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1. A concrete idea: what would we like to do/have done?

// A brief but convincing

description of the innovation
The idea of traditional education has shifted entirely within 2020. Being
physically present in a classroom isn’t the only learning option anymore — not with
the acceleration of the internet and new technologies or during the pandemic, at least.
We are now starting a new era — the revolution of online education.
TemanEddu is an online education platform that is assisted by artificial
intelligence technology. TemanEddu makes people have an access to a quality
education whenever and wherever they want. Students or learners can fit them
throughout their existing responsibilities and commitments and can engage with
multimedia content and learning materials at whatever time is most convenient to them.
Even better: they don’t have to travel anywhere to study, they can easily log in to
TemanEddu from the ease of their home or office.
There’s a second reason why online learning has become so attractive: it’s more
affordable. The cost can often be a restraining factor in why students don’t enroll in
courses they’re fascinated in. This is also an issue for companies who crave to
encourage their employees to undergo further training but don’t have much of a funds
for conferences and training courses. Online courses are easily approachable on much
smaller budgets.
The study conducted by SRI International for the US Department of Education
is the most recent evidence of the effectiveness of online training. The outcome
indicates that, in general, learners learn moderately better via online training than they
do through traditional in-person training. Nevertheless, since the study proved online
training more effective than in-person training, it can be concluded that learners expand
the knowledge and skills gained from online training on the job at least as much as they
deploy the knowledge and skills obtained from in-person training on the job.
Moreover, TemanEddu offers a life-time companion. After a course purchased,
it will valid until a life-time and student have a privilege to join an exclusive group chat
with their coach. Because success is an alone process, we believe that TemanEddu can
be the best companion for everyone to pursue their dreams.

2. What exactly the innovative value?

We have diverse products with different market, such as:
1. EdduTest: EdduTest is a try-out simulation for SBMPTN (State University
National Entrance Exam). We offer a free try-out simulation with a limited
practice test and premium try-out with hundreds of practice tests and passing
grade simulation so students will know if their score is eligible for their goal.
2. EdduCast: Edducast is a free podcast with light topics but still enlightening. It's a
great company during leisure time. EdduCast designated to educate people
through the current issue approach.
3. EdduClass: EdduClass is an online training with an expert coach that has been
experienced in their field. Our concern is to train people with essential skills that
never be taught in school, such as critical thinking, social skills, leadership,
communication, collaboration, and so on, that will help people to thrive in life.
Furthermore, we also provide a practical class like growth hack, finance,
language, and others.
4. EdduSchool: EdduSchool offer a website developing services for school or
tutoring agency. We have "Pirates Strategy" to reach our potential client. Pirates
strategy makes it possible for us to detect every weakness of an existed school

3. What added values does it generate (including comparison with the competition)?
TemanEddu provides a wide range of benefits for an individual, business, or
organization. Our core values are to bring budget-friendly, hassle-free, and sustainable
education platform to our clients.
Moreover, our try out test system assistance with artificial intelligence technology
hence people will be able to know how deep their understanding of the subject in each
question, and indeed they can make improvements on that subject. Moreover, our
system has co-operated with Google Cloud. Yet, our certificate, for specific class, will
be signed by accredited certification body.

4. A basic competitor analysis: what are our competitors doing? What makes our
innovation stand out? What benefit do we expect from its introduction?
No. Competitor Description
1. Skill Academy Skill Academy is the latest service by
Ruangguru, which is an online learning
platform that offers knowledge-rich classes
taught by proven experts in their field. These
remarkable mentors are ready to supervise
university students, first jobbers and
professionals to optimize their personal
development. Unfortunately, the certificate
that will be obtained at SkillAcademy is issued
and signed by the Skill Academy, hence it does
not guarantee the credentials of the certificate
2. MauBelajarApa MauBelajarApa is an online market platform
for learners to find and register for vocational
classes that have been created by teachers.
Regrettably, there's no certain standard for a
teacher yet the learning process
3. Pintaria Pintaria is a site that offers quality education
and training products/courses with a variety of
categories aimed at people who want to expand
their knowledge and expertise. But, the cost of
the courses offered is still relatively expensive.
4. TemanEddu TemanEddu is online education platform
that aim people to have an access to a quality
education whenever and wherever they
want. TemanEddu provides a wide range of
benefits for an individual, business, or
organization. Our core values are to bring
budget-friendly, hassle-free, and
sustainable education platform to our
clients. TemanEddu provide an advance
technology that equipped with artificial
intelligence system. Moreover, for specific
expertise course, students will get a
certificate signed by an accredited
certification body.

5. Financial estimates: how much capital is required? Who will finance it?
In this early stage, TemanEddu is self-funded based. Though for the next step,
we will open our stocks sheet in trustworthy equity crowdfunding, such as Santara. For
the initial capital, we need 4,12 billion with following details:

No. Expenses Amount

1. Front-End System Development
2. Back-End System Development
3. UI/UX Design Development 325.000.000
4. UAT (User Acceptance Testing), GT Matrix, and 150.000.000
Penetration Test
5. Licenses and Permit 50.000.000
6. Equipment and Utilities (camera, recorder, 300.000.000
software, computer, etc)

6. Estimates regarding earnings: cost structure/break-even/profit dynamics?

No. Operating Expenses Unit Cost Total
1. Video Productions 312 video 2.000.000 624.000.000
2. Cost of Labor 1 year 480.000.000 480.000.000
3. Research and Development 1 year 37.000.000 37.000.000
4. Advertising and Marketing 1 year 200.000.000 200.000.000
5. Electricity, Phone, and Water 1 year 10.000.000 10.000.000
6. Maintenance 1 year 50.000.000 50.000.000
OPEX 1.401.000.000
No. Variable Expenses Unit Cost Total
1. Video Commissions 31.200 10.000 312.000.000
2. Website Commission 100 200.000 20.000.000
VAREX 332.000.000

No. Revenue Streams Unit Earning Total

1. Video Subscripstions 31.200 100.000
2. Website Development 100 2.000.000 200.000.000
Services website
3. Premium Try-Out 10.000 50.000 500.000.000
TOTAL REVENUE 3.820.000.000

No. Product Break Even Point

1. Video Subscriptions 9.812 video purchased
2. Website Development Services 144 website
3. Premium Try-Out 5.180 user

7. Timetable: what are the next steps?

•Produce content
•Build the try out system
•Establish cooperation with schools and tutoring agencies

2020 •Funding 1.0 (Angel Investor/Competition)

•Funding 2.0 (Angel Investor/Competition)

•Hiring credible coaches/tutors

•Produce content
•Funding 3.0 (Angel Investor/Competition)
2021 •Funding 4.0 (Angel Investor/Competition/Venture Capita)

•Listing our series A stocks in Santara

2022 •Scale Up

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