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Course: Comparative Education (EDU 604)

Semester: Spring, 2019

Assignment No: 1
Total Marks: 20
Lecture: 1-12 (Topics 1-72)

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Questions: A: What is comparative education? (10+10)

Solution: Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris is the father of comparative. Comparative education is

that the comparative study of educational theories and practices in various countries. It makes an
attempt to use cross-national data to check propositions regarding the connection between
education and society and between teaching practices and learning outcomes. It also considers
the implications of policies and comparative studies for the formation in education, social,
national, and international development. Comparative education invites contributions from
associated disciplines within the fields of state, management, sociology, and technology and
communications that have an effect on educational analysis and policy decisions.

In comparative education we do the comparison of system of education, comparison of

educational philosophies, historical developments theories, practices, continents, countries ,
single country and states, , cultural contexts.

• Comparison of Educational Philosophies: In comparative education we do the comparison of

educational philosophies. Philosophy of education underlines our secular system of education.
Educational philosophy is the underline principles that depend upon the basis of our educational

• Comparison of Theories: In comparative education we can also compare different theories of

education. These theories of education is the set of principles that explains how does teaching
and learning take place, what is the best way to teach , how should the learning process be, how
the students learn.,

• Comparison of Practices: we can also compare classroom practices of teachers and students
and what happens with in the culture of a given school. Remember that our philosophy and the
underline theories or assumptions reflected our classroom practices.

• Comparison of System of education: There are different system of education like public and
private. We can have the comparison of different systems of education too.

• Comparison of Cultural contexts: Education across different cultural contexts is different so

we can also compare it. We can look at how does the different cultures shape education. So we
can look what is the system in UK and what is the system in Pakistan.
• Comparison of Historical Developments: We can also look at the comparison of historical
developments. And compare over the years how things have changed in public school system in
Pakistan, America or in UK. We see the historical developments and see how things change over
the years.

• Comparisons across Countries: In this kind of comparison, we see how things are different
and similar across Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India, US or UK. Whether doing the comparison
between them or among developing countries or develop countries.

• Comparisons across Continents: We also do comparison across different continents like

Europe, Australia, and Asia so this gives us macro approach. Remember the higher or the more
sort of broader scope of work or interest will be the lesser in details.

• Comparisons between Single country & states: If interested in some sort of in-depth study of
something we will have to go deeper in to a single country context or different region with in the
certain country so that means we also do the comparative study with in the single country context

Question 1 B: What is the scope of comparative education?


Scope of comparative Education

Interdisciplinary: Comparative education is essentially interdisciplinary. Once we study

comparative education we led in to other disciplines.

• History: It can be the discipline of history we talk about the historical development.

• Political science: we are let in to political science, and let in to this concept of how the change
of different regimes in different countries or within a given country context has an impact on

• Cultural studies: It leads into our cultural studies. Education institutions are not just isolated
or insolated. In comparative education cultures play a very important role. Education disciplines
give a person the culture value which allows a person to fit in a society.

• Philosophy: It leads to philosophy also that how philosophy embedded in education.

• Literature: It led into the literature that how the literature taught because it is also sort of
reflections that what happens.

• International relations: During the war time or time of peace we will see all these times and
how different countries interact with each other and what kind of relations they have with each
other during and after war.
• Anthropology: It is closer to cultural studies and also has an impact.

• Sociology: These are sociological concern and social impact of education on society.

• Historical and political development: We study that how history takes place in politics and
how it comes together and what is its impact on education.

Resources: handout and internet:

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