39 Clues Chapters 1-10 PDF

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I Can Academy

Weekly Test
Book Club: 39 Clues

Name: ___________________________ Score: ____________

Teacher Minmin Date _____________

Coverage: Modules 1 and 2; Chapters 1~4

A. Definition
Write the correct word for each meaning. Choose from the words you spelled in your ICAN notebook.
___________________1. A decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
___________________2. a small object used for decoration
___________________3. a Mexican food that consists of a flour tortilla that is rolled or folded around a
filling (such as meat, beans, and cheese)
___________________4. a journey made in search of something
___________________5. a large car that is used for carrying a coffin to a grave
___________________6. a science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones,
tools, etc., of ancient people
___________________7. a special symbol used especially in the past to represent a family, group, or
___________________8. an object (such as a ring or stone) that is believed to have magic powers and to
cause good things to happen to the person who has it
___________________9. something that you keep to help you remember a person, place, or event : a
memento or souvenir
___________________10. law : a legal document in which a person states who should receive his or her
possessions after he or she dies

B. Sentence Completion
Fill in the blank with the correct word form. Choose from the words you spelled in your ICAN notebook.
1. Maria ____________________her mother to allow her to join the field trip by telling her how
wonderful and beautiful she was.
2. The wrestler was accused of using ________________________because he couldn’t feel any
pain and was very strong.
3. The siblings ___________________ on the journey in search of clues.
4. The U.S and South Korea formed an _____________________ against China.
5. Alistair ___________________ with Amy and Dan in decoding the clues.
6. Amy and Dan were very ______________________ when they saw Grace’s house burned to
7. Dan ___________________ his hands around his mouth and shouted at Amy.
8. Grace Cahill’s relatives didn’t ___________________ over her death. They didn’t even cry a bit.

9. Going on a quest is a very difficult but challenging ______________ or feat to succeed.
10. Erika __________________________ unsteadily to the couch after hitting her head.

C. Synonym or Antonym
Write S if the words are similar in meaning and 5. mimic – copy _________
O if they are opposite. 6. surname – given name _________
1. cartographer – mapmaker _________ 7. scathing – gentle _________
2. guardian – ward _________ 8. exasperation – annoyance _________
3. lunatic – crazy _________ 9. destiny - future _________
4. renounce – refuse _________ 10. perilous – safe _________

Coverage: Modules 3 and 4; Chapters 5~9

A. Definition
Write the correct word for each meaning. Choose from the words you spelled in your ICAN notebook.
___________________1. a symbol that has the first letters of a person's first, middle, and last names
and that is put on towels, blankets, clothes, etc., as a decoration or to show ownership
___________________2. the things that are done to find out secrets from enemies or competitors : the
activity of spying
___________________3. a strong cream-colored paper
___________________4. the actions that a person carries out in order to confirm that he or she is under
___________________5. a large, decorated light that hangs from a ceiling and has branches for holding
many light bulbs or candles
___________________6. a small store in a building or on the street where things (such as newspapers
or candy) are sold
___________________7. a set of drawings, paintings, or photographs that are presented together in a
___________________8. a book published every year that contains detailed information on a special
___________________9. a name that someone (such as a writer) uses instead of his or her real name
___________________10. a very large and dangerous fire

B. Synonym or Antonym
Write S if the words are similar in meaning and 5. rendezvous - meeting _________
O if they are opposite. 6. predicament - solution _________
1. antidote - poison _________ 7. duffel - bag _________
2. arson - fire _________ 8. mess up – clean up _________
3. chaperone - guardian _________ 9. rip off - steal _________
4. incapacitate - enable _________ 10. asunder - apart _________

Comprehension: Chapters 1~10 (35 points)

1. Write the three characters mentioned in chapter 1. 3 points

2. Write the setting in chapter 1 (Time and Place). 2 points
3. Who were Amy and Dan?
4. What contest did Grace make in exchange for the 1-million-dollar inheritance?
5. Who participated in the hunt? 7 points
6. What were the four branches of the Cahill family? 4 points
7. Complete the table. 8 points

Cahill Branch


8. What was the first clue?

9. Which family should Amy and Dan watch out for?
10. Who was Richard S.?
11. Who was Nellie Gomez?
12. Where were they going after solving the first clue?
13. What were the Lucians famous for?
14. What happened to the Starlings before they were able to get out of the door of the Franklin
15. After the Franklin Museum, where were they heading next?
16. Who ambushed Alistair Oh at the airport?

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