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Atypical multiferroicity of HoCrO3 in bulk and film

Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,
3, 4162
A. Ghosh, A. Pal, K. Dey, S. Majumdar and S. Giri*

We report ferroelectricity in antiferromagnetic HoCrO3 with a reasonably large value of spontaneous

electric polarization (B0.32 mC cm2 at 10 K) from the measurement of pyroelectric current. The
Published on 16 March 2015. Downloaded on 7/5/2020 7:25:34 AM.

appearance of ferroelectricity is further confirmed in the film geometry. Intriguingly, the onset of polar
order is observed at a significantly higher temperature (B240 K) than the Néel temperature (TN = 142 K).
Received 27th January 2015, The survival of remanent polarization is confirmed from the electric polarization hysteresis loops above
Accepted 14th March 2015 and below TN for polycrystalline and film specimens. Structural analysis suggests that polar oxygen
DOI: 10.1039/c5tc00269a octahedral rotations and Ho displacements in the non-centrosymmetric Pna21 space group engineer
ferroelectricity. The results indicate that occurrence of polar order in HoCrO3 resembles neither the typical case of proper ferroelectrics nor the improper ferroelectrics.

1 Introduction at a much higher temperature for LuCrO3 and ErCrO3.6 For

LuCrO3, the difference between TN and emergence of polar
Occurrence of multiferroic order, which involves the coexistence of order as obtained from the pyroelectric current measurement
more than one ferroic order parameter, is currently recognised as is B80 K.6,12 Analogous to this scenario, the onset of polar order
one of the appealing issues in materials science.1 Specially, the has also been observed at around a B40 K higher temperature
concomitant emergence of ferroelectric (FE) and (anti)ferromag- than TN for SmCrO3.13 In fact, the FE Curie temperature is
netic order in a chemically single-phase material and strong observed at a B27 K higher temperature than TN. These results
coupling between these two, termed magnetoelectric coupling, open up a fundamental question on whether RCrO3 belongs
is extremely promising for the future generation of memory to the category of genuine improper ferroelectrics.13 Recently,
devices.2 Therefore, the search for new multiferroic materials, synchrotron diffraction studies on SmCrO3 confirmed a struc-
enhanced spontaneous polarization close to room tempera- tural distortion from a centrosymmetric Pbnm structure toward a
ture3 and the possible origin of multiferroic order are one of non-centrosymmetric Pna21 sub-group at B240 K, around which
the active areas of research in this field. The current focus the onset of polar order appeared concomitantly. This result
mainly involves searching for new materials which have multi- raised an important issue on whether SmCrO3 belonged to the
ferroic order close to room temperature with significant spon- proper or improper ferroelectric class. Careful observations on
taneous polarization. Recently, the appearance of FE order in a the emergence of FE polar order in RCrO3 demonstrate that the
few members of RCrO3 series has revived significant attention onset of polar order always appears at a significantly higher
in this field.4–10 Hopefully, the results of RCrO3 (R = Lu, Sm, Er, temperature than TN. This motivates us to investigate multi-
and Gd) clearly demonstrate a significantly large magnitude ferroic order in an unexplored compound HoCrO3, a member
(BmC cm2) of electric polarization (P) at reasonably high of the RCrO3 series.
temperature,11–13 which is attractive for technological applica- In this study we observe another paradigm of FE polar order
tions.14–16 of HoCrO3 in polycrystalline bulk and film geometry. The results
Recently, improper ferroelectricity has been argued in a few also demonstrate that onset of polar order appears at much
members of RCrO3 where ferroelectricity is suggested to be higher temperature (B240 K) than TN (142 K) for a polycrystal-
driven by magnetic order.4 However, a recent review on RCrO3 line specimen analogous to that observed in all the members
clearly demonstrates that onset of FE polar order was observed of RCrO3. The value of electric polarization is reasonably high
B0.32 mC cm2 at 10 K. Although TN shifts toward lower
Department of Solid State Physics, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, temperature at 132 K for a film, polar order still emerges at a
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, India. E-mail:
higher temperature than TN. The values of the FE Curie
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: AFM image, schematic
representation of electric connection for P–E loop measurements in film, fit of the
temperature are found to be close to TN for both the polycrystal-
X-ray diffraction pattern at 80 K using Rietveld refinement and details of the line and film specimens. The polarization vs. applied electric
refined structural parameters. See DOI: 10.1039/c5tc00269a field (P–E) loops are measured for both bulk and film recorded

4162 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 4162--4167 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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at 80 and 180 K; the representative temperatures below and during deposition the oxygen pressure of the PLD chamber
above TN, respectively. The signature of remanent polarization (Neocera, USA) is maintained at B50 mTorr.
above TN is intriguing and will attract the community for further
investigation on the origin of polar order in RCrO3. Analysis of 2.2 Characterization
the X-ray diffraction pattern at 160 K reveals that the non-
centrosymmetric Pna21 structure, which is a sub-group of the Powder X-ray diffraction studies are carried out on a Bruker
centrosymmetric Pbnm structure, appeared at room temperature. AXS: D8 Advance diffractometer at room temperature and on a
The structural analysis suggests that polar octahedral rotations Rigaku TTRAX II X-ray diffractometer for low temperature
along with Ho atom displacement engineer the occurrence of study, using Cu Ka radiation. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
polar order in HoCrO3. The emergence of polar order at much images are recorded using a Veeco-diCP II. Raman spectra are
higher temperatures than TN and the concomitant appearance of obtained in a back scattering geometry using a Triple Raman
the TN and FE Curie temperature for both polycrystalline and spectrometer (J-Y Horiba, Model No. T64000) with 514 nm
film specimens indicate atypical multiferroic order in HoCrO3. wavelength and a power density of 2 mW cm2. The particle size
and morphology are studied in a Scanning Electron Microscope
(SEM), model JSM-6700 F, JEOL. Lattice fringes and electron
Published on 16 March 2015. Downloaded on 7/5/2020 7:25:34 AM.

diffraction patterns on a single particle are photographed with

2 Experimental a High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM)
2.1 Synthesis of model JEOL, 2010. To record electric polarization only
perpendicular to the substrate (Fig. S1 of ESI†), initially gold is
Polycrystalline HoCrO3 is prepared using the solid state reac- coated on the Si substrate using a gold coater (Eiko IB-2 Ion
tion of stoichiometric quantities of Ho2O3 and Cr2O3 at 1673 K coater, Japan) on which an HoCrO3 film is deposited. An air
for 12 hours followed by several intermittent grinding and drying silver paste is used for the electrical contacts. Dielectric
heating steps.13 As-prepared polycrystalline HoCrO3 is used as permittivity is measured using an E4980A LCR meter (Agilent
a target for film synthesis on a Si(100) substrate using a pulsed Technologies, USA). For pyroelectric current (Ip) measurements,
laser deposition (PLD) technique. The energy of the laser the specimens are cooled down to B5 K in a suitable poling field
(Model No: CompexPro 205 F, KrF) is set to 100 mJ (wave and then are short circuited at 5 K for nearly one hour before the
length 248 nm). The target-to-substrate distance is set to 10 cm. measurement of Ip in warming mode. The Ip is recorded in an
The substrate temperature is maintained at 600 1C. The repeti- electrometer (Keithley, model 6517B) and integrated with time to
tion rate and number of laser pulses are 10 Hz and 40 000, obtain electric polarization (P). The P–E loops are measured in an
respectively. Base pressure is achieved at B104 mTorr, and FE loop tracer (Radiant Technology, USA) which is fitted with a

Fig. 1 Powder X-ray diffraction data (black symbol) of HoCrO3 with the Rietveld refinement (red line) for bulk (a) and for film (b) with indexing of (hkl).
Raman spectra for bulk (c) and film (d). The three-dimensional AFM image (e) and a surface topography scan (f).

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home-built liquid N2 cryostat. The dc magnetization is measured

with a commercial magnetometer from Quantum Design (MPMS,
evercool). For zero-field cooled (ZFC) mode sample is cooled
at zero-field and measurement is carried out in the warming mode.
For field-cooled (FC) mode sample is cooled in a static magnetic
field and measurement is carried out as a ZFC measurement.

Fig. 2 (a) SEM micrograph of polycrystalline HoCrO3 with prominent

3 Results and discussions grain and grain boundary. (b) Lattice fringe pattern as obtained from a
high resolution transmission electron micrograph of a particle. The inset
3.1 Structural properties shows the corresponding electron diffraction pattern. (c) SEM image
A powder X-ray diffraction pattern recorded at room tempera- of film surface.
ture is depicted in Fig. 1a for the bulk. The diffraction pattern is
indexed unambiguously using Rietveld refinement. The satis-
electron diffraction pattern. Fig. 2c shows an SEM micrograph
factory fit is displayed in Fig. 1a by the red curve which
of the HoCrO3 film. The top structure, as evident in the AFM
Published on 16 March 2015. Downloaded on 7/5/2020 7:25:34 AM.

confirms that the compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic

image, is also observed in the SEM image.
perovskite structure with the Pbnm space group. The bars in the
Figure represent the diffraction positions. The difference plot
given at the bottom ensures a reliable fit of the experimental 3.2 Magnetic properties
data. This demonstrates the absence of any unidentified lines, Thermal variation of ZFC susceptibility (wZFC) measured at
ensuring the high purity of the sample. The reasonable reliability 200 Oe is shown in Fig. 3a for the bulk. Thermal variation of
parameters, Rw B 5.79, Rexp B 1.36, and w2 B 18.08, indicate the wZFC1 is also plotted in the same Figure, which demonstrates
authenticity of the refinement. The position coordinates of Ho, that the plot deviates from Curie–Weiss (CW) behavior below
Cr, and O as obtained from the refinement are given in Table S1 of B155 K followed by a sharp fall of wZFC1 with TN at 142 K, in
the ESI.† The lattice constants as obtained from the refinement accordance with the reported results.17,23 The linear wZFC1 plot
are a = 5.2517(2) Å, b = 5.5206(2) Å and c = 7.5467(2) Å, respectively. provides a paramagnetic moment, meff E 10.98 mB and CW
The values match reasonably with the reported results.17 The temperature, Y E 18.2 K. The value of meff is close to the
X-ray diffraction pattern of the film deposited on Si(100) is depicted theoretical value (B11.55 mB) for HoCrO3. Neutron diffraction
in Fig. 1b. All the diffraction peaks could be assigned which studies proposed an antiferromagnetic order of Cr3+ions below
correspond to the planes as observed in the bulk counterpart and TN followed by the Ho3+order with a strong Ho–Cr hybridiza-
Si(100) substrate. The peak positions roughly provide the lattice tion.24–26 The wZFC and wFC recorded with 1 kOe in ZFC and
constants as a E 5.24 Å, b E 5.57 Å, and c E 7.45 Å. The value of a FC protocols, respectively, are depicted in Fig. 3c for the film.
is significantly smaller than the value of a (5.43 Å) for the Si The wZFC and wFC deviate from each other below TN, which is
substrate. The mismatch of a between sample and substrate shifted toward low temperature around B130 K compared to
provides significant tensile strain at the interface defined as,18
Z = (asubstrate  asample)/asubstrate. The value of Z is B3.5%.
Raman spectra of both the bulk and film are displayed in
Fig. 1c and d, respectively. The spectrum for the bulk reproduces
the reported results.19–21 Different modes of the spectrum are
depicted in the Figure for both the bulk and film. For the film,
additional modes are shown which correspond to the Si substrate
as assigned in the Figure. The relative shift of the Raman mode of
the film with respect to bulk provides roughly the film thickness.22
Here, the average shift provides a B160 nm film thickness.
A three dimensional AFM image is depicted in Fig. 1e. The
surface topography of the film is also shown in Fig. 1f, which
gives a maximum roughness up to B13 nm. An extended AFM
image is given in Fig. S1 of ESI.†
The SEM micrograph shown in Fig. 2a demonstrates promi-
nent grains and grain boundaries. Average grain sizes are Bmm
size. The HRTEM image confirms the absence of any impurity
phase at the grain boundary region and further illustrates that
the planes extend until the grain boundary region, as depicted
Fig. 3 Thermal variation of susceptibility (w) for bulk (a) and for film (c).
in Fig. 2b. The d-spacing, as obtained from the lattice fringes, is Thermal variation of w1 is also given in (a) with the linear fit using Curie–
2.65 Å, which corresponds to the most intense peak (112) in the Weiss behavior as indicated by the straight line. Magnetic hysteresis loops
X-ray diffraction pattern. The inset shows the corresponding at selective temperatures for bulk (b) and film (d).

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the bulk counterpart. Magnetic hysteresis loops are measured at is depicted in Fig. 4d which provides Tg = 114.1 K, f0 = 7.2 
selective temperatures for both bulk and film, and are depicted 108 Hz and E = 9.8 meV. The agreement of the f-dependence of
in Fig. 3b and d, respectively. Below TN, coercivity (HC) emerges Tp with the VF law signifies glassy freezing.28–30
and it increases with decreasing temperature for both, although
the values of magnetization and HC are significantly lower for 3.4 Emergence of polar order
the film than the bulk counterpart. We note that the value The FE order in HoCrO3 is revealed for both the bulk and film
of magnetization is considerably lower in magnitude than by measuring Ip at a constant temperature sweep rate of 4.0 K
the results for the polycrystalline compound. Large, disordered min1. Temperature variations of Ip are recorded after poling at
surface- and interface-spins for the film, as also observed for 1.2 and 300 kV cm1 for the bulk and film, respectively. The
nanocrystalline compounds with large surface-spins,27 may give Ip at positive poling fields are depicted in Fig. 5a and c for the
rise to the much smaller value. bulk and film, respectively. The peaks observed in both cases
are close to TN. However, analogous to observations in other
3.3 Dielectric properties members of RCrO3 series,6,13 the onset of FE order emerges at a
The real part of the dielectric constants (e 0 ) recorded with higher temperature than TN. This is evident in the thermal
temperature at selective driving frequencies ( f ) are depicted variations of spontaneous electric polarization (P) as shown in
Published on 16 March 2015. Downloaded on 7/5/2020 7:25:34 AM.

in Fig. 4a and b for the bulk and film, respectively. For bulk, the Fig. 5b and d for the bulk and film, respectively. The change in
e 0 displays a high value of B1000 close to room temperature P (DP) decreases slowly and P vanishes around B240 K (4TN).
at f = 1 kHz and it exhibits a sharp fall with decreasing We note that the DP changes sign during poling in a negative
temperature. The high-e 0 above B130 K can perhaps be electric field and demonstrates switching of polarization. In
ascribed to the extrinsic grain boundary and sample–electrode order to confirm this further, we measured FE hysteresis loops
interface effects (see the Cole–Cole plot in the ESI†).29 Below both for the bulk and film. For the film, electrical connections
B130 K, it shows nearly f- and T-independent behavior. are made perpendicular to the film surface, as depicted in Fig. S2
A significant decrease of e 0 is also observed with decreasing of the ESI.† The FE loops recorded at 80 (oTN) and 180 (4TN) K
temperature from 250 K, which is followed by the slow decrease are shown in Fig. 5e for the bulk. The P value and remanence of
below B125 K down to 10 K for the film. The insets of both the electric polarization decreases considerably at 180 K compared
Figures display an absence of any convincing signature at TN to the values at 80 K. Nevertheless, the signature of the loop
and at FE-ordering temperature, as evident in Fig. 5a–d. This is at 180 K is significant and consistent with the non-zero small
analogous to that observed for LuCrO3 and ErCrO3 where any Ip above TN. Similar results with nearly B101 times lower value
convincing signature was absent at TN and FE ordering.4,12 of P are observed for the film, as depicted in Fig. 5f. Large
The loss tangent component (tan d) plotted with tempera- disordered surface and interface molecules, as well as trapped
ture (T) is depicted in Fig. 4c for T 4 170 K over a 1–134 kHz charge carriers influence significantly the dipolar ordering pro-
frequency ( f ) range. The peak (Tp) observed in tan d(T) shifts cess, which may result in a significant decrease of the polariza-
toward high-T region with increasing f. We carefully note that tion value for the film.31,32 The signature of the P–E loop in both
the f-dependence of Tp fails to satisfy the Arrhenius law. cases is significant and reveals the survival of polar order above
However, the f-dependence can be satisfactorily analyzed by the TN, which brings out a fundamental issue on the origin of
Vogel–Fulcher (VF) law, defined as, f (Tp) = f0 exp[E/{kB(Tp  Tg)}], ferroelectricity in HoCrO3.
where f0 is the attempt frequency, E is the activation energy and
3.5 Possible origin of polar order and structural correlation
Tg is the glassy freezing temperature. The satisfactory fit
Recent investigation of synchrotron diffraction studies on SmCrO3
over a wide temperature range revealed a structural transition
from a high temperature centrosymmetric Pbnm space group to
the low temperature non-centrosymmetric Pna21 space group
close to the onset of polar order.13 The polar octahedral rotation
and Sm displacement have been correlated to the occurrence of
ferroelectricity in SmCrO3. Recent reviews on the possible origin
of ferroelectric order suggest a new class of ferroelectricity, which
neither belongs to proper ferroelectricity, nor to improper ferro-
electricity.33 To address this issue, Benedek et al. proposed oxygen-
octahedral-rotation-driven ferroelectricity, a new class of hybrid
improper ferroelectricity, where octahedral rotation tunes the
structural, magnetic, orbital and electronic degrees of freedom.33
To understand the structural correlation to the occurrence
Fig. 4 Thermal (T) variation of the real component of dielectric permittivity
of polar order we record powder X-ray diffraction patterns
(e 0 ) at various f for bulk (a) and film (b). The corresponding inset show
the absence of any convincing signature around the ferroelectric and
below (at 80 K) and above (at 160 K) TN. The X-ray diffraction
antiferromagnetic transitions. (c) T variation of tan d recorded at different f. pattern at 160 K is depicted in Fig. 6a. The satisfactory fit using
(d) Plot of ln f with T-satisfying VF law. Rietveld refinement of the diffraction pattern considering the

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Published on 16 March 2015. Downloaded on 7/5/2020 7:25:34 AM.

Fig. 5 Thermal variation of pyroelectric current (Ip) for bulk (a) and film (c) with poling fields +1.2 and +300 kV cm1, respectively. The corresponding
integrated electric polarization (P) for bulk (b) and film (d) both for the positive and negative poling fields. The P–E hysteresis loops at 80 and 180 K for
bulk (e) and film (f).

Pna21 space group is shown by the continuous curve. The atomic significant, because the emergence of polar order in the current
positions as obtained from the refinement are given in Table S1 observation is correlated with the structural transformation
of ESI.† The lattice constants are refined as a E 5.2410(1) Å, from a centrosymmetric Pbnm to a non-centrosymmetric
b E 5.5089(2) Å, and c E 7.5310(2) Å. A satisfactory fit is further Pna21 structure, as also reported in another member, SmCrO3 of
indicated by the reliable parameters with Rw(%) E 7.73 and the orthochromate series.13 As indicated by the arrows, the dis-
Rexp(%) E 3.54. We note that refinement of the diffraction placement of oxygen and Ho atoms around a CrO6 octahedron are
pattern at room temperature is performed satisfactorily using demonstrated in Fig. 6b for a transformation to Pna21 from the
the Pbnm space group in accordance with the reported results Pbnm space group, where oxygen displacement involves rotation of
for other orthochromates,4–10 while the Pna21 space group fits the octahedron. Thus analogous to the proposal in SmCrO3,
the diffraction pattern at 160 K satisfactorily during refine- structural distortion in non-centrosymmetric Pna21 space group
ment. At 80 K the satisfactory refinement using Pna21 space also causes ferroelectricity in HoCrO3.
group is shown in Fig. S3 of the ESI.† Rietveld refinement using The distortion of the polar Pna21 structure can be decom-
a non-centrosymmetric Pna21 space group at low temperature is posed by two modes corresponding to the irreducible repre-
sentations of non-polar GM1+ and polar GM4, where GM4 is
the primary order parameter.34,35 We note that Pna21 space
group is an isotropy subgroup of Pbnm. Therefore, ferroelec-
tricity driven by this structural transition is the typical case of
proper ferroelectrics. However, the transition associated with
the oxygen octahedral rotations and Ho displacements, demon-
strates an analogous scenario, as suggested by Benedek et al.,
proposing a new class of ferroelectrics.33 More experimental
verifications with new paradigms are required to establish this
new class of ferroelectrics.

4 Conclusions
In conclusion, ferroelectricity is observed in antiferromagnetic
HoCrO3 both in the bulk and film geometry. The magnitude of
spontaneous electric polarization is reasonably large for poly-
crystalline specimens. In accordance with the other members
of the RCrO3 series, the onset of polar order appears at much
higher temperature (B240 K) than TN. Structural analysis
Fig. 6 (a) X-Ray diffraction pattern at 160 K with the Rietveld refinement
as shown by the continuous curve. (b) Displacement of oxygen and Ho
proposes that the polar oxygen octahedral rotations along
atoms, as indicated by the arrows, around a CrO6 octahedron for structural with the Ho displacements in the non-centrosymmetric Pna21
transformation from Pbnm to Pna21. space group engineer ferroelectricity in HoCrO3. The emergence

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21 V. S. Bhadram, D. Swain, R. Dhanya, M. Polentarutti,
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