Lesson 1 Introduce Yourself: Casual Introduction

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Lesson 1 Introduce yourself

Casual introduction :
When you meet new people outside of work, for eg: during weekends, parties,
family gatherings, restaurants

Hi / Hello, my name is Palanisamy.

You can call Samy.

Possible questions and answers:

1. Where are you from?
 I am from India / I am originally from India / I am an Indian.
I have been working in Singapore for the past 5 years / since 2015.

2. How old are you?

 I am 32 years old.
 I am in my early thirties (if age is less than 35) / late thirties (if age is
more than 35)
 I am around 35 (if you do not want to tell your exact age)

3. What do you do?/ What’s your job / What line of work are you in?
 I work as a construction worker for a company called ---. I have been
working in Singapore for 5 years.
 I work in the construction industry (if you do not want to mention your
exact job)
 I am looking for a job. I was a construction worker for a company called --
I have 5 years of experience (if you are searching for a job)

4. How many people are there in your family?

 There are -- people in my family. They are in India. I am the only child, I
do not have any siblings
 In Singapore, I share a room with my co-workers / I live in the
construction dormitory with my co-workers

5. What are your hobbies?/ What do you like?/ What’s your favorite pastime? /
What do you like to do in your free time?/ What do you do in your spare time?
Remember to use “ing”
 I like reading books, playing cards
 I enjoy attending music concerts, plays
 I am interested in Carnatic music, film music, trying
 My hobbies are reading, painting, listening to music, watching movies,
 On weekends, I generally go to the movies / go to the temple
Spend time with my friends, try new and different food

6. What is your phone number?

 My mobile number is

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