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1. Character.

toLowercase( ) method p - 271

Public class charTolowerCase {
Void count ( ) {
String text = “I am studying in ICSE 10 th class”,
Int spaces =0, vowels =0, letters =0;
Int textLength( ); //get string length
For(int i=0; i< textLength; i++) {
Char ch=character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(i));
If(ch== ‘a’|| ch==’e’ || ch= =’o’ ||ch==’u’) {
If(Character.isLetter(ch)) {
If (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {

Int consonants=letters-vowels;

System.out.println(“The text contains vowels:+”\n”+”consonants:”{+consonants+”\n”+”spaces:”+space);

2. Program
Public class charToupperCase {
Void count( ) {
String text =”I am a student of ICSE 10 th class”;
Int spaces=0, vowels=0, letters=0;
Int textLength =text.length( ); //Get string length
For(int i=0; i<textLength; i++) {
Char ch=character.toUpperCase(text.charAt(i));
If(ch ==’A’ ||ch ==’E’ || ch == ‘I’ || ch == ‘O’ || ch == ‘U’) {
If(character.isLetter(ch)) {
If(character.isWhitespace(ch)) {

Int consonants = letters –vowels;

System.out.println(“The text contains vowels:


3. A simple program on pass by value.

Class PassByValue {

Public void change( ) {

Int a=12;

System.out.println(“Original Value of a =” +a);

System.out.println(“Changed Value of a =” +value(a));

System.out.println(“Again the Value of a =” +a);

Public statec int value(int x) {


Return x;

4. Program
Class Fact {
Void factorial(int n) {
Int I;
Int f =1;
For (i=1; i< =n; i++) {
System.out.println(“Factorial of “ +n+”is =” +f);
Public void main(int n) {
Fact nfactorial =new Fact( );
//now passing value into method
5. Program
Class Recurrsive {
Public static long factorial(int n) {
If(n<0) {
Return -1;
If(n==0_ {
Return 1;
Else {
Return n * factorial (n -1);
6. Program
Class MethodOverloading {
//method to add two integer variables
Int addition(int x, int y) {
Return(x + y);
//method to add two float variables
Float addition(float x, float y) {
Return ( x+ y);
Public void main( ) {
Int n1 =10;
Int n2 =15;
Jint r1;
Float x1 =12;
Float x2 =9;
Float r2;
R1 = addition(n1,n2);
R2 =addition(x1, x2);
System.out.println(“r2=” +r2);
7. Program
Class Overload {
Void showdata(string name) {
System.out.println(“Name is “ +name);
Void showdata(int rollno) {
System.out.println(“Roll No.” +rollno);
Void showdata(float marks) {
System.out.println(“Marks” +marks);
Void showdata(double fee) {
System.out.println (“Fee “ +fee);
Public static void main( ) {
Overload test = new Overload( ) {

1. Showing class members visibility. P - 316

Import *;

Class Emp {

Private string empname;

Private string pfno;

Public long salary;

Void inputdata( ) throws IOException{

Inputstreamreader reader = new inputstreamreader(;

Bufferedreader input = new Bufferedreader(reader);

System.out.print(“Enter Name of employee::”);

Empname = input.readline( );

System.out.print(“Enter PF No. Of the Employee::”)

Pfno=input.readline( );

System.out.print(“Enter Basic Pay of the Employee::”);

String a =input.readling( );

Salary = Long.paraseLong(a);

Void outputdata( ) {

System.out.println(“ =============================================”);

System.out.println(“Name of Employee :::” +empname);

System.out.println (“PF No :::” +pfno);

System.out.println(“Basic Pay :::” +salary);

System.out.println(“D.A. :::” +(calculated( )));

System.out.println(“HRA :::” +(calculatehra( )));

System.out.println(“Gross pay :::” +(grosspay( )));

Public static void main (string args[]) throws IOException {

Emp employee=new emp( );

Employee.inputdata( );

Employee.outputdata( );

} Private double calculated( ) {


Private double calculatehra( ) {

Return ((0.01* salary));

Private double grosspay( ) {

Return(sarary +(0.15 *salary) +(0.01 *salary));

Class Emp1{

2. Program
//class members visibility
Class OfficeEmployee{
Private string empname;
Public long salary;
Void inputdata() throws IOException{
InputstreamReader reader =new InputstreamEReader (;
BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(reader);’
System.out.prijnt(“Enter Name of Emploee ::”);
Empname =input.readline();
System.out.print(“Enter Basic Pay of the Employee ::”);
String a = input.readLine();
Salary =Long.parseLong(a);
Void outputdata() {

System.out.println(“Name of Employee :::” +empname);

System.out.println(“Basic Pay :::” +salary);

System.out.println(“D.A. :::” +(calculated( )));
System.out.println(“HRA :::” +(calculatehra( )));
Private double calculated( ) {


Private double calculatehra( ) {

Return ((0.01* salary));

Class Emp2 {
Public static void main (string args[]) throws IOException {
Office Employee employee=new OfficeEmployee();

3. Program
Pass by value by using private and public access.
Import *;
Class EmployeeExample {
Private string empname;
Private string address;
Private string city;
Public double salary;
Doubole grosspay;
Double da, hra, pf, netpay,
//Now Receiving Values from main( )
Void inputdata(string a, string b, string c. Double value) {
Empname = a;
Address =b;
City =c;
Public void outputdata( ) {

System.out.println(“Name of Employee :::” +empname);

System.out.println(“Address :::” +address);

System.out.println(“City :::” +city);

System.out.println(“Basic Pay :::” +salary);

Public void calculated( ) {
Da=1.5 * salary;
System.out.pritln(“DA=” +da);
Pubic void calculatehra( ) {
Hra = 0.1 *salary;
System.out.println(“HRA =” +hra);
Public void pfduction( ) {
Pf =0.12 * salary;
System.out.println(“PF Deduction=” +pf);
Public void calculategross( ) {
Grosspay =salary+hra+da;
System.out.println(“Gross salary of Employee=” +grosspay);
Public void calculatenetpay( ) {
Netpay =grosspay –pf;
System.out.println(“Net Pay of Employee=” +netpay);
Class privaepublicAccess{
Public void main( ) {
EmployeeExample employee=new employeeexample( );
Employee.inputdata( );
//now passing the value of employee object.
Employee.calculateda( );
Employee.calculatehra( );
Employee.calculategross( );
Employee.pfdeduction( );
Employee.calculatenetpay( );
4. Pass by reference by using private and public access.
//use of private and public access method using pass by reference
Class RefPripub{
Private string empname;
Private stirng address;
Private string city;
Public double salary;
Double grosspay;
Double da, hra,
Values from main ( )
Void inputdata(string a pf, netpay;
//Receving, string b, string c,double value) {
Empname =a;
Address =b;
City =c;
Salary = value;

:::” +empname);

System.out.println(“Address :::” +address);

System.out.println(“City :::” +city);

System.out.println(“Basic Pay :::” +salary);

Da=1.5 * salary;

Public void calculated(RefPriPub x ) {
System.out.pritln(“DA=” +da);
} Public void outputdata( ) {
System.out.println(“Name of Employee
Pubic void calculatehra(RefPriPub x) {
Hra = 0.1 *salary;
System.out.println(“HRA =” +hra);
Public void pfduction(RefPriPub x) {
Pf =0.12 * salary;
System.out.println(“PF Deduction=” +pf);
Public void calculategross(RefPriPub x) {
Grosspay =salary+hra+da;
System.out.println(“Gross salary of Employee=” +grosspay);
Public void calculatenetpay(RefPriPub x ) {
Netpay =grosspay –pf;
System.out.println(“Net Pay of Employee=” +netpay);
Class privaepublicAccess{
Public void main( ) {
RefPriPub employee =new RefPriPub ( );
Employee.inputdata(“Ram Shankar”, “1435/1”,”Lucknow”,8000);
Employee.outputdata( );
//now passing the reference of employee object.
Employee.calculatenetpay(employee );
5. Program
//Nesting of classes with Methods
Class nesting {
Private string empname;
Private stirng address;
Private string city;
Emoluments emo =new emoluments( ); //creating another nested class emoluments
Class Emoluments {
Public double salary;
Public Double grosspay;
Public doublie da, hra, pf, netpay;
} //End of Inner class
//Receving Values from main( )
Void inputdata(string a, string b, string c, doublic value) {
Empname =a;
Address =b;
City =c;
Emo.salary =value; //using class object
Public void outputdata( ) {

System.out.println(“Name of Employee :::” +empname);

System.out.println(“Address :::” +address);

System.out.println(“City :::” +city);

System.out.println(“Basic Pay :::” +emo.salary);

Public void calculated( ) {
Emo.Da=1.5 *emo. salary;
System.out.pritln(“DA=” +emo.da);
Pubic void calculatehra( ) {
Emo.Hra = 0.1 *emo.salary;
System.out.println(“HRA =” +emo.hra);
Public void pfduction( ) {
emo.Pf =0.12 * emo. salary;
System.out.println(“PF Deduction=” +;
Public void calculategross( ) {
emo.Grosspay = emo.salary+ emo.hra+ emo.da;
System.out.println(“Gross salary of Employee=” + emo.grosspay);
Public void calculatenetpay( ) {
emo.Netpay = emo.grosspay –;
System.out.println(“Net Pay of Employee=” + emo.netpay);
Class NestedClasses {
Public void main( ) {
Nesting employee=new Nesting ( );
Employee.inputdata( );(“Vikas Mathotra”,”1435/1,Kalia Colony”,”Jalandhar”,18000);
Employee.outputdata( );
//now passing the value of employee object.
Employee.calculateda( );
Employee.calculatehra( );
Employee.calculategross( );
Employee.pfdeduction( );
Employee.calculatenetpay( );
6. Program
Public class AppendInsert{
Public void main( ){
String Buffer a =new stringBuffer( );
a.insert(0, “computer Applications”);
stirngBuffer b = new stringBuffer(“Computer Applications”);
stringBuffer c = new stringBuffer(20);
c.insert(0, “Computer Applications”);

7. String length
Public class stringLength{
Public void main( ) {
Char str[ ]={‘c’, ‘o’, ‘m’, ‘p’, ‘u’, ‘t’, ‘e’, ‘r’};
String a =new string(str);
System.out.print(“Length of the string =”);
System.out.println(a.length( ));

8. String concatenation
Public class stringConcatenation{
Public void main( ) {
String str =”I am Poonam Mehta.” +
“I read in O P J Senior Model School, “+
“Fatehabad, Haryana,”;

8. Getchars( )
Public class ExtractChar {
Public void main ( ) {
String str= “I am Poonam Mehta.” +
“I read in O P J Senior Model School, “ +
“Fatehabad, Haryana”;
Int beginning =5;
Int end =17;
Char a[ ] = new char[end _beginning];
Str.getChars(beginning, end, a, 0);

9. getBytes( )
public class Bytechar {
public void main( ) {
string str= “I am Poonam Mahta.”+
“I read in O P J Senior Model School,” +
“Fatehabad, Haryana”;
Int beginning =5;
Int end =17;
Char a[ ] =new char[ end –beginning];
Byte b[ ] =new byte[20];
Str.getChars(beginning, end, a, 0);
Str,getBytes(5, 17, b, 0);
System.out.println(“The getBytes characters are =” +b);

10. tocharArray( )

public class ArrayChar {

public void main( ) {

string str = “I am Poonam Mehta. “+

“I read in O P J Senior Model School, “+

“Fatehabad, Haryana”;

Int beginning =5;

Int end=17;

Char a[ ]=new char [end – beginning];

Byte b[ ] =new byte[20];

Str.getChars(beginning, end, a, 0);

Str,getBytes(5, 17, b, 0);

System.out.println(“The gerBytes characters are =” +b);

String str1 = “Malhotra& Malhotra”;

System.out.println(str1.toCharArray( ));

11. lastindexof( )
public class LastIndexOfCh {
public static void main(string args[ ]) {
string s =”Honesty is the Best Policy”;
system.out.println(“lastIndexOf(b) ->” +s.lastIndexOf(98));
system.out.println(“lastIndexOf(b) ->” +s.lastIndexOf(‘b’));

12. string substring(int startIndex, int endlndex)

public class Modistring {
public void main( ) {
string str = “Computer Applications”:

13. concat( )
public class stringConc {
public void main( ) {
string str1 = “Computer Applications”;
string str 2= str1.concat(“For Class 10 th ICSE”);

14. trim( )
public class string trim {
public void main( ) {
string str1 = “ Computer Applications “;
system.out.println(str1. Trim( ));

15. changing case of string

public class stringCase {
public void main( ) {
string str1 = “Computer Applications”;
system.out.println(str1.toUpperCase( ));

16. insert
class Evar62 {
public void main( ) {
stringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(“I am solving problem.”);
str.insert(5, “learning Java and”);

17. reverse( )
class Ever {
public void main ( ) {
stringBuffer str =new stringBuffer(“PRATIEK MALHOTRA”);
system.out.println(“Original String =” +str);
str.reverse( );
system.out.println(“Reversed String = “ +str);

18. Comparing Two Strings

Class Comparestrings{
Public void main( ) {
String s1, s2;
S1 =”VIKAS”;
System.out.println(“Same Thing ?” +(s1 == s2));
S2 =new string(s1);
System.out.println(“same Thing?” +(s1 ==s2));
System.out.println(“Same Result ?” +s1.equals(s2));

19. Program
Class compareTo{
Static string s[] = {“Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, ‘Thursday”, “Friday”,
Public static void main(stiring args[]) {
For (int i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
For (int j=i+1; j<s.length; j++) {
If(s[j].compareTo(s[i]<0) {
String temp;
Temp =s[i];
S[i] =s[j];
S[j] = temp;


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