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A Kantian Theory of Meaningful Work

By: Norman E. Bowie

A Journal Synthesis on Management Philosophy Topics

By: Zoe Regina C. Castro

Submitted to: Dr. Joanne J. Java, CPA

One of the most important topics in the fundamental areas of human resource
management is “Meaningful work” – this includes employee engagement, motivation and
personal advancement. The author believes that giving the employees the meaningful work is
one of the moral obligations of the organization. He depicts how Emmanuel Kant (author of
Kantian theory) offers the most rigorous and eloquent version of what a moral employer-
employee relationship should be. Yet, He is positive that organization has the ability to provide
meaningful work.
According to Kant, the following six (6) characteristics of meaningful work are: a.
meaningful work is work that is freely entered into; b. meaningful work allows the worker to
exercise her autonomy and independence; c. meaningful work enable the worker to develop
her rational capacities; d. meaningful work provides a wage sufficient for physical welfare; e.
meaningful work provides supports the moral development of employees; and f. meaningful
work is not paternalistic in the sense of interfering with the worker’s conception of how she
wishes to obtain happiness. These give us the notion that organization will produce quality
goods and services for the customers and more profit if managers are focus of providing
employees a meaningful work [ CITATION Ciu12 \l 13321 ].
However, as good as it sounds - Kantian theory’s meaningful of work is much harder to
realize that we think. Employees has different needs and motivation, different career
preference, and different personality, attitudes and priorities in life. As future HR manager, this
give me a realization that whatever the case maybe we should be aware of the employees right
and giving them what they deserve as a major contributor of the organization’s success.
Meaningful of work is all that we want. It’s a win-win setting, where goal of the organization is
achieved and employees can enjoy work-life balance while staying in the organization.
Organizations that provides meaningful work are more likely to attract, retain, and motivate the
employees that they need to build sustainably for the future, and to create the kind of
workplaces where human beings can flourish [ CITATION Bai16 \l 13321 ].

“We were created for meaningful work, and one of life’s greatest pleasure is the
satisfaction of a job well done” – John C Maxwell

Bailey, C., & Madden, A. (2016). What makes work, meaningful or meaningless? Managing People, 53-

Ciulla, J. (2012). Worthy Work and Bowie's Kantian Theory of meaningful work. Jepson Faculty
Publication, 115-131.

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