Dobes 2004 MolEco Ext Chloro Haplotype Var in Ad Ad and Ah

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Molecular Ecology (2004) 13, 349– 370 doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2003.02064.

Extensive chloroplast haplotype variation indicates

0Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

Pleistocene hybridization and radiation of North American

Arabis drummondii, A. × divaricarpa, and A. holboellii
C . H . D O B E S,* T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S † and M . A . K O C H *‡§
*Institute of Botany, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Gregor-Mendel-Strasse 33, A-1180 Vienna,
Austria, †Max-Planck Institute of Chemical Ecology, Winzerlaer Strasse 10, D-07745 Jena, Germany, ‡Institute of Plant Sciences,
University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 345, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Arabis drummondii, A. holboellii and their hybrid A. × divaricarpa are widespread peren-
nials of open habitats in North America. A phylogenetic analysis based on noncoding chloro-
plast DNA sequences (trnL intron and trnL/F intergenic spacer) resolved A. drummondii as
a monophyletic taxon, but found A. holboellii to bear chloroplast haplotypes from highly
diverged evolutionary lineages. This raised the question of a possible polyphyletic origin
of A. holboellii. Arabis × divaricarpa was found to be of recent and polytopic origin, a result
consistent with its presumed hybrid origin. One hundred and three chloroplast haplotypes
were detected within 719 Arabis accessions investigated. The majority of chloroplast-types
were estimated to have arisen prior to the Wisconsin glaciation. Phylogeographical analysis
using nested clade analysis, suggested for A. holboellii (i) past fragmentation events,
partitioning genetic variation in several instances between the Sierra Nevada, the Southern
Rocky Mountains and the Colorado Plateau on the one hand and the Central to Northern
Rockies of the United States and adjacent Cascades on the other; and for both parental spe-
cies (ii) recolonization of major areas formerly covered by the Wisconsin glaciation by three
haplotypes; and (iii) restricted gene flow indicating isolation by distance in areas south of
the last glacial maximum. Arabis × divaricarpa is closely codistributed with its parental
species and resampled their haplotypes. The highest genetic diversity was found in the
Rocky Mountains from Idaho and Montana south to Utah and Colorado. This area was
further hypothesized to have played a major role in the origin of both parental species
and probably represented an important glacial refugium. However, evidence for glacial
refugia was also found in arctic and boreal regions of Alaska and near the Great Lakes.
In comparison to nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer data, chloroplast DNA
divergence was very high and evidently predated the origin of A. drummondii and possibly
A. holboellii. Divergence of major chloroplast lineages dates back to the middle of the Pleis-
tocene at least. Extensive hybridization is the most likely evolutionary factor working on
A. holboellii to explain the revealed discrepancy in nuclear DNA and chloroplast DNA
Keywords: Arabis, Boechera, glacial refugia, nested clade analysis, North America, phylogeography

Received 31 July 2003; revision received 10 September 2003; accepted 15 October 2003

Correspondence: Marcus A. Koch. § University of Heidelberg, Institute of Plant Sciences, Department Biodiversity and Systematics,
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Fax: + 49-(0)-6221-54-5508; E-mail:

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

350 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

and estimation of pollen quality (Koch et al. 2003b; Sharbel

et al. 2004).
Native North American Arabis (sometimes grouped in the Hybridization and apomixis in conjunction with poly-
genus Boechera) stands in the centre of interest of several ploidy were found to play a major role in the origin and main-
research activities focusing on the genetic basis of apomixis tenance of intraspecific and interspecific polymorphism also
(Roy 1995; Naumova et al. 2001; Sharbel & Mitchell-Olds in other Boechera species (Böcher 1969; Rollins 1983). However,
2001), on ecology and evolution (Mitchell-Olds 2001), hybrid classification within the genus has been mainly based on
speciation (Koch et al. 2003b) and on the taxonomy of the morphological characters, and diagnostic features discrim-
genus and its allies (Koch et al. 1999, 2001). Depending inating between taxa are often limited. Therefore, species
on the underlying taxonomic concept, ‘Boechera’ comprises delimitation seems to be highly artificial, especially with
50–80 species centred in the western United States (Rollins respect to apomictic complexes (cf. Böcher 1969). Little is yet
1993). Arabis holboellii, A. drummondii and their putative hybrid known about the phylogeny or phylogeography of ‘Boechera’,
A. × divaricarpa (Rollins 1983; Koch et al. 2003b) were chosen although a number of molecular markers and biogeograph-
as a model system to understand which genetic and biological ical studies are available for species in the Brassicaceae (see
processes drive the radiation of the genus. Koch 2003; Koch et al. 2003a for overview).
These species are widespread biennials or short-lived Since its development by Avise et al. (1987) phylogeo-
hemicryptophytes of open habitats in western and north- graphy has become an increasingly important field of research
eastern North America (see within biogeography. Originally the aim was to describe
brassget). Plants reach heights of up to 50 cm and put out the distribution of genetic variation in space and time. More
dry, wingless or narrowly winged seeds, 1–2 mm in dia- recently, understanding of historical and population pro-
meter and borne in terminal fructifications. cesses has emerged as a central focus. Besides its strength
Based on morphological features, several intraspecific in testing for explicit evolutionary relationships between
taxa were accepted by Rollins (1993) for A. holboellii, a poly- geographical areas occupied by phylogenetically related
morphic species which occurs from lowland to alpine habitats. taxa, a phylogeographical approach traces the history of
Using nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer genealogic lineages. This advantage may be of special import-
(ITS) sequences, multiple intraindividual ITS copies were ance at the junction of the intra- and interspecific level, where
detected in several A. holboellii accessions and it was demon- partially divergent lineages may occur sympatrically. Indeed,
strated that intraspecific hybridization is a common pheno- knowledge on the geographical distribution and history of
menon in this genetically polymorphic species (Koch et al. genealogical lineages can further improve our understand-
2003b). Diploid and triploid A. holboellii are often apomictic ing of the dynamics of speciation via hybridization in a
and pseudogamous (Böcher 1951, 1969; Roy & Rieseberg spatial and temporal context (e.g. Wittzell 1999; Avise 2000;
1989; Roy 1995; Sharbel & Mitchell-Olds 2001; Sharbel et al. Comes & Abbott 2001). Such an approach appears highly
2004), but diploid cytotypes can also reproduce via sex relevant in the case of the genus Boechera, given the suggested
(Böcher 1951, 1969). However, outbreeding seems to be evolutionary importance of hybridization (Böcher 1969;
infrequent in A. holboellii. In contrast, A. drummondii, mostly Rollins 1983; Roy & Rollins 1989; Sharbel & Mitchell-Olds
diploid and sexual (Rollins 1993; Roy 1995; Koch et al. 2003b), 2001; Koch et al. 2003b) and the availability of highly variable
is a morphologically well-defined and moderately variable DNA markers (Sharbel & Mitchell-Olds 2001).
species of montane to alpine habitats and, despite consider- Templeton and colleagues (Templeton et al. 1987, 1992,
able intraspecific genetic variability, intraindividual ITS 1995; Templeton & Sing 1993; Crandall & Templeton 1993;
polymorphism was found to be extremely rare (Koch et al. Templeton 1998) proposed nested clade analysis (NCA),
2003b). The latter finding might be explained by the pre- a method aiming to assess the historic causes of geo-
dominant reproduction via self-fertilization of this species graphical variation. However, as outlined by Knowles &
(Roy 1995). Species-specific ITS polymorphism supported Maddison (2002) the method does not estimate the con-
genetic differentiation between A. drummondii and A. holboellii fidence limits for inferred historical processes. Further-
(Koch et al. 2003b). However, a few A. holboellii accessions more, Petit & Grivet (2002) demonstrated that inferences
investigated in this study showed evidence of introgres- drawn by this approach depend on the method used to
sion by A. drummondii. The widespread A. × divaricarpa is make the permutations when there are several individuals
largely codistributed with its parents and is considered to per population. Several other methods are available and
have arisen several times (Rollins 1983). This taxon is almost commonly used in phylogeographical data analysis, e.g.
exclusively polyploid (triploid, tetraploid) and was sug- analysis of molecular variance (amova); Mantel tests; assess-
gested to reproduce preferably via apomixis (Rollins 1983, ment of allelic richness and genetic diversity or of dispersal
1993). The above findings are supported by ITS data (the distances; various methods of phylogenetic inference;
hybrid resampled the parental sequence variation in different or ordination methods. However, although the algorithms
geographical regions) and by pollen size measurements provide statistical probabilities for the resolved patterns,

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 13, 349– 370

P L E I S T O C E N E H Y B R I D I Z A T I O N O F A R A B I S S P E C I E S 351

none of them make explicit statements on the underlying Botanical Garden, St Louis (MO), from the California
historic processes. Therefore, the accuracy in interpreting Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (CAS and DH), from
phylogeographical distribution patterns still relies on a Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa (DAO), and
thorough consideration and synthesis of genetic as well as from the National Herbarium of Canada, Ottawa (CAN).
of geological, historic geographical, environmental, or In total, 717 accessions from these herbaria (212 of Arabis ×
biological data. As no single technique is available today divaricarpa, 173 of A. drummondii, 332 of A. holboellii) were
that is capable of resolving reliably the various historic events investigated, covering the entire geographical range of
leading to contemporary geographical distribution patterns, the three taxa in North America. Vouchers were chosen
usually a combination of methods is applied to address randomly and the sampling should therefore approximately
these questions (e.g. Stehlik 2002; Tribsch et al. 2002). reflect the relative abundances of the three species across
Phylogeographical studies in plants using molecular North America (for full information on their taxonomic
markers have so far focused primarily on Europe (Hewitt determination and geographical origin see Supplementary
2001; Petit et al. 2001). Considerable knowledge is now avail- material: Table 1, Table 2 and Fig. 1). In addition, two acces-
able for this continent, supporting detailed hypotheses on sions (J49, J52) from the collection of the Max-Planck
Pleistocene migration routes and possible ice age refugia Institute of Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany, were included
(Comes & Kadereit 1998). Yet, there is limited information in this study. Each accession represents one population.
available to address these questions for North American Vouchers were labelled with a material notation to allow
plant species (e.g. Soltis et al. 1997; Hamann et al. 1998; for consistent cross-references between previous (Koch
Tremblay & Schoen 1999; Ritland et al. 2001). Recently, et al. 2003b) and future studies. For computation purposes
Brunsfeld et al. (2001) outlined three historical scenarios and presentation of data, origins noted on the voucher
for contemporary biogeographical patterns of plants and labels were translated into geographical coordinates. Most
animals in the Pacific Northwest. Glacial refugia were of the material was either revised or collected by the mono-
proposed for the Pacific coast as well as for central parts grapher of the genus, Reed C. Rollins.
of the Rocky Mountains. Furthermore, models invoking
vicariance are compared against hypotheses of postglacial
DNA isolation, polymerase chain reaction and DNA
range expansions.
The general aim of this study is to develop a phylogeo-
graphical framework for the model species A. drummondii, Total DNA was obtained from 50–75 mg dried leaf tissue
A. holboellii and A. × divaricarpa to provide detailed informa- from single individuals. At date of isolation the ages of the
tion on the centres of genetic biodiversity, on past refugia herbarium material ranged from 5 to 108 years, but the
of the genus, and on possible secondary contact and to majority of accessions were then either 10–20 or 40 –
better understand the dynamics of hybridization. For this 70 years old. Extraction followed the procedure of Doyle &
purpose, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) markers will be used, Doyle (1987) (the CTAB method), but some modifications
which are usually considered to provide, as a result of a were applied, involving grinding of only 50–75 mg of dry
lack of recombination and maternal inheritance (Birky et al. leaf tissue in 2-mL tubes using a Retsch swing mill (MM
1989; Ennos 1994; Martinez et al. 1997), a more conservative 200), addition of 2 units of ribonuclease per extraction to
historical view than nuclear markers. Here we will focus the isolation buffer, and washing of the DNA pellet twice with
on the following questions. (i) Are A. drummondii and A. 70% ethanol. DNA was finally dissolved in 50 µL TE-buffer
holboellii genetically differentiated at cpDNA sequences, for long-term storage. For each DNA sample 20–40 µL has
as suggested by nuclear ITS sequences? (ii) Does cpDNA been deposited at the herbaria GH and MO. Before use,
genetic variation allow us to identify separate geograph- DNA was diluted 1 : 3 in TE-buffer.
ical regions within North America? (iii) Can centres of Fifty-microlitre polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were
diversity be localized? (iv) Do maternally inherited markers performed in a master mix containing 1 × PCR buffer
support the polyphyletic/polytopic origin of A. × divaricarpa? (10 mm Tris–HCl/50 mm KCl buffer, pH 8.0), 3 mm MgCl2,
This work is part of an ongoing, comprehensive investigation 0.4 µm of each primer, 0.2 mm of each dNTP, 1 unit Taq
into the systematics, taxonomy, phylogenetic relationships, DNA polymerase (Schott-Eppendorf), and approximately
evolutionary history and breeding system of these species. 1 ng of template DNA using an ABI 9700 (Applied Biosystems)
thermal cycler. Thermal cycling started with a denatura-
tion step at 95 °C lasting 5 min; followed by 35 cycles each
Materials and methods
comprising 60-s denaturation at 95 °C, 45-s annealing
at 38 °C (trnL intron)/45 °C trnL/F IGS/48 °C rpoC1 intron,
Plant material and sampling design
and 60-s elongation at 72 °C. Amplification ended with
Plant material was obtained from Gray Herbarium, Harvard an elongation phase at 72 °C lasting 10 min, and a final
University, Cambridge (acronym GH), from Missouri hold at 4 °C.

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352 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

Table 1 Results of the nested analysis of geographical distance for the Arabis chloroplast haplotypes

Chain of Interior
Clade inference clades Tip clades Inferred historic event

Lineage I
1–24 1-2-3-4-NO U V restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
2–8 1-2-3-5-15-NO 1–20 D, F past fragmentation
3–6 1-2-3-4-9-NO 2–9 1–23 past fragmentation
4–2 1-2-3-4-9-NO 3–5 2–10 past fragmentation
Lineage II
1–1 1-2-3-4-NO AS AK, BC, BD restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
2–1 1-2-3-4-NO 1–1 1–6, 1–7 restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
2–3 1-2-3-4-NO 1–8 AJ restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
3–1 1-2-3-4-NO 2–1 2–2 restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
3–2 1-2-3-4-NO 2–3 1–9 restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
3–3 1-2-3-4-9-NO 2 – 4! 2–5 past fragmentation
4–1 1-2-11-12-NO 3–2 3–1 contiguous range expansion
total network I 1-2-11-12-NO 3–3 4–1, 4–2 contiguous range expansion
Lineage III
1–13 1-2-11-12-NO BU BY Contiguous range expansion
1–17 1-2-3-4-NO CI CJ, CL restricted gene flow with isolation by distance
2–7 1-2-3-4-NO 1 – 17 CM, CQ, CR, 1–19 restricted gene flow with isolation by distance total
network II 1-2-11-12-NO 1 – 12! 2–6, 2–7 contiguous range expansion

Only clades for which a statistically significant and conclusive geographical pattern was found are tabled. Only tip clades showing
statistically significant Dc or Dn values are listed. Exclamation marks mark most ancient interior clades for which only few accessions
were found. The analyses on lineage II (except for clade 4-1) was performed twice, with and without A. holboellii accessions. However,
both analyses inferred the same processes.

Table 2 Test of correspondence between phylogenies of haplotypes of lineage I, II, III, the entire network, and the three species under study,
respectively, and their geographical distribution according to Pons & Petit (1996)

NST (variance) GST (variance)

mean for 300 5% of permutated

Haplotypes of: observed permutations values > observed

lineage I 0.200 (0.0965) 0.192 0.297 0.208 (0.0561)

lineage II 0.248 (0.0553) 0.307 0.381 0.318 (0.0682)
lineage III 0.276 (0.0757) 0.534 0.296 0.229 (0.0659)
entire network 0.154 (0.0315) 0.174 0.236 0.179 (0.0444)
A. drummondii 0.228 (0.0617) 0.320 0.409 0.339 (0.0906)
A. × divaricarpa 0.286 (0.0858) 0.574 0.326 0.259 (0.0632)
A. holboellii 0.281 (0.0510) 0.205 0.255** 0.204 (0.0488)

**P > 0.01.

Except for Arabis holboellii, none of the N ST values observed was statistically significantly greater than GSTs as at least 5% of the permutated
NST values were greater than the observed NSTs.

Fig. 1 Maximum parsimony analysis of 103 chloroplast haplotypes (A to CY): strict consensus tree of 10 000 most parsimonious trees.
Rectangles mark the homoplastic occurrence of indels as listed in the legend. Synapomorphies supporting particular clades are indicated
by , homoplasies by ↓; bootstrap values (greater than 50%) are given in bold above and at the bottom of branches, respectively. Dashed
lines indicate A. drummondii-like haplotypes (clades), solid lines represent haplotypes characteristic for A. holboellii. Vertical lines to the right
of the tree specify in detail, which haplotypes are present in A. drummondii (white), A. × divaricarpa (grey), and A. holboellii (black),
respectively (see Fig. 6 for haplotype frequencies).

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354 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

The trnL intron was amplified using the forward primer of the trnL intron-trnL/F IGS alignment (positions 1–105;
5′-CGA AAT CGG TAG ACG CTA CG-3′ and the reverse 1104–1125) as well as a duplicated region (positions 890–981)
primer 5′-GGG GAT AGA GGG ACT TGA AC-3′ (primer were excluded from the analyses. Two poly(T) stretches
c and d according to Taberlet et al. 1991), which anneals in found in the rpoC1 intron, which showed homoplastic
the first and second exon of the trnL gene, respectively. length variation, were likewise excluded. gapmode was
Sequences comprised the complete intron and the second set to missing, but selected indels within the trnL/F IGS,
exon of the trnL gene. For amplification of the trnL/F IGS according to the criteria outlined in the Results section, and
primers 5′-GGT TCA AGT CCC TCT ATC CC-3′ (primer e all indels present in both the trnL and the rpoC1 intron were
according to Taberlet et al. 1991) and 5′-GAT T TT CAG coded as additional single binary 0/1 characters in the
TCC TCT GCT CTA C-3′ (designed in this study) annealing nexus input file. A strict consensus tree was constructed
in the second exon of the trnL gene and the trnF gene, from 10 000 shortest trees retained, respectively, from all
respectively, were used. Amplified sequences included the shortest trees found by the analysis of the combined trnL/
complete IGS and the first 18 bases of the trnF gene. Firty- F-rpoC1 data. Bootstrapping was carried out on 1000 replicates
four accessions comprising the whole variation of the trnL using the heuristic search option.
intron-trnL/F IGS were deliberately chosen for amplifica- Haplotype networks were constructed for the trnL intron-
tion of the rpoC1 intron. As a result of the length of the trnL/F IGS region. For this purpose the same sequence align-
rpoC1 intron [> 700 base pairs (bp)] the region was divided ment assembled for the maximum parsimony analysis was
into two overlapping fragments, which were amplified used, except that all indels were coded as additional single
using primer pairs 5′-CAT GAA AGT TTC CTC TCA TCC- characters. Haplotype networks were constructed using tcs
3′/5′-ATG TCA TGG T TG CAG AAG TC-3′, and 5′-GAA version 1.13 (Clement et al. 2000) according to acceptance
TGC CGG AAT ACT CT T TAC-3′/5′-ATA CTG CGA TGT criteria outlined in Templeton et al. (1992). The network-
GTG ATT TG-3′, respectively. building algorithm joins haplotypes according to the number
PCR products were checked for length and concentrations of mutational differences between sequences. Therefore,
on 1.5% agarose gels. No purification of PCR products was the loss of genetic distance, as a result of the later deletion
necessary for subsequent sequence reactions. Cycle sequen- of informative DNA-regions (which means that they car-
cing was performed using the TaqDyeDeoxy Terminator ried mutations), will not be considered by the algorithm,
Cycle Sequencing Kit (ABI Applied Biosystems, Inc.) and which results in low topological distances between more
the original amplification primers. However, the reverse diverged haplotypes. To overcome this problem, node
trnL/F IGS primer was modified adding an additional sequences were reconstructed for the strict consensus
cytosine to its 3′-end. Products were analysed on an ABI tree (see above) using the reconstruct command imple-
377XL automated sequencer. Cycle sequencing was mented in paup. Gaps were closed with the corresponding
performed on both strands; in the majority of cases each sequence of the inferred node adjacent to the haplotype
reaction spanned the complete sequence. bearing the deletion. Evolutionary ambiguities as expressed
by reticulate connections within the observed haplotype
network were treated according to the criteria outlined in
Data analysis: phylogenetic inference and nested clade
Crandall & Templeton (1993). Haplotypes within the inferred
networks were nested into hierarchically interlocking groups
A phylogenetic analysis was performed on trnL intron- (‘clades’ sensu Templeton et al. 1987) following the rules
trnL/F IGS haplotypes. In order to verify the topology of provided in Templeton et al. (1987, 1992).
the obtained tree a phylogenetic analysis including also the A quantitative analysis of geographical data, as described
rpoC1 intron was performed on 44 accessions. TrnL intron- in Templeton (1998) was performed using geodis 2.0.
trnL/F IGS sequences from Halimolobos parryii (AF307539) Historic events underlying the contemporary geographical
and Polyctenium fremontii (AF183043, AF183044) served in distribution of A. drummondii were inferred in excluding
both analyses as outgroups. TrnL/F IGS (AY257692– all A. holboellii accessions from lineage II (cf. Figs 1 and 6).
AY257794) and rpoC1 (AY257795–AY257838) sequences were Hybrid and parental accessions were jointly analysed as
submitted to GenBank with the complete corresponding their haplotypes were highly codistributed. Statistically
alignment information. The maximum parsimony optimality significant large or small Dc values (a measure for the geo-
criterion was applied for reconstruction of phylogenies graphical range of a particular clade), Dn (the geographical
using paup 4.0 version 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002). The heuristic range of a particular clade relative to its closest sister
search algorithm was chosen, using the random addition clades) (I–T)D (the Dc of interior minus that of tip clades),
of taxa and the tree bisection–reconnection (TBR) option or (I–T)D (Dn interior–Dn tip) were interpreted using the
for branch swapping, which was restricted to 10 000 retained inference key available from
trees in the case of analysis of trnL intron-trnL/F IGS sequence Faculty/kac/crandall_lab/geodis.htm (cf. also Templeton
types. The parsimonious uninformative start and end regions 1998).

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Genetic differentiation among geographical regions: Results

NST statistics and pairwise population comparisons
Sequence analysis and inference of chloroplast haplotypes
Fourteen geographical regions corresponding to major
land features of North America were defined. To obtain The length of the trnL intron was almost invariably 505 bp
geographical units comprising approximately equal numbers within the in-group (except haplotype CM: Arab77, Arab479,
of individuals on which the population-genetic calculations 500 bp; and haplotype AR: Arab597, 506 bp), whereas,
were performed, several of the major regions were further length of the trnL/F IGS varied between 309 and 493 bp.
divided, resulting in 23 subregions (then comprising between Ninety-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; includ-
20 and 45 accessions each). Genetic differentiation among ing 40 singleton mutations) in the combined data set, trnL
these subregions was tested applying NST statistics (Pons & intron + trnL-trnF IGS, were identified. Eighty-seven of these
Petit 1996) and using the program permut (available from polymorphic sites (96%) were biallelic. The length of the alignment was 1125 bp (Fig. 2).
This test compares NST against values of GST. NST estimates Considerable differences regarding the trnL intron
consider not only differences in the frequencies of haplo- and trnL/F IGS region were recognized with respect to
types between populations, as with GST, but also genetic insertion–deletion polymorphisms (Fig. 2). In the trnL
distances between haplotypes. In case of correspondence intron one single base insertion (position 241; haplotype AR)
between haplotype phylogenies and their geographical and one deletion (5 bp at alignment position 222–226;
distribution, estimates for NST will be greater than GST haplotype CM) were found, whereas in the trnL/F IGS, indels
values (Pons & Petit 1996). Average numbers of pairwise were detected at alignment positions 629–716, 797–834**,
distances (Nei & Li 1979) between chloroplast haplotypes 839–1007, 890–981*, 898–980, 982–1078*, 990–995, 990–1086,
distributed in the above subregions using uncorrected 1004–1100**, 1019–1100**, 1037–1041 and 1075–1082 (Fig. 2).
P-distances were calculated using arlequin vers. 2.000. The The indels marked by * and ** were characterized by com-
analyses was performed separately on A. drummondii-like mon start (AGTA*; ATTA or CGTA**) and end motifs (CATT*;
(haplotypes AD to BL; Fig. 1) and A. holboellii-like haplo- CTTC**) as well as by high sequence homology among
types (remaining ones), respectively. Based on these distances themselves. Tandem repeats comprising up to four copies
neighbour-joining trees were constructed using paup 4.0. were observed, numbered I to IV according to their 5′ to 3′
order in the (trnL intron)–trnL/F IGS alignment (see above).
As a result of their lengths (up to 115 bp), they were respons-
Estimation of genetic diversity
ible for the largest amount of length polymorphism observed:
Geographic distribution of genetic diversity was estimated the shortest IGS sequence found was 309 bp long and pos-
based on the 23 subregions described above. Effective divers- sessed only copy I and IV (e.g. cp-type M or AI); whereas,
ity according to Gregorius (1978) was calculated for each the length of this sequence was 493 bp in type AZ, CA,
subregion: or CV, in which the repeat was made up of all four copies
(Fig. 2). The observed mutations define 103 chloroplast
 n 
haplotypes (subsequently named haplotype A to CY).
νa = 
 ∑p i 
 Absolute frequencies of particular haplotypes varied from
 i =1 
singletons, found only once, to 147 in case of cp-type AS
where pi is the frequency of haplotype i. ( Table 2 — Supplementary material).

Time estimates and molecular clock assumptions Taxonomic and phylogenetic relationship of chloroplast
The approximate age of haplotypes within the ingroup
was inferred by calculating the mutation rate for the trnL In Arabis drummondii 29 different cp-types were found, in
intron using sequences of A. thaliana (X74573), A. drummondii A. holboellii 64, and in A. × divaricarpa 33 (Table 2 — Supple-
(haplotype AS), A. lignifera (AF182999), Halimolobos perplexa mentary Material). Of these, 19, 50 and 16 cp-types were
(AF312971), Rorippa palustris (AF100854), Barbarea vulgaris species-specific for A. drummondii, A. holboellii, and A. ×
(AF198119) and Lepidium campestre (AY015845) as outgroups. divaricarpa, respectively. Arabis drummondii shared six
Times of divergence among these taxa were taken from cp-types with A. holboellii; and A. × divaricarpa shared eight
Koch et al. (2000, 2001). A test of rate heterogeneity was cp-types with A. drummondii and 13 with A. holboellii.
performed using the RR-Test program (Robinson et al. 1998). Frequencies of particular haplotypes varied considerably
A phylogeny based on the trnL intron was reconstructed between species (Fig. 6, Table 2 — Supplementary Material)
using the maximum parsimony optimality criterion and as most haplotypes found in A. drummondii were absent or
paup 4.0. very rare in A. holboellii.

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356 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

Fig. 2 Characterization of 103 chloroplast haplotypes by single nucleotide and indel polymorphism observed in the trnL intron and the
trnL-trnF IGS. Sequences are compared to haplotype A. Order of haplotypes follows their position in the strict consensus tree resolved by
the maximum parsimony analysis (Fig. 1); singleton mutations (observed only once) are given in italic; for convenience SNPs and indels
are presented in two separate blocks; numbers mark base positions in the alignment.

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Fig. 2 Continued

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358 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

Fig. 2 Continued

The maximum parsimony analysis assigned the cp-types lineages (II vs. I and III) is representative for the species (as
to three approximately equally sized clades (subsequently taxonomically perceived today). The various morpho-
named lineage I, II, III) in the strict consensus tree of 10 000 logically defined varieties of A. holboellii (for details
shortest trees (Fig. 1; tree length = 169, CI = 0.89, RI = 0.96). refer to Table 1 – Supplementary Material) did not form
Rooting the tree, using Polyctenium fremontii and Halimolobus monophyletic groups, but rather took several polyphyletic
parryii as outgroup, made lineage I sister to a combined positions within all lineages.
clade made up of lineage II + III.
TrnF tandem repeat copy II, copy III, and the indel at
Chloroplast phylogeny including information on
alignment position 1004 –1100 (Fig. 2) were each assigned
the rpoC1 intron
to several well-separated clades. As inferred from Fig. 1
these repeats have been inserted or deleted at least four In order to verify the phylogenetic relationships based on
times or eight times, respectively, and twice in parallel. For the trnL intron-trnL/F IGS, in addition the rpoC1 intron
this reason all indels marked with * or ** (see above) were was analysed for 44 selected accessions. The length of the
neglected in the reconstruction of the phylogeny. The com- rpoC1 alignment was 747 bp. Within the 44 ingroup taxa 27
mon start and end motifs of these indels probably indicate SNPs (including five singletons), four indels, and two poly
a common genetic mechanism responsible for their parallel T stretches of variable length (alignment positions 560-570-
occurrence (Koch et al. 2003c). 573; 600-606-608) were observed. The poly T stretches were
Arabis × divaricarpa was scattered throughout the tree, excluded from subsequent phylogenetic analysis because
appearing in all major and most minor clades with high fre- of homoplastic occurrence of length variants. The phylogeny
quencies, while all A. drummondii accessions grouped (except of chloroplasts including the rpoC1 intron was completely
Arab728, haplotype CW) in a monophyletic branch of lineage consistent with the relationships revealed using solely the
II. Arabis holboellii showed in this respect a somewhat inter- trnL intron-trnL/F IGS region (see above). Furthermore,
mediate behaviour. It dominated in lineage I and III (aside the enlarged data set resulted in a higher bootstrap support
from A. × divaricarpa and the previously mentioned A. drum- for most clades (Fig. 3).
mondii accession), but A. holboellii also occurred (19 accessions)
within the ‘A. drummondii-branch’ as well as in paraphyletic
Geographic distribution of haplotypes
position at the base of this A. drummondii lineage. However,
the two parental species were almost confined to different The geographical distribution of cp-types is shown in
clades. Therefore, a phylogeographical analysis of the major Fig. 4(a)–(d). The combined distribution ranges of all

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Fig. 3 Maximum parsimony analysis of 44

Arabis accessions based on trnL intron,
trnL/F IGS and rpoC1 intron sequences:
strict consensus tree of 54 most parsimoni-
ous trees. Bootstrap values (greater than
50%) are given above branches. Chloroplast
haplotypes are provided to the left of the
accession numbers.

cp-types grouped in lineage II of the strict consensus tree graphical distributions. Their ranges varied in size, and
covered the whole geographical range of the three species most of them overlapped with at least one other haplotype,
investigated, whereas, those forming lineage III were distri- especially in southwestern North America. The regions
buted in western North America only (aside from a few covered by the different cp-types correlated in several
geographical outliers in the east). Lineage I finally was con- cases with major land features (e.g. with stretches of
fined to the western United States (except haplotype G, the Rocky Mountains or the Sierra Nevada), but no easily
Whitehorse, southern Yukon). In this latter area therefore perceivable general pattern emerged from examination
the three lineages were codistributed. of their geographical ranges. All these features were
Among haplotypes (with a frequency of at least N = 3), encountered independently for each of the three major
most exhibited obvious restrictions in their individual geo- clades (Fig. 4a–d).

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360 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

Fig. 4 (a) to (d) Schematic geographical distribution ranges of particular haplotypes and historic events suggested by NCA to explain for
their mutual geographical associations. Letters indicate haplotypes; ‘+ d’ means ‘inclusively descendants’. Ancient haplotypes are given in
bold and underlined. Dashed, one-headed arrows represent range expansions, solid, double-headed arrows represent fragmentation
events. For all other haplotypes restricted gene flow with isolation by distance was suggested. The black, bold line indicates the extent of
the Wisconsin glaciation at the last glacial maximum. Some simplifications have been applied. (a) Historic events inferred for A. drummondii;
the six areas not named in the figure represent from south to north haplotypes BD, BA + BB, BF + BG, AK, AO + AP, and BC; the question
mark stands for the high age and low frequencies of haplotypes AA, AB, and AC, which makes it uncertain that range expansion of
haplotype AH started from this region. (b) to (d) A. holboellii.

Several geographical outliers were found for both A. × to Utah and Colorado as well as in the Sierra Nevada and
divaricarpa and A. holboellii at two locations: around the Great adjacent Cascades (Fig. 5a). In A. drummondii the highest
Lakes (haplotype AH: Arab367, Arab368; BU: Arab753) and diversity scores were found in the Rocky Mountains of Colo-
near Anchorage, Alaska, close to the Pacific (CI: Arab593, rado. Lowest diversity was observed for the regions formerly
Arab596, Arab604). covered by the continuous ice sheet in all three species. A
As mentioned, Arabis × divaricarpa accessions shared almost similar picture emerged from the number of singleton haplo-
all chloroplast haplotypes (except singletons) with their types (Fig. 5b). Out of 55 singletons only six were found
parental species, with a few exceptions occurring with low north of or at the southern margin of the last glacial maxi-
frequency in the data set. Further haplotypes found in mum (LGM). Therefore, the majority of singleton haplotypes
A. × divaricarpa did not show distinct distribution ranges, was restricted to the area south of the LGM, 31 of these (15
but were always mixed with parental ones. In A. holboellii haplotypes from the ‘A. drummondii-clade’; 16 characteristic
effective diversity (Gregorius 1978) of cp-types was high- for A. holboellii) were restricted to the Rocky Mountains.
est in the Rocky Mountains from Idaho and Montana south However, in contrast only three A. holboellii–like singletons

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Fig. 5 (a) Geographic distribution of effective genetic diversity of haplotypes according to Gregorius (1978) for 23 geographical subregions
(dotted lines) in North America. Bars give the individual genetic diversities (compare to scale in the bottom left) for Arabis drummondii
(white), A. × divaricarpa (grey) and A. holboellii (black). (b) Location of singleton haplotypes observed in A. drummondii + A. × divaricarpa of
lineage II (except basal clade 3-3; dots) and in A. holboellii + A. × divaricarpa of lineages I, III and of clade 3-3 (circles).

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362 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

Fig. 6 Minimum-spanning network of 103 chloroplast haplotypes. Connections between haplotypes having a probability of at least 95% of
being parsimonious are indicated by solid, black lines. Grey, dotted lines are nonparsimonious connections between network I, network II
and haplotype Z, respectively. Dot-dashed lines represent ambiguous connections, which were rejected using the criteria suggested by
Crandall & Templeton (1993). The network was rooted at the reconstructed haplotype marked by a black star (in clade 3-5) applying the
root of the strict consensus tree resolved by the maximum parsimony analysis (Fig. 1). Reconstructed haplotypes (= intermediate haplotypes
not present in the data set) are depicted as black, small dots. Sampled haplotypes are indicated by circles, the surface area of which is
proportional to the number of individuals bearing it (N ranges from 1 to 147), while sectors indicate the partition of this haplotype between
species (white sectors Arabis drummondii, grey sectors A. × divaricarpa, black sectors A. holboellii). Nesting of haplotypes into hierarchically
interlocking clades, as outlined in Templeton et al. (1987, 1992), is represented by labelled boxes. Four-step clades are shown in a separate
diagram placed in the left lower corner; clades containing only one sampled subclade are given in dotted rectangles and were not numbered,
as they are uninformative in the subsequent test for association of genetic variation with geography. Clades, for which subclades showed
a statistically significant geographical pattern (see Table 1) are marked by an asterisk.

were observed in the Sierra Nevada. No singletons at all exceeded the 95% confidence limit of parsimony (P = 0.929),
were found for A. drummondii in the Sierra Nevada. the networks were treated subsequently as independent
entities. The topology of the haplotype network was con-
gruent [except for the connection of clade 1-23 ( = haplotype
Haplotype network estimation and nested clade analysis
S + T) with M instead with K] with that of the strict con-
According to the 95% confidence limit of parsimonious sensus tree resolved by the maximum parsimony analysis
connections (P = 0.953) as revealed by the estimation (Fig. 1). As a result of the inclusion of information on indels
procedure (Templeton et al. 1992) and implemented in tcs in the repeats located in the trnL/F IGS, additional resolution
version 1.13 (Clement et al. 2000), the network-building algo- for several terminal clades was evident in this analysis.
rithm joined haplotypes up to four mutational steps apart, Two obvious features were observed for the polarized
resulting in two major networks as well as in one isolated networks (Fig. 6): (i) The frequencies of particular haplo-
haplotype (Z) (Fig. 6). The single haplotype was excluded types increased from the root toward the middle portion of
from further analysis. The two networks and the isolated the networks, and again declined for most terminal haplo-
haplotype could be manually joined via two five-step muta- types. (ii) Inferred (nonobserved) haplotypes were much
tional connections to provide information on their evolu- more frequent at the base of the networks. As shown in
tionary relationship. However, because this connection Fig. 7 there is a significant increase in Dcs (a measure for

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bution of the haplotypes involved. All haplotypes for

which restricted gene flow with isolation by distance was
suggested were nested within the geographical ranges of
their ancestors and were found south of the last glacial maxi-
mum. Past fragmentations were deduced for haplotypes
geographically separated between the Sierra Nevada, the
southern Cascades, the Southern Rockies, or the Colorado
Plateau in the south and the Central and Northern Rocky
Mountains of the US and the adjacent Cascades in the north.
Contiguous range expansions in contrast were suggested
for all haplotypes (except for haplotype CG and singletons),
found within regions formerly covered by the contiguous
ice shield.
All three processes were inferred for A. holboellii, but only
restricted gene flow and range expansion were suggested
for A. drummondii. However, according to these results the
two evolutionary lineages made up by A. holboellii behaved
conspicuously differently. Lineage III was dominated by
Fig. 7 Correlation between age of haplotypes and their individual
geographical distribution expressed by Dc computed using accessions bearing haplotypes suggested to have under-
geodis 2.0. The most ancient cp-types of lineages I, II, and III gone range expansions (Fig. 4a), whereas the NCA method
haplotypes B, AB, and BR show a drop in size of their geographical applied to lineage I revealed past fragmentation events
ranges. Whereas haplotypes AS, BY, CG (AH, BU) occupy areas (Fig. 4b). Another interesting observation was that seven
larger than average. out of eight events of restricted gene flow by isolation by
distance suggested for A. drummondii, respectively, lineage
II were located in (the majority restricted to) the Rockies,
with the only remaining one (haplotype AJ) confined to the
the geographical range of a particular clade) with the age northern Sierra Nevada (Fig. 4a). However, haplotype AJ
of haplotypes (Pearson’s r = 0.63; singletons and outliers was exceptional as 10 out of 11 accessions belonged to
haplotype AS, BY, CG were excluded from the calculation). A. × divaricarpa but only one to A. drummondii.
Dc s of haplotypes ranged from 3.9 to 1455.0 kilometres.
However, the diagram shows a drop in the size of geo-
Genetic differentiation between major land features
graphical ranges for the oldest haplotypes B, AB and BR.
according to NST statistics and pairwise population
This decrease may be causally related to the low numbers
of these haplotypes within the investigated material (Fig. 6),
if one assumes gradual (and/or accidental) extinction of NST values did not exceed GST values in the test of genetic
haplotypes by genetic drift over time (Avise 2000). An old differentiation between subregions, neither for the total
haplotype will then be under-represented in the sampled sample nor for major lineages or species (except A. holboellii;
material and underestimation of the size of its distribution Table 2). Therefore, according to this test, there is no or
range will be likely. The test of association of haplotype only weak overall correspondence between these phylogenies
variation with geography using geodis 2.0, revealed statis- and geographical distribution. This result is presumably
tically significant values for Dc, Dn (the geographical range the result of the wide geographical codistribution of the
of a particular clade relative to its closest sister clades) most numerous haplotypes. However, the neighbour-joining
(I–T)D (Dcs of interior minus that of tip clades), or (I–T)Dn trees based on average numbers of pairwise distances
(Dn interior–Dn tip) within several clades (see Table 1 for between chloroplast haplotypes often joined adjacent sub-
details). The analysis was rerun for lineage II/A. drummondii- regions. Arabis drummondii-like haplotypes were assigned
like-haplotypes after excluding all A. holboellii accessions, to three clusters made up by regions corresponding to the
but results were identical with respect to inferred historic Cordilleran ice sheet, to the Laurentide ice sheet, and to
events (the test could not be performed on clade 4-1 as its all regions unglaciated during the LGM (Western US),
interior clade was made up by A. holboellii). respectively (Fig. 8a). In contrast, A. holboellii-like haplotypes
Three different types of historic events were inferred by showed a differentiation between the Western Cordillera
NCA: restricted gene flow with isolation by distance; past of the United States and a combined Eastern area (‘Rocky
fragmentation; and contiguous range expansion (Table 1, Mountains plus Great Basin’), while regions formerly covered
Fig. 4a–d). These historic processes were each associated by the contiguous ice shield of the LGM formed a third
with general features with respect to geographical distri- cluster (Fig. 8b).

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364 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

Fig. 8 Neighbour joining trees of 23 geographical subregions based on average numbers of pairwise distances (Nei & Li 1979) between A.
drummondii-like and A. holboellii-like chloroplast haplotypes using uncorrected P-distances.

recent Pleistocene origin of the two species and their

hybrid as nuclear DNA ITS pairwise sequence differences
(Koch et al. 2003b) were lower (0.3–1.3%) between these
Age estimation of chloroplast haplotypes
parental species and four closely related Arabis species
Based on plastid matK-sequences, nuclear chalcone synthase than sequence variation of the trnL intron and the trnL-F
and alcohol dehydrogenase data Koch et al. (2000, 2001) spacer region (up to 2.1% sequence differences), although
estimated that divergence between Arabidopsis and North these latter sequences evolve with much lower substitution
American Arabis (= Boechera) occurred between 6 and 15 rates than the ITS region (Hewitt 2001).
million years ago. In comparison, sequence divergence of
the trnL intron was 4 –5% (uncorrected P-distance) between
Comparative phylogeography of species and of major
Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabis. That means, considering
evolutionary lineages resolved by the gene tree
the length of the intron of approximately 500 bp, an overall
difference of 20–25 mutations separating the two lineages. Very high genetic polymorphism was detected within the
As the null hypothesis of rate heterogeneity was rejected sequenced cpDNA region. This finding is unusual, as most
for the trnL intron using rr-test (P values of pairwise lineage intrageneric phylogeographical studies in plants have
comparisons ranged from 0.81 to 0.17), it was estimated found little sequence divergence (Schaal et al. 1998; Hewitt
that there would be approximately one mutational change 2001). The observed degree of divergence is all the more
per 250 000–800 000 years. Within the investigated Arabis remarkable considering that the corresponding ribosomal
material, haplotypes differed from zero to eight muta- ITS displayed comparably low variation (Koch et al. 2003b).
tions in the trnL intron. Therefore, this estimate suggests a The ratio between divergence of the trnL intron and the
divergence date of roughly 1–3 million years ago for the ribosomal ITS was 1 : 1, while, in contrast, ratios in other
most distantly related cpDNA lineages. The timescale covered Brassicaceae genera varied from 1 : 1.5 in Draba (Koch &
by the phylogeny would therefore span at least the second Al-Shebaz 2002) to 1 : 18 in Yinshania (Koch & Al-Shebaz
half of the Pleistocene (Richmond & Fullerton 1986). From 2000). A number of inferred ancestral haplotypes dating
these data we infer that plastome type differentiation back to the divergence of the three major evolutionary
predates the speciation of A. drummondii and possibly lineages were not detected in the investigated material
that of A. holboellii. However, nuclear data indicate a more (Fig. 6). Either these missing haplotypes still exist outside

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our sample or, more likely, have been lost through extinc- CG was the result of inflation of the geographical range
tion. Nevertheless, the three major lineages observed are of the interior clade by inclusion of derived haplotype
clearly distinct (e.g. extant haplotypes of lineages I and III BY. Thus range expansion was inferred for haplotype CG
are separated by six mutational steps). when BY was excluded from the test (results not shown).
Templeton’s NCA seeks to distinguish among a diverse That range expansion was indeed the likely process
array of historical processes (Templeton et al. 1995). Although leading to the contemporary geographical distribution of
this approach has performed well in the case of range haplotype CG is also suggested by Fig. 7, as this haplotype
expansions (Templeton 1998), NCA does not provide covers an area of similar size to haplotypes AS and BY.
confidence limits on the reconstructed history (Knowles & However, the data do not allow pinpointing of the geo-
Maddison 2002). However, the criticism of Petit & Grivet graphical origin of the expansions, and possible refugia in
(2002), that genetic fixation within populations can bias the boreal and arctic regions might have contributed to the
outcome of a NCA, should not apply to our data, as we recolonization beside the mountain ranges south of the
sampled single individuals from isolated localities. continuous ice sheet. The migration patterns of our sampled
Haplotypes observed in A. × divaricarpa did not show taxa and haplotypes might be explained by selective advant-
distinct distribution ranges but were always found mixed ages of ecotypes preadapted to boreal and arctic conditions
with parental ones. This observation is in concordance with (e.g. A. drummondii is a montane to alpine plant; and the
the polyphyletic origin of the hybrid, as has been demon- variety ‘collinsii’ is known primarily from boreal habitats;
strated by Koch et al. (2003b) and suggested by Rollins (1983). Rollins 1993). Interestingly the involved haplotypes belonged
For these reasons data on the hybrid were pooled with those to genealogical lineages II and III only. On the other hand,
on its parents. In contrast, parental species are genetically it is known from simulation studies and observation that
well differentiated as revealed by this study and suggested early colonizers established by chance may suppress later
by Koch et al. (2003b). Hence, A. drummondii-like and invaders, hence precluding subsequent increases in diversity
A. holboellii-like haplotypes were analysed separately. (Hewitt 1993; Ibrahim et al. 1996; Corre et al. 1997; Hewitt &
One principle of NCA is that the geographical distribu- Ibrahim 2001). The current study cannot distinguish between
tion of derived haplotypes is compared against that of their these two alternatives, as all lineages occupy similar areas
ancestors. Two major shortcomings related to the distribu- and habitats south of the former contiguous ice sheet, and
tion of interior clades may be encountered in this analysis. include all varieties of A. holboellii investigated.
First, the nesting procedure often does not only include The only range expansion event outside the continu-
the ancestral haplotype but also includes closely related ous ice sheet of the Wisconsin glaciation was suggested
descendants into the interior clade (Templeton et al. 1987, for haplotype CI (respectively clade 2-7; lineage III; Fig.
1992). Such a nesting design can be considered contra- 4d). However, this inference needs further evidence to be
dictory to the basic idea of NCA to compare the distribution accepted, as the interior clade, on which this test was based,
ranges of derived haplotypes against that of their ances- comprised only three haplotypes (six accessions), the ancestor
tors. Second, unless populations grow, haplotypes will being a singleton (haplotype AB). Several fragmentation
theoretically become extinct over time (Avise 2000, p. 45). events were inferred for A. holboellii by NCA in lineage I.
Therefore, there will be a limit to the detection of the actual This inference was based on the geographical separation
geographical distribution range of old haplotypes at least of derived southern haplotypes (haplotypes D, F, S, U +
by the number of samples affordable. However, the accur- descendants; Fig. 4b) from their ancestors (haplotypes B
ate estimation of the distribution ranges of haplotypes is and M in the Central to Northern Rocky Mountains and
crucial to the outcome of NCA. adjacent Cascades). This pattern coincided with analogous
Disregarding the hybrid species A. × divaricarpa, recoloniza- disjunct distributions of several haplotypes (A, K, M, BT),
tion of the area covered by the Cordilleran and Laurentide an observation which is in favour for the past fragmenta-
ice shields was restricted to three taxa, A. drummondii, A. tion hypothesis. However, two arguments favour more
holboellii var. collinsii and var. retrofracta (cf. Rollins 1993), recent colonization (range expansion, long-distance dis-
and involved only four haplotypes (AH, AS, BY, CG; plus persal) as an alternative explanation for the contemporary
a few of their descendants; Fig. 4a,c). The colonization was distribution of haplotypes: (i) that the southern haplotypes
explained by NCA (except for haplotype CG) to have taken are descendants of the northern ones and (ii) the extremely
place via expansion of the ranges of these haplotypes. It is low numbers of singleton haplotypes for A. holboellii found
obvious that these haplotypes have indeed experienced fast in the Sierra Nevada (Fig. 5b). However, southerly areas
range expansions following the deglaciation of this vast are now dominated by more derived haplotypes. The
region. Analogous scenarios have been described by a series major uplift of the Sierra Nevada did not occur until 2 to 5
of studies (e.g. Graham & Mead 1987; Hewitt 1993; Lewis million years ago (King 1959; Brunsfeld et al. 2001). Given
& Crawford 1995; Templeton 1998; Marshall et al. 2002). the above estimates of haplotype ages, the uplift of these
The failure to detect range expansion also for haplotype mountains could have influenced the isolation of ancient

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366 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

populations within the range. The ‘modern’ haplotypes might This finding is consistent with the fragmentation and range
have replaced ancient lineages because of climatically expansion events inferred by NCA for the Sierra Nevada
unfavourable conditions (Wahrhaftig & Birman 1965). The and Cascades (Fig. 4b) in the case of A. holboellii, as well as
extensive past glaciations of this mountain chain (Wahrhaftig with the inferred major range expansion of A. drummondii–
& Birman 1965) would fit such a scenario. like haplotypes into western vs. eastern deglaciated regions
The past fragmentation event suggested for A. holboellii in the north (Fig. 4a,c).
involving haplotypes located at the basis of lineage II (clade The whole phylogeographical scenario fits the ‘Category
3-3) constituted another case of rare haplotypes building II phylogeographical pattern: Deep gene tree, major
up the interior clade (ancestral haplotype AB being a lineages broadly sympatric’ suggested by Avise (2000).
singleton). The partition of populations between southern This pattern applies to A. holboellii and may be either
Nevada (interior clade 2-4) and the Rocky Mountains of explained by (i) the maintenance of large effective popu-
Montana and Wyoming (tip clade 2-5) should therefore not lation sizes and of high gene flow retaining ancient, co-
be accepted unless confirmed by additional evidence. distributed lineages over time, or by (ii) secondary admixture
The historic event most frequently inferred by NCA was between allopatrically evolved populations. Hybridization
restricted gene flow by isolation by distance (Table 1). This is a likely phenomenon associated with the latter explana-
pattern was observed for both parental species alike and tion (Barton & Hewitt 1985). One might speculate that the
was explained by limited movement of individuals bear- frequent intraspecific hybridization events observed for
ing newly arisen haplotypes (Neigel et al. 1991; Neigel & A. holboellii (Koch et al. 2003b) were promoted by secondary
Avise 1993; Templeton 1998). This process was inferred from admixture of the three major evolutionary lineages observed
our data when young, derived haplotypes were embedded in this study. However, to demonstrate the validity of such
within the geographical range of their ancestors. Further- a scenario would demand the pinpointing of different
more, this pattern was only observed in areas which geographical centres of origin for these lineages. But such
remained largely ice-free during past glaciations. Young evidence was not provided by the data. The phylogeography
haplotypes showed restricted, often nonoverlapping, geo- of A. drummondii in contrast is only part of this ‘Category II-
graphical distribution ranges within formerly unglaciated pattern’ and fits the ‘Category V-pattern’ suggested by Avise
areas, whereas only haplotypes of the middle portions of (2000), which involves common, ancestral lineages that
the phylogenetic network were geographically widespread are widespread plus closely related lineages that are
(e.g. haplotypes U, AH, AS, BU, CI; Fig. 4a– d). Therefore, geographically restricted.
it seems likely that limited spread of seeds constrains the
geographical distribution of cpDNA haplotypes. Accept-
ing the validity of the applied molecular clock chloroplast
haplotypes (Fig. 7) colonized in about 250 000 –1 000 000 Arabis × divaricarpa accessions shared almost all chloroplast
years the whole western USA. Therefore, time rather than haplotypes with their parental species, with a few excep-
physical or ecological barriers was the main factor limiting tions occurring at low frequency in the dataset. This means
gene flow via seeds within the period covered by our data. also, that no obvious preferences with respect to phylogenetic
However, distribution rates of seeds may become extremely age of haplotypes are evident. However, interestingly
high in the case of recolonizations as formerly ice-covered A. drummondii served more frequently as mother of A. ×
locations at least 3000 km distant from possible refugia divaricarpa than A. holboellii (149 vs. 56 times). This finding
have been reached within the Holocene (Hewitt 1993; Hewitt was unexpected as pollen quality is often decreased in
& Ibrahim 2001; Petit et al. 2001; Palmé et al. 2003). A. holboellii (Koch et al. 2003b) and self-fertilization was
For the above reasons all frequent haplotypes were to suggested to predominate in A. drummondii (Roy 1995).
some extent codistributed across North America. This Further, haplotypes found in A. × divaricarpa did not form
pattern is reflected in NST values not exceeding the GST values distinct distribution ranges, but were always found mixed
(Pons & Petit 1996) indicating that there is no overall with parental ones. These findings suggest that the evolu-
correspondence between the phylogenies of haplotypes and tion of A. × divaricarpa is closely related to that of both
their geographical distribution (Table 2). This result demon- parental species, implying repeated hybridization, as
strates that the contemporary geographical distribution suggested by Rollins (1983) and Koch et al. (2003b).
of genetic variation is the outcome of several incongruent Arabis drummondii accessions constituted a monophyletic
historical processes (as revealed by NCA), which were group within lineage II, while ancestors of this lineage
blurred by pooling the data. However, the neighbour- consisted of haplotypes which have only been observed in
joining tree based on average numbers of pairwise dis- A. holboellii (Figs 1 and 6). This phylogenetic pattern might
tances between subregions resolved areas formerly covered be interpreted as an ancestor–descendant relationship.
by the Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheet as well as the However, differential sorting of haplotypes predating the
Sierra Nevada/Southern Cascades as distinct entities (Fig. 8). divergence of the two species, as well as introgression of

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one species into the other resulting in chloroplast capture, the Sierra Nevada). Therefore, past conditions during the
should also be considered. Two related observations are Pleistocene allowed for the accumulation and preservation
important: (i) A. drummondii and A. holboellii accessions of genetic variation in this part of the Rocky Mountains. In
bearing shared haplotypes were codistributed (e.g. geo- contrast, in the Sierra Nevada ancient haplotypes (except
graphically restricted haplotypes AO and BJ), and (ii) 16 widespread haplotypes AH, AS and CI) were either missing
out of 18 A holboellii accessions (except singleton haplotype or comparably rare. As outlined above, Pleistocene fragmenta-
AG and Arab671: AH) were confined to the Central Rocky tion or colonization events, as well as subsequent radi-
Mountains of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and southwestern- ations, are likely to have played an important role in shaping
most Montana. Therefore, lineage sorting seems unlikely, the contemporary distribution of genetic variation within
as one would not expect congruence in distribution of this mountain range. However, both mountain ranges are
genetic variability in evolutionarily unrelated species (Schaal known to have been important glacial refugia (Brunsfeld
et al. 1998). Based on a comprehensive investigation of et al. 2001) and evidently played a similar role in the evolu-
concerted evolution of ribosomal ITS, Koch et al. (2003b) tion of these Arabis species.
suggested for five A. holboellii accessions introgression by Several haplotypes were detected in boreal and arctic
A. drummondii. These accessions carry haplotypes AS, AT and regions (especially the Great Lakes: AH, BU, Fig. 4a,c; and
BJ. On the other hand, AH, which is basal, was represented near the Pacific coast: G, Fig. 5b; CI, Fig. 4d), which were
by six accessions in which only A. holboellii-ITS-types were geographically isolated from their ancestors. Only a few
found. Therefore, both common ancestry and reticulation derivatives (AL, AU, AZ, CF, CU) of those haplotypes
may explain the co-occurrence of haplotypes in A. drummondii (AH, AS, BY, CG), which have spread into areas formerly
and A. holboellii. However, the phylogenetic origin of A. covered by the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheet, were
drummondii must be addressed in a broader taxonomic con- found within these newly recolonized regions (Fig. 5b).
text, and nuclear markers not prone to the effects of concerted This latter observation, together with a rate of one mutation
evolution, like microsatellites, will be used to answer this. per 250 000–800 000 years for the trnL intron as suggested
A single origin of the morphologically defined varieties above, implies that almost all observed haplotypes origin-
of A. holboellii (Rollins 1993) is not supported by this study, ated prior to the Wisconsin glaciation. Reliable evidence
as the phylogeny of chloroplast haplotypes was incon- for glacial refugia in the far north is known for Beringia,
gruent with the proposed taxonomic concept. Lineage for areas southeast of the contiguous ice sheet from New
sorting might explain this contradiction, but seems unlikely, Jersey to Quebec, and for the eastern Arctic (e.g. Hultén
as few disjunct distribution patterns of haplotypes were 1937; Tremblay & Schoen 1999; McCusker et al. 2000;
observed (Schaal et al. 1998). Therefore, pollen-mediated Fleming & Cook 2002; Abbott & Brochmann 2003; Abbott
gene transfer seems more likely to explain the observed et al. 2003). The present distribution of haplotypes G
discrepancy. Reticulation would also explain the strik- (southwesternmost Yukon); AH and BU (Great Lakes),
ing discrepancy between nuclear DNA (ITS) and cpDNA AL and AU (at the St Lawrence in Quebec and in Maine)
divergence in A. holboellii. Monophyly of the taxonomically could be explained by survival within these glacial refugia.
well-defined taxon A. drummondii, on the other hand, is con- Also, the Canadian Archipelago was suggested as a poten-
cordant with the marked geographical concentration of chloro- tial glacial refugium (Tremblay & Schoen 1999; Abbott
plast haplotype diversity and a possible monotopic origin of et al. 2003), but this hypothesis is still based on little evid-
the species in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains. ence. The possible role of the southern Alaskan Pacific
coast as glacial refugium was discussed by Demboski et al.
(1999), Smith et al. (2001) and Fleming & Cook (2002). The
Centres of diversity and possible glacial refugia
observation of three isolated accessions of haplotype CI
High diversity of chloroplast haplotypes was found for the near Anchorage, Alaska, was of special interest, as this area
Rocky Mountains south of the contiguous ice sheet (Fig. 5a). was heavily glaciated during the LGM (Péwé et al. 1965 cf.
Likewise, singleton haplotypes showed highest frequencies
within this mountain area and adjacent regions of the Great atlas/gallery/index.html) and is separated from inland-
Basin (Fig. 5b). These observations suggest centres of genetic Beringia by the Alaska Range. The opening of continental
diversity in these areas (Hewitt 1996; Comes & Kadereit shelves along the Pacific coast presumably provided some
1998; Widmer & Lexer 2002; Slatkin 1985). Interestingly, ice-free areas (Frenzel 1968; Frenzel et al. 1992; Mann &
almost all ancient haplotypes (B, K, M, U, AH, AS, BU, BR, Peteet 1994), e.g. in the Caribou Hills east of lower Cook
CI; except AB) occurred or were restricted to this mountain Inlet (Reger & Pinney 1996), which might have served as a
area and the majority of derived haplotypes were concen- glacial refugium for these haplotypes. However, no indis-
trated here (Figs 4 and 5). Especially A. drummondii showed putable evidence exists for the persistence of glacial refugia
by far the highest chloroplast diversity within this area along the Pacific margin of the Cordilleran ice sheet (Mann
(e.g. no singleton haplotypes were found for this species in & Hamilton 1995).

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 13, 349–370

368 C . H . D O B E S, T . M I T C H E L L - O L D S and M . A . K O C H

Brunsfeld SJ, Sullivan J, Soltis DE, Soltis PS (2001) Comparative

Acknowledgements phylogeography of northwestern North America: a synthesis.
In: Integrating Ecology and Evolution in a Spatial Context (eds
This work was supported by a grant to M. K. from the Austrian
Silvertown J, Antonovics J), pp. 319–339. Blackwell Science,
Science Foundation (FWF; P14655-GEN). T. M. O. was supported
by NSF grant DEB-9527725 and by the Max-Planck Gesellschaft.
Clement M, Posada D, Crandall KA (2000) TCS: a computer program
We are grateful to D. Schnabelrauch (Jena) for technical support
to estimate gene genealogies. Molecular Ecology, 9, 1657–1659.
in the laboratory and to the curators of herbaria MO and GH for
Comes HP, Kadereit JW (1998) The effect of Quaternary climatic
providing leaf material for destructive sampling. Special thanks
changes on plant distribution and evolution. Trends in Plant
goes to Timothy Sharbel for critically reading the manuscript and
Science, 3, 432–438.
to two anonymous reviewers and the subject editor Rémy Petit for
Comes HP, Abbott RJ (2001) Molecular phylogeography, reticula-
numerous suggestions.
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(Asteraceae). Evolution, 55, 1943–1962.
Supplementary material Corre V, Machon N, Petit RJ, Kremer A (1997) Colonization with
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© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Ecology, 13, 349– 370

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