Requirement Election: - : Par A# Rank Initial Requirements Use Case ID Use Case Name

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Requirement Election: -

In the requirement election, we gather requirements

from the stakeholders, customers, and from employee from using different
requirement gathering methods like Brainstorming, Meetings, and
Questioner etc. Also we priories the requirements and write their Use Case

Par Rank Initial Requirements Use Case ID Use Case Name

1.0 Highest A Client “shall” register UC-1 UC_Client_Registration
himself to the system
1.0 Highest A Client “shall” login UC-2 UC_Client_Login
himself to the system
1.0 Medium A Client “shall” see his UC-3 UC_Client_Info
1.0 Medium A Client “shall” change UC-4 UC_Client_ChangePassword
his password
1.0 Medium A Client “shall” change UC-5 UC_Client_ChangeInfo
his personal Information
1.0 Highest A Client “shall” post UC-6 UC_Client_PostProject
project on the system
1.0 Medium A Client “shall” view UC-7 UC_Client_ViewPostProject
post projects on the
1.0 Lowest A Client “shall” view UC-8 UC_Client_ViewProfileClient
profiles of the client
1.0 Highest A Client “shall” award UC-9 UC_Client_AwardProject
project to the particular
1.0 Lowest A Client “shall” post UC-10 UC_Client_PostFeedback
feedback on the Worker
1.0 Highest A Client “shall” share UC-11 UC_Client_ShareLocation
his location to the
1.0 Medium A Client “shall” be able UC-12 UC_Client_DeletePostProject
to delete the project that
he posted
1.0 Medium A Client “shall” be able UC-13 UC_Client_Communication
to communicate with the
1.0 Medium A Client “shall” see the UC-14 UC_Client_SeeAvalibility
availability of the
1.0 Highest A Client “shall” be able UC-15 UC_Client_Logout
to logout himself from
the system
2.0 Highest A Worker “shall” UC-16 UC_Worker_Registration
register himself to the
2.0 Highest A Worker “shall” login UC-17 UC_Worker_Login
himself to the system
2.0 Medium A Worker “shall” see his UC-18 UC_Worker_Info
2.0 Medium A Worker “shall” change UC-19 UC_Worker_ChangePassoword
his password
2.0 Medium A Worker “shall” change UC-20 UC_Worker_ChangeInfo
his personal Information
2.0 Highest A Worker “shall” see UC-21 UC_Worker_SeePostProject
post projects by the
2.0 Highest A Worker “shall” bid on UC-22 UC_Worker_BidProject
the posted projects
2.0 Highest A Worker “shall” share UC-23 UC_Worker_ShareLocation
his location to the Client
2.0 Lowest A Worker “shall” be able UC-24 UC_Worker_FavouritePostProject
to add posted project to
the favorites
2.0 Medium A Worker “shall” be able UC-25 UC_Worker_Communication
to communicate with the
2.0 Lowest A Worker “shall” be able UC-26 UC_Worker_History
to see his completed
project history
2.0 Highest A Worker “shall” be able UC-27 UC_Worker_Logout
to logout himself from
the system
3.0 Highest Admin “shall” be login UC-28 UC_Admin_Login
to the system
3.0 Highest Admin “shall” search for UC-29 UC_Admin_SearchUser
the Users in a system
3.0 Highest Admin “shall” delete the UC-30 UC_Admin_DeleteUser
Users in a system
3.0 Highest Admin “shall” see the UC-31 UC_Admin_SeeUsers
profiles of Users in a
3.0 Highest Admin “shall” logout UC-32 UC_Admin_Logout
himself from the system

Analysis: -

Objective: -

Hire Me is the android application and basically it produce jobs for

unemployed workers. And help people to get household works like
Technician, Electrician, and Painter etc on their door steps. The application
which we are thinking can be developed today. Because the tools and
technology which need to develop our application are available easily in
We have professional team with expertise in SQL Database, Android
Studio, FileZilla and JDK which are enough for development of our
application and these tools are easily available for free.

Existing System: -

There are present some websites much similar to our application like, etc. But they do not have any android
application they are used for their professional who have good knowledge
of internet and PC’s. Other application have other style of working then
ours. Like on Fiver, workers create there Gigs (portfolio of work), and client
select any user according to their ratings and also by seeing Gigs.
The basic gap we observed in previous websites and our application is that
we made it in
Android application which is widely used these days and by everyone.
Those websites are made
For the professionals who have good expertise in using PCs while we
purposed this idea for those who need any type of work like electrician,
plumber, painter etc. And also who has Android phone and a basic
knowledge of using it. It’s easy to use for everyone and for all generation.

Negotiation: -

Cost Estimation: -
 Development Cost: -
The overall development cost for our project is
260000 in rupees approximately.
 Maintenance Cost: -
The maintenance cost for our application after
development is nearly 175000 in rupees approximately.

Tangible Benefits: -

“Hire Me” application has low web hosting cost and not
having heavy server to run our application. Commission from the Clients
and Workers are enough for run our application. In starting there is only
limit of bids for the workers but in future Workers must buy the bids and use
them on the Post projects.

Intangible Benefits: -

“Hire Me” is user friendly app. If end user found any bug
or difficulty in using the application or UI looking more complex. They will
give feedback for our application. If there will be authenticate bug or
problem by user then our developer remove bugs and make UI more user
friendly to the end user and launch New Version. This could satisfy and
fulfill the user needs and we will reach to the user satisfaction.

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