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Bachelor Thesis

Creative accounting: A discussion on the tricks used by accountants to manipulate their

financial statements.

Name: Nadim Sakkal

Student Number: 314037

E-mail address:

Study: Accounting

Table of contents

Introduction of the thesis Pages 4-5

Chapter 1
What is accounting? Pages 6-7-8
What is creative accounting? Pages 9-10-11
Creative accounting vs Fraud Pages 12-13
Conclusion of chapter 1 Page 14
Chapter 2
The accounting regulatory body Pages 15-16-17
Accounting concepts and conventions Pages 18-19-20
Conclusion of chapter 2 Page 20
Chapter 3
Reasons behind the manipulative behavior Pages 21-22-23
Ethical issues behind accounting Page 24
Conclusion of chapter 3 Page 25
Chapter 4
Financial statements Pages 26-27
How are the financial statements Pages 28-29-30
Enron Fraud Case Pages 31-32
Conclusion chapter 4 page 33

Chapter 5

Solutions Pages 34-35

Conclusion of the thesis Page 36

References Page 37-38


Account manipulation occurs when managers of organizations show different

accounting results than the real results, in order to attract potential investors. There are
various reasons for this type of behavior to occur, and many ways to achieve the
manipulation. Account manipulation can have a big impact on reported earnings, so it is an
important issue. This paper will examine the different possible ways accountants use, in
order to falsify their book records, and will provide solutions which, can help prevent this
type of behavior to occur in the future.

Introduction of the thesis

Accounts manipulation, also known as creative accounting or earnings management

have been used for a long time. Managers across different countries have been taking
advantage of the accounting system to trick investors. Although accounting standards are in
place, accountants find ways to manipulate their financial information. The manipulation can
be done in several ways.

This paper’s aim is to tackle the issue of account manipulation. This will be achieved
by understanding the theory behind it, which will eventually lead to solutions that will
prohibit managers to report financial information, which does not reflect the real
performance of the organization.

This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter will define some terms.
Accounting and creative accounting will be defined. Then the term fraud will be defined so
as to make the difference between account manipulation and fraud. The second chapter,
will discuss other concepts and conventions in accounting. Understanding these concepts
will give a better knowledge on how accounting is treated. This chapter will also explain the
accounting regulatory body as it is responsible for the well being of the accounting
profession. The third chapter, will elaborate the different reasons behind the manipulative
behavior. Understanding the reasons can help provide solutions to the problem. The chapter
will also discuss briefly some ethical issues in accounting as it is a crucial element when
preparing financial statements. The fourth chapter will discuss the possible ways, firms use
in order to manipulate their books. The chapter will begin with a brief explanation of
financial statements as the information provided to potential investors lies within these
statements. Also, to understand how the theory works in practice, and how manipulation
can turn into fraud, the Enron case will be studied. Enron is the example chosen because it is
considered as the biggest fraud in history.

Finally, the last chapter will provide solutions which can improve the accounting
system and eliminate the risks taken by investors, when dealing with fraudulent
organizations. This paper should answer my research questions, which are why do firms

engage in a manipulative behavior? How can manipulation be achieved? And how can the
current accounting system be improved?

Introduction of chapter 1

The first chapter will define the concepts of accounting and creative accounting. It
will also define the term fraud, so as to make the difference between fraud and creative

What is accounting?

Accounting originally started as a stewardship function, as a result of a separation of

ownership and control of resources. The shareholders owned the business but the managers
controlled it. Shareholders were not able to verify all the business transactions and the
performance of managers, they required the mangers to make regular reports on their
activities by using accounting. This is what we call financial reporting. According to the
agent/principal theory, due to asymmetric information, principal cannot know whether the
agent is acting for the benefit of the firm or whether for his own benefit. Thus principals
demand financial reporting, so as to track the agent’s performance.

Business is now more complicated, due to globalization and the complication of

financial markets. Investors are now able to buy stocks in various entities around the world.
A need for financial reporting has increased largely over the years, in order to verify the
business performance. However, hiding and manipulating information also grew, so
investors are demanding a more regulated system.

Accounting is defined as the systematic recording, reporting and analysis of financial

transactions of a business. Accounting allows a company to analyze the financial
performance of the business, and look at statistics such as net profit.

Accounting systems are designed to provide information concerning the financial

performance of the organization to users. There are two types of users, external and internal
users. Internal users are within the entity, for example managers. They are provided with
financial information so they can make decisions. External users are outside the
organization. They consist of investors (or potential investors), government, creditors, tax

authorities. External users need the financial information so they can make decisions
whether to invest or not in a firm or also how much tax should be paid in case of tax

Information in financial accounting is made for decision makers who are outside the
organization. We refer to them as external users. Without these financial information, they
cannot know how the business is doing and if it is going concern or not. The information that
lies in financial accounting is used for benchmarking. It helps comparing financial
information between various entities across different countries. An important characteristic
of financial accounting information is that it can be comparable between companies.
Financial accounting systems are characterized by a number of rules on how transactions
should be reported.

Cost accounting on the other hand is designed for managers within the organization.
Managers use this information for decision making within the organization, so there is no
need for comparison between different companies. However, an important criteria is that
the information should be relevant to decisions that managers make. The information
provided to managers should help them make better decision, which will consequently
improve the organization's performance.

The main reason of financial accounting is to provide investors (shareholders) or

creditors (banks) with information concerning the organization and its performance.
Financial information is prepared by using the rules provided by the GAAP in the US or the
IFRS in Europe and other countries. The calculation of the cost of goods sold, inventory
valuation and other financial information used for external users should be done according
to the rules of the GAAP or the IFRS.

There exist various methods accountants use when preparing their financial statements,
according to the book, cost management (Hilton):

(1) accruals method: is defined as an accounting system that recognizes revenuers when
they are earned regardless of when the transaction takes place.

(2) absorption costing: a method that allows both direct and indirect costs to be inventoried.
(3) cash method: a method that reports revenues, costs and expenses in the accounting
period in which cash is received, regardless of when the revenues are earned or expenses
are incurred.
(4) direct costing: a method in which only direct costs are inventoried
(5) job-cost accounting: a method that requires to calculate costs on a line-item basis.

The accounting method a firm chooses to adopt, can have a major impact on
revenues of the business and also on the expenses, thus by choosing a method firms can
report a different result that another method. Therefore, depending on the firm's strategy,
the firm can choose one method over another, in order to fulfill its goals.

What is creative accounting?

There exist no single definition for the term creative accounting. Some authors argue
that, creative accounting is 'an assembly of techniques, options and freedom room left by
accounting regulation, without moving away from laws or accounting requirements, allowing
to the managers to change the financial result or the financial statements' (Gillet, quoted by
Shabou and Boulika Taktak, 2002). Another definition of the term creative accounting is as
follows, 'an assembly of procedures in order to change the profit, by increasing or
decreasing, or to misrepresent the financial statements, or both of them' (Stolowy 200). A
final definition of the term is, ' the transformation of financial accounting figures from what
they actually are to what prepares desire by taking advantage of the existing rules and/or
ignoring some or all of them' (Kamel Nasser 1993). The general idea behind this concept is
that financial information is manipulated to represent a financial position and performance,
that does not reflect its true position and performance.

Managers will not be able to manipulate their accounting figures if accounting rules
will not allow them to do so. In the US, the financial information is prepared using the
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which is made by the Financial Accounting
Standard Board (FASB). However, these rules are not sufficient as they still allow flexibility in
accounting. There exist no standard formula for converting numbers into cash flows.

The objectives of account manipulation are to alter the two bases of wealth transfer:
the earnings per share and the debt/equity ratio (Breton and Taffler 1995).

Earnings per share can be modified in two ways: first, by modifying the revenues or
expenses, either by adding or removing them (modification of net income). The second way
is by reporting a item before or after the profit used to get the earnings per share
(classificatory manipulations).

On the other hand, debt to equity can be modified by falsely increasing the profits or
by hiding certain debts through off-balance sheet financing devices.

The different methods of creative accounting are considered to be in four categories:

(1) Accounting rules allow companies to choose among the different accounting methods. A
company is free to choose the method which will give the better image.

(2) In the accounting profession there exist a high degree of estimation, judgment and
prediction. For example, in order to calculate a depreciation of an asset, companies will
choose the method which will benefit them the most.

(3) Using artificial transactions can manipulate the amounts reported in the balance sheet
and also move profits between accounting periods. This method can be achieved by adding
two or more transactions and with a third party being involved.

(4) Transactions can be timed according to the firm so as to show the impression is desires in
the accounts.

Later is this paper, the different methods used by firms to manipulate accounts will be
discussed in detail.

According to this figure, there are two types of manipulation, one that managers use
in order to manipulate for the firm. This type of manipulation occurs to trick external users.
The second type of manipulation is when managers manipulate against the firm. This type of
manipulation occurs within the entity so that the manager tricks the shareholders in order to
get a higher compensation.

Creative accounting vs Fraud

Manipulation that does not lie within the law and standards is considered to be a
fraud, according to Diana and Madalina. Engaging in the practices of creative accounting or
manipulation accounting is within the law and thus is not considered to be a fraud. Fraud
occurs when a firm commits an illegal act, for example if the firm decides to falsify invoices
so it can increase its sales figures. On the other hand making a false estimation on bad debts
is not considered to be a fraud.

According to Belkaoui (1989), real fraud is defined as ‘falsifying or altering

documents, deleting transactions from records, recording forged transactions or concealing
significant information’. Due to the difficulty of the distinction between the two, the
commission responsible for fraudulent financial reporting defined fraud as ‘materially
misleading financial statements’ ( NCFRR 1987).

To conclude, creative accounting deals with the misrepresentation of accounting

figures, by following the standards set by the accounting conventions, while fraud is
falsification of accounting figures made, by disobeying the law.

Figure 2: Distinction between fraud and earnings management

According to this figure, it is clear that fraud occurs when it violates GAAP. Other forms of
manipulation are within the accounting standards and thus are legitimate.

Conclusion of the first chapter

As we have seen previously, accounting is needed in order to report the transactions

made by a firm. Accounting is required in order to eliminate the asymmetric information.
Creative accounting, is the use of techniques, to falsify the book records. Creative
accounting is practiced in order for a firm to look better in the market, which will lead to
investors willing to invest in that firm.
However, creative accounting is not recognized as being fraud, as long as the firm
operates within the standards of the GAAP in the US, or the IFRS internationally. Thus firms
will continue to falsify their books as they do not get punished. This paper’s aim is to find
solutions, so it can improve the accounting system, which will prevent this type of behavior.
A more regulated accounting system, will guarantee the safety of the primary investors.

Introduction of chapter 2

The second chapter, will explain who is in charge for the well-functioning of the
accounting profession. The chapter will begin, by explaining the accounting bodies that have
the power to regulate the system. This chapter will also explain the conventions and
concepts used by accountants, when preparing their financial statements.

The accounting regulatory body

Accounting regulations play an important role in the society, as they are responsible
for the balance of economic power between different parties. The main goal of the
regulatory body is to make sure, that the accounting profession does not lose its credibility.
The regulatory body, has the power to modify the laws in accounting, by regulating the
accounting system. The accounting regulations comes in the form of accounting standards.
The regulatory body is responsible for the fact that accounting information that flows in the
market is relevant, which means the information provided, should help users make better
decisions. The information provided in any organization, is usually aimed for the primary
users, which consist of high-risking investors. So regulations should help those investors,
who are the providers of risk capital to business. It should guarantee that, the information
that they receive, will actually benefit them, by making better decisions and not only for the
benefit of the firm, so it can have a larger capital.

In most countries, accounting is regulated by two means. Either by local laws, or by a

system of accounting regulations, in the form of standards. However, recently, countries
started to follow the standards made by the International Accounting Standards Committee
(IASC). The IASC was formed in 1973 via an agreement between several leading national
professional accounting bodies. In 1995, the International Organization of Securities
Commissions (IOSC) decided that the IASC would be responsible for developing a set of core
standards. In 2001, the standard setting body was renamed as the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB), which is in charge of issuing International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS). After its establishment, many countries started to adopt the international

standards, made by the IFRS, for example in Europe, starting in 2005, companies in the
member states are obliged to follow the rules set by the IFRS. Other countries like Australia
and New Zealand also started to follow the IFRS. The idea is to get as many countries
possible to follow the rules of the IFRS, so that the local laws disappear, and an international
law is followed by all the countries. This will decrease the risk of manipulation and also help
benchmark firms across countries. However, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, a
national standard setter in the USA, is likely to exist in the future. A convergence of the two
systems is being discussed.

The infrastructure of the financial reporting. Schipper (2000) identified four elements
as forming part of the infrastructure of financial reporting.

1) The effectiveness of mechanisms for identifying and resolving interpretative questions.

2) The structure, processes, independence, expertise, incentives and resource base of the
standards setting organization.
3) Auditing and auditors
4) Enforcement of accounting standards and the supporting regulations.

In many countries, national systems have one of the four elements weak. Fearnley
and Macve (2001) identify some of the weaknesses that exist in some national systems:
weak support mechanisms for auditors, lack of effective sanctions against directors and
differences between the legal framework and practice. The IFRS's goal is to find a system,
where the weaknesses are minimized, so as to protect investors form fraudulent
organizations, that may produce misleading information, which due to asymmetric
information, investors cannot know if the information given is fraudulent or not.

Regulation of accounting can have many social and economic effects. As such the
accounting standard-setting process is considered to be a very political process, with various
interested parties lobbying the standard setters. According to the capture theory, although
accounting regulation is introduced to protect the public, the regulatory mechanism are

often controlled so as to protect the interests of self-interested groups within the society,
typically does activities are most affected by the regulation. Thus, if accounting should be
regulated, it should be according to the public interest theory, which proposes that
regulation should be introduced to protect the public. According to Scott (2003), following
the public theory, the regulatory does is best to regulate so as to maximize social welfare.
This kind of regulation will benefit the public and the investors included.

Accounting conventions and concepts

When preparing financial statements, whether it is for external or internal users, a

clear objective has to be that the accounts fairly represent the true value of the business.
The theory of accounting have developed the concept of true and fair view, with an aim to
ensure and assess whether the accounts do reflect the business activities.
In order to support this concept, accounting has adopted some concepts that help assuring
that accounting information is accrual and consistent.

The most common convention is the historical cost convention, which states that
transactions should be recorded at the price when the asset is originally bought. Historical
cost accounting does not take into consideration inflation, so in case of inflation, assets will
be overvalued.

The other conventions can be summarized as follows:

Monetary measurement: under this concept, accountants do not report items in their
statements unless they can be quantified in monetary terms. Examples of theses kind of
items include workforce skill, morale, brand recognition, management quality.

Separate entity: this convention states that the business and the owner are separated. It is
mandatory to record the business transactions separately, to distinguish them form the
owner's transactions.

Realization: under this convention, a transaction is recognized at the point of sale or transfer
of legal ownership. For example when a company sales a product to another company, the
transaction is recognized at the point of contract and not necessarily when the seller
receives the cash. The seller can grant a credit to the customer, which the latter will pay it
back in several weeks later.

Materiality: under the IASB framework, an item is considered to be material if, its omission
or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the
financial statements.

Accounting concepts

There exist four accounting concepts used when preparing any sets of accounts:

Going Concern: Under this concept, the business is not going out of business in the near
further. This has important implications when valuing assets and liabilities.

Consistency: Transactions and valuation methods are kept the same form year to year. This
will help make easier comparisons of financial performance form year to year. If accounting
methods or policies are changed, companies are required to report this change and explain
the impact of this change.

Prudence: Profits are not recognized in the books until the sale has been completed.

Matching: Under this concept, income should be matched with the expense of the given
accounting period.

Some key characteristics of accounting information:

Understandability: Accounting information should be presented in a way that is

understandable to users, assuming that the users have a reasonable knowledge of

Relevance: Accounting information is considered to be relevant if it is useful as its aim is to

assist a user to form or confirm a view. It should be relevant so it can helpful for users to
make better decisions.

Consistency: Accounting information should have a consistent treatment of similar items

and application of accounting policies.

Comparability: under the IASB framework, financial statements should be comparable to

financial statements of different entities, methods of measurement must be consistent but
should be changed if no longer relevant to an entity's circumstances.

Reliability: under the IASB, an item is considered to be reliable if it is free form bias and
error and can be dependent upon by users to represent faithfully the underlying items it
claims to represent.

Objectivity: an item should be reported in a neutral way, the item should be free from bias.

Conclusion of chapter 2

This chapter showed the bodies that are responsible for the accounting
profession. They are the ones who should regulate the accounting system, so as to protect
investors. The ideal is that the FASB and the IASB to merge into one global body so that, they
can provide a global framework that guides firms all around the world to follow
appropriately the rules given by the global body. In that way, all the firms have the same
rules and everybody will be familiar with the rules. This will help decrease the chance of

This chapter also explained what already exists in accounting. Financial statements
are prepared according to those accounting concepts. The main goal of the accounting
standards, is to assure that the information provided by the preparers has the key
characteristics discussed previously. However, due to the fact that the standards are
incomplete, it enables preparers to misrepresent information, which will consequently put
in doubt the key characteristics. Thus, in order to guarantee that the financial information
has the key characteristics discussed above, regulators should modify the concepts so as to
make it clear, on how to report the items in the financial statements.

Introduction of chapter 3

The third chapter’s aim is to understand why firms engage in a manipulative

behavior. The different reasons that motivates firm to falsify their books will be explained.
Also in this chapter, ethics in accounting will be discussed as it is a crucial element when
preparing financial statements. This chapter should answer one of the research question,
why do firms engage in a manipulative behavior?

Reasons behind the manipulative behavior

Manipulating financial information is not only a costly task but also a risky one.
Karpoff, Lee and Martin (2008a) show that on average companies lose 38% of their market
value when financial misrepresentations are publicly disclosed. Thus firms need to be very
careful when engaging in manipulative behavior. Mangers will manipulate as long as the gain
attributed with this manipulation is higher than the costs. The gains are in many forms such
as bringing in new investors into the firm.

Creative accounting is practiced in order to align the interests among different

groups. Different groups in the society seek to maximize their own utility. Managers aim is to
pay the less taxes possible and to report high profits so he can get a higher bonus (specially
when the firm has a bonus-scheme plan), shareholders expect high dividends, the
employees to get a better salary and a higher profit share and finally the government to
collect higher taxes. Creative accounting will benefit one party at the expense of the other.

The main reason of the practice of creative accounting is to change the reported
earnings. Either by increasing or decreasing it, depending on the company's situation.

Some academics argue that managers use earnings management, in order to

influence the firm short-term stock price. A main reason why managers are involved in
account manipulation is to persuade investments in a firm in the form of selling stocks. In
their studies, Teoh, Wong & Rao concluded that firms which are looking for new investors
are more likely to have income-increasing depreciation policies and bad debt allowances,

thus to report a higher amount of income, consequently to show that the firm is profitable
which will then attract investors to invest in the firm by buying stocks.

Furthermore, Degeorge, Patel & Zeckhauser found that it is crucial for firms not to
make losses and to achieve consistent earning growth. Achieving a consisting earning growth
is achieved by smoothing the reported earnings. Income smoothing occurs because
companies would rather report a steady growth in profits overtime than losses in bad
periods. It can be done by making unnecessarily high provisions of liabilities and against
asset values in good years so that the provisions be reduced and consequently in bad
periods, the reported profits will be improved. The main reason for this kind of practice is
due to the fact that, investors prefer to pay a premium for stocks with steady and
predictable earnings streams, compared to earnings that are subject to fluctuations.
Furthermore, income smoothing is within the US GAAP so is not considered to be a fraud.

Another bias that sometimes happens is the so-called the big bath accounting. It
occurs when companies make loss in a period, seeks to maximize the reported loss in that
period so that future period will look better.

On the other hand, other studies show the opposite, arguing that there is motive to
underestimate earnings prior to management buyout. In their study, Perry and Williams
support this hypothesis, which shows that there is income decreasing, the unexpected
accruals are negative prior to a management buyout. This hypothesis states that there is
incentive for managers to report earnings that are decreasing so that the buyout is the
cheapest as possible, which will allow managers to offer the stock at a price which lies above
the market price but still below what the firm is actually worth.

The main reasons of creative accounting fall in one of these areas:

(1) to obtain additional financing from banks

(2) to report unrealistic profits
(3) to inflate share prices
(4) to hide losses

(5) to attract customers by showing a more successful image
(6) to achieve a performance-related bonus
(7) to cover up theft

This manipulative behavior occurs through different situations, depending on what

the company is looking for at the time, but the main reason is to falsify the records so it can
be attractive to the public, which will consequently encourage investors to buy stocks and
increase the firm's value.

Ethical issues behind accounting manipulation

When engaging in accounting, ethics are also involved. Ethics in accounting refers to
the morals and judgments that a professional needs to follow when engaging in accounting.
Financial users not only rely on his skill and ability but also on the individual's judgment.
Accounting professionals created an accounting code that all the accounting professionals
need to follow. The conduct or ethics oblige accounting professionals to have a high degree
of self-discipline. Accountants are responsible for sticking to the code of ethics, so as the
profession of accounting does not lose its confidence and credibility. The role of ethics in
accounting is to guarantee that accountants will follow certain rules so they can conduct
their profession in a fair way. It straightens the confidence of the public towards private

There exist a set of guidelines made by the AICPA that can be used in the field of
public accounts. The IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors) and the IMA (Institute of
Management Accounts) created their own code of ethics which can also be used in the field
of accounting. Since it is difficult to verify whether accountants are following the code of
ethics it is the responsibility of all professional accounting organizations, to make sure that
all their members follow the standard set of ethical guidelines.

Organizations cannot teach ethics to the accounting profession. Rather, it is the

family, society, schools and colleges and professional organizations that are responsible in
making sure ethics are embedded in a person. So the codes of ethics prepared by different
institutions cannot teach a person to be ethical, rather it can help a person build a sense of
ethics in a professional.

Nowadays ethics is needed in the profession of accounting, specially when the world
is witnessing a turbulent economic time.

Conclusion of chapter 3

This chapter began by showing the different reasons behind the manipulative
behavior. There are many reasons, but the main goal is to attract more investors.

Furthermore, as long as firms are manipulating their books, ethics are not taken into
consideration. If all firms were acting in an ethical way, we would not have this problem.
However, since people are driven by self-interest, they are willing to maximize their own
wealth at the expense of others. So in order to prevent this manipulative behavior, firms
should obey to the codes of ethics, which will then prevent them form acting in a dishonest
way. Any firm that fails to obey to the codes of ethics should be punished by either imposing
heavy fines or by forbidding the firm to continue its business operations. Only by imposing
strict rules, firms will no longer falsify their books.

Introduction of chapter 4

The fourth chapter, will answer the question one of the research question, how firms
manipulate their accounting books? This will be done, by showing the different possible
ways to falsify the records in a legitimate way. This chapter will start by explaining the
different financial statements used in accounting. It is important to recognize the different
financial statements, as the information that is subject to manipulation, lies in those
financial statements.
Also, in order to understand the theory of manipulation, the Enron fraud case will be

Financial statements

The objective of financial statements is defined as follows in the Framework for the
Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements published by the IASC in 1989: " The
objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position,
performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range
of users in making economics decisions" (paragraph 12).

The information regarding the financial position is given in the balance sheet. The
balance sheet shows if the entity is going concern or not. Accountants will make sure that
the organization is in good position, so it can be attractive to investors. Investors are
interested in those firms that report high earnings, in order to receive a high return. Under
the double entry system, we have the assets on one side and the liabilities and shareholder's
equity on the other side. The two side should match each other. Managers' aim is to
evaluate the assets and make sure the value of the assets will increase overtime. Investors
who are seeking to invest in an organization will look at the two sides of the balance sheet.
They will see if the firm has a high leverage or not.

In order to make the balance sheet, a financial statement known as the income
statement needs to be done first. The income statement shows the performance of the
organization as its aim is to show if the firm is making a profit or a loss. Obviously, manager’s
aim is to report a high profit in order to satisfy the shareholders. Parts of this profit will go as
dividends for the shareholders and the other part will go as retained earnings in the balance
sheet. Thus, accountants have to make sure the reporting of a high amount of profit in order
to make the business look better in the market and thus to the investors. However,
reporting high profits mean that the firm will pay high taxes. Accountants will spread the
profits over the years so the firm pays the minimum amount of taxes possible.

Another important financial statement is the statement of owner's equity, also

known as the statement of retained earnings or equity statement. The aim of this financial
statement is to explain the changes in the retained earnings.

The problem is to figure out if the information provided to users regarding the
financial position and the performance is the true representation of the firm. Creative
accounting help preparers misrepresent information to benefit the organization. The task of
accounting regulatory body is to make sure that the financial information provided to the
users is not aimed to trick them, but to help them make better decisions.

How are the financial statements manipulated?

The most relevant information lies in the two financial statements discussed
previously, the balance sheet and the income statement. When deciding whether to invest
in a firm, investors usually look at the earning per share, EPS and the debt/equity ratio.

The earnings per share is defined as the proportion of a company’s profit allocated to
each outstanding share of common stock. Earning per share serves as company’s
profitability. Therefore, managers will make sure having the highest EPS possible.

On the other hand, debt to equity ratio is defined as a measure of a company’s

financial leverage calculated by dividing its total liabilities by stockholders equity. It indicates
what proportion of equity and debt the company is using to finance its assets. Accountants
will make sure to have the lowest debt to equity ratio possible.

In order to have a high EPS, managers should either increase the earnings or the
decrease the numbers of shares. Decreasing the number of shares is a hard task as usually
when a firm needs extra investments, it will deliver new shares for the new creditors. Thus
the easiest way to increase the EPS, is to increase the earnings. Earnings per share can be
modified in two ways: first, by adding or removing certain revenues or expenses, and second
by presenting an item before or after the profit used to calculate the earnings per share.

On the other hand, in order to decrease the debt to equity ratio, managers should
find ways to decrease the company's debt. Modification of the debt/equity ratio can be
done by artificially inflating the profit or by hiding certain financing through off-balance
sheet financing devices.

This section will discuss the possible ways managers can legally use to inflate the
earnings and the cash flows they report.

David Schiff (1993: 94-95) identified six areas dues by firms in order to increase their

(1)- by hiding the pension liabilities

(2)- by capitalizing the expenses instead of writing them off
(3)- by reporting a faster increase of the receivables versus sales
(4)- by reaching negative cash flows
(5)- by consolidating the affiliates income and net worth
(6)- by following seemingly conservative practice in a situation of reverse direction.

Following the six areas means engaging in creative accounting. Reporting higher
earnings will trick an potential investors as the information presented does not reflect the
true value of the company, but rather a false estimation of the firm.

There exist also other ways to report higher earnings.

The first way is done by manipulating the estimates sales. Companies can falsify their
estimates sales in order to report sales and earnings higher than they really are.
Furthermore, for unsure periods, companies can pros pond their revenues and report them
in bad periods. Reporting revenue can be difficult, as not all the auditors will argue the same
when an item should be recorded as a revenue. Thus changing the estimates sales in a
positive manner can trick investors.

The second way is accomplished by manipulating the prediction of bad debts. The
way companies report their bad debts can have a large effect on earnings. Estimating bad
debts simply means guessing how much money owned will not be paid back. The lower the
amount estimated of debts, the higher the earnings will be. Thus companies will make sure
to report the lowest amount possible of bad debts. There exist different methods on how to

estimate bad debts. The first one is the allowance method. Under this method, bad debts is
calculated as a percentage of the accounts receivable balance. Another method is the aging
method. This method is based on the assumption that the longer an account balance is
overdue, the less likely the debt will be paid, thus many companies keep an account
receivable aging schedule, in which it summarizes each customer’s credit purchases by the
length of time. The last method is the percentage of credit sales method, where the bad
debts are estimated as a percentage of credit sales. Firms that use the percentage of credit
sales method, ignore any exiting balance in the allowance for bad debts account. Whenever
the estimate fail to match actual bad debts, the percentage rate used to estimate bad debts
is adjusts on future estimates.

Another way to report higher earnings is achieved by, adjusting the inventory.
Companies are able to report a higher amount of earnings by changing the costs they
estimate for inventory that will be replaced before it can be sold. For example Vitesse
Semiconductor Corp, in 2002 reported inventory expenses of $30,5 million and $46,5 million
in 2001. In the year 2003, it took no inventory expense but it wrote-off $7,4 million against a
past established reserve for obsolete inventory. If it did not (erased) its reserve, $7,4 million
would have come out of current earnings.

Manipulation can be achieved either by hiding some items, either by making false
predictions. Since estimations is done in a subjective manner, it is hard for investors to verify
if the firm will meet the estimations it has predicted. So regulators will find it hard to
intervene on this issue. It is hard to punish firms based on their expectations as the market is
unpredictable. However, regulators can modify the accounting system, in a way that will
eliminate the chances that firms will hide items form their books. In case the regulatory
body does not react on this issue, local governments can make laws that prohibit such a
behavior. Firms that wishes to hide items from their books, just so it can look more
attractive, should be fined by the government.

Enron fraud case

To get a better understanding of the difference between the so-called manipulation

of accounting and fraud, the Enron case will be analyzed. This case will help understand how
the theory works in practice.

Enron Corporation is known as the biggest fraud scandal in history. In the 90’s,
before the scandal occurred, Enron was considered as one of the top ten companies
according to Forbes 500. Enron grew by expanding its market; it brought other energy
companies in different continents. For making a pipeline and a factory it required a large
amount of capital, so it needed to take a large amount of debt. However, prior to 2001
Enron had already lots of debts in its statements so in order to continue business, Enron had
to keep the credit raking at investment rate, which made it difficult for Enron to take more
debts. On top of that, Enron’s profits were not equivalent to the investors’ expectations,
thus Enron’s solution was to create partnerships and other special arrangements (Special
Purpose Entity, or SPE), so it can take more debts. These small subsidies were created so
that Enron has a good credit raking so that it looks profitable to investors. The SPE helped
keep Enron’ debts and losses away form its balance sheets.

Enron’s goal was to overcome the rules of consolidation so it can take more debts
without reporting it in its books, so it can look credible in the market. Non-consolidation is
not illegal as long as it meets the criteria according to GAAP. First, it must be legally isolated
from the transfer (i.e, sold to the SPE), second an independent party owner has to make a
substantive amount of capital investment which would amount to at least 3% of the SPE’
total capitalization. The independent third party owner must have control over the SPE in
order to avoid consolidation.

Here is how SPEs functioned:

By using this strategy, Enron’s recorded assets and profits were inflated or even non-
existent. Debts and losses were put in the SPEs it has created and so they were not included
in Enron’s financial statements. The strategy used was not conform to the laws so it was
considered as a fraud. As a result, on December 2, 2001 Enron was declared bankrupt. Due
to this big event, the US Congress passed a law entitled the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which
placed stricter rules on auditors and made corporate executives criminally liable for lying
about their accounts. However, although this law is in place in the US, firms still find ways to
commit fraud which makes the accounting system still incomplete.

Conclusion of chapter 4

This chapter showed the different ways possible for firms to falsify their earnings.
This manipulation will have an effect on the financial statements provided to different
investors. Falsifying the earnings will make the financial statements more attractive, and
thus will encourage investors to invest in the firm. Investors can be tricked as they will be
provided with information that does not reflect the true value of the firm. Furthermore,
firms will continue manipulating as it is still possible. The IFRS or the GAAP still allow firms to
choose accounting methods they wish to use, they also allow firms to use either
conservative accounting or aggressive accounting. These two types of accounting enable
firms to engage in a manipulative behavior. So the main conclusion of this chapter is that
there are many possible ways to falsify accounting records legally.

Enron tried to do the same by creating the SPE’s. Although it Enron had lots of debts,
it still managed to find ways to take more debts without affecting its credit raking. However,
Enron did not follow the laws thus it was considered as a fraud.

Finally, It is the regulator’s task now to find ways, which will make it difficult for firms
to manipulate their books. The regulators should provide a more complete framework,
which disallows any type of misrepresentation.

Introduction of chapter 5

Finally, the last chapter is about the solutions to the problem of manipulation. Having
a good understanding of accounting and the concepts will help provide viable solutions. This
final chapter should answer the research question, how can the current accounting system
be improved?


Since the accounting system is incomplete, there is a lot that can be done in order to
improve it. In case the FASB and the IASB do not merge, they can both regulate the system
as so to make it easier for investors to understand how and why companies’ earnings
numbers have been reported. They should find ways, on how to get the presentation of
financial statements more consistent, which will consequently enable investors to figure out
the accounting tricks used to mislead those investors.

Furthermore, regulators need to make sure that firms are not able anymore to
present information to investors, that do not show the real image of the firm. Protecting
primary investors form fraudulent organization, should be the regulator’s main goal. They
also have to define more clearly elements of financial information, for example what
constitutes an operating, investing or financing item.

The concepts of accounting should reduce the risk of manipulation, however these
concepts are not complete as the rules of accounting still allow much freedom for preparers
of financial statements, there exist a high degree of flexibility in accounting. These concepts
are taken into consideration when preparing the financial statements. It gives accountants
freedom to choose among different methods for the valuation of their assets, so there will
always be a judgment, as preparers will use the method which will benefit the organization
the most. Therefore accountants are being subjective when preparing their financial
statements, which is the opposite of being objective, one of the key characteristics of
accounting information.

Furthermore, in accounting, the efficiency perspective asserts that different
organizational characteristics, explain why different companies use different accounting
method. Advocates of this perspective, argue that firms should be allowed to choose
accounting methods, that best reflect their performance. It could be that firms will be more
efficient, if they get to choose which accounting method suits their business the best, but it
will be more difficult for comparisons and verification when there exist multiple set of
methods. Therefore the first task is to guarantee a single accounting method, which will
consequently reduce the risks of manipulation and also increase the comparability benefits
when the regulations take place.

In the definition of the term relevance, it says that it can be helpful for users to make
better decisions. However, when firms choose the accounting method they want to follow,
the result can be completely different when using another method. So companies can easily
mislead investors for many reasons depending on the company's circumstances. Thus by
manipulating information, it does not help users make better decisions but rather make
decisions that will best serve the firm. Thus another solution, is to modify the international
framework done by the IFRS, that guides firms when preparing their financial statements.
This framework should clearly guide accountants when preparing their statements. In this
framework there should also be penalties. Firms that do not obey the steps and rules of this
framework should be punished. Imposing heavy fines can reduce the chances that firms will
operate in an unethical manner. Following a more complete framework, will guarantee the
safety of the primary investors from fraudulent organizations.

Finally, having more consistent information in the financial statements, investors

would be more protected from fraudulent organizations as they will be able to reward and
punish firms based on the quality of the information provided.

Conclusion of the thesis

Almost ten years since the Enron scandal, and the accounting system is still
incomplete. Other scandals like Lehman Brothers or Worldcom still occur. The challenge now
is for the regulators body, the IASB and the FASB to tackle the issue. They should provide
credible solutions for this major issue. They should improve the framework used by
accountants, by imposing stricter rules and by punishing firms who do not comply to these

Accounting manipulation is an international problem, so the two main bodies in

accounting, the IASB and the FASB should work together, in case they do not merge into one
global accounting body. They should find ways to regain confidence in the accounting
system. Either by giving more power to the auditors or by simply changing the ways in which
items are reported in the financial statements.

Without their intervention, firms will continue manipulating their earnings, and will
continue to trick potential investors. Regulators have the power to ensure the well
functioning of the accounting profession and they have the power to change the ways firms
prepare their accounts. So it is their duty to regulate the system, in a manner that protects
the public from fraudulent firms.

So it is fundamental for these bodies to react, so as to minimize and maybe also,

eliminate the chances that firms will in the future, gain advantage of the system for their
own benefit at the expense of the investors.


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