August 16, 2020, because about 62% of parents spend more
money on back-to-school shopping than any other time of the year (“Parents,” 2019).
In order to increase market share, using intrusive media such as television is an effective
way to reach consumers who don’t know the brand (p. 29).

Target Market

b. Target advertising to male and female parents ages 25 to 44 (153, 120) with children up
to age 14. These parents have household incomes of $60,000 or more (121), and
graduated college (156) or earned a postgraduate degree (151), and work in management,
business and financial (121) or professional (162) occupations. Their lifestyle interests
include news (BBC, 154), business and financial news (Forbes, 149), travel/outdoor
adventure (Airbnb, 211), and entertainment (BuzzFeed, 173; MRI-TU, 2018). Parents
and children of all races are targeted including African Americans, Asians, Caucasians,
Hispanics/Latinos, and Native Americans.

Reach and Frequency Goals

c. The baseline is 300 GRPS with a reach of 75 and a frequency of four among the target
market. The proposed plan has 607 GRPS. Use a 75 reach because brands usually stay in
the 66 to 80 percent range and rarely set their reach goals less than 50 (p.96). Set the
frequency at four because this exceeds the minimum basis for effective frequency and
consumers do not remember an ad unless they see it at least three times (p.96). The point
at which advertising becomes effective or motivating is using a frequency of 3.0+ (p.96).

Broadcast Media Plan

2a. Use television advertising because it provides mass coverage and allows for
effective repetition to increase awareness and achieve a higher frequency. (p. 161). It is
versatile and requires extensive viewer time which creates personal involvement for
audience members (p. 161). Cable TV has become an important information source for
many Americans (PEW- CNFS, 2019). Research shows that consumers pay more
attention to TV advertising because it commands twice the active viewing of YouTube
and 15 times the active viewing of Facebook (“TV advertising isn’t,” 2018).

2b. Advertise on the local KHOG 5:00pm newscast on Monday, August 10, and Tuesday,

August 11 because 76% of Americans have a great deal of trust in their local television news

(Poynter, 2018). Place two :30-second ads in Bachelor in Paradise on Monday, August 12,

because it has a rating of 1.1 among adults ages 18-49 (Welch, 2019a). Bachelor in Paradise has

a stickiness index of 116 which indicates loyal, engaged users (CS-TV20Eng, 2019). Place one :

30-second ads in Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday, August 10 at 10:35pm because it is popular

among adults ages 18-49 and entertainment is one of the key lifestyle interests of the target

segment (Welch, 2019b).

Advertise on the local KSFM 5news broadcast at 6:00 pm on Monday, August 10, Wednesday,

August 12, and Thursday, August 13. Place two :30 second ads on each broadcast because the

average number of hours of local TV news on weekdays is 5.9 hours and local TV news is the

leading source of offline news in the U.S. (Watson, 2019). Place one :30 second advertisement

on NCIS Tuesday, August 11 at 8:00 pm because it has 4.6 million viewers (NT10-NetTV,

2019). NCIS is ranked third in broadcast TV engagement with a stickiness index of 138 (CS-

TV20Eng, 2019). A high level of stickiness indicates loyal, engaged users (Ziadi, 2017). NCIS

had a 0.6 rating in adults 18-49, drawing 3.87 million viewers (Rejent, 2019). Place one :30

second advertisement on 60 Minutes Sunday, August 16 at 6:00 pm because it is ranked third in

prime broadcast network TV (NT10-NetTV, 2019). Also 60 minutes makes Nielsen's weekly
Top 10 nearly every week and still averages nearly 11 million viewers (“About us,” 2019). The

average audience for a 60 Minutes broadcast is 50% higher than those of the network morning

news programs (“About us,” 2019).

Advertise on KNWA’s Today Show Monday, August 10 and Tuesday, August 11 at 7am

because it has been the number-one morning show for 49 consecutive months (Ratings: TODAY

is #1 for 49 Straight Months, 2019). Place 3 :30-second ads in America’s Got Talent Tuesday,

August 11 and 3 :30-second ads Wednesday, August 12 at 8pm because it is ranked #2 in TV

engagement among broadcast TV shows (CS-TV20Eng, 2019). Also, it has a rating of 1.6 within

adults ages 18-49 (Welch, 2019a) and draws in 9.4 million viewers (NT10-NetTV, 2019).

Print Media Plan

3a. Use newspaper advertising because they have broad reach and are published
frequently, resulting in continuous impressions. Newspaper readers tend to be college
graduates with incomes of $100,000 or more and 24% of monthly newspaper readers are
aged 21-34 (“Newspapers deliver,” 2016). Advertise on Sunday in both Arkansas
Democrat Gazette and Fort Smith Times Record papers because U.S. Sunday newspapers
have an estimated total circulation of 30.8 million (Pew-NFS, 2019). Advertise on
weekdays in both papers because U.S. daily papers have an estimated total circulation of
28.6 million (Pew-NFS, 2019).

b. Advertise in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette (ADG) because it can reach 62% of adults

in the four-county metro area (“Reach Arkansas,” 2019). Place one black-and-white, 1/4 page ad

in the ADG Entertainment section on Monday, August 10, because consumers divide the

newspaper up into its sections and only read what they want (Bruce, 2015) and the target

audience is interested in entertainment (MRI-TU, 2018). Place one black-and-white, 1/4 page ad

in the ADG Business section on Wednesday, August 12, because the target audience is interested

in business topics (MRI-TU, 2018) and the Sunday state edition paper reaches more than

600,000 readers (“Platforms,” 2019). 

Place advertising in Fort Smith Times Record (FSTR) because it reaches 70,200

residential and business readers on weekdays and 85,100 readers on Sundays (“Advertise,”

2019). Fifty-seven percent of FSTR readers are ages 18-54 and 67% college educated (“Media

kit,” 2019). Place one black-and-white, ⅛ page ad in the FSTR Business section on Monday,

August 10, and one black-and-white, ⅛ page ad on Tuesday, August 11 because there are more

than 70,200 daily residential and business readers and business and financial news is one of the

key lifestyle interests of the target segment (“Advertise,” 2019). Place one black-and-white, 1/8

page ad in the FSTR Lifestyle section on Sunday, August 16, because the target audience is

interested in travel which is included in the Lifestyle section of the newspaper (MRI-TU 2018).

In addition, 65% of FSTR readers have a HHI of $50,000 and up and 57% are families with

children in the home (“Media kit,” 2019).

Digital Media Plan

4a. Use digital advertising because about 78% of Americans are connected to the internet on
average for about nine hours a day (p. 194). Advertisements can reach people in various
ways digitally including news searches and personal interests, as well as on social media
and entertainment (p. 194). Also, digital advertising allows you to reach the right people
with the right message at the right time that will effectively resonate and impact them
(Standberry, 2019). Digital advertising is a rapidly growing market that is comprised of
49% of all advertising revenue (Pew-DNFS, 2019). Digital advertising outlets have
several options for reaching their consumers, including apps, newsletters, and podcasts
which will allow a greater reach (Pew-DNFS, 2019). One hundred percent of people ages
18-29 and 97% of people ages 30-49 use the internet (PEW-IBFS,2019).

b. Place a leaderboard on because it has 100,000 or more unique

monthly visitors and 50,000 or more e-newsletter subscribers (“Advertise- AB,” 2019). Use this

site because the target audience for Tom’s of Maine is interested in business. Place the ad in

Today's News and Northwest Arkansas sections to target consumers in the region who are

interested in the news.

Place a leaderboard on because 52.1% of Arkansas fans have a

college education and 29.5% have incomes over $75,000 (“Razorback Sports,” 2014). Also, 50%

of graduates from the University of Arkansas go on to be employed in the state of Arkansas

(“Career outcomes report,” 2018).

Place a medium rectangle on because the average audience income is

$75,000 and the average audience age is 32. Over 80% of their audience is interested in

entertainment, travel, and business (“Advertise- AT,” 2019). GOOD-ANY OTHER DATA?

Place a medium rectangle on because the average audience has an

average household income of $75,000 and a median age of 35 that aligns with Tom’s of Maine's

target audience household income of $60,000 or more (“Advertise- CA,” 2019). This magazine

has content related to local businesses, travel, entertainment and lifestyle, which are the key

interests of the target audience.

Place a rectangle digital advertising unit on because it averages over 1.1

million views each month. They have sections that focus on entertainment, business, and

lifestyle. This site reaches educated, at-work adults with disposable income and who have a
strong buying power which aligns with Tom’s of Maine's affluent and educated target audience

(Advertising & Media kit, 2019).

Place a digital leaderboard advertisement on because the website averages

more than 131,000 unique visitors each month and their readers are highly educated with a high

income (“Advertise- TR,” 2019). Sixty-seven percent of their readers are adults ages 18 to 54

and 65 and up and have household incomes of $50,000 or more (Times Record Media Kit,

2018). Fifty-seven percent of their readers are families with children in the home so it has the

opportunity to reach parents with young children who could use Tom’s of Maine (Times Record

Media Kit, 2018). Place advertisements in the business and entertainment sections of Times

Record to align with the target segment’s interests.

Place a digital leaderboard advertising unit on because it is a local news

station that targets NWA residents and consumers, and 37% of U.S. adults prefer to get their

local news from the news stations website (“Nearly as,” 2019). Place the advertisement in the

health section because Tom’s target audience is more likely to be interested in the health of the

products their children use.

Place a rectangle digital advertising unit on because it is a local news station

that targets local NWA residents. It will gain the attention of the local marketplace, and will

provide the details and interactivity necessary to acquire new customers (“Advertise with,”

2019). Also, about 58% of American adults often get news on mobile devices and about 39% get

news on a desktop or computer, so placing advertising on will tap into this group of

consumers (Fedeli & Matsa, 2018). Place the advertisement in the BHealthy or local news

section because Tom’s of Maine’s target audience is conscious about the health of their children

and the products that they use.

Place one, premium digital banner advertisement on the CNN Original Series, Business,

and Travel sections on Monday, August 10 through Sunday, August 16 because CNN’s cross-

platform audience reaches 53% of all millennials in the U.S. monthly across TV and digital

(CNN, 2019). Also, CNN is ranked second for the total minutes viewed by affluent adults in the

general news category (VAB-GF, 2018). Place the ad on CNN’s Original Series section because

it reaches a younger, high-quality affluent audience that is more likely to be engaged and

receptive to advertising (CNN, 2019). CNN Original Series viewers are 40% more likely to be

college graduates and they are 26% more likely to have a household income of $100,000 or

higher (CNN, 2019). Advertise on CNN Business because 22% of affluent Americans ages 18

and up work in business, management, or financial jobs, and 60% consider their work to be a

career and not just a job (VAB-GF, 2018). Advertise on CNN Travel because affluent Americans

spent over $6,000 on foreign and domestic vacations in the last 12 months (VAB-GF, 2018).

Retail & OOH Media Plan

5a. Use retail advertising because about 75% of brand choices are made in-store and
about half of the total purchases at grocery stores are spent on items consumers
were not planning to purchase (p. 201). With retail advertising, register sales data
is available, making it easier to connect exposures to sales (p. 202). This is
effective because 75% of consumers are more likely to buy from a retailer that
recognizes them by name, recommends options based on past purchases, or
knows their purchase history (“Statistics about retail,” 2018).

b. Locations to place advertising in CVS Pharmacy

1. Place advertising in San Francisco, CA because the median household income is
$101,714 and 49.3% of the adult population has a bachelor’s degree (Stebbins, 2019).
a. Berkeley, California
i. 2300 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA (94704)
b. Albany, California
i. 1382 Solano, Ave. Albany, CA (94706)
2. Place advertising in Boston, MA because it is one of only five U.S. metro areas where
majority of the households earn at least $85,000 a year. Forty-seven percent of adults
have a bachelor’s degree. This city has a well-educated population and a strong job
market with several big companies headquartered here (Stebbins, 2019).
a. Cambridge, Massachusetts
i. 427 Washington St. Brighton, MA (02135)
3. Place advertising in Salt Lake City, UT because the median household income is $71,510
and 35.5% of residents have a bachelor’s degree (Stebbins, 2019).
a. Draper, Utah
i. 11385 S 700 E. Sandy, UT (84020)
4. Place advertising in Minneapolis, MN because it is one of the wealthiest metro areas in
the country and one of the best educated. About 42% of adults in the metro area have a
bachelor’s degree or higher. Median household income is $77,000 (Stebbins, 2019).
a. Chanhassen, Minnesota
i. 7765 Galpin Blvd. Chanhassen, MN (55317)
5. Place advertising in Austin, TX because the median household income is $73,800 and
44.8% of its residents have a bachelor's degree (Stebbins 2019).
a. Round Rock, Texas
i. 2001 E. Palm Valley Blvd. Round Rock, TX (78665)
6. Place advertising in New York City, NY because it is the most populated metro area in
the country and the median household income is $75,000 (Stebbins, 2019).
a. Scarsdale, New York
i. 807 White Plains Rd. Scarsdale, NY (10583)
b. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey
i. 412 Springfield Ave. Berkeley Heights, NJ (07922)
7. Place advertising in Philadelphia, PA because its median household income is $40,000
and 28.5% of the population are of the ages 25-44 (“Philadelphia,” 2019).
a. Place advertising in Trenton, NJ because the median household income is $79,173
which is about $19,000 more than the typical American household. Trenton has a
well-educated labor force with 43.9% of the adult population having a bachelor’s
degree (Stebbins, 2019).
b. 1100 Liberty St. Trenton, NJ (08611)
8. Place advertising in San Diego, CA because the median household income is $76,207 and
38.8% of residents have a bachelor’s degree (Stebbins, 2019).
a. Carlsbad, California
i. 2510 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA (92008)
9. Place advertising in Dallas, TX because of its diversity and it is home to one of the
wealthiest towns in the U.S., University Park. Its average household income is $359,000
(Burroughs, 2019). Dallas has the largest proportion of percent of people with a
bachelor’s degree at 55% (Town charts, 2019).
a. University Park, Texas
i. 8335 Westchester Dr. University Park, TX (75225)
10. Place advertising in Phoenix, AZ because the median household income is $73,000, the
median age is 33, and about 65% of the population contains households with families
(“Phoenix, AZ,” 2017).
a. Scottsdale, Arizona has a median household income of $80,000 and 56% of its
citizens have a bachelor’s degree or higher (“Scottsdale,” 2018).
i. 7552 Indian School Rd. Scottsdale, AZ (85251)
c. Place Tom’s of Maine Silly Strawberry toothpaste and mouthwash in CVS Pharmacy stores

because it is the number one retail pharmacy chain with a 23.8% market share (DDN-5, 2018).

Forty-one percent of consumers that earn $75,00 to $99,000 and 44% of consumers that earn

$100,000 or more shop at CVS (Mintel-DSR-RS, 2019). Thirty-seven percent of consumers aged

25-34 shop at CVS and 39% of consumers aged 35-44 shop at CVS (Mintel-DSR-RS, 2019). An

advantage to placing advertisements in CVS is the wide range of locations across the country

which provide more access to more people (Mintel-DSR-RS, 2019).

d. Place an end cap display in all cities because it is developed for a consistent look aligned with

CVS pharmacy guidelines and it is easily updatable (POP-D, 2019). End cap displays are often

some of the first displays customers see when they enter the store and are highly customizable

(Mcintyre, 2018). End caps can highlight a featured product and offer the opportunity to

showcase specialty products. They can also increase brand recognition because it sets your brand

apart from others in the same category (BDSmktg, 2016). Of the thousands of shopper

transactions in a store, 29% of shoppers pass any given end cap, twice the number of shoppers

who go down any given aisle of the store (Wade, 2016). Place the CVS end cap in the

pharmaceutical area of the store within the oral hygiene section. Place in this section toward the

back of the store because endcaps in the rear of the store see less shopper traffic but generate

better absolute shopper takeaway than end caps in the front of the store (Wade, 2016). Use a

white display covered in photos of bright, fresh strawberries to emphasize the natural ingredients

in Tom’s of Maine. Give the strawberries “silly” facial expressions to attract the attention of

children and tie in the name of the oral care flavor. Feature the benefits of using Silly Strawberry
toothpaste and mouthwash “fluoride free” and “cavity protection”. Place both products on

shelves in the display.

6a. Use out-of-home (OOH) advertising because it reaches potential customers close
to the point of sale, allows for easy repetition in high-traffic areas, and can enable
quick and simple communication. OOH is effective because 70% of the
consumer’s time is spent out-of-home (OFM-MK, 2019). OOH offers the
potential to reach 75% of the U.S. population each week, with a high frequency of
20 or more times a day (OFM-MK, 2019). Adults ages 16-34 are the demographic
most engaged with OOH advertising (Lamar research, 2019). Also, when OOH is
added to the media mix, it increases search’s return on ad spend by 40%, drives
nearly four times more social and digital activations, and allows for consumers to
be 48% more likely to interact engage with a mobile ad after being exposed to the
same OOH ad first (OFM-MK, 2019).

b. Use billboard advertising because they give your message a long-term presence and

have tremendous visibility by vehicular traffic because they are located on key highways,

intersections and integral choke points. They are located in the top 50 markets and provide

around-the-clock visibility (OFM-MK, 2019). They command your audience's attention with

creative three-dimensional designs, moving parts and extensions (“Digital billboards,” 2013).

Use digital billboards because they allow messages to be quickly changed, are much more visible

and engaging, and they can provide an interactive experience (p. 187). Digital billboard

advertising allows message changes easily and frequently with no extra production costs

(“Digital billboards,” 2013). Place digital billboard advertisements in all 10 recommended major

metropolitan areas to reach a large volume of targeted consumers with a high frequency. Show a

happy child brushing their teeth with Tom’s of Maine Silly Strawberry toothpaste with animated,

personified, silly strawberries hopping around the billboard. Use a slogan such as “make

brushing silly” to grab the attention of children. Mention the benefits of using Silly Strawberry

like “fluoride free” and “cavity protection”.

Use transit advertising on bus exteriors in New York City, San Francisco, Phoenix, and

Boston because buses circulate in the busiest areas of major metropolitan cities, and bus

advertising offers exposure to local commuters, drivers, and pedestrians (“Moving billboards,”

2019). Transit advertising provides repetition and continuous exposure day and night (p. 188).

Buses are rolling billboards that reach densely populated areas (OFM-MK, 2019). Buses target

specific demographics based on route and deliver exposure where other out-of-home advertising

may be prohibited (“Moving billboards,” 2019). Feature strawberries covering the display,

appearing to hang out of the windows, similar to the themes of the billboard and the end cap.

Include The Tom’s of Maine logo, pictures of the Silly Strawberry products, and a list of the

product benefits.

Social Media & Influencer Media Plan

7a. Use social media because 72% of the public uses some type of social media
(Pew-SMFS, 2019). In 2019, 90% of people ages 18-29 use social media and 82%
of people ages 30-49 actively use at least one social media site (Pew, SMFS,
2019). Social media supports and encourages interaction (p.208). Social media
advertising is also used to build communities of users focused on the brand, and
in turn, they develop positive word-of-mouth for brands (p. 208).

Place advertising on Instagram because it drives awareness, increases customers

and allows the brand to share its story among a highly engaged audience.
Instagram advertisements can target users based on location, demographics,
interests, and behaviors. It has the ability to use custom audiences, lookalike
audiences or automated targeting (“Instagram ads,” 2019). U.S. adults who use
Instagram are 41% more likely than the general population to have used Tom’s of
Maine toothpaste in the last six months. About 3.173 million Tom’s of Maine
consumers use Instagram (MRI-TU, 2018). Thirty-seven percent of U.S. adults
use Instagram and 63% of users are active daily (Pew, SMFS, 2019). Also,
Instagram reaches 55% of African American consumers, surpassing the total
population by 20% (Nielsen-AAIB, 2019).
b. Use a sponsored Instagram Story because 500 million Instagram accounts use Instagram

Stories every day and 1/3 of the most viewed stories are from businesses (“Instagram stories,”

2019). Also, stories make use of the full mobile screen, providing a beautiful, distraction-less

canvas (“Instagram stories,” 2019). Stories encourage awareness, recall, purchase lift, and sales

(“Instagram stories,” 2019). Instagram offers advanced and detailed options to specifically

choose the target audience through customizing the location, age, gender, interests and behaviors

of users which will allow Tom’s of Maine to effectively reach their target audience (“Instagram

stories,” 2019). The Instagram Story features a picture of the product with the option to “swipe

up” to see more information about the health benefits.

8a. Use influencer advertising because nearly half of social media users say they
have a favorite influencer and 39% of users feel personally connected to them (MII-ES,
2019). Fifty-nine percent of social media users who follow an influencer they do not
know have learned about a product or service from the influencer’s social media account,
while 45% have purchased a product they have seen on social media (MII-ES, 2019).
Influencers create an engaging story that attracts followers who voluntarily opt to follow
them and are eager to see their content (“Most attractive,” 2019). Brands can identify
their target audience and find an influencer that has expertise and favor within that
audience (“Most attractive,” 2019).

Use Instagram influencer, @AlexaJeanBrown, because she has 767,000 followers and is
a mom of three with a big following of parents. She is a fitness enthusiast and uses her
platform to help mothers and families live healthy lifestyles. She makes multiple posts
about her day-to-day life, showing other moms what products she uses with her children.
She posts healthy recipes with natural ingredients, as well as hair and hygiene products
such as Living Proof that are natural-based products. She takes frequent trips with her
family, appealing to the target demographic’s interest in travel. (“Alexajeanbrown,”

b. Use @alexajeanbrown’s general and fitness accounts as both feature her young children

and target moms interested in a healthy family lifestyle. The post for her general account
features her children in front of the bathroom mirror before bed brushing their teeth with Silly

Strawberry toothpaste. For her caption, she includes the health benefits for the product and ways

to make kids’ bedtime routine fun. For her fitness account, a new post with her kids using Silly

Strawberry mouthwash is posted. This is in the morning and in the form of a “mirror selfie”.

Alexa takes a photo of the kids in the bathroom mirror while spending time with them before her

workout. She mentions the benefits and include multiple photos of her kids’ white smiles and

excitement about using the Silly Strawberry products. If Tom’s of Maine offers a discount code,

Alexa Jean Brown also mentions that in her caption and provides her followers with some

percentage off of their purchase. Another powerful way to reach her followers is to post a

sponsored Instagram story, sharing it to her general page and her fitness page. It is a short video

using Instagram’s Boomerang effect of her kids brushing their teeth. This shows the children’s

positive emotions and caters to those who pay more attention to stories rather than staying up to

date with their feed.


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