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Fibromyalgia syndrome: under-, over- and misdiagnosis

W. Häuser1, P. Sarzi-Puttini2, M.-A. Fitzcharles3

Department of Internal Medicine 1, ABSTRACT classification, diagnostic criteria, sug-
Klinikum Saarbrücken, and Department Fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) is an gested aetiology and pathophysiology,
of Psychosomatic Medicine and enigma. During the past three decades, “ownership”, the preferred treatment
Psychotherapy, Technische Universität
with the gradual acceptance of the va- options and long-term outcome (5-7).
München, München, Germany;
Rheumatology Unit, Department of lidity of FM, it is variously under-, over Even in this past decade physicians
Internal Medicine, University of Milan, and misdiagnosed. Evidence-based still report uncertainties about how to
Italy; 3Division of Rheumatology, McGill interdisciplinary guidelines have sug- diagnose FM (8, 9). This medical un-
University Health Centre, Quebec, gested a comprehensive clinical as- certainty translates into patient stress-
Canada and Alan Edwards Pain sessment to avoid this diagnostic co- ors, frustration and even dissatisfaction
Management Unit, McGill University nundrum. Every patient with chronic (10). The time to establish a definitive
Health Centre, Quebec, Canada.
pain should be screened for chronic diagnosis of FM often extends to many
Winfried Häuser, MD widespread pain (pain in four of five years, with innumerable clinic visits,
Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini, MD
body regions) (CWP). Those with CWP investigations and specialist consulta-
Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, MD
should be screened for presence of ad- tions, all contributing to the personal
Please address correspondence to:
Winfried Häuser, MD,
ditional major symptoms of FM: unre- and societal burden of FM. (9-11).
Department of Internal Medicine 1, freshed sleep and fatigue. A complete A definitive diagnosis of FM has sever-
Klinikum Saarbrücken, medical (including drug) history and al advantages for an individual patient:
Winterberg 1, complete physical examination is man- the diagnostic label legitimises the sub-
D-66119 Saarbrücken, Germany. datory in the evaluation of a patient jective symptoms and provides reassur-
E-mail: with CWP in order to consolidate the ance; patients are better able to cope diagnosis of FM or identify features with their health status (9), patients are
Received on December 26, 2018; accepted that may point to some other condition able to access guidelines-based treat-
in revised form on January 29, 2019. that may have a presentation similar to ments (12). In contrast, there is increas-
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2019; 37 (Suppl. 116): FM. Limited simple laboratory testing ing recognition of both misdiagnosis of
S90-S97. is recommended to screen for possible FM (13-15), and overdiagnosis of FM
© Copyright Clinical and other diseases. The 2016 criteria may (16). These controversies and uncer-
Experimental Rheumatology 2019.
be used to further confirm the clinical tainties may contibute to the poor view
diagnosis of FM. In consideration of of FM by physicians, with Norwegian
Key words: fibromyalgia, diagnosis,
the differential diagnosis of FM, atten- physicians ranking FM on two separate
diagnostic errors, medical overuse,
tion should be paid to the presence of occasions in 2002 and 2014 as the dis-
other chronic overlapping pain condi- ease with the lowest prestige of 38 low
tions and of mental disorders. FM as a ranking conditions (17).
stand alone diagnosis is however rare, The aims of this narrative overview are
as most patients with FM meet criteria to outline the prevalence and poten-
for other chronic overlapping pain con- tial reasons for the under-, over- and
ditions or mental disorders. The sever- misdiagnosis of FM and to give a clini-
ity of FM should be assessed in order cal guidance to enable the clinician to
to direct treatment approaches and help achieve a more accurate diagnosis of
inform the likely outcome for an indi- FM and thereby to improve the prestige
vidual patient. of this condition.
The recommendations towards better
Introduction accuracy in the diagnosis of FM are
Despite substantial interest and inves- based on recent German (12), Canadi-
tigation over the past 30 years, fibro- an (18) and European League Against
myalgia syndrome (FM) continues to Rheumatism (19) guidelines on FM.
provoke debate and raise challenges at
many levels (1, 2). Fibromyalgia wars Underdiagnosis of FM
(3, 4) are fought on a number of fronts: The true rate of underdiagnosis of FM
the legitimacy and clinical usefulness of is difficult to estimate. Anecdotally, in
Competing interests: none declared. the diagnostic label FM, the nosological the clinic, patients with FM often report

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that other family members experience objective abnormalities on examination ness may lead to sickness behaviour
symptoms compatible with FM, but or biomarkers on laboratory testing to and disablement. In some cases physi-
without a definite clinical diagnosis. It confirm clinical diagnoses, a scenario cians may leap to a quick diagnostic
is also possible that the media may con- completely lacking in the diagnosis of label of FM in a busy clinical setting
tribute to an increased awareness of FM FM. Outside of psychosocial and pain and thereby limit the consultation time,
in some countries, whereas other popu- medicine, there are uncertainties and especially when the encounter can be
lations may be less aware of this con- reluctance to use symptom-based di- rapidly terminated by provision of a
dition, and merely accept the constel- agnosis. Other so-called non-specific, drug prescription.
lation of symptoms without question functional, and somatoform disorders We are aware of only one US study
or consultation. Discrepancies between such as FM or irritable bowel syndrome which found a signal of overdiagnosis
the administrative and epidemiologi- (IBS) remain underdiagnosed in gener- of FM on a population level. In the Na-
cal prevalence might be a signal of un- al and specialist care (27); d) There re- tional Health Interview Survey 2012,
derdiagnosis of FM in some countries. mains the notion amongst some health 73.5% of the 1.8% of respondents who
For example, only 2.5% of Japanese care professionals that FM “does not reported doctor-diagnosed FM did not
persons meeting the 2011 criteria were exist” and are therefore reluctant to meet the 2011 criteria as their symp-
reported to be diagnosed with fibro- use the diagnostic code “FM” (12). For toms were not sufficiently severe. This
myalgia (20). According to data from example, psychiatrists may choose to has led the authors to conclude that the
a German health insurance company use the diagnostic codes of masked de- diagnosis of FM may be assigned too
with 7 million insured persons, the one pression, whereas specialists in clinical freely in the clinical setting, and that
year prevalence of persons identified psychology and psychosomatic medi- physicians have not adhered to use of
with FM defined by at least one billing cine may preferably use the diagnostic diagnostic criteria in establishing a di-
ICD 10 code for fibromyalgia was 0.3% code for a somatoform pain disorder agnosis, a conclusion that is debatable
(21). In contrast, the prevalence of po- or a physical symptom disorder, rather (18). In contrast, 85.5% of the 1661
tential FM cases according to the 2011 than the specific label of FM (28). An- participants of the German Fibromy-
criteria (22) was 2.1% in the general other choice may be the diagnosis of algia consumers report (with a self-
German population (23). post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). reported diagnosis of FM that was es-
Underdiagnosis of FM as a comorbid PTSD is a mental disorder that can de- tablished by a physician) met the 2011
condition may also occur in patients velop after a person has been exposed FM criteria at the time of the study
with some other primary disease. This to a traumatic event, characterised by a (32). In view of the signals of underdi-
concept of comorbid FM has recently specific set of symptoms including re- agnosis of FM in Germany and Japan,
been highlighted in a review in which experiencing of the event, avoidance more studies in different countries are
the authors found substantial rates of and numbing and arousal (29, 30). needed to assess if overdiagnosis of
patients meeting FM-criteria, especial- FM is solely an US or an international
ly for those with inflammatory rheu- Overdiagnosis of FM phenonemon. Furthermore, the misdi-
matic diseases. However FM is also Overdiagnosis of FM can occur when agnosis of FM in some case series of
now recognised to occur in diseases regional pain conditions are wrongly rheumatology centres in patients with
in which chronic pain is not a major diagnosed as FM. This fallacy may be inflammatory rheumatic diseases (see
symptom such as heart failure, primary partly attributed to rigid adherence to below) may also be regarded as a sig-
immunodeficiency or Parkinon’s dis- the American College of Rheumatol- nal of overdiagnosis.
ease (24). Unfortunately, the studies of ogy FM classification criteria(31) that
comorbid FM have not reported wheth- allowed for a diagnosis of FM when Misdiagnosis of FM
er FM was a preexisting condition, or only three body locations were pain- There are a number of clinical scenar-
occured concomitant with the specific ful. Although it is possible that some ios that are associated with CWP. It is
medical condition described. regional pain conditions may evolve therefore encumbant on the physician to
There may be a number of reasons to into a more widespread pain condition, always consider a differential diagnoisis
explain this impression of an underdi- implications for outcome and treatment when evaluating a patient with a diffuse
agnosis of FM: a) Physicians may be differ for regional pain differ from that pain syndrome. The differential diagno-
poorly knowledgeable in the recogni- for FM. An incorrect diagnostic label of sis of CWP has been examined in detail
tion and diagnosis of FM (8); b) Some FM, a condition that is expected to be in a recent review titled appropriately
physicians may be reticent to assign a lifelong, has considerable personal and “diagnostic confounders of chronic
diagnosis of FM in view of the stig- social consequences. Patients may be- widespread pain” (33). Broadely speak-
matisation that still associates with lieve that a condition that is potentially ing, conditions that may be confounded
FM, e.g. male patients being labelled self limited will result in long standing with FM can be categorised into rheu-
as having a condition most commonly poor health; there could be the mental matic, neurologic, non-rheumatic medi-
associated with females, or a condition anguish of the prospect of living with cal conditions, mental health disorders
that can be viewed as malingering (25, a chronic illness; and there is also the and drug related adverse effects.
26); c) Physicians are attuned to using risk that a perception of chronic ill- The misdiagnosis of FM most likely

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occurs in the setting of early undiag- Table I. Steps in the clinical encounter in assessing chronic widespread pain (29, 33).
nosed rheumatic diseases before the
1. Pain history
appearance of objective abnormalities a. Location( may use pain diagram)
on physical examination or laboratory b. Timing of onset
testing. Preclinical rheumatoid arthritis c. Aggravating and alleviating factors
may present with body pain, fatigue and 2. Associated symptoms history
even muscle weakness in the months a. Fatigue and unrefreshed sleep (may use fibromyalgia symptom questionnaire)
b. Other organ system symptoms
preceeding onset of appreciable joint c. Systemic symptoms (weight loss, reduced appetite, fever)
swelling (34). Similarly, the early stages
3. Past medical (including drug) history
of inflammatory spondyloarthritis, es-
4. Examination
pecially in the setting of mutltiple sites a. Full physical examination with specific attention to:
of enthesopathy, may appear as a more i. Assessment of body tenderness or allodynia
ill-defined pain syndrome (35). Poly- ii. Examine for joint swelling, spinal stiffness and enthesis tenderness
iii. Neurological examination
myalgia rheumatica should always be
considered in an older person present- 5. If fibromyalgia is suspected
a. Limited laboratory testing (full blood count, ESR, CRP, CK, TSH, Calcium)
ing with a new onset of diffuse pain, al-
though there is usually prominent stiff- 6. History of other chronic pain syndromes
ness and complaints are more focussed 7. Psychiatric history (Anxiety, depression, ongoing family and /or professional problems)
towards the limb girdle regions. Non-in-
flammatory musculoskeletal conditions ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone.
include myofascial pain syndromes and
hypermobility syndrome. Appropriate diagnosis of FM opioids. Therefore a history of current
In the category of other medical ill- The foundation for evaluating a patient medication use is obligatory.
nesses, consideration of the following with CWP is a comprehensive history
conditions should be given: endocrine and physical examination, which may Physical examination
disease or metabolic disorder (hypo- be followed by specifically directed in- A physical examination is required
thyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, acro- vestigations as indicated (37) (Table I). specifically to examine for evidence
megaly, vitamin D deficiency), gastro- of structural joint abnormality, muscle
intestinal disease (celiac and non-gluten History weakness, neurological abnormality
sensitivity), infectious diseases (Lyme As a first step, the location of chronic pain or evidence of endocrine disease. The
disease, hepatitis C and immunodefi- can be assessed by means of a pain dia- physical examination should be with-
ciency disease) and the early stages of a gram. CWP can be recognised at a glance in normal limits for the patient’s age.
malignancy such as multiple myeloma, using a pain diagram completed by the Clues that may point to a diagnosis of
metastatic cancer and leukaemia/lym- patient (Fig. 1-2). In case of CWP, further FM are soft tissue and generalised body
phoma (33). questioning regarding associated symp- tenderness. Although the tender point
Neurological diseases with an important toms of unrefreshed sleep and fatigue examination was used in the past to es-
pain component include multiple sclero- should be pursued. Positive responses tablish a diagnosis of FM, this finding
sis, Parkinson’s disease and peripheral in the setting of CWP would identify the is no longer incorporated into the physi-
neuropathy. Spinal stenosis, although condition as a FM-type syndrome. Atten- cal examination in view of poor validity
most commonly associated with clau- tion must be given to timing of onset and and poor reproducibility. Some patients
dicant type pain, can present in a more evolution of symptoms, report of any trig- may demonstrate dysaesthesia on light
ill-defined way, and may be difficult for gering event, as well as alleviating or ag- touch, or myofascial induration, or joint
a patient to clearly describe. Although gravating factors. In the context that there hypermobility.
weakness is the most common symptom is a familial association of FM, a family
of a myopathy, this may be less promi- history of first degree relatives should be Additional testing
nent than diffuse pain in some patients. documented. Some “yellow flags” in the No confirmatory blood tests (biomark-
Some case series have reported on the history and physical evaluation can point ers), imaging or histological analysis are
misdiagnosis of FM in patients with towards FM (Table II). available for FM. A limited number of
myopathies (36). For a person presenting with CWP, es- laboratory tests will allow for screening
As noted above, a medication history pecially as a new symptom, a medica- for medical conditions that can mimic
is always required in the setting of dif- tion history must be explored to ensure FM symptoms.
fuse pain, with an ever increasing list of that medication adverse effect is not the A summary of conditions that should
drugs causing myalgias and arthralgias. cause of the pain complaint. Medica- be considered in the differential diag-
The most well recognised drugs are tions that should be considered include nosis of a patient presenting with CWP,
the statins, opioids, chemotherapeutic lipid lowering agents in the category as well as “red flags” characteristic for
agents, aromatase inhibitors and bispho- of statins, aromatase inhibitors, bis- each, and suggested specific testing are
sphonates (33). phosphonates and paradoxically even detailed in Table III (33).

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Diagnosis of fibromyalgia / W. Häuser et al.

Definite diagnosis
To reassure the clinician regarding a
clinical diagnosis of FM, reference may
be made to one of the published clas-
sification or diagnostic FM-criteria.
The authors recommend that the 2016
criteria may be used to complement
the clinical evaluation in establishing a
diagnosis of FM. The 2016 criteria re-
quire a widespread pain index (WPI) of
between 4 (2011 required 3) and 6 pain
sites and a symptom severity (SS) score
of ≥9. In addition, generalised pain as
defined by pain occurring in at least
four of five body regions (four quad-
rants and axial) except the face and the
abdomen should be present (38).
The Fibromyalgia Survey Question-
naire (also called polysymptomatic
distress scale, PSD) capturing the 2011
(22) and 2016 (38) diagnostic criteria
of FM, can be completed by the patient
to further complement the clinical as-
sessment, and can be used to give some
indication of severity of the condition.
In most cases, a definite diagnosis can
be effectively established based on the
history, a physical examination that
demonstrates general tenderness (mus-
cle, joints, tendons), and the absence
of some other pathology that could ex-
plain pain and fatigue, and with normal
basic laboratory tests. According to the
standards of good medical practice, the
physician must always consider a dif-
ferential diagnosis for any patient pre-
senting with a diffuse pain complaint.
This has been covered in the section on
misdiagnosis of FM.

FM may co-exist with other

pain syndromes
Patients with a diagnosis of FM may
also experience other pain conditions
that are mostly distinct from FM and
are generally classified as overlapping
pain conditions. It is notable that the
2011 (22) and 2016 (38) criteria include
headache and abdominal pain into the
somatic symptom score, thereby in-
creasing the probability that patients
with migraine or tension headaches,
or irritable bowel syndrome will meet
FM criteria. Even when the ACR 1990
classification criteria (31) are used
for diagnosis, many patients with FM
Fig. 1. Pain diagrams of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome.
meet criteria of some other functional

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Table II. Clues for FMS by history (33). the prevalence of that diagnosis. The
2016 diagnostic criteria for FM (38)
• Family history of early chronic pain, e.g. low back pain, “rheumatism”, etc.
increased the requirements needed
• Personal history of pain (head, abdomen, joints) in childhood and adolescence. to meet the widespread pain criterion
• Long history of local pain. compared to those of the 2011 diagnos-
• Onset of widespread pain related to physical and/or psychosocial stress. tic criteria (38). Thus, the prevalence of
potential FM-cases in the general Ger-
• Pain characteristics that include .
man population decreased from 2.1%
º Variable in location and intensity.
º Neuropathic-like pain quality (burning pain). (21) to 1.9% (Wolfe 2018, submitted).
º Aggravated by weather changes, tension, poor sleep, stress. In addition, longitudinal studies of pa-
• General hypersensitivity to touch, smell, noise, taste. tients with CWP and or fibromyalgia
have demonstrated that some patients
• Hypervigilance.
report fluctuation in symptoms over
• Multiple somatic symptoms (gastrointestinal, urology, gynecology, neurology) with previous dia- time and thus oscillate around the cut-
gnosis of functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, painful bladder syndrome, tension hea-
dache, migraine, temporomandibular disorder. off points; at times being FM positive
or FM negative (48, 49). The waxing
• High symptom-related emotional strain.
and waning nature of FM might ex-
plain some discepancies between the
somatic syndrome (also called chronic FM may co exist with mental prevalence of criteria identified FM
overlapping pain conditions) (39). Al- health disorders versus clinical FM.
though many treatment options for Depression is another FM symptom There is no internationally accepted
various functional somatic syndromes identified in the somatic symptom grading of the severity of FM, but clini-
are identical, such as aerobic exercice, scale of the Fibromyalgia Symptom cal wisdom requires the treating physi-
cognitive-behavioural therapies and an- Questionnaire. Depending on the clini- cian to make an assessment of sever-
tidepressants (40), there are some treat- cal setting, up to 80% of FM patients ity in order to direct treatment options
ments that specifically address focussed meet the criteria of depressive and/or (50). Most gradings suggest a distinc-
organ symptoms such as gut-directed anxiety disorder. The severity (number tion between mild, moderate and severe
hypnosis and antispasmodics for those and intensity of symptoms and degree forms of FM, based on the intensity of
with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It of disability) of FM is substantially de- symptoms and the degree of limitation
is notable that a recent study has dem- termined by comorbid mental disorders in daily functioning (51). It therefore
onstrated that treatment of visceral pain (44). A screening of FM patients for follows that a stepwise management ap-
comorbidities (endometriosis, IBS, pri- psychological distress either by ques- proach can be based on the severity of
mary dysmenorrhea) reduced FM-pain tions such as “Over the last 2 weeks, FM. Mild forms require primarily edu-
(41). Therefore, FM patients should how often have you been feeling down, cation and advice (regular physical and
be screened for other pain syndromes, depressed, or hopeless”, “Feeling nerv- social activities) with perhaps the occa-
e.g. by questions about headache and ous, anxious or on edge” or question- sional use of drug therapy for episodes
abdominal pain and /or a questionnaire naires (e.g. PHQ 4) (45) is recommend- of exacerbation, and can be managed
that captures somatic symptom burden ed by some FM guidelines. Severe in primary care. More severe forms
such as the Patient Health Question- comorbid mental disorders require the require multicomponent (exercise,
naire (PHQ) 15 (42). inclusion of a mental health specialist psychological therapies, drugs) and
The co-existence of FM with some oth- in the management of FM (19, 46). multidisciplinary therapies (12, 18).
er medical condition that could act as a Therefore, for the follow-up of patients
pain generator, may influence outcome Severity of FM as a diagnosed with FM, a “continuum” as-
of the other condition in particular, and continuum disorder sessment, e.g. by questions about gen-
the global health outcome in general. Patients with full expression of FM are eral well-being (e.g. on a 0-10 scale, or
There are two considerations when FM at the end of a continuum of multiple a Likert scale of “the same”, “better”
co-exists with some other condition: pain sites and other somatic and psy- or “worse”) or by symptom question-
firstly the underlying condition should chological symptoms (47). As for other naires such as the PSD (23) or the PHQ
be treated according to best practice, diseases which are defined by continu- 15 (42) might be more appropriate (47)
e.g. for osteoarthritis or mechanical ous variables such as hypertension, di- than determination of whether a patient
back pain; and secondly there must be abetes or depression, there is currently meets FMS criteria or not at a particular
an appreciation that concomitant FM no absolute point that defines where time point (38, 45).
may affect the outcome of the underly- FM begins. Cut-off points for the di-
ing condition. This has been shown for agnosis of continuum disorders are Conclusions
surgical outcome which is less favour- defined by expert consensus and based FM is now firmly established as a real and
able for patients with osteoarthritis of on clinical studies. The higher the cut- valid condition. Most patients with FM
the knee and comorbid FM (43). off point for a diagnosis, the lower is experience considerable suffering and

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Table III. Clues to some other conditions presenting as chronic widespread pain (29).

Condition History Examination Specific testing

Systemic inflammatory rheumatic diseases Defined time of onset Pallor, low BMI ESR, CRP, RF, ant-CCP,
Progressive increase symptoms Adenopathy ANA, HLA-B27
Morning stiffness>1 hour Skin rash/nodules Joint ultrasound
Constitutional symptoms (fever, decreased Joint tenderness Radiographic imaging
appetite, weight loss) Limited spinal mobility
Pain focussed to joints or enthesis sites
Skin rash/psoriasis, vasculitis, sun sensitivity,
Raynaud’s phenomenon
Dry mucosal surfaces
Bowel symptoms suggesting inflammatory
bowel disease
Family history of systemic inflammatory
rheumatic diseases

Non rheumatic musculoskeletal conditions Pain focussed to regions (neck, shoulders, back) Trigger points Genetic testing if
Joint dislocations Hypermobile joints Ehlers-Danlos other than
Family history of hypermobility Skin hyper elasticity hypermobility type is
Skin fragility (bruising, suspected
atrophic scarring)

Non rheumatic medical conditions
Endocrine/metabolic Weight gain Pallor TSH
Constipation Thickened hair PTH
Change size hands/feet Waddling gait Vitamin D
Poor sun exposure
Family history thyroid disease

Gastrointestinal Weight loss Colonoscopy
Bloating, diarrhoea Transglutaminase antibody

Infectious diseases Risk factors for Hepatitis c (intravenous drugs) Anti-HCV
Erythema migrans

Malignancy Prominent systemic symptoms Blood count; ESR
Bone pain
Night pain

Neurological diseases Any neurological symptoms Discrete neurological Nerve conduction studies,
Increase muscular tone abnormality evoked potentials
Slow gait Tremor
Tremor Rigidity
Positive glabellar tap

Spinal stenosis/myelopathy Older age Spinal examination may be Radiographic imaging
Previous spinal pain normal for age studies as indicated
Claudicant pain especially buttocks and thighs
Pain related to posture

Myopathy/myositis Family history of myopathy Heliotrope facial rash Creatine kinase
Difficulty climbing stairs/arising from seated Mechanics hands Immunological and genetic
position unaided Skin tightening testing as indicated
Exercise induced muscle symptoms Exercise or food induced Exercise testing
Skin rash muscle symptoms Electromyography
Raynaud’s phenomenon Muscle weakness/tenderness Magnetic resonance
Muscle tenderness imaging
Muscle cramping Muscle biopsy
Symptoms related to carbohydrate intake

Mental health disorders Personal and family psychosocial history Patient Health Questionnaire Psychiatric interview
4 (screening for anxiety and

ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; RF: rheumatoid factor; anti-CCP: anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide; ANA: antinuclear antibody;
HLA-B27: human leucocyte antigen-B27; TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone; PTH: parathyroid hormone.

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