OPERA 5.0.5.xx Database Server Installation

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Oracle® Hospitality

OPERA 5.0.5.xx Database Server

Release 1.0

October 2015
Note: The following is intended to outline our general
product direction. It is intended for information purposes
only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not
a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality,
and should not be relied upon in making purchasing
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remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Contents ............................................................................................................................. ii
Record of changes ............................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2
Intended Audience ............................................................................................................ 2
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................... 2
Disk Layout ........................................................................................................................ 3
Changes required to a standard Windows installation ................................................. 4
Disable Windows DEP ...........................................................................................................4
Disable IPv6 .............................................................................................................................4
Disable User Account Control (UAC). .................................................................................5
Modify the Elevation Prompt Behavior (only if UAC has not been disabled) ........5
Modify Admin Approval Mode (only if UAC has not been disabled).....................6
Disabling the Windows Firewall ..........................................................................................7
Reboot the server.....................................................................................................................9
OPERA 5 Database Server Installation ......................................................................... 10
Post Installation Steps ................................................................................................... 16
Installation logs ..................................................................................................................... 16
Initopera.ora changes ........................................................................................................... 16
Database backups.................................................................................................................. 16
Enabling archivelog mode ................................................................................................... 17
Record of changes

Date Document Description Author

March 2015 1.0 Initial document, replacement for Richard Schulze
“1472 - Opera v5.0.x NT-
Database Server Install”
October 2015 1.1 New format, miscellaneous Richard Schulze

Please sent comments on this document to richard.schulze@oracle.com

Record of changes 1
Disable Windows DEP

With the release of the media for Service Pack of OPERA, the Oracle database
version on the media has been upgraded to
For existing installations, the use of Oracle is not mandatory for the use of
OPERA Please consult the “OPERA Supported Platforms” document for
Platform / OPERA version requirements.

This document describes how to install an OPERA database server using the provided
installation media.
The installation has been documented on a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
operating system.

“OPERA Single Server” media will no longer be provided as separate installation

media. In order to install a single server environment, please follow the document
‘OPERA 5.0.5.xx Single Server Installation’.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for Oracle staff that is familiar with the Windows Server 2008
R2 OS, OPERA components, Oracle RDBMS and network environments, charged to
install OPERA database servers on SP or higher.

Obtain the latest OPERA 11g Database Server installation media and copy or extract it to
the root of the target machines’ D: drive. Do not run the installation from a dvd / usb
drive or from a network location.

It is assumed that the Windows Server 2008 R2 software has been correctly installed.
The document “1535 - Recommended Windows 2008R2 Configuration Changes for
OPERA servers” that can be found on the MICROS members website contains
recommended changes to the Operating System after the initial installation.
Although some changes in that document are optional, the ones listed in the next
paragraph have to be made before the installation is attempted.

2 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Disable Windows DEP

Disk Layout
The following is the required disk layout for an OPERA 5 database installation on
Windows platforms.

It is HIGHLY recommended that RAID 1 or RAID 0+1 be used for all drives containing
OPERA database files.

The Opera 5 standard database installation requires anywhere from one to seven logical
drives (C, D, G-K), depending on what is available. The E drive is assumed to be the CD-
ROM. There are six installation options based on how the disk drives and drive letters
are laid out. The following are the minimum required sizing for installation only, this is
not production sizing. The following is the amount of free space the drives should have
before installing Opera.

Installation options:
1. C(4GB), D(4GB), G(4GB), H(4GB), I(4GB), J(4GB), K(4GB)
2. C(4GB), D(4GB), G(4GB), H(8GB), I(8GB)
3. C(4GB), D(8GB), G(8GB), H(8GB)
4. C(4GB), D(12GB), G(12GB)
5. C(4GB), D(24GB)
6. C(28GB)

NOTE: If these minimum sizing requirements are not provided the installation will not

Disk Layout 3
Disable Windows DEP

Changes required to a standard Windows

Disable Windows DEP
Open a new elevated command prompt (Run as administrator) and type the following

bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff

Disable IPv6
IPv6 is not supported on OPERA servers. In order to disable it, open an elevated
command prompt (Run as administrator) and type the following command:

reg add hklm\system\currentcontrolset\services\tcpip6\parameters /v

DisabledComponents /t REG_DWORD /d 2

Confirm if you are prompted to overwrite the current value.

4 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Disable User Account Control (UAC).

Disable User Account Control (UAC).

If possible disable UAC during the installation by running the following command from
an elevated command prompt (Run as administrator):

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v
EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

If UAC cannot be disabled during the installation, at a minimum the following has
to be performed:

Modify the Elevation Prompt Behavior (only if UAC has not been disabled)
The elevation prompt behavior for administrators needs to be changed to "Elevate
without prompting":
Open a command prompt and type “secpol.msc” to launch the Security Policy Console
management utility. From the Local Security Settings console tree, click Local Policies,
and then Security Options.
Scroll down to and double-click User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt
for administrators.

Changes required to a standard Windows installation 5

Disable User Account Control (UAC).

From the drop-down menu, select: "Elevate without prompting (tasks requesting
elevation will automatically run as elevated without prompting the administrator)".

Click OK to confirm the changes.

Modify Admin Approval Mode (only if UAC has not been disabled)
Open a command prompt and type “secpol.msc” to launch the Security Policy Console
management utility. From the Local Security Settings console tree, click Local Policies,
and then Security Options.
Scroll down to and double-click User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin
Approval Mode.

Select Disabled.

6 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Disabling the Windows Firewall

Disabling the Windows Firewall

Windows 2008 has firewall safety settings for different profiles. The firewall needs to be
disabled for each profile individually.
In order to verify if the Firewall is enable, go to Start > Control Panel > Check Firewall
If the Firewall is enabled, select “Turn Windows Firewall on or off”.
Turn it off for all profiles.

Changes required to a standard Windows installation 7

Disabling the Windows Firewall

It may still be enabled for the other profiles (see below).

In order to change the firewall settings for all profiles, right click my computer and select
Manage. On the Server management page, scroll to the Configuration > Windows
Firewall with Advanced Security.
Select the “Windows Firewall Properties” link and turn the firewall off for each profile by
clicking on the different tabs.

8 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Reboot the server.

The result is shown below.

Reboot the server.

At this point, the server needs to be rebooted.

Changes required to a standard Windows installation 9

Reboot the server.

OPERA 5 Database Server Installation

 Navigate into the DVD2 folder and launch “OperaInstallation.EXE”.
 The wizard will collect some installation variables. Click “Next”.

 Acknowledge the actions the wizard will take. Click “Next”.

10 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Reboot the server.

 Enter the credentials for the SYS and SYSTEM users that you want to use.

 Enter the credentials for the SYSMAN and DBSNMP users that you want to use.

OPERA 5 Database Server Installation 11

Reboot the server.

 Enter the credentials for the OPERA, OXI and OXIHUB users that you want to

 The media will look for the D Drive by Default and if the D Drive does not have
enough disk space the media will show below additional screens.

12 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Reboot the server.

 If the User selected Drive is low on Disk space, the wizard will prompt with the
below screen giving the ability for the user to “Ignore” the disk space. Use
caution when selecting Ignore as there is a great possibility that the installer will
fail during installation.

 The wizard will give the option to cancel the installation at this time. This
additional screen will popup if the user selected Ignore for Disk space warning.

OPERA 5 Database Server Installation 13

Reboot the server.

 Disk drive layout. Carefully review the selected drives for installation and that
they are the desired layout for this installation. Click “Next” if correct. Click
“Cancel” if changes to the drive layout are required.

 The installation will commence.

 When the database software installation is finished, the data files are being

14 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Reboot the server.

 After a while, the DBConsole will be configured. The message regarding the
email address can be ignored.

 The installation finishes.

OPERA 5 Database Server Installation 15

Installation logs

Post Installation Steps

Review the following notes to customize the database parameters and then reboot the
database server.

Installation logs
Installation logs are located in the system tmp directory, if there is no tmp directory it
will write to the temp directory. Right click my computer, properties, advanced tab,
environment variables to find the tmp location. Example:
c:\temp\opera40\DatabaseInstall.log and CopyDBfiles_Install.log.

Initopera.ora changes
Even standard installations require some manual steps to be completed. The person
installing the database server should adjust the size of the SGA as needed (initopera.ora).
To adjust the size of the SGA, edit the d:\oracle\admin\opera\pfile\initopera.ora file.
Go to the end of the file. Select the memory configuration that fits the new environment
by uncommenting (i.e remove „# „ in front of shared_pool_size and db_cache_size) the
two parameter values associated with the size of installation and commenting out
(i.e.insert „# „ in front of shared_pool_size and db_cache_size) the two parameter values
associated with „20 Concurrent users‟. The database must be restarted to pick up the
new values.

Database backups
After the initial installation there are no backups configured for the OPERA database.
Please make sure that an adequate backup strategy is put in place before the site starts
configuring the application. In order to take hot backups, the database needs to be put in
archivelog mode.

16 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Enabling archivelog mode

Enabling archivelog mode

After the installation completes, the database is not in ARCHIVELOG MODE.

Enable archive log mode:

 Shut down the database.
 Check the parameters in the initopera.ora file. They should look like the below:

# Archive
log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=d:\oracle\admin\opera\archive mandatory REOPEN=120'

 Mount the database in sqlplus.

 Enable archive logging and open the database.

Post Installation Steps 17

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