Midterm Exam

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CS 462 Software Engineering Page 1/9 Midterm Spring 2003

CS 462 Software Engineering Page 2/9 Midterm Spring 2003

Question # Total Marks Marks Obtained

1 14
2 16
3 60
CS 462 Software Engineering Page 3/9 Midterm Spring 2003

Question # 1. 14 points

a) List the problems we risk facing if software engineering principles are not applied to
software development. (5)

b) Why is it important to study a system’s environment? (4)

c) What is preventive maintenance? Why is it required? (5)

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Question # 2. 16 points

a) List three reasons for a decision not to use: (6)

i) Spiral model

ii) RAD model

b) List the process model that you think will be most appropriate for the following
situations. Also list your reasons for choosing the process model and any assumptions
that you make. (10)

i) A hospital requires a laboratory management system and has contacted your firm.
You have 20 programmers, out of which 15 are busy with other projects for
the time being. The hospital intends to acquire laboratory equipment, which
they want to interface with the computer system. The annual evaluation of the
hospital is due soon, in which computerization initiatives are appreciated.

ii) The owner of a video store has contacted you to develop a system to keep track of
videos and rentals. He feels that with the growing number of customers, such
a system will greatly help in managing accounts and providing better
customer service.

Question # 3. (60 points)

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Libraries allow members to borrow books for a defined time period. Besides borrow and
return of books, a library must also handle the addition and removal of members and
purchase of new books. Typically, a library operates in the following manner:

When a borrow request is made, it must be checked that a copy of the title requested is
available. If a copy is available, the librarian must ensure that the borrow request is made
by a valid member. This is done by asking for the member’s card, which is checked for
expiry date and number of books already issued. In case the card has expired, it is
returned without an entry and no book is issued, otherwise an entry for issue date and
expected return date is made and the book and card are returned.
When a book is returned, the card is handed over. The return date is noted on the card
and in case it is greater than the expected return date, a fine is charged, whose record is
To become a member, a person must submit his particulars on the membership form
obtained from the library, along with the library membership fee.
Books are bought from book shops by sending a purchase order. Payment is sent to the
book shop.

a) Draw a DFD to illustrate the system. Refine the context level diagram up to two
levels. (25)
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CS 462 Software Engineering Page 7/9 Midterm Spring 2003
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b) From the detailed DFD, point out three areas where information/details seem to be
missing. (6)

c) State the functional requirements (just the requirement, no description/details) of the

library system. (7)

d) Make a data dictionary entry for a library card (6)

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e) Write the specification for the ‘borrow request’ requirement using structured
language specification. For the description portion, use PDL. (10)

f) Can you identify two states of the book entity? What events cause transitions to and
from each state? (6)

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