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Q3 long question.

Social institutions fulfill various social needs of the people they create social structure on which
the society stands. They are interrelated in such a way that one depends upon others. This
condition of interdependence makes a network among them. This relationship is based on social
and cultural norms of the society. It means the institution is the bonds of relationship among
individuals and groups. But these relationships are based on social norms. It is deducing that by
the normative relations among people the institutions are created and normative relations among
institutions among institutions shape society. Hence norms are the basic elements in the structure
of social institutions.
Among the aims of institutions, one is to create social control. This function is performed in the
following ways.

1. By socialization: The institutions have their respective social norms. The people who
share an institution learn its norms and then become able to function as its members. The
institution in this way trains its members according to its norms. This is the socializing function
of an institution. This socialization shapes the behavior of the people in patterns. These patterns
of behavior are according to the norms of the social institutions. These patterns of behavior are
social and cultural in nature. It means the people following these patterns are the followers of
social norms. Therefore, the people remain in control and order of the society. Hence the social
institutions create social control by their socializing function.

2. By need satisfaction: the institutions fulfill social needs of the people. The people
live in institutions, the whole life.

3. By social sanctions: the institutions award certificate, uniforms promotion, and prize
and praises those who follow their norms.

4. By integration: the social institution is interdependent upon one another in such a way
that they create a network of social relationship among themselves. This binding force creates
unity, cooperation, assimilation and social solidarity among them. And this is the real force of
social control created by the relationship of institutions
Some of the Major Examples of social institutions functions in the above mentioned manner and
are as follows:
(The family is generally regarded as a major social institution and a locus of much of a person's
social activity. It is a social unit created by blood, marriage, or adoption, and can be described as
nuclear (parents and children) or extended (encompassing other relatives))
(Education is a social institution through which a society's children are taught basic academic
knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms. Every nation in the world is equipped with some
form of education system, though those systems vary greatly.)
Economic institutions
Government as social institution.

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