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Icewind Dale 2 Item Code Quick Reference Guide

Version 2.2

Written and Compiled By:

Atreides (J. J. Jones)

[0] Pre-Guide Materials

[0.1] Legal Information

This quick reference guide is protected under international copyrite law. Any
unauthorized distribution or reproduction will be dealt with harshly as
prescribed in afore mentioned laws.
I, Atreides (J. J. Jones) do aknowledge all trademark rites of Black Isle and
Interplay that are made reference to in this guide.

This guide may only be posted on the following web sites:

Do not ask to post this guide on any other site, I will say no out right. I
don't want to keep track of each site that contains my guide. If you wish to
use this guide in one of your own guides please contact me
<> and explain your reasoning and I will decide on a
case-by-case basis.

[0.4] Revision History

V0.1 (10-01-2002)
- Began conceptualizing the quick reference guide
- Began to create the items and their propper codes
- Completed up to Blunt Weapons
V0.2 (10-02-2002)
- Began work on the actual introductery material of this guide
- More items and their codes have been copied
- Completed up to Bows
V0.3 (10-03-2002)
-This version history started
- More work on the items and their codes
- Completed up to Cloaks
V0.4 - (10-04-2002)
- More items and their codes added
-Completed up to Halberds
V0.5 (10-05-2002)
- More Items and their respective codes were added
-Completed up to Plot and Misc. Items
V0.6 (10-06-2002)
- Huge update today
- Finished filling the items up to Plate Armor
V0.7 (10-07-2002(
- More items and their codes added
- Completed up to Quarterstaves
V0.8 (10-08-2002)
- More items and their codes added
- Completed up to Shields
V0.9 (10-09-2002)
- More items and their codes added
- Completed up to swords
V1.0 (10-11-2002)
- Major Update
- Completed the very large sword section and wands as well
V 1.1 (10-14-2002)
- More items and their codes added
- Completed up to Wizard Spell Scrolls
V1.2 (10-15-2002)
- Items and their codes were added
- Completed the copying of items and their codes
V1.3 (10-16-2002 to 06-19-2002)
- Major update begun
- Split the Guide in to 3 files for easier management
- Began reorganizing the items in to smaller groups
- The items will appear alphabetically by category
V1.4 (10-20-2002)
- More formating was completed
- Merged smaller sections in to larger sections
- Updated already complete sections with items I missed
V1.5 (10-21-2002)
- More formating to the guide has been completed
- Added more forgotten items to various sections
V1.6 (10-22-2002)
- Items and their codes formating has been completed
- Also made some minor additions to various sections
V1.7 (10-23-2002)
- Created the table of contents for the guide
V1.8 (10-24-2002)
-Completed some introductory materials for the guide
V1.9 (10-24-2002)
- Completed the Introductory sections of this guide
V2.0 (10-25-2002)
-Merged all separate files in to one master file
- Made some minor formating changes
V2.1 (10-29-2002)
- Beta release of this guide to
V2.2 (11-01-2002)
- Had to reformat the entire guide!!
- Added a name to the Special Thanks section


Note: If you wish to skip to a section quickly, use the find command in the
Edit Menu and enter in one of the numbers in brackets. For example, entering
"2.2" (without the quotes of course) would take you to the section where Arrows
and their item codes can be found.


[0] Pre-Guide Materials

[0.1] Legal Information
[0.2] Revision History
[0.3] Table of Contents
[1] Introductory Materials
[1.1] Some Words From the Author
[1.2] Item Creation in IWD2
[2] The Items
[2.1] Amulets
[2.2] Arrows
[2.3] Bags
[2.4] Bastard Swords
[2.5] Battle Axes
[2.6] Belts
[2.7] Bolts
[2.8] Books
[2.9] Boots
[2.10] Bracers
[2.11] Bullets
[2.12] Chain Mail
[2.13] Cloaks
[2.14] Clubs
[2.15] Composite Long Bows
[2.16] Composite Short Bows
[2.17] Daggers
[2.18] Darts
[2.19] Flails
[2.20] Gems
[2.21] Great Axes
[2.22] Great Swords
[2.23] Halberds
[2.24] Heavy Crossbows
[2.25] Helmets
[2.26] Instruments
[2.27]Leather Armor
[2.28] Light Crossbows
[2.29] Long Bows
[2.30] Long Swords
[2.31] Maces
[2.32] Misc. and Plot Items
[2.33] Morning Stars
2.34]Plate Armor
[2.35] Potions
[2.36] Quarterstaves
[2.37] Rings
[2.38] Robes
[2.39] Scimitars
[2.40] Scrolls (Cleric)
[2.40.1] Level 1 Spells
[2.40.2] Level 2 Spells
[2.40.3] Level 3 Spells
[2.40.4] Level 4 Spells
[2.40.5] Level 5 Spells
[2.40.6] Level 6 Spells
[2.40.7] Level 7 Spells
[2.41] Scrolls (non-spell varieties]
[2.42] Scrolls (Sorcerer/Wizard)
[2.41.1] Level 1 Spells
[2.42.2] Level 2 Spells
[2.42.3] Level 3 Spells
[2.42.4] Level 4 Spells
[2.42.5] Level 5 Spells
[2.42.6] Level 6 Spells
[2.42.7] Level 7 Spells
[2.42.8] Level 8 Spells
[2.42.9] Level 9 Spells
[2.43] Shields
2.44] Short Bows
[2.45] Short Swords
[2.46] Slings
2.47] Spears
[2.48] Throwing and Hand Axes
[2.49] Throwing and War Hammers
[2.50] Wands
[3] Final words
[3.1] Credits
[3.2] Special Thanks

[1] Introductory Materials

[1.1] Some Words From the Author

When I first decided to create this guide I thought "well, this should be easy,
all I have to do is copy some codes and item names." Wow! I was wrong! this
wasn't easy! I at first created the guide as my own personal reference list
and then I saw a post on the forums requesting a list of items
and their codes. I decided then that at that moment I would convert my list in
to something everyone else could use as well. So, after a longer time than I
had anticipated I proudly present my quick item reference list...
If you have any questions or mistakes you have found in the guide or an item
and its code to contribute (that is a part of the official game and not mod
related) let me know (>. Pleas do not ask me to include
descriptions of the items. That would be ripping off a guide already created
by Dan Simpson, and I respect him and his works too much to even think of doing
that. Oh, and speaking of e-mailing me, if you wish to do this (and provided
it's guide related) you must have "Icewind Dale 2" as the subject (or something
close to it) or I will delete it without even looking at it. I get enough
unknown junk in my in box and would hate to mistake something sent to me as
spam mail or something.
I have organized the items by sections: amulets, arrows, bags, bastard swords,
etc. Some sections I did not organize any further because it would have been
rather pointless to do so (for example, leather armor and hide armor are in the
same section.) Also, I have organized the spell scrolls by type of magic
(divine or arcane) and further by level. If this works as anticipated this
should make locating items and their codes easier.

[1.2] Item Creation in IWD2

To create an item in IWD2:

1. In the configuration utility make sure that cheats are enabled.

2. While in game hold down control and press the tab key to open the console
and enter in the following:


You enter in the propper item code in place of what's in the quotes and the
number of items you want after the quotes. Note that not entering any number
will produce one item by defalt. An example of an item creation:


This would create the sword called Cleaver. To create multiple items you would
enter something like this:


This would create 200 Masterwork Arrows. Finally, note that whenever you
create an item the game will place the newly created item in the first
character's inventory. If that character's inventory is full the game places
the item in the next character's inventory.
Now, on to the guide!!

[2] The Items

Note: The lists are organized with the item code in the left column and the
item's name in the right column. In some parts of the list (the section
containing amulets is a good example) there are several item codes with no
item. This reflects that each code will result in the same item. When the
item names begin again the first item name will refer to what the codes above
it will create. Again, a good example is the section containing codes for
amulets, or codes for various bags. Some item's names appear twice but they
have different properties. This is due to the item having an equivalent in
Heart of Fury mode, and these items usually are better in some way then their
normal counterpart.

[2.1] Amulets

00AMUL11 Various Necklaces
00AMUL12 Necklace of Missiles
00AMUL13 Amulet of Protection +1
00AMUL14 Shield Amulet
00AMUL15 Amulet of Intellect
00AMUL30 Lucky Knucky
00AMUL31 Yeti Skin Scarf
00AMUL32 Winter Wolf Scarf
00AMULBT Belib's Multiple Tool
00HFAMBT Belib's Multiple Tool of Fortune
00AMULDS Druid's Stone
00HFAMDS Druid's Stone of Thorns
00AMULES Eye of the Storm
00HFAMES Calm Before the Storm
00AMULFD Flame Dance Talisman
00HFAMFD Sunfire Talisman
00AMULGC Gohoin's Charm
00AMULMP Mirabel's Pendant
00HFAMMP Mirabel's Maleficent Pendant
00AMULSL Snow Leopard Charm
00HFAMSL Heart of the Snow Leopard Charm
00HFAMGC Gohoin's Secret Charm
00HFPNBI Bile of the Damned
00POTNBI Blood of the Innocent
11AMULCM Cleansing Medallion
11HFAMCM Medallion of Dawn
11BARDWD Pipes of the Wheezing Dragon
11HFBDWD Craum Straug's Pipes
11HFAMLK Young Ned's Knucky
12AMULHC Houndstooth Collar
12HFAMHC Vghotan's Band
53AMULHD House of Despana Insignia
53AMULBS Incandescent Blue Ioun Stone

[2.2] Arrows

00AROW01 Arrows
00AROW02 Masterwork Arrows
00AROW03 Arrows +1
00AROW04 Arrow +2
00AROW05 Corrosive Arrows +1
00AROW06 Arrow of Biting
00AROW07 Arrows of Dispelling
00AROW08 Arrow of Flame +1
00AROW09 Frost Arrows +1
00AROW10 Arrows of Piercing
00AROW14 Holdfast Arrows
00AROW85 Arrows of Disruption +2
00AROW86 Returning Poison Tipped Arrow
00AROW87 Keen Arrows
00AROW88 Stunning Arrows +1
00AROW89 Sure Strike Arrows
00AROW90 Arrows of Lesser Dispelling
00AROW91 Everlast Arrow
00AROW92 Arrows +5
00AROW93 Arrows +4
00AROW94 Arrows +3
00AROW95 Impact Arrows +1
00AROW96 Hunting Arrows
00AROW97 Target Arrows
00AROW98 Stunning Arrows +1
00AROW99 Sparking Arrows +1
00CWARWB Arrow of Flame +1
00CWARWE Arrows +1
00CWARWF Arrow +2
00CWARWG Arrows +4

[2.3] Bags

00HBGB01 Bag of Holding
00GBGB10 Gem Bag
00HBGB02 Mercenary's Sack
00PBGB10 Potion Bag

[2.4] Bastard Swords

00CWSWDE Masterwork Bastard Sword

00CWSWDF Bastard Sword +1
00HFSBBS Know Thy Family
00SWDBRC Rage of Chaos
00HFSBRC Order's Nemesis
00SWDBWR Wroth
00HFSBWR Bloody Wroth
00SWDB01 Bastard Sword
00SWDB02 Masterwork Bastard Sword
00SWDB03 Bastard Sword +1
00SWDB86 Bastard Sword +5
00SWDB87 Bastard Sword +4
00SWDB88 Bastard Sword +3
00SWDB89 Bastard Sword +2
00SWDB91 Icy Bastard Sword +1
00SWDB92 Static Bastard Sword
00SWDB93 Bastard Sword of Heroism
00SWDB94 Miasmic Bastard Sword
00SWDB95 Bastard Sword of Wrath
00SWDB96 Bastard Sword +3: Cold Fire
00SWDB97 Bastard Sword +2: Black Adder
00SWDB98 Bastard Sword of Frost +1
00SWDB99 Fang
00SWDBBS Bastard's Son
ZZJ6BS Bastard Sword of the Undead Slayer +1

[2.5] Battle Axes

00AX1H01 Battleaxe
00AX1H02 Masterwork Battleaxe
00AX1H03 Battleaxe +1
00AX1H04 Battleaxe +2
00AX1H78 Keen Axe +1
00AX1H79 Ice Axe +1
00AX1H80 Corrosive Axe +1
00AX1H81 Axe of Displacement
00AX1H82 Axe of Wounding
00AX1H83 Battleaxe of Decay +5
00AX1H84 Battleaxe of Celerity
00AX1H85 Winter Axe +5
00AX1H86 Battleaxe of Disruption +5
00AX1H87 Battleaxe of Fiery Defense +5
00AX1H88 Battleaxe of Precision +5
00AX1H91 Battleaxe +5
00AX1H92 Battleaxe +4
00AX1H93 Battleaxe +3
00AX1H94 Battleaxe of Focus
00AX1H95 Battleaxe of Burning
00AX1H97 Battleaxe of the Defender +5
00AX1H99 Battleaxe of Speed
00AX1HAS Axe of the Souls
00AX1HBA Balance
00HFAXSP Spiritcaller
00AX1HTA Training Axe
00CWAXEB Masterwork Battleaxe
00CWAXEC Battleaxe +1
00HFAXAS Soul Stealer (Cursed)
00HFAXBA Scales of Balance
11AX1HKS Kegsplitter
11HFAXKS Kegsplitter of Shaengarne Ford
51AX1HDF Duergar-Forged Axe
51HFAXDF Duergar-Forged Doom Axe
ZZH6AX The Giant Cleaver
ZZI6HFSC Mighty Scalecleaver
ZZI6SC Scalecleaver

[2.6] Belts

00BELT01 Girdle
00BELT02 Golden Girdle
00BELT03 Girdle of Bluntness
00BELT04 Girdle of Piercing
00BELT05 Girdle of Beatification
00BELTAD Arcs of Disredain
00HFBTAD Insulated Arcs of Disredain
00BELTBG Black Goat Girdle
00HFBTBG Blessed Black Goat Girdle
00BELTDB Dragon's Belt
00HFBTDB Warded Dragon's Belt
00BELTLG Little Giant
00BELTSS Sash of Shadows
00HFBTSS Sash of Hidden Shadows
00HFBTLG Dwarven Ogre
11BELTMK Mercykiller's Belt
11BELTSB Sash of the Black Raven
11HFBTSB Binding Sash of the Black Raven

[2.7] Bolts

00BOLT01 Bolt
00BOLT02 Masterwork Bolt
00BOLT03 Bolt +1
00BOLT04 Bolt +2
00BOLT05 Sparking Bolts +1
00BOLT08 Tranquil Bolt
00BOLT93 Stunning Bolts +1
00BOLT94 Frost Bolts +1
00BOLT95 Flaming Bolts +1
00BOLT96 Corrosive Bolts +1
00BOLT97 Bolt +5
00BOLT98 Bolt +4
00BOLT99 Bolt +3
00CWBLTA Bolt +2

[2.8] Books

00BOOK07 History of Calimshan

00BOOK08 History of Cormyr
00BOOK09 History of Dambrath
00BOOK10 History of Durpar and Var the Golden
00BOOK11 History of Estagund
00BOOK12 History of Gondegal the Lost King
00BOOK13 History of Halruaa
00BOOK14 History of Luiren
00BOOK15 History of Sembia
00BOOK16 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK17 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK18 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK19 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK20 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK21 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK22 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK23 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK24 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK25 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK26 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK27 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK28 History of Shadowdale
00BOOK29 History of Tethyr
00BOOK30 History of the Bell in the Depths
00BOOK31 History of the Chosen of Mystra
00BOOK32 History of the Dales and the Elven Court
00BOOK33 History of the Dead Three
00BOOK34 History of the Dragon Coast
00BOOK35 History of the Drow
00BOOK36 History of the Drow II
00BOOK37 History of the Fateful Coin
00BOOK38 History of the Last March of the Giants
00BOOK39 History of the Moonsea
00BOOK40 History of the North I
00BOOK41 History of the North II
00BOOK43 History of the North
00BOOK44 History of the North
00BOOK45 History of the North
00BOOK46 History of the North
00BOOK47 History of the North
00BOOK48 History of the North
00BOOK49 History of the North
00BOOK50 History of the Red Ravens
00BOOK51 History of the Sisters of Light and Darkness
00BOOK52 History of the Unicorn Run
00BOOK53 History of the Valley of the Gods
00BOOK54 History of the Vast
00BOOK55 History of the Western Heartlands
00BOOK56 History of the Zhentarim
00BOOK57 History of the Ulgarth
00BOOK58 History of Amn
00BOOK59 History of Waterdeep
00BOOK60 History of Waterdeep
00BOOK61 History of Waterdeep
00BOOK62 History of Waterdeep
00BOOK63 History of Waterdeep
00BOOK64 History of Waterdeep
00BOOK65 History of the Nether Scrolls
00BOOK66 Yago's Book of Curses
00BOOK67 Animals Are Your Friend
00BOOK68 Lore of the Bladesingers
00BOOK69 Code of Training in the
00BOOK70 Elameth's Compendium
00BOOK71 Ancient Lore on Corellon Larethian
00BOOK72 Engineering Manual
00BOOK73 Fish on the Sea of Fallen Stars
00BOOK74 The Folly of Fury
00BOOK75 Hippogriff Riders of the Hand
00BOOK76 Tending Ivy
00BOOK77 Ancient Lore on Labelas Enoreth
00BOOK78 Ancient Lore on Sehanine Moonbow
00BOOK79 Philosophy of Kara-Tur
00BOOK80 Great Pottery of Lurien
00BOOK81 "Rock Eaters", They are Not!
00BOOK82 Ancient Lore on Shevarash
00BOOK83 Ancient Lore on Solonor Thelandira
00BOOK84 Secret Societies
00BOOK85 Ecology of the Unicorn
00BOOK86 On Non-Violence
00BOOK87 Worship in the Hand of the Seldarine
11BOOKDE Book of the Deserving
11BOOKEA The Ten-Towns: Easthaven
11BOOKHK History of Kuldahar
11BOOKHW Heart of Winter
11BOOKLD Legends of Icewind Dale
11BOOKLE Book of Leaves
11BOOKLO The Ten-Towns: Lonelywood
11BOOKST Severed Ties, Severed Hand
11BOOKTG Traveler's Guide to Icewind Dale
11HFBKDE Tome of the Lord of Battles
11HFBKHW Heart of Winter
11HFBKLD Legends of Icewind Dale
11HFBKLE Book of Leaves
52BOOK89 Valas - The Black Raven
52BOOKAD How To Be An Adventurer
52HFBKAD How To Be An Adventurer (2nd Ed.)
52BOOKDV Tome of Deeds Valorous
52HFBKDV Masterwork Tome of Deeds Valorous
52BOOKGE Tome of Glorious Exaltation
52HFBKGE Masterwork Tome of Glorious Exaltation
52BOOKOG Mensel's Obscene Grimoire
52HFBKOG Mensel's Vile Grimoire Pervertere
52BOOKSU Tome of the Supplicant
52HFBKSU Masterwork Tome of the Supplicant
52BOOKSV Tome of Sacred Verse
52HFBKSV Masterwork Tome of Sacred Verse
53BOOKIG A Treatise upon Flesh Golems
53BOOKIS Imphraili's Transfusion Notes
53BOOKIV Progress Journal: Viciscamera
53BOOKMJ Malavon's Journal
63BOOKGK Diary of Garuk Katah
63BOOKL1 The Last Alliance I: The Elves
63BOOKL2 The Last Alliance II: The Dwarves
63BOOKL3 The Last Alliance III: The Darkest Hour
63BOOKL4 The Last Alliance IV: The Dwarf Alliance
63BOOKL5 The Last Alliance V: Echoes of the Fall
63BOOKL The Last Alliance VI: The Fall
63BOOKOG Orrick the Grey's Spellbook
63BOOKOM Orrick's Book of the Mythal
63BOOKTI Tome of Ilmater
63BOOKZA Diary of Zaem Astyr

[2.9] Boots

00BOOT01 Boots of Speed

00BOOT02 Boots of Stealth
00BOOT03 Boots of the North
00BOOT04 Boots of Avoidance
00BOOT05 Boots of Grounding
00BOOT09 Witherbranch Boots
00BOOT14 Yeti Skin Boots
00BOOT15 Winter Wolf Boots
00BOOTCS Chimandrae's Slippers
00HFBTCS Chimandrae's Warded Slippers
00BOOTSB Shifter's Boots
00HFBTSB Shifter's Nimble Boots
10BOOTTB Treadlightly Boots
10HFBTTB Boots of Hushed Whispers
50BOOT14 Wandering Hunter's Boots

[2.10] Bracers

00BRAC01 Bracers
00BRAC02 Bracers of Defense +2
00BRAC03 Bracers of Defense +3
00BRAC04 Bracers of Defense +4
00BRAC05 Bracers of Archery
00BRAC08 Gauntlets of Fumbling (cursed)
00BRAC09 Gauntlets of Weapon Skill
00BRAC10 Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise
00BRAC11 Bracers of Icelandic Pearl
00BRAC12 Elven Sewn Gloves
00BRAC17 Yeti Skin Gloves
00BRAC18 Winter Wolf Gloves
00BRACBB Brazen Bands
00BRACHF Bands of Focus
00HFBCHF Bands of the Master
00BRACLA The Lions of Arkamadis
00HFBCLA Great Lions of Arkamadis
00BRACRB Rakavik's Bracers
00HFBCRB Rakavik's Imbued Bracers
00BRACTB Tamjan's Bracers
00HFBCTB Tamjan's Bolstered Bracers
00BRACTC Thunder Clap
00HFBCBB Indomitable Bands

[2.11] Bullets

00BULL01 Bullet
00BULL02 Bullet +1
00BULL03 Bullet +2
00BULL04 Force Bullet
00BULL86 Returning Flame Bullet +1
00BULL87 Bullets of Disruption +1
00BULL88 Stun Bullets +1
00BULL89 Bullets of Corrosive Burst
00BULL90 Bullets of Wounding
00BULL91 Sure Strike Bullets
00BULL92 Stunning Bullets +1
00BULL93 Sparking Bullets +1
00BULL94 Frost Bullets +1
00BULL95 Flaming Bullets +1
00BULL96 Corrosive Bullets +1
00BULL97 Bullet +5
00BULL98 Bullet +4
00BULL99 Bullet +3

[2.12] Chain Mail

00ARMCH Armageddon Chain Mail of theTester

00CHAN01 Chainmail Armor
00CHAN02 Chainmail +1
00CHAN03 Chainmail +2
00CHAN06 Baleful Mail
00CHAN07 Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3
00CHAN08 Mail of Life
00CHANML Mercenary's Lot
60CHANCD Chain of Drakkas
60HFCNCD Chain of Drakkas' Fury
00CHAN04 Splint Mail
00CHAN05 Splint Mail +1
00CHAN09 Ogien's Scale

[2.13] Cloaks

00CLCKFC Farmer's Cloak

00HFCKFC Blessed Farmer's Cloak
00CLCKMB Cloak of Mystra
00HFCKMB Mystra's Embrace
00CLCKNV Nature's Vengeance
00HFCKNV Nature's Fury
00CLCKSB The Shroud of Bankao
00HFCKSB Death Shroud of Bankao
00CIROBA Aurilite Ceremonial Robe
00CLCK01 Cloak of Protection +1
00CLCK02 Cloak of Protection +2
00CLCK03 Cloak of Displacement
00CLCK04 Cloak of Non-Detection
00CLCK17 Yeti Skin Cloak
00CLCK18 Winter Wolf Cloak
00CLCKBC Berywel's Cloak
00HFCKBC Berywel's Fantastic Cloak
00CLCKWC Woodland Cloak
00HFCKWC Deep Woods Cloak
50CLCK17 Wandering Hunter's Cloak
53CLCKHD House of Despana Piwafwi

[2.14] Clubs

00CLUB01 Club
00CLUB81 Cold Flame Club +2
00CLUB82 Stun Club +1
00CLUB83 Sure Strike Shock Club
00CLUB84 Vampiric Club
00CLUB85 Club +1
00CLUB86 Club of Freezing Flames +5
00CLUB87 Club of Destiny +5
00CLUB88 Club of Enlightenment +5
00CLUB89 Club of Punishing +5
00CLUB90 Club of Dazing +5
00CLUB91 Walloping Club +5
00CLUB92 Club of Disruption
00CLUB93 Club +2
00CLUB94 Masterwork Club
00CLUB95 Club of Immolation
00CLUB96 Static Club +5
00CLUB97 Club +5
00CLUB98 Corrosive Club +2
00CLUB99 Frost Club
00CLUBHK Headknocker
00HFCBHK Club of Confusion
50CLUBBT Belib's Everlasting Torch
50HFCLBT Belib's Amazing Everlasting Torch
63CLUBMP Monkey Paw of Discipline
63HFCBMP Monkey Paw of Extreme Prejudice
ZZG6CT Troll Killer
11CLUBMK Memories of Kuldahar
11HFCBMK Branching Paths of Kuldahar

[2.15] Composite Long Bows

00BOWC01 Composite Longbow

00BOWC02 Masterwork Composite Longbow
00BOWC04 Composite Longbow +1
00BOWC92 Composite Longbow of Spell Resistance
00BOWC93 Composite Longbow of the Defender
00BOWC94 Composite Longbow of Empowerment
00BOWC95 Composite Longbow of Dodging
00BOWC96 Composite Longbow +5
00BOWC97 Composite Longbow +4
00BOWC98 Composite Longbow +3
00BOWC99 Composite Longbow +2
00BOWCAG Arc of Gold
00CWBOWE Masterwork Composite Longbow
00CWBOWF Composite Longbow of the Hand
00CWBOWE Masterwork Composite Longbow

[2.16] Composite Short Bows

00BOWP01 Composite Shortbow

00BOWP02 Composite Shortbow +1
00BOWP97 Composite Shortbow of Insight +5
00BOWP98 Composite Shortbow of Resistance
00BOWP99 Composite Shortbow of Endurance +2

[2.17] Daggers

00CWDAGF Dagger +1
00DAGG01 Dagger
00DAGG02 Masterwork Dagger
00DAGG03 Dagger +1
00DAGG04 Dagger +2
00DAGG05 Dagger +2, Longtooth
00DAGG06 Throwing Dagger
00DAGG81 Returning Fire Dagger +1
00DAGG82 Stun Throwing Dagger +2
00DAGG83 Acid Tipped Throwing Dagger
00DAGG84 Throwing Daggers +2
00DAGG85 Throwing Dagger +1
00DAGG86 Sure Strike Throwing Dagger
00DAGG87 Dagger +5
00DAGG88 Dagger +4
00DAGG89 Dagger +3
00DAGG90 Viper's Fang +2
00DAGG91 Ice Pick +1
00DAGG92 Vampire's Fang +1
00DAGG93 Knife of Flame
00DAGG94 Dagger of Resistance
00DAGG95 Dagger of Warding
00DAGG96 Cat's Paw Dagger +3
00DAGG97 Dagger of the Mind's Eye +1
00DAGG98 Vampiric Dagger +1
00DAGG99 Venomous Dagger
00DAGGFW Final Word
00HFDGFW Dagger of Closing Arguments
00DAGGPF Poisonfang
00HFDGPF Ysha's Sting
52DAGGSH Sulo's Hook
52HFDGSH "Baron" Sulo's Hook
61DAGGWS Wyvern Stinger
62DAGGXF Xvimian Fang
62HFDGXF Xvimian Fang of Despair
ZZJ5GT Grievance Tear
ZZJ5HF Veira's Grievance
ZZJ5HO Veira's Sorrow
ZZJ5ST Sorrow's Tear
ZZL6GH Goblin Hunter
11HFDGGH Goblin Slayer
50DAGGLT Lamia's Tongue
50HFDGLT The Black Lamia's Tongue

[2.18] Darts

00CWDRTA Dart +1
00DART01 Dart
00DART02 Dart +1
00DART03 Dart of Stunning
00DART04 Dart of Wounding
00DART05 Zilzanzer's Magnificent Dart
00DART83 Returning Stun Dart +1
00DART84 Returning Poison Tipped Dart
00DART85 Flaming Dart +1
00DART86 Returning Frost Dart
00DART87 Shock Darts
00DART88 Sure Strike Darts
00DART89 Masterwork Dart
00DART90 Dart +5
00DART91 Dart +4
00DART92 Dart +3
00DART93 Dart +2
00DART94 Glacial Darts +4
00DART95 Glass Darts +1
00DART96 Darts of Infatuation +1
00DART97 Darts of Flame +5
00DART98 Keen Flaming Burst Darts
00DART99 Acid Tipped Darts
00DARTAT Adron's Theorems
00HFDTAT Adron's Long-Winded Theorems
00DARTDD Delnar's Dart of Dispelling
00HFDTDD Delnar's Eye Gouger
00DARTPD Plague Darts
00HFDTPD Dire Plague Darts

[2.19] Flails

00CWBLUC Flail +1
00FLAL01 Flail
00FLAL02 Flail +1
00FLAL03 SkullFlail
00FLAL85 Poisoned Blood Flail +2
00FLAL86 Flail of Shocking Cold +2
00FLAL87 Stun Flail +1
00FLAL88 Flail of the Defender +1
00FLAL89 Flail of Corrosive Spikes
00FLAL90 Vampiric Flail
00FLAL91 Flail +5
00FLAL92 Flail +4
00FLAL93 Flail +3
00FLAL94 Flail +2
00FLAL95 Flail of Flame +5
00FLAL96 Wounding Flail of the Elements +5
00FLAL97 Flail of the Elements
00FLAL98 Brilliant Flail of Wounding
00FLAL99 Masterwork Flail
00FLALFV Flail of Veranon
00HFFLFV Demon's Breath Flail
00FLALSR The Shackles of Roa
00HFFLSR Chains of Righteous Strength
00HFMRSS Skirling Svirfneblin Skull
00MSTRSS The Skirling Skull
11FLALBC Black Chimes
11HFFLBC Black Chimes of the Bell Warden
63CWPUS1 Pustule's Flail
63CWPUS2 Pustule's Flail of Boils

[2.20] Gems

00GEM01 Fire Agate Gem

00GEM02 Lynx Eye Gem
00GEM03 Turquoise Gem
00GEM04 Sunstone Gem
00GEM05 Andar Gem
00GEM06 Jasper Gem
00GEM07 Tchazar Gem
00GEM08 Skydrop Gem
00GEM09 Iol Gem
00GEM10 Zircon Gem
00GEM11 Bloodstone Gem
00GEM12 Moonstone Gem
00GEM13 Ziose Gem
00GEM14 Waterstar Gem
00GEM15 Chrysoberyl Gem
00GEM16 Shandon Gem
00GEM17 Star Diopside Gem
00GEM18 Horn Coral Gem
00GEM19 Aquamarine Gem
00GEM20 Garnet Gem
00GEM21 Pearl
00GEM22 Sphene Gem
00GEM23 Black Opal
00GEM24 Water Opal
00GEM25 Moonbar Gem
00GEM26 Diamond
00GEM27 Emerald
00GEM28 Star Sapphire
00GEM29 King's Tears
00GEM30 Rogue Stone

[2.21] Great Axes

00AX2H01 Greataxe
00AX2H85 Holy Greataxe of Justice +5
00AX2H86 Greataxe of Ice +5
00AX2H87 Greataxe of Blurred Visions +5
00AX2H88 Greataxe +5
00AX2H89 Greataxe +4
00AX2H90 Greataxe +3
00AX2H91 Greataxe +2
00AX2H92 Greataxe +1
00AX2H93 Greataxe of Digestion +5
00AX2H94 Massive Greataxe of Flame +5
00AX2H95 Greataxe of Might +5
00AX2H96 Greataxe of Cleaving +5
00AX2H97 Masterwork Greataxe
00AX2H98 Greataxe of Elemental Bursts
00AX2H99 Greataxe of Vampiric Flame
00AX2HBB Backblighter
00AX2HBD Big Death
00HFAXBD Big Black Flying-Death
00AX2HWT Widow-Through
00HFAXWT Grim Widow-Through
11AX2HEW The Executioner's Wife
11HFAXEW Tale of the Executioner's Wife
00HFAXBB Cowards Flight

[2.22] Great Swords

00CWSKX1 Greatsword of the Soulless +5

00CWSWDK Masterwork Greatsword
00CWSWDL Greatsword +1
00SWDTCL Cleaver
00HFSDTC Dwelnar's Folly
00SWDT01 Greatsword
00SWDT02 Masterwork Greatsword
00SWDT03 Greatsword +1
00SWDT86 Greatsword +5
00SWDT87 Greatsword +4
00SWDT88 Greatsword +3
00SWDT89 Greatsword +2
00SWDT90 Blessed Greatsword +2
00SWDT91 Greatsword of Flame +1
00SWDT92 Sure Strike Greatsword
00SWDT93 Greatsword of the Soulless +5
00SWDT94 Greatsword of Rage +5
00SWDT95 Greatsword of Righteousness +2
00SWDT96 Greatsword of Virtue
00SWDT97 Greatsword: Frost Defender
00SWDT98 Greatsword of Flame +3
00SWDT99 Greatsword of the Defender
11HFSTWS Saga of Wandering Sky
11SWDTWS Wandering Sky
ZZJ6US Greatsword: Undead Slayer +2
ZZR6HFWB Thunder's Shock
ZZR6WB Winged Blight

[2.23] Halberds

00CWHALB Halberd
00CWHALC Halberd +1
00CWHALD Halberd of Corrosive Fire +1
00HALB02 Masterwork Halberd
00HALB03 Halberd +1
00HALB04 Halberd +2
00HALB89 Halberd +3
00HALB88 Halberd +4
00HALB87 Halberd +5
00HALB91 Keen Halberd of Expertise
00HALB92 Halberd of Corrosive Fire +1
00HALB93 Halberd of Willpower
00HALB94 Halberd of the North
00HALB95 Infernal Halberd of the Defender
00HALB96 Massive Halberd of Hate +4
00HALB97 Halberd of Speed +5
00HALB98 Halberd of Horror +4
00HALB99 Flaming Halberd +1
00HALBDC Dredging Claw
00HFHBDC Hand of the Buccaneer
00HALBHL The Hammer of Lucerne
00HFHBHL Holy Swizarnian Hammer of Lucerne
00HFSRIM Life's Blood Drinker
63HALBPB Pudu's Blight
63HFHBPB Pudu's Fiery Blight
ZZM6UC Unholy Halberd of Chaos

[2.24] Heavy Crossbows

00BWHX01 Heavy Crossbow

00BWHX02 Masterwork Heavy Crossbow
00BWHX03 Heavy Crossbow +1
00BWHX04 Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy
00BWHX91 Heavy Crossbow +5
00BWHX92 Heavy Crossbow +4
00BWHX93 Heavy Crossbow +3
00BWHX94 Heavy Crossbow +2
00BWHX95 Heavy Crossbow of Health +2
00BWHX96 Heavy Crossbow of Defense +1
00BWHX97 Spellward Heavy Crossbow
00BWHX98 Heavy Crossbow of Speed +5
00BWHX99 Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy +4
00BWHXGE Geloise
00HFHXGE Beloved Geloise
00BWHXHF Hagnen's Folly
00HFHXHF Folly of Hagnen Odestone
00BWHXIA Iron Arbalest
00HFHXIA Mithril Arbalest
00BWHXMR Mailripper
00HFHXMR Shielded Mailripper
51BWHXDB Doom Bolter
51BWHXHB Hell Bolter
51HFHXDB Dragu's Doom Bolter
51HFHXHB Dragu's Hell Bolter

[2.25] Helmets

00CIHELE Helmet
00HELM06 Helmet
00HELM07 Helmet of Charm Protection
00HELM18 Yeti Skin Hat
00HELM19 Winter Wolf Hat
00HELMBH The Black Hands of Shelgoth
00HFHMBH Horrific Black Hands of Shelgoth
00HELMDS Dragon Sight
00HFHMDS Dragon's Gaze
00HELMSC School Cap
00HFHMSC Intriguing School Cap
00HELMSM Swing from the Masts
00HFHMSM Crow's Nest
51HELMWM Wyrm's Maw
51HFHMWM Great White Wyrm's Maw

[2.26] Instruments

00BARD01 Bardic Horn of Valhalla

00HFBD01 Raging Winds
00BARD02 The Cittern of War
00HFBD02 Masterwork Cittern of War
00BARD03 The Unstrung Harp
00HFBD03 Sephica's Prayer
00BARD04 Lyre of Progression
00HFBD04 Lyre of Inner Focus
00BARD05 The Merry Shorthorn
00HFBD05 Prophia's Merry Shorthorn
00BARD06 The Dire Old Lute of Pellon Kay
00HFBD06 Strings of Discord
00BARD07 Owain's Lullabye
00HFBD07 Sweet Auril's Kiss
00BARD08 Viol of the Hollow Men
00HFBD08 Tallow's Violin
00BARDRS Retching Serpent
00HFBDRS Serpent's Stomach

[2.27]Leather Armor

00HIDE01 Shark Skin Armor

00HIDE02 Shark Skin and Coral Armor
00HIDE05 Black Dragon Scale
00HIDE06 Hide Armor
00LEAT01 Leather Armor
00LEAT02 Leather Armor +1
00LEAT03 Leather Armor +2
00LEAT04 Studded Leather Armor
00LEAT05 Studded Leather Armor +1
00LEAT06 Studded Leather +2: Missile Attractor (cursed)
00LEAT07 Studded Leather Armor +2
00LEAT08 Mourner's Armor (Cursed)
00LEAT86 Leather Armor of Providence
00LEAT87 Studded Leather of Luck
00LEAT88 Leather Armor of Fire Resistance
00LEAT89 Shadowed Studded Leather +1
00LEAT90 Studded Leather of the Shield
00LEAT91 Studded Leather Armor of Fortitude
00LEAT92 Studded Leather Armor of Horror
00LEAT93 Leather Armor of Luck
00LEAT94 Leather Armor of Movement
00LEAT95 Leather Armor of Dexterity
00LEAT96 Leather Armor of Fortitude
00LEAT97 Leather Armor of Lesser Spell Resistance
00LEAT98 Shadowed Leather Armor
00LEAT99 Leather Armor
10HFLTUB Uthgar's Blessing
10LEATUB Uthgar's Blessing
50HIDEAH Abishai Hide Armor
50HFHEAH Cornugan Hide Armor
50HFLTMS Milton Sixtoes' Armor of Absolute Self
50LEATMS Milton Sixtoes' Armor of Absolute Self
50HIDE06 Wandering Hunter's Armor
60HFLTIN Silent Interloper
60LEATIN Interloper
60HFLTZU Zuvembie's Impunity (cursed)
60LEATZU Zuvembie (cursed)
62HFLTDB Nasty Bits
62LEATDB Dirty Bits

[2.28] Light Crossbows

00BWLXHF Hagnen's Foolishness

00HFLXHF Foolishness of Hagnen Odestone
00BWLX01 Light Crossbow
00BWLX02 Masterwork Light Crossbow
00BWLX03 Light Crossbow +1
00BWLX04 Light Crossbow of Speed +1
00BWLX91 Light Crossbow of the Defender +1
00BWLX92 Light Crossbow +5
00BWLX93 Light Crossbow +4
00BWLX94 Light Crossbow +3
00BWLX95 Light Crossbow +2
00BWLX96 Light Crossbow of Spell Resistance +1
00BWLX97 Light Crossbow of Health
00BWLX98 Eagle Eye Light Crossbow +3
00BWLX99 Light Crossbow of Accuracy
00BWLXIM Iron Mary's Reply
00HFLXIM Iron Mary's Bold Reply
00BWLXMB Makavail's Bane
00HFLXMB Makavail's Swift Bane

[2.29] Long Bows

00BOWL01 Longbow
00BOWL02 Masterwork Longbow
00BOWL03 Longbow +1
00BOWL88 Longbow +5
00BOWL89 Longbow +4
00BOWL90 Longbow +3
00BOWL91 Longbow +2
00BOWL95 Spellward Longbow +2
00BOWL96 Longbow of Spell Resistance
00BOWL97 Longbow of the Shield
00BOWL98 Longbow of Fire Resistance +1
00BOWL99 Longbow of Fortitude +5
00BOWLSF Sophias Flight
00HFBLSF Sophia's Arc
00BOWLSR Sun-Reacher
00HFBLSR Great Sun-Reacher
00CWBOWH Masterwork Longbow
00CWBOWI Longbow +1
00HFBCAG Mithril Arc
00BOWLFK Flamekiller
00HFBLFK Triumphant Flamekiller
[2.30] Long Swords

00ARMBL2 Armageddon Blade 2002

00CWDRI2 Longsword +1
00CWSWDB Masterwork Longsword
00CWSWDC Longsword +1
00CWWIT2 Wight's Blade
00SWDLDB Death's Bane
00HFSLDB Delnar's Healing Blade
00SWDLDY Dykhast Longsword
00HFSLDY Sword of Gleaming Dykhast
00SWDL01 Longsword
00SWDL02 Masterwork Longsword
00SWDL03 Longsword +1
00SWDL04 Longsword +2
00SWDL07 The Sword of Myrloch Vale
00SWDL09 Moonblade of Selune
00SWDL80 Stunning Longsword +2
00SWDL81 Corrosive Frost Longsword +2
00SWDL82 Longsword of Wounding +1
00SWDL83 Longsword of Electric Fire +1
00SWDL84 Spellward Longsword
00SWDL85 Venomous Longsword
00SWDL86 Longsword +5
00SWDL87 Longsword +4
00SWDL88 Longsword +3
00SWDL89 Bhaal's Fire
00SWDL90 Flaming Sword of the Defender +5
00SWDL91 Stunning Longsword of Corrosion +3
00SWDL92 Longsword of Acidic Fury
00SWDL93 Longsword of Frost +5
00SWDL94 Vampiric Longsword +4
00SWDL95 Longsword of Speed +1
00SWDL96 Longsword +1: Bloodletting
00SWDL97 Lightning Longsword +2
00SWDL98 Longsword of Resistance +1
00SWDL99 Vampiric Long Sword
11HFSLHE Golden Heart of <CHARNAME>
50HFSLWB Barrow Wight's Blade
50SWDLWB Wight's Blade
60HFSLHA Light of Cera Sumat
60SWDLHA "Cera Sumat," Holy Avenger

[2.31] Maces

00CWBLUE Masterwork Mace

00CWBLUF Mace +1
00CWDRI3 Mace +1
00MACEAR Azure Rod
00HFMEAR Glowing Azure Rod
00MACECF Clenched Fist
00HFMECF Iron Hand of Ohanion
00MACE01 Mace
00MACE02 Masterwork Mace
00MACE03 Mace +1
00MACE89 Mace of Bludgeoning +2
00MACE90 Mace of Opposing Elements
00MACE91 Sure Strike Mace
00MACE92 Mace of Stunning Frost Burst
00MACE93 Mace of Evil Protection
00MACE94 Mace of Holy Smite
00MACE95 Flaming Burst Mace of Disruption
00MACE96 Mace +5
00MACE97 Mace +4
00MACE98 Mace +3
00MACE99 Mace +2
ZZJ6HFMM Selune's Blessing
ZZJ6MM Moon Maiden's Blessing
ZZL6MA Mace of Goblin Slaying +1

[2.32] Misc. and Plot Items

00GENKS Strange Object

00GENMP Mossy Poultice
00HFGNMP Moldy Poultice
00GENOD Oagla'ta's Dead Cat Snack
00HFMC38 Circlet of the Tribe of the Wolf
00MISC38 Howling Wolf Charm
00MISC01 A Cage of Exotic Birds
00MISC02 Dead Cat
00MISC03 Knucklehead Trout
00MISC04 Holy Symbol of Myrkul
00MISC05 Barrel of Holy Water
00MISC06 Rotted Honey Leather
00MISC07 Skull
00MISC08 Bottle of Wine
00MISC09 Telescope
00MISC10 The Candle
00MISC11 Sack of Potatoes
00MISC12 Seeds
00MISC13 A Cage of Squirrels
00MISC14 Holy Symbol of Helm
00MISC15 Moth Ridden Thistledown
00MISC16 Barrel of Pure Water
00MISC17 Bottle of Wine
00MISC18 Broken weapon
00MISC19 Broken Shield
00MISC20 Broken Armor
00MISC21 Broken Miscellaneous
00MISC22 Ancient Armor
00MISC23 Rhino Beetle Shell
00MISC24 Umber Hulk Hide
00MISC25 Winter Wolf Pelt
00MISC26 Yeti Pelt
00MISC27 Child's Body
00MISC28 Spider Body
00MISC29 Female Body
00MISC30 Male Body
00MISC31 Lamp Oil
00MISC32 Flaming Oil
00MISC37 Xainlaphar's Flying Skull
00MISC39 Boring Beetle Shell
00MISC40 White Wyrm Egg
10GENCRW Wooden Crane Wheel
10GENDON Ship Prow
10GENGBO Ghost-Touched Bottle
10GENVBO Veira's Bottle
10VELLUM Expended Teleportation Scroll
11GENBV Expended Teleportation Scroll
11GENDEN Denham's Letters
11GENDIH Dreisbach's Iron Hoop
11HFGNDH Geithman's Iron-Ringed Wager
11GENGLE Garradun's Letter
11GENGOL Garradun's Opened Letter
11GENVS Valin's Scroll
11KEYWW2 Weeping Widow Key
11SCRLPS Phaen's Vellum Scroll
21GENWP Wood Planks
22KEYHG1 Highland Gate Key
30BSTONE Black Ward Stone
30GENTB Tamjan's Bracers Debris
30ISTONE Iron Ward Stone
30KEYDGU Door Guard's Key
30KEYWAR Warren Key
30SSTONE Silvered Ward Stone
30WSPIDQ Wooly Spider Queen Body
30WSPIDR Wooly Spider Body
30YQMES Message to Yquog
31KEY01 Key
40BOOKOS Oswald's Spellbook
40GENBE Belladonna
40GENCY Captain Yurst's Note
40GENON Oswald's Goodbye Note
40GENPWC Periapt of Wound Closure
40GENSS Fresh Spider Silk
40GENWP Wood Pile
41AMULHS Aurilite Holy Symbol
41BOOKLJ High Priestess Lysara's Journal
41GENIN Note To Lord Brisbaine
41GENML Note From The Master Of Locks
41GENOR Oria's Note
41GENRP Rock Pile
41GENZB Zack BoosenBurry's Note
41HBAGNA Nathaniel's Bag Of Holding
41HFRGRA Nathaniel's Ring of the Ram
41KEYCT High Priestess Cathin's Temple Key
41KEYLT High Priestess Lysara's Temple Key
41KEYOT High Priestess Oria's Temple Key
41RINGRA Nathaniel's Ring of the Ram
41ROBEAC Aurilite Ceremonial Robe
50BOOK88 Thvara's Journal
50GENAD Avarine Decanter
50GENDH Drinking Horn
50GENFRO Frostrose
50GENFWR Fell Wood Remains
50GENID Avarine Decanter
50MISC38 Hemp Rope
50POTN56 Venla's Medicine
51KEYDU Duergar Key
51KEYRG Raven Gate Key
51MISC39 Mining Tools
52GENDOL Dolon's Letters
52KEYDC Dolon's Chamber Key
52KEYRT Raven Tomb Key
52KEYST Storeroom Key
52RINGNO Nonin's Ring
53MISCIG Sanguis Anima
53MISCIM Vial of Silvery Fluid
53MISCIS Vial of Spores
53MISCIV Conversion Poison
60CLCKIR Initiates Robe
60GENVH Visions of Hierpherus
60HEART8 Desiccated Heart
60KEY Key
60STELE5 Religious Stele
61AMULLF Medallion of the Lost Followers
61GENDN D'hey-jazerrion's Notes
61GENMM Modified Mandrake Root
61GENMR Mandrake Root
61GENWP Wyvern Poison
61HFDGWS Wyvern Stinger
61HFGNMM Modified Mandrake Root
61HFGNMR Mandrake Root
62GENHW Vial of Elven Holy Water
62KEYBC Orc Encampment Bone Key
63AMULIS Ilmater Holy Symbol
63AMULIX Iyachtu Xvim Holy Symbol
63GENAP Altered Severed Hand Plans
63GENBA Bonding Agent
63GENBF Bonds of the Faithful
63GENCF Bundle of *Create Food* Scrolls
63GENCL Holy Water of Corellon Larethian
63GENDB Demon's Blood
63GENDP Severed Hand Delegate Pass
63GENHP Severed Hand Plans
63GENLB Larrel's Bones
63GENLP Lethal Virulent Poison
63GENMA Monk's Antidote
63GENMC Potion of Mental Clarity
63GENNG Note to Guards
63GENSP Virulent Sleeping Poison
63GENTB Tainted Demon's Blood
63GENTS Tears of Suffering
63GENVA Virulent Agent
63KEYCP Captain Pudu's Key
63KEYWT War Tower Prison Key
63RINGRS Ring of Nourishment
67GENSN Stubnok's Note
FSEEDS Fire Seeds
GOODBER Goodberry
MISC07 Gold
[2.33] Morning Stars

00CWBLUG Morningstar
00CWBLUH Masterwork Morningstar
00CWBLUI Morningstar +1
00MSTRMG Morning Glory
00HFMRMG Lathander's Gift
00MSTRMS Mountains of Selune
00HFMRMS Mountains of Selune
00MSTR01 Morningstar
00MSTR02 Masterwork Morningstar
00MSTR03 Morningstar +1
00MSTR84 Lightning Star +1
00MSTR85 Morningstar of Poisoned Thorns
00MSTR86 Morningstar of Glory
00MSTR87 Morningstar +5
00MSTR88 Morningstar +4
00MSTR89 Morningstar +3
00MSTR90 Morningstar +2
00MSTR91 Stunning Star of Speed
00MSTR92 Star of Quills +2
00MSTR93 Morningstar of the Eternal +3
00MSTR94 Corrosive Star +2
00MSTR95 Morningstar of Thorns +1
00MSTR96 Flaming Star +1
00MSTR97 Morningstar of Warding +1
00MSTR98 Static Star +1
00MSTR99 Holy Morningstar +1

2.34]Plate Armor

00HFCNML Mercenary's End

00HIDE03 Coral Plate Armor
00HIDE04 Umber Hulk Plate
00PLAT01 Half-plate Armor
00PLAT02 Plate Mail +1
00PLAT03 Mithral Field Plate Armor +2
00PLAT04 Full Plate Mail +1
00PLAT10 1/4 Weight Half-plate Mail
00PLAT11 1/4 Weight Field Plate
00PLAT12 1/4 Weight Full Plate Mail
51HFPT10 Duergar-Forged Armor of Warding
51PLAT10 Armor of Warding
60CHANGR Glacial Resilience
60HFCNGR Glacial Storm
60CHANSA Sanctity
60HFCNSA Sanctity of Being
60CHANTM Armor of Tuqak Mauler
60HFCNTM Armor of Tuqak Mauler the Fierce
60PLATAA Aasimar's Aura
60HFPTAA Celestial Aura
60PLATAG Air Genesi Armor
60HFPTAG Air Genesi Gail Armor
60PLATDC Diamond Cut
60HFPTDC Diamond Cutter
60PLATKC Armor of the Clerics of Myrkul
60HFPTKC Blessed Armor of the Clerics of Myrkul
60PLATOF Owl's Feather
60HFPTOF Hawk's Feather
60PLATPF Plate of the Pit Fiend
60HFPTPF Plate of the Balor

[2.35] Potions

00CIKEG1 Potion of Firebreath

00CIKEG2 Flaming Oil
00CIKEG3 Flaming Oil
00GENIR Iron Rations
00HFPN55 Bottle of Braehg
00POTN01 Mummy's Tea
00POTN02 Philter of Purification
00POTN03 Elixir of Health
00POTN04 Potion of Healing
00POTN05 Potion of Extra Healing
00POTN06 Elven Healing Wine
00POTN07 Spirit Essence
00POTN10 Antidote
00POTN11 Antidote (tainted)
00POTN19 Potion of Freedom
00POTN20 Potion of Strength
00POTN21 Potion of Hill Giant Strength
00POTN22 Potion of Stone Giant Strength
00POTN23 Potion of Frost Giant Strength
00POTN24 Potion of Fire Giant Strength
00POTN25 Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
00POTN26 Potion of Storm Giant Strength
00POTN29 Potion of Agility
00POTN33 Potion of Heroism
00POTN34 Potion of Invisibility
00POTN36 Potion of Absorption
00POTN45 Potion of Invulnerability (tainted)
00POTN47 Potion of Master Thievery
00POTN50 Thrym Extract
00POTN52 Oil of Fiery Burning
00POTN53 Potion of Explosions
00POTN54 Potion of Firebreath
00POTN55 Flask of Braehg
00POTN66 Greater Restoration Potion
00POTN67 Lesser Restoration Potion
00POTN68 Potion of Remove Curse
00POTN69 Delay Poison Potion
00POTN70 Bark Skin Potion
00POTN71 Holy Might Potion
00POTN72 Potion of Minor Elemental Barrier
00POTN73 Potion of Aid
00POTN74 Sanctuary Potion
00POTN75 Armor of Faith Potion
00POTN76 Potion of Magic Dispelling
00POTN77 Potion of Ghost Armor
00POTN78 Vampiric Touch Potion
00POTN79 Potion of Luck
00POTN80 Ghoul Touch Potion
00POTN81 See Invisibility Potion
00POTN82 Cat's Grace Potion
00POTN83 Protection from Petrification Potion
00POTN84 Minor Mirror Image Potion
00POTN85 Potion of Shocking Grasp
00POTN86 Potion of Shield
00POTN87 Potion of Evil Protection
00POTN88 Vocalize Potion
00POTN89 Potion of Holy Transference
00POTN90 Potion of Aura Enhancement
00POTN91 Potion of Life Transference
00POTN92 Potion of Arcane Absorption
00POTN93 Potion of Strength Transference
00POTN94 Potion of Constitution
00POTN95 Potion of Magical Resistance
00POTN96 Potion of Greater Resistance
00POTN97 Potion of Resistance
00POTN98 Potion of Action Transference
00POTN99 Potion of Clear Purpose
61POTNHB Histachii Brew
61POTNSB Sabotaged Histachii Brew
61POTNUB Unenchanted Histachii Brew

[2.36] Quarterstaves

00STAF01 Quarterstaff
00STAF02 00CWSTAB Quarterstaff +1
00STAFDD Delnar's Delight
00HFSFDD Delnar's Lightning Stave
00STAF03 Staff of Nature's Wrath
00STAF05 Staff of the Hanged Men's Glee
00STAF80 Bruiser Staff
00STAF81 Staff of Invisibility +1
00STAF82 Staff of the Elements +1
00STAF83 Staff of the Defender +1
00STAF84 Dispelling Staff
00STAF85 Spellward Staff
00STAF86 Phantom Staff + 5
00STAF87 Staff of the Defender +3
00STAF88 Incendiary Staff +2
00STAF89 Staff of Fireballs +4
00STAF90 Staff of Greater Spell Resistance +5
00STAF91 Resilient Quarterstaff +3
00STAF92 Staff of Invisibility
00STAF93 Mage Staff +1
00STAF94 Staff of Corrosion
00STAF95 Masterwork Quarterstaff
00STAF96 Quarterstaff +5
00STAF97 Quarterstaff +4
00STAF98 Quarterstaff +3
00STAF99 Quarterstaff +2
11STAFPI Phaen's Ironshod Staff
11HFSFPI Iron-Banded Staff
12STAFWS Whispering Staff
12HFSFWS Caballus' Whispering Staff
51HFSFRH Ryomaru's Harmless Tanuki Staff
51STAFRH Ryomaru's Harmless Staff

[2.37] Rings

00RINGAR Aramite Ring

00HFRGAR Aramite Cult Leader Ring
00RINGCR Cold Reflection
00HFRGCR Cold Steel Reflection
00RINGHR Harshom's Ring of Freedom
00HFRGHR Harshom's Arcane Ring
00RINGTB Tyrannar's Band
00HFRGTB High Tyrannar's Band
00RING01 Silver Ring
00RING02 Ring
00RING03 Greenstone ring
00RING04 Gold Ring
00RING05 Onyx Ring
00RING06 Jade Ring
00RING07 Bloodstone Ring
00RING08 Angel Skin Ring
00RING09 Flamedance Ring
00RING10 Fire Opal Ring
00RING11 Ruby Ring
00RING15 Ring of Fire Resistance
00RING16 Ring of Animal Friendship
00RING17 Ring of Clumsiness (cursed)
00RING18 Ring of Invisibility
00RING19 Ring of Protection +1
00RING20 Ring of Protection +2
00RING21 Wizards Ring
00RING22 Ring of Freedom of Movement
00RING23 Ring of Energy
00RING25 Every God Ring
00RING67 Ring of Magic Missiles
00RING68 Bard's Ring
00RING69 Ring of Charm
00RING70 Petrification Protection Ring
00RING71 Ring of Hearty Strength
00RING72 Holy Might Ring
00RING73 Shield Ring
00RING74 Protection from Evil Ring
00RING75 Chameleon Ring of Dexterity
00RING76 Charm Immunity Ring
00RING77 Sleep Immunity Ring
00RING78 Ring of Mage Armor
00RING79 Bane Immunity Ring
00RING80 Ring of the Wise
00RING81 Tymora's Loop
00RING82 Ring of Spell Resistance
00RING83 Ring of Knowledge
00RING84 Ring of Knowing
00RING85 Ring of Lesser Resistance
00RING86 Ring of Beauty
00RING87 Lesser Chameleon Ring
00RING88 Winter Ring
00RING89 Ring of Greater Regeneration
00RING90 Ring of Shock Resistance
00RING91 Ring of Protection +3
00RING92 Ring of Information
00RING93 Ring of Greater Spell Resistance
00RING94 Ring of Frost Resistance
00RING95 Ring of Acid Resistance
00RING96 Greater Chameleon ring
00RING97 Ring of Regeneration
00RING98 Chameleon Ring
00RING99 Ring of the Warrior
[2.38] Robes

00ROBEMR Master's Robe

00HFRBMR High Master's Robe
00ROBERA Robe of Absorption
00HFRBRA Imbued Robe of Absorption
00ROBE01 Wizard Robe of Cold Resistance
00ROBE02 Knave's Robe
00ROBE03 Traveler's Robe
00ROBE04 Adventurer's Robe
00ROBE05 Robe of the Good Archmagi
00ROBE06 Robe of the Neutral Archmagi
00ROBE07 Robe of the Evil Archmagi
00ROBE15 Wizard Robe of Fire Resistance
00ROBE16 Wizard Robe of Electrical Resistance
00ROBE99 Robe of Enfusing
11ROBEPR Phaen's Robe of Rags
11HFRBPR Phaen's Tattered Robes

[2.39] Scimitars

00SWDCCS Caernach's Sickle

00HFSCCS Caernach's Silver Sickle
00SWDC01 Scimitar
00SWDC87 Scimitar of Acid +2
00SWDC88 Scimitar of the Defender +1
00SWDC89 Scimitar of Entanglement
00SWDC90 Scimitar: Blood Trails
00SWDC91 Scimitar of Defense +5
00SWDC92 Scimitar of Hell's Fire
00SWDC93 Scimitar+4: Ichor
00SWDC94 Masterwork Scimitar
00SWDC95 Scimitar +5
00SWDC96 Scimitar +4
00SWDC97 Scimitar +3
00SWDC98 Scimitar +2
00SWDC99 Scimitar +1
63HFSCSS Scimitar of the Soulless +5
63SWDCSS Scimitar of Souls +3
ZZZ6BS Bane Scimitar of Flame

[2.40] Scrolls (Cleric)

[2.40.1] Level 1 Spells

SPPR103Z Cure Light Wounds

SPPR105Z Entangle
SPPR108Z Remove Fear
SPPR112Z Inflict Light Wounds
SPPR113Z Sunscorch
SPPR114Z Doom
SPPR115Z Armor of Faith
SPPR116Z Faerie Fire
SPPR117Z Frost Fingers

[2.40.2] Level 2 Spells

SPPR201Z Aid
SPPR203Z Chant
SPPR205Z Find Traps
SPPR210Z Minor Elemental Barrier
SPPR211Z Silence
SPPR212Z Delay Poison
SPPR214Z Cure Moderate Wounds
SPPR216Z Alicorn Lance
SPPR217Z Beast Claw
SPPR218Z Inflict Moderate Wounds
SPPR219Z Spell Shield
SPPR221Z Rainstorm
SPPR222Z Tortoise Shell

[2.40.3] Level 3 Spells

SPPR304Z Glyph of Warding

SPPR306Z Protection from Fire
SPPR308Z Remove Paralysis
SPPR313Z Prayer
SPPR314Z Remove Disease
SPPR316Z Exaltation
SPPR318Z Moonblade
SPPR319Z Circle of Bones
SPPR320Z Spike Growth
SPPR322Z Mold Touch
SPPR323Z Storm Shell
SPPR324Z Holy Smite
SPPR325Z Unholy Blight
SPPR326Z Negative Energy Protection

[2.40.4] Level 4 Spells

SPPR401Z Cure Serious Wounds

SPPR403Z Freedom of Movement
SPPR404Z Neutralize Poison
SPPR407Z Protection from Lightning
SPPR408Z Mage Circle Against Evil
SPPR415Z Blood Rage
SPPR416Z Inflict Serious Wounds
SPPR417Z Cloud of Pestilence
SPPR418Z Poison
SPPR420Z Star Metal Cudgel
SPPR421Z Smashing Wave
SPPR422Z Thorn Spray
SPPR423Z Wall of Moonlight
SPPR424Z Death Ward
SPPR425Z Holy Power
SPPR426Z Restoration (Conjuration)
SPPR427Z Wall of Fire
SPPR428Z Ice Blade

[2.40.5] Level 5 Spells

SPPR502Z Cure Critical Wounds

SPPR503Z Flame Strike
SPPR504Z Raise Dead
SPPR507Z Champion's Strength
SPPR510Z Insect Plague
SPPR512Z Spike Stones
SPPR513Z Inflict Critical Wounds
SPPR514Z Shield of Lathander
SPPR515Z Slay Living
SPPR516Z Undead Ward
SPPR517Z Animal Rage
SPPR518Z Greater Command
SPPR519Z Spell Resistance
SPPR520Z Iron Skins
SPPR521Z Healing Circle
SPPR524Z Snakebite

[2.40.6] Level 6 Spells

SPPR606Z Fire Seeds

SPPR607Z Heal
SPPR608Z Sol's Searing Orb
SPPR610Z Circle of Blades
SPPR611Z Harm
SPPR612Z Spiritual Wrath
SPPR613Z Whirlwind
SPPR615Z Conjure Animals
SPPR616Z Dolorous Decay

[2.40.7] Level 7 Spells

SPPR704Z Creeping Doom

SPPR705Z Fire Storm
SPPR707Z Sunbeam
SPPR712Z Resurrection
SPPR714Z Symbol of Pain
SPPR715Z Symbol of Hopelessness
SPPR717Z Destruction
SPPR718Z Greater Shield of Lathander
SPPR719Z Tremor
SPPR720Z Mist of Eldath
SPPR721Z Holy Word
SPPR722Z Blasphemy
SPPR725Z Greater Restoration
SPPR726Z Symbol of Death
SPPR727Z Symbol of Fear
SPPR728Z Symbol of Stunning
SPPR729Z Aura of Vitality

[2.41] Scrolls (non-spell varieties]

00SCRL01 Protection from Acid

00SCRL02 Protection from Cold
00SCRL03 Protection from Electricity
00SCRL04 Protection from Fire
00SCRL05 Protection from Magic
00SCRL06 Protection from Poison
00SCRL08 Protection from Petrification
00SCRL09 Stone to Flesh Scroll
00SCRL10 Stone to Flesh Scroll
00SCRL11 Cursed Scroll of Weakness
00SCRL12 Cursed Scroll of Clumsiness
00SCRL13 Cursed Scroll of Foolishness
00SCRL14 Cursed Scroll of Ugliness
00SCRL15 Cursed Scroll of Petrification
00SCRL16 Cursed Scroll of Ailment
00SCRL17 Cursed Scroll of Stupidity

[2.42] Scrolls (Sorcerer/Wizard)

[2.41.1] Level 1 Spells

SPWI101Z Grease
SPWI102Z Mage Armor
SPWI103Z Burning Hands
SPWI104Z Charm Person
SPWI105Z Color Spray
SPWI107Z Eagle's Splendor
SPWI108Z Protection From Petrification
SPWI110Z Identify
SPWI112Z Magic Missile
SPWI113Z Protection From Evil
SPWI114Z Shield
SPWI115Z Shocking Grasp
SPWI116Z Sleep
SPWI117Z Chill Touch
SPWI118Z Chromatic Orb
SPWI119Z Larloch's Minor Drain
SPWI122Z Ice Dagger
SPWI124Z Summon Monster I

[2.42.2] Level 2 Spells

SPWI201Z Blur
SPWI203Z See Invisibility
SPWI205Z Horror
SPWI206Z Invisibility
SPWI207Z Knock
SPWI209Z Luck
SPWI211Z Melf's Acid Arrow
SPWI212Z Mirror Image
SPWI213Z Stinking Cloud
SPWI214Z Bull's Strength
SPWI215Z Web
SPWI217Z Agannazar's Scorcher
SPWI218Z Ghoul Touch
SPWI219Z Vocalize
SPWI220Z Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
SPWI221Z Decastave
SPWI222Z Blindness
SPWI223Z Cat's Grace
SPWI224Z Deafness
SPWI225Z Power Word Sleep
SPWI226Z Ray of Enfeeblement
SPWI227Z Gedlee's Electric Loop
SPWI228Z Death Armor
SPWI230Z Summon Monster II

[2.42.3] Level 3 Spells

SPWI302Z Dispel Magic

SPWI303Z Flame Arrow
SPWI304Z Fireball
SPWI305Z Haste
SPWI306Z Hold Person
SPWI308Z Lightning Bolt
SPWI309Z Summon Monster III
SPWI310Z Non-Detection
SPWI311Z Protection From Arrows
SPWI312Z Slow
SPWI313Z Skull Trap
SPWI314Z Vampiric Touch
SPWI316Z Dire Charm
SPWI317Z Ghost Armor
SPWI318Z Icelance
SPWI319Z Lance of Disruption
SPWI320Z Halt Undead
SPWI321Z Invisibility Sphere
SPWI322Z Melf's Minute Meteors
SPWI323Z Blink

[2.42.4] Level 4 Spells

SPWI401Z Confusion
SPWI404Z Ice Storm
SPWI405Z Improved Invisibility
SPWI406Z Minor Globe of Invulnerability
SPWI407Z Summon Monster IV
SPWI408Z Stoneskin
SPWI410Z Remove Curse
SPWI411Z Emotion: Despair
SPWI412Z Malison
SPWI413Z Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
SPWI414Z Spirit Armor
SPWI417Z Beltyn's Burning Blood
SPWI418Z Shadow Conjuration
SPWI419Z Emotion: Rage
SPWI420Z Emotion: Fear
SPWI421Z Emotion: Hope
SPWI422Z Mordenkainen's Force Missiles
SPWI423Z Shout
SPWI424Z Vitriolic Sphere
SPWI425Z Contagion
SPWI426Z Fire Shield
SPWI427Z Fire Shield
SPWI428Z Spider Spawn

[2.42.5] Level 5 Spells

SPWI501Z Animate Dead

SPWI503Z Cloudkill
SPWI504Z Cone of Cold
SPWI505Z Summon Monster V
SPWI507Z Dominate Person
SPWI508Z Hold Monster
SPWI509Z Chaos
SPWI510Z Feeblemind
SPWI511Z Shroud of Flame
SPWI512Z Greater Shadow Conjuration
SPWI513Z Summon Shadow
SPWI514Z Lesser Planar Binding: Fire Elemental
SPWI515Z Lesser Planar Binding: Earth Elemental
SPWI516Z Lesser Planar Binding: Water Elemental
SPWI518Z Lower Resistance
SPWI519Z Sunfire
SPWI520Z Lesser Planar Binding: Air Elemental
SPWI521Z Phantom Blade
SPWI522Z Protection from Acid
SPWI523Z Protection from Electricity
SPWI524Z Dismissal
SPWI525Z Ball Lightning
SPWI526Z Lutzaen's Frequent Jaunt

[2.42.6] Level 6 Spells

SPWI601Z Antimagic Field

SPWI603Z Chain Lightning
SPWI605Z Acid Fog
SPWI606Z Circle of Death
SPWI607Z Disintegrate
SPWI608Z Globe of Invulnerability
SPWI609Z Summon Invisible Stalker
SPWI610Z Lich Touch
SPWI611Z Summon Monster VI
SPWI612Z Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
SPWI613Z Shades
SPWI614Z Stone to Flesh
SPWI615Z Flesh to Stone
SPWI616Z Tenser's Transformation
SPWI617Z Power Word: Silence
SPWI618Z Darts of Bone
SPWI619Z Soul Eater
SPWI620Z Trollish Fortitude
SPWI621Z Carrion Summons
SPWI622Z Planar Binding: Air Elemental
SPWI623Z Improved Haste
SPWI626Z Wyvern Call
SPWI627Z Planar Binding: Fire Elemental
SPWI628Z Planar Binding: Earth Elemental
SPWI629Z Planar Binding: Water Elemental

[2.42.7] Level 7 Spells

SPWI702Z FFinger of Death

SPWI703Z Summon Monster VII
SPWI704Z Mordenkainen's Sword
SPWI705Z Power Word: Stun
SPWI706Z Prismatic Spray
SPWI707Z Malavon's Rage
SPWI708Z Acid Storm
SPWI709Z Mass Invisibility
SPWI710Z Seven Eyes
SPWI711Z Suffocate
SPWI712Z Elemental Barrier
SPWI713Z Cacofiend
SPWI714Z Delayed Blast Fireball
SPWI715Z Summon Efreeti
SPWI716Z Summon Djinni
SPWI717Z Control Undead
SPWI718Z Banishment
SPWI719Z Vipergout

[2.42.8] Level 8 Spells

SPWI802Z Fiery Cloud
SPWI803Z Summon Monster VIII
SPWI804Z Mind Blank
SPWI805Z Horrid Wilting
SPWI806Z Great Shout
SPWI807Z Iron Body
SPWI808Z Power Word, Blind
SPWI809Z Summon Fiend
SPWI810Z Flaying

[2.42.9] Level 9 Spells

SPWI902Z Summon Monster IX

SPWI903Z Power Word: Kill
SPWI905Z Gate
SPWI906Z Wail of the Banshee
SPWI907Z Black Blade of Disaster
SPWI908Z Meteor Swarm
SPWI909Z Aegis
SPWI910Z Executioner's Eyes
SPWI911Z Mass Dominate

[2.43] Shields
12HFSdTS Mooncalf's Shield
12ShldTS Tabard's Shield
00SHLDBU Black Urchin
00HFSDBU Spiny Black Urchin
00SHLDFF Footman's Folly
00HFSDFF Footman's Incredibly Ridiculous Folly
00SHLDFV Flank of the Virgin
00HFSDFV Blessed Flank of the Virgin
00SHLDMM Myo-Myo's Gong
00HFSDMM Myo-Myo's Holy Gong
00SHLDRF Red Fang's Tomb
00HFSDRF The Death Adder's Dragon-Shield
00SHLD03 Buckler
00SHLD05 Small Shield
00SHLD07 Small Shield +1
00SHLD10 Large Shield
00SHLD11 Large Shield +1
00SHLD15 Tower Shield
00SHLD16 Tower Shield +1
00SHLD17 Tower Shield +1, +4 vs. Missiles
00SHLD85 Tower Shield of Spell Resistance +1
00SHLD86 Tower Shield of Charm Protection +1
00SHLD87 Tower Shield of Spell Resistance
00SHLD88 Large Shield of Luck +1
00SHLD89 Large Shield of Luck
00SHLD90 Barbarian Shield
00SHLD91 Small Shield of Invisibility +1
00SHLD92 Small Shield of Increased Fortitude
00SHLD93 Small Shield of Fortitude
00SHLD94 Buckler of Denial
00SHLD95 Sanctuary Buckler +1
00SHLD96 Buckler of Dexterity
00SHLD97 Tower Shield +2
00SHLD98 Large Shield +2
00SHLD99 Buckler +1
12SHLDCT Cliffs of Targos
12HFSDCT Cliffs over Maer Dualdon
12SHLDKD Knucklehead
12HFSDKD Apsel's Rolly-Polly Knuckledheaded Shield
12SHLDSG Sad Giant's Cap
12HFSDSG Sad Gohji's Cap
51HFSDFO Shield of Duergar Fortitude
51SHLDFO Shield of Fortitude

2.44] Short Bows

00BOWS01 Shortbow
00BOWS02 Masterwork Shortbow
00BOWS03 Shortbow +1
00BOWS86 Shortbow of Spell Resistance +1
00BOWS87 Shortbow of Magic Resistance
00BOWS88 Shortbow of Displacement +1
00BOWS89 Silenced Shortbow +1
00BOWS90 Shortbow of Shadows
00BOWS91 Shortbow of the Defender
00BOWS92 Shortbow of Spell Resistance +1
00BOWS93 Shortbow of Dodging +4
00BOWS94 Shortbow of Life +2
00BOWS95 Shortbow of Health +1
00BOWS96 Shortbow +5
00BOWS97 Shortbow +4
00BOWS98 Shortbow +3
00BOWS99 Shortbow +2
00BOWSEH Eye of the Hunter
00HFBSEH Swift Eye of the Hunter
00BOWSRS Rabbit Slayer
00HFBSRS Furious Rabbit Slayer
00CWBOWB Masterwork Shortbow
00CWBOWC Shortbow +1

[2.45] Short Swords

00CWSWDH Masterwork Short Sword

00CWSWDI Short Sword +1
00SWDSLS Lolth's Sting
00HFSSLS Lolth's Cruel Sting
00SWDSSK Silentkiller
00HFSSSK Assassin's Blade
00SWDSTD Thy-Dunag Blade
00HFSSTD Shame of Thy-Dunag
00SWDS01 Short Sword
00SWDS02 Masterwork Short Sword
00SWDS03 Short Sword +1
00SWDS04 Short Sword +2
00SWDS05 Short Sword of Backstabbing
00SWDS85 Reflective Short Sword +1
00SWDS86 Wounding Sword of Shadows +1
00SWDS87 Short Sword of Sanctuary +1
00SWDS88 Short Sword +5
00SWDS89 Short Sword +4
00SWDS90 Short Sword +3
00SWDS91 Sure Striking Short Sword +1
00SWDS92 Frostblade
00SWDS93 Vampiric Short Sword
00SWDS94 Charged Short Sword of Wounding +5
00SWDS95 Brilliant Short Sword +5
00SWDS96 Short Sword of Flurry +3
00SWDS97 Bleeding Short Sword +4
00SWDS98 Short Sword of Stealth +3
00SWDS99 Short Sword of Shadows
ZZ35LS Letto's Scar
ZZ36LS Letto's End

[2.46] Slings

00SLNGCT Cat-tail
00HFSGCT Nimble Cat-tail
00SLNGSS Sparrow
00HFSGSS Sun-kissed Sparrow
00SLNG01 Sling
00SLNG02 Sling +1
00SLNG88 Sling of Greater Resistance +5
000SLNG8 Sling of Resistance +1
00SLNG90 Sling of Pain +5
00SLNG91 Sling of Accuracy +5
00SLNG92 Sling of Dexterity +3
00SLNG93 Sling of the Defender +1
00SLNG94 Sling of Spell Resistance
00SLNG95 Masterwork Sling
00SLNG96 Sling +5
00SLNG97 Sling +4
00SLNG98 Sling +3
00SLNG99 Sling +2
11HFSGLH Rol-Sayid's Left Hand of Darkness
11SLNGLH The Left Hand of Darkness

2.47] Spears

00CWSPEB Spear +1
00SPER01 Spear
00SPER02 Spear +1
00SPER08 Spear of Sorrows
00SPER89 Spear of Stunning +2
00SPER90 Spear of Perpetual Bleeding +1
00SPER91 Lightning Spear
00SPER92 Fiery Spear +2
00SPER93 Ice Spear +4
00SPER94 Spear of Wounding
00SPER95 Masterwork Spear
00SPER96 Spear +5
00SPER97 Spear +4
00SPER98 Spear +3
00SPER99 Spear +2
00SPERIM Impaler
11HFSRNP Twelve Paces
11SPERNP Nine Paces
50HFSRKS Kyosti's Hunting Spear
50SPERKS Kyosti's Spear

[2.48] Throwing and Hand Axes

00AX1H05 Throwing Axe

00AX1H06 Returning Throwing Axe +2
00AX1H11 Handaxe
00AX1H12 Masterwork Handaxe
00AX1H72 Returning Acid Axe
00AX1H73 Throwing Axe of Disruption +1
00AX1H74 Keen Throwing Axe
00AX1H75 Mage Killer Throwing Axe
00AX1H76 Returning Throwing Axe
00AX1H77 Throwing Axe +1
00AX1H89 Throwing Axe of Shocking Burst
00AX1H90 Handaxe of Expertise +1
00AX1H96 Masterwork Throwing Axe
00AX1H98 Mystical Throwing Axe
00AX1HCK Cloudkiss
00HFAXCK Stormshifter
00AX1HSC Screamer
00HFAXSC Screaming Axe
11AX1HHO Haft Over Head
11HFAXHO Dullcobble's Axe
41AX1HAI Aurilian Ice Axe

[2.49] Throwing and War Hammers

00CWHAMB Masterwork Warhammer

00CWHAMC Warhammer +1
00CWHAME Flaming Hammer +1
00HAMM01 Warhammer
00HAMM02 Masterwork Warhammer
00HAMM03 Warhammer +1
00HAMM04 Warhammer +2
00HAMM05 Warhammer
00HAMM85 Warhammer +5
00HAMM86 Warhammer +4
00HAMM87 Warhammer +3
00HAMM88 Hammer of Bludgeoning +2
00HAMM89 Stunning Frost Hammer +1
00HAMM90 Hammer of Dispelling +1
00HAMM91 Corrosive Hammer +1
00HAMM92 Biting Hammer
00HAMM93 Lawful Hammer
00HAMM94 Holy Hammer of Corrosive Burst +5
00HAMM95 Hammer of Dispelling +5
00HAMM96 Warhammer of Might +2
00HAMM97 Resistant Hammer of Liquidity
00HAMM98 Flaming Hammer +1
00HAMM99 Warhammer of Sparks
00HAMMPH Protean Hammer
00HFHMPH Masher
00HAMMSC Stormcaller
00HFHRSC Hammer of Lightning
00HAMT01 Throwing Hammer
00HAMT02 Masterwork Throwing Hammer
00HAMT03 Throwing Hammer +1
00HAMT04 Throwing Hammer +2
00HAMT05 Throwing Hammer +3
00HAMT06 Throwing Hammer +4
00HAMT07 Throwing Hammer +5
00HAMT08 Returning Throwing Hammer
00HAMT09 Returning Throwing Hammer +2
00HAMT10 Throwing Hammer of Thunder +2
11HAMMCR Craftsman's Hammer
11HFHRCR Slow and Steady
51HAMMDA Hammer of Darkness
51HFHRDA Hammer of Utter Darkness
51HAMMVA Valorfoe
51HFHRVA The Dire-Hammer Valorfoe
63HAMMBI Brutal Impact
63HFHRBI Xvim's Brutal Impact
ZZH6DH Dwarven Giant Slayer Hammer +5

[2.50] Wands

00WAND01 Wand of Fear

00WAND02 Wand of Magic Missiles
00WAND03 Wand of Paralyzation
00WAND04 Wand of Fire
00WAND05 Wand of Lightning
00WAND06 Wand of Sleep
00WAND07 Wand of Summon Monster
00WAND08 Wand of the Heavens
00WAND13 Wand of Trap Detection
00WAND14 Wand of Grease
00WAND15 Wand of Stinking Cloud
00WAND16 Wand of Horror
00WAND18 Wand of Animate Dead
00WAND19 Spider Spawn Wand
00WAND20 Wand of Chill Touch
00WAND21 Wand of Burning Hands
00WAND22 Wand of Mage Armor
00WAND23 Chromatic Orb Wand
00WAND24 Color Spray Wand
00WAND25 Wand of the Spider's Web
00WAND26 Cat's Grace Wand
00WAND27 Wand of Blur
00WAND28 Wand of Melf's Acid Arrow
00WAND29 Wand of Enfeeblement
00WAND30 Wand of Entanglement
00WAND31 Wand of Evil Protection
00WAND32 Sunscorch Wand
00WAND33 Bane Wand
00WAND34 Sanctuary Wand
00WAND35 Wand of Holy Might
00WAND36 Hold Person Wand
00WAND37 Wand of Silence
00WAND38 Wand of Aid
00WAND39 Wand of Charm Person or Animal
00WAND40 Wand of Dismissal
00WAND41 Wand of Alicorn Lance
00WAND42 Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds
00WAND43 Wand of Spell Shield
00WAND44 Wand of Remove Paralysis
00WAND45 Wand of Bull's Strength

[3] Final words

[3.1] Credits
Dan Simpson: Without his item guide I couldn't have created this
reference guide.

[3.2] Special Thanks for letting me post this on their site for letting me post this guide on their site
Zariakus for reminding me every so often to finish this guide

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