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Website: Email: mostholytrinitypo@gmail.


Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st September 2019 YEAR C


The Parish of Bunclody/Kilmyshall shall be a Community:
 Of renewed faith and commitment to Christ expressed in prayer and genuine Eucharistic worship where
all participate fully.
 With deep respect for and interest in each and every person.
 Flourishing in love, care, support, co-operation, education and communication, building to the unity of
the Body of Christ.
Bunclody / Kilmyshall Parish

 Reaching out the hand of welcome to all who do not belong to our faith and worshipping


Sat. 31st Aug - Sun. 8th Sept 2019
In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses the image of a great
banquet to explain God’s vision for our world. He
Most Holy Trinity Bunclody speaks of a place where those who consider
Saturday 31st August 11:00am themselves entitled to the highest seats at the
Michael & Kathleen Carroll, St Mary’s Villas, table take the low seats. He urges us to invite the
Anniversary. poor, the lame and the blind to this celebration.
Catherine Carroll, Baldoyle Dublin. Jesus encourages us to turn the world upside
down in a reversal, an upheaval, where the pre-
Saturday 31st August 7:00pm ferred option is for the poor and those considered
Maureen Butler, Anniversary. least in society.
Sunday 1st September 12 Noon Today is an important day, as we begin the
Mary Ellen Doyle, 1st Anniversary. Season of Creation (from 1 September until the
Feast of St Francis on 4 October.) Pope Francis
Margaret Doyle, Carrigban, 13th Anniversary.
asks all Christians to embrace this season in pray-
Mary McKee née Doyle, Church Road & deceased er, in living more sustainably and in raising our
members of the Doyle family. voices in the public sphere. We are invited to
Saturday 7th September 7:00pm think more deeply about what is happening at
Jack Cahill, Irish Street. present to the Earth, the environmental destruc-
Sunday 8th September 12 Noon tion which now threatens our world, our common
home. The theme this year is “The Web of Life.”
Joe & Eileen Roberts, Anniversary, Carrigduff.
The most vulnerable among us are suffering most
Jack Cahill, Irish Street. deeply as this web of life begins to unravel. Our
faith calls us to respond to this crisis with urgen-
St. Mary Magdalene Kilmyshall cy. Let us hear the Gospel message today, where
Saturday 31st August 8:00pm we are called to consider those on the margins,
Mary Armstrong, 2nd Anniversary. including those most at risk from climate change,
Matthew Byrne, Mullawn, 4th Anniversary. and let us commit to working towards a world
Sunday 1st September 10:30am where we are all seated at the banquet.
Special Intention. Suggestion for the week: Find out more and
see what you can do as a parish community
during this season of creation at
First Friday
Fr. O’ Connor will visit the sick and Jane Mellett
housebound in the area on Thursday 5th and Friday
6th September.
Pastoral Council
The next Pastoral Council Meeting will take
Church Gate Collection place on Thursday, September 12th at 8pm
A collection will take place on Saturday 7th and in the Pastoral Centre.
Sunday 8th September for the Irish Pilgrimage Trust
We hope all can attend.
(Children) Your support is appreciated.
We offer thanks to all who participated in our Pil-
SYMPATHY grimage to Our Lady’s Island; Bunclody & Kilmy-
We offer our deepest sympathy and prayers to the shall choirs, canter, ministers of the word, read-
family and friends of: ers of the prayers of the faithful, cross bearers,
Thomas Clifford Kirk those who presented gifts and recited the rosary
May He Rest in Peace. and to all who attended thank you very much.

Words of Wisdom Livestreaming

“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a Mass is available to watch online. To view go to
future.” - Nance Bond and search: Bunclody.
All masses available live. Contact Parish Office on
053 9376190 with questions/feedback.
Eucharistic Adoration:
Every Monday 9.30am– 8.00pm
Tuesday to Friday 7:30—8:30am, Envelope Collection
Saturday 9:30—10:30am. Monday 26th August €738.70
No Adoration on Bank Holidays Thank You for your Generosity
 Alcoholics Anonymous: M eetings held Tuesday & KILMYSHALL NOTES
Saturday at 8:30pm in Brennan’s Market Square. Choir: Choir practice in Kilmyshall every Monday at
7:30pm. New Members most welcome.
 Whist: M onday night 8:45pm in Day Care Centre. Prayer Group: meet every W ednesday after 7:30 pm
 St Vincent de Paul : Local Confidential helpline Mass in the Oratory. All are welcome.
087 3696883, please call if you need help. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesdays in the Church from
 S.V.P. request Box now located at back of shop. 10:00am to 4:00pm. New Adorers always welcome.
There is a new newspaper recycling bin Hall bookings and use of hall equipment MUST be
beside SuperValu in aid of S.V.P. booked through Denis O’ Neill at 087 2196565.
Split the Pot Fri 23rd August: W inner: Archie Trav-
Choir: P ractice in Bunclody Tuesdays at 7:30pm. ers, Winnings: €79. Sold in: Taylor.
Rosary recited for sick of the parish at 7:15 pm. New 2nd Collection: €163.00
members most welcome. I f you have relatives or Eucharistic Ministers - September 2019:
friends who are ill at home or in hospital, please let us Saturday night: P atrick M urphy
Sunday Morning: Anne Tyndall
know and they will be remembered in the rosary and Ministers of the Word - September 2019
prayers for the sick. All are welcome to join in the prayer. Saturday 7th : Leah Sw eeney
Sunday 8th: Liz Atkinson
Mount Leinster Community Employment Vacancies Kilmyshall ICA resumes on Tuesday 3rd
Bunclody Day Care are seeking September at 8:00pm in Kilmyshall Hall.
Day Care Assistants & RADIO MASS
Day Care Assistant/Driver
Job Reference - CES 2116096 Mass in Kilmyshall will be broadcast on South East Radio
To be eligible you MUST be in receipt of a payment for one at 10:00am on Sun 22nd Sept. Please note change of
year from DEASP and be over 21 years. mass time for this week.
Check eligibility by contacting: D.E.A.S.P. Bridgepoint,
Enniscorthy 053 9239300 OR THE MONDAY CLUB
Bunclody Parish Office 053 9376190/053 9376088. St Mary’s Day Centre, Ryland Road
Come enjoy a Social & Informative gathering.
Clohamon Local Development Mon 2 Sep: “Catch Up after the Holidays”
Mon 9th Sep: “Positive Thinking & Sing a Long” with Jackie Byr-
Clohamon's first tractor run takes place on Sun Sep 22nd ne
at 1pm. Registration from 12 noon in the village. Proceeds Mon 16th Sep: “Laughter Relaxation Exercise” with Mary Fitzpat-
in aid of the community fund for the development of rick
Clohamon & Waterford Dialysis Unit. Entry €20. Mon 23rd Sep: “Monthly Quiz”
Refreshments served & all tractors entered in a raffle. Mon 30th Sep: “Dancing” with Declan Flannigan
Save the date and spread the word! Please support! New Members Always Welcome
All tractors welcome! Through the year we have entertainment, information sharing,
arts/crafts, guest speakers, bingo/card playing.
This Club suits 60+ age group. 10am -2pm
Asperger Syndrome Support Group Entrance Fee: €4 includes Tea & Light Lunch.
Established with Support from Aspire Ireland
Volunteers wanted for committee with interest in establishing and Bunclody VC Split the Pot Draw:
running a monthly group for people with Aspergers, their Families Recent winner, Pauline Cowman €77.00
& Professionals. Supporting those living in Carlow /Laois / Next draw Thursday 5th September. Thank you for your support.
Kilkenny / Kildare /Wicklow & Wexford. Open evening taking
place in Carlow Town this September 2019 by Aspire Asperger’s
Syndrome Association of Ireland. Please call 087 1127804 for info PARISH INFORMATION
and to arrange first committee meeting.
Most Holy Trinity Bunclody
V. Rev. Laurence O’ Connor P.P. 053 9377319.
Speech and Drama Classes Weekend Masses: Saturday: 11:00am & 7:00pm
Begin Wednesday 11th September in Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday: 9:00am & 12 Noon.
N.S. for primary and secondary students. The classes are Weekdays: M onday - Friday 9 :00am.
fun and also a great way to improve confidence, creativity Confessions: Saturday 11:30am & 6:30pm.
and communication skills. Over the year children have the Please let us know if a relative is sick in hospital or at home
opportunity to put on a show, take part in drama festivals
and take an exam with the Irish Board Parish Office Opening Hours:
of Speech and Drama . New members are very welcome. Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday: 8:30am - 1:00pm
Contact Elaine 0861691040 or Facebook Closed for lunch 1:00 - 1:30pm Mon - Thurs
@ElaineJordanSpeechAndDrama for more information. Contact: 053 9376190 E-mail:

All notices for newsletter to be in before Thursday at

Special Ministers for September 2019 1:00pm.
Ministers of the Word: Visit our website at
7:00pm: John Varghese Like and follow our new official Facebook page
9:00am: Sr Madeline - The Church of the Most Holy Trinity Bunclody.
12 Noon: Anita Somers St. Mary Magdalene Kilmyshall
Eucharistic Ministers:
Fr. Pat Duffy C.C. 053 9377188
7:00pm: Goretti Kavanagh & Maura Quinlivan
Weekend Masses: Saturday: 8:00pm & Sunday 10:30am.
9:00am: Geraldine Roberts & Leanna Nolan Weekdays: 9:30am Monday (Eucharistic Service),
12 Noon: Sarah Burke & Celia Burns 9:30am Mass Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
Altar Servers: 7:30pm. Wednesday.
7:00pm : B Confessions : Saturday 6:45pm to 7:30pm . Anytime by
9:00am : C request.
12 Noon : A Prayer Group: meets W ednesday after 7:30pm M ass in the
Flower Society: TBA Oratory (behind Parochial House)
Shrine Rota: J ohn Burke & Elizabeth Dockrell Visit our website at
Kilmyshall Parish Office is open every Tuesday & Friday
9:00am-1:00pm. Email:
Sponsorship of Newsletter for September 2019 PLEASE LET FR. DUFFY OR THE PARISH OFFICE KNOW IF
Carrigduff, Bunclody, Co. Wexford Bunclody: Susan Norris 087 0525440
053 9376744 Kilmyshall: Barbara Murphy 087 9580705

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