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Exercise C

Layla Ammar, section B

1. Deep structure >> Not he past tell me his plans

Negation || He past not tell me his plans
Adding do|| He past do not tell me his plans
>> He didn't tell me his plans

2- Deep structure>> Q you present be ing sing (adv-p-wh) tonight

Yes/ No Q|| present be you ing sing (adv-p-wh) tonight
Wh-Q|| (adv-p-wh) present be you ing sing tonight
>>Where are you singing tonight?

3- Deep structure >> Imp you will listen to me.

( apply deletion only)
>> Listen to me.
4- Deep structure>> Not he past know her address yesterday
Negation || he past not know her address yesterday
Adding do || he do past not know her address desires
Rearrangement || Yesterday he do past not know her address
>> Yesterday he didn't know her address
5- Deep structure >>Q not you present be ready ( adv-reason-wh)
Negation|| Q you present be not ready ( adv-reason-wh)
Yes/ No Q || present be not you ready ( adv-reason-wh)
Wh-Q || ( adv-reason-wh) present be not you ready
>> Why aren't you ready?

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