Chapter 2 Very

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Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains literatures and studies about parental involvement,

gender, motivation, homework time and other essential variables in the study which

includes homework and academic achievement. These materials were gathered

from online journals, credible online source, thesis, dissertations and other

unpublished materials that provided the researchers with an exhaustive review of the

topic and an essential overview upon the background knowledge that is needed for

the pursuance of this study.

2.2 Conceptual Literature

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is define as how much the parents participate in their

child’s schooling, as stated in the journal article written by Bartolome, Mamat,

Nordin, & Alim (2013). It was said that for a holistic education to work, parents need

to support their child, as it was greatly pointed out that parents is one of the factors

why children are able to learn and grow. Indeed, each child is vulnerable and can

either be molded to be successful or made to fail in life. In the same article, the

promotion and enhancement of the child's life and welfare was said to be anchored

on the moral supervision and support given by parents or guardians. It was said that

for a child to achieve success, the parents should exert their influence on their child’s

cognitive development in their early years; this implies that when they grow with a

strong foundation they would be able to achieve their goals and to help the society.

This study was supplemented in Villages (2017), under the Philippine constitution

which states
that the parents are the primary educators of their children. As a response, a

foundation in the Philippines was established by a group of parents and now called

as Parents for Education Foundation (PAREF). There are now schools under the

PAREF system in Metro Manila, Cebu, and Iloilo, and another assisted by PAREF in

Cagayan de Oro. These schools strongly connects relationship between responsible

parenting towards the education of their child.

According to Cox (n.d) Parents often become involved to their child’s

education through their homeworks, it was stated that homeworks provide

opportunities for interactions among families. In addition, homeworks could even

help the child’s good study habits and a positive outlook for school. Furthermore, the

purpose of homeworks according to Cox (n.d), are for the teachers to assess their

learners understanding towards the discussion. Likewise, homeworks are needed to

give emphasis for the new concepts that the students have learned, also for the

students’ mastery to the given ideas.

On the other hand, Cox also suggested that parents should provide their

children the materials needed and be proactive to offer a hand for the task

completion of their child. In contrast, Siversten (2015) had seen parental involvement

as a foundation that creates a difference to child’s school life, both in academic

success and in the general enjoyment of the children in school. The article also

states the importance of parental involvement; it linked improvement of the child’s

behavior, regular attendance, and positive attitudes. Siversten (2015) also said that,

parental involvement could benefit the teacher for two thirds of the teachers believed

that parental involvement results to a positive and better academic performance of

the children. Thus, children perceive adults as their models and they more likely to

get influenced by them.


Two articles about the Gender Gaps implied that girls are performing better

than boys in academically inclined tasks as argued by Gnaulati (2014) and Layfield

(2018) and on the other hand, another two articles implied that boys can also excel

in some aspects as explained by Schneider (2013) and Miller (2017). First, each

gender approaches school works differently such as females tend to be

conscientious which enables them to complete and pass homeworks, but even so

stress can also lower the performance of girls compared to boys, he added. In

addition, Layfield (2018) mentioned that girls are not naturally smarter than boys but

girls excel better in grades for they show greater persistence and they spend more

time doing homeworks.

However, Schneider (2013) specified that boys performed well if teachers

establish an authentic purpose or real life connection to the tasks given to them.

Most of them are kinesthetic learners and males have delicate neurological system,

but if they are to understand why they were given such school work tasks and how

they are to make use of it will cause them to work effectively. Also, Miller (2017)

conducted an investigation and he found out that when boys were encouraged that

they have equal chances with girls, their academic performance improved.

Moreover, he specified that stereotypes can hold back boys and make girls not

perform well. Finally, the goal of education should maximize all the potential within

students and this is not about promoting to construct one gender over the other to pit

but rathersee both students of the opposite gender as what Miller (2017) wants to

Another study conducted byGnaulati (2014), In the United States and other

countries like Norway and Hong Kong it is undeniable that across all grade levels

and academic subjects, girls are more likely to earn higher grades than boys and the

explanation for this is that both genders approach schoolwork differently. Although

this is true in some instances, there are cases that lead girls to experience stress

that can artificially lower their performance and give a false interpretation of their

skills and abilities compared to boys. The article implies that girls are more

conscientious than boys meaning they are more likely to complete and pass home

works. The author cited the observation of Benson(n.d) that for many boys, they feel

alienated in an environment where homework and organization skills account so

much for their grades and addressing the learning gap between boys and girls will

require parents, teachers and school administrators to talk more openly about the

ways each gender approaches classroom learning.

On the other hand Layfield (2018), states that in Ireland and other countries

like US & UK school success is requiring more than smartness alone and it needs

hard work. The author stated that girls are not naturally more intelligent than boys as

both of which scored similarly on IQ tests. However, females consistently excel

better than their male peers academically and the reason why boys underperform in

school is uncertain. The author also mentioned in the comparison of boys and girls

had observed that girls are at an advantage for they show greater persistence on

boring or frustrating tasks, and they spend more time doing home works and they

are likely to behave as the observation of the author suggests. The author hopes that

boys succeed as much as girls do and steps should be taken to address this issue

so that the academic gap between them will narrow down. In contrast, according to

Miller (2017) the goal of education should maximize all of the potential within
students’ regardless of the strengths that is within them individually. The author

states that stereotypes holds back boys in school and make girls not perform well as

he conducted a test on how boys and girls would perform if they were given a

situation that assures them of equal chances and the author thinks that most of the

boys’ academic performance improved. The boys’ underachievement have often

been overlooked than of girls and some writers even argues that the educational

struggles experienced by boys is not intriguing at all as the constructing to pit one

gender against the other is discouraged for it disrupts the goal of education.


Students may have varied motivation and interest toward learning, leading

them to different results and level of academic achievement and behavior inside the

classroom where student’s motivation create impact to the student’s performance.

According to Ambrona (2018) schools give out different types of activities that would

capture the interest and the level of learning of the students. Spector (2000) defined

motivation as an internal state that includes a person to engage in a particular

behavior. Motivation has direction and persistence and intensity over time.

Thus,Ambrona (2018) concluded that motivation plays an important role in student’s

academic performance. In fact, there is also what we call as intensity which refers to

how much the person exert and expends at doing task or homework and lastly is

persistence, it refers to the continuation of the behavior. The author conducted a

study in Baguio City National High School where students are divided depending on

their interest, special sections, and general/regular differs in their academic

performance based on how motivated and interested they are. In addition, Ambrona

(2018) also look into how the teachers are considering their interest in performing a

task or submission dates, as it shows that students who are not interested in what
they are doing are more likely to not accomplish the task given and this implies that

depending on the level of the student’s motivation affects their academic


Homework Time

Educators give homework in attempt to hone the skills and extend the

learning time of students (Vatterot, 2018). The author found out that the amount of

time spent doing homework is positively correlated with the students’ achievement.

As a wider allocation of time intended for doing homework increases, the students’

achievement also improves, but that is if working speed is not taken into account.

More time spent on doing homework could indicate a slower working speed. Time is

a factor of learning but time is simply not a valid metric for it fails to consider which

types of learning tasks contribute significantly to learning.

Moreover, Gershenson, & Holt, (2015) states that socio-demographic patterns

in educational attainment have managed to get the attention of many educators and

policy makers. The researchers stated that due to the differences in students’ non-

cognitive skills caused by gender gaps such as self-control and persistence became

one of the potential sources of holes in educational attainment of students.

Furthermore, homework tasks are relevant in fulfilling educational attainment, as

intrinsic learning is needed for the completion of homework tasks.

On the other hand, homework encourages responsibility and accountability

but most importantly reinforces the concepts taught in class and teaches students’

time management and how to prioritize tasks. However, the Association for

Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired(AER) claimed that

whenever homework prevents social experiences such as outdoor recreation and

creative activities, it removes time that should supposedly be devoted to sleep,

therefore the basic need of adolescents and children is not met. The different

implications were put with regards to homework time and homework completion.

Homework time directly correlates to the student achievement and contributes

significantly to learning. This insight, considering homework time is an essential part

of an educational attainment.

2.3 Related Studies

The study of Piano (2018), talks about the homework quality model of

Dettmers,Trautwein, Ludtke, Schnyder, and Baumert (2010) being applied to Filipino

students .The model advances that homework quality and student characteristics are

associated with homework motivation (homework expectancy and value beliefs),

homework behavior (time spent on homework and homework effort), and

achievement in mathematics.

The aftereffect of the examination affirmed the job of schoolwork

determination as a significant indicator to students' homework motivation. This

affirms properly selected schoolwork as seen by the Filipino students makes an

incredible effect, both on their anticipation and worth convictions in schoolwork

achievement. Homework quality when seen by the students intriguing, deliberately

choose and be well prepared, by the instructors help students fortify their convictions

on how they successfully perform in their schoolwork (Leppink, 2010; Trautwein

&Ludtke, 2007). The present examination further demonstrates that schoolwork

challenge seen by the students contrarily and altogether predicts students'

schoolwork anticipation and esteem convictions.

This suggests Filipino students build up a negative disposition on their ability

to finish their schoolwork each time they experience too troublesome homework

tasks. In the same manner, schoolwork that requires exceptionally high subjective

interest especially if they are not in lined with the students' degree of expertise

hinders understudies' impression of the significance of homework.


A study conducted by Mehmood et al., 2012 was undertaken to highlight the

patterns of students’ academic practices, struggles and motivation to achieve

their targeted goals (grades). It was stated that homework assignments, for this

situation, could be a better gauge to investigate their self-perceived capacities, self-

controlled behavior and objective accomplishment. Effectiveness for learning proved

a dominant factor in achieving greater outcome and strong effect between

homework and students’ grades. While self-responsibility for learning did have

significant impact on students grades and could not perform the role of mediator to

achieve greater outcomes.

The results of their conducted study showed that homework is positively

related with students’ academic achievement and have a significant direct impact

on students’ grades (CGPA) being an independent variable. The students who are

regularly involved in homework assignments and tend to increase their efforts for

academic task accomplishment at home, are more likely to achieve positive

results or outcomes (CGPA). The amount of homework was measured by

homework time. As per the results of this study, average number of hours a

graduate student spends on homework is relatively less than those of

undergraduate college students as measured in a similar study by Kitsantas and

Zimmerman (2008). It was found out that quantity and quality of homework both

almost equally & positively correlated to the CGPA among graduate students.

Similarly, in the thesis conducted by Paschal et al., (2010) stated that the

measure of home encouragement students get can influence their accomplishment

in school by as much as 50%. Schoolwork is one approach to build the amount of

time on task and advance student success. Schoolwork assignments that are well

designed, well-arranged and important to understudies are beneficial to them

(Ellsasser, 2007).

Latif & Miles (2011), discussed about the factors affecting academic

performance among the economic students in Canadian University. They analyzed

the effect of assignments for various students, different outcomes propose that GPA

had huge mixed results and students who experienced skillful instructors earned

higher scores.

The following studies are correlated with parental involvement.

In a study conducted by Rafiq et al., 2019 It aimed to explore the effect of

parental involvement in the academic achievement of their children. The research

was conducted in Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore city. A total of 150 students (boys and

girls) of 9th class of secondary schools (public and private) were taken as


Four schools were chosen through basic random sampling it includes one boy

and one girl from every one of classroom in general and private based schools

classes for equivalent portrayal of both boy and girl students in the sample of present

study. Survey questionnaire was utilized as an instrument for information gathering.

After the examination, it was discovered that parental contribution has an impact in

better scholastic execution of their children. The present research has demonstrated

that parental inclusion upgraded the scholarly accomplishments of their kids.

Furthermore, completing tasks for homework is a component of the daily

routine of learners. Parents play a significant part in attitudes and behaviours related

to homework because this task is integrated within the home setting. Recent results

have shown that effort and cognitive commitment are stronger proximal predictors of

beneficial results while doing homework than just the moment spent on it.

In connection, a study conducted by Kaplan (2011) which talks about the role

of parent’s motivation in student’s autonomous motivation for doing homework; as to

put it simply, it is a study that presents the impact of parents to their children’s

education. It was said in the study that homework has been required in the mid-

nineteenth century and because this has been a tradition for so long many

professionals, teachers; even parents perceive homework as an important element

of learning and achievement. This study figures the interesting side of homework as

this also talks about stressful issues that are happening between the children and

their parents.

The study aims to know how parent’s motivation affects the learner’s

autonomous motivation in homework completion. The study has also presented a

key term, which is motivation, and was define in two types: one as adaptive and less

adaptive. Adaptive motivation takes fun and interest about the given task while the

less adaptive type of motivation is such of a sense of duty, desire to please, and

avoidance of punishment. The study used the self-determination theory which talks

about human motivation within the social context. The research then, hypothesize
that the findings regarding the level of involvement of parents influence their

children’s academic outcomes.

The participating students were studying in two elementary schools located in

one middle SES and one middle-high SES suburban neighborhoods in the southern

part of Israel. Israeli small neighborhood elementary schools are averagely made up

of 2 to 4 classes each grade level with students in an average of 35. The participants

are in total of 135 dyads in the 4 th grade Jewish students which is composed of 60

males and 75 females and one of their parents consisting of 27 fathers and 108

mothers. The study, then, highlights their findings of the important role of parent’s

involvement in student’s autonomous motivation for homework completion.

In the current research evaluated by Feng et al., 2019modeling of structural

equations showed that support for parental autonomy and teacher support favorably

predicted math homework effort, and independent motivation for mathematics

homework was a mediator in these associations. The current research shows the

significance and the theoretical and practical consequences of adult assistance and

independent motivation.

In the same study by Feng et al., 2019 a structural equation model of study

was performed with the assistance of parental autonomy and mathematics teacher

support as predictors, homework independent motivation as mediator, and

mathematics homework effort as result variable, according to the hypotheses and

Pearson correlation outcomes. Gender was also included as an independent

motivation covariate for homework.

In a broader concept, the study conducted by Kenneth (2013) aims to know

the effect of schoolwork time on students’ achievement. According to him there are
already studies that have presented factors that affect student’s academic

achievement but his overall goal is to know the impact of homework to student’s

achievement and by focusing on students’ spent time doing home works as the

same time. In Kibinge, according to Kenneth (2013), homework status in children’s

education is still at the minimum level and that there are still teachers who place the

responsibility to teach the children and ensure their children’s education upon school

time. Other than that, educators there think that by giving notes and tests to students

are enough to make them achieve their academic goals excellently. The study used

terms such as homework time and parental involvement.

He used 20 participants from secondary class in Kibinge sub county

Bukomansimbi district which he incorporated 10 males and 10 females. The

instrument used was survey and the findings were obtained from the student and

parent reviews, homework completion checklists, quiz and test scores, and student

interviews. He presented the different empirical studies that stated that homework

has a positive impact on academic achievement, but as the study continues the

results demonstrated that home work had a small effect on student achievement and

parental involvement is a key factor in homework completion.

The following studies are linked with gender and behaviour

The study of Xu, and Corno, (2006) is linked to gender, family assistance, and

grade level as the identified homework management features reported by 238 middle

school students in rural areas. The five features studied set a suitable working

environment; manage time; and control attention, motivation, and potentially

interfering emotions. No significant differences on any of the 5 homework

management indices were found across grade levels. Compared to boys, girls
reported working on budget time more frequently, being self-motivating during

homework, and controlling emotions that might interfere. Students who received

family assistance, compared to those who did not, reported that they worked more

frequently to manage their workspace, to be self-motivating in their homework, and

to control emotions that might interfere. In the context of recent theoretical

frameworks and empirical studies, the article discusses these findings. It also

suggests directions for future research and practice for rural middle school students

related to homework management.

The researchers conducted multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA). A

three-way MANCOVA estimated the effects of gender, family assistance and grade

levels on the five homework management features. The analysis controlled by

including the following composite variable as a covariate for parental education level:

the mean years for the highest education of the father and mother. Using separate

univariate tests, significant multivariate findings were followed up.

2.4 Synthesis

Based on the studies and literature, several factors have been defined and

associated with homework but did not discover statistically the significant variations

in the target orientation of gender in homework. In addition to numerous studies on

the evocative effect of child performance on parental involvement in homework,

much less is known about the evocative effect of motivating children on the types of

parental involvement in homework. Exceptionally, a few studies discovered that low

persistence of tasks predicted greater maternal control help. Children's learning-

related motive is probable to evoke certain kinds of parental participation in

homework. The results of their conducted study showed that homework is

positively relative with students’ academic achievement and have a significant

direct impact on students’ grades. However, the results and findings from different

studies and literature does not directly shows how these several factors in homework

making significantly correlates to academic achievement, thus what among these

factors affect most in homework compliance.

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