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1588 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2003, 42, 1588-1597

Evolution of Processes for Synthesis Gas Production: Recent

Developments in an Old Technology
Sebastián C. Reyes,* John H. Sinfelt,† and Jennifer S. Feeley

Corporate Strategic Research, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company,

1545 Route 22 East, Annandale, New Jersey 08801

The manufacture of gas mixtures of carbon monoxide and hydrogen has been a vitally important
part of chemical technology for about a century. Originally, such mixtures were obtained by the
reaction of steam with incandescent coke and were known as “water gas”. Used first as a fuel,
water gas soon attracted attention as a source of hydrogen and carbon monoxide for the
production of chemicals, at which time it gradually became known as synthesis gas. Eventually,
steam reforming processes, in which steam is reacted with natural gas (methane) or a petroleum
naphtha over a nickel catalyst, found wide application for the production of synthesis gas. A
modified version of steam reforming known as autothermal reforming, which is a combination
of partial oxidation near the reactor inlet with conventional steam reforming further along the
reactor, improves the overall reactor efficiency and increases the flexibility of the process.
Noncatalytic partial oxidation processes using oxygen instead of steam also found wide
application for synthesis gas manufacture, with the special feature that they could utilize low-
value feedstocks such as heavy petroleum residua. In recent years, catalytic partial oxidation
employing very short reaction times (milliseconds) at high temperatures (850-1000 °C) is
providing still another approach to synthesis gas manufacture, as Professor Lanny Schmidt
and his students have shown in their pioneering exploratory research in this area. (See, for
example, Hickman and Schmidt Science 1993, 259, 343.) Here, we consider some crucial issues
in catalytic partial oxidation and report some new data with a bearing on these issues. Nearly
complete conversion of methane, with close to 100% selectivity to H2 and CO, can be obtained
with a Rh monolith under well-controlled conditions. Experiments on the catalytic partial
oxidation of n-hexane conducted with added steam give much higher yields of H2 than can be
obtained in experiments without steam, a result of much interest in obtaining hydrogen-rich
streams for fuel cell applications.

Introduction At 1000 °C, there is a negligible formation of carbon

dioxide attributable to the overall reaction
The production of gas mixtures rich in carbon mon-
oxide and hydrogen has been important industrially for C + 2H2O ) CO2 + 2H2 (2)
a long time, roughly from about 1900 to the present. In
an early method of obtaining such mixtures, a bed of If equilibrium is assumed for both reactions 1 and 2,
hot coke was exposed alternately to blasts of air and thermodynamic calculations of the composition of the
steam.1 During the period of exposure to air, the burning gas mixture show that carbon dioxide and water are
of some of the coke heated the bed to a temperature in present in only trace amounts at 1000 °C, consistent
the vicinity of 1000 °C. After the air blast, the blast with with observations in the early water gas generators.
steam brought about the overall reaction Reaction 2, like reaction 1, is endothermic, but the heat
of reaction is smaller (∆H°298 ) +21 kcal for graphitic
C + H2O ) CO + H2 (1) carbon). We note that the equation for reaction 2 is a
simple combination of the equation for reaction 1 and
the equation for the so-called “water gas shift” reaction
The use of steam in this step led to the early use of the
3 of CO with H2O3
term “water gas” in referring to the mixture of carbon
monoxide and hydrogen formed. The reaction is endo- CO + H2O ) CO2 + H2 (3)
thermic (∆H°298 ) +31 kcal for graphitic carbon),2 in
contrast to the highly exothermic reaction of carbon with which is exothermic (∆H°298 ) -10 kcal).
oxygen that occurred during the air blast. The rise in Because of their high heating values, water gas
temperature of the bed in the exothermic combustion mixtures rich in carbon monoxide and hydrogen were
step provided the heat for the subsequent endothermic originally of interest as fuels. Later, they attracted
reaction of the steam with coke. interest as sources of either H2 or CO, or of appropriate
mixtures of the two, for the synthesis of various
* Corresponding author. Phone: (908) 730-2533. E-mail: chemicals. A very important early example was the recovery of hydrogen from water gas for use in the

Senior Scientific Advisor Emeritus. catalytic synthesis of ammonia4 from elemental nitrogen
10.1021/ie0206913 CCC: $25.00 © 2003 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 01/09/2003
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003 1589

and hydrogen

N2 + 3H2 ) 2NH3 (4)

In this particular example, the nitrogen for the reaction

could be obtained from the same operation as was used
to generate the water gas mixture, because the gas
issuing from the reactor during the air blast contained
mostly nitrogen and carbon monoxide, the oxygen
having been completely consumed. The combination of
products formed during the alternate air and steam
blasts of the coke thus consisted largely of a mixture of
N2, CO, and H2, with some CO2. The concentration of
CO in this mixture was then decreased to a very low
level by exploitation of the water gas shift reaction. The
equilibrium for this reaction was displaced in the Figure 1. Water-gas shift and methane steam reforming equi-
direction of increased concentrations of CO2 and H2 by librium constants.
addition of excess H2O vapor to the mixture, coupled
with cooling of the mixture to a temperature of about is used, and the process has come to be known as steam
500 °C. A satisfactory rate of reaction was obtained by reforming. The process is typically operated with excess
contact of the mixture with an iron oxide catalyst. The steam (H2O/CH4 mole ratio ) 2:1-4:1) at temperatures
concentration of CO was decreased to a level of about above about 800 °C. The composition of the product gas
1%, and the remaining CO, which is a severe poison for generally approaches that expected at equilibrium very
the metallic iron catalyst used in ammonia synthesis, closely. Both reactions 3 and 6 are important in deter-
was then removed by contacting the gas mixture with mining the equilibrium composition. Figure 1 shows
an ammoniacal solution of a cuprous salt.4-6 Prior to plots of the equilibrium constants as a function of
removal of the CO in this manner, CO2 was removed temperature for these two important reactions. At a
by contact with water under elevated pressure in an given reactor pressure and mole ratio of H2O to CH4 in
absorption tower. A later development for the removal the inlet gas stream to the reactor, the amount of carbon
of the last trace amounts of CO was its reaction with monoxide increases with increasing temperature, whereas
hydrogen to form methane over a nickel catalyst,7 as the amounts of carbon dioxide and methane decrease.
the methane is not a poison for the ammonia synthesis If the reactor pressure is increased, the amounts of
catalyst. methane and water increase substantially.
An early example where both the hydrogen and the
carbon monoxide from a water gas mixture were used Steam reforming was first applied commercially by
in the production of an important chemical is the the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey (now Exxon-
catalytic synthesis of methanol8 Mobil) in 1930 at Baton Rouge, LA.16 In the 1950s and
1960s, interest began to develop in the use of light
2H2 + CO ) CH3OH (5) petroleum naphthas as feedstocks, particularly the
highly paraffinic Middle East naphthas that were less
desirable feedstocks for the production of aromatic
using a mixture of zinc oxide and chromia as a catalyst.
hydrocarbons by another type of process known as
As in the case of ammonia synthesis, the reaction is
catalytic reforming. The use of the same name, reform-
exothermic and is conducted at high pressures for
ing, for the two very different kinds of processes can
thermodynamic reasons.
understandably be a source of confusion, but it should
Other examples of important processes using both H2
be clearly understood that they have no connection to
and CO as reactants include the Fischer-Tropsch
one another. The catalytic reforming process is not
process for the production of hydrocarbons for fuels and
operated with steam as a reactant or diluent. It is
lubricating oil base stocks as well as oxygenated hydro-
utilized for producing high-octane-number aromatic
carbons for chemicals,9,10 the “oxo” synthesis for the
hydrocarbons for gasoline with the aid of so-called
production of aldehydes in particular (hydroformyla-
“bifunctional” precious metal catalysts.17-19
tion),11 and the direct catalytic synthesis of higher
alcohols using modified methanol synthesis catalysts.12 The steam reforming of light petroleum naphthas was
Because of the wide use of mixtures of H2 and CO for originally of particular interest in regions of the world
the synthesis of chemicals, it became common practice where natural gas was not readily available. Although
to refer to such mixtures as “synthesis gas” (or “syn- steam reforming is used primarily for the production of
gas”).13,14 hydrogen and carbon monoxide mixtures, a lower-
temperature version of the process employing naphtha
Steam Reforming feedstocks attracted attention for the production of
methane for so-called “town gas” for residential use.
In the 1920s and 1930s, the use of natural gas European cities were places where town gas manufac-
(methane) rather than incandescent coke in the produc- ture was especially important. Dent and associates at
tion of synthesis gas began to attract attention.14,15 The the British Gas Council did considerable work in this
overall reaction between methane and steam area in the late 1950s.15 Highly active and stable nickel
catalysts for application in town gas production were
CH4 + H2O ) CO + 3H2 (6) developed in the laboratories of the Exxon Research and
Engineering Company in the 1960s.20-24 The use of
is highly endothermic (∆H°298 ) +49 kcal). A catalyst, these catalysts for hydrogen production from naphthas
commonly containing nickel as the active component, was also considered.25,26
1590 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003

In steam reforming for town gas production, elevated of course, there is also some formation of CO2 and H2O.
pressures (30-40 atm) are employed and operating Reaction 8 is very exothermic (∆H°298 ) -118 kcal),
temperatures (400-450 °C) are much lower than those contrasting markedly with the endothermicity of the
used for the production of synthesis gas. The molar steam reforming reaction of n-hexane, i.e., reaction 7.
ratios of steam to hydrocarbon are typically in the range In the steam reforming section of an autothermal
of 8:1-12:1. The high ratios are important for limiting reformer, reactions 3 and 6 are equilibrated as in a
the formation of deactivating carbonaceous residues on conventional steam reformer, so that product composi-
the catalyst. If we consider n-hexane to be representa- tions can be controlled by altering operations in a
tive of the hydrocarbons in a light petroleum naphtha, manner dictated by thermodynamic considerations. It
we can think of the overall steam reforming process for is interesting that the basic idea of using an exothermic
producing methane as one that involves two major reaction to supply heat for an endothermic reaction is
parts. The first part is the decomposition of the reactant reminiscent of the alternate air and steam blasts in the
hydrocarbon and the formation of CO and H2 as primary old water gas generators.
products. We represent this step by the overall reaction Another kind of process for the production of synthesis
gas was also developed and commercialized in the 1940s
C6H14 + 6H2O ) 6CO + 13H2 (7) by the Texaco32 and Shell33 Oil Companies. It is of
particular interest for the gasification of low-quality
which is highly endothermic (∆H°298 ) +228 kcal).2 The feedstocks, such as petroleum residua and even coal or
second part of the process consists of reaction 3 and the coke. Reaction with oxygen occurs in a refractory-lined
reverse of reaction 6, both of which are exothermic. As vessel. There is commonly no addition of steam, and the
already mentioned, reactions 3 and 6 are close to being reactor is not packed with a catalyst. Indeed, the
equilibrated in steam reforming operations, and the operation is not conducive to the use of conventional
catalysts used in such operations have sometimes been catalysts. Oxygen rather than air is used to enable the
called equilibration catalysts.27 Increasing the pressure reactors to reach temperatures high enough (about 1400
and decreasing the temperature of the operation drive °C) to circumvent the problems with carbon formation.
reaction 6 to the left, as desired for town gas applica- An O2/C ratio of about 0.7 is required for this purpose.
tions. As in the case of autothermal reforming, the design of
Steam reforming catalysts were early candidates for the burners used in the process is a crucial issue. The
application in catalytic converters for decreasing the reactors, which are commonly called gasifiers or thermal
emissions of harmful pollutants in exhaust gases from POX (partial oxidation) units, operate at pressures as
automobiles.27 The chemistry in steam reforming is very high as 70 atm in the general range of temperature from
versatile and important for many applications. Although 1200 to 1600 °C. The H2/CO ratios in the products are
steam reforming of petroleum naphthas declined in generally lower than about 2, and it might be necessary
importance after huge quantities of natural gas were to make adjustments in the ratio by additional process-
discovered in the North Sea area in the late 1960s, there ing depending on the ultimate application of the syn-
has been a strong renewed interest in recent years in thesis gas. The technology is versatile and has been very
naphtha steam reforming for the production of hydrogen widely employed since the initial applications. A very
for fuel cells in connection with applications in electric- recent report indicates that several hundred gasifiers
powered automobiles.28,29 are in operation today.34

Autothermal Reforming and Partial Oxidation Catalytic Partial Oxidation

From its very inception, steam reforming has been In recent years, the catalytic partial oxidation of
an important process, continually exhibiting advances hydrocarbons utilizing precious metals supported on
in catalysts and in various engineering features of the porous ceramic monoliths has been the subject of much
reformers. One of these advances, autothermal reform- research. Professor Lanny Schmidt of the University of
ing, was introduced by Haldor Topsøe in the late Minnesota has been a pioneer in this area.35-41 Other
1950s.30,31 It is a combination of partial oxidation and investigators are also now active in the field.42-46
steam reforming, involving the introduction of both Reaction times are very short (milliseconds), reminis-
oxygen (or enriched air) and steam into a reforming cent of the old and widely used Ostwald process for the
reactor. The partial oxidation occurs in an inlet zone of oxidation of ammonia on platinum or platinum-alloy
the reactor, providing heat for the steam reforming gauzes in the commercial manufacture of nitric acid (ref
reaction occurring in a second zone of the vessel that is 1, pp 597-598, and ref 13, pp 72-73). The monolith
packed with catalyst. Consequently, there is no need to form of catalyst also resembles the kind of structural
supply heat to the reactor over and above the amount support used in catalytic converters for pollution control
provided in the preheating of the reactants. This in automobile exhaust systems. In the case of methane
advance in steam reforming technology improves the oxidation, the desired reaction is
overall reactor efficiency and increases the flexibility of
the process. The ratio of molecules of oxygen gas to CH4 + 0.5O2 ) CO + 2H2 (9)
atoms of carbon in the hydrocarbon reactants (O2/C) is
typically about 0.5-0.6, well below that required for which yields H2 and CO in a molar ratio of 2:1. Such a
complete combustion. The partial oxidation part of the ratio is ideal for the reactant stream in methanol or
process in the case of n-hexane as a feedstock is Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The direct partial oxidation
illustrated by the reaction of methane, in contrast to conventional steam reforming
via reaction 6, is mildly exothermic (∆H°298 ) -8.5
C6H14 + 3O2 ) 6CO + 7H2 (8) kcal). Consequently, after the reactants are preheated
to a desired inlet temperature, there is no need for
if the selectivity to CO and H2 were 100%. In practice, additional input of heat through the reactor walls or
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003 1591

through provision for a separate inlet section of the

reactor in which exothermic combustion reactions are
conducted to provide heat for a downstream endother-
mic process such as reaction 6. Moreover, the direct
catalytic partial oxidation reaction is much faster than
the corresponding catalytic steam reforming reaction,
by roughly 2 orders of magnitude.35-41 With an inlet
reactant mixture of CH4 and O2 in a 2:1 molar ratio,
thermodynamics indicates essentially complete methane
conversion (>99%) to a 2:1 mixture of H2 and CO at
temperatures above about 850 °C. However, the forma-
tion of H2 and CO as primary products does not proceed
without any competition from the complete oxidation
reaction to H2O and CO2. The competing reaction delays
the attainment of the final equilibrium, with the result
that some of the methane is still present in the product
gases. The amount of unconverted methane is especially
sensitive to the nature of the catalyst and the temper- Figure 2. Equilibrium mole fractions of products for an inlet
ature to which the inlet reactant stream is preheated. methane and oxygen mixture having an O2/C molar ratio of 0.5.
Calculations with pure oxygen at a total pressure of 1 atm.
Experiments have shown that the amount of uncon-
verted methane decreases, and the selectivity to H2 and processing, a hydrogen-rich stream suitable for fuel cell
CO increases, when rhodium is used in place of plati- applications can be produced. The processing usually
num in the monolith. Similar positive effects are ob- entails additional water gas shift stages (with water
served when the reactants are preheated to suitably addition) that drive the concentration of CO to very low
high temperatures prior to their entrance into the levels, complemented by a final purification stage in
reactor. The advantage of rhodium over platinum is which CO is substantially removed to levels that no
attributed to a lower tendency of surface H atoms to be longer interfere with the reactions on low-temperature
oxidized to surface hydroxyl radicals leading to the fuel cell electrodes.
formation of water.47,48 As a result, desorption of the H The purpose of these two examples is to show that
atoms as H2 molecules becomes the favored process on product compositions close to those at equilibrium can
rhodium. be obtained in very short reaction times, provided that
Work on catalytic partial oxidation employing mono- suitable catalysts and conditions are used. The catalysts
lith catalysts and very short reaction times at high must be very active and very selective. In the transfor-
temperatures is still in an exploratory stage, and mation of methane to synthesis gas, for example, the
prospects for industrial applications are not yet clear. disproportionate formation of H2O and CO2 through
However, there is much excitement in the area. In the reactions in the gas phase or on the catalyst surface
next section of this paper, we present further discussion must be avoided because such reactions inevitably delay
of important issues and report some new data with a the attainment of equilibrium that dominantly favors
bearing on these issues. H2 and CO as final products. In addition to the require-
ments of high catalyst activity and selectivity, another
Recent Results Concerning Key Issues in important requirement is a suitably high reaction
Catalytic Partial Oxidation temperature, which is paramount for achieving high
yields of H2 and CO.
In this section, we discuss some recent data on the In the partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas,
catalytic partial oxidation of hydrocarbons using mono- we would ideally like the transformation to proceed to
lith catalysts. We focus on two examples that illustrate completion via a direct path represented by the overall
well some of the key factors influencing the product reaction 9. As shown by the results of thermodynamic
yields in high-temperature, short-contact-time reactors. calculations in Figure 2, H2 and CO are virtually the
In the first example, we examine the conversion of only products at equilibrium at very high temperatures.
methane to synthesis gas. By making use of thermody- The equilibrium mole fractions in Figure 2 were calcu-
namic equilibrium calculations, we first identify condi- lated for an inlet reactant mixture of CH4 and O2 in a
tions that favor high yields of H2 and CO with a molar 2:1 molar ratio at atmospheric pressure. These mole
ratio of 2. These mixtures are, of course, of great interest fractions are shown as a function of temperature over
in the production of Fischer-Tropsch liquids and in the the range 400-1000 °C. Consistent with expectations,
synthesis of methanol. In the second example, we study the oxygen in the inlet reactant mixture is completely
the generation of synthesis gas mixtures from n-hexane. depleted. We emphasize the following points regarding
This example is representative of an important class of the calculated mole fractions in Figure 2. First, the
reactions in which higher hydrocarbons are reacted with equilibria for both reactions 3 and 6 are completely
air and steam to produce a synthesis gas with a high taken into account. Second, equilibria involving carbon
hydrogen content. The use of steam as a co-reactant is are not included in the calculations; i.e., equilibrium was
beneficial for a number of reasons. It converts some of not established for reactions such as 1 or 2, or for
the carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and additional reactions 10 and 11 shown below
hydrogen via the water gas shift reaction, it lowers the
oxygen requirement (thereby decreasing the amount of CH4 ) C + 2H2 (10)
nitrogen fed to the reactor), and it mitigates carbon
formation on the catalyst surface. The generation of 2CO ) C + CO2 (11)
synthesis gas mixtures from higher hydrocarbons is now
attracting considerable attention because, upon further The justification for not including carbon is simply a
1592 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003

Figure 3. Adiabatic outlet temperature as a function of inlet

preheat temperature. Calculations are for an inlet methane-
oxygen mixture having an O2/C molar ratio of 0.5 with either pure
oxygen or air at a total pressure of 1 atm.

consequence of experience in catalytic partial oxidation

and steam reforming operations, indicating that a
steady state is approached in which the rate of forma-
tion of carbon is negligible compared to the rate of Figure 4. Schematic depiction of experimental monolith catalyst
formation of the desired reaction products. The product system employed in the present study.
compositions in such operations approach very closely
small reactors. Laboratory studies typically employ
the equilibrium compositions calculated without inclu-
cylindrical monoliths with diameters smaller than about
sion of carbon.
1 in. Second, there is the difficulty of premixing methane
As can be seen in Figure 2, as temperature increases, and oxygen rapidly and completely at high temperatures
the conversion of methane increases, and the amounts while avoiding gas-phase ignition. The complete oxida-
of CO2 and H2O decrease. Such trends simply reflect tion products formed as a result of such ignition totally
the tendency of reaction 6 to convert CH4 and H2O and undermine the purpose of the experiment by eliminating
of reaction 3 in the reverse direction to consume CO2 the direct conversion of CH4 to H2 and CO in the
as temperature increases. Although the highest yields subsequent action of the catalyst, thereby delaying the
of H2 and CO are realized at the highest temperatures, approach to the desired product equilibrium. Conse-
the matter of attaining such temperatures in a suitable quently, preheat temperatures in laboratory experi-
manner requires some discussion. ments have typically been lower than about 450 °C in
According to Figure 2, temperatures approaching previously reported studies. Also, if experiments are
1000 °C are required to achieve essentially complete carried out with air instead of pure oxygen, as shown
conversion to H2 and CO. Reaching this temperature in Figure 3, the adiabatic temperature rise is substan-
level requires some provision for heat input because the tially lower because of the added heat capacity of the
desired overall reaction 9 is only mildly exothermic and nitrogen.
therefore generates insufficient heat for the purpose. In In the present work, we have addressed the issue of
Figure 3, the adiabatic outlet temperature is plotted as reactor heat losses by employing a well-insulated quartz
a function of the inlet preheat temperature for an inlet reactor within a three-zone furnace. We have also been
feed mixture having a CH4/O2 molar ratio of 2:1 with able to preheat the reactants to high temperatures
the use of pure oxygen in one case and air in the other. without ignition problems, and we have used pure
As the preheat temperature is increased from 300 to oxygen instead of air. Figure 4 shows a schematic
600 °C, the outlet temperature increases from 805 to representation of the reactor used in our experiments.
920 °C for pure oxygen and from 710 to 820 °C for air. It corresponds to a standard setup in which the active
These calculated temperatures are a reflection of the monolith is sandwiched between two heat shields to
lower amounts of H2O and CO2 present at equilibrium preserve adiabaticity. The reactants are mixed and
at higher temperatures and also of the diluting effect heated to about 150 °C prior to their entrance into the
of nitrogen in the case of air. Thus, even in the ideal inlet zone of the reactor. Within the inlet zone of the
situation of an adiabatic operation, the results of Figure reactor prior to contact with the catalyst, they are
3 indicate that high preheat temperatures are needed further preheated to the desired temperature by a
to bring the reaction temperature to a level of 1000 °C. controlled input of heat in the top section of the furnace.
These results also provide a reason for the use of pure The temperature in each of the three zones within the
oxygen instead of air. furnace is independently controlled.
The previous discussion clearly illustrates the impor- For a rhodium catalyst supported on an alumina foam
tance of reaching a sufficiently high reaction tempera- monolith, Figure 5 shows the methane conversion and
ture. In our experience, the reactor outlet temperature selectivities to H2 and CO as a function of the preheat
is the critical parameter limiting the yields of H2 and temperature. The preheat temperature is measured by
CO from methane in laboratory experiments. However, the thermocouple located upstream of the front radia-
there are several kinds of problems that contribute to tion shield. Figure 5 shows that very high yields of H2
undesirably low temperatures in such experiments. and CO can be obtained at atmospheric pressure using
First, there is the difficulty of avoiding heat losses from CH4 and pure oxygen with a CH4/O2 molar ratio of 2:1
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003 1593

Figure 5. Experimental CH4 conversion and H2 and CO selectivi- Figure 7. Equilibrium mole fractions of products for an inlet
ties as a function of preheat temperature. Experiments carried n-hexane and air mixture having an O2/C molar ratio of 0.5 at a
out with an inlet methane and oxygen mixture having an O2/C total pressure of 1 atm.
molar ratio of 0.5. Pure oxygen, atmospheric pressure, GHSV )
144 000 h-1.
because the processes that utilize synthesis gas operate
at high pressures. High pressures complicate the situ-
ation significantly. Because of the increase in the
number of moles of species occurring in the production
of synthesis gas from methane and other hydrocarbons,
operations at higher pressure require higher tempera-
tures to maintain yields of H2 and CO at a given level,
as follows from Le Châtelier’s principle. Higher tem-
peratures, in turn, increase the potential for nonselec-
tive gas-phase reactions either during the mixing and
preheating of the reactants or during the time in the
reactor. Clearly, overcoming these difficulties requires
the design of very specialized mixers that avoid gas-
phase ignition prior to entrance of the reactants into
the catalyst zone and the development of very effective
catalysts that permit the desired surface-catalyzed
reactions to proceed more rapidly than the competing
gas-phase reactions. The potential commercial applica-
Figure 6. Experimental outlet temperature as a function of tion of this technology hinges heavily on these issues.
preheat temperature. Experiments carried out with an inlet
methane and oxygen mixture having an O2/C molar ratio of 0.5. We now turn to the example of the partial oxidation
Pure oxygen, atmospheric pressure, GHSV ) 144 000 h-1. of n-hexane with air and steam to produce a synthesis
gas rich in hydrogen. The analysis of this example has
and a high gas hourly space velocity (GHSV ) 144 000 some similarities to that of the previous example on
h-1). The GHSV is measured at standard conditions of methane partial oxidation, but there are also some
pressure and temperature and is based on total mono- important differences. To understand better some of the
lith volume. Accounting for molar expansion and tem- features of this example, it is instructive to examine first
perature rise we calculate that the contact time in these the simpler situation where n-hexane and air are
experiments is in the vicinity of 10 ms. The measured reacted without steam in a typical partial oxidation
reactor outlet temperatures are given in Figure 6. The situation. Figure 7 shows the equilibrium mole fractions
experimental results presented in Figures 5 and 6 are of products as a function of temperature for an inlet feed
very consistent with the calculated values given in mixture having a C6H14/O2 molar ratio of 1:3 (i.e., O2/C
Figures 2 and 3. The conversion of methane increases ) 0.5) at a total pressure of 1 atm. This molar ratio
as the reactor outlet temperature in the experiment corresponds to that of the reactants in the overall partial
increases. At a preheat temperature of 600 °C, the oxidation reaction 8. As in Figure 2, equilibria involving
selectivities to H2 and CO are about 98 and 99%, carbon are not included in the thermodynamic calcula-
respectively. The corresponding amounts of H2O and tions. One of the first observations that can be made is
CO2 are very small but consistent with the values that n-hexane is completely reacted to synthesis gas
expected from equilibrium calculations. Because of the throughout the temperature range of interest for this
very high conversion of methane, yields of H2 and CO type of reaction. The only hydrocarbon present in the
greater than about 95% are obtained. To our knowledge, equilibrium mixture is methane (below 800 °C), and this
this level of performance has not been reported earlier. is a general feature in the partial oxidation of other
Our experiments with methane and oxygen therefore hydrocarbon types as well. Thus, some of the conclusions
demonstrate that very high yields of H2 and CO can be drawn here for the reactions of n-hexane, air, and steam
obtained at atmospheric pressure with foam monoliths in monolith catalysts are applicable to the reactions of
using metallic rhodium as the active catalyst. One of hydrocarbons in general. The nitrogen mole fraction is
the key remaining challenges in this area is the attain- explicitly included in Figure 7 to remind us of nitrogen’s
ment of high yields at high pressures. This is necessary role in lowering the adiabatic temperature rise and in
1594 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003

Figure 9. Adiabatic outlet temperature as a function of preheat

Figure 8. Equilibrium mole fractions of products for an inlet
temperature for an inlet n-hexane, air, and steam mixture with
n-hexane, air, and steam mixture having an O2/C molar ratio of
various O2/C and H2O/C molar ratios at a total pressure of 1 atm.
0.5 and a H2O/C molar ratio of 1 at a total pressure of 1 atm.

lowering the partial pressures of the desired synthesis- cell is largely unaffected by the presence of the N2, H2O,
gas components. and CO2 that end up with the desired H2-rich stream.
As in the previous example on methane, H2 and CO The critical issue with the fuel cell is the removal of
are the main products of the reactions of n-hexane with CO, which is a poison for the catalyst surface in the
air at temperatures greater than about 800 °C. How- anode.
ever, in the ideal situation described by reaction 8, the With regard to the control of the reaction temperature
H2/CO molar ratio approaches a value of only 7/6 as a for optimal yields in these systems, there are some
result of the lower H/C ratio in n-hexane compared to compensating effects that require discussion. They
that in methane. The purpose of steam addition is relate to reaction exothermicity and the requirements
therefore to exploit the water gas shift reaction 3 to of air and steam. The key issues are illustrated in Figure
produce additional hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Ther- 9 where the adiabatic outlet temperature is plotted as
modynamic calculations can be used to determine how a function of the inlet preheat temperature. This figure
much steam should be added as a reactant for that shows results for three cases in which the O2/C and
purpose. Although the water gas shift reaction is H2O/C ratios are varied within typical values. When an
exothermic, and thus not favored at high temperatures, inlet mixture having an O2/C molar ratio of 0.5 and a
increasing the steam partial pressure can increase the H2O/C molar ratio of 1 is used, the adiabatic outlet
amount of CO transformed by the reaction. The steam temperatures exceed 800 °C even at preheat tempera-
that does not react, however, limits the reaction tem- tures as low as 300 °C. This simply reflects the high
perature by taking up some of the heat released by the exothermicity of the overall partial oxidation reaction
oxidation reactions. These competing effects ultimately 8, which is supplemented by additional heat release
give rise to an optimal amount of steam that properly from the mildly exothermic water gas shift reaction.
balances the extent of water gas shift conversion with Because the results of Figure 8 suggest that tempera-
the resulting reaction temperature. Figure 8 shows tures in the neighborhood of 700 °C are needed for
equilibrium mole fractions of products as a function of maximum yields of H2, one can consider lowering the
temperature for a typical situation in which steam is amount of air or increasing the amount of steam.
added to the reactant mixture. These compositions were Lowering the air decreases the amount of nitrogen in
calculated for an inlet mixture having a C6H14/O2 mole the products, and additional steam increases the amount
ratio of 1:3 (i.e., O2/C)0.5) and a C6H14/H2O mole ratio of hydrogen. Figure 9 shows that lowering the amount
of 1:6 (i.e., H2O/C)1) at a total pressure of 1 atm. of air to decrease the O2/C molar ratio from 0.5 to 0.44
Contrasting the results in Figure 7 with those of Figure still leads to high enough reaction temperatures for
8, one can clearly see the role of steam in producing optimum H2 yields. The simultaneous decrease of air
additional H2 and CO2. The hydrogen mole fraction goes to decrease the O2/C molar ratio from 0.5 to 0.44 and
through a broad maximum when the temperature level increase of steam from a H2O/C molar ratio of 1 to 2
reaches about 700 °C. This maximum in hydrogen decreases the temperature to levels that could become
occurs in the same temperature region where methane suboptimal at the lower preheat temperatures. It is
is no longer an equilibrium product. Thus, when steam emphasized that these trends are strictly valid under
is added to the reactant mixture, high yields of synthesis the ideal situation of adiabatic operation. In practice,
gas with a H2/CO molar ratio greater than about 2 can any heat losses will tend to increase the amount of
be obtained at a temperature of about 700 °C. Steam methane to the point where hydrogen yields might be
also helps reduce the amount of methane present at compromised. It is advisable to aim for reaction tem-
equilibrium. The drawback of this operation is that the peratures slightly above the optimal values set by the
mixture now contains CO2 and unreacted H2O, and theoretical analysis, especially when using small labo-
depending on its ultimate use, some additional process- ratory reactors where heat losses are a problem. Be-
ing might be necessary. In the specific case of fuel cell cause of the broad maximum in hydrogen content of the
applications, the final amounts of CO2 and H2O become product as a function of temperature (see Figure 8), the
even larger as a result of the lower-temperature water- potential yield deficit arising from decreased water-
gas shift steps (with water addition) that are used to gas shift conversion at higher temperatures is small.
increase the H2 content further. Fortunately, the fuel This is consistent with the mild temperature depen-
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003 1595

Overall, the results of Figure 10 clearly demonstrate

that hydrogen yields obtained in n-hexane partial
oxidation with monolith catalysts containing rhodium
as the active component improve substantially when
water is added to the feed stream, as a result of the
exploitation of the water gas shift reaction. Because of
the dilution effect of both nitrogen and steam in the feed
stream, gas-phase ignition is less of an issue than in
operations without steam addition.
Concluding Remarks
The production of synthesis gas mixtures very rich
in carbon monoxide and hydrogen is aided by high
temperatures. This has been clear since the earliest
industrial operations employing water gas generators
for the reactions of steam and air with red-hot coke. It
is a consequence of thermodynamics. Thus, a mixture
of steam and methane in a 1:1 molar ratio will yield an
equilibrium mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide
in a 3:1 molar ratio at 1000 °C, with only trace amounts
of carbon dioxide, water, and methane being present.
Similarly, a mixture of methane and oxygen in a molar
ratio of 2:1 will yield a 2:1 equilibrium mixture of
hydrogen and carbon monoxide at the same tempera-
ture. With a starting mixture of steam and methane,
the high endothermicity of the steam-methane reaction
requires that provision be made for the addition of heat
well beyond the amount of preheat needed initially to
Figure 10. Experimental methane conversion and H2 and CO bring the reactants to the desired temperature. Achiev-
selectivities obtained in n-hexane experiments with air and steam ing this in the most efficient manner has been a key
at atmospheric pressure (upper field). Experimental values of O2/ issue in the improvement of steam reforming operations
C, H2O/C, and preheat temperatures used in n-hexane experiments
with air and steam at atmospheric pressure (lower field).
over the years. With oxygen and methane as the
starting mixture, the exothermicity of a methane-
dence of the equilibrium constant for the water gas shift oxygen reaction removes this issue, the only consider-
reaction (see Figure 1). ation being the extent of reactant preheat required to
On the basis of these considerations, we carried out supplement the heat released by the reaction in raising
numerous experiments to study the reactions of n- the temperature of the gas mixture to the desired level.
hexane with air and steam in monolith catalysts con- The mechanism of the catalytic partial oxidation of
taining rhodium as the active component. The reactor methane to hydrogen and carbon monoxide at high
setup was the same as that used in the methane partial temperatures is a matter of much interest.35-46 Consider
oxidation experiments. As shown in the lower field of the reaction of a mixture of methane and oxygen with
Figure 10, these experiments included systematic varia- a 2:1 molar ratio over a catalyst containing a precious
tions in the O2/C (0.4-0.54) and H2O/C (0-2.4) molar metal (e.g., rhodium) as the active component. At
ratios, as well as in the preheat temperature (644-858 temperatures much lower than those used in the
°C). A set of conditions (O2/C ) 0.44, H2O/C ) 1, T ) production of synthesis gas, say in the range of 150-
700 °C, and GHSV ) 68 000 h-1) that was repeated 200 °C, rhodium and other group VIII precious metals
several times during the sequence of experiments are very active oxidation catalysts, but only complete
confirmed that the catalyst maintained activity with oxidation products (CO2 and H2O) are observed. What
time on stream. The upper field of Figure 10 sum- is happening at much higher temperatures with the
marizes the trends in the selectivities to H2, CO, CO2, monolith catalysts? One might simply argue that CO2
and CH4 for each of the conditions given in the lower and H2O are still the initial reaction products, but that
field of the figure. For convenience, the hydrogen unconverted methane then enters into reaction with
selectivity is defined as the amount of hydrogen in the these products via the same chemistry that occurs in
products divided by the amount of hydrogen in the steam reforming, with the final product composition
n-hexane reactant. A hydrogen selectivity in excess of being governed by the equilibria for the water gas shift
100% is therefore a measure of how much of the and methanation reactions. However, the reaction oc-
hydrogen in the steam is converted via the water gas curring in the monoliths is observed to be much faster
shift reaction. In cases in which no steam is added as a (by roughly 2 orders of magnitude) than the steam-
reactant (i.e., under standard partial oxidation condi- reforming reaction on nickel catalysts, possibly implying
tions), the hydrogen selectivity drops below 100% be- that it takes a different course. Professor Lanny Schmidt
cause some water is actually formed in the process (see and his students have concluded from their extensive
Figure 7). One can also see that the amount of methane work in this area that carbon monoxide and hydrogen
is generally small and consistent with the expected are formed as primary reaction products.35-41 The rate
dependence on reaction temperature and on the amount of formation of these products relative to the rate of
of steam present in the reaction mixture. There is a very formation of complete oxidation products is therefore
close correspondence between the pattern of variation much higher than it is at low temperatures. The term
of H2 selectivity in the upper field of Figure 10 and the direct partial oxidation is thus used in referring to this
pattern of changing H2O/C ratio in the lower field. phenomenon.
1596 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 42, No. 8, 2003

In a simple idealized situation, the selectivity of the In closing this discussion of synthesis gas production,
catalyst for the direct partial oxidation reaction would we emphasize the decisive role that it has played in
be so high that conversion of the methane would proceed chemical technology for the past century and that it
completely to hydrogen and carbon monoxide without appears destined to play in major technological innova-
any significant occurrence of other reactions. The extent tions envisioned for the future. The new results pre-
to which this simple situation is approached in a given sented in this paper provide a flavor for the kind of
case has not been clearly established. Although very research currently done in connection with exciting new
high selectivities to H2 and CO have been obtained with applications of old “water gas” chemistry.
nearly complete conversion of methane, the absence of
extensive data at low to moderate conversion levels Acknowledgment
precludes one from drawing firm conclusions about the
The authors thank Mrs. Carol Bordok and Mr. Bruce
possible contributions of other reactions as the rapid
A. DeRites for the generation of the experimental data
conversion of the methane proceeds. The possibility of on methane and n-hexane partial oxidation, respec-
complete oxidation products contributing significantly tively, presented in this paper. Many thanks also go to
to the ultimate formation of H2 and CO is not readily Dr. Paul J. Berlowitz for helpful discussions and guid-
dismissed. However, regardless of the present state of ance in the n-hexane study, which is part of a broader
understanding of this matter, the approach of using set of activities in the production of hydrogen-rich
monolith catalysts and millisecond reaction times at streams from hydrocarbons for fuel cell applications.
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