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Dealing with False Teachers

1 Timothy 1:1-20

A. Illustration
-Pisay student Experience: Imagine that you are students and I am your teacher. And I start saying these things:
a. Did you know that Jesus is not peaceful? (Matthew 10:34)
b. The Bible promotes slavery (Ephesians 6:5)
c. The Bible promotes blind fanaticism (Romans 13:1-7)
d. God is sexist (1 Corinthians 14:34)
-QUESTION:What will you do when you encounter false teachings? False teachers? You meet someone who believes
differently from you?

B. Background
-This was what Timothy faced in our passage today—false teachers, false teachings, a host of other problems in
the church at Ephesus.
-Paul wrote him this letter for instruction on how to deal with the issues
-Who: TimothyGentile father & Jewish mother; grandson of Lois; son of Eunice; late teens or early 20s; may
have been saved through the ministry of Paul (v. 2) left by Paul in Ephesus to pastor the church meek,
reserved, introverted (1 Tim 4:12; 2 Tim 1:7-8)
-When: the pastoral letters (1-2 Timothy, Titus) events after the book of ActsPaul’s release from his 1stRoman
imprisonment (cf Phil and Philem, Acts 28) Paul’s “fourth missionary journey” 2nd Roman imprisonment
Martyrdom by Nero
-Where:Paul was in Macedonia and Timothy was in Ephesus (v. 3)
-Ephesus is the Capital of the Roman province of Asia or modern-day Turkey
-worship of Artemis or the goddess DianaEphesians and 1-2 Timothy discussion on the role of women in the
church, husband-wife relationship, God’s design for men and women
-What:letter of instruction for young Timothy dealing with several issues in the Ephesian church: false teachings
(ch 1, 4, 6); order of worship (ch 2); church leadership (ch 3), dealing with older men, widows, elders &
slaves (ch 5); materialism (ch 6); Gospel Truths all throughout (grace/mercy; deity, humanity Lordship of Jesus)

C. Outline
When dealing with false teachers, false teachings we need to:
1. Be Bold (vv. 3-4)
2. Be Salvation Focused (v. 5-6)
3. Be Scripture Grounded (vv. 7-11)
4. Be Gracious (vv. 12-17)
A. Be Bold (vv. 3-4)
Point:We should not be afraid to speak the truth in love when faced with false teachings. (read)
Proof:v. 3 Charge- to command, to instruct, to order, to exhort with authority; certain people
(v. 20 Hymenaeus; Alexander)
vv. 3-4 What to instruct?
 Not to teach any different doctrine
1. Preoccupation with myths and endless genealogies (Genesis)
2. Legalism (1 Timothy 1:7)
3. Prohibition of marriage (holiness) and certain foods (1 Tim 4:3)
4. The resurrection has already taken place (2 Timothy 2:18)
5. Seeds of Gnosticism or focus on special “knowledge” (1 Timothy 6:20)
 Why? promotes speculation (dispute, debate, controversy) and disunity
-instead of stewardship: good order or God’s plan of salvation by faith
-gospel ministry is now overshadowed by trivial controversies, debates
Problem:I only see speak the truth, not love Timothy’s character inclined to meekness (1 Tim 4:12) love
part is more natural for him, but not the bold confrontation w/ the truth balance
Picture:w/o BalanceChameleon Christian (overemphasis on love)= compromise
Cactus Christian (overemphasis on truth)=Conflict
-Which is your tendency? Most of the time Chameleon (work on this)
Practice:How? Correct approach:choice of words (without sugarcoating), genuinenesstrust; Mat 18:15-20(v. 20)
Correct timing: conducive for discussion (avoid trial by publicity, personality politics; ex. Pisay)
Restate:When faced with a false teacher, we should be bold, speaking the truth in love

B. Be Salvation Focused (v. 5-6)

Point:In exposing false teachings, we should desire to win the person over to God (read)
Proof: v. 5 Aim: virtue of love (God and people)from a pure heart, good conscience, sincere faith (vice-versa)
REFLECT: When do we achieve these? Only when a person has a genuine relationship with God. (saved)
-as you expose the false teaching, you should also be pointing to Christ, desiring that God will arouse their
hearts to come back (if they’ve backsliddenv. 6) or to be born again (if not yet believers)
TWO-FOLD: Correct/confront the false teaching; restore the false teacher
Problem: Tendency to demonize the other, instead of seeing the opportunity for salvation/restoration
-Passion for the truth is admirable. Temper this passion with love for people (salvation).
Picture: Jesus’ exampleMatthew 23: passionate in calling out the hypocrisy of religious leaders;
John 3: loving in instructing Nicodemus (a Pharisee) on the way of salvation.
Chrisiel story (Sir Lanuza)
Practice:It is sad if we are able to win a theological debate but in the end, lose the person.
:even before we engage in correcting false teachers, let’s ask God to check our hearts, put the right
motive (love for truth and for people)
:notjust the ability to give counter arguments, but the ability to bring the discussion to the Gospel
REFLECT: false teachers who come to know Jesus effective in reaching out those trapped in false teachings
PICTURE:Pisay kids look at the experience as an opportunity to minister to your teacher and classmates
Restate:When faced with false teachings, we should be salvation focused, wisely bringing the discussion to the
Gospel because we desire for the person’s salvation or restoration

C. Be Scripture-Grounded (vv. 7-11)

Point:Our greatest weapon in dealing with false teachings is Scripture properly handled, not our opinions/ logic
Proof: v. 7 Why be Scripture-Grounded? False teachers misuse the Law (Scripture) ignorance, selfish gains
How?*Obedience to the Law (good works, tradition) brings salvation (Judaizers)
*Emphasize trivial things controversy, attention (1 Tim 6:4; Westboro Baptist Church)
*Use the Law for manipulation get rich (1 Tim 6:5; Health, Wealth,Prosperity Gospel)
v. 8-10What is the Law for? The Law is for the lawless or sinners in the sense that it’s God’s means to
show them their real condition (sinfulness, lawlessness)
-mirror: see God’s standard and recognize how much they’ve failed in obeying it
-ex. 10 Commandments; James 2:10 conviction for sinfulness vs God’s holiness, reality of judgment
-so that we will realize our need for a Savior; we will run to Jesus for salvation by grace through faith
RESTATE:Confront false teachings with the clear teaching of Scripture (Scripture Grounded)
Problem:Alambanatinang Bibles natin? Alambanatinpaanoaralinang Bibles natin? (Context, history, theology)
Picture:DCFer with god the mother convicted to study God’s Word more (Bereans; Acts 17)
Practice: Study your Bibles; Study how to study your Bibles (OIA; hermeneutics); Context, context, context
Restate:Be Scripture-Grounded when dealing with false teachers

D. Be Gracious (vv. 12-17)

Point:Remember that we are sinners too, who experienced God’s grace; so we should have this
attitude in dealing with false teachers
Proof:vv. 12-14After Paul charged Timothy to be Bold, Salvation-Focused and Scripture-Grounded, he
burst forth in thanksgiving to God because he remembered how God, Himself, dealt with him the
same way when he was still a false teacher
-blasphemer, persecutor, insolent opponentmercy (ignorant unbeliever); grace from Jesus,
bringing faith and love (salvation)
-vv 15-16Why? Not because Paul was good or holy (worst sinner)
-so the patience of God will be displayed
-God is patient even to the worst false teachers to bring them to salvation
-vv 17the gift of salvation which Paul received is wholly by grace through faith, not works so that all glory and
honor truly belong to God
*If God was patient and gracious to them, how much more should we be?
Picture: Rev Ravi Zacharias will categorize this grace as an apologetics of the heart
Ex. Muslims come to Jesus not so much because of intellectual arguments but because of the gracious and
loving experiences they had with Christians
Practice: Like Paul, ask God to remind us of where we were before He saved us so that we can exercise more
grace in dealing with false teachers.
Restate:Be gracious in dealing with false teachers the same way God was gracious to us when we were still lost

How do we deal with false teachers, false teachings?We need to:
1. Be Bold (vv. 3-4)
2. Be Salvation Focused (v. 5)
3. Be Scripture Grounded (vv. 6-11)
4. Be Gracious (vv. 12-17)

Underlying assumption
-underlying assumption which I purposefully placed in the end as a final exhortation
-before you are able to deal with false teachings, it is assumed that you KNOW correct doctrine/teachings
-How?Look at the first letters of our main points: BS (Bible Study); SG (Small Group)
*Student: join, ask questions, deepen your knowledge of the Bible
*Ate/Kuya: pray, ask God; best way to learn is to teach; may limit angmatututunanmo as student

False teachers inside of us

-we’ve been very outward focused: don’t forget the old man in us (the sin nature); and the father of lies (Satan) who are
constantly whispering false teachings in our minds and hearts
-be on guard against them (false teachings are more difficult to notice)—moment of temptation
-here, there is no compromise; slay them with the Sword of Truth which is the Word of God

END: 1Timothy 1:18-19

This charge (BSSG) I entrust to you, Dear DCBC, in accordance with the will of God, that by them you may wage the
good warfare, 19 holding faith and a good conscience…

-Prepared by Frederick Paulo Tomacder

September 23, 2018

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