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Solar Electricity Generation and Avoided Carbon Emissions

Solar electricity generation produces zero carbon emissions. When solar electricity (or renewable energy) is
produced in Oregon, it displaces electricity in the Pacific Northwest Regional Energy Grid that would have been
produced at power plants from a mix of hydropower and renewable sources (55%), coal (34%) and natural gas
(11%). Hydropower, like solar generation, releases zero carbon emissions. However, electricity produced from
coal and natural gas produces 2.10 and 1.32 pounds of carbon emissions per kilowatt-hour respectively.

Trees and Carbon Emissions Sequestration

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, terrestrial carbon sequestration is the process by which
trees, plants and crops absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. This absorbed carbon dioxide is
sequestered or stored as carbon in biomass such as tree trunks, branches, foliage and roots, and in soil. The term
"carbon sinks" is used to refer to forests, croplands and grazing lands, and their ability to sequester more carbon
or carbon emissions than they release. In a 2004 study of California forest carbon sinks, Douglas firs (a tree
commonly found in Oregon) in a forest were estimated to sequester or reduce carbon emissions by
approximately 2 metric tons of CO2e per acre per year. This means that one Douglas fir will sequester 0.01
metric tons of CO2e per year, which is equivalent to the CO2e emissions produced from a passenger vehicle
consuming one gallon of gasoline.

Tree Versus Solar Panel Scenario

If the same amount of shade were produced from 39 trees, the choice between the carbon sequestration of the
trees versus the efficiency of the solar panel system would be a tie, based on carbon emissions alone. This is
because the annual generation of 100,000 kWh of solar electricity will reduce carbon emissions by 38.9 metric
tons of CO2e. Therefore, a reduction in solar panel efficiency by 1% (TSRF = 0.99) due to tree shading results
in an increase in carbon emissions by 0.39 metric tons of CO2e per year due to that same electricity needing to
be produced from the energy grid mix rather than from solar.

While 39 trees sequester the equivalent avoided carbon emissions from 1,000 kWh of solar electricity
production (the amount of lost solar electricity due to shading in this scenario) from the Pacific Northwest grid
mix, the tree versus solar tradeoffs cannot be made on this dichotomy alone. Trees vary in shape and size and
shade in unique ways depending on their proximity to a solar panel system, the density of foliage and the time of
year. Therefore, when considering the trade offs between sequestered carbon from onsite trees versus the loss of
solar electricity production from shading, each site must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

One tree – 0.01 metric ton of CO2e per year

10,000 kWh of solar – 38.9 metric ton of CO2e per year

(Trees planted: average value of 0.039 metric tons CO 2e/tree planted/yr for medium growth coniferous trees planted in an
urban setting (not densely planted) and allowed to grow for 10 years)(PAGE 3)

Solar Electricity Generation and Avoided Carbon Emissions

Our house is entirely powered by solar panels, which provide electricity that might otherwise be generated
by a coal-fired power plant. Each year, we use about 3100 kW-hr of power, which would release about
1400 lbs (=0.7 tons) of carbon (as carbon dioxide) to the atmosphere. Since inception four years ago, our
solar array has generated 33,600 kW-hr, which SunPower tells us has prevented the addition of 25.5 tons
of carbon dioxide (= 7 tons of C or 1.75 tons C/yr) to the atmosphere. Our excess generation of electricity
goes to the grid.

Trees and Carbon Emissions Sequestration

To provide a liberal estimate, we have 27 m2 of solar panels that occupy an area that is approximately 50
feet x 200 feet (0.23 acres), calculated to include the open space that we need to prevent them from shade.
In the eastern United States, forests typically accumulate about 2 metric tons of carbon per hectare during
each year of growth. That is equivalent to 0.81 tons of carbon/acre. So, the area occupied by our panels
might otherwise accumulate about 0.18 tons of carbon as carbon dioxide, each year, if it were planted with

Tree Versus Solar Panel Scenario

Forest – 0.81 ton of carbon/acre

Panel – 0.18 ton of carbon/acre ????


Using world average assumptions, deployment of these modules results in the following, per GW: approximately 1.3TWh/yr
power production per GW, enough to power approximately half a million world average households per year; and
displacement of over 650,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2e)* per year per GW using world average grid
assumptions, which is the equivalent of removing over 130,000 world average cars from the road per year, or planting
approximately 17 million trees per year.

Solar – 1.3TWh/year displaces 6,50,000 metric tons/year

Trees – 17 million trees displaces 6,50,000 metric tons/year

13,00,000 kWh displaces 6,50,000 metric ton

1 kwh displaces 0.5 metric ton
10,000 kWh displaces 5000 metric ton

10,000 kWh of solar – 38.9 metric ton of CO2e per year


Solar Electricity Generation and Avoided Carbon Emissions

First, we need some assumptions for the “typical solar electric system”. In my original Tree Math calculations, I used a
5,000-watt solar energy system. Today’s average residential system is closer to 7,500 watts, so my imaginary system will
have 24 SunPower 327-watt panels, for a total capacity of 7,848 watts.

Next assumption: the roof. A roof’s viability for solar is quantified as a percentage of the ideal, which would be 100%. In
New England, a system facing due south with a 37 degree tilt and no shade is ideal. From my experience, the typical New
England roof is 80% of ideal, so let’s go with that.

Next up, let’s determine what our 7,848-watt system on an 80% roof will produce throughout the year in New England
(more specifically Worcester, Mass.), using NREL’s PVWatts tool:

Our 7,848 watt solar produces 8,685 kWh per year

Using the carbon intensity factor of 1.106 lb CO2/kWh, we can calculate that this system will offset 9,606 pounds (4.3 tons)
of CO2 every year.

Trees and Carbon Emissions Sequestration

Different sources offer different numbers – no surprise in the constantly evolving world of carbon sequestration analytics. In
the first edition of this article, I calculated a per tree annual sequestration number using average pounds of CO2 sequestration
per acre of forest. I then divided by the estimated number of trees per acre of forest. While this provided a ball park number,
it was not as precise as I would have liked, so I am updating my analysis using a carbon sequestration methodology from the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

In its report, “Method for Calculating Carbon Sequestration by Trees in Urban and Suburban Settings”, the DOE offers a
method for – what a surprise – calculating carbon sequestration by trees in urban and suburban settings. The DOE provides
data for many types of trees, of different ages. Since the amount of carbon a tree absorbs from the atmosphere over time
depends on the tree’s species, size and growth rate, this source can be used to make very exacting calculations. For this
article, I’ll use a carbon sequestration rate representative of a 30-year-old eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), which is very
common in New England back yards. Using the DOE methodology, I estimate that:

A 30 year old tree absorbs 193 pounds (0.0875433 tons) of CO2 per year

Tree Versus Solar Panel Scenario

The 9,606 pounds (4.3 tons) of CO2 that our solar system offsets every year is equivalent to the carbon absorbing capability
of about 50 trees.
Tree plantation project cost


Plantation cost – 2.6lakh rupees

Initial set up cost – 4 lakh rupees
Total cost over 4 years – 5.6lakh rupees

Avg. cost – Rs. 4lakhs

PAPER 1: Rs. 88.02*65 mill = Rs. 5.7 billion

PAPER 3: 88.02*17 mill = Rs. 1.4 bill

PAPER 4: 88.02*65 mill = Rs. 5.7 bill



PAPER 1: 29.8*65 mill = Rs. 1.9 bill

PAPER 3: 29.8*17 mill = Rs. 0.5 bill

PAPER 4: 29.8*65 mill = Rs. 1.9 bill

Solar Project Cost

PAPER 1: 1.6bill kwH= Rs. 64000 bill

PAPER 3: 1.3bill kwH = Rs. 52,000 bill

PAPER 4: 9.7bill kwH = Rs. 3,88,000 bill


1.6 billion kwh = 65 million trees = 6,50,000 metric tons of Co2e


1.3 billion kwh = 17 million trees = 6,50,000 metric tons of Co2e


9.7 billion kwh = 65 million trees = 55,90,000 metric tons of Co2e

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