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Frequency and Distribution regarding their gender

Frequency Percentage

Male 27 67.5

Female 13 32.5

Total 40 100

67.5 percent respondents were male and 32.5 percent respondents were female in this research.

Frequency and Distribution regarding their education

Frequency Percentage

Graduation 32 82.5

Master 08 17.5

Total 40 100

82.5 percent respondents were in BS programs and 17.5 respondents were study in Master

program in this research.

Frequency and Distribution regarding their Average Hours Spent per Day
Frequency Percentage

Less than 2 09 22.5

2 to 5 hours 25 62.5

6 or above hours 6 15.0

Total 40 100

22.5 percent respondents were less than 2 hours spent per day, 62.5 percent respondents were 2

to 5 hours spent per day and 15.0 percent respondents were 6 or above hours spent per day using

cell phones in this research.

Frequency and Distribution regarding their Showing the use of smartphone

Frequency Percentage

Valid Academic 12 30.0

Non Academic 19 47.5

Both 9 22.5

Total 40 100

30.0 percent respondents were valid academic us of Smartphone, 47.5 percent respondents were

non academic us of Smartphone and 22.5 percent respondent were asked both in the research.

Frequency and Distribution regarding their Mobile phone Usage can lead to increase in

information research skills

Frequency Percentage

Agree 21 52.5

Disagree 10 25.0

Neutral 9 22.5

Total 40 100

52.5 percent respondents were agreed with Mobile phone Usage can lead to increase in

information research skills, 22.5 percent respondents were neutral and 25.0 percent respondents

were disagreed with Mobile phone Usage can lead to increase in information research skills in

this research.

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