Clil Lesson Plan

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TEACHER: Sirly Monterrosa Bravo SCHOOL: La Salle, Montería

GRADE: 3er SUBJECT: Science

TOPIC: The five senses


 To identify the five senses.

 To locate the five senses on our body.
 To name things we can do using our five senses.


The students will be able to:

 Identify their five senses and locate them on their bodies. (understand)
 Name things they can do using their five senses. (understand)
 Draw themselves pointing out the parts of their body where they can find their five
senses. (Apply)
 Reflect on which sense they think is the most important and why. (Evaluation)


 CONTENT: The five senses.

 Identify the five senses.
 Locate the five senses on our body.
 Listen to a reading about things that we can do at the beach using our five senses.
 Draw themselves and write the five senses.
Learning of the language
 Present simple
 Use of can
 Essential vocabulary
 CULTURE: To understand that all five senses are very important and essential to discover
and explore our new world.

 Opening: Greeting and introduction to the topic.

The teacher greets the students and tells them today’s class id going to be about the five
senses. She writes down on the board the title and tells students that our five senses help
us to discover and explore the world. With the students’ help, the teacher writes on the
board the name of the five senses and the parts of the body where we can find them.
(brainstorm words/scaffolding)

 Development:
 READING ACTIVITY: My five senses.
The teacher introduces students to a reading about the five senses at the beach.
She reads from the book “Big Book of Explorations, volume 2” and interacts with
the students at the same time showing them pictures and talking about things
that we can do at the beach.
The teacher places different objects on the table/floor covered with black bags
and place a small picture of one of the senses on each bag. Then, she calls five
students to come to the front and tell them they have to discover what is in the
bag using only the sense on the picture. The students need to make sure they are
not seeing in the bags if that is not the sense they have to use. They will have 30
seconds and then they are going to close the bags and tell the class what they
think it is.

 Closure:
 The teacher asks students to reflect on this question: Which sense do you think is
the most important? why?
 Finally, the teacher will ask students to draw themselves and point out the parts of
the body where they can find their five senses.


 The Big Book of Explorations, volume 2 by Macmilla/MacGraw-Hill

 Sensory materials: balloons, shells, sand, rocks, coffee, chocolate, lime, maracas, etc.


Depending on students’ interest on the activities, the teacher can take a little bit more of the time
expected on each activity.

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