Do You Know Who Created These Popular Works? Match The Phrases in Column With The Appropriate Information From Column Then Compare With A Partner

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know who created these popular works? Match the phrases in column A with the appropriate information
from column B Then compare with a partner.


1. The mona lisa e a. was directed by Steven Spielberg

2. The opera La Boheme d b. was written by Harper Lee
3. The novella To Kill a Mockingbird b c. was recorded by Michael Jackson
4. The film E.T The Extra a d. was composed by Giacomo Puccini
5. The album Thriller c e. was painted by Leonardo da Vinci

. ‘B 'Pair work Change these sentences into passive sentences with by.
Then take turns reading them aloud.

1. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.

2. Marie Curre discovered radium in 1898.
3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude in 1971
4. Tim Bemers-Lee developed the World Wide Web in 1989.
5. Woo Paik produced the first digital HDTV (high-definition television in 1991


1. The phonograph was invented Thomas Edison in 1877

2. The Radium was discovered by Marie Curre 1898
3. One hundred Years of solitude was write by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1971
4. The World Wide Web was developed by Tim Bemers in 1989.
5. The first digital HDTV (high-definition television was produced by Woo Paik in 1991

A Pair work Write five statements like the ones in part A of Exercise 3
Three statements should be true and two should be false.

B Class activity Read your statements to the class. Your classmates

say if they are true or false. They should give the correct information for
the false statements.

A: The cartoon character Mickey Mouse was created by 8teven Spielberg.

B: False. Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney.
A Listen and practice.

Linda: Hello?
John: Oh, hello. I need some information.
What currency is used in Japan?
Linda: Where?
John. In Japan.
Linda: I’m not sure. Isn’t it the yen?
John: Oh, yes. And do they drive on the left or the right?
Linda: I think the left, but I’m not sure.
John: Oh. Well, is English spoken much there?
Linda: I really have no idea.
John: Huh? Well, what about credit cards? Are
American Express cards accepted there?
Linda: How would I know?
John: Well, you’re a travel agent, aren’t you?
Linda: What? A travel agent? This is Linda Hair Salon.
John: Oh, sorry. Wrong number!

.. B Pair work Act out the conversation again,

, ' asking and answering about a country other than Japan.


A Complete the sentences. Use the passive of these verbs.

eat grow make up manufacture speak teach use wear

eaten Grown made up manufactured Spoken Taught used worn

1. Both French and English is Spoken in Canada.

2. English is taught in elementary school in Singapore.
3. A great deal of wheat is grown in Russia.
4. Both cars and cornputers are manufactured in South Korea.
5. Mexico is made up of 31 states and a federal district.
6. Kimonos are sometimes worn in Japan.
7. The baht is the currency t h a t used in Thailand.
8. A lot of beef is eaten In Argentina.

B Use the passive of the verbs in part A to write sentences about

your country. Then compare with a partner.

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