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Turn your body into a fat burning machine

More than 100 Recipes

under 10 grams of Carbs

Alex V. Navarro & Mary J. Gines

Introduction by John Kiefer
The Ultra Low-Carb Edition
By Alex V. Navarro & Mary J. Gines
Transforming Recipes: The Ultra Low–Carb Edition

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Transforming Recipes
By John Kiefer, author of The Carb Nite® Solution and Carb Back-Loading™

Low and ultra-low carbohydrate diets are serious business these days.
Ever since introducing Carb Back-Loading™ and The Carb Nite® Solution
to the fitness industry landscape, I’ve sat and watched as people—experts
and laymen alike—began coming around to the notion that carbohydrate
manipulation is the fastest and most effective method for changing body
composition and making serious health improvements in just about anyone.

As I’m always saying in all my written material, we know me to sign off on them as acceptable, and I just can’t give
this because science says it’s fact. In study after study—not my approval because the foods they send me simply don’t
to mention all the anecdotal evidence we’re constantly match up with the requirements of my programs—or anyone
seeing in the form of astounding physical transformations else’s ULC plans, really.
by literally thousands of people—low and ultra-low carb
diets have been shown to work more effectively for these That’s where Alex Navarro comes in. Alex loves to cook,
purposes than anything ever created. And given the success and she’s phenomenal at it. I know precisely what these
of my diets, two wildly divergent nutritional systems programs need in terms of ingredients and macronutrient
that both rely on carb manipulation as the root of their counts to make them work the right way. She figures out the
effectiveness, membership in the low and ultra-low carb fan recipes, I figure out the science, and together, we thought
clubs is growing every day. it would be extremely useful to come out with an “official”
ultra-low carb cookbook that can safely and deliciously be
On a daily basis, I interact personally with dozens of people used by anyone looking for creative ultra-low carb recipes.
who use my programs, and I’ve noticed a common thread In this book, you’ll find the ideas and direction you need to
over the past few years: Most people have a really hard time make dishes you can consume without fear on any low or
sticking to just a few basic foods for extended periods of ultra-low carb diet plan.
time. They need variety in their diet, otherwise they’re just
not going to last over the long haul. The title of this cookbook is Transforming Recipes. We called
it that because this title has two meanings. First, it refers to
What we’ve seen, then, is that these people tend to scour the the recipes themselves. We’ve taken foods you love—even
internet looking for “safe” recipes to go with these programs. some traditionally carb-laden delicacies—and transformed
The problem, however, is that most of these recipes aren’t them into their ultra-low carb versions. Without, if I may say
safe at all. This is because the people creating them almost so, compromising anything in terms of taste and texture.
uniformly fail to understand the difference between low-
carb and ultra-low carb. And on diets as advanced as Carb The second meaning is the more important one, at least
Back-Loading™ and The Carb Nite® Solution, that’s a major when we consider the bigger picture. These recipes will
problem. transform your body, the way you look, and the way you feel.
They’ll allow you to follow my plans to the letter, giving you
Clients and readers show me recipes all the time, hoping for the body—and the good health—you want and deserve.

Transforming Recipes
Since you’re reading this book, I’m going to assume you’re either currently on an ultra-low-carb (ULC) diet
plan, or you’re on a diet that includes some ultra-low carb days. From what I’ve seen and heard from virtually
everyone I’ve ever worked with, most of these plans fall completely flat when it comes to offering a diversity of
food options, making it extremely difficult for most people to sustain their momentum for very long.


When you’re in the planning stages of a diet like The Carb This is how I always start The Carb Nite® Solution and Carb
Nite® Solution, it’s tempting to think you can just eat the Back-Loading™, and I’ve found this to be true of just about
same meats and cheeses every day. After all, when you’re everyone who’s ever tried my plans.
first envisioning what a diet is going to do for you, it’s
perfectly natural to be somewhat blinded by images of a By week two, however, this will start to wear on you. If you’re
lean, ripped body, ignoring the details of what it’s really relying on cold cuts as a protein source, maybe you’ll decide
going to take to get there. At this point, you’re not worried to switch from turkey to salami. If you’re using ground beef
about what your psychological state will be a few weeks or steak, maybe you’ll throw in some salmon. Either way,
down the road, because you haven’t even gotten started yet. you’re now suffering from a very limited palate, you’re
getting very limited textures and taste sensations, and things
I can assure you, however, that you’re going to want some are becoming painfully boring.
variety. Whether it’s once per week or every single night,
you’ll need your food to taste differently, and you’ll want, This is why people quit these types of diets, because again,
more than anything else, to feel like you’re eating the this kind of tedium is difficult to endure for very long. It really
way you used to eat. You’ll want to remember all those does take a certain kind of crazy to eat a small number of
great flavor combinations from the so-called “bad” foods foods for a long time. And here’s something else to think
that caused you to gain all that unwanted fat, and those about when you’re planning your ULC diet menus:
memories will eventually make a plain, repetitive diet
impossible to stick to. Research has shown that eating the same foods over and
over again isn’t as healthy as having a reasonable degree
That’s what this book attempts to do, and it succeeds. The of variety in your diet. Studies on the subject have shown
recipes contained here transform those savory—and, in that the number of different foods you eat over the course of
some cases, sweet—dishes into extremely low-carb options the week can help predict how healthy you’ll be later in life.
that still have the same taste, texture, and satisfying effect as When you consider this from a long-term health perspective,
the versions you love. They’ll create the same experience for it’s obviously easy to start these diets with just a few food
you as an awesome restaurant or home-cooked meal where options, but it doesn’t really make sense to continue that
you don’t care what the carb content happens to be. It’s way for very long.
essentially a book filled with cheat meals that just happen to
be extremely low-carb. This book addresses a glaring need in this department.
When you’re armed with a repository of creative and
The Trouble With ULC Plans delicious recipes that perfectly match the parameters of
your nutritional plan, you no longer have to limit yourself to
Most people start ULC diets the same way. They’ll just pick those three or four boring food items that make you want
three or four foods for the week, thinking they can keep to stab yourself in the eye with a sharp stick. You now have
things simple while making sure they’re not taking in any a resource that gives you some very simple recipes you can
carbs. For the first few days, this approach is easy. It may put together to give yourself a wide variety of vegetable,
even work for a week or more if you’re very disciplined. meat, and spice combinations. These combinations will

Transforming Recipes
expand your palate and give you the options you need to
succeed. Alex has had the opportunity to play around with these and
hundreds of other ULC recipes over the years. She’s cooked
This approach makes these diets sustainable for longer for herself, for her family, and for her clients, and she’s
periods of time, turning your new ULC diet into a lifestyle, painstakingly refined all the recipes in this book, choosing
as opposed to something unpleasant you’re just trying only the ones that have been proven to work—and that have
to push through over the short term. More importantly, been reviewed as delicious by her audiences.
however, these recipes give you the ability to vastly enhance
the health benefits of whatever nutritional program you’re As a natural experimenter, Alex has sampled different
using. techniques, products, and ingredients, and she’s spoken
to dozens of cooks and chefs who specialize in low-carb
Simple, For Simplicity’s Sake recipes. The tips and tricks she’s picked up along the way
have allowed her to figure out how to transform just about
We know you work for a living, we know all about your kids any dish into a low-carb option that doesn’t compromise a
and your commitments, and we know you’re very busy. thing where taste is concerned.
That’s why most, if not all, of these recipes were specifically
tailored for people who don’t have all day and night to There aren’t any truly “special” ingredients involved here,
prepare their meals. When you think about it, a low-carb either. Alex builds recipes out of items you’ll find in any
lifestyle actually makes things easier on you in this regard, supermarket, and she’s been able to come up with some
because when you take carbs out of the equation, you’re left incredible combinations that you’d never expect to be low-
with calorically dense ingredients that make meals that’ll carb: Foods like biscuits, pancakes, and bread substitutes
meet all your needs in a short period of time. that taste even better than the “real thing.”

The pace of today’s society is lightning fast, and it works that I can tell you from experience that Alex is willing to attempt
way for us, too. We’re looking for the same thing you are: just about anything in the kitchen. She’s been pushing the
Meals we can prepare and eat quickly, so we can move right envelope for years, and on numerous occasions, I’ve seen
along to the next thing we need to do. her scrap countless experiment-gone-wrong meals that
simply didn’t work. Those mistakes led to some horrific
Of course, you don’t always want to trade flavor for speed, creations, but fortunately for you, they’ve also led her to an
and if you’re not eating foods you like, your desire to adhere absolute mastery of the process of transforming the foods
to your plan will eventually disappear. That’s where this you love into delicious ULC breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and
cookbook will serve as an incredible resource for you. The snacks.
vast majority of the recipes contained here are very simple
to prepare, and they won’t take a lot of time. There are full Personally, I’m most impressed with the variety of dishes
meals in this cookbook that you can prepare in less than ten Alex has come up with here, and the flavor combinations
minutes. With some of these, the leftovers will last you for she’s capable of putting together. I have my list of favorites,
another two days’ worth of lunches and snacks. Best of all, but I don’t want to show any bias until you’ve tried
you don’t need to be a professional chef or have a kitchen everything in this book. I’ll tell you this much, though:
filled with high-tech gadgetry in order to make the most out The single most impressive thing about this collection of
of what’s here for you. recipes is that I’ve found it hard-and frequently impossible—
to distinguish most of these foods from their full-carb
A Word About the Author counterparts.

I’ve worked with Alex Navarro for a long time, both in And if you ever invite me over for dinner, I suggest having
preparing her for fitness competitions and consulting on Alex’s Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits (page 144) ready when I
different recipe variations. The original version of The Carb arrive.
Nite® Solution contained a full cookbook, but it was rather
limited in scope, serving as a kind of starter’s guide for the
first-time ULC dieter.

Transforming Recipes
☐ Coconut oil ☐ Onion powder
☐ Extra virgin olive oil ☐ Ground ginger
☐ Kosher salt ☐ Chili powder
☐ Sea salt ☐ Hot sauce - Tabasco, Cholula or Tapatio
☐ Black pepper ☐ Rice vinegar
☐ Red pepper flakes ☐ White wine vinegar
☐ Curry powder ☐ Red wine vinegar
☐ Cinnamon ☐ ULC Marinara Sauce
☐ Garlic powder ☐ Black olives
☐ Dried basil ☐ Thai coconut milk (full-fat)
☐ Dried oregano ☐ Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios,
☐ Dried rosemary peanuts
☐ Steak seasoning ☐ Nut butter (almond and peanut)
☐ Sesame seeds ☐ Vanilla extract
☐ Cumin ☐ Coconut oil nonstick cooking spray
☐ Cayenne pepper ☐ Soy sauce or coconut aminos
☐ Garlic powder ☐ Chili paste or Sriracha sauce

☐ Coconut flour ☐ Granulated Splenda
☐ Almond meal/flour ☐ Granulated Stevia extract
☐ Ground flax meal ☐ Liquid Stevia extract
☐ Baking powder

☐ Butter, salted and unsalted ☐ Coconut milk (light)
☐ Bacon, any kind, thick or thin ☐ Heavy cream
☐ Parmesan Cheese, grated or shredded ☐ Capers
☐ Crumbled feta ☐ Artichoke hearts
☐ Goat cheese ☐ Mustard: spicy, Dijon, or yellow
☐ Mozzarella cheese ☐ Lemon juice
☐ Cheddar cheese ☐ Lime juice
☐ Blue cheese ☐ Bell Peppers: red, yellow, green
☐ Ricotta cheese ☐ Jalapeños, fresh or jarred
☐ Eggs ☐ Onions: red, yellow
☐ Plain Greek yogurt ☐ Garlic

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Preparation Utensils
☐ Microwave-safe mixing bowls of various sizes ☐ Cutting board
☐ Mixing spoon ☐ Cutting knives
☐ Measuring cups ☐ Food processor or Magic Bullet
☐ Measuring spoons

Cooking Utensils
☐ Saucepan with lid ☐ Whisk
☐ Skillet with lid ☐ Tongs
☐ Oven mitt ☐ Can opener
☐ Oven ☐ Baking sheet
☐ Stove or hot plate ☐ Aluminum foil
☐ Spatula

Non-Essential Extras
☐ Electric hand mixer
☐ Microwave
☐ Steamer basket
☐ Strainer

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Ingredient Reference List
Some of the recipes in this cookbook call for ingredients that may not be readily available where you live. Here’s
a list of websites where you can order some products you may need. Be sure to read nutrition labels before
ordering to make sure your products are ULC-safe.

Walden Farms Calorie-Free Specialties
- Syrups
- Dressings and Marinades
- Dips and Sauces

Torani Sugar-Free Syrups

Sweet Leaf
A few of my favorites are:
- Cinnamon
- Chocolate
- English Toffee

Bob’s Red Mill Products
- Almond Flour
- Coconut Flour
- Flax Meal

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Eggs &
Omelettes 7-11

Quiches 13-16

Crepes 18-22

Steak & Pepper Hash 24

Ham & Swiss Skillet 26

Italian Stallion Scramble 28

Spicy Egg Nests 30

Almond Flour Pancakes 32

Egg & Turkey Muffins 34

Baked Eggs 36-37

▲ Back to TOC
☐ Coconut oil ☐ Onion powder
☐ Extra virgin olive oil ☐ Ground ginger
☐ Kosher salt ☐ Chili powder
☐ Sea salt ☐ Hot sauce - Tabasco, Cholula or Tapatio
☐ Black pepper ☐ Rice vinegar
☐ Red pepper flakes ☐ White wine vinegar
☐ Curry powder ☐ Red wine vinegar
☐ Cinnamon ☐ ULC Marinara Sauce
☐ Garlic powder ☐ Black olives
☐ Dried basil ☐ Thai coconut milk (full-fat)
☐ Dried oregano ☐ Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios,
☐ Dried rosemary peanuts
☐ Steak seasoning ☐ Nut butter (almond and peanut)
☐ Sesame seeds ☐ Vanilla extract
☐ Cumin ☐ Coconut oil nonstick cooking spray
☐ Cayenne pepper ☐ Soy sauce or coconut aminos
☐ Garlic powder ☐ Chili paste or Sriracha sauce

☐ Coconut flour ☐ Granulated Splenda
☐ Almond meal/flour ☐ Granulated Stevia extract
☐ Ground flax meal ☐ Liquid Stevia extract
☐ Baking powder

☐ Butter, salted and unsalted ☐ Coconut milk (light)
☐ Bacon, any kind, thick or thin ☐ Heavy cream
☐ Parmesan Cheese, grated or shredded ☐ Capers
☐ Crumbled feta ☐ Artichoke hearts
☐ Goat cheese ☐ Mustard: spicy, Dijon, or yellow
☐ Mozzarella cheese ☐ Lemon juice
☐ Cheddar cheese ☐ Lime juice
☐ Blue cheese ☐ Bell Peppers: red, yellow, green
☐ Ricotta cheese ☐ Jalapeños, fresh or jarred
☐ Eggs ☐ Onions: red, yellow
☐ Plain Greek yogurt ☐ Garlic

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Preparation Utensils
☐ Microwave-safe mixing bowls of various sizes ☐ Cutting board
☐ Mixing spoon ☐ Cutting knives
☐ Measuring cups ☐ Food processor or Magic Bullet
☐ Measuring spoons

Cooking Utensils
☐ Saucepan with lid ☐ Whisk
☐ Skillet with lid ☐ Tongs
☐ Oven mitt ☐ Can opener
☐ Oven ☐ Baking sheet
☐ Stove or hot plate ☐ Aluminum foil
☐ Spatula

Non-Essential Extras
☐ Electric hand mixer
☐ Microwave
☐ Steamer basket
☐ Strainer

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Ingredient Reference List
Some of the recipes in this cookbook call for ingredients that may not be readily available where you live. Here’s
a list of websites where you can order some products you may need. Be sure to read nutrition labels before
ordering to make sure your products are ULC-safe.

Walden Farms Calorie-Free Specialties
- Syrups
- Dressings and Marinades
- Dips and Sauces

Torani Sugar-Free Syrups

Sweet Leaf
A few of my favorites are:
- Cinnamon
- Chocolate
- English Toffee

Bob’s Red Mill Products
- Almond Flour
- Coconut Flour
- Flax Meal

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Eggs &
Omelettes 7-11

Quiches 13-16

Crepes 18-22

Steak & Pepper Hash 24

Ham & Swiss Skillet 26

Italian Stallion Scramble 28

Spicy Egg Nests 30

Almond Flour Pancakes 32

Egg & Turkey Muffins 34

Baked Eggs 36-37

▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 4
2 eggs 1 Heat a small pan over medium heat. Add butter.
1 tablespoon butter
2 In small bowl, whisk eggs, cream, salt, and pepper.
1 tablespoon heavy cream

Pinch salt and pepper 3 Once butter has melted, pour egg mixture into pan and
cook until bottom starts to set. Lift the edges with a spatula
1 tablespoon water (optional, for a
to allow uncooked egg to run underneath.
fluffier omelette)

4 When omelette starts to cook through, flip it over using

a spatula, or place lid on pan for 1-2 minutes until egg is
almost cooked through.

5 Add fillings, spreading them in one layer down center of


6 Using spatula, lift one edge of omelette and fold over

so edges line up. Cook for another minute or so. Don’t

Per Serving
1.2 g Usable Carbs
Spinach and Jack Cheese (page 9)
13g Protein Greek (page 9)
F Food Score Crab and Avocado (page 10)
27g Fat Bacon and Caramelized Onion (page10)
Calories: 297 Southwestern (page 11)

Omelettes are as versatile as it gets. You can throw just about any combination of ingredients
together and still come away with something that works. Remember, if your omelette doesn’t stay
together, you can always just mix it together with your fillings and turn the dish into a scramble.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 2

1 Basic Coconut Flour Crepe (page 18) 1 Heat a small skillet over medium heat. Add coconut oil.
4 ounces chicken breast, precooked and cut
into small chunks 2 Add mushrooms and cook for 1-2 minutes.
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 ounces mushrooms, sliced 3 Add chicken and continue to cook for another 1-2 minutes, or until
heated through.
¼ cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2 ounces sliced almonds 4 Add tomatoes and sliced almonds.
4 ounces provolone cheese, sliced or
shredded 5 Remove from heat.
2 tablespoons Traditional Pesto Sauce
(page 186) 6 Place precooked crepe on plate.

7 Place 1 ounce of cheese onto one side of crepe. Top with ¼ of

chicken mixture.
Per Serving
7.0 g Usable Carbs 8 Roll crepe and top with 1 ounce of Traditional Pesto Sauce.

9 Repeat with remaining crepes and filling.

40g Protein
F Food Score
78g Fat

Calories: 880

Serves 2

1 Heat a small skillet over medium heat. Add coconut oil. 1 Basic Coconut Flour Crepe (page 18)
8 ounces grilled beef fillet, precooked and
2 Add onions. Cook for 3-5 minutes, or until they begin to sliced
caramelize. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 ounces yellow onions, thinly sliced
3 Add peppers and continue to cook for another 1-2 minutes.
½ cup shredded white cheddar cheese

4 Add beef and cook until heated through. Remove from heat. ¼ cup peppers, sliced (hot peppers optional)

5 Place precooked crepe on plate.

6 Place ¼ of the mixture onto one side of crepe.

Per Serving
5.6 g Usable Carbs

7 Top with ¼ of shredded cheese, then roll crepe.

43g Protein

8 Repeat with remaining crepes and filling. N Food Score

47g Fat

Calories: 631

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 6

½ cup butter, melted 1 Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2 eggs
2 In medium bowl, beat butter, eggs, and salt together
¼ teaspoon sea salt with a fork.
¾ cup coconut flour
3 Add coconut flour. Mix well, until there are no clumps.
Sweetener (optional)

4 Gather dough into a ball, then pat it into a 9-inch greased

pie pan.

5 Prick dough with a fork several times.

6 Bake for 9 minutes, then let cool.

Per Serving
3.1 g Usable Carbs

4g Protein Broccoli and Cheddar (page 15)
F Food Score Caprese (page 15)
18g Fat Lorraine (page 16)
Calories: 222 Florentine (page 16)

As its name implies, this is a basic crust that can be the foundation for many recipes.
If you’re using it for a savory dish, simply omit the sweetener. You can also prepare this
crust in advance and store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to add your fillings.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 6

1 Basic Crust (page 13) 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 cup diced yellow onion 2 Heat large skillet over medium-high heat. Add butter.

Pinch salt and freshly-ground pepper

3 Add onion, season with salt and pepper, and cook until light and
6 large eggs golden (8-10 minutes).
¾ cup heavy cream
¾ pound broccoli florets, steamed until 4 In medium bowl, whisk together eggs and cream.
1 cup sharp cheddar, grated
5 Add onion, broccoli florets, and cheese. Season with salt and
pepper. Mix well.

6 Carefully pour mixture into a precooked Basic Crust.

Per Serving
4.0 g Usable Carbs 7 Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until eggs are set and top is slightly

13g Protein
F Food Score
19g Fat

Calories: 240

Serves 6

1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 1 Basic Crust (page 13)

4 eggs
2 In large mixing bowl, whisk eggs and cream until well- 1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped
Fold in remaining ingredients and pour into a precooked 1 teaspoon freshly-ground pepper
Basic Crust. Ά pound prosciutto, chopped
4 ½ cup chopped onion (optional, sautéed ahead of time)
Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until eggs are set and top is
½ cup fresh tomato, diced, seeds removed
slightly browned.
1 cup Italian cheese blend, shredded

Per Serving
3.3 g Usable Carbs

15g Protein
N Food Score
Calories: 216

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 6

1 Basic Crust (page 13) 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

6 bacon strips
4 large eggs 2 Cook bacon according to package, then set aside on towels
to absorb excess grease. When bacon cools, crumble it into
1 cup heavy cream small pieces.
¼ cup green onions, diced
A few dashes of nutmeg 3 In large mixing bowl, whisk eggs with cream.
Pinch salt and pepper
4 Add green onions, nutmeg, salt, and pepper.
1 cup Swiss cheese, shredded, divided into two

5 Layer bacon crumbs and cheese into a precooked

Basic Crust.

6 Pour egg mixture into crust, whisking as you do so.

Per Serving
2.0 g Usable Carbs
Gently mix layers together so every bite has bacon and cheese.

7 Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until eggs are set and top is
slightly browned.
12g Protein
F Food Score
27g Fat

Serves 6
1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 1 Basic Crust (page 13)
4 eggs
2 In large mixing bowl, whisk eggs and cream together. 1 cup heavy cream
10 ounces frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
3 Add remaining ingredients. Mix well.
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
4 Pour mixture into a precooked Basic Crust. 1 cup diced Swiss cheese
1 cup chopped cooked ham
5 Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until eggs are set and top is
slightly browned.

Per Serving
3.4 g Usable Carbs

18g Protein
N Food Score
20g Fat
Calories: 269

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 2

1 Basic Coconut Flour Crepe (page 18) 1 Heat a small skillet over medium heat. Add coconut oil.
4 ounces chicken breast, precooked and cut
into small chunks 2 Add mushrooms and cook for 1-2 minutes.
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 ounces mushrooms, sliced 3 Add chicken and continue to cook for another 1-2 minutes, or until
heated through.
¼ cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2 ounces sliced almonds 4 Add tomatoes and sliced almonds.
4 ounces provolone cheese, sliced or
shredded 5 Remove from heat.
2 tablespoons Traditional Pesto Sauce
(page 186) 6 Place precooked crepe on plate.

7 Place 1 ounce of cheese onto one side of crepe. Top with ¼ of

chicken mixture.
Per Serving
7.0 g Usable Carbs 8 Roll crepe and top with 1 ounce of Traditional Pesto Sauce.

9 Repeat with remaining crepes and filling.

40g Protein
F Food Score
78g Fat

Calories: 880

Serves 2

1 Heat a small skillet over medium heat. Add coconut oil. 1 Basic Coconut Flour Crepe (page 18)
8 ounces grilled beef fillet, precooked and
2 Add onions. Cook for 3-5 minutes, or until they begin to sliced
caramelize. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 ounces yellow onions, thinly sliced
3 Add peppers and continue to cook for another 1-2 minutes.
½ cup shredded white cheddar cheese

4 Add beef and cook until heated through. Remove from heat. ¼ cup peppers, sliced (hot peppers optional)

5 Place precooked crepe on plate.

6 Place ¼ of the mixture onto one side of crepe.

Per Serving
5.6 g Usable Carbs

7 Top with ¼ of shredded cheese, then roll crepe.

43g Protein

8 Repeat with remaining crepes and filling. N Food Score

47g Fat

Calories: 631

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
& Snacks
Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños 40

Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms 42

Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce 43

Mini Bacon-Wrapped Sausages 45

Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs 47

Shrimp Kebabs 49

Spicy Shrimp Handroll 50

Smoked Salmon Roll-ups 52

Baked Zucchini Chips 52

Brussels Sprouts Chips 54

Pepperoni Chips 56

Cheese Crackers 56

▲ Back to TOC
Makes 18 | Serving Size: 2

9 jalapeño peppers 1 Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet
1 8 ounces cream cheese, softened with aluminum foil and set aside.

¼ cup Salsa Verde (page 183)


Appetizers & Snacks

Cut the jalapeño peppers in half lengthwise and remove
½ cup cheddar cheese, shredded all of the seeds.

9 slices bacon, cut in half

3 In a small bowl combine the cream cheese, salsa verde
18-25 toothpicks soaked in water and shredded cheddar cheese.

4 Add the mix to a pastry bag or a sturdy 1-quart zip-lock

bag and cut off one corner so you can squeeze the cheese
out of the hole and into the peppers.

5 Fill the peppers with cheese mixture.

6 Cook the bacon in a pan for a few minutes until it starts to

brown a little but is still soft and pliable.

7 Allow the bacon to cool a little and then wrap each

jalapeño half with one piece of bacon. Secure with a

8 Place on the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.

9 Set the oven to broil and cook for 2-3 minutes, watching
carefully to make sure they don’t burn. This gives the
peppers a nice roasted flavor and ensures that your bacon
Per Serving
1.2 g Usable Carbs
will be crisp.

10 Remove the peppers from the oven and cool slightly

before eating.
F Food Score
12g Fat

Calories: 134

If you’re hosting friends or bringing an appetizer to a party, these peppers are a must!
Flavor-packed and an all-around crowd pleaser.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 2

1 tablespoon butter 1 Set oven to broil.

½ small zucchini, finely chopped
2 Heat large ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat.
½ cup mushrooms, sliced Melt butter.
4 eggs

2 ounces Swiss cheese, shredded

3 Add zucchini and sauté 2-3 minutes.

½ cup ham, finely chopped 4 Add mushrooms and continue to cook for another
2-3 minutes.
1 green onion, sliced

Pinch salt and pepper 5 Once vegetables are slightly browned, add ham and
Chives (optional, for garnish) green onions to the skillet and sauté until heated through.

6 Reduce heat to medium-low and carefully crack each egg

into the skillet, making sure not to break the yolk.

7 Cover skillet with a lid and remove from heat.

8 Once eggs have begun to set, remove lid and sprinkle with

9 Broil 6 inches from heat for 1-2 minutes, or until eggs have
just set and cheese is melted. Sprinkle with chives.

10 Serve from skillet.

Per Serving
4.6 g Usable Carbs

27g Protein
N Food Score
27g Fat

Calories: 368

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Makes 5 Handrolls

2 cups cooked shrimp, chopped 1 In a medium bowl, combine chopped shrimp, yogurt,
4 ounces Greek yogurt and Sriracha sauce.

1 tablespoon Sriracha

Appetizers & Snacks

Lay out one of your hand roll sheets so the widest part is
2 tablespoons cilantro leaves facing you.

¼ cucumber, julienned
3 Place a fifth of your shrimp mixture on the right side of
5 hand roll Nori sheets the wrap, leaving about ⅔ of the wrap empty.

½ avocado, thinly sliced

4 Add cilantro leaves, cucumber strips (and avocado, if
you’re using it).

5 Roll on a diagonal until a cone is formed. Use water to

seal the edges.

Per Serving
4.5 g Usable Carbs

22g Protein
P Food Score

Calories: 126

The tanginess of the yogurt in this dish is a great compliment to the spiciness of the Sriracha sauce.
Warning: If you don’t have a cast-iron mouth, go easy on the Sriracha.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Taco Salad 59

Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad 60

Artichoke & Prosciutto Salad 62

Spicy Basil Beef Salad 63

Greek Chicken Salad 65

Roast Duck Salad 66

Bangkok Chicken Salad 67

Classic Cobb Salad 69

Asian Chicken Salad with Bean Sprouts 71

Roast Chicken Salad with Creamy Pesto 73

Celery Slaw with Shrimp 74

Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups 76

Cucumber & Heirloom Tomato Salad with Prawns 78

Easy Salad Niçoise 79

▲ Back to TOC

Eggs & More

Serves 2
2 tablespoons butter 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2 slices bacon, cooked according to
package and crumbled or chopped 2 Prepare two ramekins by arranging them on a rimmed
baking sheet, placing 1 tablespoon of butter in the bottom
2 tablespoon fresh basil of each.
Salt and freshly-ground pepper

2 eggs
3 In small bowl, stir tomatoes, basil, and a dash of salt and
1 ounce grated Parmesan cheese

(optional) 4 Divide the mix evenly among the prepared ramekins.

5 Sprinkle the bacon crumbs evenly over the tomato


6 Break an egg into each ramekin. Season with a little more

salt and pepper.

7 Bake until egg whites are opaque. The yolks should be

soft in the center, with firm edges (about 15 minutes).

8 Remove from oven and sprinkle each serving with 1

teaspoon of cheese, then serve immediately.

Per Serving
2.4 g Usable Carbs

15g Protein

F Food Score
22g Fat

Calories: 262

This is an easy-to-prepare dish with a fancy look. Be sure not to overcook the eggs.
You want the yolk to be slightly runny.

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Eggs & More

Serves 2
2 tablespoons butter 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2 precooked turkey breakfast sausages,
chopped into bite-sized pieces 2 Prepare two ramekins by arranging them on a rimmed
baking sheet, placing 1 tablespoon of butter in the bottom
2 cups baby spinach, packed tightly of each.
2 eggs
Salt and freshly ground pepper
3 Heat large saucepan over medium heat.

4 Add a few tablespoons of water to the pan. Bring to a

light boil. Add spinach and cook until wilted (about 2

5 Drain well, removing any excess water. Coarsely chop


6 Divide chopped spinach and sausage pieces among

prepared ramekins.

7 Break an egg into each ramekin and season with salt and

8 Bake until whites are opaque and yolks are firm around
edges, but still soft in center (about 15 minutes), then
serve immediately.

Per Serving
1.0 g Usable Carbs

14g Protein

F Food Score
20g Fat

Calories: 242

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
& Snacks
Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños 40

Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms 42

Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce 43

Mini Bacon-Wrapped Sausages 45

Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs 47

Shrimp Kebabs 49

Spicy Shrimp Handroll 50

Smoked Salmon Roll-ups 52

Baked Zucchini Chips 52

Brussels Sprouts Chips 54

Pepperoni Chips 56

Cheese Crackers 56

▲ Back to TOC
Makes 18 | Serving Size: 2

9 jalapeño peppers 1 Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet
1 8 ounces cream cheese, softened with aluminum foil and set aside.

¼ cup Salsa Verde (page 183)


Appetizers & Snacks

Cut the jalapeño peppers in half lengthwise and remove
½ cup cheddar cheese, shredded all of the seeds.

9 slices bacon, cut in half

3 In a small bowl combine the cream cheese, salsa verde
18-25 toothpicks soaked in water and shredded cheddar cheese.

4 Add the mix to a pastry bag or a sturdy 1-quart zip-lock

bag and cut off one corner so you can squeeze the cheese
out of the hole and into the peppers.

5 Fill the peppers with cheese mixture.

6 Cook the bacon in a pan for a few minutes until it starts to

brown a little but is still soft and pliable.

7 Allow the bacon to cool a little and then wrap each

jalapeño half with one piece of bacon. Secure with a

8 Place on the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.

9 Set the oven to broil and cook for 2-3 minutes, watching
carefully to make sure they don’t burn. This gives the
peppers a nice roasted flavor and ensures that your bacon
Per Serving
1.2 g Usable Carbs
will be crisp.

10 Remove the peppers from the oven and cool slightly

before eating.
F Food Score
12g Fat

Calories: 134

If you’re hosting friends or bringing an appetizer to a party, these peppers are a must!
Flavor-packed and an all-around crowd pleaser.

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Serves 6 (Nutritional information includes salmon roe)

1 dozen omega-3 enriched eggs, 1 Remove yolks from eggs and place in large bowl.
hardboiled, shells removed, cut
2 Arrange whites on platter, cut side up, and sprinkle with

Appetizers & Snacks

cup sour cream salt and pepper.
2 ounces cream cheese, at room
temperature 3 Add sour cream, cream cheese, mayonnaise, lemon juice,
chives, salmon, salt, and pepper to bowl with yolks.
2 tablespoons mayonnaise

1 tablespoon freshly-squeezed lemon 4 Using a hand or electric mixer, beat ingredients on

juice medium speed until fluffy.

1 tablespoon fresh chives, minced

(plus extra for garnish) 5 Loosely cover bowl with plastic wrap and store in
refrigerator for 30 minutes to allow flavors to blend.
4 ounces smoked salmon, minced

1 teaspoon salt 6 When ready to serve, spoon out mixture and gently fill
each egg white half. Garnish with salmon roe and chives.
½ teaspoon freshly-ground pepper

2 ounces salmon roe (optional)

Per Serving
3.1 g Usable Carbs

18g Protein
N Food Score
19g Fat

Calories: 255

Deviled eggs are one of those appetizers that everyone loves, but nobody makes.
In this version, we’ve added smoked salmon to an hors d’oeuvres classic.

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Serves 4

2 tablespoons coconut oil 1 Heat coconut oil in large saucepan over medium-high
1 tablespoon ginger root, diced heat.

1 tablespoon garlic*, diced

2 Add ginger and garlic to pan. Simmer until fragrant.
1 pound prawns, shells on

8 iceberg lettuce cups

3 Add prawns and cook until no longer pink. Set aside to
cool, then remove shells.
1 cucumber, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon sesame seeds (garnish) 4 Fill two lettuce cups with ¼ of the cooked prawns, then
top with sliced cucumber and sesame seeds. Repeat with
Sriracha sauce (optional) remaining ingredients.
* To save time, you can use jarred
crushed garlic and ginger, available

in most grocery stores.

Per Serving
7.2 g Usable Carbs

28g Protein
P Food Score
10g Fat

Calories: 237

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Makes 5 Handrolls

2 cups cooked shrimp, chopped 1 In a medium bowl, combine chopped shrimp, yogurt,
4 ounces Greek yogurt and Sriracha sauce.

1 tablespoon Sriracha

Appetizers & Snacks

Lay out one of your hand roll sheets so the widest part is
2 tablespoons cilantro leaves facing you.

¼ cucumber, julienned
3 Place a fifth of your shrimp mixture on the right side of
5 hand roll Nori sheets the wrap, leaving about ⅔ of the wrap empty.

½ avocado, thinly sliced

4 Add cilantro leaves, cucumber strips (and avocado, if
you’re using it).

5 Roll on a diagonal until a cone is formed. Use water to

seal the edges.

Per Serving
4.5 g Usable Carbs

22g Protein
P Food Score

Calories: 126

The tanginess of the yogurt in this dish is a great compliment to the spiciness of the Sriracha sauce.
Warning: If you don’t have a cast-iron mouth, go easy on the Sriracha.

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Serves 4

1 Place two paper towels on a microwave-safe plate. 1 bag pepperoni slices

2-4 paper towels

2 Arrange pepperoni slices in a single layer on plate.
Cover with another paper towel.

Appetizers & Snacks

3 Microwave on high for 2 minutes. Remove from
microwave. Push down on chips, soaking up excess

4 If they’re still soft, cook for another 1-2 minutes,

avoiding burning. Per Serving
0g Usable Carbs

5 Soak up any remaining grease. Allow to cool before

4g Protein

These can be cooked ahead of time and stored in an airtight F Food Score
8g Fat
container in the refrigerator, or placed in a small baggie to
Calories: 88
take to work. Try these with Lemon Dill Dip (page 179).

Makes 6 Large Crackers | Serves 2

1 cup freshly-grated Parmesan or 1 Set oven to broil and line a baking sheet with aluminum
Asiago cheese foil.
Nonstick cooking spray
2 Lightly spray with nonstick cooking spray.

Good with:
3 Place small piles of the cheese onto the baking sheet,
Sundried Tomato and Olive Tapenade leaving about 2 inches between each pile.
(page 187)

4 Broil for 3-5 minutes, or until cheese starts to bubble and

edges begin to brown. Be careful to avoid overcooking.
Per Serving
<1.0 g Usable Carbs
5 Using a spatula, remove the cheese and allow to cool.

6g Protein
P Food Score
This recipe works best when made using firm cheeses.
Try aged cheddar or Gouda. Add sliced meats like
Calories: 60
salami or prosciutto, too.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Taco Salad 59

Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad 60

Artichoke & Prosciutto Salad 62

Spicy Basil Beef Salad 63

Greek Chicken Salad 65

Roast Duck Salad 66

Bangkok Chicken Salad 67

Classic Cobb Salad 69

Asian Chicken Salad with Bean Sprouts 71

Roast Chicken Salad with Creamy Pesto 73

Celery Slaw with Shrimp 74

Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups 76

Cucumber & Heirloom Tomato Salad with Prawns 78

Easy Salad Niçoise 79

▲ Back to TOC
taco salad image
Serves 4

Ά cup chopped fresh mint 1 Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
2 teaspoons paprika
2 In large bowl, combine first four ingredients. Mix well.
¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon salt 3 Add ground lamb. Mix seasoning with meat.

1 pound ground lamb

4 Form into four ¾-inch patties.
2 cups fresh baby spinach

½ red onion, thinly sliced 5 Grill on skillet for 4 minutes per side, or until patties reach
desired doneness.
1 beefsteak tomato, thinly sliced

¼ cup crumbled feta cheese (optional) 6 On a small plate, layer ¼ of the spinach, red onions, and
tomato. Top with lamb burger, then top with feta.

Repeat with remaining burgers.

Per Serving
3.0 g Usable Carbs

34g Protein
P Food Score
11g Fat Good with:
Calories: 257 Feta Stuffed Mushrooms (page 162)

These burgers are great on their own, but they’re even better with a dollop of
Tzatziki Sauce (page 179). For bite-sized burgers or meatballs, form the meat into small
patties or balls and reduce cooking time until they’re done to your satisfaction.
Slide toothpicks in for a great appetizer or snack.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 2

¼ pound bacon, sliced into small pieces 1 Heat an extra-large skillet over medium-high heat.
1 onion, diced
2 Add bacon pieces to skillet. Cook until browned.
2 cups sauerkraut, drained well

16 ounces chicken broth 3 Remove bacon with slotted spoon. Set aside.

2 pork chops
4 Add onions to bacon grease. Sauté for 2-3 minutes, or
½ teaspoon black pepper until onion is opaque.

1 tablespoon caraway seeds

5 Add sauerkraut and sauté for another 5 minutes.
1 tablespoon butter
6 Return bacon to pan, then add chicken broth, pepper,
and caraway seeds.

7 Once mixture comes to a boil, reduce heat to low and

simmer for 20 minutes, stirring frequently.

8 While mixture is simmering, heat another skillet over

medium-high heat.

9 Season pork chops with salt and pepper.

10 Add butter to pan. Brown both sides of pork chops, then

set aside.

11 Once sauerkraut mixture has simmered for 20 minutes

4.0 g
Per Serving and pork chops are browned, add them to the mixture.
Usable Carbs

12 Cover with a lid and continue to simmer for an additional

30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
23g Protein
Food Score
26g Divide mixture among two dishes and place pork chops
on top.
Calories: 355

This dish brings together two forms of pork that I love: Pork chop and bacon. Although this recipe
requires a longer cooking time, the steps are simple and you won’t be disappointed.

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Serves 4

1 pound chicken breast 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar aluminum foil. If you don’t want to wait for the oven to
preheat, you can also cook the chicken in a skillet over
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil medium-high heat.
Salt and pepper

4 cups romaine lettuce, torn into small

2 Season the chicken with salt and pepper, and arrange on
baking sheet.

1 cucumber, cut into chunks 3 Bake chicken for 20-30 minutes or until cooked through
½ medium red onion, thinly sliced and no longer pink in the center. Set aside to cool.

4 ounces feta cheese, crumbled

4 Whisk red wine vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper in a
1 ounce Kalamata olives small bowl.

5 Place the romaine lettuce, cucumber, red onions, feta,
and olives in a large bowl and toss with dressing.

6 Cut chicken into chunks.

7 Divide salad into four bowls and top with chicken chunks.

Per Serving
5.6 g Usable Carbs

48g Protein
P Food Score
18g Fat

Calories: 354

I’m a big fan of feta cheese, so I’ll use any excuse I can to throw it in a dish. This salad is
also great with a dollop of Tzatziki Sauce (page 179).

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

4 duck breasts 1 Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2 Bibb or Butter lettuce heads, shredded
2 Place the duck breasts on a rack set over a roasting pan,
1 cup bean sprouts and roast in the oven for 20-30 minutes (or until cooked to
1 yellow bell pepper, seeded and cut into desired doneness, with a crisp skin). Remove from oven
strips and set aside to cool.

½ cucumber, seeded and cut into short

strips 3 In a large mixing bowl, combine the lettuce, bean
sprouts, bell peppers, and cucumber.
1 serving Chili Mint Dressing (page 174)

2 teaspoons shredded lime zest 4 Cut the cooled duck into slices and add it to the salad.
Mix well.
2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded
coconut, toasted

Add dressing and toss to coat.

6 Divide the salad into 4 platters, then garnish with the

lime zest and shredded coconut.

Per Serving
9.2 g Usable Carbs

36g Protein
P Food Score

Calories: 321

Duck? Why not? The crispness of the fresh vegetables adds texture to this dish, and
you’ll find that my Chili Mint Dressing (page 174) complements the duck perfectly.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

1 pound chicken breast, cut into strips. 1 Heat the coconut oil in a large saucepan over medium-
2 tablespoons curry powder high heat.

2 tablespoons coconut oil

2 Coat the chicken strips in the curry power, then add
¼ cup rice vinegar them to the pan. Cook until no longer pink in the center.
Set aside to cool.
2 tablespoons sesame oil

Salt and pepper 3 Whisk sesame oil, rice vinegar, salt, and pepper in a small
4 cups romaine lettuce, shredded

4 ounces peanuts, roughly chopped 4 Place shredded lettuce in large bowl and coat with
1 tablespoon sesame seeds (for garnish) dressing.

Separate tossed salad into four bowls, top with 4 ounces
of chicken, then garnish with peanuts and sesame seeds if

Per Serving
4.2 g Usable Carbs

45g Protein
N Food Score
33g Fat

Calories: 497

I was inspired to create this dish after eating a similar salad at a local restaurant. Whenever I
order their version, I have to make a few adaptations to ensure that it’s ULC-friendly.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and melt
12 ounces chicken breast, sliced into coconut oil in it.

6 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled

2 Season chicken with salt and pepper, then brown slices in
skillet for 3-5 minutes on each side until no longer pink in
4 small vine tomatoes, cubed the center.

4 omega-3 enriched eggs, hardboiled

and chopped 3 Combine remaining ingredients in large salad bowl.

1 fresh avocado, cubed and divided

4 Top with a few dashes of vinegar and mix well.
4 ounces blue cheese, crumbled

4 cups chopped romaine lettuce

5 For a restaurant-style presentation, place each
ingredient side by side, creating a colorful arrangement in

Red wine vinegar the bowl. Mix as desired.
Salt and pepper to taste

Per Serving
6.0 g Usable Carbs

45g Protein
P Food Score
30g Fat

Calories: 486

If a restaurant serves a Cobb salad, I’ll probably order it. It’s filled with just about all my
favorite things, and I love the plate arrangement—so much so that I typically just take bites from
every individual section as opposed to mixing everything together.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 8

1 whole chicken (about 4 pounds) 1 Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place rack in center.
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 Rinse chicken well, and remove giblets.
1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon oregano 3 Loosen chicken skin, but don’t remove it.

1 teaspoon rosemary
4 In small bowl, mix garlic and herbs together. Rub flesh of
1 teaspoon dried thyme chicken with this mixture and olive oil.

1 teaspoon paprika
5 Place chicken on foil-lined roasting pan or large skillet,
1 teaspoon freshly-ground pepper breast side up.
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
6 Roast chicken for 15 minutes.

7 Reduce heat to 325 degrees and continue to roast chicken

for another 50-60 minutes, or until golden (with juices
running clear).

8 Insert cooking thermometer into inner thigh, but don’t

touch bone. Temperature should read 165 degrees.

9 Remove from oven. Let chicken rest for 15-20 minutes
before serving.

Per Serving
<1.0 g Usable Carbs

59g Protein

P Food Score
23g Fat

Calories: 444

The thought of roasting a whole chicken at home can be intimidating, but once you see
how easy it is—and how much food it’ll yield—you’ll get over it. Using Cornish game hens
for this recipe can cut down your cooking time. Also, if you want some extra flavor, try
topping the chicken with Cilantro, Walnut, and Jalapeño Pesto Sauce (page 186).

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 8

1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined 1 Preheat a large nonstick fry pan over medium-high heat.
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 In a large bowl, toss shrimp, olive oil, paprika, salt,
½ teaspoon mild Spanish smoked paprika or
and pepper.
chipotle pepper

Coarse salt and freshly-ground pepper 3 Add half the shrimp and sauté until they turn pink (about
to taste 3 minutes). Transfer to large bowl and repeat
3 slices of bacon with remaining shrimp. Set aside to cool.

½ head green cabbage, shredded

4 Rinse fry pan, wipe dry, then return to medium heat.
2 celery stalks, thinly sliced

3 green onions (white and light green

5 Add bacon slices and fry, turning as needed, until crisp.
portions), chopped Using a slotted spatula, transfer to paper towels to drain.

Let cool, then crumble and set aside.
5 red radishes, trimmed and thinly sliced

¼ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped 6 In a large bowl, combine cabbage, celery, green onions,
radishes, parsley, and Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing with
¼ cup Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing (page 174)
shrimp. Toss to coat all ingredients evenly. Season with
¼ cup crumbled blue cheese (optional) salt and pepper and toss again.

7 Transfer slaw to serving bowl or deep platter.

Sprinkle crumbled bacon and blue cheese over top.
Serve immediately.

Per Serving
6.0 g Usable Carbs

31g Protein
P Food Score
17g Fat

Calories: 310

This is one of those dishes I created after scouring my nearly empty fridge one night. Since then,
I’ve played with the flavors and added a tastier dressing to make this a true “destination” recipe.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

2 tablespoons coconut oil 1 Heat coconut oil in large saucepan over medium-high
1 tablespoon ginger root, diced heat.

1 tablespoon garlic*, diced

2 Add ginger and garlic to pan. Simmer until fragrant.
1 pound prawns, shells on

8 iceberg lettuce cups

3 Add prawns and cook until no longer pink. Set aside to
cool, then remove shells.
1 cucumber, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon sesame seeds (garnish) 4 Fill two lettuce cups with ¼ of the cooked prawns, then
top with sliced cucumber and sesame seeds. Repeat with
Sriracha sauce (optional) remaining ingredients.
* To save time, you can use jarred
crushed garlic and ginger, available

in most grocery stores.

Per Serving
7.2 g Usable Carbs

28g Protein
P Food Score
10g Fat

Calories: 237

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

2 ½-inch thick slices red onion, 1 Soak skewer sticks in water beforehand to prevent them
threaded on skewer sticks
from burning when grilling.
Salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or

2 Preheat grill to medium-high heat.
coconut oil, melted
3 Season both sides of onions with salt and pepper, then
2 fresh romaine hearts, halved brush with your choice of oil.
¼ cup blue cheese dressing, divided
4 Grill onion for 5 minutes. Turn over and cook for another
2 slices bacon
5-7 minutes, or until tender.
2 ounces crumbled blue cheese
5 Slice romaine hearts in half and drizzle with oil. Season
with salt and pepper to taste.

6 Place each romaine heart on grill for about 30 seconds

each side—just long enough to slightly mark them and
warm them through. Transfer to plates.

7 Cook bacon according to package. Set aside to cool, then


8 Drizzle romaine hearts with dressing and top with one

slice of onion, ¼ of the bacon crumbles, and ½ ounce of
crumbled blue cheese.

Per Serving
6.5 g Usable Carbs

14g Protein
F Food Score
38g Fat

Calories: 425

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
“Rice,” “Potato,” “Bread”








▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4 (11.5 grams of carbs per serving)

1 pound ground beef or turkey 1 Set oven to broil with top rack about six inches from
6 bell peppers, any color,
sliced in half, seeds removed
2 Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Spray with
2 tablespoon coconut oil, melted non-stick cooking spray.
1 cup Marinara Sauce (page 169)
3 Lay pepper halves skin side down on baking sheet.
½ cup 2% ricotta cheese
Drizzle with coconut oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper to taste

4 Broil pepper halves in oven for 10-15 minutes, until
slightly soft and browned around the edges. Remove from
oven and set aside.

5 Set oven to bake at 350 degrees.

6 Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and move

rack to middle of oven.

7 Cook ground beef until no longer pink, breaking it up

well as it cooks. Drain any excess fat.

8 Add pasta sauce. Cook until heated through, then set

9 Spoon 1 tablespoon of ricotta cheese into each pepper

Per Serving
*11.5g Usable Carbs
10 Divide the beef among the peppers, pushing as much
meat into each pepper as you can.

42g Protein

P Food Score
11 Top each pepper with Parmesan cheese.
19g Fat

Calories: 415
12 Return peppers to oven for 10-15 minutes, or until
cheese is melted and slightly brown.

Growing up, my mother always made dishes that were both simple and gave us
tasty leftovers. The only modification I’ve made to her original recipe was removing
the rice—and believe me, it doesn’t lose a thing.

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Makes 5 biscuits | Serving Size: 1 biscuit

¼ cup coconut oil or butter, melted 1 Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

4 eggs
2 Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with
Ά cup coconut flour
nonstick cooking spray.
¼ teaspoon salt (to taste)

¼ teaspoon onion powder

3 In medium mixing bowl, blend coconut oil or butter with
eggs. Whisk thoroughly.
¼ teaspoon baking powder

½ cup sharp cheddar cheese

4 In small mixing bowl, combine coconut flour with
remaining ingredients. Whisk dry mixture in with eggs and
¼ cup fresh or jarred jalapeños, diced continue to mix until there are no lumps.

5 Fold cheese and jalapeños into batter.

6 Using a large serving spoon, drop batter onto prepared

baking sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes. Top with more cheese
if desired.

Per Serving
2.2 g Usable Carbs

8g Protein
F Food Score
19g Fat

Calories: 233

This versatile biscuit is great by itself, but you can also top it with butter or use it
as a bun for burgers (front cover).

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4*
1 pound grass-fed beef 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2 tablespoons coconut flour
2 In large bowl, combine beef, coconut flour, celery,
2 celery stalks, diced seasoning, and cheese.
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning

¼ cup Parmesan cheese

3 Mix well and form into 2-inch balls. Place the formed
meatballs on a piece of parchment paper.
1 25-ounce jar Marinara Sauce (page 169)
4 Heat a large nonstick pan over medium-high heat.
* Nutritional data assumes that all of the
sauce is consumed. If you want to keep
your carb count down, simply reduce 5 Brown meatballs on all sides.
the amount of sauce you eat.
6 Add sauce and bring to a simmer.

7 Cover pan with lid and place in the oven.

8 Cook for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally so

meatballs are always coated with sauce.

9 Remove from oven. Divide meatballs and top with

sauce and Parmesan cheese if desired.

Per Serving
*14.5g Usable Carbs

40g Protein
P Food Score
12g Fat Good With:
Calories: 370 Braised Brussels Sprouts (page 158)

If you’re looking for something small and scrumptious, these meatballs are a must-try.
The celery adds a terrific texture, giving each bite a dash of freshness. This is also another great
leftover-generator, making an easy meal to take to work the next day.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 2

8 ounces ground bison beef 1 Preheat oven to broil, or heat grill to high.
2 medium-size Portobello mushrooms,
gills removed 2 Season ground bison with salt and pepper.

4 ounces crumbled goat cheese

3 Separate meat in two, then form into 1-inch patties.
1 small beefsteak tomato, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
4 Broil or grill the patties for 4-6 minutes on each side, or
until desired doneness. Set aside.
Salt and pepper to taste
5 If you’re cooking in a kitchen, heat a large skillet over
medium-high heat and add olive oil.

6 Sprinkle mushrooms with salt and pepper.

7 Place mushrooms in skillet, or top-down on a cooler

part of grill.

8 Cook 2-3 minutes on each side, or until liquid starts to

form. Remove from heat and place on a plate.

9 Sprinkle 2 ounces of goat cheese on top of mushrooms.

10 Place burger on top of cheese, then finish with two slices

of tomato.
Per Serving
3.0 g Usable Carbs

19g Protein
N Food Score
18g Fat

Calories: 256

When I first started eating ULC, I very much missed bread, so I played with several ways of creating
a "bun” to go with the many burgers I ate. Portobello mushrooms obviously don’t have the same
consistency as bread, but after biting into this dish, you may soon forget the bun is missing.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

1 pound grass-fed ground beef

1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
1 cube or teaspoon natural beef bouillon

1 tablespoon coconut oil

2 Brown meat in large skillet. Season to taste when cooked.
Set aside.
1 yellow onion

1 egg 3 Sauté diced onion in skillet with 1 tablespoon coconut oil

until slightly soft. Set aside with meat.
2 cups cauliflower florets, steamed

2 tablespoons butter (room temperature) 4 In large bowl, add steamed cauliflower, butter, cream
cheese, garlic, salt, pepper, and oregano. Mash with hand
4 ounces cream cheese (room
masher or blender to desired consistency.

¼ teaspoon basil, garlic, salt, pepper, 5 In another large bowl, mix meat, onions, spinach, raw egg,
oregano and any additional seasonings. Place mixture in bottom of
1 bag frozen spinach, thawed and 9x13" baking dish. Spread mashed cauliflower mixture over
drained this until smooth.

Cheese to top (optional)

6 Bake for approximately 30 minutes.

7 Add cheese to top, then bake 5 additional minutes


Per Serving
4.2 g Usable Carbs

40g Protein
N Food Score
27g Fat

Calories: 431

When you’re craving comfort food, this ULC version of an old-school classic is a
great option. The combination of meat and cheese makes this a go-to dish for
cold winter days, and you won’t even miss the potatoes.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 6

1 small (2 ½—pound) spaghetti squash, 1 Preheat oven to 375 degrees and place rack in center.
halved lengthwise and seeded

1 tablespoon coconut oil 2 Place squash halves on baking sheet lined with
aluminum foil. Season each half with salt and pepper.
1 small yellow onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced 3 Bake for 30-40 minutes with skin facing up.
1 pound grass-fed beef
4 Remove from oven and let cool.
Pinch salt and pepper

2 celery stalks, cut into chunks 5 Run a large fork from top to bottom to remove strands.
This should yield about 2 cups of spaghetti.
1 15-ounce can crushed tomatoes

1 tablespoon Italian seasoning 6 Melt coconut oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.

¼ cup beef broth (1 cube beef bouillon

dissolved in ¼ cup water) 7 Add garlic and onion. Sauté for 1 minute.

¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 8 Add beef, salt, and pepper to skillet. Cook, breaking up
the meat as it cooks. Drain excess fat.

9 Add celery, tomatoes, Italian seasoning, and ¼ cup

beef broth to meat mixture. Stir well and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes.

10 Divide squash onto 4 serving plates. Ladle beef ragout

over squash. Top with Parmesan cheese.
Per Serving
8.0 g Usable Carbs

28g Protein

P Food Score
10g Fat

Calories: 244

There will always be a special place in my heart for spaghetti squash, because it was a common
pasta substitute in my home growing up. This recipe was always one of my favorites. Here, I
substitute beef for ground turkey—and the ragout makes for some delicious leftovers.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
& Dips

Sauces 167

Dressings 172

Dips 177

Salsas 181

Pestos & Pastes 184

▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

Ά cup chopped fresh mint 1 Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
2 teaspoons paprika
2 In large bowl, combine first four ingredients. Mix well.
¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon salt 3 Add ground lamb. Mix seasoning with meat.

1 pound ground lamb

4 Form into four ¾-inch patties.
2 cups fresh baby spinach

½ red onion, thinly sliced 5 Grill on skillet for 4 minutes per side, or until patties reach
desired doneness.
1 beefsteak tomato, thinly sliced

¼ cup crumbled feta cheese (optional) 6 On a small plate, layer ¼ of the spinach, red onions, and
tomato. Top with lamb burger, then top with feta.

Repeat with remaining burgers.

Per Serving
3.0 g Usable Carbs

34g Protein
P Food Score
11g Fat Good with:
Calories: 257 Feta Stuffed Mushrooms (page 162)

These burgers are great on their own, but they’re even better with a dollop of
Tzatziki Sauce (page 179). For bite-sized burgers or meatballs, form the meat into small
patties or balls and reduce cooking time until they’re done to your satisfaction.
Slide toothpicks in for a great appetizer or snack.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

4 garlic cloves 1 In a food processor or blender, add garlic, rosemary,

oregano, 1½ teaspoons of salt, and ¾ teaspoon of pepper.
3 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped
Pulse until herbs are finely minced.
1½ teaspoons dried oregano

Salt and pepper 2 Add lemon juice, olive oil, and red wine. Pulse to
½ cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice
(about 4 lemons)
3 Place chops in a single layer in a glass dish.
½ cup extra virgin olive oil
½ cup dry red wine 4 Pour marinade over chops, turning them once or twice
to coat them completely. Cover dish with plastic wrap.
2 racks of lamb (about 1 pound), cut into Store in refrigerator for at least two hours (overnight is
8 chops each
¼ cup Tzatziki Sauce (page 179)
5 When you’re ready to cook, set oven to broil and arrange
top rack 6 inches from flame.

6 Remove lamb chops from marinade, place in baking

sheet or grill rack, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

7 Broil for 5 minutes on each side.

8 Transfer chops to serving platter. Cover tightly with

aluminum foil and let rest for 10 minutes.
Per Serving
6.0 g Usable Carbs
9 Serve hot with Tzatziki Sauce.

48g Protein

N Food Score
38g Fat

Calories: 577

Rack of lamb isn’t just for fine restaurants, and you can do it at home. This is a restaurant-quality
dish that won’t put a hole in your pocket. Just remember, the longer the marinade sits,
the better your outcome, so plan ahead and allow for optimal marinating time.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 2

¼ pound bacon, sliced into small pieces 1 Heat an extra-large skillet over medium-high heat.
1 onion, diced
2 Add bacon pieces to skillet. Cook until browned.
2 cups sauerkraut, drained well

16 ounces chicken broth 3 Remove bacon with slotted spoon. Set aside.

2 pork chops
4 Add onions to bacon grease. Sauté for 2-3 minutes, or
½ teaspoon black pepper until onion is opaque.

1 tablespoon caraway seeds

5 Add sauerkraut and sauté for another 5 minutes.
1 tablespoon butter
6 Return bacon to pan, then add chicken broth, pepper,
and caraway seeds.

7 Once mixture comes to a boil, reduce heat to low and

simmer for 20 minutes, stirring frequently.

8 While mixture is simmering, heat another skillet over

medium-high heat.

9 Season pork chops with salt and pepper.

10 Add butter to pan. Brown both sides of pork chops, then

set aside.

11 Once sauerkraut mixture has simmered for 20 minutes

4.0 g
Per Serving and pork chops are browned, add them to the mixture.
Usable Carbs

12 Cover with a lid and continue to simmer for an additional

30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
23g Protein
Food Score
26g Divide mixture among two dishes and place pork chops
on top.
Calories: 355

This dish brings together two forms of pork that I love: Pork chop and bacon. Although this recipe
requires a longer cooking time, the steps are simple and you won’t be disappointed.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast 101

Cajun Rubbed Chicken 102

Chimichurri Chicken 104

Chicken Breast with Rosemary & Pesto 105

Lemon Chicken Thighs 107

Chicken Parmesan 108

Herb Roasted Chicken 110

Thai Coconut Curry Chicken 111

Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps 113

▲ Back to TOC
Makes about 2 cups | Serving Size: 2 tablespoons

½ cup sundried tomatoes, roughly 1 Using food processor or small blender, combine all
chopped ingredients.
2 tablespoons pitted Kalamata olives,
roughly chopped
2 Pulse until combined, but not completely smooth.

3 tablespoons pine nuts

¾ cup Parmesan cheese, grated

1 small clove garlic, chopped

1 teaspoon fresh thyme

Salt and pepper to taste

½ cup olive oil

Per Serving
1.0 g Usable Carbs

1g Protein
F Food Score
Sauces & Dips
Calories: 76.5

This spread works well with Cheese Crackers (page 56), but you can also
use it alongside—or on top of—any meat dish.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 8

1 whole chicken (about 4 pounds) 1 Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place rack in center.
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 Rinse chicken well, and remove giblets.
1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon oregano 3 Loosen chicken skin, but don’t remove it.

1 teaspoon rosemary
4 In small bowl, mix garlic and herbs together. Rub flesh of
1 teaspoon dried thyme chicken with this mixture and olive oil.

1 teaspoon paprika
5 Place chicken on foil-lined roasting pan or large skillet,
1 teaspoon freshly-ground pepper breast side up.
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
6 Roast chicken for 15 minutes.

7 Reduce heat to 325 degrees and continue to roast chicken

for another 50-60 minutes, or until golden (with juices
running clear).

8 Insert cooking thermometer into inner thigh, but don’t

touch bone. Temperature should read 165 degrees.

9 Remove from oven. Let chicken rest for 15-20 minutes
before serving.

Per Serving
<1.0 g Usable Carbs

59g Protein

P Food Score
23g Fat

Calories: 444

The thought of roasting a whole chicken at home can be intimidating, but once you see
how easy it is—and how much food it’ll yield—you’ll get over it. Using Cornish game hens
for this recipe can cut down your cooking time. Also, if you want some extra flavor, try
topping the chicken with Cilantro, Walnut, and Jalapeño Pesto Sauce (page 186).

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
6.1 - 7.0g
6.4g Turnip Mash 141
6.5g Grilled Romaine and Bacon Salad 133
6.7g Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry 118
6.8g Marinara Sauce 169
7.0g Chicken Tuscany Crepe 20
7.0g Oceanic Crepe 22
7.0g Easy Salad NiÇoise 79

7.1 - 8.0g
7.2g Greek Omelette 9
7.2g Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups 76
7.7g Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" 142
7.8g Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Onions 158
8.0g Beef Ragu Over Spaghetti Squash 93
8.0g Thai Coconut Curry Chicken 111

8.1 - 9.0g
8.2g Spinach and Jack Cheese Omelette 9
8.2g Artichoke And Proscuitto Salad 62
8.2g Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps 113
8.4g Santa Fe All the Way Crepe 22
8.5g Taco-Seasoned Beef with Peppers 94
8.9g Cucumber and Heirloom Tomato Salad 78

9.1 - 10.0g
9.0g Buttered Brussels Sprouts 157
9.2g Roast Duck Salad 66
9.4g Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms 42
9.4g Spicy Basil Beef Salad 63
9.4g Italian Sausage and Peppers 84
10.7g Greek Style Crepe 21
*11.5g Italian Stuffed Peppers 83
*14.5g Italian-Style Meatballs 86


* I just couldn't get the carb count low enough and I didn't want to
'trick you' by cutting the serving size down to something tiny, but
they're just so good. Make sure you save these for evening meals.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Almond(s) Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88 Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26
Almond Flour Pancakes, 32 Open-Faced Bison Burger On a Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88
Buttered Brussel Sprouts, 157 Portobello Bun, 90 Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42
Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20 Shepherd's Pie, 91 Roasted Artichokes, 160
Greek Style Crepe, 21 Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Shepherd's Pie, 91
Steak And Pepper Hash, 24 Turnip Mash, 141
Artichokes Taco Salad, 59
Artichoke & Prosciutto Salad, 62 Taco-Seasoned Beef With Peppers, 94 Capers
Roasted Artichokes, 160 Oceanic Crepe, 22
Roasted Fennel & Artichoke Hearts, 161 Blue Cheese Salsa Verde, 183
Bacon-wrapped Stuffed Chicken Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese
Bacon Breast, 101 Roll-ups, 52
Bacon and Caramelized Onion Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Omelette, 10 Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74 Cauliflower
Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños, 40 Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Asian Fried "Rice", 138
Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken, 101 Grilled Romaine & Bacon Salad, 133 Basic Cauliflower "Rice", 136
Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomato, 36 Coconut Curry "Rice", 139
Barbeque Sauce, 170 Broccoli Shepherd's Pie, 91
Basic Wedge Salad, 129 Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche, 15 Spicy Roasted Cauliflower and
Braised Brussel Sprouts with Bacon Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Broccoli, 152
& Onions, 158 Sesame Broccoli, 153 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118
Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut, Spicy Roasted Cauliflower & Broccoli, Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111
98 152
Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Celery
Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti squash, 93
Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Brussels Sprouts Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74
Grilled Romaine & Bacon Salad, 133 Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon Roasted Chicken Salad with Creamy
Mini Bacon-wrapped Sausages, 45 and Onions, 158 Pesto, 73
Quiche Lorraine, 16 Brussels Sprouts Chips, 54 Italian Style Meatballs, 86
Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157
Basil Cheese, see specific types
Artichoke & Prosciutto Salad, 62 Butter
Baked Eggs with Bacon & Tomatoes, 36 Bacon and Caramelized Onion Cheddar cheese
Caprese Quiche, 15 Omelette, 10 Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños, 40
Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155
Cucumber & Heirloom Tomato Salad Basic Crust, 13 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144
with Prawns & Feta, 78 Basic Omelette, 7 Go Philly Crepe, 20
Herb-Roasted Chicken, 110 Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomatoes, Taco Salad, 59
Italian Dressing & Marinade, 175 36
Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Baked Eggs with Turkey Sausage and Chicken
Roasted Tomatoes, 165 Spinach, 37 Asian Chicken Salad with Bean
Salsa Verde, 183 Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon Sprouts, 71
Shepherd's Pie, 91 and Onions, 158 Bacon-wrapped Stuffed Chicken
Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut, Breast, 101
Traditional Pesto, 186 98 Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67
Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche, 15 Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut,
Beef Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157 98
Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti Squash, 93 Chees-y Sauce, 170 Cajun Rubbed Chicken, 102
Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60 Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Chicken Breasts with Rosemary and

Go Philly Crepe, 20 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Pesto, 105

Italian-Style Meatballs, 86 Green Beans with Button Mushrooms, Chicken Parmesan, 108
Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83 164 Chicken Satay, 43

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Chicken cont'd Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67 Egg and Turkey Muffins, 34
Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20 Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Focaccia "Bread", 146
Chimichurri Chicken, 104 Beef Ragout over Spaghetti Squash, 93 Ham And Swiss Skillet, 26
Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157 Italian Stallion Scramble, 28
Greek Chicken Salad, 65 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Quiche Florentine, 16
Herb-Roasted Chicken, 110 Chicken Parmesan, 108 Quiche Lorraine, 16
Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce, 43 Santa Fe All The Way, 22
Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20 Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs, 47
Roasted Chicken Salad with Creamy Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Spicy Egg Nests, 30
Pesto, 73 Crepe Florentine, 21 Steak and Pepper Hash, 24
Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps, 113 Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116
Santa Fe All The Way Crepe, 22 Coconut Curry "Rice", 139 Fennel
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Cucumber & Heirloom Tomato Salad Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts,
with Prawns and Feta, 78 161
Cream, heavy Egg and Turkey Muffins, 34
Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Focaccia "Bread", 146 Feta Cheese
Basic Omelette, 7 Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76 Alaskan Salmon and Feta, 120
Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche, 15 Go Philly Crepe, 20 Cucumber and Heirloom Tomato Salad
Caprese Quiche, 15 Greek Style Crepe, 21 with Prawns and Feta, 78
Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Grilled Romaine and Bacon Salad, 133 Feta-Stuffed Mushrooms, 162
Creamy Alfredo Sauce, 169 Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Greek Chicken Salad, 65
Quiche Florentine, 16 Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83 Greek Omelette, 9
Quiche Lorraine, 16 Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Greek Style Crepe, 21
Turnip Mash, 141 Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts, Greek-Style Lamb Burgers, 96
Cream Cheese Shepherd's Pie, 91 Fish, see Seafood
Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños, 40 Shrimp Kebabs, 49
Creamy Alfredo Sauce, 169 Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Focaccia
Shepherd's Pie, 91 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Focaccia "Bread", 146
Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Steak and Pepper Hash, 24
Roll-ups, 52 Taco Salad, 59 Garlic
Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs, 47 Taco-Seasoned Beef With Peppers, 94 Artichoke and Prosciutto Salad, 62
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Barbeque Sauce, 170
Coconut Flour Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" with Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti Squash, 93
Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Peppers and Onions, 142 Cajun-Rubbed Chicken, 102
Basic Crust, 13 Wilted Spinach and Garlic, 149 Chicken Breasts with Rosemary and
Cheese-y Sauce, 170 Pesto, 105
Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Eggs Chicken Parmesan, 108
Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Almond Flour Pancakes, 32 Chimichurri Chicken, 104
Chicken Parmesan, 108 Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Cilantro, Walnut and Jalapeño Pesto,
Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116 Basic Crust, 13 186
Italian-Style Meatballs, 86 Basic Omelette, 7 Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116
Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomato, 36 Creamy Alfredo Sauce, 169
Coconut Milk Baked Eggs with Turkey Sausage and Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing, 174
Coconut Creamed Spinach, 150 Spinach, 37 Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60
Coconut Curry "Rice", 139 Broccoli And Cheddar Quiche, 15 Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76
Peanut Sauce, 171 Caprese Quiche, 15 Greek-Style Rack of Lamb with Tzatziki
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Sauce, 97
Chicken Parmesan, 108 Green Beans with Button Mushrooms,

Coconut Oil Classic Cobb Salad, 69 164

Almond Flour Pancakes, 32 Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116 Herb-Roasted Chicken, 110
Asian Fried "Rice", 138 Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79 Italian Dressing and Marinade, 175

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Garlic cont'd Greek-Style Rack of Lamb with Tzatziki
Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Sauce, 97 Mushrooms
Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42 Grilled Moroccan Salmon, 121 Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20
Salsa Fresca, 183 Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Crepe Florentine, 21
Shepherd's Pie, 91 Lemon Dill Dip, 179 Egg and Turkey Mushrooms, 34
Steak and Pepper Hash, 24 Roasted Artichokes, 160 Feta-Stuffed Mushrooms, 162
Spicy Ginger Marinade, 176 Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs, 47 Green Beans with Button Mushrooms,
Spicy Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli 164
with Parmesan Cheese, 152 Lemongrass Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26
Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42
Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive Open-Faced Bison Burger on a
Tapenade, 187 Lettuce Portobello Bun, 90
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67 Spicy Shrimp Stir-fry, 118
Traditional Pesto, 186 Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" with Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Nuts, see specific types
Peppers and Onions, 142 Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79
Turnip Mash, 141 Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60 Olives
Tzatziki Sauce, 179 Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76 Artichoke and Prosciutto Salad, 62
Wilted Spinach and Garlic, 149 Greek Chicken Salad, 65 Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79
Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88 Greek Chicken Salad, 65
Ginger Roast Chicken Salad with Creamy Greek Style Crepe, 21
Asian Chicken Salad with Bean Pesto, 73 Greek Omelette, 9
Sprouts, 71 Roast Duck Salad, 66 Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive
Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps, 113 Tapenade, 187
Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76 Taco Salad, 59 Taco-Seasoned Beef with Peppers, 94
Shrimp Kebabs, 49
Spicy Ginger Marinade, 176 Lime Onions
Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Asian Fried "Rice", 138
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Cilantro, Walnut and Jalapeño Pesto, Bacon and Caramelized Onion
186 Omelette, 10
Goat Cheese Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing, 174 Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Open-Faced Bison Burger on a French Dressing, 175 Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon
Portobello Bun, 90 Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60 and Onions, 158
Roast Duck Salad, 66 Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut,
Green Beans Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts, 98
Green Beans with Button Mushrooms, 161 Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74
164 Salsa Fresca, 183 Coconut Curry "Rice", 139
Easy Salad NiÇoise, 70 Salsa Verde, 183 Crepe Florentine, 21
Egg and Turkey Muffins, 34
Ham Meat, see specific types Greek Chicken Salad, 69
Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26 Greek Omelette, 9
Quiche Lorraine, 16 Mint Greek Style Crepe, 21
Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Greek-Style Lamb Burgers, 96
Lamb Greek-Style Lamb Burger, 96 Grilled Romaine and Bacon Salad, 133
Greek-Style Lamb Burger, 96 Tzatziki, 179 Go Philly Crepe, 20
Greek-Style Rack of Lamb with Tzatziki Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26
Sauce, 97 Mozzarella Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42
Chicken Parmesan, 108 Oceanic Crepe, 22
Lemon Cheese-y Sauce, 170 Quiche Lorraine, 16

Braised Brussels Sprouts, 158 Focaccia "Bread", 146 Santa Fe All The Way Crepe, 22
Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157 Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Shepherd's Pie, 91
Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42 Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps, 113

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Tomatoes Zucchini
Artichoke and Prosciutto Salad, 62 Baked Zucchini Chips, 52
Baked Eggs With Bacon and Tomato, Ham And Swiss Skillet, 26
Barbeque Sauce, 170
Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti Squash, 93
Caprese Quiche, 15
Classic Cobb Salad, 69
Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20
Crab And Avocado Omelette, 10
Cucumber And Heirloom Tomato Salad
with Prawns and Feta, 78
Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79
Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60
Greek Omelette, 9
Greek-Style Lamb Burgers, 96
Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88
Marinara Sauce, 169
Open-Faced Bison Burger on a
Portobello Bun, 90
Roasted Tomatoes, 165
Salsa Fresca, 183
Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63
Sun-Dried Tomato And Kalamata Olive
Tapenade, 187
Taco Salad, 59

Baked Eggs With Turkey Sausage and
Spinach, 37
Egg And Turkey Muffins, 34
Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83
Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42

Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" With
Peppers and Onions, 142
Turnip Mash, 141

Cilantro, Walnut and Jalapeño Pest,

Yogurt, Greek
French Dressing, 175
Lemon Dill Dip, 179
Spicy Shrimp Handrolls, 50
Taco Salad, 59

Tzatziki, 179

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

2 ½-inch thick slices red onion, 1 Soak skewer sticks in water beforehand to prevent them
threaded on skewer sticks
from burning when grilling.
Salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or

2 Preheat grill to medium-high heat.
coconut oil, melted
3 Season both sides of onions with salt and pepper, then
2 fresh romaine hearts, halved brush with your choice of oil.
¼ cup blue cheese dressing, divided
4 Grill onion for 5 minutes. Turn over and cook for another
2 slices bacon
5-7 minutes, or until tender.
2 ounces crumbled blue cheese
5 Slice romaine hearts in half and drizzle with oil. Season
with salt and pepper to taste.

6 Place each romaine heart on grill for about 30 seconds

each side—just long enough to slightly mark them and
warm them through. Transfer to plates.

7 Cook bacon according to package. Set aside to cool, then


8 Drizzle romaine hearts with dressing and top with one

slice of onion, ¼ of the bacon crumbles, and ½ ounce of
crumbled blue cheese.

Per Serving
6.5 g Usable Carbs

14g Protein
F Food Score
38g Fat

Calories: 425

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
“Rice,” “Potato,” “Bread”








▲ Back to TOC
Makes 5 biscuits | Serving Size: 1 biscuit

¼ cup coconut oil or butter, melted 1 Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

4 eggs
2 Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with
Ά cup coconut flour
nonstick cooking spray.
¼ teaspoon salt (to taste)

¼ teaspoon onion powder

3 In medium mixing bowl, blend coconut oil or butter with
eggs. Whisk thoroughly.
¼ teaspoon baking powder

½ cup sharp cheddar cheese

4 In small mixing bowl, combine coconut flour with
remaining ingredients. Whisk dry mixture in with eggs and
¼ cup fresh or jarred jalapeños, diced continue to mix until there are no lumps.

5 Fold cheese and jalapeños into batter.

6 Using a large serving spoon, drop batter onto prepared

baking sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes. Top with more cheese
if desired.

Per Serving
2.2 g Usable Carbs

8g Protein
F Food Score
19g Fat

Calories: 233

This versatile biscuit is great by itself, but you can also top it with butter or use it
as a bun for burgers (front cover).

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC













▲ Back to TOC
Serves 4

1 fennel bulb (12 ounces), but into 1 Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
¾-inch wedges, with 1 tablespoon
fronds reserved for garnish
2 Arrange fennel and artichoke on a rimmed baking sheet.
1 can whole artichoke hearts in water Drizzle with 2 tablespoons oil and sprinkle with salt and
(13 ounces), drained, patted dry, pepper.
and halved, lengthwise

3 tablespoons coconut oil, melted 3 Roast vegetables until caramelized on both sides
(35 minutes), tossing after 20 minutes.
¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon freshly-ground pepper 4 Drizzle remaining oil and lime juice.

1 teaspoon fresh lime juice (optional)

5 Add parsley and toss to combine. Garnish with fennel
2 tablespoons flat-leaf parsley, roughly fronds.

Per Serving
4.0 g Usable Carbs

2g Protein

F Food Score
10g Fat

Calories: 132

I love using roasted vegetables as a side dish. This one takes a bit longer to
cook, but it’s worth the wait as a wonderful compliment to Alaskan Salmon
and Feta (page 119) or Chimichurri Chicken (page 104).

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Serves 2

Olive oil spray 1 Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

8 medium button mushrooms
2 Lightly mist a small baking dish with oil spray.
2 teaspoons fresh flat-leaf parsley,
3 Pull stems from mushrooms by gently twisting stem
2 ounces feta cheese, crumbled until it comes loose and pulls from mushroom top.
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
4 Mince stems and place in small mixing bowl. Place caps
ȣ teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste in reserved baking dish stem side up.

5 Add parsley, cheese, oil, and cayenne to bowl. Mix well.

6 Spoon mixture evenly onto reserved mushroom caps.

Divide remaining mixture evenly among mushroom caps,
mounding the filling on each.

7 Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until tender. Let stand to cool

slightly before serving.

Per Serving
3.0 g Usable Carbs

7g Protein
N Food Score
9g Fat

Calories: 111

These cute mushroom caps go very well alongside Greek-Style Lamb Burgers (page 96).

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
& Dips

Sauces 167

Dressings 172

Dips 177

Salsas 181

Pestos & Pastes 184

▲ Back to TOC
& Dips






▲ Back to TOC
Makes 2/3 cup | Serving Size: 2 tablespoons

4 tablespoons natural peanut butter 1 In small bowl, whisk all ingredients together thoroughly.
4 tablespoons coconut milk
2 Serve at room temperature.
2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons chili paste or Sriracha sauce

2 teaspoons sesame oil

2 tablespoons granulated Splenda

Per Serving
4.8 g Usable Carbs

5g Protein

F Food Score
12g Fat

Calories: 146

This is a sweet and savory dipping sauce that works well with Chicken Satay (page 43).
You can use creamy or chunky peanut butter depending on your preference.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC

Chili Mint 174

Cole Slaw 174

French Dressing 175

Italian Dressing & Marinade 175

Spicy Ginger Marinade 176

▲ Back to TOC
Makes about 2 cups | Serving Size: ¼ cup

1 medium English cucumber, peeled and grated 1 Place grated cucumber in strainer. Press gently to drain excess
6 green onions, finely chopped liquid.
3 gloves garlic, minced
¼ cup minced fresh dill weed or mint
2 In medium bowl, combine cucumber, green onions, garlic, dill
weed, sour cream, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
cups Greek yogurt
1½ Salt and freshly-ground black pepper (to taste) 3 Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. Serve chilled.

Per Serving
4.0 g Usable Carbs

5g Protein
P Food Score This is a tangy Greek sauce that goes well with
1g Fat Greek-Style Lamb Burgers (page 96) or Rack of Lamb (page 97),
Calories: 47 or as a dressing for Greek Chicken Salad (page 65).


Makes about ¾ cup | Serving size: 2 tablespoons

1 Heat a small saucepan over medium-high heat. ½ cup Greek yogurt

¼ cup mayonnaise
2 Add all of the above ingredients into the saucepan and bring
2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
to a boil.
1 teaspoon lemon juice
3 Partially cover the pan and simmer on low for 1 hour. Salt and pepper to taste

Per Serving
1.3 g Usable Carbs
Sauces & Dips

3g Protein
F Food Score
Good with: Fat

Pepperoni Chips (page 56) Calories: 84

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Makes about 1½ cup | Serving size: 2 tablespoons

1 Combine basil leaves and pine nuts in a food processor or 2 cups fresh basil leaves
blender. Pulse a few times. Use a spoon or spatula to scrape bits ¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
that have stuck to the sides of the blender or food processor. ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
1ȗΆ cup pine nuts
2 Slowly add olive oil in a constant stream while processor is on.
Stop occasionally to scrape sides with spatula. 3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
3 Stir a few times to make sure everything is blended together.

4 Add cheese and pulse a few more times until all ingredients are

5 Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Pesto has always been one of my favorite sauces. This

Per Serving
1.0 g Usable Carbs

traditional version is just how I remember it from my childhood,

while the version that follows is a new favorite.
2g Protein

Good with: F Food Score

17g Fat
Roast Chicken Salad (page 73)
Roasted Tomatoes (page 165) Calories: 160.5


Makes 1½ cup | Serving size: 2 tablespoons

1 bunch cilantro, roughly chopped (about 1 cup) 1 Combine all ingredients in food processor or blender. Pulse a
½ jalapeño pepper, seeded and chopped few times. Use a spoon or spatula to scrape bits that have stuck
½ cup walnuts to the sides of the blender or food processor.

3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

2 Avoid over-blending. The pesto should have a little bit of texture
1 tablespoon lime juice from the nuts. You want a slightly grainy consistency.
½ cup olive oil
3 Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Per Serving
1.0 g Usable Carbs
The little kick you’ll get from the jalapeños here offers
Sauces & Dips
a nice twist on a classic sauce. Try this over vegetables,
on meat dishes, and folded into burgers.
2g Protein
F Food Score
Good with:
17g Fat
Herb Roast Chicken (page 109)
Calories: 159 Chicken Breast with Rosemary (page 105)

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Makes about 2 cups | Serving Size: 2 tablespoons

½ cup sundried tomatoes, roughly 1 Using food processor or small blender, combine all
chopped ingredients.
2 tablespoons pitted Kalamata olives,
roughly chopped
2 Pulse until combined, but not completely smooth.

3 tablespoons pine nuts

¾ cup Parmesan cheese, grated

1 small clove garlic, chopped

1 teaspoon fresh thyme

Salt and pepper to taste

½ cup olive oil

Per Serving
1.0 g Usable Carbs

1g Protein
F Food Score
Sauces & Dips
Calories: 76.5

This spread works well with Cheese Crackers (page 56), but you can also
use it alongside—or on top of—any meat dish.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC


Index by Carb Count 190


▲ Back to TOC
Conversions & Equivalents
Cups Tablespoons Teaspoons Milliliters Ounces (fluid) Conversion Formulas
− ⅓ 1 5 − Cups x 236.59 = Milliliters
1�16 1 3 15 0.5 Tablespoons x 14.79 = Milliliters
⅛ 2 6 30 1 Teaspoons x 4.93 = Milliliters
¼ 4 12 56 2 Ounces (Fluid) x 29.57 = Milliliters
⅓ 5 16 79 3
½ 8 24 118 4
⅔ 11 32 158 5
¾ 12 36 177 6
1 16 48 237 8
1½ 24 72 360 12
2 (1 pint) 32 96 460 16

1 dash/pinch = about 1/16 teaspoon Butter

4¼ cups = 1 liter 1 stick = 4 ounces = 8 tablespoons = ½ cup
16 cups = 4 quarts = 1 gallon

Ounces (dry) Pounds Grams Conversion Formulas
1 1�16 28 Ounces x 0.0625 = Pounds
2 − 57 Ounces x 28.35 = Grams
3 − 85
4 ¼ 113
5 − 142
6 − 170
7 − 198
8 ½ 227
12 ¾ 375
16 1 454
32 2 907

Fahrenheit Celsius gas mark Conversion Formulas
200° 95° 0 Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8
275° 135° 1 Fahrenheit = (Celsius x 1.8) + 32°C
300° 150° 2
325° 165° 3
350° 175° 4
375° 190° 5
400° 200° 6
425° 220° 7
450° 230° 8
475° 245° 9

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Index by Carb Count
(Per Serving)

0 - 1.0g 3.1 - 4.0g

0g Pepperoni Chips 56 3.1g Basic Crust 13
0g Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce 43 3.1g Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs 47
<1.0g Shrimp Kebabs 49 3.1g Spicy Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli 152
<1.0g Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Roll-ups 52 3.2g Baked Zucchini Chips 52
<1.0g Cheese Crackers 56 3.2g Chimichurri Chicken 104
<1.0g Herb-Roasted Chicken 110 3.3g Caprese Quiche 15
<1.0g Alaskan Salmon and Feta 120 3.4g Quiche Florentine 16
<1.0g Grilled Moroccan Salmon 121 3.5g Pistachio-Crusted Tilapia 123
<1.0g Focaccia "Bread" 146 3.5g Barbeque Sauce 170
<1.0g Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing 174 3.5g French Dressing 175
<1.0g Italian Dressing and Marinade 175 3.7g Southwest Omelette 11
1.0g Baked Eggs with Turkey Sausage and Spinach 37 4.0g Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche 15
1.0g Cheese-y Sauce 170 4.0g Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad 60
1.0g Traditional Pesto 186 4.0g Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut 98
1.0g Cilantro, Walnut, and Jalapeño Pesto 186 4.0g Chicken Breasts with Rosemary and Pesto 105
1.0g Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive Tapenade 187 4.0g Chicken Parmesan 108
4.0g Cheesy Broccoli Bake 155
1.1 - 2.0g 4.0g Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts 161
1.2g Basic Omelette 7 4.0g Tzatziki Sauce 179
1.2g Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños 40
1.2g Creamy Alfredo Sauce 169 4.1 - 5.0g
1.2g Salsa Fresca 183 4.1g Taco Salad 59
1.3g Spicy Ginger Marinade 176 4.2g Steak and Pepper Hash 24
1.3g Lemon Dill Dip 179 4.2g Bangkok Chicken Salad 67
1.4g Spicy Egg Nests 30 4.2g Shepherd's Pie 91
1.4g Basic Cauliflower "Rice" 136 4.2g Roasted Artichokes 160
1.4g Salsa Verde 183 4.3g Simple Cucumber Salad 127
1.5g Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast 101 4.3g Basic Wedge Salad 129
1.5g Chili Mint Dressing 174 4.4g Almond Flour Pancakes 32
1.8g Wilted Spinach and Garlic 149 4.5g Mini Bacon-Wrapped Sausages 45
1.8g Coconut Creamed Spinach 150 4.5g Spicy Shrimp Handrolls 50
2.0g Quiche Lorraine 16 4.6g Ham and Swiss Skillet 26
2.0g Cajun Rubbed Chicken 102 4.7g Crab and Avocado Omelette 10
2.0g Asian Fried "Rice" 138 4.8g Peanut Sauce 171
3.0g Ketchup 180 4.9g Sesame Broccoli 153
5.0g Asian Chicken Salad with Bean Sprouts 71
2.1 - 3.0g
2.1g Egg and Turkey Muffins 34 5.1 - 6.0g
2.2g Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits 144 5.3g Roast Chicken Salad with Creamy Pesto 73
2.2g Roasted Tomatoes 165 5.5g Coconut Fried Shrimp 116
2.4g Basic Coconut Flour Crepes 18 5.6g Bacon and Caramelized Onion Omelette 10
2.4g Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomato 36 5.6g Go Philly Crepe 20
2.6g Cucumber-Radish Relish 131 5.6g Crepe Florentine 21
3.0g Brussels Sprouts Chips 54 5.6g Greek Chicken Salad 65
3.0g Jalapeño-Swiss Burger 88 5.7g Green Beans with Button Mushrooms 164
3.0g Open-Faced Bison Burger on a Portobello Bun 90 6.0g Italian Stallion Scramble 28
3.0g Greek Style Lamb Burgers 96 6.0g Classic Cobb Salad 69

3.0g Lemon Chicken Thighs 107 6.0g Creamy Slaw with Shrimp 74
3.0g Coconut Curry "Rice" 139 6.0g Greek-Style Rack of Lamb with Tzatziki Sauce 97
3.0g Feta-Stuffed Mushrooms 162

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
6.1 - 7.0g
6.4g Turnip Mash 141
6.5g Grilled Romaine and Bacon Salad 133
6.7g Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry 118
6.8g Marinara Sauce 169
7.0g Chicken Tuscany Crepe 20
7.0g Oceanic Crepe 22
7.0g Easy Salad NiÇoise 79

7.1 - 8.0g
7.2g Greek Omelette 9
7.2g Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups 76
7.7g Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" 142
7.8g Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Onions 158
8.0g Beef Ragu Over Spaghetti Squash 93
8.0g Thai Coconut Curry Chicken 111

8.1 - 9.0g
8.2g Spinach and Jack Cheese Omelette 9
8.2g Artichoke And Proscuitto Salad 62
8.2g Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps 113
8.4g Santa Fe All the Way Crepe 22
8.5g Taco-Seasoned Beef with Peppers 94
8.9g Cucumber and Heirloom Tomato Salad 78

9.1 - 10.0g
9.0g Buttered Brussels Sprouts 157
9.2g Roast Duck Salad 66
9.4g Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms 42
9.4g Spicy Basil Beef Salad 63
9.4g Italian Sausage and Peppers 84
10.7g Greek Style Crepe 21
*11.5g Italian Stuffed Peppers 83
*14.5g Italian-Style Meatballs 86


* I just couldn't get the carb count low enough and I didn't want to
'trick you' by cutting the serving size down to something tiny, but
they're just so good. Make sure you save these for evening meals.

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Almond(s) Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88 Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26
Almond Flour Pancakes, 32 Open-Faced Bison Burger On a Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88
Buttered Brussel Sprouts, 157 Portobello Bun, 90 Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42
Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20 Shepherd's Pie, 91 Roasted Artichokes, 160
Greek Style Crepe, 21 Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Shepherd's Pie, 91
Steak And Pepper Hash, 24 Turnip Mash, 141
Artichokes Taco Salad, 59
Artichoke & Prosciutto Salad, 62 Taco-Seasoned Beef With Peppers, 94 Capers
Roasted Artichokes, 160 Oceanic Crepe, 22
Roasted Fennel & Artichoke Hearts, 161 Blue Cheese Salsa Verde, 183
Bacon-wrapped Stuffed Chicken Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese
Bacon Breast, 101 Roll-ups, 52
Bacon and Caramelized Onion Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Omelette, 10 Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74 Cauliflower
Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños, 40 Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Asian Fried "Rice", 138
Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken, 101 Grilled Romaine & Bacon Salad, 133 Basic Cauliflower "Rice", 136
Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomato, 36 Coconut Curry "Rice", 139
Barbeque Sauce, 170 Broccoli Shepherd's Pie, 91
Basic Wedge Salad, 129 Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche, 15 Spicy Roasted Cauliflower and
Braised Brussel Sprouts with Bacon Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Broccoli, 152
& Onions, 158 Sesame Broccoli, 153 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118
Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut, Spicy Roasted Cauliflower & Broccoli, Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111
98 152
Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Celery
Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti squash, 93
Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Brussels Sprouts Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74
Grilled Romaine & Bacon Salad, 133 Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon Roasted Chicken Salad with Creamy
Mini Bacon-wrapped Sausages, 45 and Onions, 158 Pesto, 73
Quiche Lorraine, 16 Brussels Sprouts Chips, 54 Italian Style Meatballs, 86
Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157
Basil Cheese, see specific types
Artichoke & Prosciutto Salad, 62 Butter
Baked Eggs with Bacon & Tomatoes, 36 Bacon and Caramelized Onion Cheddar cheese
Caprese Quiche, 15 Omelette, 10 Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños, 40
Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155
Cucumber & Heirloom Tomato Salad Basic Crust, 13 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144
with Prawns & Feta, 78 Basic Omelette, 7 Go Philly Crepe, 20
Herb-Roasted Chicken, 110 Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomatoes, Taco Salad, 59
Italian Dressing & Marinade, 175 36
Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Baked Eggs with Turkey Sausage and Chicken
Roasted Tomatoes, 165 Spinach, 37 Asian Chicken Salad with Bean
Salsa Verde, 183 Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon Sprouts, 71
Shepherd's Pie, 91 and Onions, 158 Bacon-wrapped Stuffed Chicken
Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut, Breast, 101
Traditional Pesto, 186 98 Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67
Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche, 15 Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut,
Beef Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157 98
Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti Squash, 93 Chees-y Sauce, 170 Cajun Rubbed Chicken, 102
Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60 Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Chicken Breasts with Rosemary and

Go Philly Crepe, 20 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Pesto, 105

Italian-Style Meatballs, 86 Green Beans with Button Mushrooms, Chicken Parmesan, 108
Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83 164 Chicken Satay, 43

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Chicken cont'd Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67 Egg and Turkey Muffins, 34
Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20 Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Focaccia "Bread", 146
Chimichurri Chicken, 104 Beef Ragout over Spaghetti Squash, 93 Ham And Swiss Skillet, 26
Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157 Italian Stallion Scramble, 28
Greek Chicken Salad, 65 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Quiche Florentine, 16
Herb-Roasted Chicken, 110 Chicken Parmesan, 108 Quiche Lorraine, 16
Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce, 43 Santa Fe All The Way, 22
Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20 Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs, 47
Roasted Chicken Salad with Creamy Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Spicy Egg Nests, 30
Pesto, 73 Crepe Florentine, 21 Steak and Pepper Hash, 24
Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps, 113 Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116
Santa Fe All The Way Crepe, 22 Coconut Curry "Rice", 139 Fennel
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Cucumber & Heirloom Tomato Salad Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts,
with Prawns and Feta, 78 161
Cream, heavy Egg and Turkey Muffins, 34
Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Focaccia "Bread", 146 Feta Cheese
Basic Omelette, 7 Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76 Alaskan Salmon and Feta, 120
Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche, 15 Go Philly Crepe, 20 Cucumber and Heirloom Tomato Salad
Caprese Quiche, 15 Greek Style Crepe, 21 with Prawns and Feta, 78
Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Grilled Romaine and Bacon Salad, 133 Feta-Stuffed Mushrooms, 162
Creamy Alfredo Sauce, 169 Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Greek Chicken Salad, 65
Quiche Florentine, 16 Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83 Greek Omelette, 9
Quiche Lorraine, 16 Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Greek Style Crepe, 21
Turnip Mash, 141 Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts, Greek-Style Lamb Burgers, 96
Cream Cheese Shepherd's Pie, 91 Fish, see Seafood
Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños, 40 Shrimp Kebabs, 49
Creamy Alfredo Sauce, 169 Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Focaccia
Shepherd's Pie, 91 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Focaccia "Bread", 146
Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Steak and Pepper Hash, 24
Roll-ups, 52 Taco Salad, 59 Garlic
Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs, 47 Taco-Seasoned Beef With Peppers, 94 Artichoke and Prosciutto Salad, 62
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Barbeque Sauce, 170
Coconut Flour Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" with Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti Squash, 93
Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Peppers and Onions, 142 Cajun-Rubbed Chicken, 102
Basic Crust, 13 Wilted Spinach and Garlic, 149 Chicken Breasts with Rosemary and
Cheese-y Sauce, 170 Pesto, 105
Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Eggs Chicken Parmesan, 108
Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Almond Flour Pancakes, 32 Chimichurri Chicken, 104
Chicken Parmesan, 108 Basic Coconut Flour Crepes, 18 Cilantro, Walnut and Jalapeño Pesto,
Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116 Basic Crust, 13 186
Italian-Style Meatballs, 86 Basic Omelette, 7 Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116
Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomato, 36 Creamy Alfredo Sauce, 169
Coconut Milk Baked Eggs with Turkey Sausage and Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing, 174
Coconut Creamed Spinach, 150 Spinach, 37 Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60
Coconut Curry "Rice", 139 Broccoli And Cheddar Quiche, 15 Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76
Peanut Sauce, 171 Caprese Quiche, 15 Greek-Style Rack of Lamb with Tzatziki
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Cheesy Jalapeño Biscuits, 144 Sauce, 97
Chicken Parmesan, 108 Green Beans with Button Mushrooms,

Coconut Oil Classic Cobb Salad, 69 164

Almond Flour Pancakes, 32 Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116 Herb-Roasted Chicken, 110
Asian Fried "Rice", 138 Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79 Italian Dressing and Marinade, 175

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Garlic cont'd Greek-Style Rack of Lamb with Tzatziki
Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Sauce, 97 Mushrooms
Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42 Grilled Moroccan Salmon, 121 Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20
Salsa Fresca, 183 Lemon Chicken Thighs, 107 Crepe Florentine, 21
Shepherd's Pie, 91 Lemon Dill Dip, 179 Egg and Turkey Mushrooms, 34
Steak and Pepper Hash, 24 Roasted Artichokes, 160 Feta-Stuffed Mushrooms, 162
Spicy Ginger Marinade, 176 Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs, 47 Green Beans with Button Mushrooms,
Spicy Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli 164
with Parmesan Cheese, 152 Lemongrass Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26
Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63 Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42
Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive Open-Faced Bison Burger on a
Tapenade, 187 Lettuce Portobello Bun, 90
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67 Spicy Shrimp Stir-fry, 118
Traditional Pesto, 186 Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" with Classic Cobb Salad, 69 Nuts, see specific types
Peppers and Onions, 142 Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79
Turnip Mash, 141 Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60 Olives
Tzatziki Sauce, 179 Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76 Artichoke and Prosciutto Salad, 62
Wilted Spinach and Garlic, 149 Greek Chicken Salad, 65 Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79
Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88 Greek Chicken Salad, 65
Ginger Roast Chicken Salad with Creamy Greek Style Crepe, 21
Asian Chicken Salad with Bean Pesto, 73 Greek Omelette, 9
Sprouts, 71 Roast Duck Salad, 66 Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive
Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps, 113 Tapenade, 187
Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76 Taco Salad, 59 Taco-Seasoned Beef with Peppers, 94
Shrimp Kebabs, 49
Spicy Ginger Marinade, 176 Lime Onions
Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118 Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Asian Fried "Rice", 138
Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Cilantro, Walnut and Jalapeño Pesto, Bacon and Caramelized Onion
186 Omelette, 10
Goat Cheese Creamy Cole Slaw Dressing, 174 Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Open-Faced Bison Burger on a French Dressing, 175 Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon
Portobello Bun, 90 Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60 and Onions, 158
Roast Duck Salad, 66 Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut,
Green Beans Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts, 98
Green Beans with Button Mushrooms, 161 Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74
164 Salsa Fresca, 183 Coconut Curry "Rice", 139
Easy Salad NiÇoise, 70 Salsa Verde, 183 Crepe Florentine, 21
Egg and Turkey Muffins, 34
Ham Meat, see specific types Greek Chicken Salad, 69
Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26 Greek Omelette, 9
Quiche Lorraine, 16 Mint Greek Style Crepe, 21
Chili Mint Dressing, 174 Greek-Style Lamb Burgers, 96
Lamb Greek-Style Lamb Burger, 96 Grilled Romaine and Bacon Salad, 133
Greek-Style Lamb Burger, 96 Tzatziki, 179 Go Philly Crepe, 20
Greek-Style Rack of Lamb with Tzatziki Ham and Swiss Skillet, 26
Sauce, 97 Mozzarella Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42
Chicken Parmesan, 108 Oceanic Crepe, 22
Lemon Cheese-y Sauce, 170 Quiche Lorraine, 16

Braised Brussels Sprouts, 158 Focaccia "Bread", 146 Santa Fe All The Way Crepe, 22
Buttered Brussels Sprouts, 157 Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Shepherd's Pie, 91
Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42 Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps, 113

Transforming Recipes ▲ Back to TOC
Onions cont'd Pesto Spicy Egg Nests, 30
Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" with Chicken Breasts with Rosemary and
Peppers and Onions, 142 Pesto, 105 Seafood
Tzatziki, 179 Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20 Alaskan Salmon and Feta, 120
Cilantro, Walnut and Jalapeño Pesto, Celery Slaw With Shrimp
Parmesan Cheese 186 Coconut Fried Shrimp, 116
Baked Eggs with Bacon and Tomato, 36 Roast Chicken Salad with Creamy Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79
Baked Zucchini Chips, 52 Pesto, 73 Grilled Moroccan Salmon, 171
Beef Ragout over Spaghetti Squash, 93 Roasted Tomatoes, 165 Oceanic Crepe, 22
Chicken Parmesan, 108 Traditional Pesto, 186 Pistachio-Crusted Tilapia, 123
Cheesy Broccoli Bake, 155 Shrimp Kebabs, 49
Creamy Alfredo Sauce, 169 Pine Nuts Smoked Salmon Cream Cheese
Focaccia "Bread", 146 Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive Roll-ups, 52
Italian Sausages and Peppers, 84 Tapenade, 187 Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs, 47
Italian-Style Meatballs, 86 Traditional Pesto, 186 Spicy Shrimp Handrolls,50
Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118
Pistachio Crusted Tilapia, 123 Pistachios
Quiche Lorraine, 16 Pistachio-Crusted Tilapia, 123 Sesame seeds, sesame oil
Roasted Tomatoes, 165 Asian Chicken Salad With Bean
Spicy Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli Pork, see also bacon; ham Sprouts, 71
with Parmesan Cheese, 152 Braised Pork Chops with Sauerkraut, Asian Fried "Rice", 138
Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive 98 Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67
Tapenade, 187 Focaccia "Bread", 146 Ginger Prawn Lettuce Cups, 76
Taco-Seasoned Beef with Peppers, 94 Mini Bacon-Wrapped Sausages, 45 Peanut Sauce, 171
Traditional Pesto, 186 Spicy Egg Nests, 30 Sesame Broccoli, 153
Simple Cucumber Salad, 127
Peanuts Prosciutto Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63
Bangkok Chicken Salad, 67 Artichoke and Prosciutto Salad, 62 Spicy Ginger Marinade, 176
Peanut Sauce, 171 Caprese Quiche, 15 Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118
Spicy Shrimp Stir-Fry, 118
Radish Spinach
Peppers, Bell and Jalapeño Celery Slaw with Shrimp, 74 Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken
Asian Chicken Salad with Bean Cucumber-Radish Relish, 131 Breast, 101
Sprouts, 71 Baked Eggs with Turkey Sausage and
Bacon-wrapped Jalapeños, 40 Ricotta Spinach, 37
Egg and Turkey Muffins, 34 Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83 Coconut Creamed Spinach, 150
Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60 Crepe Florentine, 21
Go Philly Crepe, 20 Salsa Egg And Turkey Muffins, 34
Italian Sausages and Peppers, 84 Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeños, 40 Greek Style Crepe, 21
Italian Stallion Scramble, 28 Salsa Fresca, 183 Greek-Style Lamb Burgers, 96
Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83 Salsa Verde, 183 Oceanic Crepe, 22
Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42 Santa Fe All The Way Crepe, 22 Quiche Florentine, 16
Roast Chicken Salad with Creamy Southwestern Omelette, 11 Shepherd's Pie, 91
Pesto, 73 Spinach And Jack Cheese Omelette, 9
Roast Duck Salad, 66 Sausage Wilted Spinach and Garlic, 149
Spicy Chicken Fajita Wraps, 113 Baked Eggs with Turkey Sausage and
Spicy Shrimp Stir-fry, 118 Spinach, 37 Squash, Spaghetti
Steak and Pepper Hash, 24 Italian Sausages and Peppers, 84 Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti Squash, 93
Taco-Seasoned Beef with Peppers, 84 Italian Stallion Scramble, 28

Thai Coconut Curry Chicken, 111 Mini Bacon-Wrapped Sausages, 45 Sun-dried Tomatoes
Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" with Santa Fe All The Way Crepe, 22 Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Olive
Peppers and Onions, 142 Southwestern Omelette, 11 Tapenade, 187

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Tomatoes Zucchini
Artichoke and Prosciutto Salad, 62 Baked Zucchini Chips, 52
Baked Eggs With Bacon and Tomato, Ham And Swiss Skillet, 26
Barbeque Sauce, 170
Basic Wedge Salad, 129
Beef Ragout Over Spaghetti Squash, 93
Caprese Quiche, 15
Classic Cobb Salad, 69
Chicken Tuscany Crepe, 20
Crab And Avocado Omelette, 10
Cucumber And Heirloom Tomato Salad
with Prawns and Feta, 78
Easy Salad NiÇoise, 79
Gaucho Cheesesteak Salad, 60
Greek Omelette, 9
Greek-Style Lamb Burgers, 96
Jalapeño-Swiss Burger, 88
Marinara Sauce, 169
Open-Faced Bison Burger on a
Portobello Bun, 90
Roasted Tomatoes, 165
Salsa Fresca, 183
Spicy Basil Beef Salad, 63
Sun-Dried Tomato And Kalamata Olive
Tapenade, 187
Taco Salad, 59

Baked Eggs With Turkey Sausage and
Spinach, 37
Egg And Turkey Muffins, 34
Italian Stuffed Peppers, 83
Mini Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms, 42

Turnip Breakfast "Potatoes" With
Peppers and Onions, 142
Turnip Mash, 141

Cilantro, Walnut and Jalapeño Pest,

Yogurt, Greek
French Dressing, 175
Lemon Dill Dip, 179
Spicy Shrimp Handrolls, 50
Taco Salad, 59

Tzatziki, 179

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