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India is a vast country. It is but natural that a country having a population of over eight crores could

not be free from all problems. Every country has got her own peculiar problems. Unemployment is one

such problem as would be apparent almost in every country. In spite of all efforts made, the problem of

unemployment is still there. It is still attacking the three fronts, viz, the individual, social and the political. In

India unemployment assumes two phases. The first phase reveals the unemployment among the

educated. Every year the colleges turn out a great number of scholars who have to join the large band of

unemployed. The second phase of the problem reveals the unemployment among the farmers. In most

parts of the country the farmers could utilized only half of the year with the farming. The remaining period

is spent in idleness and joblessness.

Many factors may be held responsible for the unemployment in India. They may be classified as

educational, social and industrial. Population in India has increased at an awful rate. It makes impossible

to create suitable job for every person. It is said that the present education manufactured only clerks.

More industries mean more machines. Therefore, mechanized industries are said to reduce the labor force

considerably resulting in unemployment. A few remedies may be suggested to eradicate unemployment.

The system of education is the first thing that ought to be reorganized. It must be made job oriented.

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