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Gusti Ayu Putu Normayanti1, Konder Manurung2, Wahyudin3

English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Tadulako University


Objective of this research is to prove that implementation of information gap technique is

effective to develop the tenth grade students’ speaking skill at SMA Negeri 1 Balinggi. Quasi
experimental research design was applied with 60 students as its samples which were
selected by using purposive sampling technique. The samples of this research were grade X
MIPA2 and X MIPA3. Its data analysis indicates that there was a significant difference
between results of pretest and posttest. Mean score of experimental class significantly
increased from 39.72 to 61.94, while mean score of control class increased from 38.05 to
45.83. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest, t −counted value was found 6.53. By
applying degree of freedom (df) 58 and 0.05 level of significance, value of t −table was 2.02
so that value of t −counted (6.53) is higher than the value of t −table (2.02). Thus,
implementation of Information Gap Technique can develop the grade X students’ speaking

Key Terms: Developing, Speaking Skill, Information Gap Technique

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa implementasi teknik Information
Gap efektif untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas X di SMA Negeri 1
Balinggi. Desain penelitian eksperimental semu diterapkan dengan 60 siswa sebagai sampel
yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian ini adalah
kelas X MIPA2 dan X MIPA3. Analisis datanya menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan
antara hasil pretest dan posttest. Nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen secara signifikan
meningkat dari 39,72 ke 61,94, sedangkan, nilai rata-rata kelas control meningkat dari 38,05
ke 4,83. Berdasarkan hasil pretest dan posttest itu nilai t-counted adalah 6,53. Dengan
menerapkan derajat kebebasan (df) 58 dan 0,05 tingkat signifikans, nilai t-table adalah 2,02,
sehingga nilai t-counted (6,53) lebih besar daripada nilai t-table (2,02). Jadi, implementasi teknik
Information Gap itu dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas X itu.

Istilah Kunci: Mengembangkan, Keterampilan Berbicara, Teknik Information Gap

Beside writing, speaking is one of analyzing, and presenting developments of the
productive language skills needed to carry out concrete and abstract domains of the learned
an interactive process in order to construct materials and being able to apply various
information. Specifically, mastery of speaking methods based on scientific principles. As a
is a priority for students both in schools and result, their teacher should develop his/her
universities. In communicative model of the methods and techniques in teaching and
English speaking class, the students should be learning process and develop the students’
taught how to speak well by using components speaking skill. English teachers and lecturers
of English speaking skills, namely fluency, should provide a rich environment where
accuracy, and appropriacy. meaningful communication takes place. Due
Based on Kurikulum 2013, teaching to the fact, various speaking activities which
English speaking at senior high school level is can contribute to the students developing
that students are demanded for processing, communication skills necessary for life should


E-journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 1

be introduced into English classes. These and familiar for the students. That is one of
activities will make students more active and good ways to develop students’ speaking skill.
interested in the classroom tasks and at the
same time these also make their learning more RESEARCH METHOD
meaningful and joyful. Quasi-experimental research design
Moreover, developing speaking skill was used in conducting this research. There
among the students still can be a big problem. were an experimental class and a control one
Especially for the grade X students at SMA chosen purposively. Both were taken from the
Negeri 1 Balinggi, there were some reasons existing classes by looking at the same
why this happened. First, the students lack condition. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison
interest and motivation to speak. Second, the (2007:214) state that quasi experimental
students lack vocabulary. Third, the teacher situation as compromise design. it is an
gave them few opportunities to explore their appropriate description when applied too
ability in the class. In addition, when teaching much educational research where the random
in the class, the teacher did not know what selection or random assignment of schools and
kind of problem faced by the students in classrooms is quite impracticable. The
learning English. The last, the students did not following design of this research is adapted
really enjoy the English subject. It was from Cohen et al. (2007:283).
because, when the teacher gave an explanation
in front of the class, some students did not pay 𝑂1 X 𝑂2
attention to the explanation of their teacher by ---------------------
keeping talking and disturbing their friend 𝑂3 𝑂4
during teaching and learning process. In short,
the students needed an interesting atmosphere Where:
in the classroom to make them enjoy and O1: pretest of experimental class
comfort to learn English particularly in O2: posttest of experimental class
speaking. O3: pretest of control class
There are many techniques which can O4: posttest of control class
be used by English teachers in making the X: treatment of experimental class
students interested in teaching and learning ----------: there is no random subject
process especially in speaking skill. The
researcher chose the information gap as one of In conducting the research, the
the alternative techniques which might be researcher needs population as the subjects of
successful to develop the students’ speaking the research. They are very important because
skill at SMA Negeri 1 Balinggi. It is because they can support a research. The population of
information gap technique gives more chance this research were 135 grade X students at
to students to speak and develop their ideas SMA Negeri 1 Balinggi. It consisted of five
with their friends without feeling any pressure, parallel classes. They were class X MIPA1, X
also, encourage the students to share their MIPA2, X MIPA3, X IPS1, and X IPS2.The
opinions and ideas about the material given by whole number of the population can be seen in
their teacher. Harmer (2007:223) states that an the following table.
information gap activity is an action where
learners miss the facts. They need to complete Table 1: Population
a task and need to talk each other to find it. In No. Class Students
other words, information gap is a technique 1 X MIPA1 30
where the students are divided into pairs to
complete passages that have incomplete 2 X MIPA2 30
information. So, the students have to talk to 3 X MIPA3 30
each other by using the target language to 4 X IPS1 25
complete the gaps in their information. Next,
the students share what they have discussed 5 X IPS2 20
with their partner in front of the class. TOTAL 135
Information gap technique is applied based on
the material or topic that has been discussed

E-journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 2

The samples of the research were says by understanding what she/he speaks and
drawn from the population. Cohen et al gives understandable response to him/her. In
(2007:100) state, “A sample is a small group this research, the students’ scores were
of the total population.” Therefore, the determined by the scale of scoring adapted
researcher used a purposive sampling from Heaton (1988:100). The scoring system
technique to choose the samples. The students is presented on the following table:
of SMA Negeri 1 Balinggi, X MIPA2 and X
MIPA3 are homogen, then all have passed Table 2: The Scoring System
Score Fluency Accuracy Comprehensi
English at grade IX. They were samples of this bility
research. The researcher decided purposively 6 Speaks Pronunciation Easy for
X MIPA2 as the experimental class and X without to is over listeners to
great an effort slightly in the understand
MIPA3 as the control class. with a fairly mother speakers’
Each research has its variables that wide range of tongue. Two intonation
influence each other. The variable of the expression. or three minor and general
Searches of grammatical meaning, very
research was divided into two types, namely words and lexical few
dependent variable and independent variable. occasionally error. interruption
only one or clarifications
The former was the output variable which was two unnatural required.
really interested in monitoring to find whether pauses.
the technique was effective or not. The latter
5 Has to make Pronunciation The speaker
was the individual variable which has an effect an effort at is over intention and
on the dependent variable. In this research, the times to slightly in the general
dependent variable was speaking skill and the search for mother meaning are
words. tongue. A few fairly clear. A
independent variable was information gap Nevertheless, minor few
technique. smooth grammatical interruptions
This research used test as the delivery on and lexical by the listener
the whole and error but most for the
instrument. The test instrument was in form of only a few utterances are seeking of
oral test which consisted of pretest and unnatural correct. clarification
pauses. are necessary.
posttest. A pretest was conducted to both
experimental class and control one in order to 4 Although he Pronunciation Most of what
find out prior knowledge of the students in has to make is still the speaker’s
and effort and moderately say is easy to
speaking before they got treatments by the search for influenced by follow. His
implementation of information gap technique. words, there the mother intention is
Before doing the posttest toward the two are not too tongue but always clear
many not serious but several
classes, the experimental class was given unnatural phonological interruptions
treatments by using information gap pauses. Fairly errors. A few are necessary
smooth grammatical to help him to
technique. Finally, posttest was conducted to delivery and lexical convey the
both classes after apply the treatments for mostly. error but only message or to
experimental class. The posttest used as a Occasionally one or teo seek
fragmentary major errors clarification.
measurement to find out how far the students’ but succeeds causing
progress after doing the treatments. Moreover, in conveying confusion.
the posttest was conducted in order to find out the general
meaning. Fair
whether the treatments were effective or not. range of
This research focused on the expression.
3 Has to make Pronunciation The listener
components of speaking skill which are an effort for is influenced understands a
fluency, accuracy, and comprehensibility. much at the by the mother lot of what is
Fluency is how we can speak English well time. Often tongue but said, but we
has to search only a few must
without long pauses. It is necessary for the for the serious constantly
students to be able to express or deliver what desired phonological seek
they want to say as clear as possible in order meaning. errors. clarification.
Rather halting Several Cannot
to deliver their ideas smoothly. Furthermore, delivery and grammatical understand
accuracy describes the correct use of language fragmentary. and lexical many of the
in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and Range of errors, some speaker’s
expression of which more
grammar. Finally, comprehensibility is related often limited. cause complex or
to how we can respond back to what someone confusion. longer

E-journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 3

2 Long pauses Pronunciation Only small This research used tests as the main
while he is seriously bits (usually
searches for influenced by short instruments of the research in collecting the
the desired mother sentences and data, namely pretest and posttest in order to
meaning. tongue with phrases) can find out the students’ development in speaking
Frequently error causing be understood
fragmentary a breakdown and then with skill. The pretest was conducted before giving
and halting in the the treatments. After the pretest, the treatments
delivery. communicatio considerable
Almost gives n. Many effort by
were conducted by using information gap
up making the “basic” someone who technique in sixth meetings to the
effort at grammatical is used to experimental class while the control class was
times. and lexical listening to
Limited range errors. the speaker. not. After finished the sixth meetings, posttest
of expression. was conducted to both experimental class and
1 Full of long Serious Hardly control one. The posttest was administered
and unnatural pronunciation anything of
pauses. Very errors as well what is said after doing the treatments in order to develop
halting and as many can be the students’ speaking skill by using
fragmentary “basic” understood
delivery. At grammatical even when
information gap technique. The result of each
times gives and lexical the listener test was compared to measure whether the use
up of making errors. No makes a great of information gap technique can develop
effort. Very evidence of effort or
limited range having interrupts, the students’ speaking skill or not. The result of
of expression. mastered any speaker is the pretest and posttest of experimental class is
of the unable to presented on the following table:
language skill clarity
and areas anything he
practiced in seem to said. Table 3: Results of Pretest and Posttest of
the course.
the Experimental Class
In this research, rating 5 and 6 were No Initial Deviation
for native speaker, so the scoring system Pretest Posttest
ranges from 1 up to 4 at each scope. 1 GPR 33.33 50 16.67
Therefore, this rating system is evaluated to
2 GASP 33.33 50 16.67
SMA Negeri 1 Balinggi. The maximum score
was one hundred while the minimum score 3 GAB 66.67 91.67 25
was ten. This research used statistics to 4 MAB 58.33 75 16.67
analyze its data. It was used to analyze the
result of the test instruments (pretest and 5 MDAP 33.33 58.33 25
posttest). The formula proposed by Arikunto 6 MHS 41.67 75 33,33
(2002) was used in counting the individual
score of the students. Furthermore, the 7 NAW 50 58.33 8.33
formula proposed by Arikunto (2006) was 8 NES 33.33 50 16.67
used in counting the mean score, the mean
score of deviation, the sum of square deviation 9 NKJ 33.33 66.67 33.34
of both experimental class and control one, 10 PAE 58.33 75 16.67
and the t-counted value. First, the individual
score of each student (pretest and posttest) was 11 WAA 25 50 25

counted. Second, the students’ mean scores 12 NAP 50 66.67 16.67

both in pretest and posttest were counted.
13 RAV 50 66.67 16.67
Third, the mean score of deviation was
counted to both experimental class and control 14 NAPw 41.67 66.67 25
one. Fourth, the sum of square deviation of the
15 SAW 33.33 58.33 25
classes also was counted. The value of t-counted
was them counted in order to find out 16 WAD 25 50 25
significant difference between the mean
17 AAWA 50 58.33 8.33
achievements of the two classes. They are the
mean score of experimental group and control 18 IAMS 25 66.67 41.67
one. 19 CP 58.33 75 16.67

E-journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 4

20 RW 41.67 66.67 25 14 KABD 33.33 41.67 8.34
15 WED 33.33 33.33 0
21 KS 66.67 75 8.33
16 WYB 25 25 0
22 AS 25 50 25
17 MA 33.33 41.67 8.34
23 KJ 41.67 50 8.33 18 RAD 33.33 41.67 8.34
19 MDD 33.33 33.33 0
24 NKS 41.67 75 33.33
20 OA 33.33 50 16.67
25 KAA 33.33 66.67 33.34
21 SR 58.33 58.33 0
26 KAP 25 50 25 22 MAS 33.33 33.33 0

27 EW 25 50 25 23 KF 33.33 50 16.67
24 MIP 50 50 0
28 HS 25 50 25
25 NS 41.67 41.67 0
29 MEA 25 50 25 26 ATP 25 50 25

30 Ast 41.67 66.67 25 27 AW 33.33 50 16.67

28 KYW 33.33 66.67 33.34
Total 1,191.66 1858.35 666.69
29 NLJR 66.67 66.67 0
Mean 39.72 61.94 22.22 30 DAKA 25 33.33 8.34
Total 1,141.64 1,374.99 233.36

The table 3 indicates that the mean Mean 38.05 45.83 7.78
score of pretest of experimental class is 39.72.
The highest score is 66.67 and the lowest
score is 25. The highest score of the posttest of The students’ individual scores of the
the experimental class is 91.67 and the lowest control class were calculated by using the
score is 50. Furthermore, the mean score of same formula as in experimental class. As a
the posttest of the experimental class is 61.94. result, the mean score of pretest of control
It means that the development of the result of class is 38.05. The highest score is 66.67 and
the experimental class is 22.22. It increased the lowest score is 25.
from 39.72 to 61.94. Results of the pretest and After calculating the score of pretest,
posttest of the control class is presented on the the score of posttest is counted. The highest
following table: score of the posttest of the control class is 75
and the lowest score is 25. Furthermore, the
Table 4: Results of Pretest and Posttest of the mean score of posttest of the control class
Control Class 45.83. There is also development of the result
of the control class. The development of the
control class is 7.78. It developed from 38.05
No Initial Deviation
Pretest Posttest to 45.83.
After gathering all the data of
1 MRE 66.67 75 8.33 experimental class and control one, the mean
2 IBMB 41.67 41.67 0
score of deviation and the sum of square of
deviation were counted from both classes. The
3 KBC 41.67 58.33 16.66
mean score of deviation of experimental group
4 WLY 50 58.33 8.33
was found and it was 22.22. Furthermore, the
5 RM 25 25 0
sum of square deviation of the experimental
6 NLM 33.33 33.33 0 class is 1,985.12. Besides, the mean score of
7 NMW 50 50 0 deviation of the control class is 7.78 and the
8 IAW 41.67 50 8.33 sum of square deviation of the control class is
9 WDD 58.33 66.67 8.34 2,768.67.
10 AAAR 25 33.33 8.33 Moreover, the value of t-counted was
11 GNW 25 25 0
calculated by using t-test formula as proposed
by Arikunto (2006) to see the significant
12 GNA 25 58.33 33.33
difference of both classes. By applying the t-test
13 NAS 33.33 33.33 0

E-journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 5

formula, it implies that the t -counted value is encourage the students to understand the
6.53. technique of learning process. Furthermore,
Afterwards, the value of t-counted was she explained the examples or models to the
compared with the value of t-table in order to students how to use the technique and what
find out the significant difference between they should say during the activity.
them. By applying Nx+Ny–2= 30+30–2= 58 There are several steps of the
degree of freedom (df) and 0.05 level of treatment. Firstly, the researcher divided the
significance of two tailed of test, t-table value students into pairs. There were fifteen pairs
which was 2.02 is found. It indicates that the t- that consisted of two students in every pair.
counted value (6.53) is higher than t -table value This is in line with Manurung (2015) that
(2.02). It means that the research hypothesis is working in group activate and motivate
accepted. In other words, the use of learners to speak. In other words, when the
information gap technique can develop the students speak to their friend or partner, they
grade X students’ speaking skill. feel free and more enjoyable than speak to
their teacher. In this case, the students should
DISCUSSION complete the missing information in their
This research was conducted in order passage, so that is why they must speak each
to prove that the use of information gap other.
technique can develop the grade X students’ Secondly, the researcher gave a
speaking skill or not. Information gap passage for every pair about animal. She
technique is applied to give more chance to asked the students to complete the information
students to speak and develop their ideas with by asking the missing information to their
their friends without feeling any pressure. partner. She did not allow them to show their
They are more enjoyable to speak to their passage to others, but she found several
friends freely. They have opportunity to share students who did not exchange the information
information with their partner who does not to their partner and used wrong tense.
have the same information and they are able to Furthermore, they looked at their partner’s
obtain information which they have not known passage to complete the information. In order
yet. In this case, the students require to fill the to make sure that they understand, the
gap and complete the passage by asking each researcher remind them about the correct rules
other. Furthermore, during its steps the or procedures to the students in this activity
students had teacher’s guide before speaking and remind them to use the correct tense.
in front of the class. The guide of teacher can Moreover, the students are helped when they
prepare the students to express their mind get difficulties to practice speaking during the
easily. activities. Almost all of the students enjoyed
Eight meetings were conducted for the activities in pairs, and they were very
both experimental class and control one. Two active during the discussion even though they
meetings were for pretest and posttest while still mixed English and Bahasa Indonesia in
six meetings were for the treatment. During their activities.
the six meetings, the researcher gave different Finally, after getting all of the
topics to be disscussed in every meeting. She informations, role of the teacher is to ask the
administered pretest to both experimental class students to share what they have discussed in
and control one on January 7th, 2019 in order front of the class. Before closing the meeting,
to measure the students’ speaking skill. the researcher motivated the students to be
Furthermore, she provided three items for the more active in the next meeting. Manurung
students. (2012) states that motivation is significant to
The first treatment was conducted in generate successful learning. In this matter,
the experimental class on January 8th, 2019 teacher is the one who becomes a motivator.
and the topic was animal. In applying the Therefore, it implies that the way teacher
treatment, the researcher explained about what chose leaning materials, media, and activities
information gap and the rules or procedures of definitely influenced the role of teacher in
information gap activity. Moreover, she order to make learners to learn.
explained the topics to the students. In the second treatment, the researcher
Especially, at the first meeting, it is needed to gave different topic. It was about family

E-journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 6

member but in the same steps. She found out than the mean score of the posttest (61.94).
that the students have already made an effort Therefore, concerning the result of ttable were
to speak English, share the information with compared with tcounted, finally, the result
their partner. Most of them did not use their indicates that the use of information gap
mother tongue. technique can develop the students’ speaking
In the next treatment, the researcher skill and automatically the hypothesis is
found out that the teaching and learning accepted.
process by using information gap technique
was better. This situation occured because the REFFERENCES
treatments have conducted for several times Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian
and the students have many opportunities to Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta:
practice their speaking skill with their partner. Rineka Cipta.
There was no student who looked at his/her Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian
partner’s passage, wrong tense or even used Suatu Pendekatan Praktek (Edisi
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development since they were given the Perbukuan Kemdikbud.
opportunity with their friends on group Manurung, K. (2012).”Creative Teachers and
discussion. All in all, this activity and media Effective Teaching Strategies that
effectively can make the students more Motivate Learners to Learn”.
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E-journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 7

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