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Basketball Dribbling Rubric

This rubric will help to grade skill level of students in the hand dribble. To achieve a skill
number, students must demonstrate all of the skills in that scoring level. Emphasis is on
the process and mechanics of the sports skill and not the end product.

Skill Mechanics and Cues of Skill

Basic Skill Level

Students eyes are focused on the ball at all times
 Student dribbles the ball at varying levels
 Student slaps the ball down with their dribbling hand
 Student cannot dribble properly with their dominant hand or
with their non-dominant hand
 Student cannot keep control when dribbling at full speed
Elementary Skill Level

Students eyes are focused on the ball and student will
sometimes look up to scan
 Student dribbles the ball at varying levels
 Student pushes the ball down with their fingertips
 Student can dribble properly with their dominant hand but not
equally with their non-dominant hand
 Student cannot keep complete control when dribbling at full
Advanced Skill Level

Students eyes are scanning and not focused on the ball
 Student dribbles the ball at waist level
 Student pushes the ball down with their fingertips
 Student can dribble properly with their dominant hand but not
equally with their non-dominant hand
 Student loses some control when dribbling at full speed
Exemplar Skill Level

Students eyes are scanning and not focused on the ball
 Student dribbles the ball at waist level
 Student pushes the ball down with their fingertips
 Student can use both hands equally while dribbling
 Students dribble is under control at full speed

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