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A Senior High School Research Paper

Presented to the SMS-GT

Quantitative Research Committee

In partial fulfillment of the course requirements

In Practical Research 2

Sherry Mae Cordeta

Louise Angelique Mante

Althea Kristhel Olano

Heriel Kaye Paculba

Graceline Sanchez

Nenette Tolentino

Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Inc.

May 2020

Mnemonic devices are defined to be techniques a person can use to help them improve

their ability to remember something. In other words, it's a memory technique to help your brain

better encode and recall important information, (Laing 2010). This study was conducted to the

level efficacy of mnemonic devices as perceived by the Grade 10 students of The Sisters of Mary

School-Girlstown Inc. and theirAcknowledgmentsmance respectively. Stratified random

sampling aided the study to determine the number of respondents needed. Furthermore, a

researcher-made questionnaire was used to gather data from the respondents; the Students’

Perception of Mnemonic Device Creation Questionnaire. PPMC and t-test were used to analyze

the data gathered and through this, the result showed that the level of efficacy of mnemonic

devices as perceived by the students (r =0.1417714595, p =0.0301560027) are positively

correlated and significantly influenced the academic performance of the students using the

mnemonic device. Based on the findings the researchers encourage the students to use mnemonic

device creation as a study technique. Moreover, further investigation is recommended to

corroborate the findings of the study.

Keywords: Mnemonic Device Creation, Level efficacy of mnemonic devices, Academic



Without the help of several people, this study would not be made possible. The

researchers would like to show sincere gratitude and appreciation to these following individuals:

To Almighty God for giving the researchers good health, and strength and courage to

accomplish the study.

To Sr. Belinda R. Sacayan, SM, Local Superior , Sr. Laresa N. Morasa, SM, School

Principal , and Ma’am Maria Domnena Anog, Assistant Principal, for permitting the researchers

to conduct the study inside the school premises.

To Ma’am Maribeth Bachoco, School Registrar, for granting the researchers permission

to access The GPAsof the respondents.

To Ma’am Christine Acuña, researcher’s adviser, for showing her expertise and undying

support to the researchers, and guiding the researchers from the beginning until the end of the


To the sisters who are in charge of the respondents, for allowing the researchers to

conduct the study to their respective wards; and lastly,

To the respondents for showing their full and active participation in answering the

research questionnaires given by the researchers


The researchers fully dedicate their strength and courage in accomplishing the study for

the following personalities:

For Almighty God, who grants us a wonderful life and a good mind, body, and soul to

accomplish the study;

For The Sisters Of Mary Community as the school has given the researchers a high-

quality secondary education;

For the researcher’s family who serves as their inspiration in doing good with their


For the benefits, so the school and for the improvement of the school curriculum




Edgar Allan Poe once said, “If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that

this thing is to be remembered.” Memory can be defined as the processes that are used to

acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information (Cherry, 2019).

In 2008, Anthea Lipsett made a report with ‘Many struggling pupils suffer from poor

memory-report’ as the headline. This case was found out through the study done at Durham

University situated in England. Among three thousand (3,000) primary school children, 10% was

then found out to have poor working memory which affects their learning. According to Thorne

(2006), students with memory problems may have deficits in encoding or registering information

in memory, storing information and new ideas in one’s long-term memory, and retrieving

information from long-term memory as well. Loveday (2018) claimed in a commentary that

memory loss is also a growing concern among young people as it is with the older ones.

Mnemonic device creation has the greater capability of helping these students improve

working memory for mnemonic devices helps students recall complex or new ideas. According

to Dennis Congos (2006), “Mnemonics are memory devices that help learners recall larger pieces

of information, especially in the form of lists like characteristics, steps, stages, parts, phases,


Way back 2006, Christopher M. Bloom along with Donald M. Lamkin conducted a

study entitled ‘The Olympian Struggle to Remember the Cranial Nerves: Mnemonics and

Student Success’ which investigated the role of mnemonic devices in recalling the cranial nerves

which then led to a finding that students were able to recall the said topic better. Similarly, the

use of mnemonic devices to enhance learning was also examined empirically by Gregory

Kenneth Laing. The result of this study also showed that mnemonic devices can accelerate the

rate at which new information is acquired and improve formal reasoning.

These studies of Bloom, Lamkin, and Laing yielded similar results, thus, it can be said

that learning is made easier through the mnemonic device. It helps one simplify, summarize, and

compress information to make it easier to learn. However, these studies have not gone deeper to

what extent mnemonic device creation could help students. It is believed through lots of studies

that mnemonic device creation as a study habit is effective enough for recalling new information.

But does the efficacy of mnemonic device creation affect students’ academic performance to the

extent of improving students’ academic performance?

This study generally endeavored to identify the relationship between the level of

efficacy of mnemonic device creation and the academic performance of students. The study was

held within the premises of Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. situated at J. P. Rizal St.,

Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines. This study would be beneficial to the school administrators as

the result of this study would help them implement or improve policies to guide students to better

academic performances.

This study is significant since the teachers and sisters will be able to guide the students

with regards to studying techniques and strategies, and the results of this study would suggest if

mnemonic device creation would greatly impact students’ academic performance, specifically on

their grades. There were lots of researchers who studied mnemonic device creation and its

effectiveness in learning and recalling complex ideas and new lessons. However, the researchers

wish to know if mnemonic device creation could also impact positively with regards to students’

grades as grades are usually the general bases of the academic performance of students.

Theoretical Background

The Dual-Coding Theory is by Allan Paivio and James Clark. This theory says that

human behavior and experiences in terms of the dynamic associative process are operated in a

rich network of modality. We expand our learning through verbal association, non-verbal

association, and visual imagery. It also inhibits significance in spatial intelligence, mnemonics,

and language.

Walberg's Theory of Educational Productivity is by Welchz Frager. This theory posits

that the psychological characteristics of individual students and their immediate environment

influence a student's cognitive , behavioral, and attitudinal outcomes. It helps students be

motivated and have learning strategies that may as well help them with their academic

performance. Moreover, students who apply learning strategies like mnemonic devices may learn

better than others.

This theory supports the use of the Mnemonic device as a study habit. The Dual-Coding

theory says that “combining words and visuals such as pictures, diagrams, graphic organizers,

and so on. The idea is to provide two different representations of the information, both visual and

verbal, to help students understand the information better.” Mnemonic Devices make use of

visual and verbal ways to retain information in memory for a longer period. While the Walberg’s

Theory says that “there are identified nine key variables that can influence educational

outcomes”. And this includes “quality of instruction” where Mnemonic Device - a way of

effective instruction belongs to. This theory supports that of Mnemonic Devices as a study habit

can The hypothesis educational productivity of the students using it.


Dual Coding Theory by

Walberg’s Theory of
james M. Clark and Allan
Educational Productivity as
Paivio cited on Educational
cited by Walberg, Welch &
Psychology Review, Vol. 3,
Fraser, 2015
No. 3, 1991

Mnemonic Device Academic Performance


Mnemonic Device Creation

Figure 1. The Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to describe mnemonic device creation as a study habit or strategy

of an identified Grade 10 student of the Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Inc. in Talisay City,

Cebu through answering the following questions:

1. What is the level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as a study technique as

perceived by Grade 10 students?

2. What is the General Weighted Average (GWA) of the Grade 10 students using

mnemonic device creation as a study technique?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of efficacy of mnemonic

device creation as a study technique and the academic performance of Grade 10


The hypothesis of the Study

This study has the following hypotheses:

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between mnemonic device

creation as a study technique and the academic performance of Grade 10 students.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between mnemonic

device creation as a study technique and the academic performance of Grade 10 students.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aimed to determine the relationship between the level of efficacy of mnemonic

device creation as a study technique and academic achievement of the Grade 10 students at the

Sisters of Mary School- Girlstown, Inc. A correlational study was utilized to determine the

relationship between the variables in the study. The sample size of the study was determined

through the use of Slovin’s formula with the margined error of 0.05. The identified 234 samples

were randomly selected through multi-stage sampling which utilizes stratified random sampling

with the students’ section as the strata and simple random sampling in selecting the respondents

in each section.

The data were gathered through a standardized research instrument validated by the

research expert and adviser in the means of a survey and were analyzed through the use of

appropriate statistical tools. The study was conducted for two (2) months (March 2020- April

2020). As a result, due to the period to conduct the study, the quality of data may only provide

information on the relationship between the efficacy of mnemonic device creation and the

academic performance of students. There might be elements in the findings that might result in

the shallow formulation of conclusion and

Significance of the Study

The study aims to determine the relationship between mnemonic device creation as a

study technique and students’ academic performance. This study is beneficial to the following

groups of people:

School Administrators. They will be guided in implementing new rules in dealing

with the studies of the students.

Sisters. This study is beneficial to the sisters since the results of the study will help the

sisters advise the students with regards to study techniques to improve students’ study habits.

Teachers. The teachers will be able to guide students and can give students

information about effective study techniques.

Students. The students will be guided on what effective study technique would

The best fit for them, thus, students’ academic performance would be improved.

Researchers. The researchers will be able to contribute to new knowledge and

ideas about study techniques for students’ academic performance improvement.

Future Researchers. The future researchers will be able to refer to the results of

the study to get some ideas from the study and improve some of its parts.

Definition of Terms

For further understanding of this research, the definition of unfamiliar terms is hereby


Efficacy refers to the effectiveness of using the mnemonic device in studying. It also

refers to the ability to do something(webster dictionary, n.d).

Mnemonic Device refers to the techniques used by the students to help them improve

their ability to remember important information about their lesson. It also refers to the techniques

used for improving the memory of an individual(staff, 2018).

Academic performance refers to students’ achievement and grades. It also refers to the

measurement of the students' achievement across various academic subjects (Ballotpedia, n.d.).

In this study, the academic performance of the Grade 10 students would be measured through

their general weighted average in Grade 10 2nd Quarter.

Study techniques refer to the means of how student studies. It also refers to the

academic working methods, such as conducting experiments, surveys, and basic research(JGU,


Perceived refers to the student thinking about the effectiveness of the mnemonic device

as a study technique. It also refers to becoming aware of through senses(vocabulary, n.d.)



This chapter presents the literature and studies that are related to the researcher’s


Related Literature

Mnemonic refers to any device for aiding the memory. It is named for Mnemosyne, the

goddess of memory in Greek mythology, mnemonics are also called memoria Technica (Latin:

“memory technique”). The principle is to create in the mind an artificial structure that

incorporates unfamiliar ideas or, especially, a series of dissociated ideas that by themselves are

difficult to remember. Ideally, the structure is designed so that its parts are mutually suggestive,

(Nolen, n.d.).

Mnemonic strategies are commonly used across content areas to help students remember

important information or concepts. When we talk about mnemonics, people often think of

mnemonic acronyms that enable people to remember items through the use of a catchy word or

phrase in which the acronym letters begin each of the terms in a list ( 2020).

Any memory trick that can help somebody remember information is called a mnemonic.

Mnemonics can use systems of rhymes, acronyms, diagrams, or other techniques to aid a person

in recollecting names, dates, facts, figures, and more, ( Science Buddies 2013).

Several researchers made different classifications of mnemonic strategies. According to

Kelly (2020), there are five (5) types of Mnemonic Devices: (1) Acronym (Name) Mnemonic,

(2) Expression, or Acrostic Mnemonics, (3) Rhyme Mnemonics, (4) Connection Mnemonics (5)

Mnemonics Generators. According to the University of Central Florida (n.d.), there are nine (9)

types of mnemonics; (1) Music Mnemonics (2) Name Mnemonics (3) Expression or Word

Mnemonics (4) Model Mnemonics (5) Ode or Rhyme Mnemonics (6) NoteOrganization (7)

Image (8) Connection Mnemonics (9) Spelling Mnemonics.

However, the difference if this type of mnemonics device does not affect its

effectiveness. According to The Main Tenets of Positive Psychology (2015), mnemonics devices

either acronyms or songs have the same effect on the person using it, which is to make a certain

lesson or subject be retained in the memory for a longer period. Frontiers in Psychology (2019)

added that even if mnemonic devices are in different types, its goal and effect is just the same,

especially on students, since each student has different study habits and techniques. Meanwhile,

the Universe of Memory (2019) says that mnemonic devices’ usefulness and effectiveness do not

matter on what type it is but on how one uses it.

According to (Web Solution 2020)there are four related comments in order. First, authors

of many popular books in which mnemonic techniques are promoted assert that the focal

information in the integrated scene (i.e., the keyword related to the associated information) needs

to be greatly exaggerated or be in some way "bizarre." Yet, scientific research on mnemonic

techniques has indicated that such an assertion is without empirical foundation. Rather than

exaggeration or bizarreness, what seems to be critical for mnemonic techniques to work are:(1)

the effort and attention devoted by the learner to the task at hand, namely the selection/use of an

effective keyword; and (2) the formation of a vivid (clear) image of the integrated keyword-

information scene. Thus, for the philatelist example, a bizarre or exaggerated postage stamp is

not a necessity, but selecting an effective keyword cue (one that resembles a salient part of

philatelist, such as Philistine) and creating a vivid image of Goliath with a postage stamp on his

forehead are likely to be.

Second, and also based on considerable scientific research, mnemonic techniques work whether

their two principal ingredients (decoded keywords and relating scenes) are produced either by or

for a learner. For individuals with adequate cognitive skills (e.g., older students and adults) and

with to-be-learned information that is relatively straightforward to identify, recode, and relate,

creating one's keywords and integrated scenes can be expected to yield memory benefits. On the

other hand, for less cognitively capable individuals (e.g., young children or handicapped

learners) and with less straightforward to-be-learned information, providing already-constructed

keywords and integrated scenes is typically more effective.

Third, such keywords and scenes can be represented either pictorially (in the form of actual

illustrations or visual images) or verbally (in the form of sentences or phrases, such as

"Somehow, the forehead of Goliath the Philistine had collected a colorful postage stamp on it.").

Fourth and finally, through the introduction of conventional concrete symbols, mnemonic

techniques are easily adapted to associating "abstract" (not easily pictured) items. For example,

"justice" can be pictorially represented by the scales of justice, "democracy" by a voting booth,

"technology" by an electronic computer, "wealth" by a stack of dollar bills, and so on.

While mnemonics are exceptionally good for encoding large amounts of information,

they do have some practical limitations. The following presents some factors that can have a

negative influence on your ability to use mnemonics. Time, Abstract Matter, Imagery Ability,

Verbatim Memory, and Maintenance Transfer (Cherry Hills Production 2015).

The effectiveness of mnemonic devices was tested and proven by various researchers and

professionals in the field of memory and psychology. According to (2020)

“Mnemonic devices are effective because they increase the efficiency of memory encoding and

retrieval. Besides, Mastropieri and Scruggs said that mnemonic strategies increase dramatically

the number of information students remembers, even students with learning problems.”

Also, Bakken and Simpson (2011) said that “Mnemonic strategies have been proven to

help individuals remember information by making it easier to remember and more concrete.

These strategies work with all kinds of students and it can be applied to any type of content.

Although mnemonic strategies can be very beneficial, it is important to choose the incorrect

method or it will not benefit the learner. Although every mnemonic strategy was not presented,

this information should provide a starting point for assisting young adult learners in improving

their vocabulary knowledge.”

Learning Strategies For Students With Learning Disabilities ( n.d.) made interventions

for students with learning disabilities extensively described learning strategies and presented a

well-researched model for teaching-learning strategies to students, space did not permit an

extensive discussion of the many and varied strategy interventions that have been developed and

tested in classrooms across the last 15 years and mnemonic devices is included in this list of

learning strategies.

However, mnemonic device creation has also some drawbacks. First is that they must be

habitually exercised or rehearsed and must be used accordingly and accurately to ensure faster

memorization. Second is that the creation of mnemonic devices is not that time-efficient for the

reason that not everybody is creative enough to make one’s mnemonic device. Moreover,

learning and practicing mnemonic devices is also harder to deal with. Third, the overuse of

mnemonics tends to confuse the user and leads to an excessive amount of time in reviewing.

Fourth, mnemonic device creation reckons on repeating rather than understanding concepts.

Lastly, mnemonic device creation can provide a false sense of security that one knows the

information well (College of Charleston, n.d.)

To sum up, the effectiveness of mnemonic devices is indeed very helpful which is proven

by many researchers and professionals in their studies about it.

Related Studies

Mnemonic strategies, mnemonic devices, or mnemonics, are systematic procedures

designed to improve one's memory, thus, it can be said that mnemonics are used for the

intensification of the memory. Mnemonic strategies develop ways to encode (take in)

information, allowing easy retrieval of information. Furthermore, it can be said that mnemonics

are learning strategies that enhance memory and learning as well as the recall of information

(Jurowski et al., 2015).

Mocko, Lesser, Wagler and Francis (n.d.) stated in their study entitled Assessing

Effectiveness of Mnemonics for Tertiary Students in a Hybrid Introductory Statistics Course

“Mnemonics (memory aids) are helpful for students in recalling information resulting in reduced

stress and freeing up more cognitive resources for higher-order thinking. “This study is also

supported by (Lubin 2016) in his study entitled, “Mnemonic Instruction in Science and Social

Studies for Students with Learning Problems: A Review”. The research has demonstrated that

mnemonic instruction is an effective technique that may be used across subject areas as well as

across abilities.”

Moreover, Maghy (2015) says that “teaching with mnemonic technique is more effective

than the conventional method for teaching to standard VIII students. Also, mnemonic techniques

helped in the retention of learned materials. Hence, this method of teaching could be used as an

alternate method of teaching especially when learning and retention of vocabulary, facts, and

years are needed to master the skills prescribed for the particular class.”

Other researchers (e.g., Congos, 2005; Thompson,1987) classified mnemonic types

differently. (Congos, 2005) has stated that there are nine (9) types of mnemonic devices which

include: (1) Music Mnemonic; (2) Name Mnemonics ; (3) Expression / Word Mnemonics; (4)

Model Mnemonics; (5) Ode / Rhyme Mnemonics ; (6) Note Organization ; (7) Image

Mnemonics ; (8) Connection Mnemonics; and (9) Spelling Mnemonics. Thompson (1987)

classified mnemonic devices into five (5) classes: (1) Linguistics; (2) Spatial; (3) Visual; (4)

Physical Response; and (5) Verbal Methods.

To prove this, (Hayes 2009) completed his study entitled “The Use of Melodic and

Rhythmic Mnemonics To Improve Memory and Recall in Elementary Students in the Content

Areas”. According to the result of his study, mnemonics is indeed an effective way of teaching

students n a way that could retain the lesson in their memories for a longer period

In a study entitled “The Use/ Application of Mnemonics as a Pedagogical Tool in

Auditing” conducted by Seay and McAlum (2010), mnemonic techniques were presented which

could help in teaching basic auditing concepts to students more effectively. Furthermore, “prior

research does indicate the effectiveness of mnemonic techniques for learning a variety of other

subject areas” (Seay & McAlum, 2010). Furthermore, in a study entitled “Enhancing Creativity:

Using Visual Mnemonic Devices in the Teaching Process to Develop Creativity in Students” that

was done by Cioca and Nerisanu (2020), visual mnemonic devices were used in the teaching

process to ease the remembering process by creating a visual representation. The researcher also

claimed that visual mnemonic devices can improve the creativity of an individual in a sense that

the results of the study have shown that “the degree of abstracting increased after using visual

mnemonic devices, along with fluency and other creativity dimensions”. The conclusion also

suggests the integration of visual mnemonic devices among methods to foster one’s creativity.

However, these mnemonic devices -regardless of its difference- still have the same effect

on the academic performance of the student. According to the International Journal of Modern

Engineering Researches (2019) in the study “Effectiveness of Mnemonics on Achievement of

Students in Mathematics at High School Level”, the mnemonic technique reduces the difficulty

of the students in learning their lessons.”

Also, mnemonic devices are not only helpful for academic purposes. It can also help in

learning foreign languages which were studied by Motlagh and Rashidi (2015) entitled “A

Comparison between the Effectiveness of Mnemonic versus Non-mnemonic Strategies in

Foreign Language Learning Context”. In this study, the authors stated “Mnemonics is of great

importance to EFL (English Foreign Languages ) learners to acquire vocabulary faster and

easier, and longer, as well. They are of paramount importance for teachers too, since they help

them to find out the best possible way of teaching vocabulary effectively.” It is also supported by

Koksal and Cekic (2014) who stated, “Low-proficiency students can learn L2 (Learning from

Reading) vocabulary better when they are taught with the keyword method which entails

acoustic link and mental image to be formed. Mnemonic devices stand out as a proven

vocabulary learning strategy for foreign language teachers and learners.”

Several researchers (e.g. Stalder, 2005; Cartson, Kincaid, Lance & Hodgson, 1976)

conducted studies concerning the use of Mnemonic Devices as student’s way of studying their

lessons for an upcoming exam and this study proved the positive effects of Mnemonic Devices.

It is supported (Laing 2011) in his study, “An Empirical Test of Mnemonic Devices to Improve

Learning in Elementary Accounting”. The students performed significantly better in the post-test

which proved that Mnemonics can accelerate the rate at which new information is acquired and

improve reasoning skills.”

Furthermore, researchers also studied to use mnemonics for students who have learning

disabilities. Wolgemuth (2008) stated that “The keyword, keyword–pegword, and reconstructive

elaboration mnemonic strategies were all effective and worked for students with learning

disabilities and other disabilities.” According to the study entitled “The Effectiveness of

Mnemonic Instruction for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems: An Update and

Research Synthesis of Scruggs & Mastropieri”, the overall effectiveness of mnemonic techniques

was found to be associated with an overall mean standardized “effect size” of 1.62, indicating an

unusually large effect for treatment. Also, laboratory (or, “decontextualized”) research yielded

results similar to those obtained in field-based investigations using established school curricula.

Further, an evaluation of unpublished, descriptive teacher applications of mnemonic instruction

provides further support that mnemonic strategies are effective and useful in ecologically valid




This chapter presents the different methods undertaken to accomplish the objectives of

the study.

Research Design

This study mainly integrates a quantitative design that aims to determine the relationship

between the level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as a study technique as perceived by

Grade 10 students and the students’ academic performance. Since this study has this aim, the

type of quantitative design used in this study is a correlational study. Correlational research

design measures a relationship between two variables without the researcher controlling either of

the (McCombes, 2019). The two (2) variables investigated in this study are mnemonic device

creation’s efficacy as perceived by Grade 10 students and academic performance. The variables

were then tested through an instrument made personally by the researchers. Data were gathered

through providing the respondents with a Likert Scale and the respondents were asked to rate the

efficacy of mnemonic device creation according to the respondents’ perception. Furthermore, the

academic performance of the students was measured through the respondents’ general weighted

averages and the researchers then classify the generally weighted averages (e.g. Outstanding,

Very Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Fairly Satisfactory and Did Not Meet Expectation).

Research Environment

This study was conducted within the premises of the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown,

Inc. located at the J. P. Rizal St., Poblacion, City of Talisay 6045, Cebu. Sisters of Mary School-

Girlstown is one of the Sisters of Mary Schools and is founded by Venerable Aloysius Philip

Schwartz, an American missionary priest. Currently, the nuns from the Sisters of Mary

Congregation are managing the said institution. Moreover, the Sisters of Mary have extended to

seven (7) countries all around the world, namely: South Korea; Philippines; Mexico; Brazil;

Guatemala; Honduras; and just very recently, Tanzania. Furthermore, Sisters of Mary School-

Girlstown, Inc. aims to provide a high-quality secondary education to poverty-stricken students

from different provinces in the Philippines. Aside from free high-quality education, the school is

also providing the basic needs of the students such as educational facilities, shelter, clothing, and

medical facilities. Furthermore, the research environment fits the study for the students within

this institution to focus on academics, permitting the development of some techniques to study

and acquire information and lessons better.

Figure 2. Research Environment

Population and Sampling

The researchers chose the Grade 10 students with a total population of 584 students from

13 homogeneous mixed sections. The sample size (40.07% of the population) was determined

through Slovin's formula. Stratified random sampling is then used to select 234 respondents from

each stratum. Moreover, to achieve a proportionate sampling of the respondents, ratio and

proportion were also utilized by the researchers.

Research Respondent

The Grade 10 students were chosen as the respondents of the study because of their years

of stay in the institution. The span of years leads them to develop some study techniques that

would help them in their lesson and to perform well in academics. Thus, they have the potential

data needed to pursue the study.

To achieve a proportionate sampling, the table shows the distribution of the respondents

through stratified random sampling.

Table 1

Sampling Data on the Student-Respondent Distribution





A 47 8.05 18

B 44 7.53 18

C 47 8.05 18

D 46 7.88 18

E 46 7.88 18

F 44 7.53 18

G 46 7.88 18

H 42 7.19 18

I 42 7.19 18

J 46 7.88 18

K 42 7.19 18

L 45 7.71 18

M 46 7.88 18

OVERALL TOTAL 584 100% 234

Research Instrument

This quantitative study utilizes instruments used to acquire valid and reliable data.

Students’ Perception of Mnemonic Device Creation Questionnaire was made personally by the

researchers and was used to measure the level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as

perceived by the Grade 10 students. The questionnaire is a 20-item test which will be measured

by the following descriptors: Very Effective, Moderately Effective, Effective, Less Effective and

Not Effective at All. Moreover, the Academic Performance of students who use mnemonic

device creation as a study technique was also measured through obtaining the Grade 10 students’

Grade 9 final General Weighted Average. The General Weighted Averages were then

categorized according to the following descriptors: Outstanding, Very Satisfactory, Satisfactory,

Fairly Satisfactory and Did Not Meet Expectation.

Data Gathering Procedure

1. The researchers started researching by identifying first the population of the study, which

is the Grade 10 students. Slovin’s formula was used to know the number of the

respondents needed in the study and the researchers utilized simple random sampling to

identify the respondents. Letters were then sent to the school office to ask permission in

conducting the study to the chosen respondents.

2. To have a valid research instrument, the researchers adopted a research instrument and

have it validated through the help of the research adviser. This led the researchers to

come up with a reliable response from the respondents.

3. The researchers then utilized the survey questionnaires to collect the needed data. After

the collection of data, the respondents finally summarized, evaluated, analyzed, and

interpreted the results of the study.

Statistical Treatment and Data Analysis

In interpreting and analyzing the data, the following statistical tools and procedures are


Weighted Mean. A calculation that takes into account the varying degrees of importance of the

numbers in a data set. In calculating a wave, each number in the data set is multiplied by a

predetermined weight before the final calculation is made (Ganti, 2020).

Likert Scale. A five (or seven) point scale which is used to allow the individual to express how

much they agree or disagree with a particular statement (McLeod, 2019).

Table 2

Five-point Likert Scale on the Level of Efficacy of Mnemonic Device Creation as a

Study Technique

Strongly Agree

(4)- Agree

(3)- Neither Agree nor Disagree

(2)- Disagree

(1)- Strongly Disagree

Numerical Ratings Descriptive Rating Verbal Interpretation

4.21-5.00 Very Effective Mnemonic device creation as a

study technique has a high level of

efficacy based on the respondents’


3.41-4.20 Moderately Effective Mnemonic device creation as a

study technique has a moderate

level of efficacy based on the

respondents’ perception.

2.61-3.40 Neither Effective nor Mnemonic device creation as a

Not Effective study technique is neither effective

nor effective based on the

respondents’ perception.

1.81-2.60 Less Effective Mnemonic device creation as a

study technique has a low level of

efficacy based on the respondents’


1.00-1.80 Not Effective at All Mnemonic device creation as a

study technique is not effective

based on the respondents’


Table 2

Five-point Likert Scale on the Academic Performance of the Students Who are Using

Mnemonic Devices a Study Technique

General Weighted Descriptive Rating Verbal Interpretation


95-100 Outstanding The student has outstanding

academic performance when

mnemonic device creation as a

study technique is used.

90-94 Very Satisfactory Mnemonic device creation as a

study technique has a moderate

level of efficacy based on the

respondents’ perception.

85-89 Satisfactory Mnemonic device creation as a

study technique is effective based

on the respondents’ perception.

80-84 Fairly Satisfactory Mnemonic device creation as a

study technique has a low level of

efficacy based on the respondents’


79 and below Did Not Meet Mnemonic device creation as a

Expectation study technique is not effective

based on the respondents’


PPMC. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient was developed by Karl Pearson in

1948 and is the first correlational measure that was developed. Moreover, PPMC measures the

strength, direction, and probability of the linear association between two interval or ratio

variables (Chee, 2015).

T-test. It is a ratio that quantifies how significant the difference is, between 'means' of two

groups while taking their variance or distribution into account (Wadhwa & Marappa-Ganeshan,




This chapter presents the answers to the problem revealed in the first chapter of the study.

Sample Weighted Mean

Research Problem: What is the level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as a

study technique as perceived by Grade 10 students?

Table 1

Level of Efficacy of Mnemonic Device Creation as a Study Technique

Statement Mean SD Descriptive


1. I use mnemonics on recalling

3.88461538 0.9400132758 Moderately
information (Acrostics, Acronyms, Song
5 Effective
2. I can create my own personal
3.90598290 0.9309453959 Moderately
mnemonics devices.
6 Effective
3. I related numbers to my lessons to
3.86752136 0.866380073 Moderately
remember them easily. (Favorites, Code
8 Effective
Numbers, Memorable)
4. I can use consonant and vowel letters 3.80341880 0.7887548316 Moderately

to easily recall information. 3 Effective

5. I can memorize lengthy information 3.82478632 0.8018654199 Moderately

through the use and creation of 5 Effective

mnemonic devices.

6. I use song lyrics and/or song tunes as 3.69230769 0.8084600905 Moderately

mnemonic devices. 2 Effective

7. I break down large information into 4.08547008 0.8032823058 Moderately

small and easy-to-remember 5 Effective

8. I tried linking certain words to people 3.80769230 0.8987986635 Moderately

and objects that have sentimental values. 8 Effective

9. I create a concept map for a certain 3.53418803 0.789974691 Moderately

part of my lesson so that I won't forget 4 Effective

10. I used to link certain words in my 3.87606837 0.8259661139 Moderately

lessons to objects/things so that I won’t 6 Effective

forget my lessons.
11. I am creating mnemonic devices as 3.80341880 0.8339328756 Moderately

a technique in studying my lessons. 3 Effective

12. I can categorize the importance of 3.73076923 0.8160134767 Moderately

mnemonic device creation. 1 Effective

13. I link certain words in my lessons 3.61965812 0.8329645932 Moderately

with colors so that I won’t forget it Effective

14. I connect certain important words in 3.67094017 0.8385278839 Moderately

the lesson with song lyrics to enhance 1 Effective

my learning.
15. I use mnemonics as an aid for my 3.83760683 0.7870904585 Moderately

exams. 8 Effective
16. I observed that my grades got higher 3.80769230 0.7857260764 Moderately

when I created mnemonic devices. 8 Effective

17. I observed that I remember lessons 3.97435897 0.7857260764 Moderately

easily when I create mnemonics. 4 Effective

18. I observed improvement in my 3.85897435 0.8600482915 Moderately

scores after utilizing mnemonic devices. 9 Effective

19. I found out that mnemonic device 3.97008547 0.8661259964 Moderately

creation can also be applied in studying Effective

for my exams.

20. I unknowingly use Mnemonic 3.39055794 0.8661259964 Moderately

Device as my study technique. Effective

Table 1 presents the level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as a study technique.

With the general weighted mean of 3.797305675, this implies that the level of efficacy of

mnemonic device creation as a study technique as perceived by the respondents is moderately

effective. Moreover, all of the indicators have a qualitative description of moderately effective.

Sample Performance Rating Scale

Research Problem: What is the academic performance of the respondents?

Level of Academic Performance of the Respondents

The table shows the academic performance of the respondents, the Grade 10 students of

the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc.

Table 2

Level of Academic Performance of the Respondents

Descriptive Rating f %

Outstanding 38 16.24

Very Satisfactory 121 51.71

Satisfactory 75 32.05

Fairly Satisfactory 0 0

Did Not Meet Expectation 0 0

Total 234 100

Table 2 shows the level of academic performance of the 234 randomly selected

respondents. Based on the findings, 16.24% of the respondents had an outstanding academic

performance, 32.05% had a satisfactory performance which consisted of 75 respondents while

the majority of the students with an average grade of 85-89% had a very satisfactory rating,

consisting of 121 respondents from the research sample. On the other hand, none of them got a

fairly satisfactory performance and no one failed from the class.

These findings suggest that the majority of the students use mnemonic devices as a study

technique. It also implies that the level of mnemonic device creation as a study technique as

perceived by the grade 10 students is moderately effective, which can be seen in their grades and

is evident in the results.

Furthermore, the result was supported by Laing (2011) which states that students who use

mnemonic device creation as a study technique are the ones who most excel in their classes.

Sample PPMC and t-Test

Research Problem: Is there a significant relationship between the level of efficacy of

mnemonic device creation as a study technique and the academic performance of the


Table 4

The Relationship Between the Level of Efficacy of Mnemonic Device Creation and Academic


This table presents the significant degree of correlation between the level of efficacy of

mnemonic device creation and the academic performance of the respondents using the PPMC

and t-test.

Variables Correlation Coefficient T-value P-value Interpretation


Level of Efficacy of 0.1417714595 2.18143 0.0301560027 Significant

Mnemonic Device 2278




*d.f.=234 tested at 0.05 level of significance

Table 3 reveals the significant degree of relationship between the level of efficacy of

mnemonic device creation as a study technique as perceived by the respondents and the

academic performance of the respondents. Furthermore, the result shows that there is a very

weak positive relationship between these variables with the PPMC value of ( r = 0.1417714595).

Moreover, the computed t-value of 2.181432278 which is greater than the critical value 1.96

revealed that there is a significant relationship between the level of efficacy of mnemonic device

creation as perceived by the respondents and the academic performance of the respondents.

Thus, the findings presented that the two variables are significantly related. To support, studies

conducted by Wolgemuth & Cobb (2008) states that, studies cite several research studies that

provide evidence of the effectiveness of mnemonic instruction.



This chapter presents a summary of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations

offered based on the findings of the study.


The study was conducted to be cognizant about the correlation between the level of

efficacy of mnemonic devices as a study technique as perceived by the respondents and the

respondents’ corresponding academic performance. The study was conducted among the Grade

10 students at the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown, Inc. S.Y. 2019-2020. During the data

gathering, 234 respondents were randomly selected through stratified random sampling from the

total parameter of 584 students. A researcher-made instrument enabled the researchers to gather

data to identify the level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as a study technique as

perceived by grade 10 students, respectively. Likert Scale, PPMC, and T-test were utilized on the

descriptive and inferential analysis of the study.


On the course of the analysis, the researchers found out that the Grade 10 students in the

Sisters of Mary School – Girlstown, Inc. concerning their academic performance, perceived

mnemonic device creation as moderately effective (x = 3.797305675; SD =0.8387217191)

Besides, the researchers also found out that the p-value (0.0301560027) is less than the

marginal errors, and the r is 0.141771459. Therefore, there is an existence of a significant

relationship between the level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as perceived by the

students and the academic performance of the students.


The study demonstrated a commensurate relationship between the variables investigated,

where it shows an increase of academic performance as the level of efficacy of mnemonic

devices increases as perceived by the respondents. This has been justified further by the Dual

Coding Theory of Clark and Paivio (Educational Psychology Review, 1991) and Walberg’s

Theory of Educational Productivity (Walberg, Welch & Fraser, 2015). Generally, the mnemonic

device creation as perceived by the students based on their academic performance is moderately



In light of the results, the researchers would like to recommend the following:

School Administration- they should impose different activities that would enhance the

learning habits of the students such as: conducting seminars about the different mnemonic

devices that could help improve their study habits and improve their academic performance.

Teachers- to enhance the students’ study habits, the teachers should give activities that

involve mnemonic devices like the verbal elaborative strategy that successfully links known

information to unknown information, usually through an acoustic proxy. (Scruggs 2005)

Students-students are highly encouraged to bear in mind and bring into application all the

knowledge they acquire from the activities given by the school administrators and teachers. They

must participate and cooperate as well on the various tasks given to them by their teachers to

help them improve their academic performance.

Future Researchers-they is advised to further investigate various variables such as

instructional materials, teaching attitude and teaching style, classroom setting, and informational

guides provided by the school administrators that would affect the dependent variable of the

study, academic performance and give possible recommendations on how to manage or enhance

such factors.

Appendix B - Letter to the School Principal


J.P.Rizal St. Talisay City, Cebu

May 2020


School Principal

Dear Sr.Laresa:

“Let us serve the Lord with joy.”

We the G11B group 06 researchers would like to ask permission from your good office to

conduct this research study in the school with the research design of quantitative research. It is

participated by randomly selected Grade 10 students as we sought to study the relationship of

level of efficacy of mnemonic device creation as a study technique and their academic

performance. With this, we, the researchers can gather enough information related to our study

with your approval.

We are hoping for your positive response. Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,


Group Leader

Appendix C -Letter to the Mother Sister


J.P. Rizal St. Talisay City, Cebu

May 2020

Dear Sister,

Good day!

We the researchers of Grade 11B (Group 06) whose agenda is all about the relationship of level

of efficacy of mnemonic devices as study technique and academic performance would like to ask

your authorization to consent us to excuse the parcel of our respondents who are under your care

and custody. With this, we will be able to gather necessary data through the means of a survey

with your approval.

We are hoping for your positive response. Thank you and God bless you.

Respectfully yours,

Group 06 of Grade 11 B

Appendix D-Letter to the Respondents


J.P. Rizal St. Talisay City, Cebu

May 2020

Dear Students,

Good day!

We the researchers, Group 06 11 B, with the agenda of knowing the relationship of level of

efficacy of mnemonic devices as study technique and academic performance would like to ask

your permission of you partaking in our study as you will be part of our research respondents.

Your confidentiality is ensured, and no personal information will be disclosed to individuals

outside. Your information will only be published in an anonymous form so that you cannot be


Your participation is highly encouraged for the success of our research and as well as for

your advantage for recommendations which will then be addressed to you unto how to develop

new study habits to improve your academic performance. Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Group 06 of Grade 11B

Appendix F - Research Instrument




Mnemonic Device refers to the techniques used by the students to help them improve

their ability to remember important information about their lesson. It also refers to the techniques

used for improving the memory of an individual(staff, 2018).

Directions: Read each item carefully and choose your agreement on each statement based on


following choices:

(5)- Strongly Agree

(4)- Agree

(3)- Neither Agree nor Disagree

(2)- Disagree

(1)- Strongly Disagree

1. I use mnemonics on recalling information. (Acrostics, Acronyms, Song mnemonics)

2. I can create my own personal mnemonics devices.

3. I related numbers to my lessons to remember them easily. (Favorites, Code Numbers,


4. I can use consonant and vowel letters to easily recall information.

5. I can memorize lengthy information through the use and creation of mnemonic devices.

6. I use song lyrics and/or song tunes as mnemonic devices.

7. I break down large information into small and easy-to-remember information.

8. I tried linking certain words to people and objects that have sentimental values.

9. I create a concept map for a certain part of my lesson so that I won't forget it.

10. I used to link certain words in my lessons to objects/things so that I won’t forget my


11. I am creating mnemonic devices as a technique in studying my lessons

12. I can categorize the importance of mnemonic device creation.

13. I link certain words in my lessons with colors so that I won’t forget it easily.

14. I connect certain important words in the lesson with song lyrics to enhance my learning.

15. I use mnemonics as an aid for my exams.

16. I observed that my grades got higher when I create mnemonic devices

17. I observed that I remember lessons easily when I create mnemonics.

18. I observed improvement in my scores after utilizing mnemonic devices.

19. I found out that mnemonic device creation can also be applied in studying for my exams

20. I unknowingly use Mnemonic Device as my study technique.


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