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574 Vol. 34, No.

3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B Research Article

Control of dynamics in a loss-modulated

erbium-doped fiber ring laser
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
Centre for Lasers and Photonics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India
*Corresponding author:

Received 8 November 2016; revised 18 January 2017; accepted 18 January 2017; posted 19 January 2017 (Doc. ID 280461);
published 15 February 2017

An experimental investigation of the time-domain dynamics of an erbium-doped fiber ring laser is carried out by
the loss modulation technique, using an intensity modulator in the ring cavity, in the modulation frequency range
of 1–60 kHz. By changing the four control parameters of pumping ratio, modulation frequency, modulation
index, and modulator bias voltage, the laser dynamics can be modified all the way from period-1 to the chaotic
regime. The presence of period-1, period-2, period-4, higher periods, and chaos confirm that the chaos is achieved
through a period-doubling route. However, period-3 and period-6 are also obtained through other routes for
certain parametric choices. The effect of the pumping ratio is also discussed. A higher value of pumping ratio
requires a higher modulating signal amplitude to push the laser into the chaotic regime until the second laser
threshold. Besides this, the chaotic regimes for the higher pumping ratio are wider in frequency and shifted
toward higher frequencies. Calculations done with an established theoretical model provide a suitable
handle on the parameters and help in emphasizing the control possible in this multiparameter dynamical
system. © 2017 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (140.3500) Lasers, erbium; (060.4080) Modulation; (060.2330) Fiber optics communications; (190.3100) Instabilities
and chaos.

1. INTRODUCTION We have reported on chaos generation [21] through a loss-

Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) and lasers have re- modulated erbium-doped fiber ring laser (EDFRL) and the de-
ceived much attention in research because of their immensely tailed studies of its nonlinear dynamics with the variation of
lucrative applications in fields such as optical communications modulation frequency and modulation index [22]. In the pre-
[1], LIDAR technology [2], and biomedical sensors [3,4]. sent work, our focus is to study the dynamics of an EDFRL
Currently, EDFA is the key candidate used as an in-line am- under the loss-modulation technique but in a larger parameter
plifier in fiber-optics communications [5]. Chaotic erbium- space in order to understand the features of chaos control. We do
doped fiber lasers (EDFLs) are used as indispensable tools in this by varying the pump power of the fiber laser, as well as by
secure communications [6–9], while high-frequency chaos is modulating the cavity loss at a combination of frequencies. The
useful in random number generation [10]. Even though a sig- latter has been achieved by simply tuning the bias voltage of the
nificant amount of work has been done earlier on chaos gen- modulator used inside the ring cavity of the laser to be in its
eration in EDFL under different techniques, such as pump slightly nonlinear regime. We experimentally studied the laser
modulation [11–16], loss modulation [17–22], optical loop dynamics for three distinct bias voltages of 2, 4, and 6 V for the
mirror [23], and by inserting a specialty fiber into the ring modulating signal amplitude and a modulating frequency range
[24], reports of controlling chaotic dynamics are less frequent. of 10–140 mV and 1–60 kHz, respectively. The low-frequency
Since the time-dependent functioning of the heart and neurons dynamics is a key process for a mapping between the function-
[3,4,25,26] exhibits periodic response during their normal con- ing of the laser system and a physiological system such as the
ditions and chaotic response in the case of any malfunction, it is heart. Low-frequency dynamics can enhance our understand-
imperative to understand the control aspects of their chaotic ing of the time-dependent functioning of several physiological
dynamics. Understanding the role of accessible factors in the systems [3,25–27].
dynamics of EDFL is a starting point to model the complex dy- Our emphasis on loss-modulated fiber lasers is for two rea-
namics of physiological systems using a prototypical fiber laser. sons. On one hand, we have demonstrated [22] that it gives

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Research Article Vol. 34, No. 3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B 575

finer control of the fiber laser’s dynamics in comparison to the

more-common pump modulation technique. On the other
hand, the analysis of fiber laser dynamics when its pump laser
is intentionally modulated is not as straightforward as it is often
made out to be. Semiconductor lasers have several intrinsic
rates, such as their cavity decay rate, spontaneous carrier relax-
ation rate, differential carrier relaxation rate, and the nonlinear
carrier relaxation rate [28]. When the semiconductor laser
pumping the fiber laser is modulated through its driver current,
the subtle features in the dynamics of the semiconductor laser
also affect the fiber laser dynamics. Thus, the fiber laser dynam-
ics are not merely due to the population of its pumping level
being modulated periodically at the rate of pump modulation Fig. 1. Schematic of the erbium-doped fiber ring laser with intracavity-
frequency but are also due to a composite (nonperiodic) modu- loss modulation using a Mach–Zehnder modulator.
lation effect on its pump level population arising from the
dynamics of the semiconductor laser system pumping it, influ-
enced by its own decay rates. On the flip side, the cavity-loss
to couple the pump wavelength and the laser output wave-
modulation is most powerful in affecting the laser dynamics
length together to form a ring cavity. An isolator in the ring
only near the natural frequency of the fiber laser, which is slow
for 1550 nm wavelength ensures a unidirectional propagating
[on the kilohertz (kHz) level]. However, many physiological
wave cavity configuration. A coupler with a splitting ratio of
systems do operate at kHz frequencies and studying/controlling
99∶1 taps out 1% of intracavity power to view the spectral re-
the laser dynamics in this frequency range is an advantage.
sponse of the laser on an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA)
Through this work, we establish that the dynamical state of
(EXFO, FTB-5240S). The rest of the intracavity power goes
a fiber laser can be tuned ever so slightly with the help of multi-
to another coupler with a splitting ratio of 80∶20. The 20%
ple parameters in the case of intracavity modulation. The im-
part is fed to an oscilloscope (Agilent, MSO-9404A) through
portance of multiple parameters in understanding the dynamics
a high-speed photodetector (PD) (Thorlabs, DET01CFC,
of a system and the utility of fine tuning the dynamics is well
sampling rate of 2 GSa−1 ) for time-domain measurements,
understood. In order to make the experiments simple, our de-
while the 80% part is again fed back to the ring, which passes
sign requires the acquisition and analysis of time-series data at
subsequently through a Mach–Zehnder modulator (MZM)
the output of the laser. Apart from the experimental results, the
(Photline, MXER LN). There is a polarization controller
complexity of the dynamics necessitates an understanding of a
(PC) at the input end of the modulator since the input fiber
numerical model since it can help in simulating scenarios that
of the modulator is polarization sensitive. The DC power sup-
are normally difficult to achieve in a controlled fashion during
ply and the RF source provide the bias voltage and the modu-
the experiments. Therefore, we supplement our experimental
lating signal, respectively, to the modulator. The total cavity
results with those from the model. In this study, the pump
length of the laser is nearly 13 m. For generating chaos, it is
power is restricted to be well below the second laser threshold.
mandatory that the system should have at least three variables,
The second threshold is the pump power above which the
while fiber lasers have only two variables of population inver-
laser starts showing time-dependent unstable behavior or self-
sion and lasing intensity. Hence, to study the chaotic condition
pulsing, even without any external modulation, eventually lead-
ing to chaos under appropriate conditions [29]. in fiber lasers, the third variable is to be provided externally. In
This paper is organized as follows. The experimental details this work, we use cavity-loss modulation as the third variable.
for the loss modulation are discussed in Section 2. In Section 3,
the results of the experimental study on the laser dynamics for 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
different bias voltages (DC) of the modulator, different driving
amplitudes/frequencies (RF) of the modulator, and two differ- Since the motivation here is to study the nonlinear dynamics of
ent pumping ratios are presented. This helps in constructing an oscillator (fiber laser here), its natural frequency becomes a
the multiparameter dynamical diagram of the EDFRL. A brief key parameter. In the study of lasers, the natural (or fundamen-
description of the model used in the calculations is given in tal) frequency is the relaxation oscillation frequency (ROF).
Section 4, followed by the calculated results in Section 5 on the The ROF is decided by the excited state lifetime of the relevant
influence of all the parameters. Conclusions of the work are transition, the cavity round-trip time, and the pumping ratio
summarized in Section 6. [30]. For our fiber laser construction, ROF is of the order of
kHz. We measured it in the experiment by modulating the cav-
ity loss with a low-frequency square wave. The sharp cavity-loss
2. EXPERMENTAL SETUP variation at the rising and falling edge of the square wave acts as
The schematic of the EDFRL experimental setup is shown in the impulse, and the laser output intensity shows relaxation os-
Fig. 1. Here, the erbium-doped fiber (EDF) of 8 m length, with cillations in time before recovering its steady-state (time-
an erbium ion concentration of 3.535 × 1025 ions∕m3 , is independent) value if the repetition rate and the duty cycle
pumped by a laser diode (Lumics) at a wavelength of of the square wave are appropriate. Since the laser has a con-
980 nm, and a wavelength division multiplexer (WDM) is used stant pump power as its input, it exhibits the relaxation
576 Vol. 34, No. 3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B Research Article

oscillations only when its cavity loss or gain is abruptly changed Table 1. Values of Threshold Pump Powers for Lasing
by a modulator. Due to the sudden change of loss/gain, the and the Values of Pump Powers Used in the Experiments
steady state of the laser gets disturbed and it tries to regain for the Pumping Ratios of 1.2 and 1.4 at Different Bias
its steady state through damped oscillations, and the frequency Voltages
of these damped oscillations is the ROF [30]. Bias Threshold Pump Pump
In this measurement, the frequency and amplitude of the Voltage Pump Power Power (mW) Power (mW)
modulating signal are crucial. The modulating frequency (V) (mW) (P  1.2) (P  1.4)
should be low enough such that in every period, the laser
2 32 38.5 44.5
can regain its steady state successfully. In addition, the ampli-
4 27.5 33 38.5
tude of the modulating signal should be such that the steady 6 25 30 35
state value of laser output is not changed. For the bias voltage
(V b ) of 4 V and a pump power of 33 mW, the time-domain
behavior of the laser output (black line) and the modulating power to the threshold pump power for lasing. The other three
signal (50 Hz, 20 mV, square wave, red line) for the duty cycle parameters are all related to the modulator used inside the ring
of 50% are shown in Fig. 2(a). To see the relaxation oscillations cavity. The pumping ratio influences the laser dynamics since
more clearly, the transient behavior of the laser is shown in the ROF value of the laser depends on it, while by tuning the
Fig. 2(b) for a shorter time span (92–96 ms). The ROF is parameters (ii) and (iii), the dynamical regimes of the laser can
the Fourier transform of the oscillatory regime, which is be switched to any linear or nonlinear regime [22]. We do not
marked in Fig. 2(b), and the corresponding Fourier transform attempt to vary the EDF length or the coupler ratio in this work
is given in Fig. 2(c). The measured values of the ROF are 15.5, since they cannot be automated during an eventual modeling
13.7, and 12.5 kHz for the bias voltages of 2, 4, and 6 V, re- of a physiological system.
spectively. Since the cavity loss reduces with increase in bias The role of driving frequency (resonant or nonresonant with
voltage, ROF is directly proportional to the cavity loss [30]. the natural frequency) and driving amplitude (mild or strong
One may note that the ROF steadily decreases when the bias perturbation) in the dynamics of an oscillator is straightfor-
voltage is increased from 2 to 6 V. With the variation of bias ward. However, in the present work, we have discussed the
voltage, the pump power for the lasing threshold also changes nonlinear dynamics of EDFRLs studied by modifying the bias
due to a changed value of total cavity loss. In our work, we set voltage of the modulator as 2, 4, and 6 V. The effect of the
the pump power in such a way that the pumping ratio is either modulator bias voltage is not linear as we show below. Thus,
1.2 or 1.4 for all the bias voltages. For the bias voltages of 2, 4, the role of this parameter is somewhat different in deciding the
and 6 V, the values of pump powers used in the experiment and laser’s dynamics. In addition, we have also compiled the effect
the pump powers for the lasing threshold are mentioned in of all the four operational parameters mentioned earlier into a
Table 1. multiparameter diagram.
In this work, we study the case of the intracavity-loss modu- The modulator’s characteristic is shown in Fig. 3(a). The
lation technique for laser dynamics, and we found from the biasing points corresponding to 2, 4, and 6 V are indicated
ROF measurement that the natural frequency of the laser is by symbols “A,” “B,” and “C” in the modulator characteristic,
in the 12 to 16 kHz range. There are different operational respectively. On varying the bias point from A to C, the passive
parameters in the experiment to control the dynamics of the cavity loss of the ring reduces. Hence, the wavelength of lasing
laser. These are (i) pumping ratio, (ii) modulation frequency, will increase. It is reported in the literature that in the case of an
(iii) modulation index, and (iv) modulator bias voltage. The erbium-doped fiber laser, the lasing wavelength increases with a
pumping ratio is defined as the ratio of operating pump decrease in the cavity loss in view of the slope of the gain curve
in the range of operating conditions relevant here [31]. For the
pumping ratio (P) of 1.2, the lasing wavelengths measured for
our laser system corresponding to modulator biasing points A,
B, and C are 1562, 1567, and 1569.5 nm, respectively, as
shown in Fig. 3(b). Here, it is noticed that by varying the bias

Fig. 3. (a) Input–output characteristic of the modulator measured

Fig. 2. (a) Transient output, (b) relaxation oscillations, and (c) the with an input optical power of 2 mW at the wavelength of 1550 nm.
corresponding Fourier transform of the square-wave loss-modulated (b) Spectral output of the laser measured with the OSA for different
EDFRL output. (V b  4 V, P  1.2.) modulator bias voltages. (P  1.2.)
Research Article Vol. 34, No. 3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B 577

voltage in steps of 2 V, the shift in the lasing wavelength is not However, these ROF values were measured with square wave
equal since the loss variation is not linear when we move from modulation (infinite frequency content) and the laser system
A to B and B to C and also because the gain curve of erbium responded predominantly at its natural frequency. While the
ions in silica does not have a constant slope in this wavelength modulating signal is sinusoidal for the results of Fig. 4(a),
range [31]. As a result of the modulator characteristic shown in the cavity field gets modulated sinusoidally when the bias volt-
Fig. 3(a), a pure sinusoidal modulating signal will result in a age is 4 V and nonsinusoidally when the bias voltage is 2 and
pure sinusoidal optical signal at the modulator output only 6 V. As a result of this, the change in fundamental resonance is
if the modulator is biased at B (in the linear range of the char- nonmonotonic in Fig. 4(a) for a monotonic change in bias volt-
acteristic). When the modulator is biased at A and C, the op- age (fundamental frequencies are 12.5, 11.2, and 12 kHz when
tical signal will not be a perfect replica of the modulating signal the bias voltages are 2, 4, and 6 V, respectively). Thus, the
and will have frequencies other than those of the modulating modulator bias voltage is an important additional parameter
signal. This implies that the cavity field is modulated at more to control the laser dynamics.
than one frequency simultaneously when the modulator is On increasing the V pp to 25 mV, the laser shows more com-
biased at A or C. plex dynamics and chaos, as shown in Fig. 4(b). The values of
The modulator is biased at “A” and the peak-to-peak am- modulation indices for this case corresponding to 2, 4, and 6 V
plitude (V pp ) of the sinusoidal RF signal is kept at the lowest of bias voltage are 0.003, 0.0023, and 0.00028, respectively. At
possible value of 10 mV. For this value of V pp , the values of the bias voltage of 2 V, the laser exhibits period-1, period-2,
modulation indices are 0.0012, 0.0009, and 0.00011 when the higher periods, and finally chaos in the frequency span of
bias voltages are 2, 4, and 6 V, respectively. The modulation 21.5 to 28 kHz on increasing the modulation frequency from
index is the ratio of loss variation due to modulating signal and 1 to 30 kHz. With a further increase in frequency, it again goes
the total passive cavity loss of the ring. On increasing the to periodic states. This implies that for a fixed pumping ratio,
modulation frequency from 1 to 60 kHz, the time-domain out- the laser output has a chaotic nature only for certain combina-
put of the laser shows superharmonic, subharmonic, and fun- tions of modulation index and modulation frequency. The
damental resonance peaks at 7, 25, and 12.5 kHz, respectively, meaning of different periods and chaos is discussed in detail
which are shown in Fig. 4(a) with red triangles. On increasing in our previous work [21]. In contrast, there is no chaos at
the modulator bias voltage to 4 V, only the fundamental and the bias voltages of 4 and 6 V for the same driving amplitude
subharmonic resonances are observed at the frequencies of 11.2 (25 mV). This indicates that on increasing the bias voltage from
and 25.2 kHz. This is shown in Fig. 4(a) with the blue crosses. zero to the value of V π , the extent of nonlinearity in laser
When the bias voltage is increased to 6 V, only the fundamental dynamics sensed by the laser decreases. This was also clear in
resonance is observed at a frequency of 12 kHz. At any given Fig. 4(a). Thus, the bias voltage can play a key role to push the
driving signal amplitude, the effective modulation index de- system to a suitable linear or nonlinear regime.
creases with an increase in bias voltage until V π . Here, V π is Apart from the bias voltage of the modulator, pumping ratio
the bias voltage for which the insertion loss of the modulator is another parameter that is useful to vary the dynamical state of
is minimum. As the bias voltage is lowered, the modulation the system. Two different pumping ratios (of 1.2 and 1.4) are
index decreases and the extent of nonlinearity in the dynamics used in the experiments. To see the effect of all the four opera-
is expected to be reduced. However, the nonlinear nature of the tional parameters simultaneously, the dynamics of the laser in
modulator characteristic at the bias voltages of 2 and 6 V will the larger parameter space are shown in Fig. 5. Here, we plotted
play a role. the laser response at different driving frequencies and modula-
The fundamental resonance peaks are at different frequen-
tion indices (driving signal amplitudes) for three different
cies for the different bias voltages. It is expected to be due to
modulator bias voltages at two pumping ratios of 1.2 and 1.4
different values of fundamental frequencies [the ROF is the
in the left and right panels, respectively. The color scheme used
fundamental frequency in our case] at different bias voltages.
in depicting the laser response is shown by the color bar given at
The ROF is a function of total cavity loss [30], and in our case
the bottom of Fig. 5. P1–P6 refer to period-1 to period-6, re-
the cavity loss varies with modulator bias voltage, even though
spectively. P8, HP, and C refer to period-8, higher periods, and
the pumping ratio is fixed (1.2). Earlier in this section, we men-
chaos, respectively.
tioned that the measured values of the ROF are 15.5, 13.7, and
Let us consider the experimental results at a lower pumping
12.5 kHz for the bias voltages of 2, 4, and 6 V, respectively.
ratio of 1.2. At the bias voltage of 2 V, only period-1 and
period-2 are seen in the laser response at a V pp of 10 mV.
With an increase in V pp to 20 mV, the laser output shows
higher periods and chaos, as seen in Fig. 5(a). Here, the higher
periods refer to rapidly changing states of the laser output re-
sponse with the frequency variation. Apart from this, higher
periods also refer to the mixed periods when it is neither peri-
odic nor chaotic. For even higher V pp, the laser shows more
complex dynamics and chaotic regimes over wider frequency
Fig. 4. Measured output of the EDFRL for three different modu- ranges.
lator bias voltages at a fixed pumping ratio (P  1.2) and RF peak- At a higher bias voltage of 4 V, the higher periods and chaos
to-peak voltages of (a) V pp  10 mV and (b) V pp  25 mV. start appearing only at 40 mV of V pp and also the frequency
578 Vol. 34, No. 3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B Research Article

of the laser. Here, one can notice some periodic states at certain
frequencies, even while it is chaotic at other frequencies, which
implies that the laser shows chaos only for certain combinations
of parameters. Such windows of chaotic response of the laser
were reported earlier [17,32].
At a higher pumping ratio of 1.4, the response of the laser is
slightly different. In Fig. 5(d), the laser response is shown for
different modulating signal amplitudes in a modulation fre-
quency span of 1 to 60 kHz at a fixed modulator bias voltage
of 2 V. As in the earlier case with the pumping ratio of 1.2
[Fig. 5(a)], the laser now shows different periods and chaos
but the frequency span for the chaotic output response is wider
(20–54 kHz) and shifted toward the higher frequency side. The
higher pumping ratio increases the inversion level. Thus, more
external perturbations are needed to push the system into the
chaotic state. As a result, the lowest value of V pp for chaotic
response will be higher, but it will give a chaotic response
for a wider frequency span. Here, the chaotic response is the
outcome of the interplay among the population inversion, las-
ing intensity, and induced cavity-loss variation. Qualitatively,
one can say that the chaos appears for some proportions of
the above variables [32]. Once the proportion is lost, the laser
goes back to the periodic state. With an increase in the pump-
ing ratio, the ROF increases, and the laser exhibits chaos near
the fundamental frequency (ROF). This is the sole reason for
the shift of frequency span of the chaotic laser response.
A larger pumping ratio requires higher V pp to push the laser
into the chaotic regime until the second threshold of the laser is
achieved. For the bias voltage of 4 V, the bifurcation diagram is
shown in Fig. 5(e). A wider chaotic regime is observed as com-
pared to the case of the pumping ratio of 1.2 [Fig. 5(b)], and
Fig. 5. Measured laser response for different modulator bias voltages the lowest V pp value for the chaos is 50 mV, while it is 40 mV
at pumping ratios of 1.2 and 1.4. Pumping ratio  1.2 and bias volt- for the pumping ratio of 1.2 [Fig. 5(b)]. For an even higher bias
ages of (a) 2 V, (b) 4 V, and (c) 6 V. Pumping ratio of 1.4 and bias voltage of 6 V, there are only period-1 and period-2 states, and
voltages of (d) 2 V, (e) 4 V, and (f ) 6 V. V pp is in mV. the corresponding result of measurement is shown in Fig. 5(f ).
In contrast, for the pumping ratio of 1.2, period-1, period-2,
period-4, higher periods, and even chaos were present at certain
span for the chaotic response is narrower as compared to the frequencies [Fig. 5(c)].
previous case, which is shown in Fig. 5(b). At a higher bias To confirm the chaotic nature that is claimed in Fig. 5, we
voltage, the cavity loss will be lower. The same V pp induces have calculated the largest Lyapunov exponent by utilizing the
lesser gain variation. As a result, the extent of nonlinearity Rosenstein scheme [33]. The Lyapunov exponent is one of the
sensed by the laser is lesser. For the chosen EDF length key parameters in identifying the chaotic behavior of the system.
(8 m) and erbium ion concentration (3.535 × 1025 ions∕m3 ), It signifies how the distance between two points in the nearby
the gain curve is relatively steep at 1562 nm (2 V) as compared paths in the phase space evolves with time. We have calculated
to 1567 nm (4 V) [30]. At an even higher bias voltage of 6 V, the largest Lyapunov exponent by utilizing the Rosenstein
chaotic response appears only at a V pp of 100 mV, and the scheme [33]. This technique is suitable for calculating the
frequency span for the chaotic output is relatively narrow, as largest Lyapunov exponent from the time series. There are five
seen in Fig. 5(c). Here again, it is because of a relatively flatter steps to get the Lyapunov exponent under this scheme. In the
gain curve for the wavelength of 1569.5 nm. first step, the lag is calculated by the autocorrection function
In the bifurcation diagrams, the presence of period-2, and it is followed by the depiction of the reconstructed attractor
period-4, period-8, and higher periods confirm that the laser [34] using the method of delay [35] in the second step. In the
exhibits chaos through the period-doubling route [32], while third step, the nearest neighbor points are found in the adjacent
period-3, period-5, and period-6 indicate that the chaos is also trajectories. In the fourth step, the distances between the near-
attained through nonperiodic routes. Period-3 is mostly ob- est neighbors are calculated. In the final step, the time evolution
served at higher values of V pp and only after the first chaotic of the distance of nearest neighbors is plotted. The slope of this
regime is seen, as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, one can quali- curve gives the Lyapunov exponent. Corresponding to each di-
tatively note that the chaos by routes other than the period- mension, there is a Lyapunov exponent, and at least one pos-
doubling route is observed only after the first chaotic response itive Lyapunov exponent is the confirmation of chaos [36].
Research Article Vol. 34, No. 3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B 579

Table 2. Values of the Largest Lyapunov Exponent Table 3. Values of Various Parameters Used in the
Estimated from the Experimental Time Series for the Calculations for the Pumping Ratios of 1.2 and 1.4
Pumping Ratios of 1.2 and 1.4a
Bias Voltage Bias Voltage Bias Voltage
Bias Modulation 2V 4V 6V
Pumping Voltage Modulation Frequency Lyapunov Parameters P  1.2 (1.4) P  1.2 (1.4) P  1.2 (1.4)
Ratio (V) Index (kHz) Exponent a 31.1 (37.63) 20.53 (25.41) 13.63 (17.49)
1.2 (1.4) 2 0.0072 26 0.23 (0.26) s 0.4 (0.42) 0.35 (0.37) 0.3 (0.33)
1.2 (1.4) 4 0.009 18 0.24 (0.2) g 1.2 × 105 1.2 × 105 1.2 × 105
1.2 6 0.0013 20 0.16 d 0.29 (0.34) 0.22 (0.26) 0.17 (0.20)
a α0 17.8 11.8 7.5
If the number varies, the value of the parameter corresponding to the
a0 0.09 – −0.35
pumping ratio of 1.4 is given in the bracket right next to the value for the
a2 −0.06 – 0.12
pumping ratio of 1.2. Otherwise, there is only one value for both pumping
a4 −0.01 – 0.02
b1 1 – 1

The calculated values of the largest Lyapunov exponent for

some values of the control parameters (pumping ratio, bias volt- all calculations, the parameters used are appropriate to the ex-
age, modulation index, and modulation frequency) used in our periments. Here, the coefficients a0 , b1 , a2 , and a4 are the
work are given in Table 2. In our case, we got a positive value weight factors of the different harmonics of the fundamental
for the largest Lyapunov exponent whenever the experiment frequency and are calculated through the Fourier transform
showed a very high orbit. We use this as the signature of chaotic technique.
states. Stewart et al. [40] have reported an alternate model for
The multiparameter diagram of Fig. 5 is useful for both ex- EDFL dynamics that includes the effect of amplified sponta-
perimentalists and for modeling enthusiasts since it contains neous emission, excited state absorption (ESA), and multimode
measured data (such as driving signal amplitude V pp , bias volt- operation, but these factors are not included in our case. This is
age V b , and pumping ratio P) as well as estimated data (such as because the loss variation due to intracavity modulation is
modulation index). In the next section, we show the results of much less, such that the center wavelength of lasing remains
our modeling for the EDFRL dynamics for quantities compa- unchanged during the modulation. The ESA in our work is
rable to the experimental conditions. insignificant [41] because of the pump wavelength used by
us (980 nm) and because of the low-value pumping ratios
4. THEORETICAL MODEL of 1.2 and 1.4 used in our work. The effect of ESA is significant
The erbium-doped fiber laser is a class-B laser [32] and has only only at higher pumping ratios when pumped at 980 nm and in
the two variables of population inversion and lasing intensity. the presence of signal power near the wavelength of 1530 nm
To understand its nonlinear dynamics, a third variable is in- [42]. In the absence of 1530 nm, if a small ESA is present, it
serted externally with a sinusoidally varying cavity loss. The only increases the total cavity loss [43] and the laser dynamics
scaled rate equations used for the calculation are given as fol- remain invariant. In view of these factors, we did not include
lows, while the details are discussed in Refs. [17,37,38,39]: the effect of excited state absorption in our calculation.
Equations (1) and (2) are solved with the fourth order
dx Runge–Kutta method with a step size of 10−6 . The values of
 s  gxy − α; (1)
dθ the various parameters used in the calculation are given in
dy Table 3. To the extent possible, these are appropriate to the
 a − yx  1  d : (2) experimental conditions. The values of parameters relevant

to the pumping ratio of 1.4 are given in the bracket right next
Here, x, y, θ, s, and α are the scaled parameters and represent
to the value for the pumping ratio of 1.2. If there is no varia-
intensity, population inversion, time, spontaneous emission
tion, there is only one value shown for both the pumping ratios.
rate, and cavity loss, respectively, while a and d are dependent
on the pumping rate and g is a constant. To incorporate the loss
modulation, the parameter α, which is indicative of loss, is var-
ied with sinusoidal as well as nonsinusoidal signals dependent
upon the bias point of the modulator. For the modeling cor- For the pumping ratio of 1.2, the calculated output response of
responding to the bias point “B” of the experiment, the sinus- the laser corresponding to V pp of 10 mV is shown in Fig. 6(a).
oidal signal is used since it lies in the linear region of the The values of the modulation index corresponding to bias volt-
modulator characteristic, while for points “A” and “C” the non- ages of 2, 4, and 6 V are 0.00024, 0.00018, and 0.000022 for
sinusoidal signal is used. The functional form of the sinusoidal the biasing points A, B, and C, respectively. Throughout all
signal is α  α0 1  m sin2πνθ. Here, α0 is indicative of calculations, the modulation index values are found to be five
the total passive cavity loss when there is no external modula- times less than the corresponding experimental values since we
tion. The nonsinusoidal signal is the combination of sine and tried to match the fundamental resonance frequency between
cosine with higher harmonics, and its expression is α  α0 1 calculation and experiment. In spite of our best efforts, only the
ma0  b1 sin2πνθ  a2 cos4πνθ  a4 cos8πνθ. For approximate values of stimulated emission cross section and
580 Vol. 34, No. 3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B Research Article

Fig. 6. Calculated responses of the EDFRL for different modulation

indices and MZM bias voltages, taking modulation frequency as the
control parameter. Red, blue, and black markers correspond to 2, 4,
and 6 V, respectively. (P  1.2.)

population inversion appropriate to the experiments were avail-

able for use in the calculation.
With the bias voltage of 2 V and a modulation index of
m  0.00024, the fundamental, subharmonic, and superhar-
monic resonance frequencies are 12.3, 28.3, and 7.5 kHz
[Fig. 5(a), red marker], respectively. Note that the frequency
of the fundamental resonance is comparable to the experiment,
while there is a slight deviation in the wavelength of sub-
harmonic resonance. Since the system is more sensitive in the
subharmonic regime [22], a small difference in the input
parameters can result in a large difference in the output re-
sponse. With the bias voltage of 4 V and a modulation index
of 0.00018, the fundamental, subharmonic, and superhar-
monic resonance frequencies are 11.4, 25.8, and 6.7 kHz,
respectively. At the bias voltage of 6 V, the fundamental
resonance frequency is at 11.8 kHz. The calculated laser
responses corresponding to a V pp of 25 mV are shown in
Fig. 6(b). These are consistent with the experimental results
shown in Fig. 4(b), except for some minor deviations. The val-
ues of the modulation indices used to model the case of V pp as
25 mV corresponding to 2, 4, and 6 V are 0.00060, 0.00045,
and 0.000055, respectively.
Even though most of the observed regimes in our work are
polarization dependent, accounting for the polarization of the
large number of modes is not necessary since the averaged effect
in a vector model would lead to a similar effect as observed by Fig. 7. Calculated bifurcation diagrams for different bias voltages of
us [44]. The mismatch in the resonance frequencies obtained the modulator for pumping ratios of 1.2 and 1.4. Pumping ratio 
from the experiments and the calculations is very small and of 1.2 and bias voltages of (a) 2 V, (b) 4 V, and (c) 6 V. Pumping ratio of
1.4 and bias voltages of (d) 2 V, (e) 4 V, and (f) 6 V.
the order of 0.2 kHz. It is not possible to match them more
precisely due to the number of parameters involved in the cal-
culations. Whenever the experiment was repeated with the
same settings, fluctuations of this order (0.2 kHz) in the res- A small variation in the choice of modulation index can lead
onance frequency were noticed, possibly due to the unavoid- to this discrepancy. The calculated responses for the pumping
able pump power fluctuation and the modulator’s drive signal ratio of 1.4 are shown in Figs. 7(d)–7(f ). These calculations also
fluctuation. show quite a good agreement with the experimental results, ex-
The calculated bifurcation diagrams corresponding to the cept for some slight discrepancies at the bias voltage of 6 V.
pumping ratio of 1.2 and the bias voltage of 2, 4, and 6 V The effect of simultaneously changing the modulation index
are shown in Figs. 7(a)–7(c). Here, most of the trends are quite and modulation frequency on the dynamics of loss-modulated
similar to the experiments and a few minor deviations would be EDFL is studied theoretically by Saucedo-Solorio et al. [17]. In
due to nonideal experimental conditions, which are not ac- our case, we studied the laser dynamics in an even larger param-
counted for in the model. There is a distinct discrepancy in eter space experimentally as well as by the appropriate theoreti-
Fig. 7(c) since only period-1 and period-2 are in it, while in the cal model. Along with the modulation index and modulation
corresponding experimental results, period-1, period-2, higher frequency, the bias voltage and pumping ratio are also key
periods, and chaos are also present. It may be due to extremely parameters for the dynamics of the laser. The shift in the lasing
small values of the modulation index used in its modeling. wavelength is also observed by changing the modulator bias
Research Article Vol. 34, No. 3 / March 2017 / Journal of the Optical Society of America B 581

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