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In the name of God

‫سواالت امتحانی انگلیسی یازدهم درس سوم‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگی‬

‫ پایه یازدهم‬-‫زبان انگلیسی‬

Fill the blank with the following words. (3.5)

Weaving, Decorative, vast, craftsmen, diversity, unique, metals

1-My aunt bought a …………wall clock.

2-Iran is a ………..country in Southwest Asia.

3-Iranian …………….are famous in the world.

4-Gold and silver are valuable…………...

5-He is …………prayer rugs.

6-Each person’s fingerprint is…………….

7-The animal ……………of Lorestan is amazing

Match the definitions. (2.5)

8-custom: all people

9-identity: traditional or usual things that people do in an area

10-reflect: to value somebody or something

11-humankind: who or what a person or thing is.

12-appreciate: to show something

Write the opposite of these words. (1.5)

13-Fast ……………………. 14-Hot ……………………. 15-Sad ……………………

16-Slowly ……………………… 17-finish ………………… 18-fall …………………….

Fill the boxes with condition sentences. (3.5)

91-If I (to study), I (to pass) the exams.

20-If the sun (to shine), we (to walk) into town.
21-If he (to have) a temperature, he (to see) the
22-If my friends (to come), I (to be) very happy.
23-If she (to earn) a lot of money, she (to fly) to New
24-If we (to travel) to London, we (to visit) the
25-If you (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you (to
slip) on the rocks.
Read the text and answer the following questions.
a famous artist
Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish artist. To most, he is known simply as “Picasso.”
He was born on October 25th, 1881, and died on April 8, 1973. Pablo’s father was a
drawing teacher, and he encouraged his son’s artistic ability. When Pablo was ten
years old, the family moved to Barcelona, Spain, where Pablo took an exam to enter
a famous and prestigious art school, called La Llonga. The exam was supposed to
take one month, but Pablo finished it in one day!
He later moved to Paris, where was worked as an artist creating and exhibiting his
drawings. During this time, he created his famous “Blue Period” works. They were
called this because of their devotion to the color, and because they were quite
somber in nature. In 1907, Picasso painted “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,” which is
known to have been the first painting in the “modern art” movement. Artists from
all over the world travelled to see this painting. Picasso created cubism, with a
colleague named
George Braque
In the 1920s, Picasso continued his work by creating theatre sets. His work during
this period was considered neo-classical, modern, surreal, and cubist. In 1937,
there was a terrible bombing in a small Spanish town called Guernica. Picasso
reacted by creating one of his most famous murals, a masterpiece named after the
town of Guernica.
Picasso then moved on to print making and lithography. He was never content to use
a medium the way it was traditionally used, and came up with many inventive new
ways to create art. He worked on etchings, engravings, and worked on many other
techniques. Just before his 87th birthday, he completed a series called the “347
Series,” in which he created three hundred and forty seven pieces of etching and
engraving work – between March and October!
One of the most interesting things about Picasso is that he was the first artist to
be famous during his own lifetime. He was quite a celebrity, and is considered one
of the most important artists of the twentieth century.
Choose the correct answer (3.5)
26. In the year 1881, Picasso:
a. Made his first painting
b. Was born
c. Passed away

27. Picasso’s father worked as a:

a. Fireman
b. Politician
c. Drawing teacher

28. One of Picasso’s most famous series of works is called:

a. The Pink Ages
b. The Blue Paintings
c. The Blue Period

29. Picasso’s celebrity status is best described as:

a. He was very famous, but only after he died and his paintings were
b. He was very famous during his life time and after
c. He was never famous, and his work is only appreciated by art students

30. Picasso’s relationship to the theatre was:

a. He created the sets using his artistic skills
b. He was notorious for enjoying the theatre, and attended every show in
c. He was an actor in his spare time
31. La Llonga is the name of:
a. The town in which Pablo was born
b. The art school Pablo attended
c. The hospital where Pablo’s father worked

32. Picasso died in the year:

a. 1973
b. 1873
c. 1937

33. Look up the word “cubism.” What is the definition? (1)

34. List three ways that Pablo expressed himself artistically. (1)
35. What was Picasso’s reaction when a small town in Spain was bombed? (1)
36. Did Picasso work until he was an old man, or did he stop when he was very
young? Prove your answer. (1)
37. What was the name of Pablo’s painting that began the “modern art movement,”
and in what year did he create it? (1)
38. By what name do people often refer to Pablo Picasso as? (0.5)


Good luck  radnia

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