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Sec: 4

Submitted To:
Barrister Arife Billah (AfB)
School of Humanities and Social Science
Department of History & Philosophy

Submitted By:
Name Afrin Ara Jhuma
ID: 1510418030

Title: "Do businesses have responsibilities to go beyond what the law
requires to protect the environment? Discuss."


I explicitly express my heartiest gratitude and thanks to Almighty Allah for helping me and
giving me the strength to complete this research work. I am extremely grateful to my course
instructor Barrister Arife Billah (AfB) for his continuous supervision, innovative ideas,
enthusiastic encouragement, support, persistent assistance and care to accomplish this research
work. I awfully remember his instant co-operation, efficient guidance and intelligent suggestions
at every stage of my work.


No portion of the work referred to in the research has been submitted in support of an
application for another degree or qualification of this or any other University or other Institution
of Learning.


This essay focuses on the business ‘s responsibilities or corporate responsibilities, for

environment and do the businesses need to do only the things law requires or they should do
beyond. We know that business goal is maximize profits. doing most of business businessmen
are using natural recourse and in most of cases we see they r harming our environment, in terms
of their law makers and govt fixed some law on corporates for societies wellbeing.
Businessman’s have some duties towards societies as they using and destroying recourses.
Global warming, storm, flood various natural disasters now a day increasing in alarming rate.
Behind these disasters some of reasons are manmade. We are cutting trees, hills, using waters,
making carbon die oxide silicon’s and various harmful chemicals in environment for our
business profits or making products. So, there are some law protect the environment. Violating
those law, a corporation can’t get punished and many other consequences. So before try to
establish a business, it must to know about the laws to protect the environment. Also, there are a
argument maintaining those law, do business need to do more for environment protect as a social
responsibility. I think, Yes. As business organization is also a social Organization. They have
some responsibility towards the society, which they can’t if it’s not harm their business
goals they can serve society doing some attempts to protect this essay we will
focuses on those reasons why they should go beyond law to protect the environment with some
example and good and bad side of those. Also, we will focus on their responsibility in details and
many more sides pros and cons. but it also right that as a business goal is profit maximization
more than only depend on organizations govt should take ore steps to protect environment and
ensure that all business organization following those. First off all we will go for introduction of
corporate responsibility and relation between CSR and environment then, some top company and
examples those company doing projects to protect environment, how business harm
environment, and then how it also beneficial for business and then some draw backs of business
goals vs going beyond what the law requires to protect environment and will conclude all at the

Acknowledgement 03

Abstract 02

Introduction 05

Some of laws for protecting Environment 06

Impact of Business and Industry on the 06-07


Businesses goal and social responsibility: 07-08

Some drawbacks

Benefit of going beyond what law 08-09

requires to protect environment

Some Examples 09-10

Why private companies are taking on 10-13

social workers

Conclusion 14-15

References 15-16

Table of content


Despite extensive economic growth and increases in the quality of life over the last century,
concern remains that the era of industrialization has had substantial negative effects on the
natural environment and that these effects diminish the vitality and sustainability of our
economic systems. In addition to the localized problems pollution, recent scientific discoveries
have revealed global scale effects such as ozone depletion and climate change. The long-term
economic impacts of these effects may be quite substantial as a large portion of the world’s
economic output is dependent upon the viability of natural systems. Environmental sustainability
and fight against climate change is a long-term strategic issue for the modern world within the
broader context of sustainable development. It is an established fact now that climate change has
the potential to alter the ability of the earth’s physical and biological systems. It impacts different
regions and sectors differently based on their sensitivity and adaptive capacity, and therefore,

The role of businesses in resolving such environmental challenges is emerging as a subject of

high importance. Businesses are considered as a central force of economic development, as it
generates growth and serves as a vehicle for innovation and change. For businesses, this is more
important to consider as there is high level of socio-economic and political accountability under
the widely accepted domain of green assets management. Businesses have huge social and
environmental responsibilities. These responsibilities should be fulfilled while venturing for
profits in the business. This philosophy of environmental accountability helps companies in two
ways, viz., establishing businesses as ethical brand and secondly developing a market niche in
the present competitive market. Companies understand these concerns and therefore, to a great
extent many businesses have been adopting ‘green marketing policies’ and ‘Energy Efficient
Technologies’. Remarkably, this trend has affected both the forward and backward linkages of
product life cycle.

Carroll, A. and Shabana, K. (2018). The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review of Concepts,
Research and Practice.

Some of laws of protecting Environment: Environmental Regulations for

The Environmental Protection Agency and state environmental agencies enforce the
environmental regulations that apply to businesses. Although it may be obvious that businesses
involved in automotive services, metal work, paints and coatings, agricultural services, and
chemical production are subject to environmental regulations, other more innocuous ones, such
as dry-cleaners and printers, are as well. Some laws of protecting environments are : Clean
Water Act (CWA): Section 404 - Wetlands, Section 402 - National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System , Endangered Species Act (ESA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

Bangladesh govt have also have some laws to protect the environment (Bangladesh Environment
Protection Act, 1995)

,if anyone fail to obey it may case of various punishment including ban the company license or
punishment of manage or board of directors too in some cases. The law requires that an
environmental clearance certificate be obtained from the Directorate of Environment before the
setting up of any industrial site. Industries established before the enactment of the new provision
will also have to obtain environmental clearance certificates. The amended law states in addition
that the government will be allowed to declare any place an ecologically critical area subject to
heightened environmental protection.

Impact of Business and Industry on the Environment

To do business and at industries often there use metals, coals and lots of wastage which make
some lots of bad impact on our environment in most of cases, businessmen don’t know how they
polluting environment just for their profit. There are some laws to protect environment though
they should do more than the laws requires to do. Because it their environment corporate

responsibilities towards society, invest in environment protect. Which also help them to build
brand image.

The new study, GEO-5 for Business says that the future success of businesses in transport, tourism,
finance, food, and other sectors, of business’s , will hinge on their ability to manage the major risks
posed by climate change, depleted natural resources, the loss of biodiversity, and extreme
weather conditions. Which is really bad news for our environment? More of that though realizing
the importance of saving environment how Americas remove their fund from environment safety
fund and ignore the effects on environment man made is really shocking. There are lots of effects
of business like, air emission, waste of water, land, marine and costal pollution for business.

But the study says smart businesses can buck the trend and create competitive advantage, by
tapping into future demand for sustainable technologies, services and products, and by reducing
their own environmental footprint. Today, environmental impacts on business are costing the
global economy around $4.7tn each year, primarily from pollution and greenhouse gas
emissions. There is also noise, radiation, dust, Asbestos. Press control products solid wastes.
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials are widely used in a variety of different businesses, including industry and
agriculture. If not properly treated, stored, or dealt with, hazardous materials can cause damage
to human health, environment and property.

There are a lot of company don’t care about environment damage, only care of their profits, they
use and destroying environment and making the earth not possible for living. They are like
CONSOL energy company, Conagra (they are one of the biggest food company, who don’t have
environment friendly packaging. Worst of worst is pea boy Energy company its aa coal

Businesses goal and social responsibility:

Some drawbacks:

The main principle of business is to make profit and give a good return to the stakeholders. So,
business should focus on making profit, not on the social welfare activities. Business men do not

have the expertise to handle social problems, so the companies rather create products or provide

Businesses are owned by their stakeholders so the manager has no right to serve other than the
stakeholders. If managers are concentrating on social responsibility like arranging seminar or
attending meeting to protect environment, they are not performing their primary duties for the
company at full capacity.

Taking responsibility to protect the nature could damage a company in the global market place.
Cleaning up environment, making people aware, planting trees and donating money for
awareness campaign all raise company costs. In the end, this cost will affect the consumer
through the final price of goods or service. However, some customer may be willing to pay more
for goods or service of a company that is socially responsible but others might not be. This can
put a company to an economic disadvantage.

Some big company can perform social works but the companies fighting for survival, it’s a
different picture. You can't go spending money on unnecessary frills when you're laying
people off and morale is rock bottom.

Performing social responsibility leads to take off eyes from the core business which in terms
making the business worse off.

Benefit of going beyond what law requires to protect environment:

Social responsibility has become so important for business from last several years. IN their
business strategy most of companies doing their part as social responsibility whether its doing for
environment beyond only law requires or doing for women’s empowerment or trying to reduce
poverty and many more. the social issues may be local, national, or global, but a concern for the
health or environment related and wellness of others that do not involve sales can be seen as
commendable. Being a social responsible company there are so much benefits for business and
in terms of competitive view. Making your business more environmentally friendly can have
significant benefits. By committing your business to comply with environmental legislation, you

will avoid any penalties. By using raw materials more efficiently, minimizing waste and
reducing your insurance risks, you will make important savings. It can bolster a company's image
and build its brand, for being socially responsible as doing some for environment’s Doing for
environment or investing on not a company can financially benefited but also it builds
company’s image as a social responsible company. Customers become more conscious about
these company more and more, and they love to buy from any company not only give them good
products or services but also serve for environment or society. They hold a positivity towards
those companies and so PR or buzz of marketing on these issues are important for business. It in
directly help a lot in companies marketing. IN some cases, we see, customers willing to pay
more prices if they know its going to in any social or environment improvement work, because
they think it’s worth it, as the profit going to help socially. So, it helps to build a good relation
with customers and their communities and which increase the sales. In sense of employees if aa
company involve in big improvement of environment work it encourage them morally, they want
and love to work with these types of company and feel proud of their work and it help to build
company employees relation also help a company stand out from the competition. For
example, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Inc. has bridged the gap between the corporate world and
his socially responsible vision by offering electric-powered cars and environmentally friendly
automotive products. These activities make your business more sustainable. 

Environmental CSR aims to reduce any damaging effects on the environment from your
business' processes. Activities may focus on:

 energy use
 water use
 waste management
 recycling
 emissions
 eco-friendly office and business travel policies

Some of these are significant from both environmental and financial point of view.

Advantages of environmental CSR

Green CSR can reduce business risk, improve reputation and provide opportunities for cost
savings. Even the simplest energy efficiency measures can generate savings and make a
difference to your business. For example:

 switching off lights and equipment when not in use

 reducing the use of water
 reducing the amount of paper, you waste

Some other benefits of Environment CSR to companies

By acting in a sustainable, responsible way, you may also find it easier to:

 access finance - investors are more likely to back a reputable the investment
of the company started going high in the market.
 attract positive media attention – when any company taking part in community or
environment activities it creates a buzz which let the brand know to not only local
consumers but also globally recognitions can be earned.
 reduce regulatory burden - good relationships with local authorities can often make
doing business easier and make grow more than some competitors and create pressures
on competitors too to invest on these works.
 identify new business opportunities - e.g. for development of new products or services
it helps the company coming out with new idea of products or packaging. Example-in
near future there will be shampoo soap with out any packet to save environment.
 Caring about the environment can increase revenue too. Many customers prefer to buy
from environment responsible companies.
 New customers: it also helps to create new customers for the product too.

Setting great environmental Examples by companies:

Last year to hash out a global climate deal to reduce greenhouse gases, global leaders hold a
meeting in Paris. This attempt was for making communities and countries aware of climate
change effect which was unwillingly made by humans and business or living purpose. But while
those attempts were difficult and critical to fight against the climate change and bad effect of
environment change, it’s also necessary for voluntary help and attempts from private sectors to
step forward and do some for environment protection. Here is some example with some big
companies that have taken big steps to address a host of environmental issues, from waste and
pollution to climate change and deforestation:

Belgium Brewing Company

As Brewing beer can have a lot of environmental downsides and effects, from the energy
required to superheat mash to the disposal of spent grain and other waste. Colorado-based New
Belgium Brewing Company, the third-largest craft brewery in the United States, is proving that
you don’t need to harm the environment to make it big, which is really remarkable environment
csr step from the company.

The company is so ecofriendly and it’s being a culture of the company being ecofriendly and its
also making a large no. of environmental the Solar panels help power the bottling
plant; also, with an anaerobic digester processes industrial wastewater into energy to power the
brewing process; company-issued bicycles help employees get around the 50-acre brewery site.

Beyond all its operations, New Belgium has taken a political stand on sustainability too. It was
the twentieth company and the first brewery to join Ceres’ Business for Innovative Climate &
Energy Policy coalition in 2011. Today, 19 breweries have joined to sign the Brewery Climate
Declaration in support of reducing carbon pollution.


As a culture Walmart is among one of environment friendly 2014 Walmart took
decision to stock products from Organic supplier at more affordable prices. They also committed
to selling exclusively sustainable seafoods. And as followed in 2013 they also updated their
chemical policy, they replace 10hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives. Which increase the

sale pf organic foods and reduce the sale of product of competitor with harmful
there was a direct good impact on sales of Walmart for taking attempt eco-friendly to save


In 2015, the company made public commitments to continue its legacy through reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent by 2020, compared to 2005 levels, while simultaneously
getting 20 percent of its global electricity from renewable sources over the same time frame.

Perhaps more impressive is the company’s recognition of its influence over its supply chain.
With 18,000 suppliers in more than 90 countries, IBM’s efforts to infuse sustainability—
including the 2010 requirement that all suppliers have an environmental management program
and that they publicly report their progress—have large ripple effects.


Unilever has also been lauded for its sustainability commitments, most recently by being top
ranked in the 2015 Climate Survey among companies for tackling climate issues, drawn from
responses from 624 sustainability experts from 69 countries. More than 20 percent of
respondents said the company was the number one contributor to climate solution.

In addition to strong support among senior leadership, Unilever has been an outspoken advocate
about the importance of curbing deforestation. In 2010, the company committed to achieve zero
net deforestation in 10 years, meaning for every acre of forest cleared, an equal acreage must be
replanted. Unilever’s CEO has called deforestation the “most urgent climate challenge.”

Apple and Panasonic

Apple and Panasonic both invested to help employees to reduce their commute emissions, with
10000 employees using the company’s transit subsidy and provided 2700 commuter buses.


Ikea is the biggest donor in green climate Fund. UN Green Climate Fund. Germany, one of the biggest
donors, pledged €750m.”

Biogen: This follows becoming virtually zero-waste in 2012 (98 percent of all waste is diverted),
achieved through both reducing initial operational waste and finding creative ways to compost
and recycle the waste it does create. Rather than resting on its laurels, Biogen set new bold
sustainability targets, including reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and water use by 80
percent by 2020

Chico bag: plastic is so harmful for environment .so being environment friendly company its
ban plastic bags, to save environment and wild also ban plastic containers, which attracts
more customers.

Rather than these companies lots of companies went into go green programmed and became
environment friendly, which boosted their sales and build company image. Like cisco, star bucks
etc. many big company went beyond voluntary to save and protect the environment, took step as
a corporate company.

Anon, (2018). [online] Available at:

environmental-examples-102601-1.html [Accessed 13 Jul. 2018].

Why private companies are taking on social workers

The no. of hiring social workers as employee, is in demand and getting large day by day.
According to Us bureau of labor statistic projects its growth is 19 percent faster than average
growth. In jobs and industries until 2022.Day by day Companies understanding he value of
social workers in workplace, for the transferable skill they bring into workplace.

But the need for social workers in business and non-profit administrative settings is just being
recognized. Companies around the world are starting to realize the value of social workers and
the transferable skills they can bring to the workplace.

Increasingly, organizations are looking for professionals who can help address a range of issues;
from the safety, health and wellbeing of employees to improving a company’s financial, social
and environmental performance.

Social workers with master’s degrees have a significant amount of clinical experience, and when
coupled with stringent licensing requirements, they have never been better positioned to thrive
and contribute in a non-traditional, private sector setting.

Social workers are good at understanding human behavior, motivation and interpersonal
relationships, as well as workforce challenges. Corporate social workers take on many roles,
from helping employees manage the demands of work, life and mental health issues to helping
companies build positive relationships with their communities. That might mean helping
employees deal with substance abuse, domestic violence, divorce or military deployments. It
could also include coaching work teams on how to be more productive, resolve conflicts and
manage change. Or, it might involve liaising with government agencies or conducting
community needs assessments. IN recent surveys also, we see in international universities they
take admission of more students are involve in social woks. Given global challenges like natural
and manmade disasters, health epidemics and the difficulties of sustainable development,
students are also taught how to be innovative and interdisciplinary. In recent years companies
also including training with knowledge of protecting and working without damaging
environment in their new trainees training session. There are also internship opportunity from
universities in environment friendly companies or who invest to protect environment so that after
graduates can lean and spread the awareness to their professional life too.

Acting in an environmentally responsible way is a legal duty. Every business is responsible for
complying with a range of environmental legislation to reduce the impact your business has on
the environment. Which regulations affect your business depends on the nature of your business
They are beginning to understand the significance of contributing to the community that supports
them, and how this can affect their long-term growth and success. In fact, most corporate social
responsibility efforts are in areas traditionally supported by social work, including community
development, public safety, education, public health and diversity. Businesses have been
attempting to interlink with other companies with similar vision and mandate to create a true
international business domain, which is environmentally responsive. This is possible through
transfer of efficient technologies from technologically sound entities to businesses, which
implies that there should also be an appropriate symbiosis between Research & development
entities and businesses with basic motive to propagate efficient –affordable and commercial
profitable innovations. In another word, businesses do not need merely businessmen, rather need
ecological entrepreneurs, who will have charisma and power to modulate negative environmental
changes and capabilities to create new opportunities. So, from the all discussion on the paper its
prove that businesses need to follow the law of govt to protect the environment, though they
need to do a lot more than that as their environmental social responsibilities. They should invest
on various voluntary works and also try to make eco-friendly producing of product, and recycle
their wastage, or invest in such funds to protect the environment’s not only will help them in
their publicity but also will build strong image of brand which will help them in long run profits.
But if only everyone thinks about their profit don invest in environment, one day the pollution
and climate change will be in dangerous amount that humans may not able to live in this planet,
no human will cause no not only to build image of brand or create aware or
encourage employees but also as a human being and member of the society business should
invest on environment improvement going beyond the law requires.


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