Karihaloo 2001 Computers & Structures

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Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660


Homogenization-based multivariable element method for

pure torsion of composite shafts
B.L. Karihaloo a,*, Q.Z. Xiao a,b, C.C. Wu b
Division of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Cardi€ University, Queen's Buildings, P.O. Box 686, Cardi€ CF24 3TB, UK
Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Received 13 March 2000; accepted 28 June 2001

Application of the hybrid stress element to torsion of composite shafts is restricted, if the volume fraction of re-
inforcement is very large. The homogenization method is the most suitable for such problems because it gives not only
the equivalent material properties but also detailed information of local ®elds with less computational cost. In this
paper, the extension of the homogenization method to the pure torsion of composite shafts with reinforcing ®bers
aligned along its axis and the application of high performance multivariable elements are studied. The incompatible
element based on a modi®ed potential principle and the enhanced-strain element based on the Hu±Washizu principle
are appropriate for the analysis of the representative unit cell, whereas the hybrid stress element is appropriate for the
macro-homogenized problem. Numerical examples are provided and discussed. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Keywords: Composite shaft; Enhanced-strain element; Homogenization; Hybrid element; Incompatible element; Representative unit
cell; Torsion

1. Introduction features are too many. In this case, the mathematical

homogenization method which has received considerable
In the mechanics of composite materials, it is of great attention in recent years [6±16] seems to be the most
importance to determine the e€ective properties of the suitable one. It is a kind of singular perturbation method
composite from the distribution and basic properties of suitable for problems with boundary layers [17] that exist
constituents and the detailed distribution of ®elds on the at regions near the interfaces of di€erent phases in a
scale of microconstituents [1±4]. The hybrid stress ele- heterogeneous medium. With the help of multiple scale
ment introduced by the authors [5] is of course a useful expansion, it gives not only the e€ective properties of the
tool in the analysis of composite shafts because it gives composite, but also detailed distribution of ®elds on the
accurate results for the warping displacement, the angle scale of microconstituents with acceptable cost. In con-
of twist per unit length, as well as the shear stress by trast to the most widely used methods in determining
using a relatively coarse mesh. However, if the volume the macro properties, i.e., the Eshelby method, the self-
fraction of reinforcement is very large, it is not realistic to consistent method, the Mori±Tanaka method, the dif-
obtain the micro®elds by this method because the degrees ferential scheme and the bound theories [1±4], the
of freedom needed to model the entire macrodomain homogenization method takes into account the interac-
with a grid size comparable to that of the microscale tion between phases naturally and avoids assumptions
other than the assumption of periodic distribution of
constituents. On the other hand, it accounts for micro-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-29-2087-4934; fax: +44- structural e€ects on the macroscopic response without
29-2087-4597. explicitly representing the details of the microstructure in
E-mail address: karihaloob@cardi€.ac.uk (B.L. Karihaloo). the global analysis. The computational model at the

0045-7949/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 5 - 7 9 4 9 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 9 1 - 8
1646 B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660

lower scales is only needed if and when there is a necessity

to do so. In recent years it has been employed for the
solution of complex problems in conjunction with the
®nite element (FE) method [8±10,12±14]. Since accuracy
of the widely used isoparametric element method is not
satisfactory, high performance multivariable elements
are necessary to be introduced in the homogenization
method to improve the accuracy [14].
In this study, we will employ the homogenization
method for the solution of pure torsion of composite
shafts with ®bers aligned along its axis and study the
application of high performance multivariable elements.
In accordance with the mathematical homogenization
method, control di€erential equations for the represen-
tative unit cell (RUC) are obtained in Section 2. The
corresponding variational principles are then deduced as
the basis of the FE method in Section 3. The formula-
tion and practical application of incompatible and en-
hanced-strain elements to the analysis of RUC are
discussed in detail in Sections 4 and 5. A 4-noded in-
compatible element is also introduced. In Section 6, a
penalty function method is discussed to enforce the pe-
riodicity boundary condition of the RUC. In Section 7,
composite shafts of square as well as rectangular cross-
section reinforced with circular and elliptic ®bers are
analyzed as illustrative examples. For a square shaft
containing 16 ®bers, the problem is also solved directly
by the hybrid stress element. The shear modulus from
the homogenization method is compared with that ob-
tained by the hybrid stress element and by the Voigt±
Reuss theory [4]. A comparison of the computed results
shows common features of the local ®elds. Conclusions
Fig. 1. Illustration of a problem with two length scales.
and discussion follow in Section 8.

sentative volume element or unit cell Y, as shown in Fig.

1. In other words, the composite material is formed by a
2. Mathematical homogenization spatial repetition of the unit cell. The shaft has two
length scales; a global length scale D that is of the order
Consider a uniform composite shaft of arbitrary of the section size, and a local length scale d that is of the
cross-section twisted by couples applied at the ends. order of the unit cell and proportional to the wavelength
Without loss of generality, the origin of coordinates is of the variation of the microstructure. The size of the
taken at the left end cross-section, with the x1 - and x2 - unit cell is much larger than that of the constituents but
axes as the principal axes of inertia, and the x3 -axis much smaller than that of the section. The relation be-
along the axis of the shaft and pointing to its other end. tween the global coordinate system xi for the section and
According to St. Venant's theory of torsion, the dis- the local system yi for the minimum repeated unit cell
placement components are [18] can then be written as
u1 ˆ hx3 x2 xi
yi ˆ i ˆ 1; 2 …2†
u2 ˆ hx3 x1 …1† e
u3 ˆ w…x1 ; x2 † where e is a very small positive number representing the
scaling factor between the two length scales. The local
where h represents the angle of twist per unit length coordinate vector yi is regarded as a stretched coordinate
(clockwise about the x3 -axis). vector in the microscopic domain. For an actual hetero-
Assume the microstructure of the cross-section Xe to geneous body subjected to external forces, ®eld quan-
be locally periodic with a period de®ned by a statistically tities such as displacements, strains and stresses are
homogeneous volume element, denoted by the repre- assumed to have slow variations from point to point
B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660 1647

with macroscopic (global) coordinate x as well as fast where

variations with local microscopic coordinate y within a …0†
small neighborhood of size e of a given point x. That is, … 1† ou3
c3j ˆ
displacements, strains and stresses have two explicit oyj
…0† …0† …0†
dependencies: one on the macroscopic level with coor- c3j ˆ cx3j ‡ cy3j
dinates xi , and the other on the level of microconstitu- …0†
…0† ou3
ents with coordinates yi cx31 ˆ hx2
ue3 ˆ ue3 …x; y† …0† ou3
…0† …10†
cx32 ˆ ‡ hx1
ce3j ˆ ce3j …x; y† …3† ox2
se3j ˆ se3j …x; y† …0† ou3
cy3j ˆ
where j ˆ 1, 2. Due to the periodicity of the micro- ou3
structure, functions ue3 , ce3j and se3j are assumed to be Y- c3j ˆ ‡ 3
oxj oyj
periodic, i.e., ue3 …x; y† ˆ ue3 …x; y ‡ kY †, ce3j …x; y† ˆ ce3j …x; y ‡
kY † and se3j …x; y† ˆ se3j …x; y ‡ kY †, where Y…yi † is the size Substituting Eq. (9) into the constitutive relation (6)
of the unit cell, or the basic period of the stretched co- gives the expansion of the stress se3j
ordinate system y and k is a non-zero integer. … 1† …0† …1†
The unknown displacement ue3 , the angle of twist per se3j …x; y† ˆ e 1 s3j ‡ s3j ‡ es3j ‡    …11†
unit length h, and the non-zero strain ce3j and stress se3j
can be solved from the following equations
… 1† … 1†
s3i ˆ Cij c3j …12†
Equilibrium : ˆ 0 in Xe …4†
oxj …0† …0†
s3i ˆ Cij c3j …13†
  " # 
ce31 x2 ue3
Kinematical : ˆ ox1
in Xe …1†
s3i ˆ Cij c3j
ce32 o
x1 h
…5† Inserting the asymptotic expansion for the stress ®eld
(11) into the equilibrium equation (4) and collecting the
Constitutive : se3i ˆ Cije ce3j in Xe …6† terms of like powers in e gives equations
… 1†
and os3j
Z O…e 2 † : ˆ0 …15†
Mt ˆ …s32 x1 s31 x2 † dX …7†
… 1† …0†
os3j os3j
O…e 1 † : ‡ ˆ0 …16†
together with the traction free condition on the surface oxj oyj
of the shaft, and the traction and displacement condi-
tions at the interfaces between the microconstituents. …0† …1†
os3j os3j
For the sake of simplicity and clarity, we assume that the O…e† : ‡ ˆ0 …17†
®elds are continuous across the interfaces. The material oxj oyj
property tensor Cije is symmetric with respect to indices We ®rst consider the O…e 2 † equilibrium equation (15) in
…i; j†. Mt is the torque applied at the ends. The super- …0†
Y. Premultiplying it by u3 , integrating over Y, followed
script e denotes Y-periodicity of the corresponding by integration by parts, yields
function. The convention of summation over the re-
Z … 1† I
peated indices is used. …0† os3j …0† … 1†
The displacement ue3 …x; y† is expanded in powers of u3 dY ˆ u3 s3j nj dC
Y oyj oY
the small number e [6±14] Z …0† …0†
ou3 ou
…0† …1† …2† Cji 3 dY ˆ 0 …18†
ue3 …x; y† ˆ u3 …x; y† ‡ eu3 …x; y† ‡ e2 u3 …x; y† ‡    …8† Y oyj oyi
…0† …1† …2†
where u3 , u3 , u3 ,. . ., are Y-periodic functions with where oY denotes the boundary of Y. The boundary in-
respect to y. Substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (5) gives the tegral term in Eq. (18) vanishes due to the periodicity of
…0† … 1†
expansion of the strain ce3j : the boundary conditions in Y, because u3 and s3j are
identical on the opposite sides of the unit cell, while the
… 1† …0† …1†
ce3j …x; y† ˆ e 1 c3j ‡ c3j ‡ ec3j ‡    …9† corresponding normals nj are in opposite directions.
1648 B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660

Taking into account the positive de®niteness of the for v3j

3 …y† from Eq. (23) assuming it to be a Y-periodic
symmetric constitutive tensor Cij , we have function de®ned in Y. The e€ective material properties
…0† CjkH are given by Eq. (26). We then solve the homoge-
ou3 …0† …0† neous St Venant torsion problem by the hybrid stress
ˆ 0 ) u3 ˆ u3 …x† …19†
oyj element [5] and obtain the macroscopic ®elds: warping
displacement u3 , the angle of twist per unit length h,
and …0† …0†
strains cx3j and stresses (given by CjiH cx3i ). If the distri-
… 1† … 1†
c3j …x; y† ˆ 0 s3j …x; y† ˆ 0 …20† bution of the microscopic ®elds in the neighborhood of
point x is of interest, we use Eq. (22) to calculate the
Next, we proceed to the O…e 1 † equilibrium equation higher order displacement term, and then use Eqs. (10)
(16). From Eqs. (10) and (13) and taking into account and (13) to calculate the higher order strain and stress
Eq. (20), it follows that terms.
o   oCji …0† …0† The key problem here is to develop powerful ®nite
…0† …1†
Cji cy3i …u3 † ˆ c …u † …21† element methods to solve Eq. (23).
oyj oyj x3i 3
Corresponding to the equilibrium equation (23), the
Based on the form of the right-hand side of Eq. (21) virtual work principle states that
which permits a separation of variables, u3 may be Z   Z
o ov3k oCjk
expressed as dv3k
3 Cji 3 dY ‡ dv3k 3 dY ˆ 0 …27a†
Y oy j oy i Y oyj
…1† …0† …0†
u3 …x; y† ˆ v3j
3 …y†cx3j …u3 † …22†
where dv3k3 are arbitrary Y-periodic functions de®ned in
where v3j 3 …y† is a Y-periodic function de®ned in the unit the unit cell Y. Integration of Eq. (27a) by parts yields
cell Y. Substituting Eq. (22) into Eq. (21), and taking I I Z
into account the arbitrariness of the macroscopic strain ov3k odv3k
3 Cji
nj ds ‡ dv 3k
3 C n
jk j ds 3
®eld, cx3j …u3 † within a unit cell, we have oY oyi oY Y oyj
o   oCjk ov3k odv3k
Cji cy3i …v3k …y†† ˆ …23†  3 dY 3
Cjk dY ˆ 0
oyj 3
oyj oyi Y oyj

We now consider the O…e† equilibrium equation (17). The boundary integral terms in the above equation
Substituting Eq. (22) into Eq. (10), followed by the latter vanish due to the Y-periodicity of v3k 3k
3 and dv3 . Thus, we
into Eq. (13), and ®nally the result into Eq. (17) yields have
o h i os odv3k ov3k odv3k
Cji …dik ‡ v3k †c
† ‡
ˆ0 …24† Cji 3 dY ‡ 3
Cjk dY ˆ 0 …27b†
oxj 3;yi x3k 3
oyj Y oyj oyi Y oyj

where dik is the Kronecker Delta. Integrating Eq. (24) Based on Eq. (27b), displacement elements can be es-
over the unit cell domain Y and taking into account the tablished in a standard manner.
periodicity of s3j yields It is easy to prove that Eqs. (27a) and (27b) is the ®rst
order variation of the following potential functional
o h H …0† …0† i
C c …u † ˆ 0 …25† Z Z
oxj jk x3k 3 1 ov3k ov3k ov3k
PP …v3k
3 † ˆ 3
dY ‡ 3
Cjk dY …28†
Y 2 oyj oyi Y oyj
This is an equilibrium equation for a homogeneous
medium (cf. Eq. (4)) with constant material properties If we de®ne the strain
CjkH , which are usually termed as the homogenized or
e€ective material properties and are given by ov3k
Z c~k3i ˆ 3

1 oyi
CjkH ˆ Cji …dik ‡ v3k
3;yi † dY …26†
Y Y and the stress
where Y is the area of the unit cell. s~k3j ˆ Cji c~k3i

so that
3. Variational principles and ®nite elements
c~k3i ˆ Cij 1 s~k3j
To solve the torsion of composite shafts by the ho-
mogenization method, together with numerical meth- which are Y-periodic functions in the unit cell, we have a
ods, e.g. the FE method adopted here, we will ®rst solve 2-®eld Hellinger±Reissner functional
B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660 1649
Z   X Z    
1 k 1 k ov3k oCjk 3k o ov3k oCjk
PHR …v3k ~k3j † ˆ
3 ;s s~3i Cij s~3j ‡ s~k3i 3 v3 dY dPP …v3k
3 † ˆ dv3k
3q Cji 3 ‡ dY
Y 2 oyi oyj e Ye oyj oyi oyj
…29a† (   …a†
XZ ov3k
‡ dv3q Cji 3 ‡ Cjk nj
or equivalently a;b Sab oyi
1 k 1 k ov3k ov3k
  …b† )
PHR …v3k ~k3j † ˆ s~3i Cij s~3j ‡ s~k3i 3 ‡ Cjk 3 dY ov3k
3 ;s
2 oyi oyj ‡ …Cji ‡ Cjk †nj ds
Y oyi
X Z odv3k ov3k
‡ Cji 3 dY
By making use of the Lagrange multiplier method and e Ye oyj oyi
relaxing the compatibility condition in the potential
principle (28), or by employing Legendre transformation The stationary condition of the functional (31) gives the
on the Hellinger±Reissner principle (29b), one arrives at equilibrium equation (23) and the equilibrium of trac-
the 3-®eld Hu±Washizu functional tion between the elements if the following condition is
Z    met a priori
1 k ov3k
PHW …v3k X Z odv3k
k k k k k 3
3 ; ~
c ; ~
3j 3j † ˆ ~
c C ~
ij 3j ~
s ~
c ov3k
Y 2 3i 3i 3i
oyi 3k
Cji 3 dY ˆ 0
 Ye oyj oyi
ov3 e
‡ Cjk dY …30†
oyj A convenient way to meet this condition is to satisfy the
following strong form (i.e. the sucient but not the
Based on the functionals (29) and (30), multivariable
necessary condition) in each element
®nite elements can be established. Z
Although hybrid elements based on the Hellinger± odv3k
3k ov3k
Cji 3 dY ˆ 0
Reissner principle or the Hu±Washizu principle can in Ye oyj oyi
general improve the accuracy of the approximate dis-
placement and stress solutions, they will not be used Since a constant stress state is recovered in each element
here as it is dicult to meet the Y-periodicity condition as its size is reduced to zero and since dv3k 3k is arbitrary,
of the stress on the boundary of the unit cell. The general the above constraint reduces to the general patch test
isoparametric elements are also not satisfactory because condition (PTC) [19,20]
of the gradients of v3k Z I
3 that appear in Eq. (26) in the ov3k
evaluation of the homogenized material properties. For
dY ˆ 0 or equivalently v3k
3k nj ds ˆ 0
Ye oyj oYe
these reasons, in this paper we will instead introduce
displacement-incompatible elements based on the po- …32†
tential (28) and enhanced-strain elements based on Eq. The incompatible functions meeting the PTC can now
(30). be easily formulated.
If we refer to the 4-noded isoparametric element
shown in Fig. 2, the compatible displacement v3k 3q is re-
4. Displacement-incompatible elements lated to the nodal values e qk via the bilinear interpola-
tion functions
Subdivide the unit cell domain Y into ®nite element
v3k e k
3q ˆ N q …33†
subdomains Ye , such that [Ye ˆ Y , Ya \ Yb ˆ ; and
oYa \ oYb ˆ Sab (a, b are arbitrary elements). where
In each element, v3k
3 is divided into a compatible part
v3k and an incompatible part v3k N ˆ ‰ N1 N2 N3 N4 Š
3q 3k , so that the functional
(28) can be rewritten as and
PP …v3k
3 ˆ v3k
‡3q v3k
3k † Ni ˆ 14…1 ‡ ni n†…1 ‡ gi g†
X Z 1 ov3k ov3k
ˆ 3
Cji 3 dY ‡ Cjk dY …n; g† represent the isoparametric coordinates, …ni ; gi † are
e Ye 2 oyj oyi Ye oyj the isoparametric coordinates of point i with the global
…31† coordinates …xi ; yi †, i ˆ 1, 2, 3, 4.
The incompatible term v3k 3k is related to the element
Taking the variation of the above functional, integrating inner parameters e kk via the shape functions Nk
by parts and making use of the periodicity condition on
e k
the outer boundary of the unit cell, yields v3k
3k ˆ Nk k …34†
1650 B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660

Substituting Eq. (38) into Eq. (31) and making use of the
stationary condition, yields
e e e qk ˆ e f k
K …39†

where the element sti€ness matrix and nodal vector are

ee C1k
K ˆ Kqq Kqk Kkk1 Kqk
; ef k ˆ BT dY
Ye C2k

in which
  Z  T
Kqq Kqk B
T ˆ T C‰ B Bk ŠdY
Kqk Kkk Ye Bk

The element inner parameters e kk are recovered as fol-

e k
k ˆ Kkk1 Kqk
Te k
Fig. 2. A four-noded element.
This element is designated NQ6, and 2  2 Gauss
quadrature is employed for the element formulation.

Here, two incompatible terms are employed in each ele-

ment as derived in Refs. [19,20]
5. Enhanced-strain element based on the Hu±Washizu
Nk1 ˆ n2 D Nk2 ˆ g2 ‡ D …35† principle
2 J1 J2 Only the compatible displacement ®eld is used here,
Dˆ n g and the strain ®eld is enhanced by appending to the
3 J0 J0
strain corresponding to the compatible displacement an
where J0 , J1 and J2 are related to the element Jacobian as incompatible ®eld as follows [21,22]
follows ov3k
c~k3i ˆ 3
‡ c~kk3i
jJ j ˆ J0 ‡ J1 n ‡ J2 g
ˆ …a1 b3 a3 b1 † ‡ …a1 b2 a2 b1 †n ‡ …a2 b3 a3 b2 †g The Hu±Washizu functional (30) can now be rewritten
XZ 1
3k k k
PHW …v3 ; c~k3j ; s~3j † ˆ c~k3i Cij c~k3j s~k3i c~kk3i
and coecients ai and bi …i ˆ 1; 2; 3† are dependent on e Ye 2
the element nodal coordinates 
2 3 2 3 ‡ Cjk 3 dY …41†
a1 b1 2 3 x y oyj
1 1 1 1 6 1 17
6 7 1 x 2 y2 7
4 a2 b2 5 ˆ 4 1 1 1 1 564 x 3 y3 5 …37† Taking the variation of the above functional, integrating
a3 b3 1 1 1 1 by parts and making use of the periodicity condition on
x 4 y4
the outer boundary of the unit cell, yields
With the above assumed displacements (33) and (34), we
XZ  o
have 3k k
~ ~k
dPHW …v3 ; ck3j ; s3j † ˆ dv3k …Cji c~k3i ‡ Cjk †
8 3k 9 ( ) 3
oy j
< ov3 = o e k  e k  e Ye

oy1 oy1 q q
ˆ o ‰ N Nk Š e k ˆ ‰ B B k Š e k ‡ d~ckk3i …Cij c~k3j s~k3i † dY
: ov3k3 ; oy2
k k
…38† ‡ dv3k ~k3i ‡ Cjk †nj Š…a†
3 f‰…Cji c
a;b Sab
( ) ( ) ‡ ‰…Cji c~k3i ‡ Cjk †nj Š…b† gds
Bˆ o N; Bk ˆ o Nk d~ sk3i c~kk3i dY
oy2 oy2 e Ye
B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660 1651

The stationary condition of the functional (41) gives the cell. The periodicity condition of the boundary dis-
equilibrium equation (23), the stress±strain relations and placement can conveniently be enforced by a penalty
the equilibrium of traction between the elements if the function technique [24]. Eq. (45) is the Euler±Lagrange
following condition is met a priori equation of the following functional
d~sk3i c~kk3i dY ˆ 0 1 T T
P…qk † ˆ qk Kqk qk f k …46†
e Ye 2
Following the procedure employed in Section 4, the The periodicity condition yields the following constraint
above constraint can be simpli®ed to the PTC [20,23]
Z Rqk ˆ 0
c~kk3i dY ˆ 0 …42†
If a couple of nodes, i and j, on the boundary have the
It is evident that Eq. (42) is an alternative formulation of same displacement because of the periodicity condition,
the PTC (32), if the enhanced strain c~kk3i corresponds to i.e.
the incompatible displacement v3k 3k . qki ˆ qkj
The ®nite element based on the stationary condition
of functional (41) requires an independent approxima-
the above condition is equivalent to
tion of three ®elds: v3k ~kk3j and s~k3j . In the enhanced-
3 , c
strain element, however, the independent stress ®eld is R…i; i† ˆ 1 R…i; j† ˆ 1 R…i; l 6ˆ i; j† ˆ 0
eliminated by selecting it to be orthogonal to the en-
hanced strain ®eld, i.e. In order to satisfy the above periodicity constraint by a
Z penalty function technique the functional (46) is modi-
s~k3i c~kk3i dY ˆ 0 …43† ®ed as

e k † ˆ 1 qkT Kqk
T a T
qk f k ‡ qk RT Rqk …47†
Thus, the two independent ®elds for the enhanced-strain 2 2
formulation are the displacement v3k 3 and the enhanced
assumed strains c~kk3j . The formulation here is the same as where a is a large positive number and taken to be 104 in
in Section 4 above, provided c~kk3j are interpolated from our computations. Thus, instead of Eq. (45), we will
the element inner parameters as follows solve the following equations
( )
ˆ Bk kk …44† …K ‡ aRT R†qk ˆ f k …48†

Moreover, if the assumed strains c~kk3j in Eq. (44) corre-

spond to the incompatible displacement v3k 3k in Eq. (34),
the enhanced-strain formulation will be equivalent to 7. Numerical examples
the incompatible-displacement formulation discussed in
Section 4. Therefore, only NQ6 introduced in Section 4 As the performance of the element using incompati-
will be employed in the computations to follow. Note ble functions de®ned in Eq. (35) and of the hybrid stress
however that the stress in the enhanced-strain formula- element to be used here for torsion of shafts has been
tion can be recovered with the help of the orthogonal- extensively studied in Refs. [5,19,20], no standard per-
ization condition (43), as suggested in Ref. [21]. formance tests for both elements are included in this
paper. However, to illustrate the method described
above, we solve the torsion of a composite shaft with
square cross-section (length of side ˆ 80), as shown in
6. Enforcing the periodicity boundary condition in the Fig. 3(a). Assume that the microstructure of the cross-
analysis of the RUC section is locally periodic with a period de®ned by a
RUC shown in Fig. 3(b), i.e. it consists of an isotro-
Assembling the discretized equations of equilibrium pic circular ®ber of diameter 2a embedded in an iso-
of all elements, yields the following system of equilib- tropic square matrix with side 4a. a ˆ 5 is adapted in
rium equations this study. The problem is solved in two stages. First,
Kqk ˆ f k …45† we solve the RUC by using the incompatible element
NQ6 introduced in Section 4, with the periodicity
Two di€erent loading cases need to be analyzed in order boundary condition enforced by the penalty function
to determine the characteristic deformations of the unit approach discussed in Section 6. We obtain the ®eld v3k3
1652 B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660

Fig. 3. Geometry of a composite shaft of square pro®le: (a) square pro®le, (b) RUC, (c) square shaft with 16 ®bres.

and its derivatives …o=oyj †v3k

3 and calculate the homog- The RUC shown in Fig. 3(b) is discretized into 896
enized moduli from Eq. (26). Second, we solve the tor- quadrilateral elements and 929 nodes, as shown in Fig.
sion of the square shaft shown in Fig. 3(a) with the 4(a). According to the de®nition of the RUC, its size
homogenized moduli obtained at step one above, by should be enlarged four times as e ˆ 0:25. However,
using the hybrid stress element introduced in Ref. [5]. In numerical results show that the results are una€ected by
this way, we calculate the warping displacement, tor- whether or not the RUC size is enlarged, allowing us to
sional rigidity and the angle of twist per unit length, as use the original RUC size. Care must be taken in en-
well as the shear stresses and strains. With the results so forcing the periodicity boundary condition at corner
obtained, we can calculate the ®rst order warping dis- nodes. For the four corner nodes, i, j, k and l, shown in
placement from Eq. (22) and the local strain and stress Fig. 3(b), the periodicity condition yields
®elds from Eqs. (10) and (13), respectively. For the
present illustrative purpose, we choose e ˆ 0:25. The qki ˆ qkj ˆ qkk ˆ qkl
complete shaft section from which the RUC has been
The above condition can be rewritten as
extracted is shown in Fig. 3(c). In the ®gures to follow,
®lled triangles represent computed data. In all the ®gures qki ˆ qkj
that illustrate the stress distribution, a line segment
represents the distribution within an element. In Figs. 5, qkj ˆ qkk
6(b) and (c), the solid line represents the polynomial ®t
of the corresponding computed data that is not satis-
factorily smooth. qkk ˆ qkl
B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660 1653

Fig. 4. Discretised meshes used in the computation: (a) mesh of the RUC shown in Fig. 3(b), (b) mesh of a quarter of the cross-section
shown in Fig. 3(a), (c) mesh of a quarter of the cross-section shown in Fig. 3(c).

and treated conveniently by the procedure discussed in section with its units being consistent with those of the
Section 6. The ®ber and the matrix are considered to be shear moduli. The computed result for the torsional ri-
isotropic with the shear moduli, Gf ˆ 10 and Gm ˆ 1, gidity 4  1:9927  106 is very close to the accurate value
respectively. The computed homogenized shear moduli 7:9856  106 obtained from the formula [16]

    Torsional rigidity ˆ 0:141G…2b†4 …50†

C11 C12 1:38271 0:00138
ˆ …49†
Sym C22 Sym 1:38467
where the shear modulus G ˆ 1:38271, and the length of
side of the square cross-section 2b ˆ 80 in the present
Thus the macroscopic behavior of the composite shaft is example. The numerical results for the local ®elds near
also isotropic. The numerical results for the character- or along the interface between the ®ber and the matrix
istic displacements v3k
3 and their derivatives …o=oyj †v3
adjacent to the point with global co-ordinates …x1 ˆ 30,
are saved for later use. x2 ˆ 30† are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Fig. 5(a)±(c) show
The isotropic shaft of square cross-section shown in the results along the line 3 6 y1 6 7, y2 ˆ 0 near the point
Fig. 3(a) is now analyzed with the homogenized shear P in Fig. 3(b). Fig. 5(a) shows the distribution of
moduli (49) obtained above. Only a quarter of the cross- warping displacement. Fig. 5(b) shows the polynomial
section, the shaded part shown in Fig. 3(a), is dicretized ®tting of the computed shear stress sxz , on the scale of
because of symmetry. The warping displacements are the ®gure results given by the upper and lower ele-
®xed on the axes of symmetry. The employed FE mesh ments adjacent to the line cannot be distinguished. Fig.
with 400 quadrilateral elements and 441 nodes is shown 5(c) shows the computed shear stress syz , data linked by
in Fig. 4(b). One unit of torque is applied on the quarter solid and broken lines represent respectively the results
1654 B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660

Fig. 5. Numerical results on the line 3 6 y1 6 7, y2 ˆ 0, from the homogenisation method: (a) distribution of warping displacement, (b)
distribution of sxz , (c) distribution of syz .

obtained from the upper and lower elements adjacent to sxz but not of syz is continuous across the interface. The
the line in question. From the results it is seen that the distribution of warping displacement, and of normal
gradient of the warping displacement changes rapidly and tangential shear stresses along the interface, which
across the interface …y1 ˆ 5† and that the distribution of are given by
B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660 1655

Fig. 6. Numerical results along the interface from the homogenisation method: (a) distribution of warping displacement, (b) distri-
bution of the normal shear stress sn , (c) distribution of the tangential shear stress st .

sn ˆ sxz cos u ‡ syz sin u data linked by broken lines represent the results ob-
…51† tained from the matrix side, the continuous solid line
st ˆ sxz sin u ‡ syz cos u
represents the polynomial ®t of the results obtained
where u is the angle from the axis y1 as shown in Fig. from the ®ber side of the interface. These results show
3(b), are plotted in Fig. 6 (a)±(c). In Fig. 6(b) and (c), that the warping displacement and normal shear stress
1656 B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660

sn vary continuously across the interface, whereas the The distribution of warping displacement and shear
tangential shear stress st has a signi®cant discontinuity. stresses along the line corresponding to Fig. 5 and the
Although it will not be possible to compare the re- interface corresponding to Fig. 6 are plotted in Figs. 7
sults with those obtained by the present homogenization and 8. (51) has been used to obtain the normal and
method, we will still solve directly the torsion of the tangential shear stresses in Fig. 8(b) and (c). A com-
composite shaft shown in Fig. 3(c) by the hybrid stress parison of Figs. 5 and 6 with Figs. 7 and 8, respectively,
element introduced in Ref. [5] to illustrate some typical shows the obvious di€erences of the results obtained by
features of local ®elds adjacent to the interface. Again, the homogenization method and the direct hybrid stress
only a quarter of the cross-section is needed to be element. The di€erences are to be expected in view of the
dicretized because of symmetry. The warping displace- limited number of ®bers that can be economically han-
ments are ®xed on the axes of symmetry. The FE mesh dled by the hybrid stress element. The homogenization
with 3584 quadrilateral elements and 3649 nodes is method is suitable for problems involving a large num-
shown in Fig. 4(c). One unit of torque is applied on the ber of periodically distributed reinforcements so that the
quarter section with its units being consistent with those RUC occupies only a ``point'' in the physical domain
of the shear modulus. The computed result for torsional [12]. The computed stress ®elds by the hybrid stress
rigidity is 4  1:9456356  106 , which according to the element are smoother than those obtained by the ho-
formula (50) corresponds to an isotropic shaft with mogenization method and smoothing techniques are
shear modulus 1.34754. The result is reasonably close to unnecessary for the former since di€erentiations are
that obtained by the homogenization method (49). The avoided in the computations. Notwithstanding these
latter predicts larger values of moduli because the em- di€erences, the results by the two methods reveal the
ployment of the periodic boundary condition makes the common features of the local ®elds: a signi®cant dis-
system sti€er. The result given by the homogenization continuity exists in the tangential shear stress, while
method is also within the lower bound 1.215 and the other ®elds are continuous adjacent to the interface.
upper bound 2.767 as per the Voigt±Reuss theory [4]. Having gained con®dence in the accuracy of the in-
Zhao and Weng [25] have derived the nine e€ective compatible element NQ6 developed from the homoge-
elastic constants of an orthotropic composite reinforced nization theory in predicting the e€ective shear moduli,
with monotonically aligned, uniformly dispersed elliptic we study below the e€ect of the cross-sectional shape of
cylinders using the Eshelby±Mori±Tanaka method. The the reinforcing ®bers. The RUC used is illustrated in
problem studied above is the special case that the rein- Fig. 9(a), i.e. an elliptic cylindrical ®ber is embedded in
forcements are ®bers with circular cross-section. The the matrix of rectangular shape; the pattern of discreti-
two shear moduli relevant to torsion given by Zhao and zation is similar to Fig. 4(b). The material properties of
Weng [25] are the ®ber as well as the matrix and their volume fractions
are selected as above. The variation of the computed C11
and C22 with the aspect ratio of the ®ber is plotted in
C11 cf C22 cf Fig. 9(b). Again, the results from Eq. (52), i.e., the
ˆ 1 ‡ cm a Gm
; ˆ 1 ‡ cm Gm
Gm 1‡a
‡ G Gm
Gm 1‡a
‡ G Gm Eshelby±Mori±Tanaka method, are unreasonably high-
f f
er. However, the predicted trend is the same ± with an
increase in b=a, C11 decreases, and C22 increases.
where cf and cm are volume fractions of ®ber and matrix,
respectively, and a is the cross-sectional aspect ratio of
the reinforced ®ber. In our case, cf ˆ p=4, cm ˆ 1 p=4
and a ˆ b=a ˆ 1, and hence the e€ective shear moduli 8. Conclusions and discussion
C11 ˆ 4:595947 ˆ C22 given by Eq. (52) are unreason-
ably higher than the results by the direct FE analysis, as The homogenization method is most suitable for
well as the results (49) by the homogenization method problems involving a large number of periodically dis-
mentioned above. They are also above the upper bound tributed reinforcements so that the RUC can be re-
of the Voigt±Reuss theory. The Eshelby±Mori±Tanaka garded as a ``point'' in the physical domain. It gives not
method cannot give good results, especially for high only the equivalent material properties but also detailed
volume fraction of reinforcements, because Eshelby's information of local ®elds with much lower computa-
tensor is based on the inclusion in an in®nite matrix, tional cost. Such detailed information of the ®elds on
which takes into account of the interaction between re- the scale of microconstituents is almost impossible to
inforcements in a very weak sense. On the other hand, it obtain by using the hybrid stress element, because of the
is evident that the homogenization method has the ad- enormous degrees of freedom needed to model the en-
vantage of taking the interaction between phases into tire macrodomain with a grid size comparable to that of
account naturally and of not having to make assump- the microscale features. When the number of the rein-
tions such as isotropy of material. forcement is not very large, numerical results by the
B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660 1657

Fig. 7. Numerical results on the line 3 6 y1 6 7, y2 ˆ 0, from the hybrid stress element method: (a) distribution of warping displace-
ment, (b) distribution of sxz , (c) distribution of syz .

homogenization method without the terms of order characteristic displacement v3k

3 are needed. Therefore,
higher than one are usually quantitatively di€erent from the widely used isoparametric elements are not suitable
those obtained by the direct hybrid stress element. The for the analysis of the RUC. The hybrid stress element is
inclusion of higher terms may improve numerical ac- also limited because it is dicult to enforce the period-
curacy, but it inevitably complicates the procedure. In icity condition on the assumed stresses. From a practical
the determination of the equivalent properties and in the point of view, the incompatible element based on the
evaluation of the local ®elds, the derivatives of the modi®ed potential principle and the enhanced-strain
1658 B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660

Fig. 8. Numerical results along the interface from the hybrid stress element method: (a) distribution of warping displacement,
(b) distribution of the normal shear stress sn , (c) distribution of the tangential shear stress st .

element based on the 3-®eld Hu±Washizu principle are For torsion of ®ber reinforced composite shafts, a
the most appropriate for the analysis of RUC, whereas signi®cant discontinuity exists in the tangential shear
the hybrid stress element is appropriate for the macro- stress, while other ®elds are continuous along the in-
homogenized problem. terface between the ®ber and the matrix.
B.L. Karihaloo et al. / Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1645±1660 1659

Fig. 9. E€ect of the cross-sectional shape of the ®ber on the e€ective shear moduli: (a) a RUC of rectangular shape with an embedded
elliptic cylindrical ®ber, (b) variation of C11 and C22 with the aspect ratio of the ®ber.

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