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● Physical activity
● Prodcutivity
- Motivation
- Focus on work
- Active
- Stress
- Health issues

Objectives of study

Research Methodology

-Source of data

-data collection method

-data analysis method

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Findings of the study




S. No. Table Of Content Page No.

1 Introduction
2 Objectives of Study
3 Research Methodology
4 Data Analysis and Interpretation
5 Findings of the study
6 Conclusion
7 Suggestions
8 Annexure

Physical activity: Physical exercise is the performance of some activity in order to enhance physical
fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons including strengthening
muscles and the cardiovascular system, also for the purpose of weight loss or maintenance. A good
physical exercise involves at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio activity at least 5 days a
Exercise and workplace productivity complement each other. Being in your best physical health will help
improve overall work productivity. It is shown to combat fatigue, reduce stress, improve performance
and leads to lower absenteeism.

This research is conducted to understand the correlation between physical exercise and employee
productivity. We see that employees lead a sedentary work life. They hold desk bound jobs and
occasionally resort to any form of physical activity. Several research papers state that there is a positive
relationship between physical fitness and work productivity.

The following points help in highlighting how each of them improve due to physical activity which in
return helps in enhancing employee productivity:

1. MOTIVATION: Motivation is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish the goals.
Exercise stimulates the brain’s pituitary gland to release chemicals called endorphins. These
endorphins trigger a euphoric feeling, often referred to as a “runner’s high” (non-runners don’t
worry, this can occur with any form of aerobic exercise!) The release of these endorphins occurs
approximately 20-30 minutes from the start of exercise, and can help to spur you on, both
during exercise and in the office afterwards hence keeping you motivated.

2. FOCUS: Webster's dictionary defines focus as “to concentrate attention or effort”. Being focused
means that you have clear goals and objectives and your work is dedicated to achieving those
goals and objectives.
The part of the brain that responds strongly to aerobic exercise is the hippocampus. Well-
controlled experiments on adults and elderly show that the brain structure grows as people get
fitter. Since the hippocampus is at the core of the brain’s learning and memory systems, this
finding partly explains the memory-boosting and focused thinking effects of improved
cardiovascular fitness.

3. ACTIVE: An active person is defined as: one engaged in an action or activity.

Endorphins are our body's natural hormones that get released when we are doing something
that requires a burst of energy — they are the things that make us perform, make us move,”
says Dr. Gotlin. “Exercise tends to increase those levels. The release of endorphins leads to a
burst of energy and hence it is said that Physical activity helps to have more energy to tackle
daily chores.

4. STRESS: In a medical or biological context stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that
causes bodily or mental tension.
When stress affects the brain, with its many nerve connections, the rest of the body feels the
impact as well. So it stands to reason that if your body feels better, so does your mind. Exercise
and other physical activity produce endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural
painkillers—and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress.

To investigate the relationship between physical health and employee productivity.

● To understand the correlation between physical health and mental health of the employees.


Objectives of the study:

● To study an individual’s work productivity as a result of physical exercise.

● To study an individual’s mental health as a result of physical exercise.


Data is primary in nature and is obtained with keeping the sample as working professionals.


The data has been collected through the way survey via google forms.


The data will be analyzed by using appropriate descriptive statistical methods and will be presented in
the form of figures and tables

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