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I Can Academy

Weekly Test
Name: ________________________ Score: ___________
Teacher Minmin Date: ____________

Fantastic Mr. Fox

A. Synonyms: Match words with similar meaning. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. chaos ____ a. angry
2. cross ____ b. dirty
3. succulent ____ c. strong
4. impudent ____ d. feast
5. filthy ____ e. polite
6. brute ____ f. rude
7. decent ____ g. disorder
8. ravenous ____ h. fat
9. banquet ____ i. hungry
10. plump ____ j. juicy

B. Definition:
blighter cocky trough jiffy jeer smother

1. ____________________: a long, shallow container from which animals (such as cows, pigs,
horses, etc.) eat or drink
2. ____________________: to shout insulting words at someone : to laugh at or criticize someone
in a loud and angry way
3. ____________________: having or showing confidence in a way that is annoying to other
4. ____________________: to cover (something) in order to keep it from growing or spreading
5. ____________________: a very brief time

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Boggis was a chicken farmer. He kept thousands of chickens. He was -------.

a) enormously fat b) pot-bellied dwarf c) thin as a pencil

2. Bunce was a duck-and-goose farmer. He kept thousands of ducks and geese. He was -------.
a) enormously fat b) pot-bellied dwarf c) thin as a pencil

3. Bean was a turkey-and-apple farmer. He kept thousands of turkeys in an orchard full of apple trees.
He was -------.
a) enormously fat b) pot-bellied dwarf c) thin as a pencil
4. The three farmers were ------.
a) friendly b) mean c) poor d) generous

5. Every evening Mr. Fox asked Mrs. Fox ----------.

a) "Well, my darling, what shall it be tonight?"
b) "Hello, love, are the children doing well tonight?"
c) "Sweetie pie, do you wish to go for a stroll tonight?

6. Why do you think Mr. Fox was always especially careful when coming out of his hole?
a) He knew danger could be out there.
b) He didn’t want to forget to say goodbye to his children.
c) He knew coyotes were outside his fox hole.

7. When the farmers shot at Mr. Fox they got him _______.
a) in the tail b) on his right ear
c) on his left paw d) on his left shoulder

8. After the farmers shoot Mr. Fox and just got his tail they decided to __________.
a) dig him out b) stink him out
c) smoke him out d) wash him out

9. What idea did Mr. Fox have when the farmers' shovels got close to his family?
a) to dig his family to safety b) to ask the beavers for help
c) to sneak out the back hole d) to run to the mine shaft

10. What is the setting of the story?

a) in the tunnels of a big city b) underground at the local zoo
c) at the beach d) in a countryside area and underground

11. What was the author’s purpose in writing this novel?

a) to inform the reader about the habitats of foxes
b) to show ‘how to’ capture prey
c) to persuade people not to hunt
d) to entertain

12. Who is the main character in the story?

a) Bean b) Mr. Fox c) Boggis d)Bunce

13. What is the main conflict in the story?
a) Mr. Fox loses his tail.
b) The farmers are not as smart as Mr. Fox.
c) Mr. Fox and his family are in danger of being killed by the farmers.

14. What problem did Bean have?

a) He couldn't hear well because his ears were clogged with wax, chewing gum, and dead flies.
b) He couldn't see very well because he had been hit in one eye with gun powder when the rifle
c) He couldn't speak very because he had boils in his mouth.

15. Once the farmers realized they could not find the bottom of the foxes’ hole they decided to ______.
a) dig them out with caterpillar tractors
b) blast them out with dynamite
c) flood them out with water from a tanker

16. The farmers made an agreement to ------.

a) hire a detective to find Mr. Fox
b) stay until they had Mr. Fox
c) give up and go home

17. When the farmers thought Mr. Fox might tunnel through the other side of the hill they
a) surrounded the area with 108 men
b) set up traps all around the hill
c) brought in hunters and hounds

18. This story shows that Mr. Fox …..

a) is too afraid to solve the problem
b) will persevere (not stop) until he solves the problem
c) is careless and thoughtless

19. What did Small Fox bring to Mummy?

a) three plump hens
b) a goose and a duck
c) apples and cabbages

20. Who did Mr. Fox and his three sons find as they were digging?
a) Weasel b) Mole c) Rabbit d) Badger

21. Why was Mr. Fox able to move more quickly digging after Mr. Badger joined him?
a) Badger knew the way to Bunce’s Mighty Storehouse.
b) Badger was a great digger.
c) Badger had his mechanical shovel too.

22. After leaving Boggis's chicken house Mr. Fox tunneled to ______________.
a) Bunce's storehouse b) Bunce's duck pen
c) Bunce's dairy farm d) Bean's turkey coop

23. Why did Mr. Fox tell his smallest son that he was a thoughtful little fellow?
a) He only took the small hams.
b) He carried the heavy food since his dad was tired from digging
c) He wanted to get carrots for the Rabbits because they only ate vegetables.

24. How did Mr. Fox explain his stealing to Badger?

a) Mr. Fox told Badger that he only wanted to trick the farmers.
b) Mr. Fox said it was payback for the farmers shooting his tail off.
c) Mr. Fox said he was only taking a little to feed his starving children.

25. Why did Badger have doubts about taking the food?
a) He thought the farmers would find out and kill all of them.
b) He thought it was stealing.
c) He was worried that Mrs. Badger would be angry.

26. Badger and Mr. Fox dug themselves next to _______.

a) a brick wall b) a stone ledge c) a well

27. Cause and effect:

What was not an effect of Mr. Fox raiding the farmers’ farms?
a) Mr. Fox lost his tail.
b) Mrs. Fox died of starvation.
c) All of the diggers were forced to hide from the farmers.

28. What was Rat’s attitude about sharing the secret cider with Mr. Fox?
a) He was thankful to be invited to the feast with all the other animals.
b) He was willing to share it with Mr. Fox but not with the other animals.
c) He was angry and wanted to keep the cider all to himself.

29. What did Bean use to make the cider?

a) peaches from his orchard
b) carrots from his garden
c) apples from his orchard

30. What frightened Mr. Fox, Badger, and Small Fox while they were in Bean's cellar?
a) a large woman with a rolling-pin
b) Bean, Boggis, and Bunce
c) Skunk
31. Mabel was going to put out __________ after smelling the animals.
a) traps b) poison c) cheese

32. Why was Mr. Fox so careful to replace the floor boards or brick after he left the farmers’ storage?
a) He didn’t want the farmers to ever know he had been there.
b) He was very neat and always straightened up his messes.
c) He did not want the other animals from the woods to know about the food.

33. Mr. Fox learned that his tail was ________.

a) still in good shape b) ruined

34. The animals decided to ___________________.

a) never go outside again
b) take food only on Sundays
c) trick the farmers into moving away

35. How was the conflict in the story resolved?

a) Mr. Fox and his family moved to a new neighborhood taking all their friends with them.
b) The farmers poisoned the animals after discovering they had been robbed.
c) Mr. Fox found a way to feed all the animals so they would never need to leave their underground
home again.

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