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Name: Dinesh Shrestha

Academic Programmed: Bachelor’s in Hospitality Management

Semester: 7th

Subject: Bakery and Confectionary

Q (1)
Dessert means last food or a course that concludes a meal. The course usually consists of sweet
foods like confections, and possibly include of a beverage include dessert wine however, also
may include coffee, cheeses, nuts, or other savory items regarded as a separate course elsewhere.
It includes like many items which are apply to many confections, such as biscuits, cakes,
cookies, custards, gelatins, ice creams, pastries, pies, puddings, sweet soups, and tarts. Fruit is
also commonly found in dessert courses because of its naturally occurring sweetness. Some
cultures sweeten foods that are more commonly savory to create desserts.
A sauce don’t need to be good as it sounds like where sometimes the most important is to learn
the correct combination of flavor. Sometime a adding of beaten egg yolk in custard or lemon
sauce can transformed in a fluffy consistency and also including of whipped cream. Most of the
dessert sauce requires heat and sometimes doesn’t need to cook but to warm and mix with other
A dessert sauces are known to a sauce that serves to add flavor, moisture, texture and color to
desserts which may be cooked or uncooked where cooked sauces are thick mixer with eggs, egg
yolks, flour, cornstarch, etc. And uncooked sauces are like salad of vegetables fruits mixer of
many other fluid.
Here are some dessert sauces:
• Classical butter sauce:
• Caramel sauce: it shows the color of dark orange confectionary product made by heating
variety of sugars which can be used as flooring in pudding and dessert also as filling and topping.
•Salted caramel sauce:
•Blueberry sauce: it is a type which as used to making martini and prepare using blueberries as
ingredients and used as dessert savory sauce.
• Chocolate gravy: this is a thick sauce includes of chocolates, butter, flour and other essential
ingredients. Also as a huge amount of sugar or sugar syrup.
•Custard sauce: it is a variety of culinary preparation based cream sauce with include of eggs
yolk to thicken. Gelatin, starch and others like flour.
•Fruit and yogurt curd sauce: similar to which in this include a plain hung yoghurt as beaten
and a different types of fruits in dice small cut where all mix together.
•Hard sauce: It includes brandy butter, rum butter and sherry butter.
•Chocolate syrup: this is used as topping and filling also whipping in doughnuts and bread as
breakfast. And also for variety dessert such as ice-cream, shakes and there.
•Strawberry sauce: it is prepared as using strawberry as culinary and uses as dessert sauce
although it can be used on savory strawberry and sugar and other.

•Raspberry sauce: it is also same as strawberry where instead of strawberry here we use
raspberry during preparation with use of sugar during preparation.
•Orange sauce: this is a combination of orange, cornstarch, sugar, where orange juice and water.
Slow heat provide until clear boil and slowly adding lemon juice t serve hot and cold steam
•Lemon sauce: it’s a mixer of lemon, mix sugar, cornstarch and salt in boiling water slowly and
consistently over for 4-5 mins. Then slowly transfer to another bowl in mixer of egg yolk and
butter including lemon.

Cream is a dairy product composed of the higher-fat layer skimmed from the top of milk before
homogenization and that is composed of the higher-layer of yellowish fatty component. Cream is
used as an ingredient in many foods, including ice cream, many sauces, soups, stews, puddings,
and some custard bases, and is also used for cakes. Whipped cream is served as a topping on ice
cream sundaes, milkshakes, lassie, eggnog, sweet pies, strawberries, blueberries or peaches. Irish
cream is an alcoholic liqueur which blends cream with whiskey, honey, wine, or coffee and often
in making sauces.
Some of basic cream that is used in:
•Whipping Cream: this cream with 30%enough butter fat in it used in is not heavy
cream but used as it for topping and filling.

•Heavy Cream: this cream is heavier than whipped cream contain heavier denser for holding
shape and size as double volume when whipped.
•Double cream: usually US state use this cream where it is a little thicker than whipped cream
which contains 45-50% butter fat.
•Clotted Cream: it is yellowish, thicker and rich cream cooked flavored made in heating
unpasteurized milk. Thick layer appear during heating until cooking then cooled again then
skimmed the cream from top.
•Crème fraiche: It’s like a flavored and texture change cream which is matured, thickened
cream which has other test like tangy, nutty and velvet rich texture. Similar as margarine if
thickness can range from as solid in room temperature.
•Yogurt cream: yogurt cream contains custard like consistency and fermented by special
•Single cream: it contains 20% of low fat which not thicken during beating process which used
in both sweet savory dishes. This is also known as light soft cream.
•Sour cream: it is fermented by adding lactic acid bacteria and tangy in flavor where it has
about 8-20% fat.

•Cheese cream: it is soft UN aged but it has a higher fat content about 35-45%uded mainly in
rich cheese cakes. Like mascarpone an Italian cream cheese used for Italian classical tiramisu
•Flavored cream: this is similar as low fat cream and use different kinds of flavor for texture
and flavor change according to consumer or producer. Includes like nuts saffron with milk etc.

Q (2)
Dough is in thick malleable substances which are prepared by flour and other ingredient like,
eggs, water, salt, butter, and as required other ingredient as needed that is made a form and
baked for example a pizza dough, bread dough, puff pastry dough, etc. Other ingredients as a
leavening agent, fat, and sugar are included to improve the texture, flavor, and nutritive qualities
of the product which includes this items as bread, biscuit, rolls, cake and cookies.
Paste is a kind of glue similar as gum purpose as a mixer of water, flour and some ingredients.
Difference are that the paste is soft fluid mixer of ingredients used in stuffing and dough is a
thick malleable substances which are made by mixer of flour and other ingredients like eggs
,water ,oil or butter, milk, salt, etc. which form a base and baked.
Dough Paste
Thick and mellease including flour and liquid sift mixer of
Prepared often kneaded and rolled prepare mixes
(grinding, other process)
Malleable fluid or solid
fluid form
In preparation of bread, noodles, pasta, in preparation and
stuffing process

List of 10 types of dough and paste products are listed below:

Dough product

•Bread/brown and white dough: This dough can make from different types like; wheat flour
and various amount of water and yeast as well as eggs. This need to be kneaded carefully for
long time to develop gluten so that bread can become floppy and elastic rising type during

•Puff dough: This is differing from other types of dough which requires a lot of hard work and
effort. It can be used to make napoleons or other desserts or savories.

•Pasta dough: This dough is made from unfermented dough mixing of wheat’s, eggs, beans
flour, legume flour, salt and many other. This dough is quit hard and requires a lot of kneading
so that it is moistened all the way through

•Cookies dough: All are similar dough here cookies dough are also which include same
ingredients like flour milk, eggs, butter, sugar, salt and other ingredients like Choco chips ,truty
fruit chips fruits and nuts etc. like baked cookies(Choco chips cookies butter cookies almond
nuts cookies fiber cookies etc.)

•Sponge cake dough: This dough is used by commercial baker where it requires handle with
care also right temperature which is made by mixing of yeast, liquid, flour. After the sponge has
risen, the remaining ingredients are added and the dough is handled like straight dough, with
bulk fermentation, scaling, molding, and proofing.

•Pizza dough: This is a combination of water, yeast, sugar and small amount of salt if necessary
and mixes and set aside for 5 mins then oil glazing on and kneading again where it became soft
and smooth and elastic. Then knead it in form in cylinder and cut in required piece and roll by
roller as thickness and poke with fork to air inside to bake all over.

•Pastry dough: scale all the ingredients accurately and have all the ingredients at room
temperature, or warm the egg slightly for greater volume as for sponge cakes.

•Pie dough: Pie dough contains ingredients like flour, water, salt, and fat in different ratios. As
recipes also include baking powder or vinegar, or flavoring agents like eggs, lemon juice and
sugar. Gather the dough wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour or for month for making like
apple pie tart, chicken stuff pie etc.

•Croissant Dough: it is similar as pastry dough but difference in adding yeast type agents for
some extra fluffiness and soft with crunchiness.

•Mealy Dough: These are crisper and more compact whose texture is created by incorporating
small fat particles evenly in the dough, which creates a denser texture.

Paste products:
•Short Crust Paste: This paste is crisp and brittle which is not elastic and resilient like dough
and this shortness in a cookie is mouth feel of a product. Short crust paste is usually used for
making savoury products such as turnovers and pies.

•Ganache: include a mixer of cream and chopped chocolate and mix until the mixer is smooth
and refrigerated for further use for good ganache paste use dark chocolate.

•Sweet Paste: It is sweet in taste which is short and brittle like the short crust paste. But its usage
is restricted to sweet products.

•Choux Paste: It used in both savoury and desserts. This paste may or may not contain sugar,
depending upon the usage of the final product. Partially precooked paste that can be baked for
use in pastries and gateaux, fried for use in potato dishes and fritters, or boiled in gnocchi dishes.

•Marzipan: The mixer of almonds and sugar in varying proportions which quality has more
almonds and less artificial flavoring, result it has better taste and texture if made that way. The
homemade marzipans are rarely of the consistency and texture as that of the commercially
available ones.

•Ice cream paste: Mixer of boil milk, sugar, egg yolk, fresh cream and ice-cream, flavorings and
other required ingredients. These are specially used in rolls like ice-cream roll cakes, ice-cream
sandwich and other bakery products.

•Truffle: A mixer of cream and chopped chocolate and sugar syrup used in topping of cakes and

•Cream pastry used cream is also kind of paste where it includes mixer of milk, egg, corn flour,
custard powder, sugar, etc. and mix it well till the mixer became floppy and thick fluid.

•Tomato paste: Tomato paste is prepare from cooking of tomatoes with taking off skins and
seeds removing and mixing it well until thick paste consistency also adding salt and other things

Q (3)
The method of preparing food that using dry heat in an oven or can also be done in hot ashes, or
on hot history says that by the time of ancient Greeks there we find the process or
method is using enclosed oven, heated by wood fires. These are used.
Several centuries later ancient Rome saw the first mass production of breads so the baking
profession can be said to have started at time. Hats why bread is the first of baking method
called. After the collapse of ancient Roman Empire these all were disappeared but middle ages
that bakers and pastry chefs formed in order to protect these all. Slowly this was developed by
the sixteenth centuries to pass the knowledge of the bake tradition till now generation with many
different kinds of items or bake products like Danish dough and puff pastries.
Slowly in development the rolling milling came which was helpful in baking method products.
The experts of Europe promoted the large number of scale production .all the way to beginning
of this century the popularity of fine bread and pastries is growing even faster. Because of
historical social and familial roles, baking has traditionally continued the performance of
preparation at home people for daily meals and in bakeries and restaurants for local consumption
as paying for the products.
The different stages of baking process are:
Measuring: Here we have to measure an exact amount of ingredients for proper preparation. If
don’t then as expected product will be improper result.Like quantity of flour will also affect the
preparation where more or less measurement will result a hole in the product.
Dough making: in this process also the proper attention should be there like kneading process
and mixing process are not good then some product will be puffed and some may not which
means there will no accurate product at final. For example in bread making process or in bread.
The kneading should be done properly for good shape and size.
Portioning: here we have to watch if we are preparing in large portion or less. According to it,
proper measure and proportion should be done. If in large proportion then we have to divide
equally so that the product would be formed and able to serve in equal proportion as per
Giving shape to product: it’s very important to give a proper shape so that the baked dough
results will be good and in shape as accurate. Like shape of bread is in hand of proper portion
shape and at final amount of dough should be good then only the prefect result will appear. If
don’t then the crack will appear.
Proofing: this a kind of main part where some need some doesn’t in bakery item preparation.
Main this is important in dough product or preparation. This refers to keeping in room
temperature or in proofer .if required proofing is given then product will be the best at end. If not
then it will be hard at the end result.

Resting: this is also very important part where already the dough kept in proofer or to proof
similar keeping in rest for a while which result no cracks and no over flow from baking tray or
mold. Hats y resting is also very important. Need to rest for 5-10 minutes.
Baking in oven: after all these finally putting into the oven as accurate temperature as required
like 225 degree or little more.
Reasons that interpret the baking fail from dough and paste:
Reason is in above explanation that in every step we have to be careful during preparation.
Means in every steps we have to add as exact amount for proper result. Whatever product we
produce in that process or method that there shouldn’t be like less or more doesn’t! it
does matter either the result of the baking product will be in trash or similar to not good product.
Here are some point or reason that baking fails:
•Improper measurement
•Workable and good equipment’s
•No out of date ingredients because it will fails the bakery product as similar or regular shape,
taste and so on.
•Dough making should be done accurately if don’t then no good result
•Accurate amount of ingredient should be measure and mix it in simulteniously
•According to portion, what kind of dough are making or product should be properly portion
which will result a good shaped product.
•Proper shaping is also important to not fail result so that proper amount and shape should be
•Give a proofing time to dough product so that no cracks n lumbs appear ater baking.
•As above we have to give 5-10 minutes of dough resting period so that it will be ready for
baking procedure.
•Baking is final but before oven is in correct heat and temperature the dough shouldnot be put
inside where it will also affect the product as bad result.

Q (4)
A complete recipe card for a one-pound black forest cake
Ingredients for sponge
White flour 90
Coco powder 30
Egg 4
Sugar 100

Ingredients for sugar syrup (rum optional)

Sugar 3
Water 4
Cinnamon sticks 1
small stick
Cardamom 3-4

For decoration
Whipping cream, cherry, chocolates chips and flakes (dark chocolates)

Method of preparation (all the ingredients should be fresh and pure without expired date)
•Take a large bowl, add eggs and sugar then whisk with whisker or can be done in machine if
only for larger proportion. Doing this until the creamy texture appear or gets creamy texture.
•Mix flour and coco powder well together and add slowly it in the mixer of sugar and egg.
•Then fold them slowly and repeat but not whisking them.

•Now ready the mold and glaze with butter or oil every corner and wall then put butter paper on
bottom of the mold. Then put the mixer slowly and accurately. Then dab the mold, doing so will
fill completely inside of mold to break the bubbles inside it.
•Now pre heated oven in 30-45 minutes as in 200-210° put the mold inside for baking.
•Important note: never take out immediately after baking, the crack will appear or the area will
be melted rests it in for room temperature to cool down.(Rum is keep as optional as per
demand of customer)
•Then for that time prepare syrup, adding 4 cups of water,2 or 3 spoon sugar, cinnamon powder
and cardamom powder in a bowl and put it in heat for a while. And after while the aroma smells
out then take it out n rest.
•Then back to sponge and cut it in 3 layers and apply cooled syrup in all layer of cut sponge.
(Top layered always in last) then apply whipping cream all layer by layer. This should be done
properly either liquid will be spoil out from bottom of sponge that’s why accurate need amount
of ingredient or syrup should be add or the result will be not spongy cake.
•Cherry and chocolate are cut into pieces and add layer by layer. Then in top process first label
the side whipping then on top. Stack the chocolate flakes on side all over and decorate on top by
whipping the cream by nozzle and again add cherry on it.

Genoise sponge cake is a yellow sponge case there is no difference in sponge and genoise which
is a light yellow cake made with eggs, sugar, flour, and butter. But there is simple little
difference in genoise and sponge which clarifies that genoise sponge cake is more better than
ordinary sponge genoise sponge there we find no fat other than that of egg yolk and egg
white which are beaten separately where a pure butter is used to make the batter more better or
enrich the batter which is produce by beating whole eggs and with additional yolks, together with
sugar, over warm water.
It has a soft, crumbly texture, just like this type of sponge cake where compliment of moist
fillings, like a mousse or pastry cream. This type of sponge cake has a soft, crumbly texture, just
like this type of sponge cake should be. Its characteristic can be dry, yet this is a desired effect
for its intended simple in spread with sugar syrup or other and result is moist tasty cake
sponge. This sponge cake if lighter than can be flavorless and dry and it’s moist, egg,
slightly sweet, and can be or to eat plain as preferred. This genoise recipe can use to make black
forest cherry cake, tiramisu cake, white forest cake, strawberry cake vanilla sponge cake etc.

Folding is done for repeatedly during preparation beause of reasons like bubbles, lumps, cracks
etc inside the dough.
Folding process of genoise sponge cake, where it means fold in the flour into batter with the
help of whisk, machine or spatula (rubber).while folding spread some flour over the egg mixer
and without dumping the flour mixer put it on the batter.
Then again and again sifting the flour first to be sure that there will no clumps in it .This should
be keep in mind that doing so will creates good and accurate which helps in no lumps and
bubbles inside the dough. And after then scraping against the surface of end with spatula but not
with whisker because doing so will break all the well mix dough. Then gently fold over and
continue until the flour combines altogether. Again just repeating this adding butter if possible
melted butter. It’s important to do it gently as folding the ingredients which retain the air volume.
Then again whipping all together and gently folding all the ingredients together in melted butter
as above method. Because this will turn the preparation of it without deflate the air volume in the
batter. Repeat it for 2-3 times and rest it for a while.
Then folding process is finish now turns for putting on mold to baking process.


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